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Topic:  True Starwars fans.
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  True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 1:12:24 PM    View the profile of Katarn 
I know most of us are die hard Starwars fans, but I just want to make a survey on who doesn't really like it, and is just here for writing, or who loves it and would ace a Starwars quiz. (No your not gonna take one.)

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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 1:20:02 PM    View the profile of Hunter-Morrell 
I for one love Star Wars, but I'm not a die-hard fan. I love to read the books and know a lot of trivia stuff about it, but thats where I draw the line. I'm not going to go as far as to dress up as a character from the Star Wars universe.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 1:30:10 PM    View the profile of Fury 
I'm not sure where I stand on this. I've got about all the fiction books overflowing a bookcase, enough RPG books to have their own bookcase, half a filing cabinet full of printouts and info on the store items and a few T-shirts and a few cases of minis before I had to stop buying them because the baby needed diapers more than I needed new toys.

So yeah, I might have a problem.

I would need a second job to consider going into costuming, and I'd have to quit both jobs to have time to juggle everything. Guess I'd better start playing lotto or something, huh?
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 1:32:24 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
I've got a couple books, know a good amount of trivia and just overall general knowledge/concepts/random stuff.

I have a glow-in-the-dark Watto/Anakin/Sebulba (one piece) puzzle that I had framed hanging on my bedroom wall. I've got several SW games as well.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 1:34:54 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Star Wars fan pure and simple.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 4:18:10 PM    View the profile of Jegora 
I hate Star Wars
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 4:29:47 PM    View the profile of Hunter-Morrell 
Oh wait. I forgot about my limited edition plaques of the Special Edition versions of the Original Trilogy. Still have yet to hang them up on the wall considering I've had them since Christmas... got a couple SW games lying around and a ton of books. Even got a SW drawing book that I rarely, if ever, use. I did have a brown shirt that said Star Wars on it when I was in the sixth grade, but it got too small.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 5:28:20 PM    View the profile of Njall 
I really like SW.  I have a game or two, a couple movies and other random stuffs.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 5:33:29 PM    View the profile of Garryll Gates 
I've a bunch of the books, a few games. Have a couple old shirts, all the movies.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 9, 2009 6:18:36 PM    View the profile of Ron 
I honestly dont own anything Star Wars related.  The only thing I technically "have" is Star Wars Podracer for the 64... and that's actually an illegal copy for my emulator ...

I've seen all the movies, played Kotor 1 and 2 (traded em in for other games), and never read any star wars books.  But... even with all my shocking lack of starwars knowledge... I love writing; so I'm forced the research the hell out of whatever I'm writing about.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 10, 2009 10:05:21 AM    View the profile of Kanderin Draken 
Let's not admit to that in public again Ron, we're already on thin ice in the legal stakes :P

The writing side of the group appealed to me, the fact it was Star Wars based just put the cherry on top.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 10, 2009 4:58:58 PM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 
I used to buy the toys when i was younger, but my star wars-ness mainly came from watching the films, playing the games, and reading the books.

I've read a lot of the books, but not the comics because i find most of their plot lines silly lol.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 10, 2009 5:00:27 PM    View the profile of Bacredi 
Yeah, same.

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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 10, 2009 5:39:28 PM    View the profile of Yillis 
Star Wars Fan.

misc. star wars items, Orginal Movies on VHS and DVD, new ones on a mix of both. (Hopefully all on Blu-ray someday)

I also recently bought the make your own lightsaber toy. Which is wicked.

I remember when I was younger, all my friends would make swords out of like hockey sticks and stuff, I always had green tape up mine, cause it was a lightsaber.
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Clearly Canadian!

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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 10, 2009 7:16:38 PM    View the profile of Hunter-Morrell 
Wait. They have a make-your-own lightsaber toy? ... Good god where have I been...
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 10, 2009 7:48:55 PM    View the profile of Yillis 
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 10, 2009 8:51:54 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
I'm pretty much apathetic towards the series, good movies, not in my top ten. Only movie I even own is Empire Strikes Back DVD, which I grabbed from my mothers Ex, oh, and A New Hope on VHS, was into it more when I first joined. Then I got a car. My cars have ruled my life ever since.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 11, 2009 5:27:25 PM    View the profile of TK_421 
I R 1 1337 star wars fan!


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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 11, 2009 6:11:48 PM    View the profile of Aeos 
Like the writing
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 11, 2009 10:12:02 PM    View the profile of Arnaut 
'To The Last Man' was a pretty good Star Wars comic story arc. It's what made me choose Stormtrooper over my original Navy vote on the sign-up page.

Aside from that, I have a few books, a few games, and all the movies. And I know enough facts to make the average Joe-schmoe rage-quit playing SW Trivial pursuit with me (I.E. My cousins and uncle), but prolly not enough to hold my own in a real nerd convention.

Oh yeah, I went to Celebration-esque thing for Ep. II when it came to town.

Aside from that, truly, I like the 40k fiction (books at least) a bit more. Grittier universe. Less idealistic, more...apocolyptically realistic.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 12, 2009 12:14:07 AM    View the profile of Stewart-Power 
I am almost a die-hard fan but not to the point of dressing up (althought I do desperately want my own Stormtrooper Amour). I have WAY to many books (although technically that's not possible with Star Wars )
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
April 12, 2009 3:49:44 PM    View the profile of Famus 
Die Hard Star Wars Fan....
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
May 16, 2009 8:44:28 AM    View the profile of Krill0312 
Well I own the movies, have several games, even the "scene it" edition board game, on several RPG sites, even 2 Lightsaber toys for me and my kids to play with, and a couple audio Cd's of the books.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
May 17, 2009 8:20:38 PM    View the profile of Zeshaun 
I'm kind of an inside the closet star wars fan, if i had the money, i would be buying all the books that are out there, and the games but since i'm still in highschool and too lazy to get a job, well, my cash is very limited. Now I'm inside the closet cause at school i'm kind of a jock, and if they ever find out i pretend to be a 6 foot trandoshan stormtrooper, i think my social life would pretty much be over

but it's definantly worth the risk.

and yes, i would also wear those stupid stormtrooper costumes around the house if i had them, but never outside of the house, probably only in rooms without windows, like my basement :P
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
May 17, 2009 8:47:53 PM    View the profile of Ron 
Heh, closet nerd.  I've never heard of one of those before...
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
May 25, 2009 7:02:21 PM    View the profile of Theta898 
i am a fan of str wars have alot of games about it one or two movis no books but alot of games lol ive seen this gmes fllout 3 and played it i think something like tht merged into star wars would be amazing making ur own stufff ships guns factions armies traders goin on ur own ship and traveling the galaxy exploring planeets building empires this would be the best star wars games ever made in the history of star wars ever if someone could make recommendations about this or spread something like this it would the be the best star wars breakthrough of the whole series of star wars.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
May 25, 2009 10:15:41 PM    View the profile of StarFruit 

My brain died from reading that


It lacked capitalization, punctuation, and letters in some of the words. Are we really getting that lazy when it comes to typing in the English language?
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
May 25, 2009 10:36:30 PM    View the profile of Hunter-Morrell 
Theta898 wrote:i am a fan of str wars have alot of games about it one or two movis no books but alot of games lol ive seen this gmes fllout 3 and played it i think something like tht merged into star wars would be amazing making ur own stufff ships guns factions armies traders goin on ur own ship and traveling the galaxy exploring planeets building empires this would be the best star wars games ever made in the history of star wars ever if someone could make recommendations about this or spread something like this it would the be the best star wars breakthrough of the whole series of star wars.

All I can say is thank the Force he is in the Army.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
May 25, 2009 10:56:35 PM    View the profile of Jegora 
So are you.
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  RE: True Starwars fans.
May 26, 2009 2:10:10 AM    View the profile of Jager 
Hunter-Morrell wrote:All I can say is thank the Force he is in the Army.
Jegora wrote:So are you.

We are so screwed....

Is it too late to join the navy?
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[This message has been edited by Jager (edited May 26, 2009 2:10:38 AM)]
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