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Topic:  It's Severin' time (Jester)
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 24, 2007 7:52:21 AM    View the profile of Eviscares 
Kami pulled the officer outside and then Evis was alone with the farmers. As he held them at gunpoint a thought came to his mind and he smiled beneath the Helmet.
“Ok, listen up everybody. This is nothing personal, so I would really like not having to shoot you.”, he said as friendly as he could and then went on: “If I have to tie you up all by myself it'll take ages, so if you would be so kind and apply the cuffs yourself?”. He reached into his pockets with his left hand, still aiming at the frightened farmers and tossed them every single of his handcuffs.
It worked. The farmers subconsciously applied the rules of “good cop-bad cop”, and figured out that Eviscares had to be the good cop. At least he hadn't shot anyone in the room right now.
So they got into the automatic handcuffs themselves and those who wanted to escape by not closing them really tight got the little surprise that those cuffs auto adjusted.
“Thank you very much gentlemen, and if you would just excuse me for a second. You can already think of what information to provide me with.”, with this words he turned his back on them and walked out of the room where he set up enough explosives to blow the whole installation to smithereens.

When he came back one of the farmers had mustered the courage to stand up and had assumed the position of a spokesman for himself:”We will not give you any information, imperialist scum. We are the Severinian Peoples Front and we won't be opressed.”
“I thought we were the Peoples Front of Severin”, another farmer intervened but promptly got corrected by the one sitting next to him, who gave him a headbutt and knocked him unconscious.
“Anyways we will not be oppressed” the first one said convinced of his just cause and tried to make his point by spitting onto Eviscares visor. He had no time to enjoy his small victory, as the butt of Evis carbine hit him with full force a split second after. Teeth flew through the room and blood splattered on the ground, when the man fell with a spin and landed on his face.
Slowly Evis took of his helmet and placed it on the table next to him. He grabbed into his pockets, pulled out a pack of Lung Blasters and lit up a cigarette before spoke.
“Listen up you maggots. Just that you get this straight, you will be liberated by us, or as you misguided individuals would call it 'oppressed', but most you will not live to see that day. Every single one in this room will be blown to bits, that is of course if you don't provide me with some interesting information.
Who tells me what I need to know will be taken out of this station before it explodes. The rest of you I will seal inside.”
Of course they were quite anxious to provide him with answers after such a motivational speech.
He got coordinates of encampments, access codes to their computer system in the station, several maps and also about 100 of the local credits.
”I wish that Virius was here, he could get more out of the computer system then I did”, he thought after giving the data in there a quick glance. To him it was all useless with the exception of their com frequencies. Well, being informed could prove a distinctive advantage, so he wrote them down and got ready to leave.
“Hey, free us! You promised that you would save those who help you”, one of the farmers protested when Evis started to walk towards the door.
He smiled and turned around, executing a slight bow and then spoke:”Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.”
And with this words turned around again and left the farmers who where howling in despair. When he got out of the station he shot the door panel, sealing it shut. Kami sat on top of the AT-PT again, the officer sitting next to her in Handcuffs. Evis climbed up the ladder again and told his Squadleader what happened inside. When he was finished Kami asked:”What if one of them manages to free himself an gets to the bomb to defuse it?”
“Boobytraps”, Evis simply said, and they burst into laughter.
Jester Squad
VE Smoker Association
Excitement abounds
I almost can't wait
Relax, I don't want your baby
I already ate

Iron Horse Squad  forever in my heart!

ASL/SGT_Eviscares/3SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/Tadath [LoR]
[This message has been edited by Eviscares (edited September 25, 2007 4:20:16 AM)]
Hashi Shiyun
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Hashi Shiyun
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 24, 2007 1:42:25 PM    View the profile of Hashi Shiyun 
Captain Taith of the Lilith Militia Air Force was a reserve officer who was taking time off from his job as a real estate agent to put in some flying time. The state had called him back into service to with this obnoxious revolution by the peasants. He could be breaking a deal on that summer villa down by that creek a couple of miles out from the capital, but here he was, cruising his Preybird over war-torn landscapes. The carnage, he suspected, did not bode well for the net revenue turnover that year. His wingman for the day was Lieutenant Horath, who shared a similar cynical personality.

"Seen anything yet?" cackled Horath over the comms.

"Negative. Dead banthas. Dead farmers. More dead banthas," answered Taith dryly.

He rolled to the left, intent on checking out what appeared to be a convoy of moving vehicles of military value. On closer inspection, he was disappointed to find out that it was really just a caravan of refugees trying to get as far away as possible from the drama. Frail women, burdened by their children, were the primary drivers of the caravan. Their men had gone to war and did not return. They went out not in a blaze of glory but rather like a matchstick meekly extinguished. So much for the championing of socialist rights and the glory of the common man.

Taith sighed in resignation. Just the though, a light on his HUD flickered. his comms system indicated that he was receiving a transmission from a secure frequency. Someone on the ground was trying to contact him.

"This is Captain Taith of LMAF Squadron V78A. Please identify yourself, over."

"Colonel Merrick of the Vast Empire. I'm calling in for an airstrike, Captain."

Having no choice but to comply with a superior, Taith grudgingly relented. He resented taking orders from these Imperial soldiers, but the whole militia had fallen under the command structure of the Vast Empire task force deployed to Lilith.

"Roger. Give me the heading and distance.. target description and grid location," droned Taith in a monotonous manner.

"Bearing two four zero, approximately seven clicks out from you. Enemy airstrip. We neutralized it earlier but a whole company of the strawheads had moved in right after us. Grid location.. zero one zero two six eight, over."

"Copy that, any markers?"

"We planted infrared lights before withdrawing."

"Roger that, repeat co-ordinates for confirmation.." The routine operating procedure chatter continued idly for another thirty seconds before communication was terminated.

"Alright Horath. Let's get to work," radioed Taith over to wingman.

"Affirmative. Now in descent heading one fifty degrees. Do you have the targets in sight?"

"Affirmative. Five clicks, very low."

"Yes, receiving visual confirmation. Thirty degrees right of your nose."

"Okay. Coming in. Get some! Get some you motherf.."

A hail of missiles from the pair of Preybird-class fighters tore into the enemy positions, who had no weaponry to withstand the deadly aerial attack. The tiny figurines of men below burned horribly as they were set alight, their mortal screams drowned out by the roar of the fighters as the banked hard to glide in for another run on the target.


"Beautiful ain't it," Hashi commented between noisy mouthfuls of nerf fajita from his ration pack. "Good job on the strike, Merrick."

"Nothing to it," grunted Merrick.

Remluf and his rock were unusually subdued as they witnessed the pyrotechnic show from afar. As the missiles cascaded to earth they created brilliant displays of bright orange flame. From where they sat they could enjoy the fiery spectacle from a safe distance while enjoying the comforts of their ration packs.

"It's so pretty," gasped Remluf.

"Sure is," nodded Hashi.

"You smell that?" inquired Remluf as he sniffed the air prospectively.

"Smell what?"

"Napalm, son. Nothing in the world smells like napalm."

Remluf knelt and put his fingers to his chin, before continuing with his sagely discourse.

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning.. One time we had a.."

"Shut the hell up and let me eat. Cut the melodrama out. This ain't the apocalypse, now. Geez."

Hashi went back to munching his shitty unpalatable food.
TRP/SFC Hashi Shiyun/3SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/Tadath [IH] [CoR] [SoA] [EW2] [ES2] [LoR]

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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 24, 2007 7:15:40 PM    View the profile of Kami 
Kami stood off to the side of the AT-PT, near the burning husk of one of the rebel’s former tents. Zafo and Duran lounged about to her left, casually at ready, whilst Evis had yet to emerge from within the building.

“Alright, copy that Sergeant. Thanks for informing. We’ll be seeing you shortly.”

Kami double clicked her comm. to acknowledge she had received the farewell, then cut off her communication with the VE land based forces now just a few miles away. The Major in control of the operation would report back to high command about the Hutt involvement in the rebellion if Jester failed to make the brief themselves.

She turned to her prisoner, who sat just a few meters away, her eyes glued on the radar station, her concern for her men openly etched upon her features.

“Get up.” Kami grabbed the woman’s arm, pulling her roughly to her feet. The officer, most likely the wife of a farmer before the uprising, allowed herself to be manhandled without much protest. Blood already marred her face as a result of her initial reluctance to comply with Kami’s orders. Whilst not particularly fond of resorting to violence, Kami had found over the course of her army career that it was infuriatingly effective in situations that did not allow enough time for negotiations.

“Where are my men?” The officer growled, as Kami set about applying bonds to her hands.

Kami’s reply was lost on the woman as Evis materialized outside the building, striding forward to converse with his squadmates. The woman watched as they spoke quietly, then noticeably tensed as the three troopers burst out laughing. “What’s going on, where are my men?” She demanded, a hysterical quality imposing itself over her strained façade of calm.

Kami glanced over at her ASL, already aware of what the woman was not. She briefly considered ordering the farmers set free, then almost immediately discarded the thought. While the technicians trapped within the radar station were not ultimately their enemy, innocents were always the unfortunate casualties of war. She had no right to lecture Evis about battlefield protocol, especially since she had inflicted her far share of atrocities on her chosen enemies in the past. The farmer’s needless deaths would either wear on Evis once the battle lust had calmed, or fade quickly from memory.

“Where are my men?!” The officer took a step forward, earning another snap to the face from Kami’s elbow for her troubles. She tumbled to the dirt, coming back to her feet just as the radar station erupted into flame, the walls tumbling outwards with the force of the explosion. Kami raised a gauntleted hand to shield her eyes despite the protection offered by her helmet’s visor, standing her ground as the officer at her side tumbled again, knocked down by the associated wave of heat and wind that radiated outwards from the small compound. The roar of the explosion abruptly ceased, followed quickly by a wry comment from Durandal and another burst of laughter from Evis.

“You…you bastards!” The woman regained her feet and leapt at Kami, her balled fists beating futilely at her breastplate, tears streaming down her face, “How could you! You stupid bastards!”

Kami endured the officer’s attack for a moment longer, and then clutched at her bindings, pulling her hands away from her body. The fire seemed to drain out of the woman as she found herself once again rendered helpless, and she toppled sidewards, leaning heavily on Kami for support, sobs rocking her body, “How could you…”

“Listen to me,” Kami yanked at the bindings, pulling the woman closer and forcing her to focus, “Those men in the building won’t be the last to die in this ridiculous war. In a few hours, a Vast Empire led army will be coming up into these hills. Thousands more will die,” She gave the woman another shake, “Thousands, you understand?”

The woman gazed up at her, hatred in her eyes, tears still coursing down her cheeks, “What the hell do you want with me?”

“Officer locations,” Kami responded, unaffected by the farmer’s blind hate, “Names. Details of communications with the Hutts and an inventory of whatever it was that they gave you to help win this war.”

“Why,” The officer hissed, “Why should I even bother. We’re all dead, either way.”

“Because this way some of you live,” Kami bit back, “Some of you get to pick up your pitchforks and start again, and go back to your brat children. You help this transition go smoothly, and you might even see your fields again.”

“I have nothing left,” The woman replied hoarsely, “My family is dead. My husband, my two sons, they’re all dead. My farm is burnt, my stock killed for rations. I have nothing to go back to.”

Kami hesitated in her response, the movement enough to allow the woman a moment in which to twist free of her grasp. She shoved her bound hands downwards, clasping them about the hilt of one of Kami’s field knives and pulling it free. Kami reacted, throwing out a hand to grab the officer’s arm, but not before the metal blade hit its mark, driving deep down within the woman’s throat. She let out a single gargle as blood boiled free of the wound, spilling down her farmers rags before she collapsed to the dusty soil and lay still.

“Damn.” Kami stood stunned for a moment, then shook her head and bent to retrieve her knife. Glancing over at the now smoldering ruin of the radar building, she shook her head again, “Damn it all.”

Biting back the sigh that threatened to break free of her at the futility of it all, she re-sheathed her knife, then walked slowly back over to her men.
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

|| DJK Dark Jedi Order || Krath || Vast Empire ||
-=Surrender to your darkest dreams, and you'll live as you've never lived before=-
Hashi Shiyun
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 25, 2007 11:10:43 AM    View the profile of Hashi Shiyun 
"Pack up, we have new orders from Kami," said Merrick, putting away her comlink and getting up on her feet.

"What's up?" enquired Hashi.

"A regimental combat team is flying in. We're supposed to mark out tactical landing zones near our current position so they have immediate access to where the action is at. Move out in five minutes. Wake Remluf up."

The three Jesters saddled up their gear and began their short hike to locate suitable fields for the long-awaited army reinforcements. Two hours later they found a site without much effort. It wasn't perfect. A square mile of ground littered by trees with sporadic clearings. Potential for enemy snipers to be lurking around the rugged brown landscape. Still, it will have to do. They set about securing a perimeter in a small dusty field for the initial assault wave. Infrared chem lights were planted for the pilots of the landing craft to locate their exact position. Then they waited. Before long, Merrick was receiving transmissions from landing craft slowly descending from orbit.

"Inbound from southwest.. ETA five minutes.. pop smoke.."

"Roger that.. popping green smoke.. I say again, green smoke.."

Merrick wiped her sweaty brow and unclipped a smoke grenade from her belt. Flipping the safety off, she let it roll a distance from her. Green haze began to envelop the ground. Before long, the whir of engines high overhead was heard. Fifteen minutes later the first Sentinel shuttles touched down and army regulars in their olive uniforms marched out orderly. Then came the heavy stuff, emerging from the cargo bays with engines roaring - 1-H Imperial-class repulsor tanks, AT-STs and other walkers. It was clear that there was no way in hell a bunch of farmers can come up against the sheer might of the Imperial juggernaut and expect to survive. The revolution would soon be terminated and the status quo restored back on Severin.

An officer marched up to Merrick and saluted smartly. His uniform was crisp, starched to perfection. A mark contrast to the dirt and grime that cloaked Merrick's armour. After several days in the field the Jesters looked, and smelled, like wet rats. Consolation was provided in how they had earned their combat pay thoroughly.

"Good evening Colonel. I'm Major Nagid, operations officer for the 37th assault regiment. Thanks for finding this patch of dirt here for our advance guard. The rest of the invasion force will be dropping shortly," the newcomer rattled off.

Merrick nodded curtly and began briefing him with a quick update of the current situation. Meanwhile, Hashi was squatting aside a bald tree, his helmet lying askew. He was smoking one of his Lung Blaster cigarettes, finally able to enjoy a risk-free break. Remluf stood beside him, staring at the fresh troops as they fell in and marched off to positions in the woods. As she strode away from Nagid, Merrick got another call from her comlink.

Hashi and Remluf waited patiently for Merrick to be done talking. She did soon after, and the three of them circled up.

"Latest update. We will be regrouping with Kami at 0700 hours. Looks like we have one last mission before we get off this rock," explained Merrick, shrugging her shoulders.

"What's that gonna be?" twitted Remluf.

"Some sort of raid on the residential compound of several high-priority targets connected to Hutt dealings. We're going to be needing the whole squad for this one. High Command just relayed the orders to Kams ten minutes ago."

There was a heavy collective sigh. They haven't slept or ate properly for days out in the damn wilderness.

"Here we go again."
TRP/SFC Hashi Shiyun/3SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/Tadath [IH] [CoR] [SoA] [EW2] [ES2] [LoR]

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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 25, 2007 5:19:05 PM    View the profile of Decembrist 
Trying a new style, don't mind the matter-of-factness.

“So I'm gonna go find him and bring him in?”

“Basically, Garet, yes.”

“Rustam, was it?”

“Vasili Rustam, known as Decembrist.”

“Alright then. Does Merrick know?”

“I'm sure you'll tell her.”

“Yes sir, General Dar'Namell.”

Jester probably didn't even realize he was on the ship with them. He chose to hole up in the cockpit away from the rowdy squad behavior in the back. Partying wasn't his style. If he was going to go chase down someone by himself, possibly two someones, he would need his rest. It was rare that a task like this was assigned to him nowadays. He was a paper pusher now; a High Command assistant. Events, fortunate or not, had pushed him to the position, and in a way he was glad. It was a new side to the Army, he was practically independent. This being the first field task he was given excited him. No Stormie armor, no heavy weaponry, no grunts to use as a shield would make it a totally new experience. Simply body armor, a handgun, and a wallet full of credits to protect him out there this time.

The Jesters left the ship onto their designated dropship, and Garet alone boarded a separate one. It took him to the Capitol, Lilith, where Vasili was last seen. Finding one drunk in a metropolitan area was like finding a needle in a stack of needles, but it wouldn't take too long to scope out the bars. With a nod to the pilot he hopped off the ship and onto the building top, where he stood for a moment looking out over the city.

OK Rustam, I know you're here.

In one night, Garet entered more bars than he had his entire life. Never before had he received such strange looks either as he entered a bar, ordered nothing, and seeing that nobody matched the picture he kept of Vasili, left. With no luck, Garet contacted the person who reported Rustam.

The bar that was frequented was called “No Intentions,” which fit perfectly for Decembrist. It wasn't popular by any means, the perfect lay-low joint for a guy who had everything to lose. The fact was that he was scared. Leaving the Empire in such a way was by far the stupidest decision he had ever made. He knew what was coming for him; he knew that someone was coming for him. And for the most part, he was prepared. As soon as he knew the Empire was in town, he would get his shotgun and hole up somewhere. In the mean time, a couple drinks with strangers wouldn't hurt.

This particular stranger was sharp. Dark skin, even darker suit, cool presence, and a pristinely balded head. There must be some story behind him... folk didn't look like that around here. And as soon as his drink arrived, a glass of water, Vasili's curiosity reached tenacity. “Business?”

He didn't look over. “Something like that.”

“Not many people come dressed like you to this part o' town.”

“You look like me enough.”

It was true. Vasili was a little more sloppy, but it was still the same look: suit, tie, glasses. “Well, I'm not exactly from around here.”

The stranger looked over now. “I'm gonna take a wild guess on this one. Moorja kid. Got nothin' to lose so he joins the Imperial Navy with three friends, then deserts after he hits a couple bumps.”

Vasili was half up by now, and Garet's quick reflexes caught the fleeing man's arm. “I know who you are, Vasili Rustam, and I know you're in town for pleasure.”

Vasili smashed his bottle over Garet's should, grasp loosening, and ran out the back. Garet, quickly recovering, followed.

It had started raining. The sound of excited footsteps echoed through the water more freely, giving Garet the sense to track Vasili down. The chase lead around a corner, down an alleyway, over a fence, all the while Garet gaining ground. Finally, Garet stopped in the middle of  an abandoned clearing in the middle of the concrete jungle. Tattered, broken buildings surrounded him leaving nothing but alleyways in or out. He spun around, looking for any sign of his prey who had seemed to disappear. The footsteps had stopped before he entered the clearing, but Garet knew that Decembrist was there. Slowly, he drew his pistol... then, nothing.

The body before him lay smoldering in the cool rain. Vasili stood over it, cigarette and shotgun both with smoke rising from their tips. He turned his back, leaving the man with seven wholes in his back to his lonely funeral.

Garet groaned. Vasili had left minutes ago. Pain soared up his back, leaving him immobile for the time being. He groaned again. He wasn't dead, the body armor had done its job, but the closeness of the shot would leave some disgustingly large welts on his back. In the better part of a rainy hour, Garet got to his feet and tracked his way back to the bar. He entered without Decembrist's notice, and repaying the favor, sent him into unconsciousness with a punch to the back of his head.

Vasili's attitude deflated to the point of depression after his hearing back on Tadath. Opting not to go to jail, he would once again put his servitude to use in the Empire. The Navy didn't want him, however. He didn't do anything good there. The Army took him in, and Garet volunteered to be his advisor.

“You found him?! He's on Tadath?!”

“That's right.”

“Garet, are you sure he needs me there?”

“Command said you two bonded. It's not like it matters anyways, Aeos... It's already been arranged for you to join the Army again.”

“Alright then... Does Colonel Tel'sha know? Sergeant Kami?”

“I'm sure they'll find out.”

PO2/FM Vasili "Decembrist" Rustam/Sentinel 3/Flight 1/STCR Doashim/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE
[SoA] [SoV] [CBV] (=*A*=)

I may not be that perfect son, but y'all'll be rockin' when I'm done.
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 25, 2007 7:31:11 PM    View the profile of Kami 
Kami pored over the documents Evis had obtained from the radar station, looking for anything of interest. She had sent Zafo and Duran off in AT-PT to do another sweep of the area, and judging by the sound of heavy lasers in the distance, they had found someone to play with. Evis dozed nearby at his SL’s command, catching up on a few minutes of sleep whilst time allowed.

Setting aside the pile of battered papers, Kami glanced at her chrono, well aware that by now Merrick and the others would be close to making contact with the forward elements of the VE army. The Severin rebellion was nearly over, although she doubted the farmers were aware of that fact. She sighed, about to give up entirely on her quest for information when a gleam of silver caught the corner of her eye. Turning back to the pile of documents, Kami swept a single page over with one hand to reveal a small datapad disk secured to the back of the brief. Yanking it lose, she pulled her own field datapad free and slid it into place.

The screen glowed momentarily, before automatically scrolling through the imbedded information. Ignoring the encoded text, which could be interpreted at a later date, Kami thumbed her way through administrative gibberish and accessed another file stamped with the Severin rebellion logo. Her eyes widened at the list of accounts that flashed into existence before her, a physical recording of transactions between delegates of the Hutts and a few select leaders of the rebellion.

She lowered her datapad and activated her comm., “Base, request to trace an account number.”

There was a momentary burst of static before she received a response, “Copy that Sergeant. Ready when you are.”

Kami recited off a series of numbers, waiting as high command accessed the appropriate Severin based records. Minutes dragged by before a decisively more official sounding voice addressed her, “Sergeant. Accounts are registered to a Nikolai Yegor, a local community representative. You and your squad are to make your way to his estate and see what you can find. Location is incoming.”

“Acknowledged,” Kami glanced down as her datapad beeped, announcing it had received the coordinates from high command. She dialed back to her squad channel, “Alright guys, new orders. Regroup at our original drop point at 0700 hours. Oh...and Zafo, get back here, I don’t want to walk.”
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

|| DJK Dark Jedi Order || Krath || Vast Empire ||
-=Surrender to your darkest dreams, and you'll live as you've never lived before=-
Hashi Shiyun
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Hashi Shiyun
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 26, 2007 11:18:22 AM    View the profile of Hashi Shiyun 
There were pats on the backs and handshakes all around as Jester were reunited outside an abandoned farmhouse. The roof of the building had gaping holes where cannon fire from air strikes had punctured earlier. Sergeant Eviscares had looted a case of beers from the cellar and they were being passed around. Despite being lukewarm, the cans were received with much gratitude.  In the dying twilight of the evening the last of the pink sky was slowly fading away. Stars were rising but not the moon. This bode good news; they could proceed with their mission under the full cover of darkness.

"Gather around gentlemen and lady," Kami motioned. As the squad formed a circle around her, she knelt on one knee and unveiled a map on the ground. Flicking on a flashlight, she pointed to a ridge where had she had earlier marked out.

"This is Siad Barre ridge, a little strip of high ground where the safe house of Nikolai Yegor is located at," said Kami, tracing her finger along the ridge on the map. "Yegor is supposedly a highly-respected figure around these parts. That means nothing to us, of course. Intelligence reveals that he is a prime liaison man for the Hutts. On top of that, he is one the key figures in this zone behind the instigation of the rebellion. We want him. Preferably alive, but if he can't come peacefully, a body bag with him in it will do."

Excited murmuring all around.

"At 0930 hours Jester will depart on foot to the our target location. All contact with enemy forces is to be strictly avoided until we reach his estate. Don't want us to be giving away our game plan too early. We will then raid his premises and arrest him, overcoming any armed resistance and securing materials of  intelligence value. After we have secured our man, we will radio in for an extraction force from the Army. The extraction force will consist of a platoon sized element that will land in with Gamma slass assault shuttles and whisk us and our prize away."

Kami looked around at her boys, holding each of them in her gaze for a second, "This is it, guys. After we're through with this, we earn our ticket home. The Army can mop up the mess around here. Any questions?"

"Madam, do you think ribbed condoms are all they are hyped out to be?"

"No idea, Hashi," she grinned, and a few chuckles broke out.

"Alright, let's proceed with the layout of the residential compound. I want you all to know it as much you know your parents' backyard. Let's make it quick. I want a snack before we move off."

The squad gathered closer for the finer details of the ops plan. They accounted every detail of navigation, communications and actions should they run into hostile contact. They studied the satellite images of the estate intensely, burning the various buildings, gardens and paths into memory. They pinpointed possible enemy strongpoints and suitable exit routes. Satisfied, Jester settled down for an evening meal of cold ration packs. Before long, it was time to move out. By then, night had thoroughly cloaked the land in darkness.

"Recon, let's go!" signalled Kami.

Remluf, in his confused state of excitement, found himself wearing his helmet the wrong way round. He quickly corrected himself to the stares of his fellow squadmates.

"What!" he exclaimed indignantly, as he marched himself ahead.

They had a ridge to climb ahead, and they duly proceeded with the job at hand.
A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout.. A Modest Proposal - Jonathan Swift
[This message has been edited by Hashi Shiyun (edited September 26, 2007 11:20:24 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Hashi Shiyun (edited September 26, 2007 11:59:21 AM)]
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 26, 2007 9:36:05 PM    View the profile of Eviscares 
It didn't take them long to climb the ridge, the tedious part came after that. At the same time moving as stealthy and as fast as possible Jester Squad started to make a wide circle of the objective. This took them up the mountain on which side the estate was nested. From what they had seen on the map and extracted from aerial recon shots taken earlier, there would be another ridge, but that time they would go down.
Most of the time they were walking through the dense foliage, but whenever the sensors picked up heat signatures or sounds, everyone in the squad dropped to the ground and they continued crawling.
”Man, I can't believe we go through this if we could as well have bombed them to oblivion”, Evis thought, even though he knew that after one bombing run there would be no prisoners to arrest or intelligence to secure.
What troubled him most was that their approach had to take place in complete silence. For most of the Squad he was sure that this would pose no greater problem, but from what he had heard from Hashi, he feared that Remluf could get them fubar'd.
The groundfog that had started coming up helped in enhancing the general gloominess of the situatiation. He was relieved when they finally arrived above the compound, and Evis crawled up to the ledge with Kami, both whipping out a Model 1000 Macrobinocular and scanning the plateau below.
After about a minute Kami spoke first:”I wish we had a mortar with us. I would really like to shake them up a bit before we go in.”
Evis nodded in agreement:”Yeah, but we have to work with what we can get. I'd suggest we try a Corellian Rappel and give them a taste of our grenades while on the way down.”
“Sounds as much as a plan as we need, hm? Round up the boys. We better get to work.”, she acknowledged his proposal.
Evis slowly crept back from the ledge and briefed the rest of the Troopers on their next move.
“A Correllian  Rappel,hm? Seems like you are a bit desperate after all Seargeant.”, commented Merrick  with a humorous undertone. The rest of the Squad was mildly thrilled to say the least, except for Remluf who was dozing off again and had to be woken up by Duran.
They followed him to the cliff and started to tie their ropes to it.
When everyone was ready and they were standing right at the edge Evis began breathing a bit faster, and Hashi muttered:”Oh man, this could really hurt if one of us fumbled...”
The perspective of running 100 yards down a cliff while facing the ground messed everyone up a bit. In Training the heights been 50 yards at maximum.
Someone, most probably Remluf screamed “Geronimo”, and was the first over the Edge. Biting back a curse Evis took one step forward and then jumped as well.
Jester Squad
VE Smoker Association
Excitement abounds
I almost can't wait
Relax, I don't want your baby
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Iron Horse Squad  forever in my heart!

ASL/SGT_Eviscares/3SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/Tadath [LoR]
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 27, 2007 2:35:40 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
Merrick watched the rest of Jester rappel down the ridge, heading down after everyone else had made it safely to the bottom. Remluf was already looking around excitedly, probably for someone else to disembowel. At least with his helmet on, the swollen and bloody nose Merrick had given him wasn’t visible.

The squad clustered at the edge of the estate, hidden in the shadows and dark of the night. They could see armed guards patrolling the balconies and gardens, and posted by the exits. These didn’t look like the same poor, revolutionary farmers they had been hunting so far, they appeared to be well armed mercenaries. Having had her fill of up close and personal killing for the mission, Merrick volunteered to find a nice place to snipe a couple of the guards from, leaving the rest of the squad to infiltrate the house. She’d catch up with them once she’d caused enough fear and confusion amongst the guards. Kami nodded when she voiced the suggestion, and Merrick headed off to find a nice concealed place from which she could see the front of the house and most of the pathways through the gardens.

The rest of the squad had reached an area of cover close to one of the building’s main doors. Kami gave Merrick the order to open fire on the guards. For her first target she selected one of the guards on the far side of the house, making sure his partner was looking at him when the shot ripped his chest apart. The survivor of the pair immediately raised the alarm, but unsure of where the shot had come from he sent the other guards out to search the surrounding gardens. For about a minute the doors near Kami and the squad were left unguarded while the soldiers posted there ran over to receive their orders. Apparently guarding the doors was more important than finding the shooter, as they were sent back to their post. Only the guards on patrol through Merrick’s section of the garden were sent to find her.

Merrick moved silently around behind the dozen men sent to search for her as they got closer to her hiding place. By the time they reached the spot she had been in, she’d chosen another hide and picked off another two of the guards who had strayed further away from the main body of soldiers. She continued to shoot and move until only 4 of them remained and her options for hides became ever smaller. More guards had come out of one of the smaller buildings minutes earlier and had taken up a patrol route in the area she’d intended to move to next. Slinging her rifle over her back, she took out her axe and headed for the main building. Most of the door guards were still at their posts. Oh well, can’t have fun forever. Suppose I’d best get inside and get some work done. She quickly dispatched the one guard on her chosen door, dragging his body into the bushes, and entered the magnificent house.
Jester Squad
To thy protection fear and sorrow flee, and those that weary are of light find rest in thee.
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 27, 2007 3:22:52 AM    View the profile of Remluf 
It all happened very suddenly.  One second, the squad was moving through the hallway in formation, and the next...


"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Remluf cried after it had happened.

Eviscares' head snapped forward as the rock clattered to the ground.  "What the f...  Remluf, what the hell are you doing?"

Remluf ran forward and slid along the marble floor to where the rock he had thrown now lay motionless.  He tore off his helmet and picked up the rock gingerly.  Tears flooded into his eyes.  "I told him not to," Remluf said in between sobs.  "I told him that he didn't need to attack anyone.  He just wouldn't listen.  WHY WOULDN'T HE LISTEN!?" His voice echoed through the halls.

Hashi's pistol came down hard on Remluf's temple.

"What are we going to do with him?" Eviscares said as he took off his helmet to check for a dent.

"Let's just tie his crazy ass up and put him in a closet," Hashi suggested as Kami walked back towards the group. 

Kami sighed audibly.  "We're not going to tie him up, but I think we are going to have to lock him in a room.  Alright, go back to that room a few doors back and lock him in there good and tight, Hashi.  Be gentle, though."

Hashi grunted as he grabbed Remluf by the ankles and slid him across the floor.  He dumped him unceremoniously in the room and closed the door behind him.

Remluf awoke a few minutes later with a throbbing headache that he didn't remember how he had gotten.  He was in a room that he didn't remember being in, and with a droid that he didn't remember seeing before.  The droid looked like it was deactivated, so Remluf left it alone.  He went to the door and tried to open it, only to find that it was locked from the outside.

He knew what to do, though.  He was much more capable then his squadmates gave him credit for.  He ran to the back of the room and began running as fast as he could toward the door.  He crashed into it with stunning force, and bounced right off.  He groaned loudly as he slowly picked himself off of the floor.

"Can I perhaps be of assistance, sir," the previously deactivated droid said.

Remluf jumped and took up a defensive posture, but moved very quickly and caused a sharp pain in his shoulder.  He winced and clutched his shoulder, and eyed the droid suspiciously.  "Who are you?"

"I'm a 3D-4 series, sir, but I've never been given a familiar name, if that's what you're asking," the droid said in a slightly annoying tone that seemed to have a touch of sarcasm to it.

"Well, help me get out of here, 3D," Remluf said in a commanding tone.  He felt good being able to boss someone around for once.

"Certainly, just step back from the door, sir."  Remluf moved away from the door while never taking his eye off of the droid.  The droid reached into a small container that was beside him and pulled out a grenade.  "You may want to be a little bit further away from the door than that."  Remluf's eyes widened and he quickly moved to stand beside the droid.

The droid rolled the grenade along the floor and it rested beside the door.  Remluf closed his eyes tight and put his fingers in his ears.  The seconds seemed to stretch into minutes.  Then, the seconds actually did stretch into minutes.  Remluf opened his eyes.

The droid had moved over to the door and was working on the keypad.  With two simple keystrokes, the door opened.  Remluf looked confused.  "What, you didn't think that I would actually carry around grenades, did you?"  The droid gave out a mechanical chuckle.  "Well, you coming?"  The droid walked out of the room and Remluf followed, muttering that no matter who it was, they always seemed to boss him around.
This post was brought to you by Mr. Pickles Fun Time Abortion Clinics.  We'll bring out the kid in you!
[This message has been edited by Remluf (edited September 27, 2007 3:48:02 PM)]
Hashi Shiyun
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 27, 2007 3:41:08 PM    View the profile of Hashi Shiyun 
Jester swept through the house like lightning less the thunder, dispatching a couple of armed guards noiselessly. One was slashed on the throat by Kami. Another who was unfortunate to be caught unawares playing solitaire and enjoying a cup of tea at his desk had his neck twisted by Zafo.

"Celer, silens, mortalis," whispered Hashi in prayer as he gingerly stepped over the dead man and the loose deck of cards that had fallen.

Kami signalled them to a halt at the entrance of a room with elaborate carved doors. They stacked up in a neat line, hugging the wall. Durandal stood at the other end, ready to throw a flashbang in at the order.

"You sure this is it?" aired a doubtful Jester.

"Looks like a grand suite. Pretty positive," answered Kami. "Here we go. Fire in the hole!"

A boot burst the door open and a blinding white glare followed soon after. Jester rushed in, fully expecting to overcome armed bodyguards guarding their target. What lay in store, however, was slightly different to the cliched script.

"Oh dear. Oh dear me," gasped Hashi.

Nikolai Yegor was an elderly balding man in his late forties. A pot belly hung grossly over his waist. He was lying in an ivory bed that smacked of grandeur, with a lush overhead canopy. Mister Yegor gaped open-mouthed at his attackers. In his shock, the feeble erection he had been sustaining had immediately shrivelled back into its flaccid state. His companions though, were more startling. On his left was a brunette. A blonde occupied the space to the right of him. Both women squealed like pigs. The blonde was holding on to what suspiciously looked like an over-sized plastic accessory of some sort. It was glowing and humming, creating a loud buzz.

"Is that a lightsabre?" enquired Hashi curiously. "My Uncle Ben told me about them.."

"Shoot the hoes."

Two clinical shots from the Jesters burned clean holes in the foreheads of the women and they dropped to the floor by the bed.

"Bald Eagle, Bald Eagle. Jester One coming in," radioed Kami to the extraction force. "We have our man."

"Copy that Jester One. Bald Eagle en route. ETA fifteen minutes. Hold out till we get there."

Sergeants Eviscares and Durandal roughly yanked the esteemed gentlemen from the comfort of his bedsheets. In his terror-induced stupor, he could only gaze at them, his mouth still hanging open. For the unfortunate Jesters, it was not the only body part hanging around. They kicked him to his knees and cuffed him. Meanwhile, Shots could be heard from other parts of the house. It appeared then that Merrick and Remluf, by their own unique methods, had caused a stir elsewhere. The Jesters in the room quickly reorganized themselves and prepared to rush for their exit route.

"Move, move, move!"

Kami and Zafo led the way out, swiftly moving back into the hallway, ready to shoot anything that moved. It was a free-fire zone now. All targets declared hostile. Behind them, Eviscares and Durandal struggled to get their fat nude bastard of a prisoner moving. Hashi formed tail-end charlie, guarding the rear. This gave the man the fruitful opportunity of quietly pocketing the curious vibrating appliance. He would inspect the workings of it later.

Right then it was business time.
A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout.. A Modest Proposal - Jonathan Swift
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 27, 2007 5:29:02 PM    View the profile of Eviscares 
He was disgusted. Having to drag along a fat old nude guy, who seemed to have some questionable taste in bedroom play had never been in the job description. The real problem was that he tried to wiggle his way out of their grip, now that he had gotten out of his stupor.

“Jester Squad, stop!”, he commanded and slid to a full stop. Zafo guarded them to the front while Hashi turned around and watched their six.

“What is it Evis?” Kami asked him, monitoring their front as well. When she was slightly annoyed that Eviscares had given an order, she was able to hide perfectly, he figured.
“The prisoner is not really cooperative, ma'm.”, he said smiling, already turning to the prisoner who was now held on his knees by Duran and looked at him completely terrified.
“I know what you think of... Proceed.”, she acknowledged his idea even before he spoke of it.

Yegor spoke hasty but still with a commanding voice:”No, please! Don't hurt me! I'm only a tool of the peoples liberation. Why don't you see that our cause is just?! Join us!”

Evis chuckled, he built up in front of the man, stemming his arms into his sides and then said jovially:”You are nothing near liberators. You are chaos... We are the liberating force here, and believe me, we will liberate the shit out of your fedding planet.” After the last word was spoken he gave the man a backhanded slap to the face that knocked him unconscious and broke his jaw.
Durandal heaved him up again, and when Evis had gotten ahold of his side Jester went on. The pure fact that no one mustered a complaint came kind of surprising to him, but he figured, that most of his mates had seen their fair share of atrocities.

Again they hurried along the corridors of the mansion, moving towards the great entrance hall and from there to the courtyard where their allies would arrive. When they arrived at the entrance hall this plan went down, as every plan in combat had a tendency to do. They were greeted by a hail of bolter fire, unaimed but plentiful. The guards on the outside had seemingly become aware of their plans and decided to guard this exit. Luckily for them the entrance hall to the manor was quite luxurious with pillars supporting a  small balcony on the second floor level.

“Now, we're farkled!”, Hashi said as they quickly scuttled into the cover of the pillars and begun returning fire.
They tried their best, briefly peeking out of their cover and returning fire, but their attackers were simply too plentiful. Evis could observe some of them going down by well aimed shots, but most of jester was simply going for a spray and pray tactic. The fact that their leader was among the targets didn't slow down the mercenaries, and slowly their fire started to rip apart the pillars, sending debris everywhere.

“This will get ugly, pretty soon!”, yelled Zafo while reloading. But as Evis peaked out of his cover once more to fire off a few shots, he saw several round objects landing amidst the mercs. Yelling “Frag out!”, he pulled his head behind the pillar again, just before three explosions rocked the building. When he looked out again he saw that the mercenaries had been disintegrated and saw Merrick coming down the right flight of stairs.

“I leave you alone for 20 minutes and this happens.”, she said jokingly while the rest of Jester accompanied her out. In the courtyard Kami popped one of her green smoke grenades, marking the landingzone for their reinforcements.
As the spotlights of the Gamma class shuttle flooded the courtyard with light, Kami cursed:”FEECH! We forgot Remluf. Evis, take Hashi and Durandal to get him out of there!”
Jester Squad
VE Smoker Association
Excitement abounds
I almost can't wait
Relax, I don't want your baby
I already ate

Iron Horse Squad  forever in my heart!

ASL/SGT_Eviscares/3SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/Tadath [LoR]
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 27, 2007 6:21:00 PM    View the profile of Remluf 
Hashi shook his head.  "Do we have to?  Can't we just leave him?"

There was a short silence as Kami and Merrick both seemed to consider the option that Hashi proposed.  It was Kami who broke the silence.  "No, we have to go get him," she said in a voice that didn't sound very confident.

Eviscares, Hashi, and Durandal all let out a loud sigh as they collected their gear and prepared to go back into the large mansion. 

"Where are you going, guys?" a raspy voice said from the other side of the landing area.  Heads whipped around as one and Remluf, squat and lean with his unkempt hair and even more unkempt beard stood beside a tall protocol droid.

"Well, that makes things easier," Durandal said.  The three troopers jogged over and rejoined the group.  "Who's your metal friend?"

Remluf scowled.  "He's not my friend," he said in a voice that could only be described as petulant.

"I'm a 3D-4 series protocol droid," the droid said in a prissy voice.  "I helped this... mentally challenged individual out of the room that he was locked in."

Remluf looked slightly embarrassed.  "I guess he did.  Look, it doesn't matter, let's get out of here."

"The shuttle will be here in under three minutes," Kami informed Remluf, who seemed more in control of himself than normal. 

"If I may, sir," the droid began, "I would like to come with you.  Since my... master is knocked out right there, it would appear that I would be left here for scrap otherwise.  I would much prefer to join your group and assist in whatever manner you decide.  If you desire, I could even babysit your retard."

Hashi let out a loud laugh, and a few of the other troopers chuckled a bit as well.  Merrick came forward and examined the droid.  "This guy is in major need of a memory wipe.  As a rule protocol droids tend to not be this... insulting."

"I don't know," Kami said.  "I kind of like him how he is.  Alright Remluf, we'll keep your friend.  But you have to promise that you'll water him and take him on regular walks."

Remluf looked like he was about to cry, and then with a sudden roar leaped at the droid in a primal fury.  His fists pummeled the metal body with surprising strength and speed, but the droid didn't budge an inch.  With one final haymaker Remluf felt his hand shatter.

"OOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" Remluf screamed and tears burst from his eyes.

Merrick let out a sigh as the shuttle hovered overhead.  "I had a feeling we weren't getting off this rock without any casualties.  Let's go."
Jester Squad

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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
September 28, 2007 12:53:25 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
Merrick jumped aboard the shuttle and helped to haul their prisoner aboard. Once he was secure, and Hashi had covered him up after much begging from Kami, Merrick discarded some of her armour and settled herself gratefully into one of shuttle’s corners. Kami sat down opposite her, removing her helmet. “Wow Colonel, even you look tired, and you don’t sleep.”

Merrick chuckled, but it didn’t hold much humour.  “Yeah it’s easy to forget the hardships of battle when you’ve been at a desk so long. I think I’m gonna sleep all the way home. “ Kami nodded her agreement and Merrick propped her head against the shuttle wall, promptly falling asleep.

She had no idea how much later it was, but Merrick was woken by the prisoner’s yells of pain and indignation. Raising her head she looked at Kami, who appeared to be fast asleep despite the noise.  Most of the rest of the squad were chatting, laughing and generally ignoring the man they’d capture. Remluf was curled in a tight ball on the floor, sleeping peacefully but cradling his broken hand. Only the droid they had picked up was paying attention to Yegor. Merrick thought at first that he was trying to comfort or help the beast of a man, but when she listened closer she let out an involuntary laugh that roused Kami. “What’s funny Merrick?” She yawned and turned to look at Yegor. “What’s the droid doing?”

Merrick shook her head. “Listen.”

Kami listened quietly for a minute and then began laughing herself. Yegor had finally given up yelling, not that they’d been able to understand him anyway as a result of his broken jaw. When Kami laughed the droid realised they’d seen what he was doing, but appeared not to care. He returned his attention to his once master and continued telling him exactly what he thought of him, “...fat, disgusting human with absolutely no taste in the fairer sex. You’re lucky you always had me as your publicity agent, or the farmers would have hunted you down years ago. If these imperials want to know anything about you I’m going to tell them, I dislike you that much. I hope the Hutts think that you gave them away to the Empire you dirty pig.”

Yegor looked to Merrick and Kami hopefully, but let his head fall in shame when he realised they were going to do nothing to stop the droid’s ranting. Merrick stared at the droid a little longer before, like Kami, taking the opportunity to get some more sleep.
Jester Squad
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  RE: It's Severin' time (Jester)
October 1, 2007 2:57:56 AM    View the profile of Kami 
Kami stood quietly, her eyes glued to the scene visible throughout the clear viewport before her. Yegor had initially proven reluctant to speak to the Imperial interrogator that paced the room before him, yet had caved relatively quickly when the demise of his rebellion had been revealed. The Severin peace movement had come to a bloody halt in the space of a few hours as the VE land forces had stormed forward in Jester’s wake. By the time Kami and the others had disembarked, key leaders and resources had been captured, while the unsuccessful plot between the Hutts and a few key community members had been thrust into the light.

“Some rebellion hey?” Merrick entered the room to stand next to Kami, ignoring the reprimanding glance thrown her way by one of the agents recording the interrogation.

Kami offered a slight shrug of her shoulders, “It was very real to these people. It’s a shame so much blood had to be spilled.”

“I doubt that this is the last uprising we’ll have to deal with,” Merrick pointed out, “There’s a lot of people being repressed out there.”

Kami turned away from Yegor, gesturing towards the door in a clear signal to continue their conversation elsewhere. Merrick complied, falling in step with her as the two officers made their way along a narrow hallway towards the front of the intelligence building to which they had been granted clearance.

“We did well,” Merrick mused aloud as they trotted down the elaborate pathway leading into the human press of Tadath, “High Command won’t waste anytime finding something else to do.”

“I don’t doubt that,” Kami glanced down briefly at her pager, “I already have orders to attend a briefing. Any news on the two navy kids?”

“Both here, finally,” Merrick answered, “I’m actually on my way to greet them now. Make sure that they’re comfortable enough with how things have panned out.”


“The droid?” Merrick questioned, coming to a halt at a junction in the street that would see them part ways.

Kami smiled, “He seems to think he’s an official member of the squad. He’s been cleared, so I see no reason not to allow him to stick around. Who knows, he might actually prove his worth over the next few months.”

Merrick replied with a matching grin, “Here’s hoping he behaves, I don’t think Jester has room for another Remluf.”

Kami laughed, raising a hand in farewell, “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

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