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Topic:  Spun About (Zephyr)
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  Spun About (Zephyr)
June 14, 2012 2:52:47 AM    View the profile of Kami 
“Can I help you?”

The Madam was a large woman, her triple chin drooping down to brush the wrinkled breasts displayed above her too-tight bodice. If not for the copious amount of jewellery dangling from every spare inch of skin she could have easily have been mistaken for a common brothel owner.

Kami halted before her, her boots clacking loudly on the polished marble floor. “I’ve lost one of my crew.”

The Madam let out a nervous chuckle at Kami’s obvious irritation. “I’m sure I’ll be able to find him for you.”

“No need,” Kami’s green gaze flicked to the gauzy curtain hiding the corridor to the left of the foyer from view. “Just tell me which room he’s in.”

The large woman wrung her hands and shot a barely discernible glance to the two huge hulking bodyguards nearby. The Lotus Flower was the only reputable whorehouse on Eyesore, and that was largely due to the fact that they managed to keep the vast majority of the disgusting riffraff outside from trampling their way in. Privacy was everything when it came to promoting exclusiveness.

But Kami Sharpe was not so easy to turn away. Even without having met Sharpe, she was recognizable as right-hand of the King. Everyone on Eyesore, from the lowest gutter rat to the wealthiest merchant knew her face. Sharpe had always dealt harshly, but fairly with the local merchants, and it was the threat of her retribution that kept the other brothel owners from encroaching on the Lotus’s turf and poaching her clients.

She owed an awful lot to this woman, despite having never met her.

“Room 14,” The Madam finally allowed, shifting her huge bulk aside to allow Kami access. “Please be quick.”

Kami swept past her without a seconds hesitation. One of the bodyguards stepped forward to intercept her, his eyes focused on the two heavy blasters strapped to her upper thighs, but a flick of the wrist from the Madam stopped him. The giant of a man moved back into position on his designated side of the doorway as Kami stalked into the heavily perfumed hallway beyond.

Room 14 turned out to be one of the less opulent suites. A two bedroom affair consisting of a bedroom and a spa room, it none-the-less served the needs of the man who had hired it. Vasili was passed out face first in the middle of the immense king-sized bed with a perspiring bottle of champagne clasped in one outstretched hand. The two girls lounging naked at his back stirred as Kami stalked into the room, their soft chatter ceasing as they recognized their visitor.

“Out.” Kami’s command rang across the room, causing the younger girl to flinch.

The other whore, far more experienced at her trade, adopted a sulky manner to respond, “But we were having so much fun.” She paused to trail a finger down her stomach. “Won’t you join us?”

Kami’s eyes narrowed, “Now.”

The girl sighed, her adopted air of interest vanishing instantly as she slid from the coverlet and gestured for her companion to follow. Kami waited until the sound of their voices dwindled before walking over to the edge of the bed. An ice bucket was nearby, the contents almost completely melted. She hoisted the smooth metal container in both hands and unceremoniously tossed the contents over her unconscious pilot’s head.

Vasili’s indignant shriek pierced the momentary silence.

“Geezus Kams!” A pair of bleary, blood-shot eyes sought her out from a room that was no doubt spinning from too much champagne. “You could have just called me.”

“I did. Too many times,” Kami tossed the jacket hanging over the back of a nearby chair directly at Vasili’s face. “I need you in the hangar in twenty.”

Vasili swore, pulling the jacket free only to realize that Kami had already disappeared. He considered chasing after her to shout out more obscenities but disregarded the thought as he became aware of the champagne bottle still clasped in his hand. He took a swig of the warm liquid and rolled over in the puddle of water to shove a nearby pillow under his head.

Twenty minutes was more than enough time for a nap.

*        *        *        *        *        *

“So we’re all here Kams. What’s going on?”

Vasili’s dry query went unanswered as Kami surveyed the crew of the Zephyr.

Hond was leaning up against the wall behind the pilot, a cigarra dangling from his lips, his red eyes disinterested as he subconsciously fingered the large rifle cradled in arms. The hired gun hadn’t been particularly eager to leave Eyesore until Kami had swayed him with a substantial amount of money. Hard credit was the only thing capable of changing the stubborn mercenary’s mind, that and any opportunity to piss of the King. Since Snipes had fully sanctioned Kami’s brief foray into the wilderness she had had to dig deep to re-secure Hond’s services.

Ydj was hovering in the doorway of the gallery, hopping from one foot to the other and glancing longingly over his shoulder in the direction of the engine room. The Verpine mechanic had done wonders with the Z in just a few months of downtime, tweaking and improving the battered vessel until it was once again running at full capacity. A small droid hovered at Ydj’s shoulder, its metal facade splashed with stars and stripes of hot pink, emitting a steady beeping as it waited on the need to translate. To the human eye the modifications to the originally black droid looked horrendous, but Ydj’s sloppy paint job was clearly a calculated decision based on his own personal taste.

Deznim was folded neatly into the chair beside Vasili, his slim fingers interlinked and perched upon one knee. The Ryn’s bright black eyes regarded Kami steadily from above an increasingly bushy white mustache and a beaked nose. Ever alert to the need of his Captain, Dez had quickly assigned the avalanche of Osk paperwork he struggled to maintain (mostly for the purpose of communicating with the divisions of the Vast Empire) to his underlings  and appeared in the Zephyr mere moments after her call. The petite alien was a rare treasure, disreputable enough to fit right in on the Locker and trade insults with the most foul mouthed-residents, polite enough to sway dignitaries and pig-headed merchants, and intelligent and loyal enough to have wormed his way into Kami’s inner circle. 

“We have a job,” Kami told her crew, planting a hand on her hip and the other on the nearby bar. “An extraction from a hotspot in the Sluis sector.”

Deznim was quick to pick up on what was being left unsaid. “Who exactly are we extracting that has made the situation so ‘hot?’”

Kami’s gaze fixed on him. “A slicer who goes by the codename Switch.”

“Switch?” Vasili lowered the half-eaten freeze dried burrito he had clutched in one hand, clearly still hung-over enough to risk food poisoning by consuming the Zephyr’s ration stores. “What kind of greenblood gives themselves a name like Switch?”

“The same greenblood who hacked into one of Thrawn’s secure military installations and downloaded several zettabytes of classified intel.” Kami answered.

“Oh.” Vasili took a bite of the burrito and chewed slowly. “Ol’ blue-skin won’t be happy.”

Hond let out a warning growl at the pilot’s back.

“He’s not,” Kami ignored the antagonism between her two crew members and continued her briefing. “Thrawn’s intelligence division is already breathing down Switch's neck. He has less than 24 hours to be extracted before he finds himself at the mercy of some seriously sadistic bastards.”

“Torture?” Ydj scuttled about in a small circle, his translation droid spinning about in place in order to follow his erratic movements. “An effective method of extracting information from the subject. Can include but is not limited to bone breaking, branding, burning, corrosive chemical application…”

“So Switch needs an enemy of Thrawn that's willing to stick their neck out for what he’s offering,” Deznim raised his voice to be heard over Ydj’s rambling, "I assume there is a reason as to why we’re going in and not the VE?”

“Well, we're the only one's capable of getting there in time.” Kami slid her fingertips across the Zephyr’s shining bar top in a rare display of affection. “Nothing moves faster than the Z.”

“…cutting, deprivation of necessary elements such as water and proteins, electrocution…”

“And?” Hond pushed himself off the wall, out of the way of the darting Verpine, “What else?”

Vasili flashed Kami his trademark grin. “The dog can smell a payout.”

“Yes.” Kami crossed her arms across her chest, “Switch is offering a substantial finder’s fee. We pull him out, he forwards the VE what he has, then he stays with Osk and makes a living serving the King.”

“The Vast Empire don’t trust him.” Deznim surmised.

“…force-augmented torture, gathering that Thrawn has individuals with the capacity to harnass such a specific and intangible energy field that is, poison, mental anguish, racks and other primitive methods, sensory deprivation,  stoning, suffocation…”

“Ydj.” Kami’s exasperation was clear for all to hear, “Enough!”

Ydj shrank backwards, pulling his stick thin arms in close to his thin body, “Of course Captain. Apologies. Got carried away.”

“That’s a bloody understatement.” Hond snarled.

Kami turned her attention back to Deznim. “Would you trust him? Thrawn’s a tough sonuvabitch, and so are his security systems.”

“I suppose not,” The Ryn allowed. “But he will be an incredible asset for the Company.”

“That’s how I got Snipes to agree to this whole thing.” Kami bit back the urge to sigh, deciding to downplay the heated debate she had had earlier with the heavily intoxicated King. Snipes had always had trouble seeing the wisdom in long-term planning and she doubted he would start anytime soon. He was a master of the 'here and now,' a method that had served him well during his rise to power.

“So when do we leave to save this chump?” Vasili tossed the empty burrito packed to one side and cocked an eyebrow at Kami. “Now?”

Kami nodded and flashed a smile that was all teeth.

“Fire her up.”
|| Retired ||
|| Krath Oracle || Krath Order ||
CM/KO Kami Sharpe/Lion L-01/Krath/Dark Jedi Order/Vast Empire

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[This message has been edited by Kami (edited June 14, 2012 3:06:42 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Kami (edited June 14, 2012 3:08:37 AM)]
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  RE: Spun About (Zephyr)
June 15, 2012 10:48:26 PM    View the profile of Bloodhound 
Hond spit the cigarra out as the heat reached towards his lips. He wasn’t here for Sharpe or Snipes or anyone else. He was here for credits. He made sure he remembered that as he slung his rifle and trudged up the gangplank. He gave Vasili an especially loathsome glare from behind his sunglasses.

The interior hadn’t changed much since the last time he’d been along on one of these rides, as he wandered towards his usual place, lounging in the lounge he growled at himself for even accepting this job. He’d been doing fine as an enforcer for one of the larger of the small gangs that were inevitable on a place like The Locker. He knew Sharpe’s money was good, that was part of it, there was a lot of it and that was another part of it. He lit a cigarette and snaked his hands around behind his head. Fuckit, money’s good.

“WHY IS HE HERE!” Someone screeched.

Hond’s hand planted itself firmly on his face, “How is she still alive?”

He opened his eyes and, yes of course, there was Trix, spilled mop bucket and holding the mop infront of her as though it would somehow ward off Hond’s rather pungent presence. He was going to have to get earplugs, or some sort of Trix-cancelling ear implant, or he could kill her. Option three was the best, but he had a feeling Sharpe wouldn’t approve.

Kami stepped out of the hallway and looked at the scene before her, “Trix, he’s part of the crew, relax.” All reassurance and concern.

“I’m not part of your bloody crew,” Hond grumbled under his breath.

Sharpe’s head shot around and affixed him with a glare, of course from her it wasn’t just any glare. It might be one of the few glares that Hond respected. He also respected the enormous amount of money that glare was promising him.

Finally he sighed, “Yes, I’m part of the crew, at least for now.”

Hond wrapped his arms around his torso and lowered his head sulking. He lit a cigarette quickly and resumed his sulk. He chided himself again for taking the job, which just made him more sulky. He could almost feel Trix sticking her tongue out at him as soon as Sharpe turned her back. It made his hackles rise.

“Hond, would you take the ion cannon until hyperspace,” Sharpe’s voice over the intercom.

Of course, his old duties. He didn’t get to relax. It made his sulk sink. He trudged monotonously to the turret and climbed inside. It wasn’t even a proper weapon. It was an ion cannon. They weren’t real weapons, they were cop toys. I hate my life.

The ship left atmosphere quicker than most would, but of course it would. Kami Sharpe was The Mad King’s right hand. A dangerous woman in her own right as well. Hond scanned the area out of reflex, but this was Eyesore, there would be no trouble. Every ship in Osk knew that there were certain vessels one did not mess with. Zephyr was one of them. Piracy right outside The Locker was generally frowned upon anyway. Him being in the turret was probably just to make sure Trix didn’t have a heart attack and could go about with the mopping. Hond never really understood the mopping of ship floors, water so close to electrical doohickeys seemed like a bad idea, but ships the galaxy over did it. Maybe there was a reason, he just didn’t know, or much care what it was.

The whole mission bothered him, of course. He didn’t like helping out The Mad King, but Sharpe had gotten him out of a very bad place once long ago, and for that he owed her and he would very much like a chance to repay the favor and be out of her debt. Perhaps that was the mysterious third reason he was here.

From his place in the turret he got to see the blue lines of hyperspace envelop them and as soon as he did he climbed out of the turret and resumed his attempt to nap. His assault rifle next to him but the strap wrapped around his arm. It was a habit so ingrained in him that it was unavoidable. He lit a cigarette and relaxed. With the ship in motion and out of danger all he had to do was waste away the hours before he could pull a trigger.

Of course there was the rest of the crew and for the most part they were all incredibly annoying. As long as everyone left him alone this would be an easy trip, but he knew Zephyr better than that. This job is already troublesome.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein.
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  RE: Spun About (Zephyr)
June 20, 2012 4:18:22 AM    View the profile of Kami 
Kami stood in the centre of the Zephry’s tiny cockpit, one booted foot propped on the base of the co-pilot’s chair, her pale green gaze fixed on the information Deznim  had hovering up above the navigational console. All the data she had managed to compile on their target was displayed there, and testament to the slicer’s skill at avoiding documentation over the years, it wasn’t an awful lot. All she and her numerous  contacts at VE intel had been able to dig up were several arrest warrants from various factions and local governments and some video footage from a cantina that showed Switch evading a trio of idiotic enforcement officials. Switch was unidentifiable in the grainy low-grade recording, his frame and features hidden beneath a heavy dark cloak.

“Probably the only reason he left the footage untouched,” Deznim was saying as he jabbed a grey finger at a freeze-frame shot of the slicer’s face. “It adds to the mystique of his persona while preventing his security from being compromised.”

“You sure you want to help someone like this Kams?” Vasili was still in his pilot’s chair, both elbows planted securely on the armrests now that the Z had made the transition safely into hyperspace. “Let alone bring them on board?”

Kami examined the shadowed face beneath the hood for a moment longer. Eventually she tore her eyes away from the image and looked to her pilot. “No, I’m not sure. But since joining Osk we’ve been flying blind for virtually every mission. The only thing we can do is be prepared for everything and anything.”

Vasili offered her a shrug in response. “As you say Cap. But if you think things might go sidewards I think you should speak to Hond, put him on a leash or something. He’s a nasty piece of work at the best of times but he’s been particularly rabid since coming on board.”

Deznim snorted air out of his beaked nose. “You don’t think that might have something to do with you riling him up all the time?”

“Hey,” Vasili extended both hands before him in a casual gesture of supplication. “I just call it like I see it.”

“Let me worry about Hond.” Kami told Vasili. She rested a hand on Dez’s shoulder, “Did you get in contact with Switch?”

“Sent a message just prior to the jump,” Deznim informed her, closing the hovering data with a swipe of his hand. “If Switch is still breathing by the time we reach Agora he’ll be waiting for us.”

“Good,” Kami turned her attention back to Vasili. “I’d like you to stay here for the duration of the flight with Dez and double check that Ydj’s modifications haven’t messed with any of the systems. The last thing we need is for something to explode midway through our dashing getaway.”

“Well, while I understand the need to maintain our rep for spectacular mishaps…” Vasili crossed both hands behind his head and leaned back, “I wasn’t planning on leaving this chair anytime soon. I’ve been apart from this baby for far too long.”

“I’m sure the Z understands that you were otherwise occupied.” Kami told him drily.

Deznim let a snort of laughter as Vasili clutched dramatically at his heart and recoiled back in the plush leather of the chair.

“Kams,” Vasili’s tone was deadpan. “You know that you and the Z are the only two women I need in my life. All those other willowy curves are just a distraction.”

Deznim eyed the pilot. “An expensive distraction.”

Kami couldn’t resist the opportunity. “With its fair share of health considerations.”

Deznim nodded at her. “The Cap has a point, perhaps you should worry less about the Z and more about your own…cargo.”

Vasili jabbed a finger at Kami, unfazed by the double assault, “Now now Kams, jealousy doesn’t suit you!”

Kami laughed despite herself. “You’re insufferable.”

Vasili’s lopsided smile widened. “I aim to please darlin’. Now if you’ll let us men get to work...”

Deznim rolled his eyes and gave Kami a look of abject pleading. “Please don’t leave me with him.”

“Sorry Dez, duty calls.” Kami winked at her XO and slid out the cockpit door into the hallway beyond.

The noise of the engines was more pronounced in the circular passage, though not loud enough to drown out the sound of Deznim’s voice attempting to establish some sort of routine in Kami’s absence. Kami resisted the urge to step back in and help the notoriously stubborn duo out.

The Zephyr’s crew had been apart and doing their own thing for far too long. Somewhere along the way they’d forgotten how to work alongside each other. They only had a few hours before they were likely thrust into some hell-bent situation which required them to point their guns at a common enemy instead of each other, and Kami was determined that her crew use that time to air their own grievances with each other. It wouldn’t take long for the momentary chaos to vanish and the crew to pull together and pave the way for some semblance of co-operation.

At least, she hoped that would be the case.


Kami jolted as she belatedly became aware of the petite figure suddenly lurking at her side. “Geezus Trix. You scared me.”

“I’ve been working on sneaking,” The teenager puffed her chest out in a ridiculous imitation of a Captain’s swagger. “I’ve been working on lots of things actually.”

“Have you now?” Kami crossed both arms and resisted the urge to walk away. She hadn’t had time for the kid for months on in, and as far as she was aware, neither had Aeos. While taking Trix on board had originally been a short-term favour for an old friend, Aeos’s forays off-world meant that there was generally no room for her adopted little sister to tag along. The kid had guts, and brains, but had an awful tendency to land herself in hot water no matter how safe the situation. Trix had now been on the Z for almost a year. And to someone that had spent their entire life on the move, and amongst the garbage mounds on Raxus Prime, that was about as stable as things could get.

Trix crossed her arms as well and fixed Kami with a determined glare. “Yup. I know you think I’m just a dumb kid Cap, but I can do more than sweep floors.”

“Really?” Kami couldn’t quit keep the amusement from her voice. This encounter had clearly been planned, and Trix’s nerves were visible with the slight shaking of her fingers. “You been to the shooting range yet?”

Trix’s carefully controlled expression flickered. “Am I allowed to?”

“Sure.” Kami offered the younger girl a smile. “After the mission.”

Trix’s fawn colored eyebrows furrowed. This encounter was clearly not going to plan. Kami watched as the light flickered in the teenager’s eyes, she could almost hear the kid’s thoughts whirring. After a moment Trix spoke again. “I think I should come on the mission.”

“And I think you can do more good on-board, with Ydj,” Kami let her arms fall to her side. “Do you think I could concentrate out there if I was worrying about you?”

“You…worry about me?” Trix recoiled instinctively, a trained response to a lifetime of rejection.

“I worry about all of my crew.” Kami moved with her, taking a small step forward and laying a hand gently on Trix’s scrawny shoulder, “Tell you what, you stick it out with Ydj on the Z while we’re on Agora and I’ll take you to the range myself.”

Trix glanced from Kami’s hand to the identical pair of expensive Kuati heavy blasters strapped to Kami’s thighs. “Can I shoot one of those?”

“Hell no,” Kami swiped her hand across the girl’s head, ruffling her hair. “Now scram. I have to go prep.”

The teenager searched Kami’s gaze for a moment, as though committing the moment (and promise) to memory, before spinning about and vanishing back into the shadows of the Zephyr.

Alone, the sound of Dezmin and Vasili’s rising voices echoing from behind her, Kami allowed a sigh to escape her lungs. Sometimes she felt more like a poor arse substitute for a mother than a Captain, and that was on the good days.

Kami ran a hand through her loose mane of black hair and started back down the hallway towards the lounge. She had one more crew member to drill before they hit their destination. After that, if she was lucky, she might be able to catch up on some much needed sleep.
|| Retired ||
|| Krath Oracle || Krath Order ||
CM/KO Kami Sharpe/Lion L-01/Krath/Dark Jedi Order/Vast Empire

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  RE: Spun About (Zephyr)
July 8, 2012 7:31:17 AM    View the profile of Kami 
The thud of the Zephyr’s landing gear making contact with the surface of Agora reverberated through the metal decking beneath Kami’s feet. She looked up from securing a fresh clip of ammo into one of her Kylan-3 heavy blaster pistols.

“Status Vee.” She spoke to the air before the airlock, relying on the flesh-colored transmitter hooked about her left ear to convey her order to the cockpit.

“Holding up so far Kams,”  Vasili’s voice murmured in response. “As far as the Rebs are concerned we’re just another merchant ship stopping for supplies.”

“Fits the bill,” Hond interjected from where he was standing just behind Kami. The mercenary had donned his heavy jacket in preparation for the extraction, the protective body armor he wore beneath barely visible thanks to the garment’s loose form. “Especially with that piece of shit ion cannon strapped to the belly.”

Kami shot Hond a look of warning before addressing Vasili again. “Those papers will only hold for a few hours at the very most. Be ready to lift off at the first sign of trouble.”

There was a thud, then a crackle of static in reply. Kami cocked her head to one side, her hand subconsciously curling about the barrel of her pistol. “Vee…you there?”

“I’m here,” Vasili’s mop of scruffy hair preceded his lanky form as the pilot strutted into the room, a blaster pistol held casually in one hand. He offered his Captain his trademark grin. “I’m coming. Ydj can handle the Z.”

Kami opened her mouth to protest, hesitated as she sized up the man’s infuriating smile, and then decided against wasting her breath. Having another blaster along for the ride wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially since she was unsure as to how many agents Thrawn had tracking their target. She took a step towards the pilot and jabbed a slender finger into the solid bulk of his chest. “Fine. But this is not to be a repeat of Sluis Van, alright?”

Vasili’s expression slipped into a mock pout. “What? No lasers flying at my face?  No almost dying?”

Deznim let out a snort from where he was standing directly opposite the airlock door. “You know that’s pretty much a given.”

“True,” Vasili looked Kami up and down, letting his gaze linger just a second too long on the low cut of her high-collared top. “Speaking of which, are you planning on doing Thrawn’s job for him Kams or is this just the latest Agora fashion?”

“I’m not planning on getting hit,” Kami turned her back on the pilot and spun the pistol in her hand into the empty holster strapped to her left thigh. “That’s your specialty.”

Deznim’s musical laughter was joined by a deep bark of mirth from Hond. The mercenary jabbed the butt of his shotgun into Vasili’s side before slipping the weapon smoothly beneath his coat and out of sight. His glowing red eyes flashed before he slid a pair of dark circular shades into place, “In that case flyboy, you’re more than welcome to ride shotgun for me.”

“I’d rather not be stabbed repeatedly in the back.” Vasili  said, sidling up to Kami’s side.

A whir of machinery and the hiss of the room depressurizing preceded the plated airlock sliding back to reveal the spaceport beyond. Kami started down the ramp as it quickly extended from the side of the Z and locked into place on the hangar floor with a resounding thud. Vasili followed on her heels in his casual swaggering fashion, Deznim at his back, with Hond bringing up the rear.

The small group made their way across the sparse hangar. Apart from the Zephyrthe small installation contained only one other ship, a battered Firespray-class vessel that looked as though it had seen better days. They made it to the small office situated directly opposite the exit on the far side of the hangar before they were greeted by a five-man security squad of New Republic personnel.

“Halt.” The soldier at the fore of the group raised a gloved hand, palm facing outwards. “Papers.”

Kami did as she was commanded, adopting an air of impatience as Deznim scuttled forward to provide the Sergeant in charge of security with their documentation. She had no qualms about being recognized by NR forces while on Agora. The planet was the backwater of the Sluis Van Sector, lacking the advanced screening procedures and equipment present on the busier world of Sluis Van itself. The security team looked bored out of their minds, probably fulfilling a basic rotation requirement of their service. It was likely the small contingent of NR forces stationed on-world dealt primarily with bar brawls and domestic disputes. There was, after all, nothing of any strategic importance for them to protect.

“All good,” The Sergeant gestured for his men to step aside. “Enjoy your stay on Agora.”

Kami flashed the man a smile that lacked completely in warmth. “We will.”

Deznim scurried up to her shoulder as the four members of the Zephyr’s crew moved out of the shadowy protection of the hangar and into the bright sunlight on the dusty street beyond. Without batting an eye, the Ryn promptly dumped their documentation in the nearest public disposal system. The papers they had acquired to get them access to Agora were only capable of passing the most rudimentary of inspections. Once the Sergeant and his team finished their patrol and processed their copy of the paperwork back at head office, their systems would notify them that the identities and ship I.D provided upon docking actually belonged to the crew of another ship. A ship that had, a few weeks prior, mistakenly flown too close to Osk space. The unfortunate crew members on-board were now either dead or wallowing in captivity in the dank cells beneath the Locker.

A soft chime announced to all within earshot that Deznim had received a private message. He unclipped the small datapad fixed to his belt and scrolled the recently received text quickly before flicking his bright gold eyes to Kami.

“Switch has made contact. I have co-ordinates of his location.”

“Where?” Kami asked him. Her own gaze was sliding back and forth, taking in every seemingly insignificant detail of their surroundings as they moved onto one of the main streets.

“A tavern not far from here.” Deznim replied.

Kami swore gently under her breath. “It always has to be a tavern.”

“Not much else here to be fair,” Vasili spoke up from behind her. “At least if he stands us up we can have a drink.”

Kami tilted her head at Deznim, signalling that the slight Ryn take the lead. He took several quick steps forward and ducked to the left and down a side alley. Kami, Vasili and Hond followed, blending in the with the living press of the market place until they were swallowed up by the crowd.
|| Retired ||
|| Krath Oracle || Krath Order ||
CM/KO Kami Sharpe/Lion L-01/Krath/Dark Jedi Order/Vast Empire

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[This message has been edited by Kami (edited July 12, 2012 2:57:45 AM)]
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  RE: Spun About (Zephyr)
July 19, 2012 11:29:53 AM    View the profile of Decembrist 
Vasili took a deep breath before entering the tavern. Unlike cantinas, in his experience, taverns tended to smell less like stale alcohol and more like whatever local cuisine was the most unwelcoming. On some planets the stench could be stomach-emptying. The pilot was not going to chance it given how nervous he was. It had been too long since the last time he was on a strange new world. Not that Agora was all that exotic, either. He was just used to the shiny, filtered interior of spaceships and houses of ill-repute; or whatever Osk had to offer for those things. The Zephyr wasn’t exactly right-out-of-the-box and the ladies of the night seemed to put all their coin into “maintenance”. V shuddered at the thought and exhaled, taking in a small whiff of the establishment (where Switch supposedly was at) and dared to think how similar his latest visit to the Bordello smelled.

“You’re lookin’ a little green, flyboy,” Hond slapped Vasili’s back as he overtook him into the tavern. The jolt almost sent V’s breakfast of toast and jam (a special concoction of regular fruit and old booze he liked to call “rocket sauce”) onto the nearest plate of cuisine.

For a mutt, V thought, his nose sure is dull.

Even Kami had to tilt her head down to her high collar for a moment while adjusting to the smog of Agoran breakfast. “Let’s find Switch and get out of here quick,” the captain said, slightly exasperated. “This place smells worse than V’s bunk.”

Deznim, as unfazed by the atmosphere and focused as always on the mission, reminded them over the chuckles of Hond that Switch would meet them by the Holoterminals in the back. Vasili excused himself to the window, unsure of his stomach but sure that Switch would not appreciate being welcomed with it all over his clothing. The rest of the group continued out of sight to the back.

Thrusting his head out of the nearest window, V gave himself a few gasps of fresh air before examining the interior of the joint more closely. He looked at the crowd, a few giving the queasy spacer in the jumpsuit some curious looks, and wondered how so many Agorans could enjoy a meal like this. He decided that they needed to be introduced to his rocket sauce. And then abruptly anyone below the window, indeed, was introduced.

As he was spewing his refined space cuisine out of the building, V took note of where the landing pad was and allowed himself to fantasize. The pilot always needed to know the layout of where they were, the easiest routes back to his ship in case Kami died or was wounded enough to leave her and take the Zephyr. He could even leave Hond behind if he was lucky (Vasili was, in abundance) and smart (it didn’t take much to outsmart the brute of a gunman). Ydj could stay. The Verpine mechanic had proven useful with all his “aftermarket modifications”, as he would explain through the translation collar. V knew the basics of repair, but even he struggled to keep up with the wordy and obtuse explanations the bug gave him. Everything was fair game, from homemade overdrives to heat dampeners installed in the closet Ydj resided in (the Verpine preferred a humid environment like his homeworld). Vasili had grown fond of the twitchy little guy. Then again, everybody V met with an oversized sniper rifle and no need for offered coin was his friend and certainly someone who could be employed, whatever that meant to the alien freak.

He would still need to get rid of the kid. While Ydj had buzzed his way into Vasili’s realm of people he didn’t dream of screwing in one way or another, Trix had snuck her way into the pilot’s ninth circle of hell. Aeos’ sisterling was no better than a space rat. She was always crawling through the service ducts, hiding in shadows, climbing on ceilings, jumping out and thrusting a flashlight or rationbar or any other makeshift shiv at V in his squishy spots yelling…

“Killed you!”

V recoiled with the grace of a rotten root vegetable and slumped against the wall below the window, clutching at the spot on his side where Trix had driven a spoon into. “I’ve killed you nineteen times,” the little punk said with a shit-eating grin. “Cap’n’ should keep you on the ship and let me come on missions. You’re always dying.”

“You stabbed me with a spoon!” Vasili squirmed on the floor, his shades clacking onto the dusty tile.

“I decided against the fork,” Trix kneeled down to V.

The man groaned as he got to his knees, “how merciful.” Trix helped him to his feet and he leaned out the window again. “You little laserbrain, what are you doing here?”

The girl emulated V over the window and said nonchalantly, “Ydj wanted me to climb into the cooling vents while he performed some diagnostics. I told him I’d be fried to a crisp, he muttered something about exoskeletons and air conditioning, climbed in himself and told me to get you.”

“You didn’t want to use the comm?”

“Kami locked me out after I used it to talk to some scavengers over Osk about the latest big finds.”

Vasili remembered the incident. The scavengers had just about made the hyperspace jump away when the Despoiler scrambled most of its fighters and blew them into space debris. Thus was the penalty for discovering Osk. V hoped they had some good news to tell before they died.

From their window in the tavern they had a good vantage point. The market was bustling and dust billowed in the distance, emanating from the space port. As it died down, V realized that the Zephyr was the cause of the disturbance. “He’s working on the thrusters again, isn’t he?”

Trix squinted, “looks like it. He’s always going on about how the Z doesn’t travel nearly as fast as it should in atmo.”

V hung his head down to his chest as he leaned over the rail. “Our alien friend doesn’t quite understand that any faster and anyone without an exoskeleton will have their insides as wall decorations.”

Trix frowned, but V reassured her that they’d make him undo it when they get back. If Ydj didn’t get to play around, he’d lose interest and leave. Then Kami would actually have to find a real mechanic that would demand pay. In credits. It was much easier to just boss around the living twig.

“I took a look at that Firespray next to us in the hangar,” the girl changed subjects quickly. “It didn’t have any markings on it, like us.” Vasili tried to remember what she as talking about, but he had been too busy watching Captain Kami in her Captain Clothing to be bothered with other ships. He only had eyes for the Z anyways. Trix continued, “the ship was flying dark orange colors. She’d seen a lot of space, but her hull wasn’t patchy. I saw four panels that weren’t stock, too. I think they were missile compartments. Modifications. That’s a pirate, right? Like us?”

Vasili gave her a glance and a smirk. The girl had an eye for ships, and that was alright by V. “Slow down there, kid. We aren’t pirates; don’t let that imagination run wild now,” he winked. “Besides, no pirate would fly colors. The whole point of being a pirate is that you’re a free man, you don’t have no allegiance to any color.” Of course, that wasn’t entirely true. Eyesore was decorated with the banners of the Osk Company, and some ships even flew with the insignia. But anything said to keep the kid from speaking of pirates any louder was worth saying. The pilot kept his next thought to himself, though. Bounty hunter. Being in a place with a bounty hunter bold enough to fly his colors meant trouble and lots of it. There was only one mark in this sector worth the trouble of someone like that, too…

The room went silent. Entering now were four, grey-and-blue-clad foot soldiers armed with rifles and shuffling with the gait of authority. V swiftly grabbed his comm from inside his jumpsuit and called Kami. “Four NR goons just walked in, Cap. Best be on your very shiniest.”

“We’re gonna need a quick escape, V,” she replied back, and even though she would never hint it in her voice, V had learned to detect panic from his Captain. He wouldn’t blatantly disobey her this time.

“Copy,” he said and pocketed the comm. He turned to grab Trix and found she had slinked off somewhere. He wheeled around, but couldn’t pick her out. The NR goons were blocking the entrance, and V’s thoughts were scrambling to find an exit. Just as quickly as she had disappeared, Trix appeared upside down in the window.

“Up here!” she urged in a hushed tone and pulled herself onto the roof. Knowing that he wasn’t meant to fly without a ship, Vasili at his most careful dragged himself onto the roof as well, hoping the NR boys didn’t witness it. No doubt they would’ve laughed at him and V just couldn’t deal with that kind of pressure right now.

Staggering to his feet, he saw Trix kneeling at the far edge of the roof. She turned halfway, pressed one finger to her lips, and pointed across the way. On the opposite roof, unaware she was being watched, a slim, tall female human in light, orange body armor was kneeling and watching a heavily robed figure hurriedly make his way down an alley. The bounty hunter had shiny black hair, the left half of it shaved down to less than a centimeter, the rest of which fell to her shoulder. Over her eyes she wore a green visor that strapped around the back of her head, and her shaved side from her temple down under her armor she had black tattoos, wild and flowing. V lost himself for a moment thinking just how far down they went, and then snapped out of it when the huntress vaulted from her perch, slid down a wall and landed on the surprised, cloaked individual.

Desperate not to let the bounty slip away from them, Vasili yelled out. The bounty huntress snapped her head up and fluidly brought around her wrist, threatening with a mounted blaster, then taking off with their slicer. The pilot stood and fumbled for his comm, whipping it out at the same moment that Trix jumped up to grab onto a pole that ventured to the street. The girl’s tenacity and excitement knocked the comm out of her pilot’s hand and down to the street, shattering into hundreds of glistening pieces. The girl was off, after the huntress, and V had no way to call for help.

“I’m gonna get shot again,” he grumbled as he grabbed the pole and gingerly worked his way down.
Imperial Network Star Wars Image
Senior Sergeant Vasili "Decembrist" Rustam
Kami's Underthing

Adept of the Dark Jedi Order
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  RE: Spun About (Zephyr)
July 20, 2012 3:48:30 AM    View the profile of Kami 
Kami drummed the fingers of her gloved right hand on the metal tabletop of the booth in which she and Deznim were seated. Every few seconds her bright green eyes would flick to the chrono visible on Deznim’s wrist where he was sitting opposite her. After the fifth time the Ryn offered her a shrug of his scrawny shoulders and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

“Might be we’ve actually been stood up.” Dez murmured quietly, taking a small sip of the frothy purple beverage he has ordered.

“No.” Kami’s gaze traveled over the mass of humanity in the tavern, not allowing her eyes to linger too long on Hond where he was perched at the bar opposite also with drink in hand. The mercenary looked perfectly at home, one booted foot propped on a nearby stool, but Kami was more than aware of his capacity to move quickly at his signal. She looked back to Deznim before speaking again, “Something has gone wrong.”

Deznim stiffened at the tone of her voice. While more than proficient with a blaster the Ryn lacked the years of military service his Captain had. He had not quite developed the ‘itch’ that veteran soldiers experienced when missions took a turn for the worse. It was this precognitive ability to predict a turn for the worse that had kept Kami alive throughout hundreds of sticky situations. While this itch was not unheard of, Kami’s capacity to sense trouble had ultimately become ingrained in her reputation. Some called it luck, others coincidence, and others still wisely held their tongue and their thoughts about dormant mystical powers. A stalwart believer in what she could physically see and touch, Kami disregarded all the theories. All that mattered in her mind was that she and hers lived to see another day.

The soft hiss of static drew Kami’s attention back to the present. Vasili had clearly taken a break from heaving up the questionable contents of his stomach as his voice sounded in her ear moments later.

“Four NR goons just walked in, Cap.” He said. “Best be on your very shiniest.”

Kami slid out of the booth and to her feet in a single motion, tossing a cred chip down on the tabletop as she did so. Deznim followed suit and made to sidestep out of the booth only to hesitate as a pair of black-clad human men blocked his path as they also excited their adjacent booth.

“Sorry!” Deznim started in reflex, both furry hands flying up before him in a gesture of subjugation, “I’m always running into people…”

The man closest to Deznim ignored the stuttering alien and shifted his gaze to Kami. For a moment the dark eyes started to shift away only to flick back and suddenly fixate on her face. The smooth skin of the man’s forehead furrowed and his lips parted, the subtle clues the only forewarning Kami had before a flash of recognition lit up in his dark depths.

“Down Dez!” Kami yelled, hooking a hand under the table and casting it towards her friend. She heard Deznim’s muffled yelp as the heavy table connected with his shoulder before both he and the man standing next to him were driven to the floor. The still standing companion of the downed man started to reach beneath heavy coat and pull his weapon free only to recoil as the blaster clasped in Kami’s left hand jumped. Her first shot went wide, driving a red gouge across the side of the man’s neck. The second hit him directly in the centre of his forehead and sent his twitching corpse flying back into the booth he had only just recently vacated.

Screams sounded as the patrons of the tavern panicked at the sound of blasterfire. Kami span the barrel of her smoking blaster towards the remaining black-clad stranger only to see Deznim on top of him. Both of the Ryn’s hands as well as his powerful tail were wrapped about the man’s neck, choking the last remnant of life from his ashen-faced assailant.

“Freeze!” Someone shouted from behind Kami, the voice ringing with authority.

Kami didn’t hesitate. Without looking she snapped her second blaster from its holster and swung both of her weapons about in the direction of the voice.

The NR patrol scattered for cover as they abruptly found themselves under fire. Kami tracked the movement of the closest soldier, a young woman, managing to drill a laser bolt into her shoulder before she made it behind the cover of a nearby pole. The woman’s shriek of pain was barely audible as her comrades returned fire.

Kami swore and dropped down, her hair sizzling as a bolt passed mere inches from her cheek.  The side of the booth shuddered violently as it absorbed the combined firepower of the Republic troopers, threatening to collapse inwards and disintegrate. Kami locked her jaw and forced herself to focus on loading another clip into one of her spent pistols. The stream of firepower stuttered, then came to an abrupt halt as the loud crack of a shotgun pierced the air. Despite the severity of the situation, a smile caught at the edges of Kami’s lips. Hond had entered the fray.

She leapt back up from behind cover, catching the sight of four troopers as they slowly span about to deal with the new threat. Hond walked slowly towards their position, one hand steadily reloading the brutal weapon on every pace, the other squeezing the trigger. One of his rounds turned the girl Kami had hit into a bloodied pulp as such close range. The man at her side gaped momentarily at what remained of his squad member before he too fell victim to the lethal barrage of shotgun pellets.

Meanwhile Deznim had popped up from behind the table and joined the fight. A stream of his red laser bolts drilled into the soldier shouting frantically into his comm unit. Kami took careful aim and focused on the last of the squad, a man with grey hair showing at his temples. The solider bared his teeth in a grimace of defiance and pain as she slugged three powerful rounds into his chest, execution style.  A fountain of arterial blood burst free of his mouth as he collapsed sidewards, his rifle flying free of his limp fingers and clattering across the length of the floor until it rested at Kami’s feet.

“You alright Dez?”Kami asked without taking her eyes from the scene before her. A few patrons were still huddled beneath booths , chairs and tables, not willing to risk being shot despite the sudden ceasefire. A brave few scuttled out the door and into the street beyond. Kami let them leave, more than aware that the deceased NR squad had already sounded the alarm. They only had ten or so minutes before back-up arrived.

“I’m alright,” Deznim replied. There was the sound of scrabbling claws as Deznim leaped onto the table of the booth and examined the black-clad man Kami had shot. “You might want to look at this.”

Kami turned to him, relying on Hond to cover the tavern, and arched an eyebrow as Deznim held up several holo-images that had been tucked in the man’s inner coat pocket. One was of her, a surveillance shot that looked as though it had been taken on the muddied streets of the Locker.

“Thrawn’s men?” Deznim asked her drily, rifling through the images and showing her another, this one of himself. “Or secret admirers?”

“My bet is on Thrawn.” Kami closed her eyes momentarily as she sought to process everything. Thrawn’s people were seemingly not only aware of Switch’s location, but of the deal the slicer had brokered with her and her crew. They also had access to Eyesore, which suggested the placement of several covert agents. Even if they managed to get Switch off Agora there was a real chance that the slicer would simply die back in friendly territory.

When she opened her eyes Hond was standing next to her. The mercenary had removed his glasses and was now watching her with his disturbing glowing gaze.

“We only have a few minutes to make a decision here Sharpe,” He growled, echoing her own thoughts. “Your slicer is as good as dead.”

“Back to the Z,” Kami snapped, all of her momentary indecision gone. She looked to Deznim. “Check them for anything else.” She raised a slim hand and pressed the small switch of her earpiece. “Ydj, we need to be ready for a hasty exit.”

“Affirmative,” Ydj’s reply came courtesy of his translation droid. “Though you should be aware that both pilot Vasili and litter-runt Trix are not currently on-board.”

“What?” Kami glanced about, only suddenly aware that she had no idea where Vasili was. Hond let out a growl at her side and started to stalk about the interior of the tavern, overturning chairs and tables and startling frightened patrons.

“Where are you flyboy!” He roared to the air. “I am not getting killed for you!”

“Miss Sharpe.”

Kami stilled as Ydj’s chatter abruptly gave way to an unfamiliar voice over the comm. Deep, gravelly, and decidedly male, the voice was clearly a construct of a program that prevented others from extrapolating an identity via voice signature. Hond and Deznim’s heads whipped around as they too heard the voice. Someone had cracked into the frequency being used by the entire crew of the Zephyr.

“Who is this?” Kami responded in clipped tones, not willing to be intimidated despite their situation.

“Your paycheck,” The voice responded. “I hope you’re not considering going back on our deal.”

“The deal was conditional on you actually being here for pickup,” Kami snarled. “And since you’ve decided to run we’ll replicate the favor.”

There was a burst of static as the voice failed to disguise a snort. “You are feisty Sharpe, but then again, I would expect nothing less. I became aware of the two agents and sought to re-examine my choice of venue. I did not expect you to start killing everyone in sight.”

“Where are you you fucking piece of shit?” Hond jutted into the conversation, his anger threatening to boil over. “I’ll gut you myself you cowardly-“

“Enough,” Kami bit out the word and caused the mercenary to pause. She addressed the next words to Switch. “What do you want?”

“I’m willing to offer you more than the original deal if you stick to the extraction plan,” The slicer replied calmly, unfazed by Hond’s death threats. “I am of course taking into account the additional risk posed by local enforcement agents, Thrawn’s agents and the bounty hunter.”

“Bounty hunter?” Deznim’s mustachios billowed as he exhaled heavily before he clutched his forehead with one hand. “This is so typical.”

Kami gestured for both Hond and Deznim to follow her as she spun about and started towards the rear exit of the tavern,

“Alright. Go ahead, I’m listening.”
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CM/KO Kami Sharpe/Lion L-01/Krath/Dark Jedi Order/Vast Empire

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  RE: Spun About (Zephyr)
July 20, 2012 11:01:27 AM    View the profile of Decembrist 
As Vasili inched his way closer to the corner of two alleyways, pistol in his hand and sweat smearing against the wall as he slinked along, the thought crossed his mind about how very cliché this all was. How many dozens of times before had he gotten mixed up with the NR mucking up a bounty? The bounty hunter was a nice touch. V didn’t know what he preferred, though; a team of mercs with the combined intelligence of a dwarf Gamorrean or the single, highly skilled huntress. Take your pick, he’d seen it dozens of times. It would be boring to him if his adrenaline would just shut its’ goddamn mouth. He knew how the story ended when he was mixed up with a woman. The not-so-sudden urge to remove himself from the situation brought itself to the forefront.

But this was new. A gunshot from around the corner, and immediately Vasili’s mind went to the girl. Trix, dammit! The pilot jumped out, unloading five shots from his pistol and hitting nothing but wall. Lying on the ground was the hooded man, Switch, but the Huntress had vanished. There was a scraping noise from above, and V jerked his head skyward. Staring down at him were the green eyes of the orange huntress. She sat casually on the edge of a building, coiling up a grappling rope. Snarling with contempt, she roared to V, “the bounty’s mine, spacer!”

Keeping an eye on the woman perched like death above him, V bent down to check on the cloak. He wore a mask so there was no telling whether he was dead upon glancing.

“Back off if you don’t want to end up like Switch.” Her voice was icy, dark and smooth, like a panther in the night. By the sound of her accent she was from the Core and her skin was the kind of pale from a cold planet. The Huntress stood.

“Why don’t we work together?” V’s voice shook, an obvious ploy.

She frowned and reached for something out of view. “Oh, sweetie,” her voice patronizing, “I already have a partner.” She pulled the girl forward by her hair, giving birth to a yelp and whimpers. “Try to stop me from collecting and I’ll kill this rat.” Spinning away provided yet another cry and then they were gone.

I really, really hate rooftops, V begrudged. Who keeps building cities like this?! Don’t they know rooftops are perfect for criminals and little laserbrains? He holstered his pistol inside the chest of his jumper and knelt to examine their lost bounty. Kami wouldn’t be happy, and neither would Hond. He’d get the blame for this. And for losing Trix. Hell, he might as well just go back to the tavern and start drinking now. “You got a drink, guy?” he asked facetiously to the corpse as he pulled a cigarette out. He had “quit” smoking, he told himself. This was just the last cigarette he’d have before Kami killed him.

Half groan and half sigh, that’s all it took to relieve the ache of his thighs supporting his kneeling weight. V methodically starting looting the slicer, starting from the legs, up to the pockets at his waist (which lacked any sort of credit), the sides of his torso (which lacked any sort of credit-worthy weaponry), and down to the place that his hand should’ve been that the Huntress had taken as proof of collection. “Now here is something interesting,” the pilot muttered through his smoke. He lifted the arm and examined the wrist. It wasn’t fleshy. There was no blood.

The cloak hid all of the slicer’s features, but V focused on the mask. “Clever bastard.” The eyes seemed to be humanoid, but when V tore the face off the eyes went with it to unveil a droid. Vasili sighed and crushed his cigarette on the forehead of the machine man, where the blaster bolt had ended its’ “life”.

This means I have to go get Trix back. And I was that much closer to getting my ship. Maybe I will have that drink. To broken dreams!

He wasn’t sure where Kami had gone off to, nor where the huntress, but he was sure that he wasn’t climbing another goddamn roof. When he returned to the tavern he wasn’t even surprised to see half a dozen people dead on the floor and the crew nowhere to be found. The stench had amplified greatly with the smell of death. By the style of wound, he could tell who killed who: half a torso meant Hond, an accurate pierce to a soft target meant Kami, and he figured the one that had gone blue in the face had met Deznim’s lizard side. V mouthed “pardon me” as he stepped over a corpse and headed towards the Holoterminals only to be stopped by an NR goon rounding the same corner.

“Hands where I can see them, spacer.” The goon held a rifle loosely against his shoulder.

“Does my jumper really give me away that quickly?” V was genuinely troubled by everyone calling him out so easily. He wasn’t just some space-trucker. “Oh, sorry,” the glorified space-trucker outstretched his arms. “You fellas runnin’ clean-up?” he gave his grin.

“Were you here for this?” the goon asked, barely keeping his professionalism from slipping into disdain. 

In turn, V barely kept himself from being a smartass. “No. Er, sir. I was chasing my little sister outside.”

“Well, what’s your business here? This is a crime scene.”

“I just came for a drink.” V looked down at the bodies. There were two that weren’t NR. “But I think I should call my wife now.”

The NR nodded, and stepped out of the way for V to go to the Holoterminals. There was another goon back here. Maybe criminals often used public hubs to conduct their crimes and this guy was waiting for someone to show up. Or maybe he just had bad gas and didn’t want to be around his partner (if he had eaten breakfast here, he probably did). Either way he was watching V, who could feel eyes on his back. He placed the receiver to his ear and made the call, sans video.

“Yes, hello, hi,” the rapid, breathless  greeting of Ydj over the line.

“Hi… honey,” V would have to dig deep here, flashes of romantics with Ydj flashing in his imagination, abruptly ceasing upon the thought of mandibles exploring his skin.

“Pilot Rustam! Captain Sharp has been inquiring about you. Yes, she very dearly hopes that you are well and insists that you are hers to kill. Or maim. Something about needing your fingers but not your toes. And then the Hond-“ inhale, ”where are you?”

“Now I know you don’t like me drinkin’ this early, darlin’-“

“Ah, you’re still at the collection point! I shall inform Captain Sharpe at once. Well, when I stop talking to you. Or should I go now?...”

V turned to the NR goon with the bad gas and whispered “never lets me get a word in” with a roll of his eyes.
“… and then once that’s done and little human Trix is back-“ inhale, “where is she?”

“Oh! Have our neighbors left for their trip yet? They wanted us take their rat. Be sure to get her from them before they leave.”

“I see. WHICH REMINDS ME! You should see the modifications I’ve made to the exhaust system. I’ve been working very hard on it, it is a masterpiece! I took the auxiliary systems and –“ exhale, “return to the ship immediately, says Ms. Sharp. Captain Sharp!” Ydj yelled away from the microphone before cutting the line.

“I’ll be killed if I don’t get back all quick-like,” V smiled to the gas man. On his way out he plucked a bottle of brown liquor from behind the bar. Two steps from the door, when he had figured he was clear to get back to the Z, the first goon rushed out.

“Hey wait!”

For some reason, impulse, Vasili stopped and turned, reaching down into his jumper to grab his shades.

The goon was in the middle of saying “I need to see your papers” when he saw the move V was making, and confusing it for a weapon, slid to his back and started spraying his rifle. The people on the street yelled and trampled over each other to find safety. V brought his arms to his head (Dammit not the face!) and condensed his frame. The rifle clicked “empty”, and V peered out of his courageous defensive stance. He was patting himself down to check if his run had luck out - but come on, let’s be real – when the gas man emerged from the tavern. Vasili jerked his pistol off of his side and fired three shots, the first and third catching the man in the door.

“You bastards!” the pilot yelled waving his pistol in one hand and bottle of liquor in the other. He flailed/jumped with adrenaline a couple times, his head in a rush, before jogging to the goon on the ground and kicking the rifle out of his hands. “You clowns should be after the bounty hunter, not me! Am I wearing orange body armor? Am I scaling your poorly zoned buildings? I mean COME ON. Who is on your city council?!”

“What?” the man on the ground blathered.

“Orange firespray in the spaceport. That’s a bounty hunter, you jackass. You’re security aren’t you? Isn’t that your job? SECURE SOMETHING!”

Fear gripped the man’s eyes. Surely he thought the murderer raving about bounty hunters and city counselors would turn on him. Of course V wasn’t going to kill him, just hint that the NR should mass their security into the same landing pad as the Zephyr.

The pilot spun about to face the direction of his babygirl, spying from the hilltop tavern as if to see all the people who wanted to shoot him (Huntress, NR, men in black from the tavern, his captain, etc.) crashing down on the space port. All the adrenaline and emotion drained from him as he realized just how mucked up this became. He felt hollow for a moment, stumbling forward under the dark thoughts of losing the Z and wondering just when she had become a priority. The pilot recovered with a swig from the bottle he held and wordlessly trudged forward, mad eyes behind the glasses.
Imperial Network Star Wars Image
Senior Sergeant Vasili "Decembrist" Rustam
Kami's Underthing

Adept of the Dark Jedi Order
TRN/ADT V/T-03/Lopen/DJO/Vast Empire

I may not be that perfect son, but y'all'll be rockin' when I'm done.
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  RE: Spun About (Zephyr)
July 22, 2012 2:18:46 AM    View the profile of Kami 
By the time Vasili sauntered up the ramp of the Zephyr, a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette dangling from his lips, Kami had been stewing for a good few minutes. She intercepted him at the top of the ramp and slammed him back into a metallic storage compartment fixed to the ship’s wall. The bottle hit the deck with a resounding thud, the remaining liquor spilling out and pooling about Kami’s boots as she pushed her face up directly before her pilot’s.

“You were supposed to stay in the bloody tavern,” Kami hissed between clenched teeth. “Instead you wander off and leave us one down for when the shit hits the fan.”

Vasili took a casual draw of the cigarette with his one free hand, making no move to attempt to free himself from her grasp. His voice and expression remained infuriatingly calm in the face of his Captain’s anger. “Sorry darlin’.”

“Sorry?” Kami fought down the urge to slam her elbow into Vasili’s smug face. “About what exactly? Vanishing or losing Trix?”

Vasili offered her a shrug of shoulders and the flash of a smile in response. “Both?”

Kami shoved herself away from the pilot and forced a deep breath into her lungs. While punching Vee in the face would be satisfying, it did little to aid their quickly crumbling payment plan. She opted instead to violently kick the half-empty whiskey with a booted foot.  Vasili’s mouth dropped open in poorly disguised shock as the bottle flew out of the Zephyr and vanished into the hangar beyond. Kami slapped the panel near the doorway to bring the ramp up and seal the loading dock before her idiotic pilot could chase after it.

“Heeeeeeeeeeyyy….” Vasili looked genuinely devastated. “That wasn’t half bad.”

“Cockpit.” Kami managed between gritted teeth. “Now.”

The pilot considered her for a moment, clearly determining whether or not further protest would result in instantaneous death, before pushing himself off the wall and wisely starting towards the cockpit. Kami followed on his heels, already in the process of calling Deznim.

“Vee is on-board. Get us airborne.”

The engines of the Zephyr whined in response, the floor shifting slightly as the light freighter lifted free of the hangar floor. Kami and Vasili made it to the cockpit as Ydj maneuvered the Z completely free of the small hangar and into the atmosphere.

“Move aside bugman,” Vasili announced as he entered. “Daddy’s home.”

Ydj scuttled out of the pilot’s chair to make way for the somewhat inebriated pilot and scuttled to Kami’s side.

“Captain,” The Verpine twitched a long leg before her face. “Could we possibly take this opportunity to discuss your ban on any modifications to the sublight drive?”

“No, we cannot.” Kami shot Ydj a glare that would have withered most humans. The Verpine, still unfamiliar with human expression despite his time on the Zephyr continued on in his perpetually jovial manner.

“Of course,” He bobbed his head up and down several times. “I will endeavor to schedule an appropriate time for an appointment in the near future. I understand that processing the intended mutilation of Pilot Vasili utilizes a significant proportion of a human's mental capacity.”

“Can everyone shut up?” Vasili interjected from where he was now completely at ease in his chair. “I think I feel a headache coming on.”

“A headache or a hangover?” Kami snapped at him. She flicked her blazing green eyes to Deznim. “Give him the co-ordinates.”

The Ryn nodded warily and brought up the co-ordinates provided by Switch for Vasili. The pilot eyed them for a moment and directed his next question at Deznim. “There a reason we’re not running?”

Deznim’s golden gaze flicked to Kami momentarily for permission before he answered. “We’re not running, Switch has doubled the pot.”

“Doubled?” Despite himself, Vasili looked to Kami for clarification. “Are we sure he can even deliver?”

Kami suppressed her irrational urge to continue lashing out at the pilot. Vasili’s capacity to unravel her legendary calm was freakishly effective. “He already has,” She managed, her tone substantially calmer. “The agreed price has already been delivered into my account.”

“So…why are we still helping this guy?” Vasili asked her. “We already got paid.”

Kami was unsurprised by the question, having already argued with Hond earlier. Why risk their necks if they had already been paid? The answer to that question was not as simple as it seemed. New Republic forces would be swarming Agora in the next few minutes in response to the shoot-out in the tavern. Not the pushover local enforcement types either, crack troops from Sluis Van stationed nearby in the event of an emergency. The flags raised from their bogus paperwork, the presence of a renowned bounty hunter and the murder of four soldiers and two ‘innocent’ bystanders would be more than enough to warrant their intervention.  Things were about to get incredibly messy. Common sense dictated that they get away as quickly as possible, and for lawless men such as Vasili and Hond, this common sense (for once) reflected their own urge to save their skins.

“The money is worth next to nothing compared to the files Switch is leaking on Thrawn,” Kami said, crossing her arms across her chest in a gesture that indicated that she would not budge on this point. “That’s what we came here for and I’m not planning on leaving if extraction is still an option.”

Vasili grumbled something under his breath and turned back to the controls. Under his expert guidance the Zephyr lurched forward and flipped about on one side. They would reach the pick-up location provided by Switch in minutes thanks to the freighter’s speed. A small town with an ever smaller population of farmers, Switch had clearly picked an area beyond the urban limits in the hope of granting them more time from the pursuing NR forces. Of course, chances were that Thrawn’s agents were right on his tail. As well as the bounty hunter who was currently using Trix as her version of a tradeable commodity.

Kami’s eyes narrowed as she considered the fate of Aeos’s sister. The kid was tough but she had been sheltered for the last few years. She had no defensive training and had no idea how to hold and shoot a blaster. The chances of Trix escaping a skilled bounty hunter were slim to none. All they could do is continue on and hope that Lady Luck gave them an opportunity to retrieve her.

Otherwise she’d find herself in the none-too-pleasant position of having to attempt to explain to a friend exactly how she let her beloved kid sister die.
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CM/KO Kami Sharpe/Lion L-01/Krath/Dark Jedi Order/Vast Empire

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