Right, after a good solid hours that I really should have spent doing other things, I've drafted up my interpretation of VE space, using the XS4all Map as a base which can be found
In order to populate the area where I interpreted we habited, using
this and
this as a guide, I and some helpers trolled through all the stories we could reasonably find and read, and just pulled all the planet/system bodies that were mantioned.
That list was then cross-referenced with Wookiepedia, and any entry that had a wookiepedia article on it was written off. (With one exception which i will come to later). The result is what you see here.
Due to the fact that I was lucky to find any more information other then the name of the planet, I have taken great liberties with the placement. I've tried to keep them loosely grouped into themes or trends.
Some points of interest you may want explained - The Imperial Dominion is a group created for the recent Navy HSC that have links to previous Navy stories.
The Red lines are my interpretation of the VE borders as of Chapter 8.5, with the boxed section at the very end being more of a 'sphere of influence' area then anything we physically control. (Thanks to Fury for pointers on that)
The full list of planets used is as follows:
VE Controlled:
Epsilon, Ios, Bannth, Yetton, Typhus * Roku Tan - a group of planets that were involved in the 'Imperial Dominion' plot line (Navy). They have been grouped together on the Eastern Border where the Imperial Dominion also lies.
Vectra, Sian, Rheageant, Shykar - The main four systems listed on the main webpage. I have used
this map and
this map as a rough guide on positioning.
CN-1344 & CN-1653 - I don't know much about these two, they are not in our archives or wookiepedia's. The only reference to them is
here so I have included them since they seem to fall into our territory.
Kolstor - currenly being used in a Navy story, and has been used in the past by the Army. Origionally Kolstor was listed as being in the Sian system, however the nature of the story seems to make that unlikely, so I have moved it to it's own seperate system towards the core, closer to Rebel space.
Monowi Station - one of the stations owned by
Imperial Centre, it is the only facility that is either not in the main four systems, the galactic core, or the mysterous Thilidian Sector. It is apparantly near Rakata Prime
Xyouju & Osigao Phi - Used in a Navy Squadron story arch, they are hinted at being near Rakata Prime.
Tekeos, Erzic & Ghemist - dubbed the 'Blue' planets, as they are only mentioned in stories by Blue-Leader(Bacredi). Nothing is known about these planets or their official affilication, so I have used them as fillers for that central section.
Yamar, Atticus IV & Mortain - not that much in common, except that two of them are water planets (I think), and that they were used in Navy Squadron stories.
Chel - Briefly mentioned in a Navy story, it is assumed that the VE controls this planet.
Siczaya - Used in an Army story where they had to defend it from hostile forces, ownership has been assumed, although status is unkown.
Garg II - Army story location, the planet was attacked by thrawns forces, and was i#ultimatly evacuated. It's status is unkown.
Mimba - Apparantly a Mining Outpost, used in an Army story.
Serrell - Possibly neutral to being with, it is assumed that the VE took control of the planet, or at least included it in it's sphere of influence after the completion of the story, and the VE's march coreward.
Forman II - Another one used in a Navy story, all is known is that it is a vacation planet, so ownership has been assumed.
Harjanne - Used in a Navy ESC, it was the hideout of a criminal warlord of somekind. Control is assumed after the completion of the campaign.
Julinar IV - Random name pulled out of a story. Nothing is known about it, so it has been used as another filler.
Aurora - Birthplace of Jack Nebulax, affiliation is unkown, but it has been included anyway.
Sedoa & Cvrone - random systems included in some stories, the nature of the planets and the stories have suggested that they have had little contact with the main galaz#xy, so they have been pushed to the rear of VE space.
Not owned:Votek -Crime Syndicate haven. Was the location for a Navy wide story.
Qek-95 - randomly mentioned in a NAvy story, little is known about it, so it has been assigned as a border territory.
Imous III - Another vacation spot for the Navy, this planet has been listed as officially neutral.
Ausist, Tormar, Elden & Metiock VII - a handful of planets visited by the Army in various stories, they are all listed as neutral, although Tormar was the scene of a failed coup by the VE. They have been clumped together.
Hast - the only planet added to the map that has an official Wookipedia entry. I can't seem to find it on the main map, So i have added it near to our borders as it was used in chapter 8.5. Control of the planet is not assumed.
Ord Durall - Mentioned in an Army story, It's affiliation is unknown, and I haven't placed it on the map.
Mirwais -Mentioned in an Army story, it is not owned by the VE, but I have yet to place it on the map.
Thilidian Sector - mentioned
here, I don't know what Fury and the HC had planned for this place, and I don't know where it is mentioned, only that it exists. It;s placing was purely arbitrary, as it helped fill up some place and close in the VE's rear border. Fury still needs to draw up a map for this sector, but for curiosities sake I have listed the known areas of this sector:
* Serek system
* Tel'Drias system
* Serra Vessa system
* Besdoaari Belt
* Daggitt Station
Bare in mind, I've only checked parts of this comnet. I haven't fully explored the past chapters, nor have I delved into the V1 archive. This was just a preliminary experiment to see what things would look like.
Feel free to leave me comments and suggetions, as the placement of everything is pretty much subject to change, and a High Council ruling. My thanks to Hunter and Fury for their help.
*NOTE* All of this is subject to change, and is not to be considered canon.
The Map has been updated. You will need to download it again to see the changes.
The main changes were:
Hast - Fury tells me that it is actually between Phu and Belagroth, and so has been moved.
Thilidian Sector - It is apparantly a 'gateway' to Chiss space, and so has been moved to the space between Rakata Prime and Mobus. The VE borders towards the west, where the sector was origionally, now simply ends at Sedoa.
Nalbrice - has been added at the request of Fury. It is a trade planet that leads into the Thilidian sector. More details can be found
Imperial Dominion - was shifted down a bit so it didn't clash with Thilidian space, or the Killiks which are suppsed to be around there aswell. Further more, theorhetical Chiss borders have also been added.
VE Trade route - has been added. It goes between Cephany in the rhegeant system, and Kinyen. and has two possibly corridors - Yamar and Hajanne on one, and then Aurora and Chel on another. From there it proceeds to Serrell, Julinar IV and from there on towards Kinyen
That's all of it i think. Feel free to add your own input or give suggestions, and tune in for more updates. If some HC members could look at this and give their input as well, that would be much appreciated.
NOTE: The map hasn't been re-uploaded to reflect the following changes due to the fact that their arn't many, I'm just keep you all informed.
Brayer's Patch - An oddly named area that is currently being used by Kaph Squadron, it has been added just outside of VE space, near Tekeos and Attocus IV
Anteevy - the location fot he current AHSC, it is the second official star wars planet to be added. The wiki lists it as being in the 'Mid Rim', and I'm currently talking with the Army in order to settle on a concrete location. It has provisionally been added in the space above Kinyen, to the left of the VE Trade Lane.
Unit 'Cards' - Small square shaped icons representing each of the navy Squadrons, and currently the two Army Platoons, have been added to indicate the current deployment of PC VE forces. Currently, the two army platoons are at Anteevy, with Viper Squadron being at Kolstor, Kaph at Brayer's Patch, and Nazgul in the Vectra system.
Future points to considerIn order to clean up the map a bit, I'll be re-drawing the borders to that they look neater, re-drawing the sphere of influence area so that it more clearly indicates the fact, and properly swapping some colours around so that they fall in line with current FoF conventions.
The HC has been made aware of the maps existence, and I'm currently talking with them over improving it and trying to get some sort of official stamp.
Feel free to let me know if there's anything i have missed out, especially planet names, or planet locations.
The map has now been updated to reflect the changes.
Also, Anteevy has been moved to the nearest Mid-Rim section of space, due to the information found on Wookiepedia.
As you can see, VE space has been more clearely defeined, along with it's sphere of inf;uence.