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Topic:  Imperial Center Requests
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
July 30, 2010 2:31:05 PM    View the profile of Bacredi 
I'll second the above, lol.
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 2, 2010 1:45:25 AM    View the profile of Bacredi 
Sorry for the double post.

I was wondering if we could re-stock the Nebulon-Bs.
NLC/WO2 Bacredi/Logistics/VEN/VE
TXO/WO2 Bacredi/Raptor A-2/Platform Saratoga/VENA/VEN/VE
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
September 5, 2010 3:28:05 PM    View the profile of Jamasis 
All the SCOPE weapons and armour in the latest platoon story. Images and info in first post-

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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
October 2, 2010 11:36:17 PM    View the profile of Drac 
Ron wrote:Special request: Outer Rim abandoned moon

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Give an inch and they'll take a mile...or, rather, offer a starship and he'll take a planet. O.o

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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
October 6, 2010 12:10:50 AM    View the profile of Bacredi 
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That tracked vehicle would be pretty awesome
Zhar "Senior Chief" Bacredi
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TXO/WO2 Zhar Bacredi/Raptor 2/Training Wing/Platform Saratgoa/VENA/VEN/VE
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
October 6, 2010 1:49:01 AM    View the profile of Riqimo 
Bacredi wrote:That tracked vehicle would be pretty awesome

Looks wheeled to me, not tracked >.>
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
October 7, 2010 7:34:14 PM    View the profile of Bacredi 


Zhar "Senior Chief" Bacredi
Warrant Officer, Second Class, Vast Empire Navy
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TXO/WO2 Zhar Bacredi/Raptor 2/Training Wing/Platform Saratgoa/VENA/VEN/VE
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
November 4, 2010 11:47:34 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
Ron, I will personally gift you with any abandoned astroid or arid death hole planet around Osk contingent upon you actually existing.

I'm not actually sure they're mine to give, but, eh, fuckit; Pirate.
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
November 7, 2010 5:34:39 PM    View the profile of Razor 
Special Request Item:
Verpine Sniper Rifle

The Verpine sniper rifle was the sniper configuration of the Verpine shatter gun that allowed long distance shooting.[1] Mandalorians Kal Skirata and Ghez Hokan favored the shatter gun/sniper configuration. [1] Omega Squad used shatter gun/snipers in their Black Op on Coruscant to flush out the Separatist terrorists who had infiltrated the capital.[1] The original variant of the Verpine weapon, the Shatter Gun, used magnetic coils to launch their projectiles, and according to Kal Skirata, could be "loaded with rocks, if need be".[1] The weapons use of magnetism to accelerate projectiles at extremely high velocities allows it to be capable of inflicting heavy damage to even the most armored of targets.
[This message has been edited by Razor (edited February 20, 2011 8:19:47 PM)]
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
November 28, 2010 11:23:16 AM    View the profile of Rocketman1167 
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Caliber:     7.62 x 51mm NATO (.308 Win)
Magazine:     5 or 20 round detachable box
Barrel:     25.59" (650mm), Heavy, 4 grooves, right hand twist.
System of Operation:     Roller locked, delayed blowback.
Overall length:     47.56" (120.8 cm)
Total Weight:     17.81 lbs (8.10kg)
Scope:     Hendsoldt 6x42, with reticle illumination. 6 settings
from 100 to 600 meters
Stock:     Matte black high impact plastic,
adjustable for length, pivoting butt cap,
vertically-adjustable cheekpiece; target-type
pistol grip with adustable palm shelf.
Trigger:     Adjustable for pull, removable from pistol grip.
Features:     Uses HK-91 action with low-noise bolt closing device;
special forend with T-way rail for sling swivel or tripod.

Cost: Whatever is appropriate.

Category: Slugthrower

Corperation: Whatever is appropriate.

Description: The PSG-1 is said to be the most accurate semi-auto in the world. There is a lot of other rifle manufacturers that will dispute this, but the PSG-1 has become the standard that the others must meet. The accuracy standard that all PSG-1's must meet is 50 rounds of match ammo into an 80mm (3.14") circle at 300m. (1 MOA). Keep in mind this is 50 rounds, not a 3 shot group. The PSG-1 is popular in some Special Op units and elite anti-terrorist units. It really does not lend itself well to the Military environment because of 2 reasons. First it ejects the shells about 10 meters, and this can easily give away a position, and also is a pain to try and police your brass to prevent leaving a target identifier. The second reason is that it only can be fitted with the Hensoldt 6x42 sight. No other sight can be used (Short of grinding off the mount and welding on your own type base). The 6x is only set up to be used out to 600 meters, and thats the start of the optimal engagement range for military snipers (From 600-700 meters). Rumor has it that H&K is addressing this problem and have came up with a different system that allows you to switch out scopes, but I haven't seen one of their new PSG-1's to confirm this. It is an outstanding Police Sharpshooter weapon, but most agencies cannot afford the price tag (about $9000 USD), which is why it usually shows up in only the most elite units.
[align=center]There are many aspects of the Force we have no knowledge of. The subject still requires further research and study.

XO/WO1 Rocketman/A-2/S:153 "Rhegent's Reign"/W:58 "Javelin"/VSD Dead Gun/TF:R/2Flt/SFC/VEN/VE

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XO/WO1 Rocketman/A-2/S:137 Raptor/W:46 Defiance/ PLF Saratoga/TF:TH/3FL/SFC/VEN/VE (MC1)(NSR:H)(NT:H)(BWC)(NSR:1)(SOL)(SWC)(MC2)(LoM)(=A=)

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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
December 4, 2010 9:24:18 AM    View the profile of Racer 
I'd pay a ton for that gun It looks amazing
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 13, 2011 11:24:39 AM    View the profile of Amacuse 
Special Item Request:

BC-102 Battlecruiser

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Model Number: BC-102
Class: Tuk'ata-class Battlecruiser
Corporation: Bimmiel Department of Military Research
Hyperdrive: Star Drive/x1 Hyperdrive back-up
Sublight: 138 MGLT
Weapons: *12 Heavy Laser Cannons
*8 Heavy Ion Cannons
*10 Missile Tubes
*10 Tractor Beam Proectors
Complement Capacity: *4 full squadrons of fighters
*1 Gozanti Cruiser
*1 Ye-4 Gunboat
Length: 775.94 Meters
Width: 651.50 Meters
Height: 144.00 Meters
Hull (RU): 650
Shields (SBD): 875 (no shields)
Crew: 350
Passengers: 750
Cargo: 4800 Metric Tons

Price: 1,000,000 ICs

Designed entirely by the Bimmiel Department of Military Research, the BC-102 is considered one of the most advanced ships in the Galaxy.  No other ship under Onderonian or Bimmiel control remotely compares to it.

The BC-102 is capable of carrying 4 full squadrons of fighters, a Gozanti Cruiser, and a Ye-4 Gunboat.  The two corvettes dock in the forward hangar, while the fighter squadrons dock in the flanking hangars (two squadrons in each).  She is also capable of carrying 4800 Metric Tons of food, weapons, armor, medical supplies, etc.

I designed this ship entirely myself.  No modifications to any canon or other previously existing ships.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Cayden "Amacuse" Tavers

Squadron Commander of 153rd Vast Imp. Fighter Squadron Rhegent's Reign

SC/SCPO Amacuse/A-1/S:153 Rhegent's Reign/W:58 Javelin/ICF-II Chrome Fox/TF:R/2FL/SFC/VEN/VE (=AE=) (=*SAE*=) [MC:2] [LSM] [GCM]
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 20, 2011 8:11:19 PM    View the profile of Razor 
Special Request Item:
JK-13 security droid

The JK-13 security droid, unofficially known as the "Jedi Killer," was a JK-series security droid manufactured on the planet Ord Cestus. These droids rose to prominence during a time when they were threatened to be converted into combat droids.

Ord Cestus
Cestus Cybernetics
Product line    
JK security droid
JK-13 personal security droid
Security droid
Technical specifications
1.5 meters
Stun tentacles
Xythan force shield
[This message has been edited by Razor (edited February 20, 2011 8:19:20 PM)]
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 21, 2011 5:15:58 PM    View the profile of Razor 
Special Request item:
Creature: Dashta Eel
The Dashta eels were a species native to Ord Cestus and unknown to the outside galaxy. Immature ones were the size of a clenched Human fist when coiled, and had blind eyes. The young had no sex; after they matured, they entered into sexual differentiation, gained a form of sentience, and grew larger. Unfertilized eggs develop into Dashta eels that remain immature and non-sentient. The head eels were the Guides.

Dashta eels were from the Zantay Caves, and were worshiped by the X'Ting for thousands of years. They were named after Kilaphor Dashta.

The unfertilized Dashta eels were given to the X'Ting so that they could make JK-series droids. Although these unfertilized specimens were not sentient, they still demonstrated a profound level of Force sensitivity, making them the first known example of non-sentient Force sensitives. The sentient, adult Dashta eels also gave the X'Ting the first fungal spores used for food and medicine long ago.
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 21, 2011 7:27:00 PM    View the profile of Ron 
Special Request Item:
Consumable: Hookah
Company: VESA
Price: 300 ICs
Monthly Maintenance: 20-40 ICs (cost of consumption)

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Just so you know this is a legit request.  Sort of spawned from a conversation I was having with Snipes.
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[This message has been edited by Ron (edited February 21, 2011 7:28:26 PM)]
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 21, 2011 10:51:34 PM    View the profile of Jegora 
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 22, 2011 12:27:38 AM    View the profile of Ron 
Yeah.  We all pretty much want it.
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 22, 2011 4:58:48 AM    View the profile of Bloodhound 
The VESA supports this request 100%. If that even means anything.
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
March 14, 2011 7:47:24 PM    View the profile of Beta40 
A RAIDERS cookie oven. We consume them at such a rate we need a device to make them XD
CPL Beta40 (A3)
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
March 14, 2011 11:13:22 PM    View the profile of Amacuse 
How about an Alderaanian War Frigate?

Alderaanian War Frigate

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Cost: 900,000 ICs to 1,300,000 ICs (somewhere around there... prolly 1,197,364 ICs)

Manufacturer: Alderaanian Royal Engineers

Armament: [*]10 Dual Turbolaser batteries
[*]4 Medium Ion Cannons

Crew: 700

Length: 250 Meters
Height: 80 Meters
Width: 40 Meters

Hyperdrive: Class 2 Primary/Class 8 Back-up

Sublight: 90 MGLT

Passengers: 0

Hull (RU): 500

Shields (SBD): 900

Cargo: 5 KT

Complement: 6 fighters
Senior Chief Petty Officer Cayden "Amacuse" Tavers

Squadron Commander of 153rd Vast Imp. Fighter Squadron Regents

SC/SCPO Amacuse/A-1/S:153 Regents/W:58 Javelin/ICF-II Chrome Fox/TF:R/2FL/SFC/VEN/VE (=AE=) (=*SAE*=) [MC:2] [LSM] [GCM]
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
March 14, 2011 11:25:38 PM    View the profile of Luckystar 
Isn't there an oven or other somesuch thing on there already Beta?
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
March 14, 2011 11:44:26 PM    View the profile of Beta40 
It could be, but it's not a RAIDERS branded cookie oven
CPL Beta40 (A3)
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
May 29, 2011 6:04:51 PM    View the profile of Ion 
I'm currently making some BA design's I should post them here when completed.
1. Personal upper-atmosphere stealth transport. Reminds me of a hornet.
2. A quad-track tank with plenty of armor.
3. Field commander's field command center, all the comforts of a stardestroyer's bridge with the advantage of a ground side view, comes equipped with a Projectile Acceleration Cannon. Specifically based on a spider.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. 
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
June 22, 2011 11:57:07 AM    View the profile of Ion 
This is Item 2. on my previous list.
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Scalder Tank:
A heavily armed tank with 4 treads for optimum transport on rough terrain. Armed with 1 main heavy gun and 3 repeating turrets. 2 in the front and 1 in the back.

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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
July 15, 2011 7:11:04 PM    View the profile of Fyston 
As to the above regarding the Verp sniper rifle, that'd be amazing!

However, I'd like to see more stuff that pilots would be able to use. Short of stuffing a footlocker behind your head, we can't fit that much inside of a standard fighter.

Perhaps a Verp pistol or short rifle?
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 5, 2011 7:10:05 PM    View the profile of Dusk 
OK... WTH?

I need to learn not to post on my Dusk's computer, this is just annoying now.
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 5, 2011 8:27:19 PM    View the profile of Dusk 
How about this. Some normal clothes, and some weapons that you can atach to freighters.
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 5, 2011 9:41:44 PM    View the profile of Ion 
I don't even...

On the above post I have a related picture and description.

The Pistol requested and it's description, courtesy of Wookiepeedia.
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"Verpine shatter guns were handheld projectile weapons produced by the Verpine. They ranged in size from small handguns to powerful sniper rifles. The weapon was based on a magnetic field principle, similar to a rail gun. When shot, the weapon would make no sound, but would cause great kinetic damage.

Shatter guns launched metal alloy projectiles using advanced magnetic fields. They were nearly silent, had excellent range and accuracy, and inflicted extremely large amounts of kinetic damage. Verpine shatter guns were easy to use, and an inexperienced gunman could do massive damage with a single projectile. As such they were sometimes favored by assassins who wished to kill their target in one shot without giving away their position. The weapon also had the ability to fire nearly any kind of small (less than an inch in diameter) projectile, due to a very expensive feature: multicaliber magazine and bore. Kal Skirata, who owned several of these rifles, once joked that you could fire rocks if you had to. The weapon's projectiles were nearly impossible to block with a lightsaber due to their small size and extreme speed."

And now for something completely different.

I've been working on the stuff I mentioned before with only one problem. I lost the nearly completed versions I had ready before. I've since restarted and added some more junk.

SDW-9 Scout Droid. A probe droid equipped with two forward-mounted blasters, internal orbital-strike beacon, and minor stealth capabilities in addition to environmental capabilities allowing it to be able to "travel through the cores of the hottest Class O stars and the coldest brown dwarf."

Endoskeletal bionic enhancement surgery, Base line:  Sn3-h74. Service. The miracle of modern cyber-organic interface allows for most humanoid species to become the epitome of their race through mechanics and minimal bone alteration. A human, for example, would be able to run 25m/h (40 km/h) nonstop until they fall asleep. Lift 1,003 lb (455 kg). React within 70 ms. Walkaway from a blow of 200 psi. To the face. With no broken bones or any brain damage due to spinal support grids and bone strengthening.
Some minor side-effects include sore limbs, insomnia, death, and stiffening of joints when recharging. Prolonged use of endoskeletons may lead to muscle deterioration in some species.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. 
                                ~Mark Twain

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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 5, 2011 9:49:13 PM    View the profile of Luckystar 
That looks like it could be a good addition Ion, and Dusk...realistically there aren't any weapons you can simply 'attach' to a freighter...And define 'normal' because there are uniforms avalable which look 'normal'
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  RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 5, 2011 10:02:59 PM    View the profile of Norsedragoon 
Ion wrote:I'm currently making some BA design's I should post them here when completed.
1. Personal upper-atmosphere stealth transport. Reminds me of a hornet.
2. A quad-track tank with plenty of armor.
3. Field commander's field command center, all the comforts of a stardestroyer's bridge with the advantage of a ground side view, comes equipped with a Projectile Acceleration Cannon. Specifically based on a spider.

hmmm perhaps I will start working on some of these as 3d models when I get home sometime tomorrow.
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