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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 24, 2012
5:28:36 PM
I also want to put in an order for a few new avvis. I'd prefer it be a picture of Commander Shepard like the one I have right now, if that's okay. Doesn't have to be fanciful or nothing. Just my name and something about me, whether it be PC, SL, or what not. Thank you much whoever takes this on!
SL|CoT:A|PC/'2LT Skarr/1SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [CDS] [ES2] {RES} [IH] [VT] [ECA] [RoT] (3.1) (1.1) (A5) Norith Skarr 2nd Lieutenant, Vast Imperial Army Squad Leader, Eclipse Squad Platoon Commander, Wildcard Platoon Commander of Training Assistant, Stormtrooper Corps"May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't" General George Patton  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 24, 2012
8:04:00 PM
 I figured the subtle "wildcard" background worked for PC, rather than specifically writing PC, yanno? Hope it works.
 {RES} {MRT} [EW1] [DoH-P] [AS-2] [GC] [RoT] [RoM] [KAD] [GS] [AoT] [HoTC] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC] [RAWR] [ESC09]  (A13) Vehicle Mechanic ~ Former RAIDERS Squad Leader
[This message has been edited by
(edited January 24, 2012
8:16:53 PM)]
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
12:39:58 AM
Brightstar wrote:Ron if you still want to take a crack at it go ahead
 Sorry they're late, but better late than never. Enjoy.
Privateer Captain Sovakas Ron Osk Company, FortunatoExiled Acolyte of the Dark Jedi OrderDischarged Platoon Commander of Storm Platoon PROUD RECIPIENT OF THE CROSS OF ZAHN [CoZ] FOR EXCELLENCE IN WRITING, 2009 HSC
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
1:13:39 AM
 Had some difficulty finding an image I liked. Your avatar character of choice never seems to be showing any emotion in his pictures. Enjoy.
Privateer Captain Sovakas Ron Osk Company, FortunatoExiled Acolyte of the Dark Jedi OrderDischarged Platoon Commander of Storm Platoon PROUD RECIPIENT OF THE CROSS OF ZAHN [CoZ] FOR EXCELLENCE IN WRITING, 2009 HSC
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
1:16:49 AM
My problem is that all the cool Chiss pics are of Thrawn. None of them are wearing trench coats.
"He has his orders, and when a Chiss accepts orders he carries them out, period." "He's in there, I was gonna shoot him but I was... busy." "Chiss don't invade the territories of others. We don't even make war against potential enemies unless we're attacked first." "You have to admire the Chiss. They don't just steal your technology—they make it better." TRP/PSC THX-1138/ 3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE/[EW1] [ECA]/ [2.1]  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
1:26:06 AM
I'd need payment for something that specific. But it's possible.
Privateer Captain Sovakas Ron Osk Company, FortunatoExiled Acolyte of the Dark Jedi OrderDischarged Platoon Commander of Storm Platoon PROUD RECIPIENT OF THE CROSS OF ZAHN [CoZ] FOR EXCELLENCE IN WRITING, 2009 HSC
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
1:30:18 AM
"He has his orders, and when a Chiss accepts orders he carries them out, period." "He's in there, I was gonna shoot him but I was... busy." "Chiss don't invade the territories of others. We don't even make war against potential enemies unless we're attacked first." "You have to admire the Chiss. They don't just steal your technology—they make it better." TRP/PSC THX-1138/ 3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE/[EW1] [ECA]/ [2.1]  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
2:06:16 AM
Jegora Fal Prefect of the Army Lord of the Eagle SectPRF | BG Jegora | VEA | VE [PoC] [RCoD] [IH] [EW1] [MRT] [BC] [CoZ] [CCA] [DCE] [BoT] [ESC09] [AS-4] (3.1) (6.1)
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
10:25:58 AM
Thanks to the both of you. I think I'll hop around the three of them.
SL|CoT:A|PC/'2LT Skarr/1SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [CDS] [ES2] {RES} [IH] [VT] [ECA] [RoT] (3.1) (1.1) (A5) Norith Skarr 2nd Lieutenant, Vast Imperial Army Squad Leader, Eclipse Squad Platoon Commander, Wildcard Platoon Commander of Training Assistant, Stormtrooper Corps"May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't" General George Patton  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
11:05:05 AM
Okay since Jae has an eyepatch on her left eye now, it may be hard to fill request.
But could I have something with short darker hair? Between black and a dark red-head/auburn since her hair is start to lose its dye job anyways >.> And if it's possible an eyepatch on the left eye or something.
Words can be "Jae", "RAIDERS" "Osk" whichever you think best fits.
S'pank ya~ <3
ASL||Gunnery Sergeant StarFruit||2SQD||1PLT||1COM||1BAT||1RGT||VEA||VE(5.1) PCW||Privateer 'Jae'||Broken Bitch||Eyesore||Osk Company
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(edited January 25, 2012
11:06:11 AM)]
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
3:44:53 PM
Joamer Tremaine Reistlin Sergeant Major, Squad Leader Raiders Squad, Wildcard Platoon, Academy Staff SL |SGM Joamer|2SQD |1PLT |COM |RGT |BAT |VEA |VE AS |SGM Joamer|STCA |VEA |VE [ES1]x2 [EW1]x2 [EW2] [LoR] [BoH] [AS-H] [AS-1] [AS-2] [AS-3] [AS-4] [SCA] [DoH-P] [BC] [RoT] [KAD] [AoT] [IH] [VT] [ESC09] [RCA] [GRoM] [CDS] {RES} (5.1) (6.1) (A5) (A9) In memory of Ghost squad, we will never forget.
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
5:12:20 PM
Ah, well, I guess it's time to look for something from the resident professionals. Here's just what I'm thinking. (In descending order of importance.) - Main figure is stealthy
- and in black or dark red.
- I'd prefer if he would be armored, but not necessary.
- If not in armor, black hair and blue eyes. (I can do this myself, if needed.)
- And just as much chaos as possible in the background. (In a tribute to Blackjack).
- Rifle, if a weapon is needed.
For wording, 'Crest' would do nicely. Thank you very much to whoever does this.
TRP/PFC Crest/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE (A1) (6.1) [ES1] [LM] {CRoS} [ECA]Blackjack Infiltration Expert"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan it properly"  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
5:42:57 PM
 Not sure if that's enough chaos or not for ya.
 {RES} {MRT} [EW1] [DoH-P] [AS-2] [GC] [RoT] [RoM] [KAD] [GS] [AoT] [HoTC] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC] [RAWR] [ESC09]  (A13) Vehicle Mechanic ~ Former RAIDERS Squad Leader
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
5:49:21 PM
It works beautifully.
Thanks, Hav!
TRP/PFC Crest/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE (A1) (6.1) [ES1] [LM] {CRoS} [ECA]Blackjack Infiltration Expert"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan it properly"  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
7:21:38 PM
 that work THX?
 {RES} {MRT} [EW1] [DoH-P] [AS-2] [GC] [RoT] [RoM] [KAD] [GS] [AoT] [HoTC] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC] [RAWR] [ESC09]  (A13) Vehicle Mechanic ~ Former RAIDERS Squad Leader
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
7:27:41 PM
Test. And loves it. I would still love a pic in trench coat for wiki. And I can cove costs Ron.
"He has his orders, and when a Chiss accepts orders he carries them out, period." "He's in there, I was gonna shoot him but I was... busy." "Chiss don't invade the territories of others. We don't even make war against potential enemies unless we're attacked first." "You have to admire the Chiss. They don't just steal your technology—they make it better." TRP/PSC THX-1138/ 3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE/[EW1] [ECA]/ [2.1]  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
7:56:23 PM
thank you to Ron and again to Havvie
You guys are made of awesome sauce.
SL/PSGT Brightstar D'Jonoc/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1REG/VEA/VE[SRP][SCA][AS-2][ES1][ES1]{RES}[EW2][EW1][PT][ECA][RCoD] "For your sake, I really hope that isn't a challenge."   CAP'N|Captain Bright| Jolly Roger|Eyesore|OSK Company
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
7:57:59 PM
Thanks again, Havvy~!
ASL||Gunnery Sergeant StarFruit||2SQD||1PLT||1COM||1BAT||1RGT||VEA||VE(5.1) PCW||Privateer 'Jae'||Broken Bitch||Eyesore||Osk Company
Garryll Gates
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 25, 2012
9:52:55 PM
Company Adjutant of Phoenix Company | Platoon Commander of Wildcard Platoon | Elite Squad Leader of Blackjack Squad | Acolyte of the Dark Jedi OrderESL/1LT Garryll Gates/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [SCP][RoM][ICE] [IH] [CCA] [BC] [SRP] [AS-4] [ES1] [CoS] [EW1] {RESx3} [ESC09] [RoTx2] [CRoS] [AoT] [CoZ][CoDS][VT][CRoM][KAD][RCA](3.1)(1.1) TRN/AD Gates/Lopen/VEDJ For Tadath, for the Empire. 
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 26, 2012
4:11:14 AM
THX1138 wrote:I would still love a pic in trench coat for wiki. And I can cove costs Ron.
Sounds like a deal. I'll get working on it.
Privateer Captain Sovakas Ron Osk Company, FortunatoExiled Acolyte of the Dark Jedi OrderDischarged Platoon Commander of Storm Platoon PROUD RECIPIENT OF THE CROSS OF ZAHN [CoZ] FOR EXCELLENCE IN WRITING, 2009 HSC
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 26, 2012
4:03:15 PM
Found a picture that was WAY too perfect, so
ASL||Gunnery Sergeant StarFruit||2SQD||1PLT||1COM||1BAT||1RGT||VEA||VE(5.1) PCW||Privateer 'Jae'||Broken Bitch||Eyesore||Osk Company
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 26, 2012
5:17:24 PM
dang that one is perfect, nice Jae.
 {RES} {MRT} [EW1] [DoH-P] [AS-2] [GC] [RoT] [RoM] [KAD] [GS] [AoT] [HoTC] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC] [RAWR] [ESC09]  (A13) Vehicle Mechanic ~ Former RAIDERS Squad Leader
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RE: ComNet Avatars
January 26, 2012
5:34:40 PM
S'hank ya~ The picture I found even has the chick holding a glowy bladed knife xD
I just had to edit the eye color and add the star to her cheek~
I'mma switch between this one and the other two ya made me <3
ASL||Gunnery Sergeant StarFruit||2SQD||1PLT||1COM||1BAT||1RGT||VEA||VE(5.1) PCW||Privateer 'Jae'||Broken Bitch||Eyesore||Osk Company
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RE: ComNet Avatars
February 7, 2012
9:50:37 AM
(just a re-jig of my old classic. Looks less squished now)
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RE: ComNet Avatars
February 8, 2012
9:54:35 AM
The dude on my avvie actually kind of looks like me, but its weird, because he isn't me...
It didn't turn out as good as I would like it to be, but it goes with my sig.

BO-DmgC/PO1 Finbar "Echelon" Bandoran/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/FC/VEN/VE
TO/PO1 Finbar "Echelon" Bandoran/PLF Cappadocious/VENA/VEN/VE
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RE: ComNet Avatars
February 9, 2012
11:18:31 PM
I apologize for asking for another avatar so soon. But I found this and nerdgasms ensued. Seeing as I've pretty much modeled Skarr's looks after Shepard's right now, this was just awesome. That and it's one amazing piece to look at. If you pick up this order, Hav, you know what I usually like.  
SL|CoT:A|PC/'2LT Skarr/1SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [CDS] [ES2] [IH] [RoT] {RES} (VT) (ECA) (3.1) (1.1) (A5) (AS-2) Norith Skarr 2nd Lieutenant, Vast Imperial Army Squad Leader, Eclipse Squad Platoon Commander, Wildcard Platoon Commander of Training Assistant, Stormtrooper Corps"May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't" General George Patton  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
February 10, 2012
5:42:46 PM
 [EW1] [RoT] [RoM] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC] {HoTC} {KAD} {GC} {GS} {RES} {MRT} (RAWR) (ESC09) (AoT) (DoH-P) (AS-3) (A13)  (A13) Vehicle Mechanic ~ Former RAIDERS Squad Leader
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RE: ComNet Avatars
February 13, 2012
9:43:38 AM
TRN/PSC Lilith/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/Tadath "Proud member of the Van doos (R22eR) since 2006"
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RE: ComNet Avatars
February 13, 2012
1:36:09 PM
Could I get an avatar made with this pic. Preferably with my rank symbol and Name. not too picky. Have fun. 
"He has his orders, and when a Chiss accepts orders he carries them out, period." TRP/PFC THX-1138/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [EW1](ECA)(2.1)  
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RE: ComNet Avatars
February 13, 2012
7:12:12 PM
TRN/PSC Lilith/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/Tadath "Proud member of the Van doos (R22eR) since 2006"