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Topic:  Pay Per Click = More Money
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 30, 2004 12:44:37 AM    View the profile of Kadann 
If you're looking for another way to make more Imperial Credits, you've found one. 

I've just completed a new software application so you have yet another way to make money!  I call it the Vast Empire Pay Per Click Directory.

Whenever you click on one of the links provided in the pay per click directory, you'll be paid in Imperial Credits!!  Depending on the link, the amount of Imperial Credits you are paid may vary.

Now I bet you're probably wondering how you can start getting paid for clicking on links.  Well, look no further, here is the link:
Pay Per Click Directory

NOTE: You will NOT get paid any Imperial Credits for clicking on the link into the Pay Per Click Directory.
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 30, 2004 4:07:11 AM    View the profile of JR 
where is it???that link just gets me to the Home site.
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 30, 2004 9:09:53 AM    View the profile of Kadann 
The pay per click directory is located on the home site.  You must be logged in to see the directory.  Once you are logged in, you'll be able to see a link to the 'Pay Per Click' directory in the main links section.  The link I gave should also work if you are logged into the main site.
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 30, 2004 12:51:38 AM    View the profile of Cosmic 
I would like to say that this system works. I am witness to this. Last night when Kadann initially showed me the link, The Vast Empire was ranked 39th. Today when I viewed the system, we were ranked 23rd.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 30, 2004 5:53:48 PM    View the profile of Kadann 
Just so you can see the profit potential from clicking on these pay per click links, here is an example of how much you'd earn for 300 IC's per click at a 6 hour interval:
1 click - 300 IC's
4 clicks - 1,200 IC's (one day)
28 clicks - 8,400 IC's (one week)
120 clicks - 33,600 IC's (one month)
1440 clicks - 432,000 IC's (one year)

And that is just with one pay per click in the directory.  If there were more of these same types of pay per click entries in the directory, just multiply those numbers by the number of pay per click entries.

If someone knows of more of these types of page ranking systems where we can vote every few hours, let me know so I can add them to our pay per click directory so you can be making more money.  The more of these types of things we are at the top of, the more new recruits we will be getting.
Grand Moff Kadann, Dark Lord
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 30, 2004 5:59:59 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
just out of curiosity, what is the point, not that im saying stop, cuz i aint, i love money, but whats the point of these rating sites, i find it hard to believe people go there looking for a club, hell i got here just from wandering around the Zone, actulay though i think i started a room with the purpose of finding a clan, and Cos and the other guy where fighting over me, that was funny, hah hah, ok now im rambling, bye.
The Comnet Hermit
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 30, 2004 6:14:54 PM    View the profile of Kadann 
There are some people that go see these sites and decide to click through on the web pages to check them out.  If that generates an extra few recruits in the process, then it's worth it.  Not everyone comes from the same place.

Plus, it gets you more money. 
Grand Moff Kadann, Dark Lord
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 30, 2004 8:18:51 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
ok, ok, yeesh, just asking, ok people go do some clickity click.
The Comnet Hermit
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 31, 2004 2:12:25 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
Kadann this is your sneakiest plot yet
Very clever
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
July 31, 2004 8:16:34 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
I actually did go to that RPG website and search for some games to play. I looked over the entire list. I know that there are a lot of people like me, and so I'm very confident that there are multitudes of people just checking out those links.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 1, 2004 1:57:32 PM    View the profile of Kadann 
I've added a new pay per click link in the directory.  This one is for the Hit Rocket Star Wars Top 100 site list.  You'll be paid 1,000 IC's for each click and will only be able to click on the link once per day.

Happy Clicking. 
Grand Moff Kadann, Dark Lord
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 1, 2004 6:55:02 PM    View the profile of Kadann 
I have added more functionality to the Pay Per Click Directory.  You can now see the member stats for the top 10 clickers and money earners.  I may increase the number of members that display sometime in the future, but 10 will work for now.
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 2, 2004 9:35:24 PM    View the profile of Afyon 
it still doesnt work for me

this sucks
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 3, 2004 12:01:27 AM    View the profile of Kadann 
Hmm....Are you using cookies?  It may work if you turn that on.  You can always turn it off after doing the pay per click links if you wanted.

Not sure why it wouldn't work for you.  I tried to run the pay per click links on my computer without cookies turned on and it worked just fine.

Do you have any special security settings turned on in your browser?
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 3, 2004 8:20:27 PM    View the profile of Afyon 
Ya i tried that, still wont work
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 3, 2004 11:17:10 PM    View the profile of Kadann 
What web browser and version do you use?  Also...what operating system are you using?
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 4, 2004 6:54:40 PM    View the profile of Afyon 
Internet Explorer 6.0

and i use Windows XP
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 5, 2004 9:38:45 AM    View the profile of Liquid 
arrrr....the hitrocket site be down, matey
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ph34red by many

are you man enough?
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 5, 2004 10:16:52 AM    View the profile of Kadann 
Yeah....think it's been down for a couple days now.  The actual html files work on the site...just not the php scripts.

Sent them an email yesterday that their site was down hoping they would get it up soon, guess they don't read email or something.

When I get home tonight, I'll have to disable the pay per click link for the hit rocket site until they get their pages fixed.
Grand Moff Kadann, Dark Lord
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 5, 2004 10:34:17 AM    View the profile of Kadann 
It looks like the hit rocket site is now working again.  We're in second place right now in the Star Wars category.  Overall we are in 19th place.  Keep up the good click through rate all! 
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 6, 2004 8:31:50 AM    View the profile of Afyon 
Kad can you think of anyway how I can get into this thing?

It still won't let me get into the directory :S
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 6, 2004 9:34:55 AM    View the profile of Cosmic 
What exactly are you seeing? A Page Cannot Be Displayed?
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 6, 2004 1:17:51 PM    View the profile of Kadann 
Can you get the html source code for the pay per click page, save it as a txt file and then email that to me?

I'll need to see how the pages are getting serviced to your browser.
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 6, 2004 1:37:17 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Works fine for me.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 6, 2004 4:17:11 PM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
Yeah same here
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 6, 2004 6:30:50 PM    View the profile of Afyon 
What I'm getting is the main page appearing for me.  If i log in and click on the directory link, it brings up a new window with the correct link.  However halfway through the loading, it switches to a new link that brings me back to the main page and i have to log in again.  it's a never ending cycle.
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 6, 2004 8:03:51 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Get your cookies working. Make it so that you automatically log in. thats how i have mine, heh.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
August 7, 2004 7:20:39 PM    View the profile of Afyon 
my cookies do work
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
September 4, 2004 3:18:48 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
It works. Stop yer bitchin.
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  RE: Pay Per Click = More Money
September 7, 2004 7:10:37 PM    View the profile of Afyon 
Ya it started working for me about 2 weeks friggin clue why it didnt before, lol
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