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Topic:  Iron Horse Topic
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
August 25, 2003 4:05:37 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Bersirc works better than mIRC.
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Crazy Raiders Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
"Everything expressed truly from your heart and soul is as pure as gold in the minds of anyone who listens!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
September 23, 2003 11:05:37 AM    View the profile of Kairo 
Hey guys. Why haven't you done anything since I was hit by Isabel. Sheesh. And here I was stting in the strom thinking well atleast they have to be doing something to move Ih up the ranks. Get active. Oh yeah. I'm back.
Private First Class Kairo
Iron Horse rules.
If it has a Rebel insignia, shoot, ask questions later
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
September 24, 2003 7:06:32 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
*Applauds* well put Kairo. IH used to be the most active squad in the army, then again: lately it seems as if we have no army! Anywho, get active and let's try and wrap this comp up by mid-october!(At the very latest! I want it done SOONER if at all possible!)
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Crazy Raiders Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
September 24, 2003 5:00:10 PM    View the profile of Kairo 
Thanks Rizzit. Did you get my e-mail? If so then tonight would be good at ten.
Private First Class Kairo
Iron Horse rules.
If it has a Rebel insignia, shoot, ask questions later
Otto Vox
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
September 25, 2003 10:20:58 AM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
I have an excuse, my parents didn't pay the phone bill for the internet and so I can't get on. I'm in school right now.
Sergeant First Class Otto Vox
Dark Jedi Knight
Squad Leader - Iron Horse
CM/DJK Otto Vox/Krath/Lion 1-4/VEDJ
Give into the inferno that is the Dark Side of the Force.-Otto Vox
Fear, fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, fear is my ally.-Darth Maul
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
September 29, 2003 12:03:20 AM    View the profile of Kairo 
IH I want to know who is here and who is not. I haven't gotten e-mail so I want you to post on this instead. This isn't an AOWL it is just a way to know who I can count on. You want get kicked if you don't reply, but don't expect any favors to be asked. By the way if you do favors for me that helps you a long the way to promotion.
Private First Class Kairo
Iron Horse rules.
If it has a Rebel insignia, shoot, ask questions later
Otto Vox
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
October 3, 2003 6:49:09 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
I swear, ComNet doesn't let me know when the actual poster posts, ,I never realized you posted man
Sergeant First Class Otto Vox
Dark Jedi Knight
Squad Leader - Iron Horse
CM/DJK Otto Vox/Krath/Lion 1-4/VEDJ
Give into the inferno that is the Dark Side of the Force.-Otto Vox
Fear, fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, fear is my ally.-Darth Maul
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
October 8, 2003 7:35:44 PM    View the profile of Kairo 
Hello IH. I am now the SL of DD. I don't need your reports anymore. I wish you a fond farewell. Good day. Hope to see that you are really hard to team to beat in the up coming compitions. Bye.
Private First Class Kairo
If it has a Rebel insignia, shoot, ask questions later
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 3:15:55 PM    View the profile of Virius 
Recent member increases in the Vast Empire has forced the Iron Horse Squad to reopen. This is where squad announcements will be posted and any other squad info that is needed.

The first members of the squad are:
MaraJade, and Tylers as our first troopers of the squad.

As a first announcement I would like to Congradulate Kami on her promotion to Sergeant and she was awarded the Good Conduct Award [GCA] for her outstanding performance.

Senior Sergeant
Frank "Virius" Carter
Combat Slicer

TRP-Raider Squad
TRN/UNI Virius/Training 1-3/VEDJ/VE
"To start press the any key, *Pause* where is the any key?"--Anonymous
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 3:50:21 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Private First Class Trike has been added to Iron Horse (LoR recipient).
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
SL/KPR Cosmic/Lion 1-1/Lopen/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1][OAK]
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 6:32:27 PM    View the profile of kaMi 
Welcome to IH Trike.
Mara, Tylers, haven't met you guys yet, but hoping to catch up with you sometime on Mirc

Btw, #IronHorse on IRC

-=silly caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords=-
-=pretty...what do we blow up first?=-
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 6:52:08 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Actually, It's #Iron_Horse
Captain Rizzit BlackHeart
Wildcard Platoon Commander
Army of the Vast Empire
TRN/AC Rizzit/Trainee 2/Training Sect/VEDJ/VE
Everything expressed truly from your heart and soul is as pure as gold in the minds of anyone who listens!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 6:53:37 PM    View the profile of kaMi 
What he said
-=silly caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords=-
-=pretty...what do we blow up first?=-
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 7:34:44 PM    View the profile of kaMi 
actually, check that, #IronHorse
-=silly caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords=-
-=pretty...what do we blow up first?=-
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 8:26:31 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
nice to see this place back again.
The Comnet Hermit{Retired}
-Raider Squad
TRP/SSG Sniping101/CrazySQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][IH][BoA]

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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 9:27:46 PM    View the profile of Rema 
Kami, put ASL in after TRP on your ID line. And remember to change your ID line in your roster profile.
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"Only Trust your Allies as much as you can Predict your Enemies."
"Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond, i expect you to die."
"Luke, I am your Fasha."
[This message has been edited by Rema (edited November 7, 2004 9:52:26 PM)]
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 10:52:19 PM    View the profile of Talon 
Actually, unless Fury changed how the ID lines are built, ASL takes the place of TRP, just as SL takes the place of TRP.
OO/SM Sierra "Talon" Taurus/HC-3/VEHC/VE[BC][IOC][LoC][SoS][BM][CDS][MSM]
GM-SL/DJM "Nightblades"/DC-1/Elite Griffen Sect/VSD-II Griffen/VEDJ/VE[IOC][OQD][WoS 2nd Class]
SCAP/COM Vincent "Claw" Taurus/ISD Nemesis/Offensive Fleet/VEN[=A=][LoM][IOC][IC2]
CEO Vincent "Claw" Taurus/ECHC-1/Endoven/Dome 8473/VEEC/VE
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 7, 2004 11:01:29 PM    View the profile of Virius 
Yeah thats how I did it.

Thanks to Merrick Iron Horse has a colorful squad ID tag as soon as I see any of the other members of the squad on IRC I will send you a file contaning the html code that you can put in your Signature and display it proudly.
Senior Sergeant
Frank "Virius" Carter
Combat Slicer

Squad Leader - Iron Horse Squad
TRN/UNI Virius/Training 1-3/VEDJ/VE
"To start press the any key, *Pause* where is the any key?"--Anonymous
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 8, 2004 12:00:04 AM    View the profile of TK-112 
Gah!, I'm separated from Kami!

*is shocked*
Senior Sergeant David "TK-112"Bowman
Field Cook in training
*DarkDragoons* - Vast Empire Army
"Winner of the let's imitate TK-112 for a day competition"
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 8, 2004 3:52:29 AM    View the profile of kaMi 
you'll live
-=silly caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords=-
-=pretty...what do we blow up first?=-
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 8, 2004 5:05:54 PM    View the profile of Rema 
hmm didnt know that about the TRP thing. Bah.
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"Only Trust your Allies as much as you can Predict your Enemies."
"Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond, i expect you to die."
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 16, 2004 4:26:16 AM    View the profile of kaMi 
still waiting
*runs around in circles to pass the time*

IH should be up and fighting soon, in the meantime, check out our shiney new tanks
Iron Horse Squad
-=silly caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords=-
-=pretty...what do we blow up first?=-
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 16, 2004 11:22:29 AM    View the profile of Afyon 
Hmm you are a tank squad?

We might be working together a lot then maybe since DD is a walker squad.
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"No I expect to leave you on some beach with no name at all while I say away on my ship...and then I'll shout the name back to you...saavy?"
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 16, 2004 1:47:08 PM    View the profile of Rema 
psh, a walker squad with no walker.
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"Only Trust your Allies as much as you can Predict your Enemies."
"Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond, i expect you to die."
"Luke, I am your Fasha."
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 16, 2004 8:32:54 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
PFC Varron has been added to Iron Horse.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
SL/KPR Cosmic/Lion 1-1/Lopen/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1][OAK]
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 17, 2004 7:40:32 AM    View the profile of Varron 
Hey all, proud ta be in iron horse, gonna do all i can ta make IH the best again, is there a mission up at the moment?

o yer, WE GOT TANKS!!!  i mean seriously TANKS!!


Varron (bringing peace through violence)
Hashi Shiyun
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 17, 2004 8:33:09 AM    View the profile of Hashi Shiyun 
Jester's Speeder Bikes > Tanks

Armoured Recon all the way.

ed - Always nice to see an enthusiastic new Stormtrooper. Good luck in IH and let Kami take care of you

ARC/SSG Hashi Shiyun/1SQD/2PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [IH] [CoR] [SoA] [LoR]
[This message has been edited by Hashi Shiyun (edited November 17, 2004 8:34:35 AM)]
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 17, 2004 11:51:51 AM    View the profile of Virius 
You will be receiving an email from me later today welcoming you to Iron Horse and what you will need to do to be active.

Welcome to the Squad
Senior Sergeant
Frank "Virius" Carter
Combat Slicer

Squad Leader - Iron Horse Squad
TRN/UNI Virius/Training 1-3/VEDJ/VE
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to earth. And we most definitely regret the corp just blowing up our raggedy-ass fleet."
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 17, 2004 12:58:04 AM    View the profile of Rema 

ok i think we should leave these people alone in their room.
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"Only Trust your Allies as much as you can Predict your Enemies."
"Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond, i expect you to die."
"Luke, I am your Fasha."
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  RE: Iron Horse Topic
November 18, 2004 9:54:08 AM    View the profile of Afyon 
Pfft, they'll get lonely without us :P
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"No I expect to leave you on some beach with no name at all while I say away on my ship...and then I'll shout the name back to you...saavy?"
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