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ComNet n00b
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  what is the canon for organzation
November 17, 2016 4:32:19 PM    View the profile of rengade 
i was just wandering what the canon for this website is?
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  RE: what is the canon for organzation
November 17, 2016 4:43:16 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
Were post ep6 pre ep 7.  One of the high command can give you a better answer for the rest.
CPO Raigen DarkBlayde Tei-Yehn/VE (=*A*=)(=*SA*=)(=*BO*=)[VC:B][SWC][BRC][NS-2] ==RETIRED==

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  RE: what is the canon for organzation
November 17, 2016 5:04:23 PM    View the profile of Drac 
We're currently in 17 ABY. The overall VE canon is based mostly on the original Legends canon, but with several important differences because it is indeed our own version of the SW universe, and will likely incorporate important aspects of the Disney canon once we get to that time period. However, since Episode 7 takes place in 34ish ABY, we're far from having to worry about that.

The most significant departure from Legends canon is the Plague Wars, kicked off by the Krytos Virus and lasting roughly from 7 ABY to 10 ABY. Basically, this period runs with the idea that significant portions of the galaxy were devastated by an escalation of the galactic civil war into wide use of biological weapons by both the Empire and New Republic. Refusing to use such weapons serves as one of the ways that the in-universe Vast Empire differentiates itself from the other Imperial splinter factions.

NCC/LCPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Aurek/1Flt/FC/VEN/VE
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ComNet n00b
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  RE: what is the canon for organzation
November 17, 2016 9:21:20 PM    View the profile of rengade 
Thank you Line Captain Dac
may the dark side be with you
ComNet n00b
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  RE: what is the canon for organzation
November 17, 2016 9:23:48 PM    View the profile of rengade 
Thank you Line Captain Drac
may the dark side be with you
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