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  Danni Jekkura/Black Dragon Bio
March 25, 2016 3:50:40 PM    View the profile of BlackDragon 
== Physical Appearance ==
    Name: Dannika (Danni) Jekkura
    Homeworld: Akana (Elrood Sector, Outer Rim)
    Age: 18
    Species: Human
    Native Language: Basic
    Gender: Female
    Skin Color: Pink, lightly tan
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 114 lbs
    Hair Color: Dk. brown
    Facial Hair: None
    Eye Color: Light brown
  Distinguishing Features: Dragon tattoo on left bicep, 7" scar on left hip

== Background History ==
Danni was born on the dry and barren world of Arkana to Pell and Martine Jekkura, two members of the famous Professiona Artists Guild. Her father Pell was a noted sculptor, while her mother Martine was known for her pointallist paintings.

Danni grew up with a liberal background and strong focus on the arts, and it was assumed she would become a life-long member of the Guild, especially as she had great skill with pencils and ink cartoons, and though it wasn't necessarily considered the highest form of art, her cartoons had been published several times.

More than anything, though, Danni would look up at the clear night sky and want to visit the stars. She began learning to fly when she was 12, and by the time she was 16 was one of the best pilots in the Guild. When she was 18 she informed her parents that she was going to join the Imperial Navy and see the world. This didn't sit well at all with Pell and Martine, who had very specific views about war, violence, and the Empire, and Danni has left them on fairly bad terms.

== Character's Personality ==
Danni has a lifelong love of the arts, instilled by her parents. Because of this, she tends to be somewhat left-of-center with her thinking, often finding unusual approaches to problems. Her upbringing has also made her rather opposed to authority, something she expects may take her a bit of time to come to terms with in the Navy.

When not on duty she love music, especially loud and/or experimental kinds, opera, and jazz. She's a fan of spicy foods and bad holos, and has no time at all for philosophy.

From a personal perspective, she'll give anyone the benefit of the doubt once, but if they betray her trust they'll never have it again.

Danni's also afraid of vermin, and holds a particular prejudice against aliens who resemble them.
“Great empires are not maintained by timidity.” -- Tacitus
[This message has been edited by BlackDragon (edited March 26, 2016 9:44:33 AM)]
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  RE: Danni Jekkura/Black Dargon Bio
March 25, 2016 8:22:16 PM    View the profile of Amacuse 
Alright, BD, your bio looks good to me!  But before I pass you, I wanna try something a bit different with you.

I would like to see how you write.  So... Think you can write a short post for me about how life was for Danni before she decided to join the Navy?  Just something detailing what she does on an average day... Or heck, you can even make it a post about what she does when she's off-duty!

This serves multiple purposes.  Not only does it allow me to see your writing first-hand, but others as well.  With this, and your bio, as a baseline, writing alongside you will be that much easier for us (me included >_>), and allow me to place you in a position in the squadron that I believe you would fit in well.  But it also gets you some practice writing as Danni.  For me, I have to keep working at writing as Arianna... Since my main used to be way different than her.  I know how it is writing for the first time, and while technically writing a post isn't required for graduating... I think it can help everyone here, yourself included, learn a bit about Danni so that we all can grow to love her. 

The post doesn't have to be long, maybe 300-500 words, and written in the third person.  That's... About the only requirements we have for writing here in the Vast Empire, besides the obvious spelling and grammar... But then again, that's what proofreading is for.  Most people here are generally friendly and will lend a helping hand with writing a post, or even proofreading one for you, myself included.

Besides that little request from me, please report in to the Aurora Squadron Barracks here, and I will contact our Naval Commander in Chief, Stormz, about your placement.

We currently have a few stories currently in the works, our primary one being the Chapter story here: Chapter 10: Complacence

Our other two stories are for fun, which we call Character Development (CD) stories: Thats no moon... and Raiding the Rebellion

Feel free to hop into those stories!  For the Chapter story, I recommend posting in Objective Dorn, which is reserved for off-duty characters and those still in training.  But if you feel a desire to post as an NPC pilot on either side of the battle, you are more than welcome to do so!

I said this earlier, but I will say it again.  Welcome to the Vast Empire
Amacuse | Warrant Officer 1st Class | Squadron Commander | Vast Empire Navy

WO1 | Arianna "Bolt" Blaire | SC | 175th Aurora Squadron | 48th Sabre Wing | ISD-II Adjudicator | 1st Fleet | SFC | VEN | VE

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  RE: Danni Jekkura/Black Dragon Bio
March 26, 2016 10:17:55 AM    View the profile of BlackDragon 
Can do! How's this?

Danni cross-legged on her bunk in the barracks, dressed in her military-issued tank top, shorts and socks, brown hair pulled back in a sloppy ponytail, sketch pad in her lap. The tip of her tongue protruded from the right side of her mouth as she examined the drawing she'd been working on for the past twenty minutes.

"Jiffy" Ploog, a fiery redhead that Danni thought would have trouble fitting into a fighter cockpit, plopped down next to her.

"Whatch'a got, BD?" she asked. Jiffy was the largest female in her training squad: 6'3" and nearly two hundred pounds of solid muscle. She'd said that she had been the best shockboxer on her home world before she'd joined the Empire, and had proven her skills against anyone who wanted to challenge the claim, including three men. Her undefeated streak within the squad made her someone Danni was glad to have on her side.

"Just sketching," Danni replied, turning the pad so that it faced her bunkmate.

"Whoah! Is that Captain Phizzmer?"

Danni grinned and nodded.

"What's that Gammorean doing to h---oh, oh. OHHHHHH."

"What's it Phizzmer keeps saying during physical drills?" The women responded in unison, imitating the rough growl of their training officer: "You'll take it and like it!"

"You're gonna wanna make sure Phizzmer doesn't see that," admonished Jiffy.

"Yeah, just relieving some stress," said Danni. "It's going straight into the recycler before dinner." She glanced at the digital clock on their wall. "Speaking of which..."

"Yeah BD, come on. Let's ditch that. I'll buy you somethin' nice."

"It's meat loaf Friday," said Danni, wrinkling her nose. "Want to buy me something nice? Take me someplace other than here."

Danni tore the page off of her sketch pad, took her roommate's arm, and tossed the page into the recycler as the two headed to the mess hall.
“Great empires are not maintained by timidity.” -- Tacitus
[This message has been edited by BlackDragon (edited March 26, 2016 10:26:25 AM)]
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  RE: Danni Jekkura/Black Dragon Bio
March 26, 2016 10:23:12 AM    View the profile of Amacuse 
That is quite perfect

Alrighty, troublemaker :P  I know exactly where I'm gonna put you then.  Tomorrow I will be sending in my roster assignments to Stormz.  Until then, feel free to post to either of our three stories, and make sure to report in to the Aurora Squadron Barracks!  All the links for which have been provided in my previous message. 
Amacuse | Warrant Officer 1st Class | Squadron Commander | Vast Empire Navy

WO1 | Arianna "Bolt" Blaire | SC | 175th Aurora Squadron | 48th Sabre Wing | ISD-II Adjudicator | 1st Fleet | SFC | VEN | VE

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  RE: Danni Jekkura/Black Dragon Bio
March 26, 2016 10:28:19 AM    View the profile of BlackDragon 
Roger that! Thanks!
“Great empires are not maintained by timidity.” -- Tacitus
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