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  New Recuit, Wyvern
March 19, 2016 4:04:55 PM    View the profile of Wyvern 
Hello! I was told that I should make a post here. I hope I am doing this correctly, if not let me know. Awaiting orders.
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  RE: New Recuit, Wyvern
March 19, 2016 4:30:24 PM    View the profile of Amacuse 
Hello there Wyvern!  Welcome to the Vast Empire!  I am Warrant Officer 1st Class Amacuse, Squadron Commander of Aurora Squadron!

As you may have noticed, things here in the Academy are a bit in the ar presently, however... That does not mean I can just sit by idly and do nothing!  So... How about we get you started here, and Havock will be by to grade you and place you in a squad.  Again, welcome to the Vast Empire!


== Physical Appearance ==
        Native Language:
        Skin Color:
        Hair Color:
        Facial Hair:
        Eye Color:
        Distinguishing Features:

    == Background History ==
    (Give about 1-2 paragraphs worth of background history for your character. This doesn't have to be long and detailed since this is a new character for you, and you need to still flesh him/her out a bit. If you do want to go into great detail, by all means do so!)

    == Character's Personality ==
    List/write about your character's personality. What makes him/her the way she is? Anything in particular (pet peeves, etc.) that irk your character? Etc.
Amacuse | Warrant Officer 1st Class | Squadron Commander | Vast Empire Navy

WO1 | Arianna "Bolt" Blaire | SC | 175th Aurora Squadron | 48th Sabre Wing | ISD-II Adjudicator | 1st Fleet | SFC | VEN | VE

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  RE: New Recuit, Wyvern
March 19, 2016 6:37:45 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Yes thank you Amacuse! Welcome Wyvern!
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

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ComNet n00b
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  RE: New Recuit, Wyvern
March 21, 2016 1:36:46 PM    View the profile of Wyvern 
Thank you, ma'am. Below is all of the information requested. If you would like me to at to anything or change anything let me know,

== Physical Appearance ==
    Name: Talohn Kovach
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Age: 23
    Species: Human
    Native Language: Basic
    Gender: Male
    Skin Color: White
    Height: 6’1”
    Weight: 185 lbs.
    Hair Color: Black
    Facial Hair: None
    Eye Color: Silver-Blue
  Distinguishing Features: Talohn has a black skull and crossbones tattoo on the back of his neck, He also has a small patch of premature grey hair near the top of his head which he tries his best to hide.

== Background History ==
Talohn grew up on Coruscant to the son of a minor politician, giving rise to his hatred of everything political due to the fact that it was all his father ever talked about. This is why he joined the Empire and became a soldier. There are no politics on the battlefield, and it would keep his father from forcing him into the world of politics. In his spare time Talohn liked to go down to the nearest shooting range and use whatever weapon he could get his hands on, becoming rather proficient with many different types of blaster pistols and some blaster rifles.
== Character's Personality ==
Talohn has a rather reserved personality and is rather slow to trust. However, he is quick to aid his comrades and friends in whatever endeavor he can. He does get rather touchy when people mention his hair and gets angry with them quickly. He will also leave the room if politics become a prominent topic. Talohn is also one of those people who likes to just sit back and watch people, taking notice of their nervous ticks and physical mannerisms.
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  RE: New Recuit, Wyvern
March 22, 2016 2:41:38 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Looks good! You can continue to build upon your backstory as you get more comfortable around here.

Report to the Direcats Squad Barracks:

We currently have 2 stories going on, our site wide Chapter Story ( and a more fun story for Character Development here ( You are welcome to join either or both. Or put up a personal story about how your character joined the VE on our Neutral Storynet (where both of the stories I mentioned are housed).

We have a wiki here: that you can add a page for your character.

Enjoy and Welcome.
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

[EW1] [RoT] [RoM] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC]
{HoTC} {KAD} {GC} {GS} {RES} {MRT}
(ESC09) (AoT) (DoH-P) (AS-4) (A13) (A5) (1.1) (1.2)
(KC2) (SoY)
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