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  MillicentArcher, New Recruit
March 16, 2016 3:23:11 AM    View the profile of MillicentArcher 

I roleplayed here once a long time ago and I thought it was time I came back. Awaiting orders.
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  RE: MillicentArcher, New Recruit
March 16, 2016 4:40:56 AM    View the profile of Amacuse 
Hello there MillicentArcher!  I am Warrant Officer 1st Class Amacuse of the Vast Empire Navy!  Please pardon us as we try to get things back in order here at the Academy.

Since we are in a limbo state, I'm gonna go ahead and throw this at you to get started with until Havock can get to you!

== Physical Appearance ==
        Native Language:
        Skin Color:
        Hair Color:
        Facial Hair:
        Eye Color:
        Distinguishing Features:

    == Background History ==
    (Give about 1-2 paragraphs worth of background history for your character. This doesn't have to be long and detailed since this is a new character for you, and you need to still flesh him/her out a bit. If you do want to go into great detail, by all means do so!)

    == Character's Personality ==
    List/write about your character's personality. What makes him/her the way she is? Anything in particular (pet peeves, etc.) that irk your character? Etc.
Amacuse | Warrant Officer 1st Class | Squadron Commander | Vast Empire Navy

WO1 | Arianna "Bolt" Blaire | SC | 175th Aurora Squadron | 48th Sabre Wing | ISD-II Adjudicator | 1st Fleet | SFC | VEN | VE

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ComNet n00b
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  RE: MillicentArcher, New Recruit
March 18, 2016 2:15:11 AM    View the profile of MillicentArcher 
== Physical Appearance ==
        Name: Quinn LeRoy
        Homeworld: Ord Mantell
        Age: 22 (born 8BBY)
        Species: Human
        Native Language: Basic
        Gender: Female
        Skin Color: White
        Height: 5'7"
        Weight: 170 lbs
        Hair Color: Brown
        Facial Hair: None
        Eye Color: Green
        Distinguishing Features: Freckles

    == Background History ==
    Quinn LeRoy was born on Ord Mantell to parents involved in the Black Sun crime syndicate. She was annoyed by the politics involved with climbing through the ranks and decided that a life in the military wouldn't be a bad decision, since the Black Sun had a profitable relationship with the Empire previously. She has a disdain for the New Republic because of its disorganized beginnings.

Quinn likes the structure provided to her in joining the Empire. A simple chain of command that is easy to follow and no politics involved is a breath of fresh air. She will probably be a career soldier rather than go back to her family and Black Sun.

    == Character's Personality ==
    Quinn is outgoing, appearing to be open with people while taking stock of their character. She makes friends easily, but is slow to trust. She does trust her comrades, however. She is full of smiles, but be careful of what lies beneath. After all, a predator bares its teeth before it bites.
    Quinn doesn't like to make a scene. She is calculating in her moves, taking stock of everything before she strikes. Dejarik is her favorite game.
    Her pet peeves include loud children and pumpkin spice.
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  RE: MillicentArcher, New Recruit
March 18, 2016 10:26:14 AM    View the profile of Havock 
Haha Pumpkin Spice. Looks good! You can continue to build upon your backstory as you get more comfortable around here.

Report to the Direcats Squad Barracks:

We currently have 2 stories going on, our site wide Chapter Story ( and a more fun story for Character Development here ( You are welcome to join either or both. Or put up a personal story about how your character joined the VE on our Neutral Storynet (where both of the stories I mentioned are housed).

We have a wiki here: that you can add a page for your character.

Enjoy and Welcome.
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

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