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ComNet n00b
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February 9, 2016 6:14:39 PM    View the profile of Madra 
Salutations VE, I am Madra, I joined the EE, a similar site started by one of the veterans, I saw Tetrarch switched over to here, and I was wondering if I could join in on the fun. So yea, also if I do switch can I use the same character I had previously?
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  RE: Transferring
February 9, 2016 6:33:49 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
I don't see any reason why you can't. Will have to assimilate into the different timeline, but shouldn't be a big problem.
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  RE: Transferring
February 9, 2016 7:37:02 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Yes Madra that's definitely fine. Just use this topic to post a basic profile, then we will get you started.

== Physical Appearance ==
        Native Language:
        Skin Color:
        Hair Color:
        Facial Hair:
        Eye Color:
        Distinguishing Features:

    == Background History ==
    (Give about 1-2 paragraphs worth of background history for your character. This doesn't have to be long and detailed since this is a new character for you, and you need to still flesh him/her out a bit. If you do want to go into great detail, by all means do so!)

    == Character's Personality ==
    List/write about your character's personality. What makes him/her the way she is? Anything in particular (pet peeves, etc.) that irk your character? Etc.
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

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  RE: Transferring
February 9, 2016 9:35:41 PM    View the profile of Tetrarch 
Welcome back lad
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  RE: Transferring
February 9, 2016 10:33:27 PM    View the profile of Trick 
Good to see you, Madra!  Welcome back!
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ComNet n00b
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  RE: Transferring
February 16, 2016 4:54:15 PM    View the profile of Madra 
== Physical Appearance ==
        Name: Adrian Madra
        Homeworld: Kuat
        Age: 21
        Species: Human
        Native Language: Basic
        Learned- Dosh (Trandoshan)
        Gender: Male
        Skin Color: Pale
        Height: 6' 2''
        Weight:175 lbs
        Hair Color: Blonde - Flat top
        Facial Hair: Clean shaven
        Eye Color: Pale blue
        Distinguishing Features: The imperial symbol is tattooed on his shoulder.

    == Background History ==
    A young inventor on Couruscant helped to design the first engine that gave the people of Coruscant the ability to travel though space. His lineage passed down along with a handsome amount of credits. The Madra was a well known business name usually investing in companies that they see taking life. Getting richer ob their own riches. This lead them to a good home of Kuat. Along the lineage the next Madra took the house and with his wife he had three loving triplets.

Adrian, Aleayna, and Jasho were a trio of human children. They were raised in business and fine life styles. The life befitting a Hutt as their father called it. Ironically Adrian and Aleayna hated the rich life style. Adrian began to seek out more invigorating style of life. He couldn't find one that he could take at the age of five. That was when he learned of History. War was his favorite topic as a child and so it grew as he did. He fell in love with fighting and destruction. His sister took a more technological path while his identical twin brother, Jasho, loathed in their fathers love of the rich life. They were taught to behave like robots. They couldn't speak without being spoken to. They could not do as they pleased. When entering their parents room if they stepped on a crack in the special made floor they had to go back before they could go again. They had no free will and were subservient little children.

Adrian was twelve when he met his first alien. A Trandoshan representative of a small business arrived with his family at the Madra estate. The child of that trandoshan was twelve and so Adrian and the young trandoshan became friends. The next time he came he invited Adrian to join a club of his. Adrian agreed and began sneaking out of the estate and going to the club. He was the only non trandoshan there and was picked on constantly. So with the help of his sisters tinkering he made a way to become more trandoshan. Her invention made fake nail and teeth attachments, and with the right chemical theses attachments were able to be come permanently part of the body. He made sharp endings he could attach to his teeth. Although his sister never told him the chemical she had used to attach them made it permanent. Adrian was angry but he decided to not take it out on his sister. Instead he used it to fight at the club. At the club, his teeth surfaced and made his friends a lot more comfortable with him. Soon they even began teaching him their own home language.

Adrian was 16 when he found an enlist notice on his way to the club. He read it and found out that the imperials were looking for recruits. Adrian took the notice home and hid it in his room and began training his body and mind to be military style. When he was 18 he approached his sister with the idea and together they decided to get away from the rich life and get jobs that would make a difference in the galaxy. Adrian signed up to be a stormtrooper while his sister wanted to join the Naval forces. They took everything they thought they needed and left without telling any one. The night before they actually left the planet they each got a tattoo of the imperial insignia on their left shoulders. Then they were shipped off to their academy as imperials.

After a brief tour under the banner of the Second galactic Empire, Madra shifted his allegiance alongside the admiral he had served with for his brief military career.

    == Character's Personality ==
    Adrian was raised to follow orders with swift remarks without second guessing the decision and just doing it. He is very well kept when around people he doesn't know. Silence is a key to him, although when needed he can talk the ears off a man. He comes off as the stupid class clown that failed school, and was forced into the army. Although when he is talked to; he is very intelligent and insightful about the things going on around him. He is always calm even though the situation may be grim. He is very modest and humble offering his hand when ever he can. He wouldn't take a bullet for the man next to him but he will at least attempt to help the man or stop the shot. He has always been known as one to make friends among the aliens especially the Trandoshans. He is a loner and attempts to stay alone whenever the time presents it's self. His actions are never far from the book although he has been kn own to betray the COC every one in a while.
[This message has been edited by Madra (edited February 16, 2016 5:11:13 PM)]
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  RE: Transferring
February 16, 2016 8:56:02 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Looks good. Keep fleshing out your character as you work on stories around these parts.

Report to the Direcat squad barracks ->
And introduce yourself.

We currently have a site wide story, Chapter 10, which has us defending our territory against a terrorist attack orchestrated by the New Republic. Read through that here ->

Or feel free to use our Storynet to create a personal story to explain how your character came to join the VE or your pleasant and definitely enjoyable time in training That board is here ->

Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

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ComNet Sultan
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  RE: Transferring
February 16, 2016 8:58:11 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Also I forgot, please check out Slack if you haven't already. Lots of guidance and cool folks there ->
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

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(ESC09) (AoT) (DoH-P) (AS-4) (A13) (A5) (1.1) (1.2)
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