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January 19, 2016 6:04:08 PM    View the profile of crimson-nexus 
Wow. Never thought I'd be posting here again. Thanks for the warning that the site was being reignited Trick, but yea. Onto the questions, I can't find the Academy (Do we even have one yet?), so I can't tell if my old Character counts still. Are we sticking to old characters?
TRP/PSC Crimson-nexus/Raiders/Wildcard/Phoenix/VEA
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  RE: Questions
January 19, 2016 8:07:47 PM    View the profile of Skarr 
Hey, Crimson! A lot of us are definitely using old characters. There was an effort to clean up the Comnet and the Academy was one of them. You can still access the Archives of those near the top of the Comnet page.
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  RE: Questions
January 19, 2016 8:14:23 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
Did I tell you the VE was happening?  Oh.  I don't remember, but... good! 

Regardless of how it happened, we're happy to see you found us again, crimson.

As Skarr said, many folks are using old characters (or, like me, adjusting old characters slightly), and the Academy is still being put back together again.  I'd check in, in the divisional ComNet you want (either VEA or VEN), and the relevant training person will likely respond to you in the thread you start, to give you a sitrep.
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  RE: Questions
February 18, 2016 6:50:37 PM    View the profile of crimson-nexus 
Hey got another one for you guys. Is there a place for random stories not in the star wars universe?
TRP/PSC Crimson-nexus/Raiders/Wildcard/Phoenix/VEA
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  RE: Questions
February 18, 2016 8:18:22 PM    View the profile of Havock 
The neutral storynet is a place for all things that have no other place to exist. And as said above you can roll a new character or just use your own that's totally fine. If you still like your old character just jump into the chapter story the objectives are in my post. If you'd rather something new post a new bio on the joint academy board and we will get you sorted. Good to have you back.
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