This policy applies to:
• all members of the Vast Empire’s High Command
• all members of the VE’s general membership
• all new members of the VE, even while still undergoing training
• how the Vast Empire provides services to its member base and how it interacts with other online entities and fan organizations
• all aspects of recruitment, training, promotion, conditions and benefits, task allocation, leave arrangements, writing/activity assignments
• on-site activity, on or on the ComNet or on IRC, off-site activity, on facebook or other social media; club-related social functions; conferences - wherever and whenever VE members may be as a result of their VE duties
• how members of the VE treat other members of the VE, persons visiting the VE, and other members of the public encountered in the course of their VE duties
The Vast Empire is committed to providing a safe, flexible, and respectful environment for members and visitors, free from all forms of discrimination, bullying, and sexual harassment.
All members of the Vast Empire are required to treat others with dignity, courtesy, and respect.
By effectively implementing and maintaining our Equal Opportunity Policy, we will attract and retain talented members and foster and preserve a positive environment for members and visitors alike.
Member rights and responsibilities
All members are entitled to:
• recruitment and promotion decisions based on merit and not affected by irrelevant personal characteristics
• a casual role-playing and shared storytelling environment free from any discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment, and vilification
• the right to raise issues or to make an enquiry or complaint in a reasonable and respectful manner without being victimized (see The Vast Empire’s Policy and Procedure on Complaint Resolution).
• reasonable flexibility in determining AWOL status, especially where needed to accommodate their family and career responsibilities, disability, religion, or culture.
All members must:
• follow the standards of behavior outlined in this policy
• offer support to people who experience discrimination, sexual harassment, or villification, including providing information about how to make a complaint
• avoid gossip and respect the confidentiality of complaint resolution procedures
• treat everyone with dignity, courtesy, and respect
Additional responsibilities of members in leadership positions:
• model appropriate standards of behavior
• take steps to educate and make sure their subordinates are aware of their obligations under this policy
• intervene quickly and appropriately when they become aware of inappropriate behavior
• act fairly to resolve issues and enforce VE behavioral standards, making sure relevant parties are heard
• help members resolve complaints informally
• refer formal complaints about breaches of this policy to the appropriate complaint-handling officer, for formal investigation
• ensure members who raise an issue or make a complaint are not victimized
• ensure that recruitment and promotion decisions are based on merit and that no discriminatory requests for information are made
Unacceptable conduct
The following behaviors are unacceptable in the Vast Empire, and may be against the law in some countries. Members (including those in leadership positions) found to have engages in such conduct may be informally counseled, formally warned, or disciplined, in accordance with the Vast Empire Axiom and other standing policies. Severe or repeated breaches can lead to formal discipline up to and including a permanent ban.
Discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment, and vilification are unacceptable in The Vast Empire.
Discrimination is treating, or proposing to treat, someone unfavorably because of a personal characteristic protected by this policy, such as age, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, disability status, religious beliefs, and/or creed.
Discrimination can occur:
Directly, when a person or group is treated unfavorably because of a personal characteristic protected by this policy (example: a member of the Stormtrooper Corps is harassed and humiliated because of her race.).
Indirectly, when an unreasonable requirement, condition, or practice is imposed that has, or is likely to have, the effect of disadvantaging people with a personal characteristic protected by this policy (example: the Navy implements stringent new activity requirements, including daily posts to the ComNet, which would be significantly harder for disabled members to do.).
Personal characteristics protected by this policy:
• age, whether young or old, or because of age in general (although, all members must be at least 13 years old to participate in the Vast Empire)
• race, color, descent, nationality, ancestry, or ethnic background
• sex
• sexual orientation or gender identity, including gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, queer, asexual, or heterosexual
• lawful sexual activity
• a disability, disease, or injury
• religious belief or taking part in religious activity, or not holding religious beliefs
• political belief or political activity
• history and activity within the Vast Empire (example: a member who has violated the axiom, and then been punished, should not be treated differently than any other member)
• physical features, including (but not limited to) height, weight, size, hair or lack of hair, or birthmarks
• parental status, for example because they are responsible for caring for children or other dependents
• marital status, whether married, divorced, unmarried, or in a de facto relationship
• an association with someone who has, or is assumed to have, one of these characteristics, such as being the primary caregiver of a person with a disability
It is also against this policy to treat someone unfavorably because you assume they have a personal characteristic or may have it at some time in the future.
A complaint about potentially discriminatory conduct can be made using the Vast Empire’s Policy and Procedure for Complaint Resolution.
If someone is being bullied because of a personal characteristic protected by this policy, it is a form of discrimination.
Bullying can take many forms, including jokes, teasing, nicknames, emails, pictures, text messages, ComNet messages, social isolation tactics (ignoring people in coordinated campaigns), or unfair practices on the part of VE superiors in relation to promotion, transfer, and/or disciplinary actions.
This behavior does not have to be repeated to be discrimination - it may be a one-off event.
Behaviors that may constitute bullying include:
• sarcasm and other forms of demeaning language
• threats, abuse, shouting, or “flooding” a ComNet message inbox or IRC
• coercion
• isolation
• inappropriate blaming
• ganging up
• recurring unconstructive criticism
• deliberately withholding information that a member needs to fulfill their duties in the club, or denying them access to their entitlements
• unreasonable refusal of requests for leave, or other VE benefits
Bullying is unacceptable in the Vast Empire, and will not be tolerated.
A complaint about bullying can be made using the Vast Empire’s Policy and Procedure on Complaint Resolution.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is a specific and serious form of harassment. It is unwelcome sexual behavior, which could be expected to make a person feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated. Sexual harassment can be physical, spoken, or - most importantly, given the fact that the VE is largely an online entity - written. It can include:
• comments about a person’s private life or the way they look
• sexually suggestive behavior, such as leering or staring (this includes doing such things “virtually” in an IRC channel)
• brushing up against someone, touching, fondling, or hugging (including over IRC)
• sexually-suggestive comments or jokes
• displaying offensive screen savers, photos, calendars, or objects, or linking to same
• repeated requests to go out
• requests for sex
• sexually explicit emails, text messages, posts on social networking sites, ComNet PMs, or IRC chat content
Just because someone does not object to inappropriate behavior in the VE at the time, it does not mean that they are consenting to the behavior.
Sexual harassment is considered to be “in the VE” when it happens on a VE site (including the ComNet and VE-related IRC channels), when it happens at a VE-related event (online or in person), when it happens between a VE member and a visitor, or when it happens between members outside of the VE.
All members of the VE have the same rights and responsibilities in relation to sexual harassment.
A single incident is enough to constitute sexual harassment - it doesn’t have to be repeated.
All incidents of sexual harassment - no matter how large or small or who is involved - require club leaders to respond quickly and appropriately.
The Vast Empire recognizes that comments and behaviors that do not offend one person can offend another. This policy requires all members and club leaders to respect other people’s limits.
A complaint of sexual harassment can be made through the VE’s chain of command: notify a superior, and action will be prompt. Please refer to the Vast Empire’s Policy and Procedures for Complaint Resolution.
Vilification is behavior that encourages others to hate, disrespect, or abuse a person or group of people because of a personal characteristic protected by this policy.
This includes any behavior towards a particular group that encourages others to ridicule that group, be hateful or violent towards them, damage their property, or make false claims against them.
It is also a violation of this policy to give permission or help someone to vilify others, for example by posting or distributing information about them.
Some behavior may not be vilification, if it is reasonable and done in good faith (an example might be: linking to a news report about racist behavior.). Some comments or jokes about a person’s race or religion may not be vilification, but they could still be discriminatory. If in doubt, leave it out.
A complaint of vilification can be made using The Vast Empire’s Policy and Procedure for Complaint Resolution.
Victimization is subjecting or threatening to subject someone to a detriment or negative consequence because they have asserted their rights under this equal opportunity policy, made a complaint, helped someone else make a complaint, or refused to do something on the grounds that it would be discrimination, sexual harassment, or victimization. Victimizing others is unacceptable within the Vast Empire.
Example: A member is consistently under-promoted, in comparison to his peers. When he asks why, his superior officer hints that the member’s constant championing of other members’ rights to make complaints shows that the member is not a team player.
It is also victimization to threaten someone (such as a witness) who may be involved in investigating an equal opportunity concern or complaint.
Victimization is a very serious breach of this policy and is likely (depending on the severity and circumstances) to result in formal discipline against the perpetrator.
The Vast Empire has a zero tolerance approach to victimization. Anyone who believes they have been victimized should immediately report the matter to a superior officer, or their Division’s leadership.
Gossip about equal opportunity problems or complaints is unacceptable in the Vast Empire. It is not appropriate for members to talk with other members or visitors about any equal opportunity complaint, whether it is theirs or anyone else’s.
Gossip is likely to reinforce a problem, create new problems (for example, victimization), and make it harder to solve the original issue.
Members with a problem, concern, or complaint are encouraged to resolve it as quickly as possible according to the methods outlined in the Vast Empire’s Policy and Procedure for Complaint Resolution.
Breaching the confidentiality of a formal complaint investigation or inappropriately disclosing personal information obtained in an official role (for example, as an investigating officer) is a serious breach of this policy and may lead to formal discipline.
Merit in the Vast Empire
All decisions regarding recruitment and promotion of members within the Vast Empire will be based on merit - the skills and abilities of the candidate as measured against the inherent requirements of the position - regardless of personal characteristics.
It is unacceptable to ask potential recruits or candidates for any given position questions about their personal characteristics, or to in any other way seek such information about them, unless this can be shown to be directly relevant to a genuine requirement of the position.
Issue resolution
The Vast Empire strongly encourages any member who believes that they have been discriminated against, bullied or harassed, sexually harassed, vilified, or victimized to take appropriate action, and notify a superior as soon as possible. Please do not suffer in silence.
Members who do not feel safe or confident to take such action may seek assistance from a peer within the VE’s position-and-rank hierarchy.
Other relevant Vast Empire policies
All members, especially those in leadership positions, are encouraged to read this policy in conjunction with other relevant VE policies, including:
• The Vast Empire’s Policy on Sexual Harassment
• The Vast Empire’s Policy and Procedures for Complaint Resolution
• The Vast Empire Axiom
Review details
This policy adopted by the Vast Empire's Navy on July 5th, 2013
This policy last updated: July 5th, 2013