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A New Cartoon!
May 24, 2013
7:08:28 AM
So here it is, news that there is a new Star Wars animated show about to hit our screens next year. Star Wars RebelsNow, when I first saw this, I groaned. Considering that Filoni is involved (the brains behind the Clone Wars TV show) I figured that this would just be Clone Wars part 2. However! One of my favourite TV writers ever, Greg Weisman, is also involved! Let me be clear. Weisman is a genius! The man who combined Shakespeare and stone statues to create Gargoyles, one of the coolest cartoons ever. If you don't know Gargoyles then it is easily found online. Watch it! Only then you can dare to hope that this new Star Wars show could actually be something decent!
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RE: A New Cartoon!
May 24, 2013
7:38:51 PM
I keep getting excited, and then being let down (1313, anyone?). I wish I could just not know anything, until things premier (and then have everything be amazing, every time).
CNW /VCOM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:4][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM][CNQST][IGC](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)CM/DJT Trykon/DJO/VEDJ
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RE: A New Cartoon!
May 25, 2013
3:11:32 AM
I still reallylike the original animated series done by the guy behinds samurai jack.
Grevious was far better than in any following appearance.
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RE: A New Cartoon!
May 25, 2013
3:18:22 AM
I agree with Raz about liking that mini-series. It was handled incredibly well and didn't have any glaring continuity errors. /me gasps
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RE: A New Cartoon!
May 25, 2013
3:33:43 AM
Everyone should watch this :
The buzz around here was massive. Not only did it give us hope for the third film, but the army immediately started an ARC squad.
LTC/Raziel/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/(WoS1)(VP1)(VP2)(SC) [BoA][EW1][CDS][IH][GC][RoT][IG][SoS][GroM][PoC][CoH][SCP] ARC Commander: Alpha, Beta Squads HM/DJC Raziel/Lion 1-5/Neutral/VEDJ/VE (SC) (WoS1) (VP1) (VP2)
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RE: A New Cartoon!
May 25, 2013
3:48:39 AM
I like that in the later episode when they new the story of ep3 they did a bit of a retcon ("you should retreat")
Clearly they'd made Grevious awesome for the films lol
LTC/Raziel/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/(WoS1)(VP1)(VP2)(SC) [BoA][EW1][CDS][IH][GC][RoT][IG][SoS][GroM][PoC][CoH][SCP] ARC Commander: Alpha, Beta Squads HM/DJC Raziel/Lion 1-5/Neutral/VEDJ/VE (SC) (WoS1) (VP1) (VP2)
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RE: A New Cartoon!
May 25, 2013
5:09:56 AM
Haha, I do love how this series characterized General Grievous. It's nice to see him as a badass.
SL|CoT:A|PC/1LT Skarr/1SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [CDS] [ES2] [IH] [RoT] [CRoM] {RES} (VT) (ECA) (WtR) (HeS) (HoS) (3.1) (1.1) (1.2) (A5) (A8) (AS-2) TRN/AC Vexus/Lopen/VEDJ (WoS1) "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't" General George Patton "A leader leads by example not by force." Sun Tzu, The Art of War 