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Suggested reference materials
May 7, 2013
8:57:59 PM
Just wondering what everyone's favorite reference materials are, for writing in the VE. I know there've been variants of this topic elsewhere, but I thought I'd start another list.
For starfighter combat, I look at:
The X-Wing series of novels, both the Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron books.
Movies that focus on fighter pilots in World War I and World War II, like Flyboys, the Red Baron, Twelve O'Clock High, etc.
For capital ship combat, I look at:
The Thrawn trilogy.
Submarine movies and adventures set during the Age of Sail. They're not completely interchangeable with Star Wars, but the tension and sort of spaciousness of those kinds of naval warfare seem applicable.
What about you guys? From where do you gather inspiration/insight?
CNW /CPT Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:3][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)CM/DJT Trykon/DJO/VEDJ
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 7, 2013
10:22:12 PM
My references vary. From popular TV shows (I.E. Last Resort, Downton Abbey) to the bible of real-politik -- Yes, the one and only 'The Prince' -- I draw references from wherever is applicable to the plot. The Thrawn Trilogy is one of my favourite Star Wars references, even for starfighter combat. My favourite movies, books and TV series are all contributing to my writing material in some way or other.
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 8, 2013
3:33:03 AM
Well, I've never been a fighter jock, but when I do write starfighter battles I tend to rely on the X-Wing novels for my inspiration.
Since I have always been Fleet, I have numerous sources to draw on for that writing. Primarily the Thrawn Trilogy (of course), though I am partial to the character of Admiral Daala, so the Jedi Academy Trilogy and Darksaber do enter into my thoughts a lot.
For non-Star Wars inspiration, I tend to draw heavily on the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. The bridge activity (and there is plenty of it, both in combat and out) seems a lot more tense and gritty than bridge scenes in Star Trek (though I do like the tough command decisions in the later seasons of DS9. Probably not coincidental as both shows shared the same writers!).
So yeah, that's where I tend to come from when writing.
"It isn't the killing, you know. It's the beauty of battles that I love - the choreography and the challenge of executing everything just right - and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent." - Gilad Pellaeon
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 8, 2013
3:55:11 AM
I tend to go about it much like Hades. Essentially anything can be used as a reference that I happen to be into at the moment. Also, I feel like I should throw in my opinion since the only replies are Navy boys.
For Star Wars related references I use the Republic Commando novels, Allegiance, and Choices of One. The Republic Commando novels are my prime source, although I haven't read them in a while.
Otherwise, Mass Effect is another big influence. Those are about the only things I can think of now. But I'll be back if I think of more.
Also! Navy friends, if you haven't read the Honor Harrington series by David Weber, they are excellent sources of space combat from what I've heard. I've only read the first book and it was great, but I have like 11 or 12 more books in the series, haha.
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 8, 2013
3:09:16 PM
Well, speaking of Weber and ground combat, Skarr, are you familiar with the ridiculously-titled series of books set on Safehold? By Schism Rent Asunder, and the others in the series? They've got plenty of fun land combat scenes, though they're all decidedly of "guilty pleasure" quality. 
CNW /CPT Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:3][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)CM/DJT Trykon/DJO/VEDJ
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 8, 2013
3:45:59 PM
Wookieepedia and common sense. Most Star Wars books and games are pretty crap.
I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of hunger for life that gnaws in us all. -Richard Wright
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 8, 2013
4:19:05 PM
Trykon wrote:Well, speaking of Weber and ground combat, Skarr, are you familiar with the ridiculously-titled series of books set on Safehold? By Schism Rent Asunder, and the others in the series? They've got plenty of fun land combat scenes, though they're all decidedly of "guilty pleasure" quality. 
I'm quite aware of Safehold. It's actually one of my favorite series, haha. And while the land combat scenes are incredibly fun, they're too gory when it comes to a site like this. I never did think of drawing influences from it though, since it deals with a lot of colonial technology.
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 8, 2013
7:54:56 PM
Sadly, I don't tend to reference anything though I really should have something I turn to if needed. However, while writing Death I found the Thrawn Trilogy to be extremely helpful in motivation and mindset.
I would be happy to check out other books people list here though. I need something to read this summer besides just some SW books. Plus, maybe it'll open my mind up a bit more to combat XD
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 26, 2013
8:31:12 PM
Shared by Avalar: Okay, so it isn't really a reference material... but it's about writing...
CNW /VCOM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:4][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM][CNQST][IGC](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)CM/DJT Trykon/DJO/VEDJ
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 27, 2013
1:55:48 AM
The Sharpe's series by Cornwell, the eleven book series of Richard Sharpe, a soldier in the british army during the Napoleonic War.
The Gaunt's Ghost series (13-15+ books) by Abnett, Richard Sharpe in the 41st millenium (sortof). Extremely fond of all the books. The man writes battle scenes that make me wet.
The Inqusitior Series by Abnett, Eisenhorn trilogy, Ravenor Trilogy and now the start of the Benquin trilogy. All really great books. Also set in the 41st Millenium.
Titanicus by Dan Abnett, lets just go ahead and say anything by Dan Abnett. The mans been in buisness since the 80's, and his work with Games Workshop has put out some really stunning books.
Anything by Aaron Dembski Bowden, also from the Games Workshop line. His actions scenes may not be as visceral as Abnett, but the man can write characters and write them well.
Tighter IP controller then Starwars, and at the same time a more flexible setting, lead to the Black Libary (GW's literary arm) putting out some really great work. Some not so great stuff as well, but a lot of great stuff.
And the best part is, a lot of Abnett's work is very self-contained. No major meta-plot characters (Except for the heresy stuff), everything is explained or described well enough so you're not reading reference material (Some books sound more like a catalogue then an actual book),
which makes it quite easy to pick up and start reading.
All of these are great examples of writing in a pre-established setting.
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 27, 2013
2:09:13 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, Jager! I haven't really explored the 40K stuff, and I'd never heard of the Richard Sharpe series... to the library I go! 
CNW /VCOM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:4][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM][CNQST][IGC](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)CM/DJT Trykon/DJO/VEDJ
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 27, 2013
2:32:15 AM
Wow! Jager, i am impressed! You really know your Black Library! I sometimes forget that Games Workshop isn't just confined to the UK anymore.
I could not agree with you more. The quality of writing in the Black Library books are amazing. True, every now and then you get a book that is just okay, but most of their writers and books are top notch. Alas, I haven't got to the Eisenhorn books yet, but I am currently getting through the Horus Heresy. I have been dreaming of Heresy books since I was eight yeard old. I've waited quarter of a century for that story to be told, and I so every time they release a new book in the series I pounce!
As for the Sharpe books, I haven't read them alas. That is unusual given that I am Brit who grew up in the 80s and 90s. I have promised myself to read them one day though!
"It isn't the killing, you know. It's the beauty of battles that I love - the choreography and the challenge of executing everything just right - and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent." - Gilad Pellaeon
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 27, 2013
6:09:10 AM
I tend to take my starfighting tactics from personal experience. I've never been in a proper tailchase, so to speak (with all the high-tech lasers and the like telling us if we hit or not), but I've performed the majority of the evasive manoeuvres shown in my posts. Same goes for the most of my writing: personal experience. Apart from that, I tend to read a lot on the Battle of Britain, and the actual accounts of the pilots. Also read up on modern day pilots and their tactics. One of the fun parts of being RAF. Films such as Top Gun, some games, like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and the Republic Commando series (go Gurlanins!) influence. I tend to use Wookie to get descriptions, and technical information that I can adapt my tactics to include.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Grent "Gurlanin" Notimo, 58th (Strill) Squadron FL | PO2 Gurlanin | Iron 8 | S:58 " Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Adjudicator" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}
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RE: Suggested reference materials
May 28, 2013
7:52:39 AM
I've got to admit that I find most of the SW books out there a bit, erm, crap. The Thrawn trilogy stands out as a beacon of quality to be honest, it's very good. I'm a massive fan of hard scifi like Iain M Banks. Gurlanin wrote:I tend to take my starfighting tactics from personal experience. I've never been in a proper tailchase, so to speak (with all the high-tech lasers and the like telling us if we hit or not), but I've performed the majority of the evasive manoeuvres shown in my posts. Same goes for the most of my writing: personal experience.
Apart from that, I tend to read a lot on the Battle of Britain, and the actual accounts of the pilots. Also read up on modern day pilots and their tactics. One of the fun parts of being RAF. Films such as Top Gun, some games, like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and the Republic Commando series (go Gurlanins!) influence.
I tend to use Wookie to get descriptions, and technical information that I can adapt my tactics to include.
This is an interesting one, because I find it a bit hard to reconcile two sides here. In one way we all know that Star Wars space battles were designed to have a WW2 look and feel. Squadrons flying in formation etc. Yet at the same time we know that battles would be much more like in an Iain M. Banks book. (Ships hundreds of kilometers apart relying on computers to target and fire.) If I write about space ships I try and blend in some technical details and realism into my writing. But then whenever I do this it is in a standalone story, and never as part of a runon!