Click below for original thread, all designs will be remastered.
Current Project List:
1. Korribian Sparrow S-1 Fighter Prototype
low cost snub ship with versatile applications.
2. Private Design Consultation: Korribian Hawk Class Support Ship H-1 Prototype
Long Range Carrier for S-1 Fighter
3. Korribian Prototype Star Destroyer
smaller redux of the Centari Class P1
4. Private Design Consultation: No Reservations
5. Korribian POD Class Trasport T-1 prototype
Redux of Pod Class Scout Prototype S-1
6. Private Design Consultation: No Reservations
Now accepting bids for our next design. Please Private Message me if you would like something designed. I will take the first three requests and start with the smallest design.

Korribian Ship Yards
"No Project too big, no idea too small."
[This message has been edited by
(edited March 21, 2013
11:41:36 PM)]