Okay guys, has anyone else noticed that, since the handover to Disney, that Lucasfilm has gotten a little....
singleminded in its plans for Episodes 7 and beyond?
First, they put plans for Star Wars: 1313 on hold (see
here). I for one was quite excited to see this (as it was described) gritty and mature look at mercenary life in Coruscant's underworld. No lightsabers, no high Jedi morality, just tough people making tough choices for survival in the Star Wars galaxy. Sounds like a story I would love to play! (heck, it sounds like the VE!)
Alas, no. It has been put on hold so that Disney can 'focus on the new movies'.
And today I wake up to
this. The news that, again due to their focus on Episode 7, the Clone Wars series is being cancelled, and the release of Detours (watch the video of the trailer
here if you don't know that one) is being postponed.
I'm not going to shed a tear over the loss of Clone Wars, but I
really wanted to see the anarchic chaos of Detours! That looks awesome!
My concern is where will this singleminded obsession will end? How long before the House of Mouse decides "working on the new movies, do we really need comics too? Novels?" Granted, some of the Expanded Universe is weak, but some is
excellent. There is meant to be a new Zahn novel on the way, and if Lucasfilm cancel that I am going to flip!
So yeah, I do want to see new movies, but to gain them we may have to lose a lot.