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Topic:  HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
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  HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 9, 2012 7:44:07 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Any graphics must be posted here to earn points. Here be the rules:
  • Graphics include: original old school drawings (scanned and posted here) & digital graphics created using ps, gimp, or *shudders* paint. I'd also accept something very creative using figures or lego's in which case the photo should be posted here. I've accepted Minecraft art in the past.
  • Graphics must be original works. I google and find it, expect zero points.
  • maxSize=400x600 (jpg, gif) If its so big it messes up my screen formatting I will not be a happy Havock.
  • Last but not least, the graphic must have both a Holiday theme and a Star Wars/VE theme.

Now what will you get points for:
I'm going to refrain from putting specific number of points just know that these are all factors in your score.
  • Makes Havock feel Christmasy
  • Refrains from making Havock's eyes or brain bleed
  • Makes Havock Smile
  • Follows Havock's rules (see above)

** Bonus points will be rewarded to anyone that manages to tie their graphic into current events in the story. I've seen this done with short comic strips or just an image that illustrates an event in story. If you do this please link the page and indicate the post you are referencing to receive credit.
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  RE: HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 9, 2012 10:24:23 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Oh almost forgot, you can also submit Avi and Banner submissions but it is only one set per strike team. Also if it flashes the ghosts of Jester will visit you at night and make you take a trip to the HSC of the pasts.

So 1 Strike Team Holiday Banner per Strike Team, and 1 set of Avi's per Strike Team (Don't think you can get points per member of strike team you greedy bastards).
XO | MAJ Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE
SM | KPT Ayme 'Havock' Katash | Lion Sect | Lopen | VEDJ | VE
PRT | CPT Havock | Broken Bitch | Eyesore | Osk
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  RE: HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 15, 2012 6:49:51 PM    View the profile of Havock 
I can tell you are struggling with inspiration, so as I'm feeling giving here are the past three years graphic threads to give you some ideas.

HSC 11 Graphics -
HSC 10 Graphics -
HSC 09 Graphics -
XO | MAJ Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE
SM | KPT Ayme 'Havock' Katash | Lion Sect | Lopen | VEDJ | VE
PRT | CPT Havock | Broken Bitch | Eyesore | Osk
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  RE: HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 16, 2012 8:58:10 AM    View the profile of THX1138 
Something I whipped up real fast. Not great, but what do you expect at 5:57 in the morning?

Aurek and Empire symbol are from the interwebs. Rest was done in Gimp.

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  RE: HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 22, 2012 9:04:48 AM    View the profile of Havock 
Just so you have an idea of the rubric for your submissions, this is the same criteria as the HSC 09 with the amounts adjusted for our 10 point scale.
  • Theme (1) - Basic and simple criterion that focuses upon whether or not the work submitted is within the holiday theme.
  • Quality (5) - This criterion is focused upon the overall quality of the art produced. It also covers the originality of the work. It looks at whether or not it is merely a collage of web images or a hand crafted piece.
  • Creativity (4) - This criterion focuses on the scene depicted in the work. It will look at how well the scene is put together and maintained. How the scene depicts appropriate story details that is if the work is intended to do so.

Also, graded to here.
XO | MAJ Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE
SM | KPT Ayme 'Havock' Katash | Lion Sect | Lopen | VEDJ | VE
PRT | CPT Havock | Broken Bitch | Eyesore | Osk
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  RE: HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 28, 2012 5:40:47 PM    View the profile of Aeos 
Make me feel almost South African that graphic. Keep it up guys!

Qualified Combat Engineer

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  RE: HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 30, 2012 11:31:38 AM    View the profile of Reign 
Holiday Joy

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  RE: HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 30, 2012 11:41:28 AM    View the profile of Reign 
Strike Team Besh!  Happy HSC everyone!

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[This message has been edited by Reign (edited December 30, 2012 11:43:41 AM)]
ComNet n00b
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  RE: HSC '12 - Graphics Submissions
December 30, 2012 5:23:20 PM    View the profile of Reign 
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