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Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 4, 2012
10:42:51 PM
Gentlebeings of the Vast Empire Navy, There's been some upheaval lately, as many of you have noticed, but it is my great pleasure to make several announcements tonight: ~Tuk'ata Squadron is being reopened! A prospective SCO has been PMed and we will be looking at funneling any new and returning members into it until numbers equalize between the two squadrons. ~With there currently being no CNO, returning members are asked to report to myself and to Trykon through PM. To prove activity, please post on the Naval Storyboard with a 500+ word count CD describing your character's return to the Navy. ~DeepSix is hereby promoted to take over the empty Wing Commander position. Eventually he will consolidate into this position as we train a new SCO for Nightshrike as well. Currently, he holds both positions. ~Reporting Standards: For the time being, please use the reporting format I laid out earlier today in various threads here in the Navy Main ComNet. However, a more complete system is in the works (Including templates that should make reporting quite painless!) and will be announced within a week or two. ~Our next Navy-wide story, Out of the Invisible, will debut in a week or two. We're ending the arc started a year or so ago with Into the Invisible, so if you'd like to get some background on the new story feel free to go check it out. It's one of the outstanding stories of the past few years and a very good read. ~In recognition of his outstanding enthusiasm, activity, and dedication to all parts of the Navy, and in recognition of his accomplishment of 3,000 Pay-Per-Click points, I am pleased to promote Serpent to Chief Petty Officer and to award him the Cross of Bravery. ~Lately, medals and such have only been coming at the end of big missions. While that's normal, it isn't the ONLY time such should be coming out. We're currently in a period of evaluation and will be awarding more medals, etc as appropriate soon. Congratulations to everyone involved in all the good things we've got going on right now. I look forward to seeing what the next month or two brings about. -Captain Dracule "Drac" Mihawk Chief of Naval Warfare
TFC/CAPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Besh/1Flt/FC/VEN/VECaptain of the ISD II Halcyon WarriorChief of Naval WarfareCNW|Captain Drac|NHC|VEN|VE"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."
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(edited February 4, 2012
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 4, 2012
11:36:23 PM
Thank you very much for the promotion and the medal! And congratulations to everyone else!
I look forward to the new story! Should be great!
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 5, 2012
12:09:15 AM
Well-earned Serpent, and DeepSix! Exciting stuff happening all around! Just wanted to reinforce Drac's last point: we know there's been a lot of activity in the past couple months that hasn't been adequately acknowledged, but don't you worry, y'all: there are MANY more promotions and shinies in the pipeline. The Navy has undergone a significant course correction, and while the turn wasn't as smooth as it might have been hoped, we ARE on the right course now. Keep up your stellar work on everything you're doing, guys, and more announcements'll be comin' soon!  -Trick
SCAP /ESGN Wyl Trykon/SMC Surprise/TF:B /1Flt /FC /VEN /VE CNT /ESGN Wyl "Trick" Trykon /PLF Cappadocious/VENA /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC]/(=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)TRN/JRN Trykon/DJO/VEDJ
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 5, 2012
2:18:29 AM
Big changes are a'coming - which from personal experience also tends to provide a boost in activity and generally inspire new life and ideas and such. This greatly pleases me...
On another note thank you for my own promo and congrats to Serpent for his. Also congrats to whomever will take over the new squadron.
And since this is a joyous occasion - let's celebrate! 
SC/ CWO DeepSix/ A-1/ S:82 Nightshrike/ W:13 Sabre/ SSD Atrus/ TF:A/ 1Flt/ SFC/ VEN/ VE [ =*TG*=] TRN/ JRN DeepSix/ DJO/ Training Sect/ VEDJ
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 5, 2012
2:20:19 AM
*Drac hands out the Blue Stuff* -Drac
TFC/CAPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Besh/1Flt/FC/VEN/VECaptain of the ISD II Halcyon WarriorChief of Naval WarfareCNW|Captain Drac|NHC|VEN|VE"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 5, 2012
2:23:15 AM
Like I said... big changes indeed 
SC/ CWO DeepSix/ A-1/ S:82 Nightshrike/ W:13 Sabre/ SSD Atrus/ TF:A/ 1Flt/ SFC/ VEN/ VE [ =*TG*=] TRN/ JRN DeepSix/ DJO/ Training Sect/ VEDJ
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(edited February 5, 2012
2:23:30 AM)]
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 5, 2012
2:28:04 AM
/me holds up a glass of the Blue Stuff, smiling. To Tuk'ata, the Wing, and the Starfighter Corps! And, to the future of the Navy! 
SCAP /ESGN Wyl Trykon/SMC Surprise/TF:B /1Flt /FC /VEN /VE CNT /ESGN Wyl "Trick" Trykon /PLF Cappadocious/VENA /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC]/(=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)TRN/JRN Trykon/DJO/VEDJ
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(edited February 5, 2012
2:29:23 AM)]
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 6, 2012
2:54:00 AM
After subsequent discussions between Stormz and I, we've made a couple of changes to the previous announcement in regard to the Starfighter Corps. Please see below:
~DeepSix will be moving up to being solely Wing Commander early, with Fyston taking over as Squadron Commander of Nightshrike. DeepSix will retain operational command for the rest of the two current stories, with Fyston commanding the next mission. Things change immediately administratively.
~Dunny has accepted reactivation as the Squadron Commander of Tuk'ata. Please welcome him back. We look forward to seeing his work with the squadron.
~This is a trial by fire for both Fyston and Dunny. We're asking you both to perform to the best of your abilities. Should you not be equal to the challenge, another deserving pilot may get their shot at an SCO position. Good luck! And remember: I, Trykon, and pretty much every former SCO we have is available to help you. If you don't know what to do next- ask!
~Beta Flight of Nightshrike is hereby transferred over to Tuk'ata (in this case, meaning Slammer and Ryn have been transferred) in order to balance out the squadron numbers immediately. New and returning members will be placed alternating until the squadrons are both full.
TFC/CAPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Besh/1Flt/FC/VEN/VECaptain of the ISD II Halcyon WarriorChief of Naval WarfareCNW|Captain Drac|NHC|VEN|VE"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 6, 2012
3:10:15 AM
/me shakes fist at the people stealing his squadmates
Naw, I'm pleased to hear about the reactivation of Tu'kata squadron - it should add some more diversity in SC stories!
Congrats, on the promotions, guys. Can't wait for the next story!
Senior Crewman Demetrius "Hades" Aita, Nightshrike Squadron FM/SCW "Hades"/A-2/S:82 "Nightshrike"/W:245 "Scimitar"/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SC/VEN/VE(=SWC=) [XMA][AFM][INF]"Your generic TIE grunt is just plain suicidal. And the TIE Defender jockey is bloodthirsty. But the TIE Interceptor pilot, he's suicidal and bloodthirsty. When you see a squad of those maniacs flying your way, you'd better hope your hyperdrive is operational." -Kyle Katarn 
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 6, 2012
9:20:01 AM
/me grabs a glass of the Blue Stuff and takes a swig. Thanks for this opportunity to help make the VEN great again - I won't let you guys down! Now, I believe I have a Squadron to sort out...
TRP/CPL Sam Jack "Dunny" Dunn 4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [SoA][M1(x2)][NAR][IG-HSC2011] [CRotS] [1vM][Scout][SfM][VM][*SWC*][CQB][5.1]
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 11, 2012
4:17:48 PM
After a group discussion amongst the NHC, it's my pleasure to announce these medals and other awards to those who've demonstrated activity and involvement in the Navy. We realize that many of these are over-due and apologize. Things are shaping back up, though, as we get reorganized and build up some momentum. So please enjoy the new shinies! (Alphabetic Order) Drac - Awarded the Victory Cross Silver and the Naval "E" Ribbon for leadership and assistance to VENA on the wiki. Echelon - Awarded the Merit Cross 1st Class and promoted to Chief Petty Officer for Skills activity and VENA contributions. Ellesmere - Awarded the Merit Cross 2nd Class for activity and VENA contributions. Exodus - Awarded the Combat Achievement Ribbon for classified activities. Grey - Awarded the Internal Security Award for classified activities. Hades - Awarded the Merit Cross 1st Class for strong and consistent activity. Ryn - Awarded the Merit Cross 2nd Class and Mentioned in Dispatches, and also promoted to Senior Crewman for initiative and great activity. Serpent - Promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer and awarded the Victory Cross Blue and Naval "E" Ribbon for outstanding activity and leadership and for completely reworking the medals and awards on the wiki. Slammer - Awarded the Merit Cross 2nd Class and Mentioned in Dispatches for excellent writing. StOrMz - Awarded the Merit Cross 2nd Class for leadership. Trykon - Awarded the Victory Cross Blue and Legion of Merit for wiki work, a successful interdivisional story, graphical contributions like DANCECARD, morale efforts and work to preserve the Vast Empire Axiom. Congratulations to everyone! Here's to passing out even more well-earned rewards after the next Fleet mission! Drac passes out a round of the Blue stuff to everyone. -Drac
TFC/CAPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Besh/1Flt/FC/VEN/VECaptain of the ISD II Halcyon WarriorChief of Naval WarfareCNW|Captain Drac|NHC|VEN|VE"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."
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(edited February 11, 2012
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(edited February 12, 2012
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 11, 2012
4:59:06 PM
Congratulations to everyone, and my personal thanks to the VENI personnel, particularly.
Chief of Naval Intelligence
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 11, 2012
7:04:56 PM
Thank you very much, sir! And congrats to everyone on their shinies!
And remember to update your wiki pages with your awards, for I shall soon be visiting your profiles to compile the master lists of who has earned what!
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(edited February 11, 2012
10:29:00 PM)]
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 11, 2012
9:45:14 PM
Well mine is good to go Serpiento.

Bridge|Damage Control|Safety Officer/CPO Finbar "Echelon" Bandoran/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/FC/VEN/VE
TO/CPO Finbar "Echelon" Bandoran/PLF Cappadocious/VENA/VEN/VE
[SoA] [NAR] [CAR] [MC2] [BWC] [HNS] [MC1] [=^ENG^=] {VehM} {SfrM} {HypM} {Astr} {LogS} {Shut} {Gunn}
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 11, 2012
10:52:37 PM
Really, everyone: thank you for the great work past, present, and to come!
SCAP /ESGN Wyl Trykon/SMC Surprise/TF:B /1Flt /FC /VEN /VE CNT /ESGN Wyl "Trick" Trykon /PLF Cappadocious/VENA /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM]/(=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)TRN/JRN Trykon/DJO/VEDJ
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 12, 2012
12:48:22 AM
/me salutes.
Wiki updated, profile updated.
Senior Crewman Demetrius "Hades" Aita, Nightshrike SquadronFM | SCW "Hades" | A-2 | S:82 "Nightshrike" | W:245 "Scimitar" | mSSD Atrus | TF:A | 1Flt | SC | VEN | VE [MC1] (=SWC=) [BWC]{INTER} {XenMA} {AFM} {HypM} {INFL} "Only the dead have seen the end of war." ~Plato   
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RE: Announcement from the CNW's Desk
February 14, 2012
12:49:27 AM
Little note: After a short delay, everyone who received promotions has had their rank updated on the roster.
TFC/CAPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Besh/1Flt/FC/VEN/VECaptain of the ISD II Halcyon WarriorChief of Naval WarfareCNW|Captain Drac|NHC|VEN|VE"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."