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Topic:  Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 8, 2009 12:19:10 AM    View the profile of Drac 
Drac checked his position the moment they exited hyperspace. He didn't want a repeat of his early reversion when Slasher's ship failed. Satisfied that he was in position, he listened as Driver issued his orders, then watched as the rest of One flight and all of Two flight swept forward toward the planet. Part of him wished he was with them, but he knew he had to stay with the yacht.

Finding local space to be clear, the small fleet made their approach and soon landed on the planet. Drac settled his Avenger down near the Gugol, still in formation with it, and ran a fast post-flight check. Landing without the usual docking equipment was a challenge he'd only ever tried in a simulator, but he landed in good order (if a little hard). And it was a definite improvement on the results of that simulator run, which he preffered not to discuss with others. Satisfied that his ship was in expected condition, he powered down and exited the craft. As soon as his boots touched pavement he was moving toward the Gugol and mentally reviewing the next part of his job. It was his responsibility to ensure this went off without a hitch.

As Drac stepped through the hatch and onto the Gugol he was pleased to see Thedrish and Catachan following him on board. He passed Slasher as the other pilot exited to join his flight. As they met the Mon Cal paused and spoke to the flight leader, "Let me know when everyone's ready outside the yacht, would you Nine?"

"No problem, Two." They passed each other and Drac entered the yacht. It took about ten minutes for One Flight to change into their dress uniforms. Drac had donned his in record time, and was still settling his blaster into its holster as he made his way forward to join the passengers. Having done that, he double checked the ribbons he'd earned to ensure they were in position. Fingering the one representing the Star of the Academy medal, he remembered the attention to detail that had won it for him. That was what it would take to make sure this went off as well. He nodded to G'schlecc as he entered the room, then mentally reviewed the procedure yet again. By the time he had finished the rest of One Flight was assembled, looking slightly uncomfortable in their dress uniforms. In the mean time Driver and StOrMz had started discussing some details of the coming days.

Clearing his throat for attention, the Mon Cal pilot began organizing the group's disembarkment, introducing himself to Yulia first, "Hello, ma'am. I am Senior Crewman Drac, the Ensign's wingman. I'll be trying to make this as smooth and easy for you both as possible."

"Thank you, Senior Crewman. I am Yulia Acola, G'schlecc's...close friend."

Nodding, the Mon Cal continued, "I am sorry for your loss as well. It cannot be easy going through this with him. Remember though, even the worst of storms may uncover hidden treasures." Stepping back again, he reorganized his thoughts, then continued:

"Okay, everyone. Here's the order we'll exit the Gugol in: Thedrish, you will exit first. As you step out of the hatch, survey the area for any potential threats. I know we've got another dozen pilots out there, but its still important to do so. Once you've done that, continue down the ramp and head over to Driver's transportation. Open its door when you get to it. Catachan, you'll be next. Step through the hatch, then move to your left and turn so your right side is facing the yacht. I'll be following you and moving to the right to face you. As soon as I'm in position we will both salute and hold our poses.

"Once we get to that point it's your turn, Ensign StOrMz. You'll exit the ship and head toward the transport at a measured pace. Yulia, you will follow the Ensign a few steps behind him. Ensign G'schlecc will exit last, following Yulia. Once you pass Catachan and I, we will drop our salutes and fall in behind you. I'll follow directly behind, with Catachan behind me. As we approach the honor guard we will shut the hatch behind us. Ensign G'schlecc and company will pass between the honor guard, while we stop at the first pair. Once they reach the transport, Thedrish will assist them in boarding it. When the door shuts we fall out and the XO takes over. And remember, this ship is the only secure environment we can claim, so don't let your guard down. Any questions?"

There were none, so Drac walked over to the hatch and looked outside. Everyone appeared to be in position and Slasher nodded at him to proceed. Stepping back, he signaled Thedrish. The process went off without a hitch, everyone disembarking in good order. In just a minute or so Driver and company were in their transportation and the squadron was falling out. As Drac approached his fighter to do his final lockdown on it he hoped he'd done a good job of it. It had felt good though and Driver was safely in the transportation, which was the entire point. The whole thing could have gone horribly and the Mon Cal would have been happy so long as the job got done.

Just under 900 words...
FM/SCRW Drac/Nazgul 1-2/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Imperial Fleet/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [SoA][MC:2]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 8, 2009 2:35:47 AM    View the profile of Thedrish 
Without much problems, the squadron reached the building of the Imperial Governor. Covered by the pilots, G'shlecc entered first, followed by Yulia and Stormz. The pilots closed the ranks. Inside, they were greeted by Governor Hillip Ohni.

“Ensign G'shlecc, first I'd like to say I'm sorry with your loss. I would have wanted to be able to welcome you to Ator under better circumstances.” G'shlecc looked sad and replied “thank you, life isn't always as good as we should wish”. The Governor pointed to the west wing of the building, “we have given your father a room to himself, you want to say goodbye to him I suppose.” A nod from the Ensign confirmed this.

While the Ensign entered the room where his father had been laid down together with Yulia, the rest of the squadron took position on strategic locations. Flight one where posted outside the room. Flight two and three posted in front and at the back of the building. Flight four took positions outside the building on nearby buildings. This all was under the control of Stormz.

“Flight four, report” said Stormz in his communicator. “Nothing to report Sir” he got for a reply from Hunter. “Lots of people in the streets, but nothing that looks suspicious.” Stormz was relieved to hear this. “Flight three, what is going on with you guys?” “Sir, here too nothing fancy” Slasher replied. It looked like it was going to be an easy ride. Perhaps too easy? “Flight two, status?” asked Stormz. The reply from Kane was short and to the point, “Everything ok”. Stormz looked around and saw Flight one standing outside the room. Drac opposite the door, Thedrish and Skrat each to the side of the door. Everything looked covered.

An hour passed without much problems. Every 15 minutes, all flights reported in to Stormz and everything seemed quiet. Then all of a sudden, there was a large explosion somewhere in the building. “All Flights, report!” barked Stormz in his communicator. Flights one and two reported no problems. But the reports from Flights three and four indicated that something went off in the East Wing of the building. “A decoy!” went through the mind of Stormz. But before he could react, he was hit in the neck by something. Before he fainted, he turned around and saw Flight one going out one by one. With his last energy, he grabbed his neck and pulled out a small dart. “Arghh... tranquilizer.. ahhhh”. The last thing he saw while falling down, was three dark men that came into the corridor and entering the room where G'shlecc had been. Then it all became black...

When the pilots entered the building, they couldn't see or hear anything suspicious. Kane took command and ordered a sweep of the building. “Be careful people, for all we know Flight one is dead, including Stormz. And they might have G'shlecc, set your weapons for stunn.” In pairs, the pilots split up and searched the building. It took them only 10 minutes to report that the building was safe and that G'shlecc had not been found. Stormz had been found and recovered with the use of an medical injection. The pilots of Flight one seemed alright, they had been subjected to the same dart that hit Stormz.

“Alright” said Stormz with an angry voice. “What the hell happened here?” Kane reported that they found out during the sweep that there had been intruders inside the building before Nazgul had arrived. Obviously, the bomb in the East wing had been a decoy, clearing the way towards G'shlecc. “Alright, so now they have the Ensign and Yulia” Stormz said. “Good work people!” he said with sacarsm.

“Sir” Kane continued, “there is more”.

“Oh? Any more good news?”

“Well, actually yes” Kane continued,"It appears that the Ensign was not present during the attack. When we examinated the room, we found the coffin - empty, and no Ensign Atrasin or Miss Acola.

“What the hell is going on here?", Stormz wondered, "Where is Driver?"
FM/LCRW Thedrish/Nazgul 1-3/1FLT/VEN/VE (=A=) [MC:2]
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[This message has been edited by Thedrish (edited February 8, 2009 3:12:48 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Atrasin (edited February 8, 2009 5:44:09 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Atrasin (edited February 8, 2009 7:42:38 PM)]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 8, 2009 7:41:42 PM    View the profile of Gshlecc 
The last portion of the flight to Ator was done in silence.  G had gone from catatonic with grief to fighting for his life in an unarmed yacht.  His lads had performed flawlessly, although he knew that Slasher would beat himself up for losing his TIE. 

Better the ship than the man

  They dropped out of hyperspace moments before entering the Ator system.  The planet gleamed like a miniature version of Coruscant.  The vast ecumenopolis that was the city-planet of Ator stretched out beneath them.  He was of this world, yet had only set foot here a half dozen times in his life. The old Imperial Center was his birthplace and more of his home than this ancestral seat had been.  Yet, here he was, come to lay his father to rest. 

  His father had left here shortly after his marriage to his mother.  The legend of the row between Huur Atrasin and the Old Baronet Geordi had been legendary in the nursery.  Huur would take his voice up a full octave to mimic the elder Atrasin’s bellow when told of his firstborn’s marriage to a mere actress.

  Grandfather had been right.  Jahree Atrasin did not take to motherhood well.  Two children and less than ten years after their elopement she had vanished.  Huur had hired some of the best investigators in the Empire to find her, but she might have well never existed.

  Huur withdrew from the world after that.  He threw himself into his work at the Corusca Bank and rose quickly.  He reconciled with his father and the two of them used their combined fortunes to take the bank to the heights of the Imperial financial world.  Palpatine himself had graced the family with more than one audience.  The Atrasins had helped finance many of His Majesties ventures, and were rewarded many times over.

  While amassing great wealth and obtaining power, Huur neglected his children.  G’shlecc and Bedav grew up with a procession of nannies and caregivers.  They were enrolled in the finest schools Imperial Credits could buy and groomed to succeed Huur when their time came.

  However, as seemed to be in the Atrasin family, willfulness was genetic.  G withdrew from the financial programs he’d been in all his academic life and instead chose engineering.  Bedav, the ever loyal younger son, picked up from where Driver had left off and became the financial genius of the family.  He too, chose to fail Huur in only one aspect; he eschewed the bank and worked his way up the ranks at Coruscant Power.

  Now, as G set the Gugol down, he knew he’d see his brother again, and his father for the final time.  He left the final ships shutdown to Stormz and wearily moved to his quarters.  Yulia was waiting for him as he entered, with his semi-dress uniform ready for him to slip into.  She softly kissed him on the cheek and moved gracefully out of the room leaving him to change.  Driver could hear her speaking to Drac as he suited up.  The new pilot was laying out the transfer procedure for her.  All G could think about was what was to come.

  The movement from the landing pad to the Governor’s Hall went off smoothly and quickly.  He watched with jaded pride as his boys did their jobs fluidly.  He entered the Reception Hall and half-listened to the simpering words of the Imperial Governor.  He knew the man, Hillip Ohni, a slug of a man – even by political standards.  His syrupy words turned his stomach, but he knew that Huur warranted this kind of attention.  His father was a man of power and money, the two things that drove the galaxy.  He also knew that Ohni was trying to curry his favor as well.  For as much as he loathed it, G knew he was now the possessor of his father’s power.  The Governor ushered him into the room where his father lay.  Yulia preceded him and he closed the door behind.  Within he saw the sleek Laroon wood casket placed on the suspensor catafalque, and his brother.

  Bedav Atrasin was two years younger and several centimeters taller than G’shlecc.  He possessed his mothers round face, sandy hair and hazel eyes.  He was stout, not as athletically built as Driver and not as battle-toned.  He did, however share G’s steady, piercing Atrasin stare.  His gaze was unwavering and like his older brother had developed it to reduce those who thought them his equal.  That gaze now met, and locked with Drivers.  The two men moved toward each other, met and embraced tightly.  The grief, relief and love were evident.  The brothers had not seen each other in four years, and were now brought together in mourning. 

  “It is good to see you again brother, “choked out Bedav.

  “You too Squirt, “replied G as he tossed out Bedav’s childhood nickname.

  Bedav broke their embrace and moved to Yulia, kissing her lightly and gathering her up in his arms as well.  G turned to the coffin and rested his hand on the warm wood.

  “It’s empty.”

  G turned and looked quizzically at his brother.  Bedav responded, “No remains to collect.”

  G nodded and nonetheless kept his hand on the box, as if he could still feel his father’s presence within.

  Bedav continued, “Uncle Alecc arranged this memorial service and ceremony to keep up the appearances of House Atrasin.  He thought it best to ‘show the colors’ a bit and remind the folks here that we were still in charge.”

  Alecc Atrasin, his father’s eldest brother, and majordomo.  He’d been at Huur’s side his entire life.  He’d helped him elope with their mother, he’d brought Huur and Geordi back together and he’d orchestrated the rise of House Atrasin to the heights of power.  Uncle Alecc had been so loved that Huur had named him godfather and namesake to his first born.  Alecc had never married and devoted himself to his brother’s cause.  It had paid off handsomely, as Alecc was nearly as powerful and wealthy as Huur himself. 

  “Where is Alecc, “queried G?

  “He was delayed at the Hof.  Bank business.”

  Driver nodded, Uncle Alecc would put bank business before family business.  Then he thought, no.  To Alecc the bank WAS family business, as important as a birth, or in this case, a funeral. 

  “Alecc informed me not long after it happened, and I was on the first flight off Coruscant.  I’ve been here ever since.  I wanted to help with the arrangements, but Alecc would have none of it.  I’ve been going a little crazy all alone in the Hof.  I’m glad you’re here, I’m glad you’re both here.”

Driver moved to his brother and once again embraced him.  He held him as he did in the days after their mother had left, and the tearful eight year-old was beside himself with fear and doubt.

  “We’ll be OK brother, we’ll be OK,”

  Bedav broke the hug, “It’s not me I’m worried about; it’s you.  You’re the Baronet now.  You’re the one with the power and the money.  I’ve heard through channels that they’ve already made one attempt on you.  They’re sure to make more.”

  Driver tensed up, “Don’t worry about me.  I’ve got fifteen of the best fighter-pilots in the Empire on my arm, and the entire VE fleet behind me.  They’d be suicidal to try anything again, especially now that we’re prepared for them. “

  As if written in a cheap Credit Store novel the sound and vibration of an explosion echoed through the hall.

  “You are absolutely shitting me!” screamed G as he drew his blaster and moved to cover Yulia.

  Bedav flashed a hidden hold out blaster, and scanned the room for whatever may come, “This is not good brother, suggestions?”

  “Well, first I’d say, leave.  Second, this is getting old.  And finally, when this is over, I want the head of whoever is doing this.”

  “Agreed, let’s work on that first part.  Follow me. “He half-shouted as he ran for the furthest wall opposite the casket. 

  G followed with Yulia in tow.  Bedav skidded to a halt and frantically clawed at the wall hangings.  They parted to reveal a door.

  “A secret passageway I suppose?”

  “Well, it’s a passageway, and it hasn’t been a secret since I was thirteen and got Alcee Kren to show me her ‘virtues’ when we came home for Grandfather’s funeral” he sputtered slamming the door controls.

  G pushed Yulia through the now open door and followed, “Alcee Kren, how the hells did you get her to give it up, she was going to be a nun?”

  Bedav keyed the door shut behind them, “What can I say, I’m persuasive.  This corridor leads to the livery.  My speeder is parked there.  We can make for the Hof and call your team once we’re secure.”

  The Atrasins wove their way through the narrow, trash strewn hall dodging pipes and ducts as they went.  They shortly arrived at the livery.  G and Bedav secured the door and hop scotched their way to the waiting speeder.  Bedav had used one of the household’s formal speeders.  It was black and shiny, and Driver knew, damn near impenetrable.  All of the household’s vehicles were made to military specs for security purposes.  He was certain they’d be alright; he’d personally designed half of them for Kuat’s subsidiaries. 

  G shoved Yulia in the speeder and slid behind the controls, only to be shoved over in turn by Bedav.

“You may be the hotshot pilot, but I’m the real Driver in this family.” He smiled.

  The younger Atrasin cold fired the vehicle from zero to insane in an afterthought.  They shot out of the livery and into the bright Atoran day.  The traffic was heavy and completely unnoticed by Bedav.  He wove in and out of the motorists as if they were standing still.  G had flown countless combat missions, been shot at, shot down and left for dead, but his brother’s driving truly scared him.

  He took a moment to turn and see black smoke and flames billowing out of the Governor’s Hall.  He wondered what sort of havoc the boys were raising.

  “I need to call my men, “he sputtered reaching for his comm.

Bedav slapped it down, “Not till we’re in the Hof. I don’t want anyone to know you’re gone.” 

  The Hof.  The Ratselhof, seat of House Atrasin for nearly fifty years since granted to Geordi Atrasin as a boon from an amused monarch.  Palpatine had thrown out the local Moff to give it to his grandfather.  That Moff had made the fatal error of expressing his displeasure to the Emperor.  His scorched outline still graced the walls of the main dining room.  It was more of a fortress than a home, and it was to this safe haven the brothers fled. 

  They came in hot.  The speeder barely registered to the security sensors set up around the perimeter of the tower.  Bedav guided the craft into the main vehicle bay, skidding to a halt with the help of all brakes and the emergency restraint system.  He punched the canopy off and made for the main security office.  Once in he smashed the emergency secure button and placed the Hof on full lockdown. 

  Powerful shields, shields that could protect a Moff, or an Emperor, crackled to life.  They were finally safe.  The younger Atrasin made his way back to the speeder as G finally managed to pull Yulia from the wreckage.  Both were unharmed, but obviously rattled.

  “Da would not be happy with what you did to the car, “quipped G

  Bedav smiled wryly, “I think this is one of those occasions where he wouldn’t have minded.”

  “I think you’re right, Squirt.  Now, I need to contact my men.  Once I get them here, I want you, Uncle Alecc and the Chief of House Security to meet me in Father’s study.  I want to get to the bottom of this, and I want it now.”

2003 words.  ok, y'all can have fun with the assasins, track'em kill'em, do what you want.  just meet at the Ratselhof in no more than 3 story hours.
SC|ESN Gshlecc "Driver" Atrasin/Nazgul 1-1/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN/VE/[=A=][=^SA^=][=^ME^=][=*MA*=][MC1]{BWC}[NSR:1]{SAS}{SWC}[=FOCE=]
CO/ESN G'shlecc Atrasin/Reaper/STC Daoshim/Sigma Grp/COD/VEI
Vacuus Ordo, Nex  -Without Order, Death
All a man can betray is his conscience. - Joseph Conrad
We few, we happy few. We band of brothers. - Henry V
May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't. - General George S. Patton Jr.
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 9, 2009 9:05:22 AM    View the profile of Drac 
Guard duty wasn't what Drac had envisioned when he signed up for the Navy, but then these circumstances weren't what he'd envisioned either. He knew it would all work out in the end...or would end him. Either way, he'd be happy just to have a few kills under his belt by that time.

Fortunately they'd made it to the local Governor's palace without problems. That had surprised him. Open streets were a much more insecure environment than any building. If assasins were going to try again, that would have been the ideal time. That's the worst part about being on the defensive, Drac thought to himself. Without the initiative you can only wait and react. There aren't many worse disadvantages to have...

An explosion echoed through the building, causing the walls to shake.


Drac reacted quickly, pulling his DC-15 from its holster and turning toward the sound of the did everyone else, it seemed. He heard StOrMz grunt behind him and turned to see the big wookie stagger and begin to collapse. He'd taken only a step toward the senior officer before something hit him over the left eye, stinging. Instantly he was woozy. A second later he felt himself falling, though it seemed very detached...

The Mon Cal pilot was sprawled on the floor beside the wookie, unable to move. He watched as several humans dressed in black rushed to the door, forcing it open and pushing inside. A moment later angry shouts rang out. Another thirty seconds elapsed and the three humans ran back out empty handed. One of them saw Drac staring at them and, snarling, kicked him hard. The group  turned around then and ran down the hall.

The kick, painful as it was, pointed out to Drac that he could feel. And if he could feel he could probably move. Fighting vertigo, he sat up. His right hand fumbled for the blaster he'd dropped and gripped it on the third try. Whetever they'd hit him with, it had killed his coordination. Struggling, he pulled the blaster up to eye level and aimed it at the backs of their attackers. He was about to fire when the barrel dipped down. By the time he forced it up again, the attackers had disappeared around the corner. The Mon Cal slumped against the wall then, letting the blaster drop to the ground.

As he sat there Drac looked at the others. They all seemed to be alive. The wookie and human looked to be completely unconscious, but the trandoshan was twitching and might be awake already. They'd hold for a moment. Rolling himself forward, Drac fought through the haze clouding him and dragged himself to the doorway. It took him a long time, or so it seemed, but eventually he was able to look into the room where Driver had been. He was afraid of what he might see.

The room was empty. In one corner a wooden coffin lay on its side, empty as well. It lay by an ornate table. The only other objects in the room were a few chairs and couches. No bodies. No human Ensigns or human females. Drugged as he was, Drac lay there staring, uncomprehending, until the rest of the squadron arrived accompanied by medics.

It took a few minutes, but the chemicals the medic gave him soon revived the Mon Cal. Curious, he looked at the man and asked, "Why was I still awake? The Ensign, " he pointed at StOrMz, "is much larger than I, but he was out cold."

"I'm not sure, pilot, but it may have been your biology. The trandoshan pilot was in better shape than the others as well, which makes me think the sedative your attackers used was geared toward mammals."

"I guess that's as likely as anything."

"Does this hurt, pilot?" The medic began gently poking several spots on Drac's chest, "You said you were kicked. You may have some broken ribs."

"It's sore on the left side. I'm fine though."

"Let me check it, it'll just take a..."

"No!" Drac pushed the medic away firmly, "The Ensign is my squadron commander and my wingman. I won't sit here while he could be in danger. Thanks for your help, corpsman, but I can't stay." Standing, Drac put a hand on the wall to steady himself. After a second he bent down and plucked his blaster from the floor, settling it back into the holster with the safety off. Turning to StOrMz, who was on his feet as well, he said, "Ready for action, sir."

Catachan and Thedrish were nearby. Catachan was on his feet and looking steady. Of the three of them he might be in the best shape since he hadn't been kicked. Thedrish was looking a bit woozy still, but was on his feet too and ready.

807 words
FM/SCRW Drac/Nazgul 1-2/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Imperial Fleet/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [SoA][MC:2]
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[This message has been edited by Drac (edited February 9, 2009 9:07:49 AM)]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 9, 2009 10:20:48 AM    View the profile of Slasher 
Slasher was looking out toward the Gugol when suddenly a large explosion came from behind him, whirling back to face the Governor's Hall, Slasher's hand drops to the holster at his side, and he draws his S-5 Blaster and quickly activates the grapple launcher, he points to Goth and JMac who had looked to him for instructions, and tells them to go inside and help the others, he's going looking for snipers.

As he arrives on the roof, Slasher crouches and looks around, checking to see if there are any enemies in his immediate vicinity. Seeing nothing immediately, Slasher moves slowly along the roof, scanning left and right with his blaster, he slowly begins to move in the direction the blast had come from, thinking that if there are enemies waiting to snipe at his wingmates, as he moves Slasher begins to think through the events of the past few weeks.

I can't believe all this stuff that has happened over the past few weeks. Just a few weeks ago, I was a mere Flight Member in this squadron, then all of a sudden things changed...

I was promoted from Petty Officer 2nd Class to Chief Petty Officer, and following quickly after that was promoted to the position of Flight Leader when Bacredi was promoted to command the academy. Then in recent times things have been going so badly that I have been prepared to resign my commission, but have been convinced not do so, because with Kane prepared to step down as XO, and with an influx of new pilots into the squadron, I may be asked to step up in the next few weeks...

Slasher hears some sort of movement up ahead, and he crouches, leveling his blaster toward the source of the sound. As he prepares to investigate, he can't help but give one last thought on what is expected of him.

Am I up to it? Am I prepared and qualified to step up within this squadron if asked...

Ending his musing for the present with that thought, Slasher concentrates once again on something he can deal with, the present.

===20 meters away===

Kranto watches the pilot approaching him up ahead, and moving slowly so as not to draw any more attention to himself, he places his LJ-90 Sniper Rifle down on the ground, and prepares to jump the pilot.

Looks like an enlisted man... probably doesn't have that much hand to hand combat experience.

reaching down, he pulls his XV-7 Vibrobayonet from its sheath, and prepares to jump the young soldier.


Scanning side to side with his blaster, Slasher has yet to see the source of the noise that he had heard, but he did not drop his guard, he continued to advance slowly, step by step, scanning for anything that looked out of the ordinary, a coiled weapon, just waiting for the chance to strike.

I know you are around here somewhere... where'd you go...

Without warning, there's a clatter to his left and Slasher whirls to the side, thus avoiding the bayonet that was thrusting toward his neck, while he manages to avoid the thrust to his neck, Slasher still receives a nasty gash to his left shoulder. Dodging quickly to avoid further injury, Slasher strikes his opponent's wrist, causing him to drop the bayonet. Immediately the two men begin circling each other each waiting for the other to make the first move.


As Kranto circles his opponent he slowly rotates his injured wrist. He had expected this to be easy, he'd wait for the pilot to appear, and kill him quickly and quietly. However things were not going as he had planned. Instead of him standing over this pilots dead body right now, he was preparing to engage him in hand to hand combat.

What happened... this was supposed to be an easy mission, and this guy is just a pilot, not even a very experienced one

As he prepares to fight, Kranto recognizes the emblem on his enemy's uniform designating him as a Flight Leader, immediately he begins to reassess the man he was fighting. He looks to the ribbons on the man's chest, and he doesn't see any long service ribbons, which immediately gives him another boost of confidence, and continuing to circle his opponent he begins to taunt him.

“You're a fraud, you do not have the experience required to be a flight leader. I can see from your uniform that you do not even have six months service with the Navy, you don't have the experience to be leading other men into battle, and you don't have the combat experience to be able to defeat me...”

He watched the eyes of the pilot across from him, a Senior Chief Petty Officer if he remembers the rank insignia correctly, hoping to see some indication that the pilot's will is weakening. Seeing no indications immediately he decides to test his opponent's defenses...


Slasher watches the man across from him, listening to his taunts, he sees the man's eyes searching, trying to find some sort of weakness in his defenses.

He's trying to get into my head, trying to break me before we even exchange blows... we'll see who breaks first...

As the continue to circle, Slasher sees his opponent suddenly tense, and he dodges slightly to the side as the first couple of probing punches from his opponent are launched. He allows a few of them to land glancing blows, giving the indication that he is slightly weakened on his left side by the gash across his shoulder, and waits for his opponent to try and take advantage of this.

Suddenly his opponent does, launching a flurry of punches toward Slasher's stomach and ribs, trying to get him to leave his shoulder open to a strike. Seeing what his opponent is doing, Slasher makes a move as if to block one of the punches to his ribs, and immediately his opponent seizes the opportunity, pulling back his punch before Slasher can block it he delivers a quick punch to the injured part of Slasher's shoulder. He is rewarded by a hiss of pain from the pilot, and he brings his other hand around in a chopping motion, hoping to completely disable his opponent's left arm.

Kranto can taste victory as he delivers a hard punch to the shoulder of the pilot before him, and hears the pilot's hiss of pain, he let's out a roar of victory as his hand prepares to chop down on the shoulder, but that roar of victory suddenly turns into a scream of shock and pain when his opponent's left arm shoots up grabbing a fistful of his tunic and he receives a knee to his stomach, which dazes him momentarily. In that second of shock, his opponent suddenly reverses his hold, letting go with his left, and grabbing the other side with his right. And with a sweep of his leg and a yanking motion he throws Kranto.

Kranto feels his shirt rip as he goes flying, a swift kick to his chest adding to the distance he goes. As he lands with a grunt he feels his tunic loosen and begin to fall away. Not wanting the tunic to restrict his movement, he tosses it away as he struggles back to his feet and charges his opponent again with a scream of fury.


Slasher is surprised when the tunic of his opponent falls away and reveals a tattoo, while this in and of itself would not have been disturbing, the fact that it was identical to the emblem which had graced the hulls of the fighters which had attacked them earlier certainly was.

Someone is trying to kill Gshlecc, and they've hired this group of mercenaries to do their dirty work apparently.

Slasher falls back under the fury of his opponent's attack, caught off guard momentarily because of the shock of seeing the tattoo, he is hard pressed to block his opponent's attacks, and as the man across from him drives him to his knees, he realizes why. With that realization he begins to smile and again to taunt the Senior Chief.

“So Senior Chief, having second thoughts about your ability to defeat me?”

he slowly begins to circle Slasher again, continuing his taunts,

“I heard that your fighter was lost getting here, you couldn't even save your fighter. Well you know what, your Wingmen killed my friend after he got you. And now I'm going to avenge his death by taking out you, the miserable failure responsible for his death. And then I'm going to eliminate the rest of your squadron, one by one.”

Slasher, despite being driven to his knees by the injuries he had sustained in the fury of his opponent's latest attack, looked up at his attacker when he threatened the members of his squadron. He watches as the mercenary moves in for the final strike, moving in to break his neck. Slasher was resigned to his fate when all of a sudden a series of images begins to flash by his face. Driver, on the day he was promoted to Ensign, Hunter-Morrell, a long time friend, and now the 4 Flight leader in Nazgul after the closing of Kaph, these images, accompanied by many others of joyous times with his squadron mates flash through his mind. Instantly he is furious at himself for giving up, but even more furious at the man before him for daring to threaten his friends.

Looking up, Slasher says just a single word as the mercenary comes in for the final strike, “Never”

As the strike descends Slasher suddenly feels a burst of energy, and as he dives out of the way, he pulls together what strength he still has and prepares to finish this fight. As the mercenary looks up in surprise at the pilot who again has refused to go quietly he screams in fury and grabbing a piece of permacrete from the roof he hurls it at the pilot's face, and charges in to finish him.

Slasher responds immediately, setting himself he draws within himself and as the piece of permacrete is just 2 feet away he suddenly strikes out with his bare fist, breaking the permacrete and meeting the charge of the mercenary head on, he prepares to finish this fight, seeing the bayonet lying on the ground nearby, Slasher lunges toward it, grabbing it and turning over to shove it into the chest of the mercenary as he lunges after him.

Kranto staggers back in shock, looking at the hilt of the vibroblade protruding from his chest, he looks up at his opponent and says, “I guess I was wrong...” before he falls to the ground. Moving quickly over to where the Sniper Rifle sits, Slasher picks it up and retrieving his blaster and holstering it, he moves off toward the site of the blast, ready to provide support to his fellow pilots as they investigate.

Around 1900 words, 1 enemy down.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Rorran "Slasher" Gorma
FL/SCPO Slasher/Nazgul 3-1/Pheonix Wing/1FLT/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)(=^ME^=)[MC:1][BWC]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 9, 2009 3:22:06 PM    View the profile of albinostorm 
Albino was nervously throwing his vision from side to side. All he had was his pilot's suit and a bog-standard blaster, and a pistol at that. Albino had lived his life with either the aid of a scope or a cockpit, and so his aim was less than standard, despite his excellent reactions.
It just meant he would likely end up spraying blaster with no accuracy and overheating the damn thing. That was another flaw in this plan, Albino was used to slugthrowers, which don’t overheat nearly as much as directed heat weapons. His Mandalorian surroundings during childhood have toughened him up for any fistfight, but not to a great degree. The fact that he had just missed an attack in space had annoyed him, and he was ready for action.

A huge bang went off in front of Albino, and his body locks up for a second as a puff of dust and smoke wafts into the sky.

Here we go!

Thinks Albino as the adrenaline pumps through his body, with a shiver, he regains control of his body, and clumsily pulls out his standard issue DL-44.

A series of shouts directs Albino towards a small alleyway, and as they became louder he quickly ducked into a corner, behind a bin and watched a group of rough, angry looking men and Albino knew from the blaster rifles they were carrying that their intentions were all but friendly.

Once the small group had bounced past, completely oblivious to him, Albino waited for a minute then slid out and took out his 3-Mal Personal Comlink, and was quickly told to make his way to the Ratselhof, which was visible from most places in the city.

Albino put the comlink away and begins to jog to the Rendezvous point, his blaster still firmly in his grip.

Albino was tired out now, he had started out at a light, sustainable jog, but that was quickly cut off as pairs of armed men were prowling round the city, causing Albino's consistent dives for cover. More than once had had no choice but to dive in to the bins scattered throughout the backstreets. His general progress consisted of sprint, hide, sprint faster, hide again, sprint, etc... This did not put him in the best of moods.

He was about a quarter of the way to the Ratselhof when 2 men caught him from behind.

"Hey! You! Hands on your head! Now!"

Albino feinted to his left then deftly turned and pushed backwards with his right leg, while firing a flurry of laser bolts and finally diving backwards into an alleyway.

"AAAAARGH! You $*%&er!! I’m gonna rip you apart!"

Was the enraged response, and Albino pressed himself against the wall as chaos exploded in the small street. Albino heard steady, deliberate footsteps, growing louder as if to mock him, and this sent him crazy. He whipped round the corner, exposing is right arm, right leg and half his head, but most importantly his blaster. A mercenary at what he guessed as 10ft away was shocked to see Albino pop round, and this kind of range needed little accuracy. As the man fell, there was little left of his stomach and chest, but that bewildered stayed on the man's face until he hit the floor, his face then screwed up as if to insult Albino, but nothing further came from his lips, or any other part of him.

By this time, the second man, who was slumped on the floor, had time to gather himself up and lifted his rifle, firing an accurate burst of laser fire at the point where Albino had been, but he had retreated. The merc now fired random bursts at the corner, slowly wearing it away, and preventing albino from using it as a firing point. Although the man was about 30ft away, Albino still heard his deep voice on his own comlink.

"Yeah... here, Now... Leading Crewman, i think... Alone... 1 dead, 1 immobile... sector 19-13 by our maps... Yeah, and get a move on!"

Albino smiled to himself, he had gathered that his enemy was crippled, and that he could still escape. Then Albino's Mandalorian upbringing kicked in, and so did his anger. Why did these men force his whole squadron to ground combat, why did this other man that was trying to kill him deserve to live? He didn't!

Just as the man stopped a burst, Albino leapt out into a diving forward roll, but this time the merc was ready, albino sprinted in, blaster blazing and paid the price for his recklessness, with a series of scars on the side of his chest, which elicited a pause and a sneer from the crippled gunner. This gave Albino an opening, but his blaster was overheated from his failed assault, so he ran up and drove the red-hot barrel into the chest of the merc, which elicited a blood-curdling scream, which Albino quickly ended with a boot up the nose, drilling the nasal bone into the brain of, and killing the merc.

As he stood up, no longer hiding himself, Albino masterfully eyed up his surroundings, and saw Fagron heading to the direction of the east wing. Albino smiled slightly then began jogging to catch up with his flight member.

Word count: 880, Corpse count:2

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It is not enough to win, everyone else must lose. stockpile the tibanna gas and load the diamond boron missiles, there's gonna be slaughter tonight, lads!

FM/LCRW Albinostorm/Nazgul 14/Wing 4/mSSD Atrus/1Flt/VEN/VE
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 9, 2009 6:33:50 PM    View the profile of Hunter-Morrell 
“I have a bad feeling about this…” Hunter said quietly.

“What was that, sir?” Fagron said over the comm.

“Don’t call me sir. It’s Hunter. And I said I-” Hunter was saying, interrupted by an explosion emanating from inside the building.

Quickly, Hunter ran toward the East Wing where the explosion had occured, slightly pleased as he saw Fagron and albino converging on it too. Reaching it, they examined the area for a few moments before determining that there was nobody even in that vicinity when it exploded. Reporting their discovery, or lack of one, to Stormz, Hunter waved Flight Four on into the building.

“Ok guys. We’re going to search, making our way to the West Wing, where Gshlecc was last at. Fire on my command only. We don’t know if there are any friendlies in our area.” Hunter said.

As they jogged through the smoking remains of one of the inner rooms, Hunter scanned the areas in front of him.  Holding up a finger, he stopped, noting that Fagron immediately ground to a halt, while albino obeyed after a split second. Drawing his submachine gun, Hunter jogged forward and peeked around the corner. Seeing nobody, he edged out with the gun held straight out in front of him and ducked as a few bolts spewed towards him. Rolling to the side, he returned fire, forcing the attacker to jump back behind cover. That allowed albino and Fagron to get to him. With them backing him up, Hunter slowly advanced. All it took was one mistake and the firefight would be over. A few minutes into it, that mistake was made.

Its time to end this. My men are wearing down and I don’t need them tired for whatever upcoming battle we shall get in.

Tiring of the attacker always managing to dodge their shots, as Fagron and albino were unloading shot after shot in the direction of the attacker, Hunter ran forward, staying close to the wall. Grabbing his FSK-7 combat knife and sliding it out of its scabbard, he jumped forward and slashed diagonally.

[i]Either this connects or I’m going to be toast. It all depends on timing.

Fagron and albino had to reload, enabling the attacker to lean around its cover to return fire. The strike caught the figure on the shoulder, plunging deep into the bone. Howling, the figure spun away from Hunter. Withdrawing the knife, Hunter lept forward and sunk it into the back of the howling figure. It immediately grew quiet and collapsed. Pulling knife out with a nasty sounding squelch, Hunter grimaced as he rubbed the blood off on the clothing of the corpse. Crouching, Hunter searched the body, finding no idea whatsoever.

“This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. “ Hunter said, shaking his head.
===Kaph Alumni===

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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 10, 2009 7:39:57 PM    View the profile of Slasher 
Sighting down the scope of the LJ-90 he secured from the now dead sniper, he watches as several members of his squadron finish securing the perimeter of the Governor's Hall. As the other flights prepare to move out toward their objective, the Ratselhof where they will meet up with Gshlecc, who had fled there for shelter after the attack. Pulling out his comlink, he contacts the rest of his flight, and once they respond he begins to give them orders.

“JMac take Goth and start heading toward the Ratselhof, stick to cover along the way. I'm going to be up above ready to provide you with covering fire should it be required. Be careful though, there are several groups of enemies out roving the streets right now, and they don't appear to be interested in helping you along.”

“Yes sir, we'll let you know if we get pinned down along the way” Comes the response from JMac.

Moving quickly Slasher puts his comlink back and draws his S-5 from his holster, slinging the LJ-90 across his back, he moves quickly down to the edge of the roof, and looking out, he takes aim at a multi-story building, as he pulls the trigger his weapon's grappling hook attachment fired, allowing him to move from one roof to the next with surprising ease. While normally during an assault operation a person would just leave behind the grappling hook, but as he still needs it, Slasher takes the time to withdraw it back into the launcher on his gun, before he continues along.

Upon reaching the tallest building between the Governor's Hall and the Ratselhof, Slasher moves into position, getting to the edge of the roof, he reholsters his S-5 and unslings the LJ-90 from his back, pulling out his comlink, he places this also on the roof in front of him, and laying prone upon the roof of the building, he picks up his comlink and contacts JMac and Goth.

“Alright guys, I'm in position, get moving, I'm not providing you with my location just in case this channel is compromised, I will provide sniper support, so give me a call if you need some cover. Now get moving, the Commander isn't going to wait forever.”

Slasher watches through the scope as Goth and JMac move off into the city, scanning slowly ahead of them, Slasher keeps an eye out for any enemies who might try to ambush them or any of the other pilots. Searching through the surrounding area with his scope, Slasher is surprised to find that there are several enemies moving up onto the roof of a building near the shield protecting the Ratselhof in the distance, they are carrying some sort of  device, and they begin to set it up on the side of the roof closest to the shield. As Slasher watches through the scope, he sees a number of different enemies begin to head toward that house. Quickly he lifts his comlink and appraises the rest of the unit of what he sees in code.

Ok, a little side trip, as well as our way in without requiring the shields to be lowered. That thing they are setting up is a disruption unit, designed to create a small area within a shield which can be breached, they are planning to assault the compound through this breach. Since we all need to get in, we need to coordinate between flights, assault the position, and get inside, blowing the disruption unit with some sort of explosives after we get through, sorry for so many instructions, but that is the effective outline of what needs to get done before we get in, move me as needed, I'm gonna sit back and watch for a bit, I'll post if the story starts to bog down again.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Rorran "Slasher" Gorma
FL/SCPO Slasher/Nazgul 3-1/Pheonix Wing/1FLT/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)(=^ME^=)[MC:1][BWC]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 11, 2009 10:22:06 AM    View the profile of Drac 
*picks up directly after my last post*

StOrmZ nodded back, then paused to answer his comlink. He spoke for a few moments and seemed relieved. Turning it off again, he looked up and started issuing orders, "Drac, Driver's at his family's estate, the Rastelhof. It's a couple klicks west of here. It's the building with a shield dome covering it. Your flight needs to be there yesterday." The wookie turned to the squadron's XO then, saying, "Kane, we're going to meet up with fourth flight while we secure this building. As soon as we meet up, everyone heads to the Rastelhof."

As soon as the Ensign had given his orders Draac moved over to the other members of his flight, "Are you guys good to go?" They both nodded, checking their weapons. "Good. Let's go then..." The group moved out toward the main exit, intending to find some speeders to use. As they approached the doors the wailing tones of security sirens could be heard approaching the governor's palace. It gave the Mon Cal an idea.

As the three pilots paused at a cross-corridor Drac turned to the others with a rueful grin, "You guys know this is my first real mission. Just because I've got a stripe on you doesn't mean I'm any better at this ground-pounding stuff. We're going to need to work together to do this right, not to mention if we want to live through the day. But I do have a plan for when we get outside." He outlined it quickly and they moved on. I just hope it works. Gambling's not the best tactic in combat. Drac continued down the corridor, feeling something swelling within him. Rage. There were few things that truly angered him, but an attack on a friend was one of them. Now that he had a moment to think, the memory of the attack had his blood boiling. These mercs would regret their actions.

The flight reached the last turn in the corridor, a ten meter stretch of hallway that led directly out into the gand lobby of the palace. Drac was second in line as they approached it. The lead pilot paused then swung forward around the corner, blaster up. just as quickly he jumped back, iridescent bolts flashing past the corner.

Moving up slightly, Drac crouched and brought up his blaster, "How many of them?"

"Three, I think. I saw two near the main door for sure and I think I saw another using the base of the stairway for cover."

"Is there any cover on our side of things?"

"Yeah. Looks like a couple of statues spaced along the landing at the top of the stairs."

The third pilot spoke up then, "Who's the best shot?"

All three looked at each other for a moment. Drac shrugged, "Probably not me. When I signed up to be a pilot I didn't think I'd end up in any blaster fights, so I didn't do more than the basic training."

"What about getting shot down?"

"Err...I preffered to hope that wouldn't happen."

One of the others volunteered to give cover fire, so a few moments later Drac and the third pilot dashed for the statues while he fired on their opponents. Drac ran straight past the first statue, leaving it for the other. As he approached the second statue, the one on the other side of the stairway, he let himself drop. His momentum and the ridiculously waxed floors combined to let him slide the rest of the way, slipping in behind the statue (of the Governor, no less) just as several blaster bolts singed the air where he would have been if he'd kept running upright. That's luck, Drac. Good luck, but just luck, he thought to himself.

Popping up, the Mon Cal saw that the cover fire had done some good. One of the two enemis near the door lay on the ground, unmoving. The other had moved behind a statue of his own. The third one...Drac pulled his head back in fast as the last enemy opened up on him. Since the alien pilot had crossed the top of the staircase the Merc was wide open in front of him...which meant the merc was very determined to kill him or at least keep his head down. The man's shots went high at first, saving Drac's life and blowing the head of the statue into shards. Somehow that was fitting...

Bolts continued to chew away at the statue, leaving its stone garments a wreck of their former selves. Every time Drac tried to poke out and fire the man forced him back with shots. Meanwhile the other two traded shots with the third man. Finally Drac got off a shot, but his bolt glanced off of the stair rail by the merc's head. The merc returned fire. one of his bolts burned a long holw through the sleeve of Drac's dress tunic, setting the garment on fire. A second bolt blew off the outstretched hand of the statue.

The mon cal pilot patted the flames out, cursing. Then he saw the marble hand lying on the ground and an idea surfaced in his head. It was idiotically simple, but it might just work. Switching his pistol to his left hand, he picked up the chunk of marble. He judged the distance, aimed, and threw the hand over its former owner. It didn't hit the man, but it forced him to duck. In that moment Drac stood and rested his left hand on the statue's arm. Steadied by the statue, he took aim and fired. The bolt hit the man in the throat as he looked up, leaving the area a bloody wreck. The merc collapsed, thrashing, and quickly became still. My first kill and its not even in space. Looking at the man, he sighed, his rage conflicting with regret, And I'm not sure about how I feel about this. I've killed someone. Still, the sithspawn deserved it and worse.

Glancing back at the others, Drac found them walking toward him. The third merc lay dead behind his statue. Everyone was okay, though Drac had to endure some good natured ribbing about his ruined dress tunic. He took it in stride, using the distraction to hide his disquiet.

One flight made its way down the main stairs, past the bodies of the mercs, and to the front door of the palace. Stopping on each side of the door they looked out. Fortunately, the view that met them was that of Atoran security speeders landing on the small plaza that fronted the palace. Before they moved, one of the other pilots sugested that they wait to see if it really was Atoran security. After all, these Mercs were well supplied and well connected.

When the men exited the security speeders the first thing they did was establish a perimeter and start collecting some witnesses, with just a portion of their force heading toward the palace. Since mercs would have no reason to fake that if they didn't know they were being watched, it looked pretty safe to come out. As the security officers approached Drac shouted out to them, "Atoran security! This is Senior Crewman Mihawk of Nazgul Squadron, Vast Imperial Navy. My flight has secured the main lobby. We need to speak with your commander...we're coming out."

A moment passed as the officers reacted, then a voice shouted back, "This is Atoran Security Captain K'etoh. Come on out, Senior Crewman. Just make sure your weapons are secured."

Drac nodded to the others and they holstered their blasters. Then he yelled back, "As you say, Captain." The flight stepped out, arms away from their bodies, and double timed it toward a man in an officer's uniform who waved them over. As soon as they arrived the man began asking questions.

"Okay, pilots. Tell me what the hell just happened in there." K'etoh glared at them in stereotpical annoyed officer fashion.

"Sir. We're Nazgul's One Flight, escorting a senior officer on important business. Someone is trying to kill him though. The explosion was a distraction meant to allow mercenary forces to attack our unit. At this time we need to rendevous with that officer immediately."

"I'm afraid that's out of the question, Senior Crewman." The Captain shook his head, "You're not going anywhere until this gets straightened out.

This man was costing them time already, time which might be very important when it came to getting Driver out of this mess. Drac got angry again. Leaning forward, he narrowed his eyes and replied, "You misunderstand me, Captain. You will help us rendevous with our commander. Or would you prefer to be responsible for the death of the new Baronet G'schlecc Atrasin so soon after his father was murdered?" The man paled. "Good. I see you understand. Now, we need to borrow three of your speeder bikes to facilitate our travel to the Rastelhof. Which ones will we use?"

The Captain flushed red, angry at the Mon Cal's presumption. He didn't have much choice though. The Baronet just might be the most important person on Ator. Wordlessly, he swung around and pointed out three security speeders parked some twenty meters away.

Drac gestured the other two toward the speeder bikes, then spoke again before following them, "Thank you for your assistance, Captain. Two of our flights should still be in the building, as well as whatever mercenaries and staff are still inside. If you hurry, you may be able to find out more from them. Your speeder bikes will be at the Rastelhof if we do not return them ourselves."

Making his way over to the bikes, Drac mounted the empty one. As he fired it up Thedrish leaned over and said, "Kind of harsh, Two."

"When a cyclone approaches, one does well not to waste words, Three."

Thedrish/Catachan: I tried to design this one so you can choose what you do and add detail, since it was so long.

Words: 1640
FM/SCRW Drac/Nazgul 1-2/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Imperial Fleet/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [SoA][MC:2]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 11, 2009 6:51:24 PM    View the profile of DarianRogue 
Much had happened since the battle.  As Darian and the rest were preparing to land, there was a blast on the Gugol.  They got a message on their com-systems saying that G’shlecc was gone but not captured.  Also, Kaph Squadron had been disbanded, and the members were divided among the others, causing Darian to acquire a wingmate known as “Demented.”  He saw some more fighters coming in, suspecting they were the members of Kaph.  Everyone landed on the planet, Ator, and Darian got out of his TIE, along with the rest.  Out of another fighter was a man, one with blue eyes, dirty blond hair, and a scar on his nose.  Darian went up to this man.

“Hello,” he said.  “Are you Senior Crewman Demented?”
“Yes,” the man replied shyly.  “But call me Alex.  And you are?”
“I’m your new wingmate,” Darian said to Alex.  “Darian Rogue.”
“Ah.  So, I hear there are some hostiles around the area.”
“Indeed.  I suggest we go search for some.”

Darian looked around.  He eventually found what he was looking for: Kane and Ruwe, the rest of Flight 2.  “Kane, Ruwe, we should go assassin hunting.”
“Alright,” they replied.

The next couple minutes involved running around the city aimlessly.  As they were running, they noticed in a figure.  “He looks out of place,” said Darian.  Darian took his DL-44, and was about to shoot when the figure started running.  “Ruwe, Kane, see if you can stop him on the other side.  Alex, come with me.”  Darian started following the man, Alex close behind.  There was no way they could catch up, and by the time Ruwe and Kane arrived, the assassin was long gone.

“Damn.  Ah well.”  It was then that a blaster shot came from the east.  They all turned to face the man from before and got out their guns, but the man was not alone this time.  Crap.  Now would be a great time to have a grenade!  They kept firing and firing, but more just kept on coming.  Then Darian had an idea.  He sprinted as fast as he could back down the alleyway, unfollowed, and attacked the assassins from behind.  This idea worked, as Flight 2 managed to get rid of the men.

“Whoa.  I could’ve lived life without going through that,” said Darian.
“I think we should make our way to the…Ratselhof,” said Kane.
“Why?” replied Ruwe.
“Because Driver just contacted us, in case you weren’t listening to your com-link.  He’s okay, but we need to be getting there soon.”
“Okay, let us go,” said Darian.

So, the flight ran through the city to their destination, encountering a few more assassins along the way.  Each of these battles were easy than the first one, although some were hard.  In the body of one man, they found a grenade.  In the next battle, Darian, the holder of the bomb, simply threw it, and the battle was over.  Well, he thought, this might turn out to be successful.  Who knows?

501 words, I'd have more, but my creativity for now is completely sucked dry.  For those mentioned in the post, (Flight 2), ya'll can include this in your post(s).
Nazgul 2-4.
FM/LCRW Darian Rogue/Nazgul 2-4/Phoenix Wing/Executor Class SSD Atrus : SCAP/1Flt/VEN/VE (=A=)

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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 12, 2009 11:58:32 AM    View the profile of Goth 
After all the excitement, the final leg of the journey was thankfully uneventful.
Once everyone came out of hyperspace, and this time there was no stragglers, flights one and two were sent ahead. Flight three was ordered to cover "Gugol's" front and the newly formed flight four covered the yacht's rear. Flying in tight formation they descended to the planet and prepared to land.

Once on the ground, the first thing Goth did was to get the mechanics moving on repairing his Avenger's broken equipment, and ordered the flight crew to give him hourly progress reports.
Then he went to the "Gugol" and prepared for honor guard duty. After donning his dress uniform and holstering hid DL-44 he went outside. As he was walking to his position in the formation, he overheard Slasher telling Kane he was leaving the Navy to join the troopers. Kane laughed and said, "You'll have to go through the Squadron Commander to do so, and now is not the time."

This got Goth thinking. Nazgul and the "Gugol" had left the "Atrus" suddenly and very quietly, yet they were ambushed on the way. There couldn't be more than a handful of people who knew they were leaving, much less their destination. There was more going on here than what was apparent, but Goth didn't have enough information yet to pinpoint just what it was. A situation Goth decided he would soon rectify. But this realization was clear; they must have a spy in their midst.

This particular fact stunned him. He was a loyal subject of the Empire, and always had trouble understanding the rebellion. In the end he finally had decided it was just a power grab. That some power hungry fiend had tried to overthrow the Empire, which he loved, by exciting the people to malcontent.

Not that the Empire had always loved him. He had spent plenty of time on the lamb, after killing the man that gave the order for his families death. But during that time his heart was still with the Empire.

Now it appeared that a member of Nazgul (his family) was betraying not only the Empire, but the whole squadron. To Goth this was a staggering mental blow. Goth considered his position in Nazgul Squadron to be an honor, and could not understand how any member could feel otherwise. But the facts were clear, someone had tipped off those ships at the ambush. The only question was who could it be.

As Goth preformed his honor guard duties, when Gshlecc disembarked from his ship, all these thoughts were going though his mind. Though he didn't let them distract him as he performed the honor guard duty. He was honored to be under G's command and made sure he looked sharp.

Still the question kept coming back to him. Who could the traitor be? Surely not the Squadron Commander, he had lost his father to murder and the ambush on the "Gugol" showed Gshlecc's life was next on someone's list. He knew next to nothing about Kane his XO, so he was a distinct possibility. Which brought him to his Flight Leader. Twice now he had overheard Slasher was trying to leave the Squadron and had been denied. Which Goth decided could mean nothing or a whole lot.

He didn't think it could be any of the other Flight Members, but from experience he knew better than to rule anyone out until he had the facts.
In Goth's mind his path was clear, he had to get more information.Something was amiss, and he for one was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Gshlecc got to the Governor's Hall without incident, which was a relief. Then the explosion shook the area.
Slasher ordered him and JMac to go help the people inside, but as they got there they saw a group of men leaving the building.
Stealthily Goth and JMac followed them. Seeing which way they were going, Goth told JMac to stay on their tail, as he darted around the highrise they were using to conceal their pursuit.
Thanks to the diligent study of the cities maps, Goth had no trouble getting in front of the mercs and was hiding around a corner as they approached his position.

As they came around the corner Goth dropped the first one with one blow to a vital area, killing him instantly.
Then JMac flamed two of them with his blaster from behind, leaving two.
One dove and made a break for it, JMac's blaster fire missing as he ducked around the corner of a building. The last assassin aimed at Goth, but dodging, the blast flying by his head, Goth disarmed the assailant and knocked him unconscious. Goth only left him alive, because he wanted answers.

Stripping the shirt off of one of the corpses, Goth found a vibroknife strapped to his forearm. Using the knife he cut the tunic to shreds and tied up the unconscious man. Putting the vibroknife back in its sheath, he then slid it into his boot. If Goth had his way, this guy would soon wish he had died with his fellows.
Checking the other bodies they found four heavy blasters,eight grenades, two more vibroknifes, four XV-7s, and a small concealable custom made blaster. Goth slid the small blaster into his other boot and grabbed one of the heavy blasters. After handing JMac a heavy blaster and one of the vibroknives, Goth strapped the last knife to his left forearm under his dress uniform. None of the corpses had any form of ID. At JMac's suggestion they took the grenades.

Goth And JMac carried the bound and still unconscious merc into the nearest highrise and Goth checked his pockets. He had no ID, but he did have a slug shooter strapped to his leg. Goth tossed it to JMac for safe keeping.
Going back outside, Goth spotted a platoon of Stormtoopers running toward the Governor's mansion. After stopping them he got their officer to leave two of his members, to stay and guard the prisoner, until they could return for him. The privates took up positions on either side of the merc and trained their blasters on the unconscious assassin.

Though a few minutes had passed, Goth wanted to track down the one who had escaped. So he started in the direction that he was last seen.
Using his instincts and bounty hunting training, Goth was sure he was behind the escapee and gaining. Noticing traces of the merc's passing that few in the galaxy would ever have noticed.
Then Slasher came over the com-link, ordering them to Ratselhof. Goth was relieved to find out that Gshlecc was OK.

The sound of the com-link had alerted the escaping merc of pursuit and he maneuvered to take out those following him.
Goth felt that something was wrong as he cautiously peered around the corner of the building, then a blaster shot hit behind them. The merc had crept around behind them and was just about to blow Goth's head off, when Slasher picked him off from his snipper position.

'I owe you one for that Flight Leader, Goth thought to himself, as he and JMac started moving out toward Ratselhof.
FM/SCR Goth/Nazgul 11/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Fleet/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(MC:2)

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...And They Cried with the Voices of Death...
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 13, 2009 3:12:08 AM    View the profile of JMac 
Jovak was annoyed. 

He glanced quickly up and down the small side street, taking note of the civilians coming out of their homes and businesses at the sound of the explosion, though at the sight of the police speeders screaming down the lanes, the less foolhardy ones were already deciding that it would be better to find out what was going happening on the evening news rather then first hand.  Nodding, his hand rising to give a tug on his blindfold, he gave the signal to Goth to sprint across the bridge to what appeared to be a museum of something or other....complete with statues out in front.  Goth took off, head low in case they had missed something, taking cover behind one of the statues, raising his blaster to shield JMac if he needed it as he crossed the way.  This time, he didn't.

Jovak was annoyed that Denethor had managed to track him down, bringing him back into the Navy and forcing him to deal with situations like this instead of search for Jax Guangyue. 

As the dark man skidded to a stop a meter or two away from his wingmate, dropping to a knee and setting himself, his comlink crackled in his ear, and Slasher's voice intoned: "JMac, Goth, be advised there is a squad of 8 men moving from rooftop to rooftop towards your position, they aren't wearing AtSec uniforms."

Goth's mouth drew into a tight line, rage flaring in his eyes as he shifted into a better position, but Jovak reached out and touched him on the shoulder, shaking his head emphatically.  "Too many," he hissed urgently, his blindfolded gaze still seeming to catch the younger man's eyes.  "Vengeance later, mission now.  Wait for them to pass us by..."

Goth stayed tense for a moment longer, absently fingering one of the grenades that they had taken, but finally nodded.

Jovak was annoyed that he had to resort to these kinds of tactics, to weilding a blaster: an inelegant weapon in the best of times.

He let out a shallow breath as the squad came into view, wearing some sort of combat armor and carrying rifles as if they knew how to use them.  One of them, his armor emblazoned with some sort of yellow insignia, raised his left hand, making a splayed gesture.  Stang!  JMac thought to himself as four of them detached from their squad, heading up the small staircase leading from speeder docking platform towards the museuem, obviously intending to check the, he thought to himself as the four in the street pulled a few devices out of their packs, beginning to set them up on the edge of the platform, setting up an ambush.  Who the hell are these people?

Jovak was annoyed that he was marked.  For the enemy to have ambused them in-route as they did, and then to stage something on this large a scale, they had to have intel working for them, odds were good that they knew every face in Nazgul squadron by sight...

From his higher vantage point, Slasher watched the events start to unfold, muttering an oath to himself that would make a hutt blush....but then sudden movement to the south of JMac and Goth's position made him grin.

"Kane, flight three has a situation 500 meters north of your position, when I give the green light, I need you to attack...there are four men in the on the overhang, setting some sort of explosives, and four approaching 11 and 12.  Do you copy?"

"I suppose we can manage that," the Chief drawled, signaling the rest of his flight.  Just let us know when."

Slasher adjusted the sights on his sniper rifle, sizing up the situation one last time, then peering through the scope, setting the crosshairs directly between the merc's eyes.  "Go."
LCM Jovak "JMac" Macloid/DEF/Nazgul 3-4/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA=)(=FOCE=)(MC1)(VC)

Lusthawk 8

I do not aim with my eye;
He who aims with his eye has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my hand.
I do not shoot with my hand;
He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.

I do not kill with my gun;
He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 16, 2009 1:30:36 PM    View the profile of Slasher 
As Slasher watches through the scope of his LJ-90 as the rest of Nazgul squadron works to mop up what remains of the Mercs, he observes that there is only one group of Mercenaries left, and that they are the ones trying to breach the shield into the hof.

He is about to mention this to Kane when the XO's voice comes over the comlink as he begins to give orders;

“Alright Nazgul, all flights rendezvous at the house designated by Slasher earlier, we've eliminated everyone else. We're going to go in prepared for hand to hand combat, we don't want to cause any explosions with everyone in there because of stray blaster bolts, so watch your aim. Make sure your hand to hand weapons are ready.”

A series of confirmations come from the rest of the pilots and Slasher begins to move also toward the building.

===10 minutes later, 2 and a half hours post Explosion===

As Nazgul Squadron prepares to storm the building holding the remaining Mercenaries, Slasher looks around at the pilots he is going in with, some of them he's served with since he has joined the squadron, and others are new, rookie pilots on their first combat mission. However as he looks around he doesn't see any faces showing rookie pilots, all the pilots present, even those on their first mission, have been hardened by the experiences that they have gone through.

Turning to Kane to report his Flight's readiness, Slasher grimaces in pain from the gash in his shoulder that he sustained during his fight with the sniper on the roof of the Governor's Hall, but he grits his teeth and reports anyway. “3 Flight is ready Sir, all Pilots accounted for, and still combat ready.”


After receiving reports from both his Flight Leaders, and seeing to Flights 1 and 2 for himself, Kane turns to the assembled pilots and begins to issue orders;

“All right, this is the last group of mercenaries, and we need to take them out, we're all going through the front door, here's how we'll do it. Once we're in, 1 Flight, 2 Flight and 3 Flight will each head off in a different direction, 1 Flight head off to the left, 2 Flight follows me forward, 3 flight will head off right. 4 flight will remain at the door initially, able to provide any of the other three flights with support.”

After receiving confirmations that they understand their orders from the pilots, Kane turns and moves with everyone to the entrance of the building, as soon as every one is in position and receiving nods of confirmation from each of his Flight Leaders, Kane moves in, as Hunter-Morrell opens the door the first 3 flights charge in.

Kane turns as he hears a yell of fury; “what th-”

The last thing Kane sees before everything goes black is a boot heading for his face.


Moving quickly to engage the sudden attack, Slasher is surprised at the ferocity of the enemies. Although outnumbered, the 8 remaining mercenaries are determined to make it a hard fight, Kane quickly goes down with a boot to the face, which shattered his jaw.

Realizing that it is now his job to command this squadron, Slasher yells out; “1, 2, AND 3 FLIGHTS, PUSH THEM BACK, 4 FLIGHT, GET KANE OUT OF HERE!”

Immediately everyone moves to carry out his orders, Goth, JMac, and Mellainius engage 3 of the Mercenaries. Thedrish squares off with the guy who leveled Kane, and with a ferocious wookie roar, Ruwe picks up one of the enemies and hurls him across the room, and then begins to grapple with another one. Similarly the other pilots begin to fight the Mercenaries.

Goth watches his opponent warily as they begin to circle, each of them clutching a vibroblade in their fist

What in the name of the Emperor's Black Bones happened? This was supposed to be an easy mission, escort Driver back to his home planet for his father's funeral and then escort him back, we weren't supposed to be fighting every mercenary between here and the outer rim!

As they continue to circle, Goth sees his opponent suddenly tense, and with that they are engaged, his opponent dodges slightly to the side in an attempt to stab him in the ribs, he blocks this strike, and counter-attacks, feinting toward his opponent's knife hand, he suddenly switches which hand his blade is in midstroke, and stabs downward with the blade into his opponents arm, which drops to his side, useless.


Thedrish responded to the sudden attack just like all the others, turning to engage the enemy nearest to him, and when Slasher told them to start pushing them back, he doubled his attack on his opponent forcing him back.
However his enemy's advantages in size and strength quickly begin to show, as Thedrish begins to take more and more hits. He continues to fight, and sees that Ruwe is trying to make his way over to help.

Thedrish is quickly reduced to just trying to block the thrusts of his opponent's vibroblade, suddenly his opponent throws a punch at his jaw, and as Thedrish moves to block that strike, he realizes to late it was a feint and as he feels his opponent's blade entering his body just below his belt...


Ruwe roars with fury as he watches the big mercenary's vibroblade stab Thedrish in the groin, as the large mercenary pulls his blade from his groin, Thedrish sinks to his knees, a look of pain and shock frozen on his face.

All of a sudden everything seems to be happening in double time, Ruwe moves across the area in a single motion, blocking the mercenary's next thrust at Thedrish, which would have been the killing blow, as the mercenary attempts to turn to engage Ruwe, he never has a chance, as the big wookie grabs the merc's head between his huge fists, and with a swift movement he breaks the neck of the Merc.

As the body falls Ruwe turns back into the fight against the last remaining mercenary, and sees that Mellainius has fallen at some point in the fighting, he lays on the ground in a pool of blood, but his chest is still rising and falling with steady breathing, so he is not dead yet.


The mercenary Demented is fighting is momentarily distracted by the ferocity of the roar from Ruwe, and Demented uses that opportunity to lunge at his opponent, aiming for a killing blow with his vibroblade, his opponent attempts to dodge, messing up his aim, and while Demented's blow is crippling, it is not an outright mortal wound.

As Demented prepares to follow up the blow, the Mercenary realizes he is one of the last mercenaries standing, and that this team is not going to succeed and knows that he is about to die, and he has other ideas about how he wishes to die, and as Demented lunges in, he activates the explosive charge on his belt...

Time seems to slow for Demented, he sees the arm moving down, he sees the Mercenary hit the activation button.


He begins to turn to flee, and he sees the looks of shock on the rest of the Nazgul Pilot's faces.


Slasher is yelling orders as everyone tries to run, but Demented can't seem to hear him.


Demented has time for one word before his is thrown across the room by the explosion, “sithspit!”



===2 hours 40 minutes past explosion===


1281 words, until Gshlecc posts again, just pick up the pieces, and pull yourselves together, Kane needs to be tended to, as do the others, but they are out for the story, Kane is still around, just knocked out.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Rorran "Slasher" Gorma
FL/SCPO Slasher/Nazgul 3-1/Pheonix Wing/1FLT/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)(=^ME^=)[MC:1][BWC]

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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 16, 2009 5:40:13 PM    View the profile of Hunter-Morrell 
===Shortly before the second explosion===

“1, 2, AND 3 FLIGHTS, PUSH THEM BACK, 4 FLIGHT, GET KANE OUT OF HERE!” Slasher yelled over the loud sounds of fighting.

Instantly, Hunter darted from his position at the doors to Kane, who was out cold just a few feet from where Slasher was engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a merc who had appeared just after Kane was knocked out. Slasher saw him coming and side-stepped, causing the merc to side-step also, exposing his back to Hunter. Taking the opportunity, Hunter shoved his knife in between the shoulder blades of the merc and twisted it, grimacing as a fine mist of blood squirted out of the nasty looking wound. Withdrawing it, he wiped it on the uniform of the corpse. He looked up to find Slasher staring at him.

“What?” Hunter said, frowning slightly.

“Nothing.” Slasher said.

Shrugging, he was quickly reminded where he was as Albino backed into him, locked in a grapple with a merc. Stepping back, he kicked the merc square in the ribs as the pair fell in a heap at his feet. Albino stood up quickly, letting loose a shot into the head of the groaning figure on the ground, and muttered a thanks. Stooping down, Hunter quickly grabbed the inert figure of Kane and heaved the Nazgul XO over his shoulder. He stumbled a bit as Kane's weight caught him off guard. Regaining his footing, Hunter quickly set off for the nearest door, trying to avoid most of the fighting. More times than not, shots came close enough to scare him into moving quicker.

This isn't going good.

Swinging open the door, he leaped inside, startling two mercs who were walking towards the same door he had just entered. He quickly took some wild shots at them and was relieved when the two men went down. Lowering Kane's body to the floor, Hunter slipped out from underneath him and stood back up. He walked over to the body of the two mercs and leaned down to search the body.

From the way it looks, these mercs were setting up an ambush. Some would come in from the front, some from the back. Another set would come in a short while later to finish off any stragglers. Jeez. I've got a bad feeling about this.

Then all hell broke loose.

The last part was referencing to the second explosion. Just making it clear.
===Kaph Alumni===

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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 17, 2009 2:01:15 PM    View the profile of Ruwe 
Ruwe waited outside the building as with the rest of the Nazgul pilots. Everything since the attack in space all seemed a blur to him. Even the more calm peaceful parts in between were a blur. It was only now, looking at them all together like this, heading into the last merc force that things slowed down enough to realize that they were no longer strangers with one another. They were now all true brothers-in-arms. No longer were any of the rookies including himself, rookies anymore. This one mission had changed them all to battle hardened pilots.

Saying a silent prayer for everyone to himself he waited for the order to charge in. Looking at the flight leaders reporting the readiness of each flight he wondered what the plan was. As if he had asked aloud Kane gave the orders. One flight to the left, three flight to the right, four flight to act as backup and his flight was to charge straight forward. Ruwe liked straightforwardness as it was more honorable. Thinking twice on it though these mercs did not deserve honor as they stayed to the shadows in attempts to kill a man. The thought made him anger some. Grinding his teeth together the order was given to move in.

Four flight opened the doors and the first three flights charged in. Ruwe was right beside Kane when a merc booted Kane square in the jaw. Ruwe stood frozen for a moment as his anger flooded in full force through his body. Letting off a blood curdling war cry, Ruwe grabbed the closest merc and chucked the merc across the room. The merc hit the wall so hard that it cracked along with his spine. Watching only long enough to make sure the merc would not be in this battle any longer, he grabbed another merc. This one was a bit bigger than the last one but that hardly mattered much as the anger coursed through his veins.

Taking a hit to the stomach at full force caused him to stagger only slightly. The merc seeing him falter tried for a shot at Ruwe’s face, but Ruwe easily engulfed the mercs hand and quickly snapped it backwards. The merc dropped to his knees in pain where Ruwe brought his knee up as hard as he could into the mercs face. The man crumpled backwards into unconsciousness. Ruwe looked up just in time to see Thedrish get stabbed in the groin by a much larger opponent. “NO!”

Something must have snapped inside of him because the next thing he knew Ruwe was in front of the merc and had his head in his massive hands. With the anger now in full swing, he growled and snapped the mercs head back and broke his neck. Dropping the dead merc from his grasp he looked around at the battle. There was only one merc left. Leaving that to the other pilots he looked around at the ground. Mellainius was on the ground in a pool of his own blood, but the steady rise and fall of his chest brought him back to Thedrish who was now unconscious on the ground. Picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder, he went over to Mellainius and did the same.

Heading for the doors, he heard Slasher issuing orders again. Not slowing down though he heard distinctly, “Bomb! Everyone fall back now!” With that Ruwe hurried as far as he could before the bomb hit and through him forward through the doors with his other comrades. Making sure he landed underneath he hit his head off the ground. Feeling the world slip slowly into an inky blackness he wondered if they had won and if any had died in his first mission.

629 words
FM/SCRW Ruwe/Nazgul 6 (2-2)/Nazgul Squadron/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1FLT/VEN/VE (=*A*=)Imperial Network Star Wars Image
"Never give up. Never surrender."
"Destruction is the work of an afternoon. Creation is the work of a lifetime."
"In the darkest of times light's champion take residence in the stronghold of darkness."
"The turning of the tide always begins with one soldier's decision to head back into the fray."
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 17, 2009 5:07:00 PM    View the profile of Drac 
Nazgul had regrouped outside the building where the mercs were trying to penetrate the energy shield around the hof. One flight had gotten there early and set up positions covering the doors. They'd wanted to go ahead, but Kane had ordered them to wait. Drac wasn't sure how he felt about that one. On one hand it let the simmering anger he'd been nursing since the first explosion grow and focus. On the other hand, he wasn't sure that he wanted that to happen.

The rest of the squadron arrived quickly though, and Drac pushed his previous thoughts aside. Now it was time for action. Kane approached and Drac stepped over to him, "No one has tried to exit the building since we arrived. We don't see any sentinels or snipers either."

The XO answered shortly, "Doesn't matter. Either way, we're storming that building. These bastards are going to die."

Drac just nodded and returned to the rest of his flight, but if anyone was watching they would see his hand lightly caressing his pistol in anticipation. Stepping over to Catachan and Thedrish, the Mon Cal smiled at Ruwe. He was glad to see his friend was still in one piece. If it got down to hand-to-hand in there, having an angry wookiee on one's side was something to appreciate. He cursed himself again mentally upon the thought of hand-to-hand weapons. He'd never bought a vibro-blade, not expecting to need it as a pilot. And he hadn't thought to steal one off of the men they'd killed. Looks like it was going to be pistol work for him.

They busted into the building just as planned, and Drac turned to the left, pistol up and ready to fire. He heard a yell and a thud behind him, followed by a confused, but very loud, uproar. However, he had something of his own to think about. On the left end of the room, back far enough that the combatants behind him probably hadn't noticed, stood an E-web assault blaster. And behind it stood a merc with a very smug grin on his face. The world narrowed for the Senior Crewman then; all that existed, all that mattered, was the merc he faced and himself. Tunnel vision, he thought distantly.

Drac did the only thing he really could. Swinging his pistol into line, he prayed that its amazing ammo capacity would save the day and began firing as quickly as he could...which was pretty fast apparently. The whole E-web pointed at stomach factor probably had a lot to do with did the fact that Drac recognized this man. It was the merc who had kicked him in the hallway a few hours ago. The anger and protectiveness in him flared as he remembered that this man, this man in particular, would have gladly killed Driver if not for the Ensign's escape. A hail of shots lashed out from his blaster, stippling the wall behind the merc with several dozen smoking craters. Luckily, it also left several smoking craters in the merc as well. The man collapsed like a rag doll while Drac watched in satisfaction.

The Mon Cal stood, dazed as he stared at the man he killed. Two. He was vaguely aware of shouting and blows being exchanged behind him, but it wasn't until a blaster bolt grazed his leg that he snapped out of his funk. The bolt in question burned a groove into the inside of his left calf, making the leg buckle and spilling Drac onto the floor. He suppressed a scream as his chest hit the floor, jarring his ribs. Yep. Broken ribs. Fracking medic was right...

He groaned, turning over to see where the bolt had come from. There really wasn't any telling in that melee. It looked like several pilots were down, and he thought he saw the new flight leader, Hunter-Morell, carrying Kane out of the building. Ruwe was doing something unpleasant to a merc's head, snarling in rage all the while.

Then the Senior Crewman heard a word he really didn't want to. Bomb. Ruwe picked up a couple of downed pilots and made for the door. Drac started crawling. His leg wouldn't hold his weight, but if he could make it out the door he might just be able to get around it to the outside wall. It ought to protect him from the blast. And if not...well, he probably wouldn't be the only name being added to Nazgul's roster of the dead. Note to self: Remind me to ask how this stuff happens...but who would I ask? Sithspit.

Lucky for him, Drac had been near the door. He hadn't moved further into the building since a blaster worked just as well from where he was. The Mon Cal pulled himself outside, dragged himself a few yards to the side of the door, curled up into a ball with his back to the wall, and put his hands over his tempanic membranes. Seconds later the bomb went off.

2:40 since 1st explosion

Drac lifted his head. Hmm. I'm still alive. That's...surprising. Looking around, he saw that the wall still stood. He pulled himself over to it and levered around until his back was against it. The mon cal stretched his legs out in front of himself and looked around. The rest of the squadron was out of the building as well, looking worse for the wear. Approximately a quarter of the pilots lay unconscious, some bleeding. The rest looked to be in somewhat better condition.

Looking at the injuries the rest of the squadron had accumulated, Drac figured he was in the middle of the pack there. He'd tend to himself then, since others needed help more. At that thought he looked down. His left leg was bloody, with more still coming out. It wasn't so bad though, and the groove wasn't too deep. His dress uniform was an unrecognizable mockery of its former self though. It'd have to be replaced anyway, so at least he had some materials to work with.

Removing his bolero, he tore the fabric into four strips. The first two he wrapped tightly over his wound, to staunch the bloodflow. Then he looked around and found a nearby piece of debris, a chunk of wood some two feet long and as thick as his wrist. This he held against the outside of his leg while he used the strips to tie it to himself, one above the knee, one below. He positioned the stick so the bottom of it met the ground along with his foot. Then, using the wall to pull himself up, he stood. The leg hurt like hell, but the bleeding was much lower and he could walk on it.

The Senior Crewman checked his pistol as he staggered over to the rest of the squadron. He was shocked to find it in its holster. When had he put it back? He couldn't remember. Ah well. The thing seemed to bring luck along with it, so he was just happy to still have it.

1,182 words
FM/SCRW Drac/Nazgul 1-2/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Imperial Fleet/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [SoA][MC:2]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 17, 2009 5:24:47 PM    View the profile of Catachan 
after hearing about the bomb, he moved swiftly to help TheDrish, since he saw him get stabbed and wasn't sure if he was seriously hurt. Then, to his bad luck, the bomb blew up, throwing him to the far side of the room. Everything went pitch black for the longest time he had known...


About 3 hours after the explosion

Skrat began coming back to reality... a very painful one at that. His back felt like it was embeded with stone and shrapnel, and he thought he had broken a femur or his hip. He began to try to push himself up, but he was to weak.

Wishing someone else was concious, he let out a loud groan of pain. Nothing responded 'cept the echo of his voice.

He tried again to get up, and this time he used a fallen structral piece to help him up. He didn't make it up all the way up, but enough for him to get in a sitting postition. He wish he couldn't see the destruction from the bomb.

Where the bomb was, there was a giant hole.  The bodies of his comrades were hiding behind whatever they could find, or they were littered on the ground, such as himself.

After his quick observation of the damages, he looked around again and saw a few moving bodies. He picked up his DC-15s Blaster Pistol and aimed it at the people. The people must've obviously saw them as they said, "Ator planetary security force! Put your weapon on the ground!"

"I'm Leading Crewman Skrat of Nazgul Squadron, Flight 1. Why don't you tell me where the hell you guys have been?"

"It's a big city, Mr... ugh, Crewman. We can't be everywhere at once."

"Maybe you can't, but your men can."

The guard made a quick head motion at the comment as a few medics came and inspected Skrat and the other pilots. The medics came back with bandages and painkillers and fixed him up. Atleast they helped him enough to let him walk and limp.

Moving around a little, he got use to the very big limp. He then spotted Slasher and went to speak with him.

"I don't think walking around like that is good for your health Skrat." Slasher said, looking at his leg.

"Yeah, well, neither is getting thrown 100 feet or so across a room by an explosive bomb." Skrat responded.

"Quite true. Your just lucky to be alive I think."

"So aren't them mercs. If they didn't use them bombs, they wouldn't have escaped. Speaking of which, where's G'shlecc?"

"He's around, don't worry. He can put up a damned good fight, espically this kind of thing. No gutless mercenary would take him without losing a few teeth and a bunch of his blood." Slasher said.

"Very inspiring Slasher, you should become a poet after you retire if you don't go home in a wooden box." Skrat said, being a smartass.

"Ha ha. Can't you ever have a conservation without some sarcastic response?" Slasher asked.

"I don't know, why don't you ask my mother?" Skrat said as he started limping away.

As he walked away, he looked down into the blast crater.  It was a long way down, and he hoped that a few of those mercs were still falling.

just trying to spice things up a little...
word count:627
FM/LCRW Skrat/Nazgul 1-4/1FLT/VEN/VE (=A=)
Happiness is only a faint cover-up of pure darkness
[This message has been edited by Catachan (edited February 17, 2009 5:26:23 PM)]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 18, 2009 10:01:20 AM    View the profile of albinostorm 
Albino Charged in with nothing but his fists and the blaster at his side. He probably wouldn't use the blaster either due to the threat to his own allies. The only training he had done for this was a small amount of wrestling and martial arts training with the tutors back in the Black Sun. his eyes lit up with rage as he joined the charge, with a war cry summoning forth all his willpower. Adrenaline was coursing through him, a small hereditary 'Gift' from being born and raised on Mandalore. He was clenching his teeth so hard that a dull throb was humming in the temples of his head.

He picked out a merc on the first wave, who also saw him. Albino swung his body to the side then threw his fist with all his strength towards the merc's face, looking for the forehead, but the merc was smaller than Albino had first thought, and Albino caught him under the node, lifting him a good 10 inches off the ground and driving his nasal bone into the brain. Albino was not normally a strong man, but that kill was something to brag about when he got back. He took another glance at the oncoming mercs, a few of whom had faltered after some of the members of Nazgul had entered the battle with killing blows. if he got back.

Suddenly another merc lunged towards him with a vibroblade threatening to end Albino's short, turbulent life early. Albino Swung his body to the left, then as the Merc followed suit, Albino saw the world slow down as he blinked and swung his right hand again, knocking the blade out of the merc's hand and onto the floor. Both men slowly circled around the blade, neither aware of the chaos outside of their own confrontation, the merc took a dive for the blade, and Albion booted him in the ribs, knocking him down.

Before the merc could recover, or do it himself, Albino quickly scooped up the blade and plunged it into the small gap between the shoulder blade and the neck, slicing through tendon and capillaries with scary ease. One side of the merc's body slumped, but before he could deliver the final blow, a horrible humming cold feeling shot into his back twice, and Albino fell flat on his face and rolled over. Another merc was stood above albino, with a red dripping knife, not a vibroblade as most other mercs carried. Albino quickly kicked him in the shin, the staggered up and repeatedly kicked him in the right calf.

Albino turned to the other merc, rolling about on the floor and clutching his limp arm. Albino stood the vibroblade he was still holding on it's hilt, and picked up the merc in a headlock. Albino held the shoulders still and wrenched the head, and the merc in his arms spasm'd and went still. The other merc watched in anger as Albino dropped back, driving the first merc's forehead into the vibroblade. His entire body tensed and he let out a weak gasp, then went completely limp again.

The last merc jumped at Albino, shouting as he put weight on the injured leg. Exchanged punches, chops and kicks for a long few seconds, albino focusing on the leg of the merc, waiting for a chance to draw his blaster and end the confrontation early. Albino noticed a large scar running from behind his sparring partner's ear, and running down just under the jawbone and stopping just before the chin. He must have been in another lethal close confrontation Albino thought to himself. Albino accidentally backed into hunter, which caused him to jump over, and hunter planted his boot on the merc's upper chest, making him fall on the floor too. Time slowed down for Albino, who angled his feet to the floor and drew his blaster. the second he hit the floor, Albino bounced up and quickly squeezed a single shot onto the merc's face, killing him. Albino said something positive in the Direction of Hunter and drew in a deep breath.

Albino felt Very cold, very tired, his back was causing him immense pain, everything was fuzzy to him, and he was sweating and shivering. An opportunity to grab a breather... he thought to himself as he rand his hand softly over the bruises all over his body. He looked up suddenly as the last word he wanted to hear echoed out through the battle zone: BOMB! Albino turned and tried to run towards the door, but his strength left him and he stumbled, his eyes widened and he recovered and fell through the doorway and somehow managed to quickly throw himself to the side, and lay flat on his face, as he faded into unconsciousness.

Word count: 800

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It is not enough to win, everyone else must lose. stockpile the tibanna gas and load the diamond boron missiles, there's gonna be slaughter tonight, lads!

FM/LCRW Albinostorm/Nazgul 14/Wing 4/mSSD Atrus/1Flt/VEN/VE
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 18, 2009 3:59:21 PM    View the profile of Goth 
When Goth and JMac reached the building they saw the rest of the squadron had already arrived, and were preparing for a frontal assault on the said building.
Upon storming the building things broke down pretty quickly. Laser blasts were flying everywhere and Goth found himself in single hand to hand combat with one of the mercs. The merc that Goth was facing off with grinned evilly, as he drew his bayonet. Goth had seen that look many times before in other confrontations; bigger men seeing his slight build and thinking he was an easy kill.
Goth knew he could take him, and almost didn't draw his vibroknife. Then thinking twice he remembered valuable lessons from the past, namely, take nothing for granted.
As he squared for combat with the large merc Goth drew his own weapon, and prepared to eliminate the fraggin merc scum before him. The fight was quick, first Goth removed his opponents arm from play with a quick slash, then with a quick thrust to the sweet spot cleaved his heart in two. He had also seen that stunned look on the dying mans face many times and this made Goth smile (once again the prey has become the hunter).

Goth took a look around there were bodies littering the floor. His wingman was nowhere to be seen, but in the chaos and smoke Goth figured he was near.

Then he heard beeping and heard someone yell 'Bomb!' Knowing that he probably didn't have time to reach the door, he dropped to the ground, Goth tilted the corpse he had just created toward the direction in which the timer was beeping off the seconds.
Using the dead body for cover from the explosion protected him from the blast, but the concussion of the bomb left him dazed. He didn't loose consciousness, but he saw plenty of stars. After finally coming to his senses he looked around. Body parts were scattered everywhere. Goth hoped none of Nazgul were among them.
Looking down Goth was dismayed to see his dress uniform was covered in blood. On the bright side, at least it was the blood of the enemy and not any of his.
Pulling his blaster Goth took a defensive position at the door.

Goth had to admit these mercs were well organized, and persistent.
Whoever was after his Squadron Commander must be paying well, for mercs of this stamp didn't come cheap. Which also went a long way in explaining the traitor Goth was sure was in their midst.

Mindful of snipers, Goth peeked cautiously out the door. Goth was relieved to see most of Nazgul Squadron outside. Not having anything but the most basic first aid knowledge Goth left treatment to those who had the skills and took up a defensive position covering the rest of the squadron.
Taking a quick glance around Goth saw the wounded were being taken care of and stood at the ready for any other surprises the mercs might have in store.
All seemed clear... for the moment.
Goth hoped Gshlecc was safe, or this mess was all for nothing.

Then Goth's com-link buzzed. It was the commander of the flight crew working on his Avenger. He reported that both the shield generator and reserve power were once again operational.  The lasers were well on their way to being repaired, but the whole system had to be replaced cannons and all, so it was taking a little longer. Goth keyed his com-link off.

Goth had a serious headache from the bomb explosion, and was in a very bad mood.

'This is one chaotic escapade.'

Goth said out loud to no one in particular.
Then keeping his eyes open for attack, Goth walked over and reported to his Wing Leader that he had managed to capture one of the mercs alive for interrogation.
FM/SCR Goth/Nazgul 11/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Fleet/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(MC:2)

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...And They Cried with the Voices of Death...
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 18, 2009 8:57:01 PM    View the profile of Hunter-Morrell 
Hunter heard a muffled yell and turned towards the cracked door in confusion. Striding quickly over to it, he pushed it open. Standing stock still in the doorway, he took in the whole scene. Demented, who was about twenty feet away, leaping at a merc.  The merc grinning from ear to ear as he pushed a black button on his belt. Slasher yelling something that sounded vaguely like Bomb. All the other Nazgul pilots running for their life, most far enough away to escape serious damage. He saw all that in a second. Looking back later, he remembered reading somewhere that adrenaline allows some people to do incredible things. As he felt the exhilarating rush of adrenaline pumping wildly through his veins, it took exactly two seconds for him to form a plan. It took a shorter time to do the calculations that he had not used since his school days that were needed to make the plan successful. Acting quickly, he drew the knife that had seen so much action earlier and threw it carefully, making sure he didn’t throw it too hard or too soft, at Demented. Cringing slightly as the blade entered the fellow Nazgul right in his shoulder, he took satisfaction that his plan worked. He knew exactly how much the knife weighed and how much force the thrower could put behind it to cause a medium-sized human going at a 90 degree angle to the knife path to change direction. And change direction Demented did. If Hunter had not acted when he did, Demented would have crashed directly onto the merc, causing him to take the full blast of the bomb. Instead, he swerved around him and rolled a little ways away, curling into a ball as the pain of the knife wound overtook him.

“Booyah.” Was all Hunter could say before the merc exploded into little red chunks.

The bomb was smaller and less powerful than the one that had exploded earlier, but still had an effect on Nazgul squadron. Even though he was closer than most to the explosion, the actual blast didn’t quite reach him, stopping just feet short. He felt the heat and the concussion wave that swept the room half a second after the bomb went off, but wasn’t hurt too badly. The conc wave did have an effect though, knocking him back a few feet and making his ears pop. The pain from the ears alone was enough to make his eyes water. Stumbling forward a few feet, he saw Slasher getting to his feet. Focusing on him, Hunter noticed his lips moving rapidly in such a way that it looked as if he was yelling. But Hunter didn’t hear anything.

What the heck?

It was then that he realized that he couldn’t hear. Reaching up to his ear, he withdrew his hand and was surprised to see that he had blood running down his fingers. Frowning, he wiped it on his uniform and walked back into the room where Kane appeared to be rousing from his forced sleep.

“Rise and shine. You missed all the fun.”  Hunter said as Kane sat straight up and pointed his gun at Hunter.

Laughing slightly as Kane regained his senses, Hunter helped him to his feet. Kane said something and Hunter shook his head, pointing to his ear. A look of comprehension came over Kane’s face and he nodded slightly.

“Shall we join them for the after-party?” Hunter said with a quizzical look.
===Kaph Alumni===

Vast Empire Imperial Navy
Chief Petty Officer Hunter Morrell
FL/CPO Hunter-Morrell/Nazgul 13/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/1Flt/VEN/VE [CBV][BRC][BWC]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
February 20, 2009 9:26:28 AM    View the profile of StOrMz 
[I'm getting rreally tirred of all these bombs,] Ph'rranix yelled as he drug Demented behind him. All the human could talk about was his scratch that Hunter had just left on him.

Coming up to Hunter, Demented lurched forward, trying in vain to whap Hunter across the noggin. Stormz quickly pointed out all the places that he would be lying had Hunter not been so quick to conceive that plan. The disgruntled Naz pilot grudgingly apologized and thanked his flight leader. The three of them continued on down the hall towards the remainder of Nazgul.

It didn't take long for the Wing XO to catch up with them. Nazgul may have been the best pilots that the Vast Empire had to offer, but they weren't marathon runners by any means.

"Everyone ready?"Questioned Gsh'lecc. Un-synchronized nods gave the indication that it was time to press forward. Moving up the stairs, the Nazgul Commander caught a glimpse of a blood trail. The squadron followed the small trail to a guest's quarters. Upon entering was the remains of a servant who had died a torturous death.

Stormz heard something behind him. Turning around, he noticed a door about 30 meters away that was slightly cracked.

[Wait herre guys.] Growled the Wook as he approached the door. A faint red light shone through the crack. Ph'rranix stopped just short of the room and motioned for G'shlecc to come and assess it.

[Ooc] Ok, so i didn't add much...sorry it took so long to finish, got REALLY busy...won't make you all wait again.[/ooc]
WXO/T-M/NTX/ESN StOrMz/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/1 Fleet/VEN/VE

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Imperial Baronet of Kashyyyk
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
March 5, 2009 2:06:46 AM    View the profile of Gshlecc 
The bedraggled remains of Nazgul slumped to the security office’s floor.  The final bomb had done serious damage.  Over half of the flight would generously be called ‘walking wounded’ the other half would be categorized by most as ‘casualties’. 

  Someone will pay

  Everyone was accounted for.

  Thank the Gods for that

  He, Yulia and Bedav had waited for what seemed an eternity for the Imperial pilots to fight there way in.  G’d cut the Hof’s shields at the last possible moment, but even that still allowed for a few mercs to gain entry.  He wasn’t sure if they’d all been taken out by the last blast, but he’d find out soon enough.

  Kane came chugging down the hall, he moved rather well for a big man.  Although a few laps on one of the Atrus’ tracks wouldn’t do him any harm.  When they got back he’d make sure he got a few extra PT shifts.

  *Hmmf, they’re going back, I’m stuck here

  For the first time since word of Huur’s death reached him G realized that his life in the VE was over.  The demands of the Baronetcy and the Bank would take away the one thing other than Yulia that gave his life meaning.  A bad day just got worse.

  Might as well go out with a bang

  “Everyone ready?”

  It was an unspoken command.  His look said it all.  He was tired of this, tired of running, tired of hiding, and certainly tired of his men doing his fighting for him.  Nazgul dragged itself up and steeled itself for battle yet again.  Three more bodies joined in: Stormz, Bedav and Yulia.  He’d tried to make her stay with a look; completely forgetting that his looks were utterly useless when she had her blood up.

  Stormz took point.  G really didn’t want the Wing XO to lead, but sometimes you have to let a Wookiee do what a Wookiee wants to do.  They eased out of the Security office and into the corridor.  The late Baronet’s study was two levels up.

  The first level’s movement was uneventful.  No mercs, no bodies. 

  Maybe we got’em all

  He spoke too soon.  Stormz’ nose rankled and a low growl drifted back.  Kane and Bedav moved quickly around to secure the landing.  G turned the corner nearly slipping on the congealing blood.  He quickly signaled for the squadron to fan out and be alert

  I guess I was wrong

  The trail of gore snaked up the stairs.  It ended in an empty guest room.  The remains of one of the Hof’s staff lay in a heap.  He’d been slit from groin to gullet.  The look on his face said it’d taken a bit of time to complete the job.

  Why kill a butler

  G motioned for Bedav and Yulia to move closer.

  “Why would someone go to the trouble of killing a member of the staff?”

  Bedav shrugged.  Yulia paused, “Perhaps he…recognized his assailant.”

  “Recognized?  Damn.”

  Driver exited the room positioning the men in a covered search pattern.  There were at least twenty more rooms in this corridor, and they’d all be searched.  Whoever was responsible for all of this was close.  Close enough for G’shlecc to want them even more than before.

  Stormz belayed the search.  His keen eye had spotted a sliver of crimson light emanating from a slightly ajar door about thirty meters down the hall.  He waved G forward.  Moving stealthily the Baronet angled himself for a peek inside the room.

  The door blocked most of the room’s interior; however G was able to see two men moving within the room in a highly agitated state.  He caught sight of the Hof’s Chief of Security.

  “The mercs failed!  I told you they would!  These are Gods Damned Imperial Pilots, not a local swoop gang!” bellowed the man.


  “You’ve killed us both with your arrogance!  Why I let you talk me into this…”he continued.

  G staggered back.  Furry arms caught him as he reeled. 

  “G what is it, “pleaded Bedav as he reached out for his brother.

  A shaky finger moved toward the door…”Traitor”
  Bedav understood in a flash, the one responsible for all of this was inside.  Being an Atrasin, he neither hesitated nor cared that he had no backup as he shouldered the door in.  The offending wood splintered as it bounced off the wall behind it as Bedav rolled into the room.


  Stormz attempted to grab the younger Atrasin only to come up with a paw-full of air.  The Chief wheeled and fired his weapon already in hand.  The stray, un-aimed shot tore out the door causing Nazguls to scatter.

  The air was rent with blaster shot.  Bolts shredded the hallway and the wall around the room’s entrance.  Bedav found shelter behind a large piece of furniture and attempted to return fire.  The Chief was a practiced shot, but he’d never practiced returning fire against thirteen fully armed Imperial pilots. 

  Slowly the Nazguls worked their way in the room.  The Chief was the only one returning fire, but he wasn’t the only one in the room.  A figure ducked behind a decorative screen as Goth entered hard on Bedav’s heels.  The crimson glow that Stormz saw leaked from behind the screen momentarily and then died.  Goth didn’t worry about it much, as someone was trying very hard to end his life.  He squeezed off three quick shots that caught the Chief mid chest.  He fell hard.  Not waiting for orders Goth pulled the pin on one of the concussion grenades he’d ‘liberated’ from the dead mercs and rolled it behind the screen.

“FIRE IN THE HOLE,” he shouted as he face planted himself on the floor.

Bedav and Stormz ducked and covered, the rest turned away from the door as the flash-bang went off.

  Goth was glad he was still deafened from the last blast.  The lack of sound made it easier for him to jump up and storm the screen.

  G led the rest of Nazgul into the room as Bedav regained his feet. 


  The anger and fear strained against the words, twisting them, sharpening them.  They cut Bedav, and he knew he deserved it.  He looked away unable to meet his brother’s stare.

  G strode over to the screen, weapon ready, with blood in his eye.  Behind he saw only Goth.  Mutely he motioned toward a camouflaged door cut open with some sort of torch.  Revealing one of the Hof’s anti-grav pilot chutes.

  “Damn, they’re headed back to the hangar bay!”

  Before anyone could react, G jumped into the chute.

  “G, Damnit!” cursed Goth, “Drac c’mon”

  Following their SC, Goth and Drac dove into the grav chute and plummeted ten, not the two they expected, levels to the Security Fighter Bay.  They lightly touched down behind their crouching commander. 

  “He’s here somewhere.  I heard footsteps.”

  The two pilots nodded silently and moved in opposite directions hoping to flank the unknown traitor.  They moved slowly down the rows of first generation TIE Interceptors.  Seeing at least two squadrons worth of fighters Drac finally realized the scope of the Atrasin family fortune.

  “Why does he fly with us when he has all this?” muttered the Mon Cal to himself.

    Suddenly a flash of red came down on his blaster, severing it in two, and hard fist impacted between his eye globes…everything went black.

    Driver caught sight of the blade as it ignited and extinguished itself almost at the same moment.  He also heard the thump as Drac hit the floor. Running toward the sounds he tore off a few shots for good measure.  They hit nothing but the nearest TIE. 

  Driver and Goth reached the groggy Mon Cal as he slowly pushed up from the floor.  His blaster had been cleanly cut in two.  The ends melted neatly. 

  “What did that?” Drac asked woozily.

  Driver stood.  His square jaw grinding as he searched the bay grimly.  He shouted, “Come out and face me.  I know you’re here.  Your lightfoil was a dead give-away. You’re not getting out of this one.”

  A laugh echoed through the bay

  “You actually believe you’ll stop me, control me?  You’re as pathetic as your father.” Mocked the voice.

  “Stop it Alecc. It’s over.”


  A sudden blast of sound and air bowled over G, Drac and Goth as one of the TIE/in broke free of it’s moorings and shot mere centimeters over their heads and out of the bay.

  They sprang to their feet and watched the fighter gain altitude and be joined by two other TIE’s as it faded into the upper atmosphere.

  “Who was that, G?  You know him.” Asked Goth.

  “I do, “he stated grimly as he holstered his blaster, “He’s my uncle.  Alecc Atrasin…and I’m going to kill him.”

  G moved to the nearest TIE/in and purposfully climbed into the cockpit.  Goth and Drac looked at each other and nodded.  They silently moved to ships of thier own and mounted up.

  “This is my fight men, not yours.”

  Drac’s firm voice crackled across the comm “With all due respect sir, he’s tried several times to kill you by going through us.  This IS our fight.”

  “Very well, you can have the wings, but he’s mine.”

  The three TIE’s dropped free of there claws and soared into the setting Atoran sun.

1545 words.  ok this is the endgame.  only Goth and Drac may post in the dogfight. they've earned the right by being the top 2 posters on this mission.  so, fire it up boys...and the final kill is mine.  the rest of you can do what ever you'd like...just stay out of my whiskey.
SC|ESN Gshlecc "Driver" Atrasin/Nazgul 1-1/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN/VE/[=A=][=^SA^=][=^ME^=][=*MA*=][MC1]{BWC}[NSR:1]{SAS}{SWC}[=FOCE=]
CO/ESN G'shlecc Atrasin/Reaper/ISD Nemesis/Sigma Grp/COD/VEI
Vacuus Ordo, Nex  -Without Order, Death
All a man can betray is his conscience. - Joseph Conrad
We few, we happy few. We band of brothers. - Henry V
May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't. - General George S. Patton Jr.
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
March 6, 2009 2:22:31 PM    View the profile of Drac 
Wow, thanks Driver. I really liked that blaster though, lol. Ah well, one more reason to vape someone.

Drac fired up the Interceptor he'd chosen, checking that it was fueled and ready to go. Naturally, he'd chosen one right beside G'shlecc's so he could slip immediately into a wingman position. It took only a few seconds to cold start the fighter, and it all checked out.

Having accomplished this, Drac took a moment and checked himself over. His ribs ached, and he could feel a slow trickle of blood on his leg. Fortunately for him neither of these were crippling for someone flying a fighter. The only thing that might interfere with his performance in the fight was his headache, courtesy of the Ensign's uncle. The mon cal wasn't sure how he felt about that. On one hand he wanted to tear the man apart with his fists for attacking them, as well as for blindsiding him. On the other hand, the human could easily have killed him with the weapon he'd used to destroy his blaster.
He considered the problem for a moment, but was interrupted by Driver’s voice coming over the comm, “This is my fight men, not yours.”

Drac snorted in response to that, thinking back on all the people who’d tried to kill them on this mission, if Driver thought they wouldn’t stand by him now he had another think coming. Besides that, even the Ensign wasn’t good enough to face three to one odds by himself and have much hope of living. The mon cal flipped the switch allowing him to speak on the comm and replied, “With all due respect sir, he’s tried several times to kill you by going through us.  This IS our fight.”

“Very well, but he’s mine.” Drac could hear the irritation in Driver’s voice, as well as the deep-seated rage it masked. Well, that clears that up then. I’ll be quite happy to vape one of the guy’s wingmen.

The trio of Interceptors powered up smoothly and blasted out of the hangar. Pulling up into a steep climb, the Imperial pilots could just make out their quarry far above them. Pushing the limits of their vehicles, the three tried to make up ground. Their opponents had a similar idea, though, and the distance between the two groups stayed pretty static.  That is, until the comm units came alive again.

Glancing down at his comm screen, Drac saw the visage of an older human in the uniform of Atorian Security. The man was frowning as he spoke, “Unidentified fighters, this is Colonel Sinfre of Atorian Security. You are ordered to cease your current flight paths and return to the spaceport under AtSec escort.”

Drac was about to say something when the comm unit crackled again and a voice similar to Driver’s replied, “This is Alecc Atrasin. The fighters pursuing me are rogue pilots bent on assassinating me. Do what..."

The traitor's signal fizzled out as Driver ovverode it, "This is Baronet G'shlecc Atrasin. I have been investigating my father's death and found that my uncle and those with him are responsible...they've tried to kill me as well, along with my squadron. If you know what's good for you, Colonel, you'll help us or stay the hell out of my way." Drac couldn't help but wince. Driver's voice was sharp enough to burn through a star destroyer's

The Colonel seemed confused, and somewhat torn. After a moment he seemed to make up his mind, "All craft involved in this chase will land and surrender themselves to an investigation into this matter or risk destruction. I'm sorry Baronet, if that's who you truly are, but that is how it must be."

"...So be it."

Neither group of fighters split off as they approached the orbiting cruiser from which Sinfre had contacted them. It came to life, moving to cut off their flight path. The Imperial pilots watched, waiting for Alecc to make his move. With less than ten seconds to firing range on the cruiser the fleeing Interceptors broke off, pulling up and to port in an attempt to pass behind it. The Imperial pilots immediately adjusted the angle of their pursuit, the less severe turn allowing them to make up ground and come nearly into range of the other fighters.

Fire sprayed out from the cruiser, flashing toward both groups of fighters as they shot past. Fortunately, the cruiser didn't seem to be carrying any fighters of its own, and both groups slipped by with little trouble. The extra maneuvering required did just enough though, and the fleeing fighters were forced to face their opponents or be vaped from behind.

The three Interceptors swung around, spreading out somewhat to make coordinated attacks more difficult as the two groups came into a head to head engagement. Drac kept an eye on his targeting box and fired as soon as it indicated a good target. He had time to let out three bursts, seeing similar blasts zip by his fighter, and then they were through. Looking up, he focused on the fighter he'd gone up against, the one to Driver's Uncle's left...asssuming Alecc was in the center Interceptor. It was still flying well, but a black burn mark creased one solar array.

As Driver sped up in his pursuit of Alecc one of the other Interceptors split off. Drac dropped back from his loose formation on the Ensign, just in case. At first it looked like it was running to the planet, and Drac considered not worrying about it for the moment. But then it turned around and came in on his tail. He slapped himself mentally. Rookie mistake. If you want to live, you won't make those. First to fix this one though... Keying his comm he said, "Driver, I'm going to get this guy. Can you keep the others away while we settle our differences?"

"Yeah, but be damned careful."

The Interceptor came in, lasers blazing. Jinking back and forth, Drac managed to escape any damage. He was quickly getting tired of the game though, and chose to do something about it. Ensign StOrMz told me this stunt was too risky for a newbie...but he's not here and I don't have time to chain five or six moves on this sithspawn. Here it goes.

Drac pulled up and out, starting a high speed yo-yo. His opponent reacted quickly, following the Imperial pilot into the curve. Then Drac threw in his twist- a reverse throttle hop. Disengaging his engines, he reversed them and re-engaged them. The twin ion powerplants screamed through the hull, but the ship did decelerate extremely repidly. Drac held it there for two seconds, then reverse the process. The effect was similar to stopping a speeder cold, as the other Interceptor shot past. On its way past, though, it had a chance to fire. Drac's ship rocked as several bolts struck it, and he could see a large hole in his starboard solar array as he came back up to speed, now maxing out at about 90%. It was enough, though, to keep his opponent in his sights. The mon cal squared his targeting reticule, held his breath, and fired four pulses into the other ship. The first few simply ate away at it, but the third and fourth volleys contributed to an expanding fireball.

Swivelling his head, Drac saw that the firefight was still going, not too far out of range of his lasers. It looked like the other two enemies had tried to come back on him and been stopped by the other Nazgul flyers. One was about to make a run on the Imperials, but shied away when its pilot detected Drac coming in from the side. It gave him enough time to settle back into position near Driver. Drac smiled, feeling elated even over the anger that had characterized the day so far, "Okay, I got a kill. We can go home now if you two are finished teasing those poor guys."

Word Count: 1319
FM/SCRW Drac/Nazgul 1-2/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Imperial Fleet/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [SoA][MC:2]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
March 9, 2009 6:32:17 PM    View the profile of Goth 
Goth had never seen his Squadron Commander in action before. Following him through the building, Goth saw first hand that Gshlecc knew his business.
Goth was honored to be under his command, but watching him in action made him proud to be one of his team.
Follwing a blood trail they found a member of the house staff dead. Then finding a door partially open the SC gave the signal to hold position and peered through the crack.
As Goth watched his SC fall backwards in shock, he saw Gshlecc say one word; 'traitor'.
So, Goth thought to himself, the spy has finally been revealed. Then the whole squadron charged the room.
With laser fire flying all around him Goth quickly dropped the only man in the room shooting and saw someone duck behind a curtain.

Contrary to the act that Goth puts on around others as a hothead, shoot first ask questions later type. He usually is very cool and calculating, but today had just been to much, and seeing the shock on Gshlecc's face when he found out who the traitor was, was the last straw. So instead of putting away his anger as he usually did, he reacted without thinking, throwing one of his captured grenades behind the curtain.
Inspecting behind the curtain Goth found a room with a drop tunnel, his squadron commander jumped right into it. Goth not wanting his SC out alone without protection took one look at Drac told him to come on and jumped down the shoot with Drac right behind.
Expecting only a slight drop down a couple of floors, Goth was starting to wonder how far the shaft went down when he reached the bottom.
Still not able to hear anything since the bomb upstairs, all Goth could do was follow G's lead. They fanned out searching for the one who had caused all their trouble.
Gshlecc and Goth found Drac on the floor just regaining consciousness when a fighter blasted over their heads.

"Who was that G, you know him?" Goth asked.

Gshlecc said something, but spoke so fast that Goth couldn't read his lips. All he got was, "I do................Kill him."
When Gshlecc climbed into a fighter so did the other two squadron members.
When they got airborne Goth took up position off his squadron commander's right wing. As they flew in pursuit of the three ships ahead of them Goth noticed Drac taking up position on G's left.

Goth was glad to see a criuser coming up, and figured Gshlecc had called in support. Not being able to hear what was said over the com, Goth was both surprised and dismayed as the criuser opened fire on all the fighters, and not just the ones up ahead.
Keying his com;

'This is Nazgul 11 to criuser, were the good guys you fraggin' loon, hold fire!'

If he got a reply he didn't know it. He was to busy jockeying his front deflector to check the TXT. He took two hits from the criuser, but wasn't going to leave his commander's wing.
Even after two hits his shields were still at 97%, thanks to his deflector angling.
Then they were passed the Criuser and flying for open space. In hot pursuit of the traitor and his cohorts.

Suddenly the enemy ships came around.

'Got to love that maneuverability.'

Goth said out loud, even though he still couldn't hear. Then laughed as they did it in bad form.
Goth opened fire with linked lasers before they even came into range, and was pleased to see his shots hit as they did. Then Goth got a missile lock.
He launched a missile then took two direct hits on his front deflector from the enemy pilot's cannons. Which knocked his shields down to 5%.
Staying with Gshlecc, Goth watched as his high explosive missile hit its target blasting it to pieces in a large fireball. Goth did not fail to notice the pilot got off a missile of his own before his ship blew.
Then the lights warning of an incoming missile started flashing.
Hoping the missile was dumbfired, Goth didn't like it but he had to leave his commander's wing. Going into a barrelroll, knowing that if he didn't get away from his SC it might take them both out.

'This is Nazgul 11, leader is all yours.'

The missile which was not dumbfired was slowly starting to gain. Goth dropped flares, but they were ignored.

Nazgul 11 bank right!'

Came over the TXT.
As Goth banked starboard, laser fire flew by and hit the missile exploding it. He watched as Drac flew around it, and had to surf the shockwave to stay out of the flames.
Then they formed up and watching their scanners for more enemy activity, flew to backup their commander.
FM/SCR Goth/Nazgul 11/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Fleet/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(MC:2)

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...And They Cried with the Voices of Death...
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
March 14, 2009 6:47:39 PM    View the profile of Gshlecc 
G watched as his men made short work of the wings.

  Amateurs, they deserved what they got

  He now turned his attentions to Alecc.  Blood pounded in his ears.  Tunnel vision set in.  Space got very, very small.  His murderous uncle was about to receive the justice he so richly deserved.  This man, if he still deserved that distinction.  Brother-killer, usurper, liar, coward; all fitting titles – but ‘deceased’ was the only one that G’shlecc was interested in bestowing at this moment.

  The elder Atrasin’s wingmen had tried futilely to hold off the lethal ministrations of the Nazguls.  They had learned a hard lesson, and paid a steep price for that knowledge.  Now, as the residual dust from their remains cooled in the vacuum of space, Driver dove after his fleeing uncle. 

---Alecc Atrasin---

  Alecc had received his basic flight instruction several years ago when House Atrasin purchased the retired TIE/in.  He was not the head of his class, but he was no slouch either.  He had logged dozens of hours in simulators and had several encounters with smugglers and other ne’er-do-wells in the subsequent years. 

  As he saw his protection vaped one by one, he decided that it was better to run and live to run another day, besides G’shlecc didn’t have the stones to kill family…Huur’s inherent kindness had seen to that.  He hard banked his TIE and pushed for the nearest safe jump site. 

  The NavComp showed that his jump point was at least seven minutes at full throttle.  He quickly did the math.  G would be on him in less than four.  Those three minutes would be a lifetime that determined both of their remaining lifetimes.

---G’shlecc Atrasin---

  Driver slammed his throttle to full.  These Atrasin birds were not VE spec, but they weren’t Headhunters either.  He had the close time figured before the NavComp did.  Four minutes.  He had three minutes to deal with Alecc before he reached a save jump point.  That was more than enough time.  He was quite sure that Alecc thought him to be the soft, listless, desk jockey that had joined the VE on a whim several months back.  He would pay for his ignorance.

  Add it to the rest of his tab

  He was still out of weapon’s range, but well within comm range.  He flicked the ‘send’ switch.

  “You’re not going to make it Alecc.”

---Alecc Atrasin---

  The comm crackled with the determined, passionless voice.  Alecc’s smile faded.  That was not the voice he’d known all his life.  The G’shlecc he’d known as a child and adult was smarmy, cocky and jovial.  What filled the cockpit sounded more like the mercs he’d dealt with prior to taking out Huur.  Could he have misjudged the situation that badly?  Could he have made the fatal error of not fully knowing his adversary? 

  When he’d decided to eliminate Huur and the boys he was sure it would be simple.  Huur was a creature of habit.  His schedule had not changed in years, and even if it had he made the schedule and could not fail to put his brother where the mercs needed him.    That had been simple, almost laughably simple.  Huur never even knew what hit him.  The blast had been devastating. 

  Alecc was almost glad that there had been nothing of his brother left to bury.  He didn’t know how he’d have handled that.  It wasn’t that he’d hated Huur; it’s just that he was in the way.  For years he’d been handling Huur’s day to day operations.  He’d handled the schedule, he’d dealt with transportation, he’d queued Bank business, he’d bribed those that needed bribing, and ‘persuaded’ those that didn’t respond to credits.  He’d been the engine that drove House Atrasin for over twenty-five years, and he was penniless. 

  Well, penniless in his estimation.  His personal accounts held millions of credits, his secret ones held millions more that he had skimmed over the years.  This paled in comparison to the billions that Huur left moldering in his accounts.  He had repeatedly pushed for his brother to use those funds to purchase a more robust title, and maybe even a Senatorial seat.  He tried in vain to have Huur authorize disbursements to Black Sun and other organizations.  These organizations worked in the shadows of the Empire - they could triple and even quadruple an investment- and were not entirely endorsed by the authorities.

  Huur had blocked his every move.  He had insisted on honesty and transparency.  He always asked, “Can it stand up in the light of day?”  He loathed that saying.  Their father had said that too, and he was two-bit artisan.  Alecc Atrasin was NOT the son of a puzzle maker from a minor Core planet, he was a noble born.

  So, he took action.  He contacted mercs through his Black Sun contacts and placed the contract on Huur, G’shlecc and Bedav.  Huur was easy, the last easy part of the plan.  He hadn’t counted on the VE sending an entire elite squadron of TIE’s as escort.  He hadn’t anticipated G’shlecc being a far better soldier than anything else he’d ever been.  He hadn’t anticipated the mercs botching the hit.  He hadn’t planned for failure, and yet that was what he’d ended up with.  Now he was running for his life from his nephew.  Still, he had some tricks left.

  “Come now G’shlecc, I have the lead and we’re in identical ships.  I really doubt you’ll catch me.  Still if it makes you feel better to say that, then by all means do so.”

---G’shlecc Atrasin---

  His uncle’s smug tone echoed through the cockpit.  His blood boiled.  He knew that Alecc was right; he’d never catch him in this ship.  If he’d had his Avenger, it’d be over by now, but this one was barely doing what the brochure stated.  The House’s mechanics would need some retraining by the Fleet’s mechanics to get these birds back up to spec. 

  That tone he’d known all his life.  Alecc had classic ‘Little Man’ Syndrome.  When the Palpatine had elevated Old Geordi Atrasin to the nobility Alecc had bought into it big time.  When Huur had gained the controlling interest in Corusca Bank, he’d placed his brother as his major-domo for the want of a better place to put him.  Alecc had been a natural organizer and flourished in his role.  He’d allowed Huur to be more productive and better connected than all the other executives.  For that, Alecc had been richly rewarded.  He’d been given a generous salary, bonus’s and gifts.  Gifts of jewels, artworks, vehicles, homes and ships had been bestowed upon him.  He’d prospered under his brother, and this was how he repaid him – with death and treachery.

  G had never known who was behind all of this until the very end.  The repeated faint glow present whenever he saw the traitor’s shadow had jogged his memories.  Memories of watching Huur and Alecc spar with their lightfoils.  Sparring that had far more meaning to Alecc than to Huur.  Alecc had taken to wearing his lightfoil on his belt like a swashbuckler or a Jedi of old.  Huur would joke and tease his brother, calling him ‘Alecc Vader’.  Time after time the ribbing would spill over into a heated match that Huur always won.  Afterwards the brothers would embrace and mouth platitudes, but G remembered the look in his uncle’s eye – a look of murderous envy.  An envy that grew and festered finally claiming his father and almost he and his brother as well.

  G had had enough.  The jealousy would end here.  The crimes of Alecc Atrasin would be paid for…in full.  He reached down and tapped a quick text into his comm. 

  “I will say it Alecc, and I will make sure it becomes reality.  You will not live to see the end of this day.”

  Alecc snorted into the open line, “Enough with the bravado boy.  You cannot catch me, in less than a minute I will be far from here, and you will be left wondering where I have gone.  Don’t worry though; you and I are far from done.”

  “Actually, uncle we are entirely done.”

  Alecc was momentarily puzzled by his nephew’s comment and tone, “What do you…”

  The flash caught him off guard, and he barely was able to maneuver out of the path of the oncoming ship.

  “Gods Damn!” he shouted banking hard and slamming on his reverse thrust.

  The Gugol had dropped out of hyperspace at the point where the fleeing Atrasin could have jumped.  She came to a full and complete stop, blocking the route that Alecc had already laid into his NavComp.  As he veered away from the stationary ship he knew he’d have to reenter the jump in order to avoid killing himself.  Unfortunately for him, it also allowed G’shlecc to catch up.

  Alecc threw his TIE into a barrel roll and attempted a high speed yo-yo turn.  Having seen far too much combat to be fooled by this G drove strait on and caught his uncle as he turned. 

---Alecc Atrasin---

  Alecc came out of his turn in time to see his nephew’s ship vomit gouts of green energy.  He sighed.

  Brother, Father forgive me I’ll be joining you now

---G’shlecc Atrasin---

  The TIE blossomed into a fireball that was quickly extinguished by the cold vacuum of space.  Driver’s ship sliced through the remnants of his uncle’s craft and sagged.  It was done, but far from over.  The satisfaction of justice sat cold on his chest.  He knew it would for a while.  He turned his craft and caught up with the now mobile Gugol

  “It is good to see you, Master G’shlecc,” Chimed the tinny vocorder of Jilee.

  “You too, Jilee.  Let’s go home”

  The two craft made their way back to Ator, picking up Drac and Goth along the way.  The four of them touched down several minutes later in the main hangar of the Hof.  Yulia, Bedav and most of Nazgul were waiting for them.  Drac and Goth dismounted and graciously accepted the congratulations of their fellow squadron mates.  The droids dropped the hatch on the yacht and disembarked as well.  The only one missing was G. 

  He sat in his ship, watching the people below.  He knew what he had to do, and it wouldn’t be popular. 

  But making the shit decisions is why they pay me the big bucks

  He laughed at his own joke.  Not that it was funny, but more ironic.  He popped his hatch and dropped down to the bay floor.  Bedav met him and silently the brothers embraced.  They had lost a lot in the last week, far more than a father and an uncle, but the two of them remained.  Yulia lightly touched G’s arm.  He broke his grip on Bedav and buried himself in her.  Her strength flowed into him, and he healed a bit more.  G loosened his hold, and started moving toward the door.  He wanted a hot shower, a stiff drink and long sleep.  As he moved through the silent men and beings of Nazgul they parted for their leader.  Looks of respect and pride shown in their faces.  Faces etched with pain and marked with potential scars.  One by one they came to attention and saluted their commander.  He was too tired to stop them and kept on moving.

***Several Days Later***

  “/Are you sure about this G?/” barked Stormz inquisitively.

  Driver nodded to the Wookiee WXO, “More sure than I’ve ever been about anything in my life.  It’s my duty.”

  Yulia gripped his hand tightly.  She’d been by his side since he’d landed and had already heard all the debates.  His mind was made up, and when an Atrasin set himself to something not a Force in the galaxy could move him.  The Wook keyed the door and called the assembled members of Nazgul into the room.

  Some moved more gingerly than others, some sported bandages and fresh scars, but all possessed a new swagger.  The swagger of men who’d lived through tough hand to hand combat and came out victorious.  This swagger conflicted with the looks of concern many of them wore.  They knew that as the new Baronet Atrasin G’shlecc had inherited many new responsibilities.  Many of them had hypothesized that he would be telling them he was stepping down to take up the mantle of the Baronetcy and all that it encompassed.  Many didn’t know, and didn’t want to know.  Bedav and several functionaries from Corusca Bank also joined them.  Driver’s brother shared the same look of trepidation, but for reasons known only to him.

  When everyone was inside G cleared his voice and began, “I’m glad to see you all here today.  We all have been through quite a lot in the last week, and I want to begin by letting the members of Nazgul know how proud I was to be your commander during this last encounter.  You all have shown yourselves to be the finest pilots in the VE and truly deserving of the Captain’s Own.”

  The pilots stiffened a bit, pride rippling thorough their ranks.

  “I also want to thank my brother Bedav Atrasin.  His strength and support have been crucial to me over the years, and most importantly the last few days.  Without him and you all, I would not be here today.  That being said, there are considerations that must be met.”

  A murmur spread throughout the room.

  “As you all know with the passing of my father I am now the Baronet Ratselhof.  With that title comes the directorship of the Corusca Bank and all the duties that are inherent to that position.  These duties directly conflict with my continued service in the Vast Imperial Navy.”

  “Here it comes, “whispered Kane.

  “By tradition and custom I must resign my position in the Vast Empire and stay here to assume the duties of the Corusca Bank.”

  Slasher sighs as he palms an IC20 note into Kane’s hand.

  Waiting a heartbeat, “However, I have never been one for tradition and custom, unless it’s one I’ve created.”

  Puzzled looks waft across the assembled pilots and bank officials.

  “This morning I have officially created The Order of the Ratsel.  My brother, Bedav Atrasin will be the first Knight of that order and the Knight Commander.  Step forward Bedav.”

  Bedav moves to the large open area in front of his brother.

  “Please kneel.”

  Taking a knee, he lowers his head as G’shlecc reaches behind him and takes an object out of an ornately carved box.  He holds the item in front of his face and thumbs a concealed switch.  The blade of his fathers lightfoil sprang to life, humming as its butterscotch blade extends.  G moves the blade downward, stopping centimeters from Bedav’s shoulder and repeating on the other.

  “Arise Sir Bedav Atrasin.”

  Bedav stands and grins at his brother, “Showoff.”

  G winks, “Yep, always like a good show.”

  “What’s happening?” whispers Drac to Slasher, who retorts, “I have no idea.”

  “This, gentlebeings, satisfies the requirement that a noble member of House Atrasin chair Corusca Bank.  Sir Bedav will now act as my agent for all matters pertaining to House Atrasin and the Bank.  I will retain the Baronetcy as the titular head of the House, but relinquish all monies and powers to my brother.  I will be returning to my duties as an Officer of the Vast Empire Navy.

  “Sonofa….,” Mumbled Kane as he passed the credits back to Slasher.

  “One other order of business, I have also moved to purge the memory of our un-mourned uncle from the annals of this house.  The name Alecc Atrasin is forever stained and we have set into motion the strictures of it ever being used again by any member of this family.  Being that my own name is an amalgam of his and others I have met with the local magistrates and legally changed my own name.  In order to no longer glorify the foul man who bore that name and to remember far, far better ones – specifically my Grandfather and Father.  I am now and will from this day forth be known as Geordi Huur Atrasin, the Third Baronet Ratselhof.  Ya’ll can still call me G.”

  Stunned shock covered the room like a blanket.  The Nazzies were at a loss, even Kane.

  “Close your mouths boys, you’ll catch flies.  It’s just a name, I’m still me,” as he hugged Yulia and clapped his brother on the shoulder, “You bank guys, see Sir Bedav afterwards…he’s got the papers, and he wants to see the books.”

  The bank officials scurried from the room, frantically jabbing buttons on their comms to relay the news to the Bank.  The pilots broke ranks and began to talk amongst themselves. 

Stormz turned to G, “/I don’t think I could have given up all that money./”

  Driver smiled, "Whatever do you mean? I just gave up the money associated with the Bank…as Baronet, I’m still loaded. “

  The Wook barked in laughter as G and Yulia headed towards the door, “C’mon guys, I just remembered I have an obscenely large stock of booze, let’s make a dent in it.”

  A roar went up from the pilots, Stormz, and his brother.

  This is what matters, THIS is my family

  He smiled all the way to the bar.

Ok, that's it guys! great job.  Awards and Promos will be announced tomorrow at the meeting. Work on the interim story for this week.  New story starts next Sunday.  BTW...2894 words
SC|ESN Gshlecc "Driver" Atrasin/Nazgul 1-1/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN/VE/[=A=][=^SA^=][=^ME^=][=*MA*=][MC1]{BWC}[NSR:1]{SAS}{SWC}[=FOCE=]
Vacuus Ordo, Nex  -Without Order, Death
All a man can betray is his conscience. - Joseph Conrad
We few, we happy few. We band of brothers. - Henry V
May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't. - General George S. Patton Jr.
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[This message has been edited by Atrasin (edited March 14, 2009 6:49:11 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Atrasin (edited March 14, 2009 6:51:18 PM)]
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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
March 14, 2009 7:39:04 PM    View the profile of Kane 
Kane watched G leave with Yulia on his arm, shaking his head. He looked around, nodding as he viewed his surroundings one last time. A beep in his pocket brought him back from his thoughts, and he reached down to thumb the comm unit. It was a different model than the Imperial-issue equipment. A few generation upgrade that allowed a bit of extra storage in it for personal as well as business matters.

Kane pulled the unit from his pocket and smiled, nodding slightly. He punched in a quick reply and dropped the unit back into his pocket, then walked out of the conference room. He made his way singularly down the halls, towards his room. The doors slid silently aside to allow him entrance.

He grabbed two duffels and walked out, punching in a code he paid well for, a code that wiped the access log clean. No trace.

Kane moved further down the halls, passing various rooms where laughter and revelry were heard. He didn’t bother stopping, didn’t bother exchanging empty oaths or giving lip-service to others. He had one goal in his mind, and he was bound and determined to see it through.

These past few months wore heavily on his shoulders. The grey hair that was a trait of his youth was now streaked with grey from stress. Kane felt he had aged more in the past two months than he had in the past twenty years. Weariness showed in his eyes, tugged the corners of his mouth into a perpetual frown, and made his footsteps heavy with unseen weight.

He walked onto the dock, looking around for a moment before spotting his TIE. He took a deep breath and climbed the ladder to the hatch, popping it open and climbing inside. He set one of his duffels behind the seat, strapping it in place as he had done dozens of times before missions and flights of transport. But there was a different feeling to it this time.

The snaps echoed a little louder as the bag was secured. The cockpit seemed smaller, the controls seemed foreign, and the smell of the interior was nearly nauseating. Kane shook his head, trying to realign his thoughts, forcing himself to complete this task before he changed his mind and fell back into the comfort of routine. There was a beep from inside the bag, and Kane had to will himself to not answer the call. Habits were hard to break, but he was determined to let this one go. The beep sounded again and again, and was still sounding when Kane climbed down the ladder and sealed the hatch.

He turned and walked out of the dock when he finished his business there, passing by a servant who simply nodded at him in recognition as one of those who had escorted G. Kane stared straight ahead, moving towards the private launching pad, towards the last objective of this particular mission.

He turned and walked in, nodding in approval as he saw the ship waiting for him. It was a yacht, smaller and less cavalier than the one G had been piloting here, but it would serve his purpose. He opened the duffel he carried and handed a man standing next to the ship 50,000 ICs, the last of the payment due. Kane sighed as the man nodded and climbed into a smaller ship and flew away, leaving him alone with his ship.

Kane was beginning to board the yacht when a familiar voice called out to him.

“Nice ship. One of the junkers left behind?”

Kane stopped in his tracks, still staring at the entry to his ship, not wanting to turn and acknowledge the speaker, not wanting to give this person a chance to talk him out of his decision.

But the speaker wasn’t doing to give up. “You know, with a few upgrades that thing wouldn’t be half bad. Might even pass for Imperial if you put a different coat of paint on it.”

Kane bristled at the mention of Imperial standards. He physically shook the feeling away, his hand clenching tighter on the bag as he took a tentative step towards the hatch. Freedom was just a few feet away, and Kane would be damned if he didn’t make it.

“You know… Naval High Command doesn’t look too highly upon insubordinate deserters. So, just come down here and we’ll talk about whatever has got you riled up. That’s an order.”

That was it. That was the final push Kane needed. He pulled his arm back, and then swung it forward, launching the bag into the yacht. He turned and looked down at the speaker, shaking his head as he saw G standing there in his prim and proper attire. Kane had one hand in his pocket, gripping the comm unit, and the other was now gripping the rail of the ramp leading to the hatch. He glared down at G, a fire burning behind his eyes.

G looked up at Kane, puzzled for a moment. He’d only ever seen his squadmate like this just before an engagement of hostiles. But now, the battle was won, the fighting was over, and there was to be a hearty amount of R&R before their return. G took a step forward, but was stopped when Kane raised his hand.

“Stop. There’s no reason for you to come any closer than you are now. You’re not going to persuade me otherwise. Imperial belongings that were in my possession have been returned. They’re in the cockpit of the TIE I piloted here. I’m done. Finished. No longer interested in what you or the Empire have to offer.” Kane growled down through clenched teeth at his former commanding officer.

“I submitted my request to NHC before we left, and my discharge from the Navy was granted. I’m free of this bullshod that everyone in this place takes as routine. And this… Watching family members kill their own? That’s it. Nothing you can say or do will prevent me from boarding this ship and returning home, and then who knows what from there.
“I followed your every command. I’ve made sure to bring as many back safely as I could each time I took to space. I didn’t even question intent or raise objections when asked to engage other Imperial factions. But after watching the events of the past few days, I can honestly say this is the easiest decision of my life.

“So… This is good-bye. Take your Vast Empire and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. I’m done being used as your lackey to further your own gains. Everything I’ve done has been for your benefit. I see that now. You’ve given me assignments to make me make you look better. Well, now you have what you want. The head of your namesake household, a place in the annals of history, and a long career with the Empire as long as you continue to dodge blaster fire.”

Kane continued to glare down at G, his hand clenched so tight on the railing that his knuckles were turning white and he was bruising his palm. Kane didn’t care if Driver was behind all of it. If Driver was truly using Kane to promote his own agenda. Right now, at this time and place, G was the outlet Kane needed.

Without a further word, Kane walked up the last ten feet of the ramp and entered the yacht. The hatch closed behind him, and a moment past before the engines were fired up. Kane didn’t even bother with proper protocol, he simply wanted to be as far away from there as possible.

In a few moments the yacht had lifted off and Kane was flying further and further away. G just stood there, watching him leave. When Kane was no more than a spec in the distance, G snapped into a salute and whispered to himself:

“So long, comrade.”

Hey... what a surprise... But anyways, this is my official announcement of retirement. There's too much going on for me between work and other things for me to keep a presence here. Been a blast! Have fun guys!
XO|CPO || Kane Ahriman || Nazgul 2-1 || Phoenix Wing || mSSD Astrus || 1VENF || VEN || VE || {=*A*=}{=*SA*=}[MC2][MC1]

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  RE: Nazgul: The Ties That Bind
March 14, 2009 8:01:36 PM    View the profile of Atrasin 

Two Days Later On-Board the Atrus;

  Kane's departure had shaken him a bit.  The fact that Kane knew him so little as to think that he orchestrated all that had happened to further his career or to gain control of the House actually hurt him.

  He had considered Kane Ahriman a comrade, and still did.  He'd flown with him and rarely had to hint at pulling rank.  What moved him to this he did not know, but he could see the root causes.

  The Vast Empire had a sickness, and if something wasn't done about it soon, it would become terminal.  They were scant microns from becoming no better than the other warlords, or even Thrawn.

  G knew that he was but a small part of the Vast Empire, but he also knew he'd be able to affect some change from his current position and through his role as Baronet.

  He re-read the recently arrived orders cutting Kane loose.  They didn't get any easier to read after the fourth or fifth time.  They were what they were.  He put down the comm and moved to his desk.  On the chair was the duffel containing a few keepsakes he'd brought back from Ator.  The small tapestry from his father's study would brighten the gunmetal grey of the room, but only one item would truly focus him going forward.

  He gently removed the carved box that had sat on Huur Atrasin's desk for decades.  He ran his hands over it, placed it on his desk and opened it.  Within was his father's lightfoil, now missing it's twin.  He stroked it and closed the lid.

  Two weapons of honor.  One held by a man who understood it, one held by a man who forsake it.  The blood of both flowed in his veins.  He would spend the rest of his career and life ensuring the proper one prevailed.
SC|ESN Geordi "Driver" Atrasin/Nazgul 1-1/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN/VE/[=A=][=^SA^=][=^ME^=][=*MA*=][MC1]{BWC}[NSR:1]{SAS}{SWC}[=FOCE=]
Vacuus Ordo, Nex  -Without Order, Death
All a man can betray is his conscience. - Joseph Conrad
We few, we happy few. We band of brothers. - Henry V
May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't. - General George S. Patton Jr.
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[This message has been edited by Atrasin (edited March 14, 2009 8:02:38 PM)]
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