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Topic:  Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 14, 2007 8:59:36 PM    View the profile of Tokijin 
Jack and Toki stood outside Trevor's hospital door, gaining odd looks from doctors and nurses who passed.

"Well, he seems to be ok for now. But we need to leave this place soon. I don't like hospitals all that much." She sighed and continued. "But Trevor seems to keep wanting to come back, and does for that matter." Thoughts of the time Trevor got overheated in his TIE flashed through her head. She heard a slight chuckle escape from Jack next to her.

"I don't think we'll meet too much resistance, so we should be able to get out easily. Hospitals aren't usually guarded anyway."

"But our uniforms give us away. I'm beginning to worry about that."  Toki and Jack ate while they talked outside the door in hushed tones. The food tasted wonderful in her starving mouth; anything tasted good if you were hungry enough, really. Toki looked down at the empty package in her hand, sighing slightly that the food was gone. She was still hungry, but she'd at least have more energy now.

Jack looked up from his food at the approaching nurse and he stepped in front of the door before she made it inside.

"What is your business?"

"I'm a nurse for Pete's sake! Let me in!" Jack let her push him aside with her white binder and she entered. Toki looked at Jack before bursting out laughing. She had been obviously been a nurse and she figured that Jack might have gotten in her way just to bug her. He did that, and also accomplished in making Toki laugh fairly hard.

The nurse left a second later and Toki stuck her head inside. He had been a little less than kind when they had first visited and she was reluctant to go in until he told her she could. She stepped inside and went over to a chair by his bed and sat down.

"What was that about?" The nurse that had left seemed really anger, which only had triggered more laughing from Toki. She found one of his hands and looked him in the eyes, but he glanced around the room before he continued.

"I need you to do something for me. Did you see any gift or other shops in the lobby?" She had and nodded. The doctor had lead them past one when they were taking Jack and herself to see Trevor. She could find it again, she was sure. "Alright. I need you to go down and buy us all new clothes. There is no way we're going to be getting out of here wearing our uniforms, so we might as well changed clothes before we plan to leave. Just go down, grab a couple of things, and bring up some clothes for me, you, and Jack." So far she liked that plan. She could finally get rid of this awful skirt!

"I thought you were supposed to be staying in bed. The doctor who talked to us told us you were in no condition to be running around again." She pointed to his injuries. He gave a small shrug and squeezed her hands, wanting her to understand.

"It's not just me we need to be worrying about. The rest of the squadron is still out there. We need to find a way to give them a hand." She nodded, understanding completely. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips before standing up and leaving. She closed the door behind her and looked at Jack.

"Hey, turn around."

"Wha-?" She was soon behind Jack, checking the tag on his shirt to see his size. She knew pretty well what would fit Trevor, but Jack she needed some kind of lead.

"I'm going to go buy us clothes and then we're gonna bolt."  She nodded contently after getting his shirt size and walked off down the hallway, keeping an eye out on her surroundings.

She backtracked down the path that the doctor had lead them down, passing a cafeteria, bathrooms, more hallways until she found the lobby. They had been waiting in the ER waiting room, but the path to Trevor's room had lead them through this lobby. She spotted the clothing store and wandered inside, first looking for something for herself since that would be easiest. She found a pair of pants that was in her size and were cute actually. She held them up to her waist and couldn't wait to get them on. She then found a random navy t-shirt that was form fitting and continued on to look for something for Trevor.

She wandered over to the men's area and looked for something simple. She found a white shirt and searched for one that would fit Trevor. She found one with success and found a shirt that would fit Jack as well, making sure it wasn't the exact same as the one she found for Trevor. Next she had to find them both pants. Pants would be harder. Toki found the jeans and pulled a random pair off the shelves. She studied them, trying to figure out what Trevor needed. She closed her eyes half way, picturing Trevor right next to her. She opened her eyes and nodded, finding another pair that would work well after folding the first pair back up.

Next up was Jack. She used the same method for him that she did for Trevor, except found a pair of khaki colored pants that would work well with the shirt she picked out. I hope this fits. I've never had to pick out clothes for guys. She walked over to the counter to lay down her items before something catching her eye.

"Can I leave these here for a moment?" The man behind the counter nodded and collected the clothes into a nice pile as Toki walked off. She had spotted a small make-up section and looked around for something that would be containing a series of concealer. She nodded victoriously as she opened one and found a bunch shades that would match Trevor's. She also picked out about eight cheap paperback books and returned to the counter. Toki pulled out a card to pay with. It was always a good idea to have credits around.

She made her purchase and quickly returned to Trevor's room and when to the edge of Trevor's bed, dumping out the bag's contents. She found Trevor's shirt and jeans, gave them to him and then gathered Jack's clothing passing them to him. She took up her own clothes and looked around before looking at Trevor. He pointed out the room's bathroom to her and she stepped inside. She washed her hands before she changed, watching as the coppery color ran down into the drain. The warm water made her hands look and feel a little bit better.

Once she was dressed she moved around happily in her new jeans. No more short skirt! She knocked on the door before coming out, giving Trevor and Jack a warning in case they were in the middle of changing. They both were dressed and looked pretty spiffy. Their clothes seemed to fit and she smiled happily, collecting their uniforms so she could fold them and put them back in the bag. She rested the books on top, looking sadly at one of them.

"Aren't you going to feel bad when we have to ditch those?" She would feel bad leaving them behind, but there was only one that she had wanted to read, but she would live since she wouldn't get the chance. She just laughed.

"Yeah. Well, shall we go?" She looked around the room before taking a hold of Trevor's hand, smiling up at him, but one glance at his face reminded her of something. She released Trevor and dug around towards the bottom of her bag before finding the rectangular plastic. She pointed him to a chair and sat him down before opening it up and studying what she had to work with. It was like finishing a painting, putting make-up on him. She made sure to be gentle since it was a bruise, but she worked at it until she had it covered, making sure it didn't look like totally fake. I feel bad for having to put make-up on him, but it is fun. She wouldn't let herself laugh out loud out of fear or making Trevor feel bad, but she smiled happily when she finished her masterpiece. And there we go! All done.

"You did an amazing job. Let's go though, before a nurse finds all of us." Toki nodded and felt fairly content. Everything seemed to be working out. She especially loved the feeling of fabric against her legs. Yes, things were good for the moment. They walked down the hall and a thought entered Toki's head.

"Are we going to go get that blue speeder?" She whispered to Trevor. He nodded. Jack held up the key for the car so she could see and she nodded. "So we're going to have to go by that receptionist again aren't we? I don't think she liked me very much."

"Well hopefully she doesn't recognize us." Toki was staring at Trevor as she stated this and ran into a doctor who was studying a clip board and not at all watching where he was going.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He looked up at Toki to apologize and she nodded, but began walking faster as she continued on. She looked to Trevor and Jack in alarm.

"That was Trevor's doctor!" Jack looked behind him and saw the doctor turning around and heading in their direction.

"He knows it's us. Time to hurry."

"We're so close to the waiting room we can't lose him. Let's hurry." Trevor had no idea where he was going and simply followed Toki and Jack who had been this way before. They made it to the waiting room and the receptionist saw them enter.

"Tokijin! Did you get your hands fixed?" She looked at her suspiciously and glanced at Jack, then Trevor. Her eyes widened as she recognized the patient that had been through this door once already. "HEY! You can't take him out of here!" The receptionist picked up a phone and began calling someone.

"Ok, time to run." Toki looked over her shoulder and saw the doctor. He was running towards them as he realized what their intention was.

They hurried to the door and burst out into the parking lot, nearly colliding when two men who were about to enter. Suddenly Toki started laughing as they ran. Trevor and Jack gave her a skeptical look, probably thinking she was going crazy.

"Oh. . . I was just comparing this escape to our last one. This one seems a lot more innocent. Those doctors aren't going to be chasing us with blasters." Toki laughed again as they found their blue speeder. Jack unlocked it and threw open the door. He was going to drive this time. He unlocked the other side so Trevor and Toki could pile in. Once they were all in Jack floored it and sped out of the parking lot. Once they were safely on the road Trevor and Toki looked over their shoulder to make sure they didn't have any pursuers. Jack spoke then after realizing they were safe.

"So. . . Where are we going?"

TECH/SCPO Tokijin/Phoenix Wing/Str Doashim/1FL/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [BWC] [VC:B]

[This message has been edited by Tokijin (edited June 18, 2007 4:13:02 PM)]
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 14, 2007 10:42:33 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
First page 2 to tally!
SCAP, WADJ/1LT Corran "Arturus" Hargraves/STCR Doashim/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[MC:1](x2)[SV][BRC][VC:B][CBV][LSM][LoC][BWC][SWC][GWC][LoC-DD][CM-PL]
Trevor Evenson
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 14, 2007 10:44:52 PM    View the profile of Trevor Evenson 
Trevor had to sit back and relax for a moment in the plush leather seat of the speeder. The car had a black interior and it contrasted nicely with the bright blue outside, but it got pretty warm when it was left out in the sun. He found his back sticking to the nerf hide, but it didn't bother him. Jack was driving fairly well and they sort of just cruised among the traffic as he waited for Trevor to give them orders.

"Right now, we're just going to head towards the east VE base. The one we came from, remember? If we can get there, we can borrow a shuttle and make our way to the South Temple." Trevor explained, absent-mindedly putting his arm around Toki's shoulders. They swerved out and passed a red speeder before speeding up a little bit and making a right turn, sending them in an easterly direction. The cruised along a highway for a little while, and Trevor decided to let the rest of the squadron know where they were headed. Toks handed him a comm. link and he sent out a message to the rest of the squadron.

"Alright, this is Flight one. We've escaped the hospital, and we're on our way to the East VE base. I'd like everyone else to try and meet up with us there." Trevor explained, letting the connection stay open once he finished so the rest of the squadron could reply.

"You escaped a hospital?" Darius questioned in his reply, and Trevor had a feeling that the man understood perfectly well what had happened in the hospital. Tomas asked a similar question, so Trevor decided to explain.

"Yup. We had to sneak past the doctor cause he wouldn't let me out, but that'd didn't work too well. We got chased all the way into the parking lot before we managed to get away safely. We're now cruising and a comfortable 245 kilometers an hour towards the East base." He let the comm. link stay open once again as he waited for a reply. His estimate of their speed was on the high side by about 25 kilometers, but it wasn't a big deal. They would show up at the base shortly, and then they would have to manage to talk the base commander into letting them borrow a shuttle.

"Ah." Tomas replied. "Well, we're going to be borrowing one of these armored things that we found, and using it to make our way to the base. It's sort of slow, but it'll get us there." He explained over the comm. It didn't take long before Trevor was able to pick out the sounds made by a heavy-duty engine designed for use in tanks and protective vehicles.

"Makes sense." Darius included.

"Yup&Anyways, meet us at the base and we'll probably have everything ready to go. Darius, maybe try to meet up with Tomas. The sooner your guys get here, the better." Trevor explained. He got a pair of affirmatives and closed the connection before reclining in his seat.

"Looks like we get to relax for about half an hour." Jack said as he set the speeder to cruise control and kept a wary eye on the road ahead. Trevor sensed something as well, but couldn't tell if Toks did. She was fiddling with the radio knobs trying to get some station to play without static. A split second later, Jack was forced to swerve as a man wearing a black mask just like the ones who had attacked them at the palace jumped out into the road. The car swerved over top of what Trevor and Jack both recognized too late to be an explosive device. Trevor had time to wrap both arms around Tokijin and force her to curl up, and Jack released the steering wheel and covered his head with his arms. The back end of the speeder was blown into the air with tremendous force, causing it to skid along the ground on its nose for over one hundred meters before it flipped onto the roof with a loud crunch and continued skidding for another half kilometer. Finally it's velocity died off and it came to a rest, the roof having almost ground through against the pavement of the road.

Trevor felt as if all hell had broken loose in his chest again, the tape didn't seem to help even though it was bound very tightly. He, thinking they were still upright, undid his seatbelt and promptly fell to the roof of the speeder. He crumpled against it and exhaled, reaching up to rub the top of his head. Tokijin was dangling from her seatbelts, but he could see that she was alive as her eyes were still looking around, surveying the damage. Jack looked a little worse for wear as well, but he was smart enough to put his hand on the roof of the speeder before he undid his buckles. This gave him a bit of strength to hold himself up with an avoid dropping flat on his head.

Toks did the same and was helped down into the right position by both men, and it was Trevor's turn to take on the caring side. She had a cut along her cheek from a piece of flying glass, and her forehead had a bump on it that he couldn't find the source to. It didn't matter though. He embraced her and held onto her for a few moments as if to make sure she was really still there. Jack on the other hand had been gathering up the weapons that he had stored under the seats of the speeder.

"I'm glad you two are alright and still in love, but we have four men approaching us from our six." Jack said hastily, breaking up their hug by attempting to hand each of them a rifle. Trevor took the one offered to him, as did Tokijin, then Trevor crawled across the roof of the car on his stomach and knocked the back window out of the car with the butt of the rifle. These things sure do get a lot of use& He thought to himself as he finished clearing the glass. It wouldn't provide a ton of cover, but it'd be enough for them to try to take out the four men approaching them.

Tokijin and jack each shimmied up to him on their stomachs and raised their rifles, each beginning to aim. Trevor took the first shot, followed by Jack and then a small series of shots by Tokijin, who missed with her first shot.  The first two men to fall didn't see anything coming, but the other two managed to dive aside and avoid the fire. One of them threw something in the direction of the speeder, and as soon as it clattered along the road in front of Trevor he realized what it was. Jack quickly swung his rifle at it, managing to knock it a good twenty metres away. It exploded a second later, showering them and their burnt out speeder with road debris.

Tokijin lined up her rifle and got the man who threw the grenade in the shoulder, and he dropped his rifle and fell to the ground. His partner was in the attempt of sprinting across the road when he was gunned down by Trevor and Jack, each unleashing a good number of bolts into the man who was trying to assist his comrade. He dropped to the ground in a crumpled heap, and the group of Nazgulians waited a moment before they climbed out of the speeder. Tokijin climbed out first, followed by Jack and then Trevor. They moved towards the group of bodies carefully, avoiding a few flames that had been started when the grenade went off. As the approached the bodies, they heard a moaning coming from the one Tokijin had hit.

Trevor dropped down next to the man as Jack and Tokijin stood guard, expecting another ambush. He pulled the man's mask off and stared into the cool orange eyes of a man who was unafraid to kill or be killed. He stared up with hatred at Trevor, baring his teeth as he did so. Trevor backhanded him across the face, and then went through his questioning routine.

"Who sent you?" No answer. "Where are you from?" No answer. Trevor shook the man by his collar, and moved his face closer to that of the man who had tried to kill them. "Tell me, I'm not afraid to kill you."

"Nor am I afraid to die, especially for Misoo." The man spat at Trevor. Then he made a face and grinned again. One of his teeth had disappeared, and he stuck out his tongue just long enough for Trevor to see the tooth sitting on it. The man then sucked his tongue back into his mouth and bit down hard, apparently on the tooth. They heard a small crack and the man swallowed. Seconds later he started to foam from the mouth, his eyes rolled back in his head, and he went limp.

"What did he do?" Tokijin asked frantically, not quite sure what had just happened. She started at the man as Trevor let him drop roughly to the ground before standing up.

"It was a fake tooth&must have had some sort of poison inside it. When he bit down he released the poison, and swallowing...well, that's pretty obvious." Trevor explained, kicking the body lightly with his toe. He picked his rifle up from the ground and examined his comrades. Tokijin was bleeding from the cheek and the blood had already trickled down her neck and was staining her shirt. Jack had a bloody nose from where his head had hit the steering wheel, but seemed fine short of that.

"We've got a long walk to go, eh?" Jack said, nodding in the direction of their burnt out ride.

"Not really, only another kilometer. We were almost there. We might as well get walking though." Trevor suggested, and the three pilots started off towards the base that rested just over a kilometer and a half dead ahead of them.

SC/ESN/Trevor Evenson/Nazgul 1(1-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC]

The VEN`s #1 writer as of ESC `06

Clearly Canadian!
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 15, 2007 2:22:44 AM    View the profile of Tomas 
Having recovered from his coughing fit, Atrick reached over and picked up the box and took caution to avoid disturbing the remaining dust a second time. "It's a palace, palaces are always full to the brim with expensive stuff." He said confidently, holding up the box. Although still unknowing of what lay inside, he was proud that he was the one that found it. Tomas took a second and made a point to look around the room they were currently in before replying.

"Uh Atrick, you do realize we are in a storage closet right? Everyone needs a room to put the junk they don't want others to see," waving his hand about the room, Tomas continued, "seems to me this is that room. Chances are that's a box of bolts. Unless you think even their garbage is better than what we've got?"

"" Atrick stammered, before lashing out. "Ah, to hell with it!" And with that Atrick pulled open the box, the others standing over him just as curious now as he was to see what was held within. Silence filled the room as they all looked at the object, none entirely sure what it was yet. Atrick had picked it up carefully to examine it, holding it out for all to see.

" careful with that...." Jared spoke up finally. "In fact, let me see that." Jared reached his hand towards the object, but Atrick quickly pulled it back close to his body. It didn't take him long to return it to the box. Still holding tightly, Tomas could see the suspicious look that passed from Atrick to Jared. He could also see a sudden uneasiness had overcome Jared, why he wasn't sure. "But Atrick...that thing you've got's a bomb or at least an explosive of some kind." Tomas couldn't help but let out a small gasp-like sound when Jared said this. "So Atrick, hand it over..." Jared repeated, having seemed to regain a bit of his composure.

"What makes you so sure?" Atrick spoke up again. He had yet to calm down from Tomas' comments and what he had seen as greed from Jared. If anything, Atrick had increased his grip on the box. That's just what we need...tension and distrust amongst us. It's all happening all over again. Tomas let out a sigh and for some reason the room went silent once again. He could feel some of the anger melt away, though he wasn't sure why. Perhaps the others had seen what their arguing was doing to them, or they just realized it was time to move on. Whatever the case it was apparent Jared was getting his hands on the bomb for now, and that it was about time they finished with that room.

Tomas opened the door gun in hand, checking both directions before proceeding out into the hallway. With currently no enemies in sight, they moved back the way they had come originally. Covering the walls and floors was a white residue. The mass quantity of the foam slowed the flight down a bit, but Tomas could only imagine what it must have been like for those caught in it. I wonder if Trevor was able to get the warning out to more than just our squadron...I sure hope so. It wasn't long before they managed to get to the stairs they had come down. Examining their options, they crossed their fingers and headed the the other way down the hallway...the stairs the other flights took down had to get to this floor somewhere. This side of the palace was not nearly exciting, though at this point the flight just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Tomas knew that the faster they moved the greater chance they would have at getting a drop an unsuspecting group of natives, or better yet encounter those of the enemy that were still stuck in the aftermath of the sprinklers.

After a few minutes with luck finding a way to get any closer to the ground, Jared started up again. "Atrick, let me see the bomb...I've got training in heavy weapons and explosives. I'll know what we're dealing with if you'd just let me see it." This would go on every couple minutes as they continued their search. The first few times it would respark the anger and protectiveness of Atrick though after a while, he ceased to even flinch when Jared brought it up, but that didn't stop the crewman from being persistent. After a while Tomas gave them each as stern a look as he was capable of, informing them...Jared in particular to keep their voices down. What the hell was a bomb doing in a storage room like that anyways? Don't they have armouries for that ind of thing? Nevertheless, the flight trooped on until they eventually found what they were looking for...a many of minutes later. Taking stock of their situation, mainly what equipment they'd been able to pick up on the way, as well as their ammo situation Tomas decided they were in pretty good shape overall. Thanks to their single skirmish back on the floor above, they had salvaged more than adequate firepower while not having to was much ammo doing it.

This floor was basically deserted. Tomas reflected, did we really make that bad of a choice as to which way to go? On the other hand it couldn't be that bad...we faced minimal resistance. Something tells me its going to be A LOT different down below. Peering over the handraild,, Tomas was very relieved to see these stairs did in fact continue on lower for a number of floors.

"There could be enemy outposts down below, let's keep our voices DOWN and try not to talk if at all possible. Be alert, these guys seem to be incredibly organized. We aren't your run of the mill trooper, we're pilots and I don't know about you but right now I feel like a fish out of water so to speak. I live to fly not fight it out down here. Judging from just how in sync they are, I wouldn't be surprised if the enemy already knew that. Keep your eyes open and your finger on the trigger, and I'll get us all out of here" Tomas encouraged, before motioning for his flight to follow down the first flight of stairs. They had made it down the first section, thankful to see that this particular set of stairs did indeed descend much further down towards the ground. Perhaps even to ground level.

Cautiously moving down the next group of stairs, the enemy below must have heard them coming as blaster fire opened up as soon as Tomas peered around the hand banister, causing him to rapidly pull it back. Given the height advantage, it seemed as if the attackers below would not be able to see a person crawling a cross the floor on the far side of the platform from the stairs. If Casca could just take out one or two by surprise....BAM! BAM! The sound of gunfire went off again in two quick bursts, this time coming from the top of the stairs as Casca did indeed manage to pick off a pair of troopers. The enemy returned fire, but the now multiple targets up top threw them in disarray. One by one they were picked off with bursts of laser fire. Continuing their descent when they were convinced there was no-one left, flight three once again performed a gear raid, taking all they could that seemed useful. Tomas was surprised to note a knife stabbed through one of the corpse's torsos. Looking up, he was met with a wide grin on Atrick's face.

No sooner had they finished than Tomas held a finger to his mouth, signaling the others to be quiet their blaster fire had been heard further down and someone was coming to investigate. The flight members rushed to hide, in hopes of getting the upper hand quickly. It was definitely needed, as nearly a dozen troopers ascended the steps. Their various hiding places allowed the Nazgul pilots to pick off just about all of them before their locations could even be discovered. The cover and spread out vantage points dealt allowed them to deal with the rest. Emerging from hiding, Jared couldn't help but laugh.

"I could get used to this...we seem pretty good at it." He said with a big smile on his face.

"Let's hope we don't," Tomas replied solemnly. Though I'm sure that's not the last action we've seen for today.

The rest of the stairway descent went by without seemed the enemy had stationed troops every couple floors or so. Having just dispatched of two such teams it was no surprise that no more had come. Judging from his view out the window, Tomas figured they were about two floors from ground level once the stairs finally stopped. That's more like it...we've got a much better chance of finding a hangar down here.

(OOC: I promise we'll get to the hangar in my next post guys. I've got one or two more "surprises" in store before we get there, but they'll all happen in the next post.)
Senior Chief Petty Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram
FL/SPO Tomas/Nazgul 3-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [VC:B]

"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart."

Clearly Canadian!
Skar Darkanto
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 15, 2007 10:35:35 AM    View the profile of Skar Darkanto 
Darius looked up from his bed and simply nodded at Skar and Sol. Deep down you could tell he didn't have a clue how they would make it out alive. He couldn't walk alone, so someone would have to virtually carry him out. And the other would have to do the same for their new recruit, which left no one free to hold a rifle. He wouldn't show this though, Darius wasn't the type. He simply beckoned Skar over to help him stand.

The news from the comlink was the first thing to brighten Skar's spirit for quite a while. They would actually be able to do what they were paid to do: fly. Then again, that was if they ever made it to the base, which he highly doubted. he grunted slightly as he felt Darius lean on him.

"Which way is the quickest way out of here?" Darius asked the nurse.

"The main door, its just around the corner. But I doubt you'd get out that way" She replied

"Might as well try it" Sol said, shrugging his shouders.

Skar leaned back and let Darius fall back on the bed. He then took a few steps forward.

"I'll scout the door, see if its safe. No point us all going, if im on my own I can make a quick escape. As the completely disabled group that we are, we'd just get completely gunned down"

Darius nodded. Skar didn't move for a few seconds, instead he waited for some sort of encouraging words. But nothing came, everyone just stared at Skar. So he decided to make his leave quickly.

The nurse was right, the main door was just around the corner. Just how many corners he passed until 'the corner' showed up Skar lost count, but the point was he found it. He crouched against 'the corner' and peeked out. He enarly gave himself a heart attack when he realised how close one of the masked men was standing. He was within spitting distance, looking towards the gate. Another man came out of a door in front of this man a few seconds later. They exchanged a few words, before the original man turned and began walking towards Skar.

His head darted around quickly, looking for some sort of escape route. He couldn't get away without stepping in the sight of the man. He did the only thing that seemed an oppurtunity, held his breath and hope the man had tunnel vision.

That he did, luckily. He walked right past Skar without even the slightest glance in either direction. He had nearly stepped on Skars hand as he turned the corner, which would have definetely given the game away.

Skar watched the man walk the rest of the hallway, before disappearing out of sight around the corner. Skar turned back to the gate, and found the other man had disappeared as well. Finally his luck was starting to look up.

He darted back to where Flight two waited, and wasted no time in picking Darius up and leading the group back down the hallway. Skar quickly ducked into the room the guard had walked out of earlier. He located the correct button quickly enough, and pressed it.

All hell broke loose. Sirens went off, blazing the whole place in a dark red light and deafening the flight.

"Everyone out, quick!" Darius shouted, beginning to hop towards the slowly opening main gate. Skar caught up with him and limped him the rest of the way, just behind Sol.

Skar had to try desperately not to fall into a laughing fit when they arrived in the car park. A man was asleep in the front seat of a speeder, less than a few feet away from him. He still couldn't quite beleive how much their luck had changed. They promptly threw the man out and sped off in the direction of the base.
Skar Darkanto/ Kanderin Draken
Crewman Skar Darkanto, Nazgul Squadron
FM/SCRW Skar Darkanto/Nazgul Squadron 2-6/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 15, 2007 9:55:59 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
Le Tally!
SCAP, WADJ/1LT Corran "Arturus" Hargraves/STCR Doashim/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[MC:1](x2)[SV][BRC][VC:B][CBV][LSM][LoC][BWC][SWC][GWC][LoC-DD][CM-PL]
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 16, 2007 11:16:50 AM    View the profile of Tomas 
Flight three reached the bottom of the stairs. In business now, they now had as much equipment as they could comfortably carry. Heavily armed, Tomas took stock of the current situation. They were close to the hangar, somehow he was sure of it. This level seemed to be a lot less of a place for people in the palace to hang out and more used to get to different parts of the palace. There were not nearly as many doors as there had been on the upper floors and the hallways seemed much thinner as well. There was something else about the hallways that Tomas couldn't quite put his finger on. All he knew was that the area was remarkably quiet. Forming up, the four pilots advanced down the skinny hallway as professional as they could given various amounts of ground combat training they had encountered in their days. Tomas felt they were now heading in the direction that would lead them to hangar.     Perhaps it was a difference in the air or a familiar sound he couldn't consciously hear. Now that he thought about it, the floor did seemed to be all downhill. Whatever the case, he had crossed his fingers and they were off.

They hadn't gone long before a commotion could be heard up ahead followed by blaster fire and footsteps running their way. "Everyone get ready!" Tomas ordered kneeling down and bracing himself next to the wall. Around the next corner came a half dozen enemy soldiers who were running from something, though Tomas couldn't see what. "Fire!" he yelled. The advancing troops had not noticed what was ahead of them, probably having come this way to start out with. They had just begun to slow and draw their weapons when flight three opened fire. It was no contest as the six enemies dropped like flies. I wonder what they could have been running from...

Cautiously rounding the corner, and another afterwards Jared noticed curiously that a couple of these walls seemed to be at least covered in a layer of metal if not metal completely through. Atrick was barely able to pull him back behind the corner as a defensive turret opened fire.

"How are we going to get past that!?!?" Jared exclaimed.

"Well at least we know what those other guys were running from," Casca pointed out. "Though if its just a turret, why would they continue to flee?" This question was quickly answered as Tomas felt the muzzle of a blaster in his back. Tomas couldn't figure out where they had come from.

"Don't move," a voice from behind ordered. Tomas hazarded a look over his shoulder to see three soldiers. These men weren't wearing the black uniforms of the enemy, and although stern in their command they lacked the fierce savage look of the enemies Flight three had already faced. That and given the fact the enemy was retreating from them made them seem more like the security forces.

"We're the good guys!" Atrick exclaimed, hands behind his head.

"Hold your fire!" came another voice from somewhere behind. Tomas felt the gun drop from its place on his spine and a hand pull him up. "Sergeant Lauresh, sorry about the confusion. Turret 2C, stand down." This last bit was said into a comlink. As Lauresh escorted flight three past the defenses Tomas spoke up:

"Sergeant, do you think it'd be possible for us to get your radio frequency? That way we won't have to go through this every time on our way to the hangar?" Talking ensued, before Tomas received the signal. "Thanks."

With safe passage and knowledge that it was the security forces and not the enemy that controlled these halls, flight three made great time the rest of the way. They had also gotten directions to the hangar from Lauresh, so they were there before they knew it. Approaching the hangar door, Tomas could hear blaster fire on the other side. Opening the small door, the pilots slipped in and found the several members of the security force holding down the part of the hangar to Tomas' right against a large wave of the enemy who were more or less directly in front of the flight. Attention was being paid to battle at hand, and it seemed no-one had noticed their entrance. It took a few seconds, but Tomas hatched a plan and attempted to hail their allies.

"Security, this is Nazgul Nine, my flight and I  are in the hangar with to the left of the attackers and seem to have gone unnoticed. We will attempt to flank them, just don't fire on us." Tomas said into the comlink.

"Copy that Nazgul Nine," Tomas heard on the other end as well as someone passing the message on to those surrounding him. "You're clear to move. Good luck."

Tomas motioned for the others to join him behind cover, paused briefly then opened fire on the unsuspecting troops. They didn't really do much in the way of kills, but they didn't really have to. The attack from their side had caused some of the enemy to shift their aim as well as their position behind their cover, making them sitting ducks for the security force. In matter of minutes it was all over.

Emerging from their cover flight three examined the large hangar, noticing quickly that there were no fighters in sight. Tomas cursed, look around to see what was available and wondering what they should do next. For such a large hangar, it was surprisingly empty...vehicle-wise anyways, boxes and crates littered the floor. Only a single speeder was still present as far as Tomas could see.

Atrick and Jared went to further examine the speeder as the security forces mopped up what was left of the rebel attack force. Suddenly Tomas' comm. link beeped startling him slightly after all that had happened recently. Allowing it to receive, Tomas hear Trevor's voice broadcast out of the speakers: "...This is Flight one. We've escaped the hospital, and we're on our way to the East VE base. I'd like everyone else to try and meet up with us there."

"You escaped a hospital?" Came Darius' voice in reply. What the hell is going on here? A hospital's become a target, or a fortress, or worse? Tomas shuddered slightly at the thought, before replying as well. "What? You got attacked at the hospital?!?!"

"Yup. We had to sneak past the doctor cause he wouldn't let me out, but that'd didn't work too well. We got chased all the way into the parking lot before we managed to get away safely. We're now cruising and a comfortable 245 kilometers an hour towards the East base." Silence once again filled the channel, before Tomas looked around at his flight's situation and opted to respond.

"Ah. Well, we're going to be borrowing one of these armored things that we found, and using it to make our way to the base. It's sort of slow, but it'll get us there." Tomas said, looking over the speeder again. Armoured was an understatement, looking at the vehicle he questioned whether it would even make a dent if he drove it at one of the palaces out stone walls. Tomas patted Atrick on the shoulder to let him know he was going off to talk to the leader of the security forces for a second, before moving off in that direction. Unable to pick out the leader of the unit right away, Tomas approached the nearest forces...a pair of troopers engaged in idle conversation.

"Could either of you gentleman point me in the direction of the man in charge?" Tomas asked as he neared them. Although slightly taken aback by the question, they were more than willing to help out.

"Yeah sure. You'd want Captain Rejal, sir." With that the trooper pointed a little ways off to a man of average height. In a word, the captain could be described lean; muscular from head to toe, but only to the extent that it was only slightly visible. He was the kind of guy who didn't look strong, but could drop you on your rear end if need be.

"Captain?" Tomas addressed the man on his approach.

"Yes?" Captain Rejal replied, turning around. "Ah, you're one of the pilots from before...what can I do for you?"

"Well, Sir...I was hoping we could borrow that speeder over there." Tomas said, pointing in that direction. "We need to get to the one of our bases soon, and it's about all you've seem to have around that can get us there."

"Yeah, of course. Especially after what you guys did here earlier. Take it to them, y'here? Nicely done." The Captain answered, without much more than a second thought.

"Oh, well...thanks, it was nothing." Tomas lied thrown off guard by the ease at which the conversation took place.

Before long flight three had packed a full load of equipment, slightly more than their squadron would need into the speeder before piling in themselves and beginning to move out.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" Jared complained as the armoured speeder lumbered along across the grass.

(OOC: We'll find a way to "deal with the bomb" on the way to the base Atrick.)
Senior Chief Petty Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram
FL/SPO Tomas/Nazgul 3-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [VC:B]

"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart."

Clearly Canadian!
Skar Darkanto
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 16, 2007 12:18:59 AM    View the profile of Skar Darkanto 
They hadn't quite considered at the time how small the speeder actually was. But afterall, in the squad's condition any speeder would be small. Two men lay in the back, trying not to roll into each other. Every now and again these attempts would fail, and one of the two men (usually Darius) would curse.

Skar tried to ignore it, instead focusing on maneuvering the speeder through the hevay traffic. Their pace was getting slower and slower as the traffic built and built. Their speed dropped to barely 100Km an hour, before Sol grew impatient and stood his head out of the window.

"Just our luck" He shouted back in "The police have closed the road!"

Sol placed his head back in the car and almost did a double take as he saw the police car positioned next to theirs. The woman sat in there, a young female was idly talking to Skar.

"There was an explosion earlier" He heard her say "Carbomb i beleive"

"Is there some way we can get around it? We've got these two in the back that need medical help, and fast" Skar asked, pointing a thumb at his flight partners.

The woman looked back at them, and the blood soaked bandages, before turning and pressing buttons on her console.

"This is officer Drasek. I have a car here with two badly injured passengers, escort badly needed"

Skar ehard the response mumble from her earpiece, but wasn't able to make out what was said. But eventually, she turned back to Skar.

"Ok, im going to turn around. Once i get back here, follow me and stay close. I hope you can drive" She sped off without waiting for a response.

Skar smiled to himself.
"Lady, you have no idea"

Sol looked back at Darius and his bandages, and then back to Skar.
"They're not badly hurt are they?"

Skar shook his head.
"Nope. They're fine, just need some rest. The bandages look far worse than they actually are"

Sol laughed and put his feet up on the dashboard.
"You damn liar"

"Got us through though, didn't it"

Sol's legs crashed off the dashboard as Skar pulled sharply to the right, right in pursuit of the police car. It weaved right and left through the traffic, often over and under it as well. The cars were being forced to make a path through by the police sentry's marking parts of the road. Skar was keeping up with the car ahead with ease, for a VE pilot this was simple. The only problem was, everynow and again he would enjoy himself too much and forget about the two lying on the back seat, who would promptly collapse onto the ground.

They spent a good twenty minutes wevaing through the traffic before the road cleared ahead of them. The poilce car pulled to a stop, and Skar pulled up alongside it.

"Nice work back there, made it look simple" The woman smiled at Skar. "You ever considered becoming a pilot?"

"Once or twice" Skar replied "Not my thing to be honest"

The woman laughed. "God some people are too picky. But anyway, im holding you back, the hospitals about five minutes down the road ahead of us. Dont worry about speeding, ive let base know you're coming, they'll any tickets you get. But dont get used to it"

Skar smiled. "No Ma'am"

They accelerated down the road. Sol finally pulled his mouth away from his shirt collar, letting the laughter loose.

"She didn't even notice your uniform"

"Exactly. Some police officer" Skar smiled. "Is she still sat there?"

"Nah, she's gone"

"Good" Skar pulled the speeder right sharply, in the direction of the base.

The rest of the journey went in silence, each man contemplating what could be waiting for them at the base. Every now and again a police car will flash its sirens at them, shortly before noticing the license plate and backing off.

Their diverson had pulled them quite a way away from the base. They were a matter of seconds away from it, if it wasn't for the traffic jam. Regardless, Skar carried on going, driving on autopilot. He wans't really paying attention to where he was going. He knew it was a straight road to the base, and dodging in and out of the occasional speeder was something he had become very accustomed with in training. For much of the journey he drove with one hand, the other resting his head against the window.
Skar Darkanto/ Kanderin Draken
Crewman Skar Darkanto, Nazgul Squadron
FM/SCRW Skar Darkanto/Nazgul Squadron 2-6/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
Trevor Evenson
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 16, 2007 11:28:49 PM    View the profile of Trevor Evenson 
The trio of pilots trudged along the road, keeping alert and trying to avoid thinking about the pains in their feet. They had walked a kilometer and the base was now in view. They hadn't encountered anything so far in the trees lining the road, but they were still alert. The last five hundred metres could give them trouble yet. Trevor pointed out the base and its high fence and protection, and the group started off at a jog. They covered the distance in a little over 5 minutes, Trevor beginning to have chest pains as he slowed to a stop in front of the main gate. The guard held up his hand and looked over the group.

"Just where the hell are you coming from?" The guard asked, raising his rifle and peering through the sites at the three civilian dressed people running towards him, each carrying their own rifle. Two men and a woman, all of them appearing to have been severely beaten up. The man who appeared to be leading them tossed his rifle to the ground and steppe dup to the chain link fence.

"I'm Commander Evenson of Nazgul Squadron. These are two of my pilots. We were ambushed while at the party at the palace in town, and had to make a couple of stops on our way home." He explained, but was well aware that the guard wasn't buying a single word he said. He shrugged and looked at Tokijin for some support. She had been carrying their bag of clothing. The bag! It was still in the speeder! He thought to himself, his mind traveling back to the speeder that was lying in the road, probably still burning. Tokijin shrugged and stuck her hands into her pocket before just jumped backwards a step and pulled out a handful of medals and rank bars.

"I pulled these off our uniforms, and I have my ID on me. Our uniforms got burnt, but this has to be enough to prove we are who we are." She said, shoving the handful of belongings through a gap in the chain link and into the hands of the guard. He studied them for a moment as she dug out her ID card and showed it to him. After examining it and then her, he nodded and opened the gate.

"I'm sorry, Commander Evenson. Standard protocol, you know." He explained, handing the medals back to Tokijin. He noticed his own rank bar and was glad that she had pulled the stuff off of their belongings as well. He nodded to the guard.

"Yeah, I know." He replied sarcastically. Really, he didn't blame the man for doing his job, but wished that he had remembered who they were. Trevor could have sworn that they had come from this base when they left for the banquet, although he could have gotten turned around during their trip. He shrugged as the group of pilots rushed off towards the main base doors. The entered into a lobby area, and Trevor approached the desk calmly.

"I need to speak to the bank commander, and my friends here could use either minor medical attention or a first aid kit." Trevor said, motioning to Jack and Toki. The woman behind the desk nodded and reached underneath the desk, pulling out a white medical kit. She set it on the counter and then looked at Trevor.

"I can let you use the medi-kit, but I can't let you see Commander Portland unless you have an appointment or can find a way to convince me." She said sternly. Her tone wasn't rude, but Trevor wouldn't exactly call it polite either. He did have to remind himself that he had been a little demanding himself. He nodded his head and sighed, motioning Tokijin over. He whispered something in her ear and she dug in her pocket for their rank bars again. As soon as she found Trevor's she handed it to him, and he dropped it onto the desk.

"I'm Ensign Evenson, Nazgul Squadron SC. I need to talk to Commander Portland, it's very urgent." He explained as she eyed his rank bar. After looking at it for a few moments she nodded and scribbled something down on a piece of paper.

"He's in his office, just down that hallway. He's currently not in a meeting with anyone, but his next meeting arrives in about two minutes. I suggest you make it quick." The lady told him, pointing him down a hallway. Trevor nodded his thanks as he jogged off down the hall, Tokijin and Jack staying behind to bandage themselves up. It didn't take Trevor long to find the office he had been pointed to, and he knocked on the door. A second later he heard a voice telling him to come in, and he pushed the door open.

"Oh, you're not my next meeting. The janitor's closet is just down the hall." Portland said, only glancing up for a moment from a piece of paper he was reading. He waved Trevor out of the room, only to look up a few seconds later at not hearing his door closed. "Are you deaf, my friend? I've got a meeting right away, you'll have to leave." He said once more, sliding back his chair and rising.

"Yeah, I'll be quick, don't worry." Trevor said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. He walked over and saluted the commander, then held out the rank bar that he had shown the receptionist. "I'm Nazgul Squadron commander, and I need a quick word with you about a situation that has risen."

"Ah, I apologize. Please, take a seat and be quick. I have a meeting right away." Portland said, returning the salute and taking his seat again. Trevor sat down in a chair in front of the commander's desk, shoving his rank bar into his pocket as he did so. He stalled for a moment, trying to find his words.

"Well, we were at the banquet and we were attacked. I'm lead to believe that it was by revolutionaries from Misoo, probably from one of the temples. As best as we can figure out, the Southern temple attacked us, and they killed a lot of imperials in the dining hall." Trevor said. A second later a flag rose in the back of his mind. If it was a function for the Imperials, how come a base commander wasn't there? He thought to himself. Probably a bunch of meetings, nothing to worry about. He reminded himself. The commander nodded and sat quietly, expecting Trevor to continue

"Anyways, with this information, I'm requesting a strike team of about 30 men, and a Lambda-class shuttle, as well as weaponry. I'd like to lead a raid against the temple as retaliation for the attack at the palace." Trevor continued to explain, using the occasional hand motion in a southerly direction. The commander nodded for a moment and rubbed his chin, apparently thinking hard. Finally he folded his hands and set them on the desk in front of him, peering across at Trevor.

"I'm sorry, but I can't grant your request. There's not enough evidence aside from your theories, which I can't say are one hundred percent reliable information. I'm sorry, but no." The commander said, rising from his desk and offering a hand out to Trevor. Trevor nodded and rose, shaking the hand offered to him.

"Thank you anyways commander." He said as he turned and left the office, leaving the commander hanging in a salute. He slammed the door behind him and walked off down the hall. Once he reached the lobby, he ran his hands through his hair and sat down in a chair next to Tokijin. She was picking a little bit at the corner of a bandage on her face, and looked up as he sat down, seeming to sense his frustration.

"What is it?" She asked, setting a hand on his shoulder. He sat silent for a moment, his elbows resting on his knees as he leaned forward in the chair. He wasn't really sure what to tell her, and he wasn't sure that she'd totally agree with his next idea. How do you tell someone that we're going to steal a second thing& He thought to himself before replying.

"Well, they aren't going to give us a task force or shuttle to raid the temple." He explained, sitting up straight and locking eyes with her. She gave him an odd look and almost seemed to recoil.

"We're going to raid the temple?" She asked, as if she didn't understand. "But we're pilots&just pilots." She said, breaking the eye contact and staring at his chest. For a minute, he wasn't sure what was up, but then it sort of dawned on him. She had already been through a lot today, more then she'd normally have to go through. After her vacation about the Doashim, she probably wasn't anywhere near used to having to go through this kind of stuff time after time.

Trevor nodded and pulled her as close to him as the armrests of the chairs would allow without causing any discomfort. "Yeah, we are. But we're Nazgul pilots. We've been through worse." He said, thinking back to their ambush, capture and torture by pirates, their ground mission on Nar Shaddaa, and countless other negative memories. She pressed her forehead against his chest and nodded before pulling away and looking out the window. It took her a moment, but she recognized a figure walking towards the building.

"Isn't that Tomas? And that other guy too&Skar! That's his name. He's here too. Looks like Darius is hurt though." She said, pointing out the windows behind Trevor. Trevor twisted in his seat and grinned as he saw the rest of his squadron approaching the building.
SC/ESN/Trevor Evenson/Nazgul 1(1-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC]

The VEN`s #1 writer as of ESC `06

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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 17, 2007 9:36:48 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
Un autre tally!
SCAP, WADJ/1LT Corran "Arturus" Hargraves/STCR Doashim/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[MC:1](x2)[SV][BRC][VC:B][CBV][LSM][LoC][BWC][SWC][GWC][LoC-DD][CM-PL]
Skar Darkanto
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 18, 2007 5:19:02 AM    View the profile of Skar Darkanto 
"I still cant beleive you managed to scratch that man's speeder" Sol chuckled.

Skar grinned back.
"He was over the line anyway"

"I dont like the look on Trevor's face" Darius spoke for the first time in nearly an hour. Sol and Skar looked from him towards the window. He was right.

Trevor was smiling, that much was noticeable. But the smile just seemed to be hiding something far deeper. Now that Darius had mentioned it, Tokijin was beginning to show similar signs.

Jack held the doors as Skar and Sol limped their injured flight member's into the building. Trevor and Tokijin immediately ran up to Darius.

"You alright Darius?" Trevor asked

Darius waved him away.
"Im fine, the medic's back at the palace fixed me up pretty good"

Skar let Trevor and Tokijin take Darius off of him, before wandering over to the drinks machine in the corner. He pretended to be contemplating which drink to choose, while he listened to the conversation behind him. It wasn't that effective though, all that occured was idle conversation about what had unfolded in the palace for the two flights.

Two flights...

"Trevor" Skar turned around and called their Squadron Commander, who promptly turned around.
"Any word from Tomas' flight?"

Trevor shook his head.
"Not a thing since I gave out that message to come here"

Skar shrugged to himself and turned around. They were probably stuck in the same traffic that they had found themselves in.

The two flights took seats next to each other, and kept up with the idle conversation. Skar smiled to himself as he noticed Tokijin shy away, as soon as Trevor began on the skirt story. He had to admit, it was very brave of her to do that.

"By the way Skar" Skar jumped out of his day dream and looked over to Darius. "The medics back at the palace told me you quite possibly saved my leg. That quick piece of first aid was fantastic" Darius said, with what Skar could only presume was supposed to be a smile. Skar shyed away, mumbling that it was no problem and again focusing on the drink between his fingers.

"I was about to ask what happeend to the rest of his jacket" Trevor laughed.

Skar had actually forgotten completely about the jacket. The entire time he had spent in the palace, he had forgotten he was running about in formal clothes. Now, sat in an Army barracks with the entire sleeve of his jacket missing, he felt awfully sillt. He took the jacket off quickly and untucked his shirt, letting it sway casually over his trousers. He then removed the tie and dropped it into his pocket, before casually checking his appearance in the mirror.

Great, now i look like a drunk...


All conversation in the room quickly got drowned out, as a large imperial speeder maneuvered its way into the parking area. The visitor's parking area.

About ten people suddenly ran past Nazgul and shoved their was through the doors, sprinting their way towards the huge machine. Skar couldn't help notice the blasters rapidly being removed from their waistlines either. Nor could he could help noticing the Nazguls lucky enough to still have weapons reaching for them. Skar couldn't quite beleive that the people that had attacked the palace, would be stupid enough to attack an Army barracks?

A man came out of the speeder, arms up in the air. Three more followed. All were ordered to the ground at gunpoint. The man in front looked towards Nazgul as he went down.

"Thats Tomas!" Trevor shouted, before jumping up from his seat and running outside. Skar went to follow, but Darius held him back.

"Let Trevor deal with this"

The group sat in silence, watching Trevor talk to one of the armed men. He pointed to the flight lying on the ground, and then back towards the remainder of Nazgul. The man didn't speak for a while, but eventually nodded and signalled his men to lower their rifles.
Skar Darkanto/ Kanderin Draken
Crewman Skar Darkanto, Nazgul Squadron
FM/SCRW Skar Darkanto/Nazgul Squadron 2-6/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 18, 2007 7:12:29 AM    View the profile of Tomas 
Jared moaned again at the slow moving craft, swearing that he could run faster than it was going. While exaggerating, the crewman had a point. At the rate they were moving, it seemed like it'd take them all day and night to reach their destination. Trevor had sounded somewhat urgent in his last communication, and as a result Tomas hoped to reunite with the other flights as soon as possible. With no enemy troops currently in view, Tomas lowered the speeders' shields in order to increase their rate of travel across the beautiful grassland that lay ahead.

"That's more like it," Jared said excitedly, though even redirecting as much power as he could to the thrusters, their overall speed failed to increase by too much. After a while, they approached the edge of the rainforest and Tomas was forced to once again charge the shields. They would be far to susceptible to a surprise attack for the flight to keep moving on no shields. In the end Tomas found overall speed would not matter as on several occasions they had to weave the speeder through gaps between the trees.

It hadn't been long after they entered the jungle that Jared insisted on seeing the bomb again. He had been previously distracted by all they had gone through, but not anymore. Tomas heard Casca groan from the back seat, and noticed a similar yet much more annoyed look on Atrick's face who had been sitting shotgun in the speeder. Tomas felt similar feelings, but chose not to show them. He feared if this didn't stop soon they might be making it to the base with one less flight member. The only questions were when and whether the victim would suffer from insanity or a brutal strangling. It took another couple minutes, but finally Atrick snapped:

"Jared...I swear...if you don't stop I'm going to..." Atrick spoke harshly, swinging around to face the back seat. His voice came out laboured, which Tomas could only guess was from the intense frustration his wingmate was feeling at the moment.

"What're you going to do At, old buddy?" Jared responded, egging on the enraged pilot in the front seat. Tomas felt like hitting his head on the dashboard in hopelessness, they're going to kill each other, I know it. The only thing that probably stopped him from doing so was the fact that the current terrain they were going through was not the kind of place you wanted to take your eyes off of for more than a couple seconds. Especially with a large band of enemy troops out and about. Captain Rejal had told him to keep his eyes open, and that from preliminary reports the native army was larger than that of Vast Empire and palace forces. Just how much so, the captain never actually mentioned before the Nazgul pilots had decided to be on their way. Either way, Tomas didn't want the enemy to get a drop on them as they rumbled along through the jungle. Meanwhile the discussion between his fellow pilots had simmer down a little, though just barely. One false step by either participant and Tomas was sure the other would make him pay dearly. The fact that the tension was so high had Tomas felling extremely uneasy and he didn't like it one bit. As he began to listen in on the conversation once again, Jared attempted to appeal to Atrick's logic:

"Atrick, please hear me out...what do you plan on doing with this bomb of yours? You obviously aren't going to just keep it as a souvenir, right?" Jared said much calmer than before. This change in tone seemed to throw Atrick off as he mumbled an "uhh...right..." in response.

"Ok, and since you have no intention of preserving the offense, but how much do you actually know about bombs and explosives in general?" Jared said, continuing his train of thought. Once again Atrick was only able to get out a stuttered "um...not too much".

"Right, and were you to try and use this bomb of yours in one of our you even know how to activate it?" At this point, Atrick simply shook his head solemnly. "Then, if you don't mind...may I see it?" And just like that to Tomas' surprise, Atrick handed Jared the box containing the bomb. All too eager, Jared quickly opened it, plucking the bomb from its container.

" you see this here? This would be the control panel..." Jared explained, more talking to himself the instructing anyone of its inner workings. "And this...this is the display, probably to show the user how much time the have left before it blows. To start 'er up all you'd have to do is  oops." Tomas' ears perked up from the sudden change in tone and purpose of Jared's voice. Casca had looked over curiously at the other pilot, while Atrick started into a series of curses. It was Jared who timidly informed Tomas of the situation:

"Uhhh, sir...we need to stop the" the newest pilot said, obviously lacking confidence though Tomas did not yet know why.

"Stop the speeder? Why? It'd better be important, we're already going slow enough as it is...last thing I want to have to do is be sitting ducks for whatever is out there." Tomas replied calmly.

"Well, see...I kind of activated the bomb...accidentally, of course." Jared stammered on.

"You what?!? Atrick, no more sharing of toys with Jared, understoood?" Tomas commanded only semi-sternly, before turning his concentration back to Jared. "Well? Have you tried turning it off?"

"Of course I tried that," Jared replied, sounding more fearful as the time went on.

"Alright then, how much time do we have?"

"Um...according the screen...fourteen seconds..."

Tomas cursed before slowly decelerating, "I'm not risking stopping completely but you should be fine at this speed." With that Jared open a hatch on the speeder and tossing the bomb into the jungle behind them. It seemed to be just in time as the bomb exploded on impact. Atrick had been cursing throughout and looked like he would throttle the careless pilot. Crisis averted, Tomas took the chance to laugh slightly, mainly at the expense of the other two pilots. That was, until the ground shook and a second explosion followed. Whipping his head around, the others doing the same Tomas saw a tree had been toppled by the bomb's explosion...the second explosion meant only one thing...they had company. The fact they had gone undetected to flight three was not encouraging

"What were they waiting for?" Casca thought, deep in thought.

"I don't know, but we're not waiting around to find out." Tomas had quickly accelerated, praying they had been extremely lucky and had somehow managed to destroy the only enemy threat out here in the jungle...though he doubted it.

"Trevor, Tomas here. We've encountered the enemy here in the jungle, we managed to destroy them, luckily...long story. We're moving as fast as we can and should be at the base soon." Tomas kept the comlink open for a response, but did not again. Repeating his message Tomas once again waited for an answer, but to the same result.

"The forest must be interfering with the signal," Casca spoke up. Tomas could only nod in response, they were stranded on their own in a foreign rainforest at the moment with no way to seek help.

Fortunately, the rest of the trip albeit slow occurred without incident. Atrick had calmed down thanks to numerous apologies from the now quiet Jared. Eventually, the speeder emerged  into a second clearing. Not too far away stood their destination, the Imperial base. Keeping the shields up after the attack in the jungle, Tomas figured there was no rush to get to the base if they had to sacrifice shields and protection to do it.

It took a while alright, but the flight finally reached the outpost, though the welcome was not exactly one they had been expecting. On their arrival, about a dozen Imperial Army forces emerged from the base and ordered the speeder to stand down. Instructing the others to follow his lead, Tomas put his hands behind his head and exited the speeder. Further complying, Tomas soon found himself lying face down on the ground. He had just managed to glance up when he noticed Trevor emerge from the base, followed by the rest of the squadron. Good to see everyone made it here safely, Tomas thought to himself, now if they could just get us out of this position.

It took some talking, but Trevor had soon succeeded in convincing the guards that the guys on the ground were with him. As they lowered their guns, Tomas found his way to his feet.

"Where've you guys been? We were starting to wonder if you were alright..." Trevor said, sounding genuinely concerned. To which Tomas could only reply, "it's a long story......"

Word Count: 1517
Senior Chief Petty Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram
FL/SPO Tomas/Nazgul 3-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [VC:B]

"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart."

Clearly Canadian!
Skar Darkanto
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Skar Darkanto
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 18, 2007 8:00:30 AM    View the profile of Skar Darkanto 
Skar had to admit, Tomas knew how to make an entrance. Their method seemed downright boring comapred to what had just unfolded in front of him.

Skar simply stood and watched Tomas and Trevor converse on their way back into the building. While everyone else ran out to meet the Flight, Skar stayed seated, choosing instead to watch from afar. Flight three seemed just as tired as his flight was, only without the same level of injury. Nowhere near the same level of injury in fact.

He only knew Tomas and Casca out of Flight Three. Well, by knew he meant had saw before. Jared was a completely new face to Skar. He had saw him at the dinner party briefly, but had thought of him as someoen belonging to another party and forgot about it.

The squadron was happy reunited. No one was dead, minus a few cuts and bruises, and one particualrly sore wound on Darius' part. That was a cause for celebration for the squad. Not that Skar saw it a different way, he just knew something bad was just around the corner. That look was still spread across Trevor and Toki's face. That look of almost happiness but not quite sent shudder's rippling through Skar's body.

He only got up once everyone was back inside. He got up to shake each member of Flight Three's hand and congratulate them on their somewhat original entrance, before walking off back away from the group. He stood back and paid close attention to Trevor. He still seemed distracted. He was hiding it well, laughing and joking. But to someone as experienced at reading people as Skar was, it wasn't fooling him. Neither was it fooling Darius by the looks of it, who stood soemwhat seperated from the group as well.

He heard Darius call Trevor over. After another series of hand shakes, hugs and pats on the back Trevor made his way over to him. Skar did the same, hoping he would learn more about the problem.

"You're distracted Trevor, whats wrong" Darius said, in a tone that wasn't as much a question as a demand for information.

Trevor hesitated in answering for a while, as if he was trying to look for an escape route, to avoid giving the answer. He noticed Skar appear at Darius' side and sighed. His idea of hiding it until it was absolutely nessecery had obviously failed. He turned towards the main group again.

"Everyone gather up, I need to say something"

The squadron fell silent. Every man stopped what they were doing and began to move towards the chair's Trevor was pointing out. Everyone looked bewildered, with the exception of Tokijin. That look of doubt on her face was spreading wider and wider. That made Skar even more nervous. Part of him was beginning to regret noticing it.

Trevor remained silent for a while longer, waiting for the group to quieten down. He obviously hadn't noticed not one mouth was moving, or had chosen to not notice it. Whetever this word was, he was sure the squad weren't going to like it.

"Okay guys, first of all congratulations on making it out alive. I apologise for what happened, i think you have no choice but to beleive me when i say that wasn't planned"

Very little laughter came, so Trevor continued quickly.

"I've been informed the group that attacked the palace were led by masked men, one in particular had horns all over his mask. These people were from Temple's spread across the planet. THe one temple in particular at the moment was the reason I came here. I've spoken to the commander here, and he has not agreed to help us attack the temple. So that means.."

"We're attacking a temple? Are you mad?" Skar suddenly piped up. "We're pilots, nothing more nothing less. We do the space and air combat thing, the Army do the ground stuff!"

Skar was shy, he didn't like bringing attention to himself like this. But this plan to him, just seemed insane. He had joined the Navy so he could fly ships, not attack temples with blasters.

Trevor sighed, he had heard that exact thing from Tokijin just a few moments ago.
Skar Darkanto/ Kanderin Draken
Crewman Skar Darkanto, Nazgul Squadron
FM/SCRW Skar Darkanto/Nazgul Squadron 2-6/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
Trevor Evenson
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 18, 2007 11:31:54 AM    View the profile of Trevor Evenson 
*** After Tomas Arrived ***

Trevor and Tomas were walking back to the base, slightly ahead of flight three and slightly behind of the rest of the squadron who had come out to say 'hi'. They walked in silence for a moment, Trevor not pressing for the story that Tomas had mentioned earlier about their long arrival time. Suddenly it was Tomas who spoke.

"Well, what's the plan now, oh fearless...and indestructible leader?" Tomas said, nodding to the bandages that were visible through a small rip in the side of Trevor's shirt. He laughed at the description of himself and thought for a moment.

"We're going to hijack a shuttle. A shuttle, weapons, armour, medical supplies, everything we need to take down a temple." Trevor explained in a hushed tone, not wanting everyone to know quite yet what the plan was. Tomas looked at him slightly disbelievingly.

"You're joking, right? I mean, we're pilots. Sure we have some training, but that could be suicide!" Tomas whispered back, using an exaggerated hand motion when he said 'suicide'. "Their force outnumbers us a hundred to one probably."

"Yeah, but we don't need another fifty people. We're Nazgul, and we've gotten good at this ground thing over the years." Trevor explained with a grin on his face, Tomas still looking at him in shock as they walked into the base.

*** Shortly After ***

Trevor sighed and shook his head. For a moment he wondered why he had chosen to do this in the lobby and not take it to a more private area, but shrugged when he noticed that nobody else was in the lobby area except for them. He shifted his weight as Skar finished his comment and let out a sigh before looking back and forth across his torn up squadron. The group of people who knew him and knew Nazgul didn't seem to be showing any doubt at what his plan was so far, but those who were fresh to the squadron couldn't seem to help but show their distrust about an unfavorable plan. Trevor couldn't blame them though, not with the amount of injuries in the squadron at the moment.

"Yeah, I understand we're pilots, and nothing more. We have basic military training; we all know how to handle a gun. Some better then others." He grinned, glancing at Darius. The pilot looked bad, bandaged around his knee, the blood soaking through, but Trevor knew that it'd still take a tank to knock the man off his feet permanently. "We're Nazgul, and for those of you who don't know what that means, it means we're unstoppable. Anyone who's been in the squadron for more than one mission can see that!"

He paused and looked at the shocked faces of some of his pilots. They obviously hadn't expected such a forceful way of making them understand that Nazgul wasn't a force to be reckoned with. Trevor couldn't help but let a smile spread across his lips as he noticed the faces of Tokijin, Jack and Darius whom were all taking this very calmly. Even Tomas appeared to not be too worried about things, but his face wasn't completely clear of doubt Something must be getting to the guy. Trevor thought to himself before he opened his mouth again.

"Alright, here is the plan. We've been denied assistance here, but that doesn't mean we need assistance. We're going to split up into flights once again, and work on gathering our supplies. Flight Three; I want you guys to get a bunch of stuff out of the armoury. Make sure to include some explosive stuff. If we can't raid the temple, we can try to blow the shit out of it." Trevor paused and nodded to Tomas who gathered his flight in record time and set off down the hall. Trevor was glad that the base conveniently had directional signs hanging from the roof. Probably to help new people stationed here, not to help would-be thieves. He grinned at the thought.

"Flight Two; medical supplies. They are upstairs, bring back whatever you can that we can use to help cure minor wounds and help keep people who might receive major wounds in stable condition." He explained. He nodded and Darius hobbled off with his group in toe. Now Trevor was left once again to look at his beaten up flight one. Tokijin looked kind of funny with a piece of gauze held down by clear medical tape across her cheek, and Jack had a pair of cotton balls stuck in his nose to make the bleeding stop. He wasn't in such great shape either, and although he didn't taste blood in his mouth anymore, the open wound in his gums tingled every time he took in a breath of air cooler then his body temperature.

"What are we going to do then?" Tokijin asked, stepping up next to him. She was worried about him, he could tell. He knew why too, he had never been this beaten up before. It was a mystery to him how he could still stand, and even more of one how he could still think straight. The room only spun a little bit and he wasn't having as much trouble breathing as before. Someone up there cares about me...Whoever they are, thank them for the adrenaline... He nodded to himself.

"Well," He said, taking her hands and grinning. "We get the most fun job, we get to coordinate the theft of a Lambda-class shuttle." He said, and she grinned weakly. Jack overheard and made his way over, standing next to Tokijin.

"Isn't that kind of dumb though? I understand we need it, but they aren't going to be a breeze to get out of here with." Jack said, waving his battle droid arm around the room. Trevor knew he had a point, but the couldn't just back down from their plan.

"We'll pull it off, just trust me. Lets scamper off to the hanger and check out how much it is guarded, and if they even have one that's fully ready." Trevor suggested, and the other two nodded. The started off down the hall at a walk, not seeing any reason to rush and draw attention to themselves. Trevor was hoping that Tomas and his group would have no trouble in the armoury, as it was sure to be the most heavily guarded part of the base out of the places he sent his pilots. The medical storage area wouldn't be very well guarded, and the hanger was doubtful to have an army in it. A couple of guards and some techs sure, but no one who'd pay any attention to a group of people boarding a craft as if they owned it. They were likely to think that the people boarding we just people being transported to the other base.

As they reached the hanger, Trevor's comm. link beeped and he pulled it out of his pocket. He clicked the switch and allowed Tomas to start speaking to him.

"Uh, we haven't gotten everything yet, but we were wondering if you want us to meet you in the hanger." Tomas asked, and a small commotion could be heard in the background, almost like a rack of weapons falling to the floor and two people arguing over whose fault it was.

"Yeah, meet us down here. We're just going to try and get an estimate on the guards and everything." Trevor explained, almost putting the comm. away before he brought it back up to his mouth, remembering something. "Make sure to grab as many explosives as you can carry. Put one guy to work carrying explosives, one with ammo, one with weapons, and&hell, if you were to find a hover cart this would make things easier."

"Yeah, there's one in here. We'll load it up really good and throw a tarp over it to get it to the hanger. I'll let Darius know where we're meeting too." Tomas explained. Trevor nodded even though Tomas couldn't see it, and then cut the connection. They peered through an open door into the hanger, counting the guards, the techs, and planning different routes to the shuttle that sat quietly on its landing gear in the middle of the polished floor as if it was beckoning them to try something.

"Do you think we'll be bale to pull this one off?" Tokijin asked quietly as she peered through the door, leaning backwards against Trevor to keep herself from falling through. He studied the guards and was pleased to see that most appeared to be bored with their work. They had a table set up in the corner made of an old board and a barrel, and appeared to be playing cards. Only two or three guards were actually out on the floor, and occasionally one of these would trade places with one of the men at the table. None of them carried their weapons at the ready, and Trevor spotted a neat pile of rifles and pistols in the corner on the other side of the hanger. Sometimes you just have to love boring jobs&

Word Count: 1535

SC/ESN/Trevor Evenson/Nazgul 1(1-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC]

The VEN`s #1 writer as of ESC `06

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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 18, 2007 9:25:21 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
Slow down!!!

SCAP, WADJ/1LT Corran "Arturus" Hargraves/STCR Doashim/1Flt/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[MC:1](x2)[SV][BRC][VC:B][CBV][LSM][LoR][BWC][SWC][GWC][LoC-DD][CM-PL]
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 18, 2007 9:28:16 PM    View the profile of Tokijin 
A half an hour of relaxation. In the speeder, things seemed to be going smoothly. Smooth was always bad. For Nazgul, 'smooth' was code for disaster. Nothing ever seemed to go right for them. It was a constant deal. But for the moment, Tokijin was going to relax as much as she could. She felt comfortable and content just sitting there. She began messing with the radio station, trying to find something in basic and without the constant static that hurt the ears. But before she could find the right position, all went to hell.

She was jerked away from the radio as Jack made a sudden move, the speeder narrowly avoided a man in the road, but they went he had wanted them to go. Toki was pulled to Trevor's chest, his arms wrapping protectively around her, but she could peal her eyes away from the windshield. Suddenly they were at a 90 degree angle, and she was staring down at the ground. She was sensitive to the movement of the car and could feel as it flipped, her eyes still wide with terror.

Blood had begun to rush to her head. They were upside down; they had finally stopped, as had the horrible screeching sound of metal against concrete. She was breathing heavily; the scare from the bomb had left her holding her breath, and the seatbelt that was pressing against her body felt like if she wasn't going to unbuckle soon it would soon meld with her. She wanted down, but before she could get herself down she heard the thud of Trevor falling against the roof. She grimaced. That had to hurt.

She looked around the speeder, slightly surprised that the roof hadn't been crushed in from the force of the collision; the metal had held up very well. Before Toki had noticed, Jack had let himself down, and after seeing what Trevor had done she was a little reluctant to let herself down. She was in no mood for headaches. But when she saw Jack and Trevor move around to help her down she unbuckled herself, and slowly let herself down while the protective hands guided her. They wouldn't let her fall.

Suddenly her face burst in a fire of pain. Trevor saw her face contorted with pain and he pulled her close. She reached up to touch her face, only to cringe as the hand she pulled away was covered with blood. She hadn't even felt the glass rip through her face. The wound on her face burned, and she noticed blood trickling down her neck. She couldn't see how big it was, but it was a shocker to see her own blood covering her fingertips like that. It was probably the reason Trevor was holding her like this. She was sure she looked like hell.

She looked over as noises came from Jack's lips, but what they said she couldn't tell. Was she still in shock? Probably since his words hadn't registered. But she soon understood when a rifle was pressed into her hands.

She looked around the speeder roof for a moment and spotted the bag filled with their uniforms in it. They weren't going to be able to bring it along so she dug inside and quickly yanked three sets of medals off three different uniforms, stuffing them in her pocket quickly. Jack was starting to shuffle forward when a crashing noise filled Toki's ears and startled her slightly.

Oh right. Time to fight. Trevor had crawled back to the end of the speeder and proceeded to smash out rear window. She was surprised it had lasted up till this point in time, especially since the front window had been eradicated. Toki quickly followed behind Jack, positioning herself in between Jack and Trevor.

Tokijin's eyes locked upon the on coming threats. She felt the heavy metal in her hands carefully, and shot out, testing the weapon, not exactly aiming with expertise. Her face was overtaken by determination, and her eyes grew cold as she stared upon the men. She shot carefully this time, firing at the black targets before her.

She shot at one with careful aim, only disappointed to see she had missed any death blow. But he had thrown a grenade, and she wasn't going to let him get away with anything else. They had had their fill of fire and explosions for the day. After Trevor had killed off the last threat, Toki climbed out of the speeder with haste, wanting to get her hands on the final target to dispose of him, but the moans from coming from the dying man diminished was was left of any desire for vengeance. He was a man. She slowed pace to match that of Jack and Trevor and approached him carefully, wary of anymore tricks he might have.

Trevor crouched down to interrogate the masked man and Toki listened to the conversation intently as she and Jack kept their rifles raised, guarding their occupied commander, wary of any other attackers. When the conversation had stopped Toki looked down and gazed at the  man and watched as he ate one of his teeth. What the hell?

"What did he do?" She was a little slow on the uptake; right after she voiced her question she realized what he had done. She sighed and sagged her shoulders, looking at the speeder. It looked so pathetic. If it hadn't been burnt to a crisp she would have been reminded of a beetle stuck on it's back. But the burnt tinge of the speeder just made it look sad and depressing. They also had to walk to the base. She wasn't really up for walking. She was just about totally drained at this point. It seemed like this whole thing had been going on for weeks, but only a number of hours had passed. She rested the rifle on her shoulder and they began their long trudge.

Usually she wouldn't have minded any sort of by-foot travel, but today was an exception. Her seemed to throb in beat with her walking, which made her want to stop all together if it would stop the throbbing. She felt her forehead gingerly, looking for the source of the throbbing. She located it quickly, up towards her hairline. How in the world had she gotten that? She shook her head, supposing it didn't matter much anyway.

She turned to look at Jack and Trevor, sighing as she did. They looked about as drained as she felt, and they both just concentrated on the road in front of them, watching their footfalls with their guns held at their sides.

After a few moments Toki began to grow tired of the sound of hard boots against stone, the sound of crushing pebble under their heavy weight. Slowly her lips parted, and a soft lullaby escaped Toki's lips quietly. She half mumbled, half sang, singing a few words before simply humming through opened lips. She sang a lullaby song from her childhood, one that had stuck in the back of her mind. She was surprised she still remembered it actually. She had just opened her mouth and out it had come. She felt glances from Trevor and Jack, but ignored them, focusing herself on her quiet little song, thinking of all the verses and notes, thoughts of her childhood and moments in time when this song.

She had been absorbed in this small act that she didn't notice as time began to drift by, and soon the base was within sprinting distance. She looked to Jack and Trevor, and she set out in a steady run, but slowed down so Jack and Trevor could catch up so they would arrive at the gate together.

Tokijin watched as Trevor spoke to the guard and she stuck her hand in her pocket, pulling out their medals, quickly picking one up off the ground as it fell from her hand.

"I pulled these off our uniforms, and I have my ID on me. Our uniforms got burnt, but this has to be enough to prove we are who we are." She stuck her hand through the fence, showing them to the guard. She also pulled out her ID, showing it to the guard as well. She really didn't think much of the guard not letting them in at first. With all these armed maniacs running around with bombs it was probably wise to be cautious as they were.

She returned the rank bars to her pocket, careful that she wouldn't lose one. The three of them quickly went inside and approached a nice big desk. Trevor spoke to the secretary for a moment before motioning Tokijin over and whispering in her ear.

"Can you get my bar rank out again?" He asked her with a sort of sigh and she dug back into her pocket, carefully drawing out a handful, looking for Trevor's own precious rank bar. She handed his to him and stepped back, looking around for Jack. He had the medical kit and he was motioning her over to a bunch of chairs by the window. Toki put her hand on Trevor's arm before she walked over, silently wishing him luck for whatever he was about to do.

She walked over to Jack and they began digging around in the white box for bandages and antiseptic. She felt her neck and winced as the dried blood pulled away some hair as she brushed it off. Her cheek was no longer in throbbing pain, but she figured unless she had a mirror, Jack was going to have to apply her band aid to her face for her. It was like applying make-up: It was best done with a reflection. She and Jack set to work, all the while thinking about Trevor and his current activities. But it wasn't long before they found out what he was up to. He returned looking frustrated, but she could tell the wheels were turning in his head, thinking intently.

She set a hand on his shoulder and voiced her concerns aloud.

"Well, they aren't going to give us a task force or shuttle to raid the temple." Trevor gave her a look that took her only seconds to decipher. Oh no.

"We're going to raid the temple?" Why in the world would he want us to raid this temple? "But we're pilots. . . Just pilots." She shook her head, pulling her eyes away from Trevor's gaze. But. . . We weren't built for this stuff. Why would he. . . ? She looked up at him right as he began to pull her into his arms.

"Yeah, we are. But we're Nazgul pilots. We've been through a lot worse." Tokijin recollected on everything Nazgul had been through and buried her face in his chest, taking in his words. Heh, he's right. It's just a temple. We've been through hell and back. Let's leave Misoo with a bang, shall we? She nodded and pulled away from him, forcing him to let her go, but she gave him a small smile. Even with the petty words she told herself doubt still hovered in the back of her mind like a dark solemn storm cloud. She stared out the window for a moment before figures began to form behind the dark glass. Wait. . . Is that. . .?

"Isn't that Tomas?" She stood up in excitement from seeing her excitement. "And that other guy too!" Oh, god, how can I forget his name! "Skar! That's his name. He's here too. Looks like Darius is hurt though." She pointed out her comrades to Trevor. She watched him turn around and she desperately wanted to pull him out of his chair and take him outside. So looked at him and then back to the window and took his hand, waving to Jack to get up and went to the door to greet her fellow squadron mates.
TECH/SCPO Tokijin/Phoenix Wing/Str Doashim/1FL/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [BWC] [VC:B]

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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 18, 2007 9:29:39 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
Special tally for Toki!
SCAP, WADJ/1LT Corran "Arturus" Hargraves/STCR Doashim/1Flt/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[MC:1](x2)[SV][BRC][VC:B][CBV][LSM][LoR][BWC][SWC][GWC][LoC-DD][CM-PL]
Skar Darkanto
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 19, 2007 4:45:54 AM    View the profile of Skar Darkanto 
Again with the medical business...

Skar sighed and lost himself in his own thoughts, as he dragged slightly behind the rest of his flight. He knew they would be weaving in and out of hallways at a ridiculous pace, but that didn't stop him from staring at the ground.

Trevor's speech was strong, he had to allow that, but he still wasn't convinced. He still wasn't sure they'd be able to attack a temple successfully, if at all. They might well get shot down before they get anywhere close. What does it matter if these temple nuts aren't military trained, they still outnumber us one hundred to one. Even his friend Kanderin, a known risk taker would hesitate at those sort of odds. Not to mention he was far better trained in this area as well.

Skar crashed into the back of Darius and mumbled an apology. Darius was too distracted down the hallway to pay any real attention. Skar eventually got the message and poked his head out as well. Two men, dressed in full army gear, were patrolling the path just short of the medical bay.

"Just typical" Darius spat "We always have to get the armed guards"

"One of us could distract them" Sol whispered. Darius looked round, somewhat confused by his idea.

"I mean, if i deliberately get their attention, odds are they're going to chase me. I can lure them away from the door and you guys can creep in, swipe whatever you need and meet me later. They're in full army gear, there's no way they can catch me"

Darius looked down and contemplated the idea. He shrugged his shoulders and admitted he had no better idea. Sol nodded and scampered off in the other direction.

Skar had to see this. He poked his head out down the hallway again, watching the two guards idly converse. Then suddenly, the shouting started. The things he shouted were completely disgusting, but they definitely did the trick. The two men charged down the hallway towards the voice without even a look back.

"Now we move" Darius was already half way towards the room, moving surprisingly fast considering his condition.

Skar jogged down the length of the hallway, only stopping to peek one eye down the way the two men had ran. he then darted into the room, waited for Darius and the other man to join him, and shut the door behind them.

"Kind of lucky we're here actually, my bandage could do with a change" Darius grinned.

He sat down in the corner of the room, and waved off Skar and the other man, who then disappeared off behind the various shelves.

Skar never quite realised just how much medicine there could be in the world. He knew the medical world was huge, but not this huge. The shelves just seemed to go on forever. You'd reach the end of one line, just to find another which goes on for even further. The names on many of the bottles didn't help either. He wasn't able to pronounce half of them, yet alone understand them.

The box of bandages was simple to find. Skar was also able to find painkillers, disguised under one of those fancy labels. He had been given them once, and for some reason had never forgotten the name. Skar really hoped he would never have to take them again, they tasted terrible.

Skar wandered aimlessly among the aisles for what seemed like an age. An age on a different planet. An age on a different planet which smelt kind of funny. That kind of medical smell, the smell of needles, soap and god knows what else. Skar remembered the first time he smelt it, he was barely a child and it had nearly knocked him out. Now he had become somewhat used to it, it was almost refreshing.Almost

He stumbled over a box, lying almost directly in the middle of the corridor. He went to kick out at it anger, but he noticed the label.


Skar didn't even know they were able to inject people with adrenaline. It probably wasn't the adrenaline though, was probably some sort of mixture which gave the same effect. Regardless, it would probably turn out amazingly useful. He picked it up and glanced inside, eager to find out what adrenaline actually looked like. A small tank was filled with a colourless substance, which looked almost exactly like water. It was slightly gloopier, took far longer to roll from side to side when Skar took the box. He was disappointed, he expected something far more interesting. Or for it at least to have an interesting colour. Regardless, he put the box under his arm and carried on looking for more things.

He had almost forgotten about the syringes. Having a large tub of adrenaline and no syringes to put it in was somewhat pointless. You could pour it directly down the persons throat, although something told him that wouldn't have the same effect.

Surprisingly, unlike everything else in this place, the syringes were easily labelled. A huge sign floated above high above the aisles, pointing down towards a huge stock of them. All crammed into boxes, just sat waiting to be picked up.

Skar chuckled to himself. Mass produced syringes...

He had a quick glance around the various boxes. They weren't exactly the strongest things in the galaxy, many of them had syringe spikes sticking out the side of the boxes. Not to mention the hygiene issue Skar was sure this would cause. But after all it was an army barracks, not a hospital. Skar was about to reach out and pick one of the boxes near the front, when his eye caught a gleaming package at the back. The gleam was coming from the plastic layer covering the syringes in this one box. Skar felt far safer about picking these ones, and immediately took that box.

Skar stood around for a while, seeing if he could figure out any more things he might need. Bandages? Check. Syringes? Check. Strange gloppy substance which he only hoped would do some good? Check.

It took Skar a good few minutes to emerge from the aisles again. The other man still wasn't back, so he simply placed his finds down on the ground and propped himself up next to Darius.

"Whats the gloopy crap?" Was Darius' first question, which made Skar smile.

"Adrenaline, apparently"

"Well don't even think about injecting me with any of that stuff" Darius spat back.

Skar laughed to himself, and watched as the staggered footsteps began to come into reach. Darius' comlink also suddenly went off, eerily timing the beeps perfectly with their flight member's footsteps. Darius accepted the transmission, and Tomas' image flicked up on the screen.

"I've just spoken to Trevor, once you're done we need to meet him down at the hanger"

His voice was difficult to understand in places, there sounded like some sort of argument in the back ground. But the message was clear enough.

"We're almost done here, will be down in a second. Hey, did you know they inject people with Adrenaline nowadays?" Darius answered.

"They do? What's it look like?" Tomas answered, somewhat stunned.

"Colourless, kinda gloopy. Looks a little like... Nows not the time, we'll meet you down in the hanger" Darius cut the transmission off somewhat suddenly.

Their flight member had arrived back in the time the conversation took, him also covered in various boxes with strange names. And some less strange. Skar helped Darius back up to his feet, and they made their way back out of the door and down the hallway. How they were going to explain why they were sneaking around an army barracks holding all sorts of strange boxes Skar wasn't quite sure. He guessed they would just have to not be spotted.

Darius threw Skar the comlink and told him to tell Sol what was going on. Skar found himself somewhat relieved that for the first time in his Navy career, he would be using the flight comlink to give out something other that bad news. The whole squadron had become quite used to that whenever Skar uses the comlink, something bad has happened. He was very keen to get rid of this voodoo.

"Errm, Darius?" Skar suddenly looked up again.

Darius grunted.

"How are we supposed to contact Sol? This was the only comlink between the three of us"

Darius cursed, and tried to rapidly think of some sort of different plan.

He didn't have to, Sol leapfrogged over Skar almost the moment Darius' voice stopped echoing around the hallways. Which actually took a lot longer than you would expect.

"Shook them" He proudly stated. "Told you they weren't fast enough to catch me"

"Nice language back there buddy" Skar added, making Sol blush slightly. Skar just laughed and informed Sol of the plan.

The signs down to the hanger were probably even easier to read than the ones to the medical bay. Which made sense really, the hanger would be used far more often. Which might well spell trouble for them once they got there, the closer they get the better the odds they would get caught. To cover their backs, Sol and Skar put as many of the boxes as they could manage up their shirts. It worked surprisingly well, everything but the syringes were bale to find a spot, which neither of the men were happy to give a chance. Sol and Skar looked somewhat overweight, but not out of the ordinary. it would take more than a second glance to realise they were hiding something.

Word Count = 1565
Skar Darkanto/ Kanderin Draken
Crewman Skar Darkanto, Nazgul Squadron
FM/SCRW Skar Darkanto/Nazgul Squadron 2-6/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 19, 2007 7:14:21 AM    View the profile of Tomas 
Tomas rose from the ground to find the rest of the squadron emerging from the base. It only took a  couple minutes for Trevor to straighten things out and before long the entire squadron was heading back inside. As Tomas walked towards the door, Trevor pulled him aside. He could tell Trevor wanted to know what had kept them, but it also seemed there was something much bigger on his mind. Tomas decided to quit the waiting game and just ask:

"Well, what's the plan now, oh fearless...and indestructible leader?" He asked, smiling slightly as he noticed the bandages his squadron commander now wore. The comment caused Trevor to chuckle a bit, something Tomas was happy to see after what they'd been through. Soon enough though, Trevor's face turned serious again and Tomas secretly dreaded what was coming next.

"We're going to hijack a shuttle. A shuttle, weapons, armour, medical supplies, everything we need to take down a temple." Trevor explained briefly. His voice had dropped in volume following the laughter. Apparently he was dead serious and did not want the others to know what was to go least not yet. For any paying attention though, it was hard to miss as Tomas stared mouth gaping in complete shock and disbelief of what he had just heard. He actually had to turn away for a second in order to collect himself.

"You're joking, right? I mean, we're pilots. Sure we have some training, but that could be suicide!" Tomas responded harshly, yet making sure to keep his voice down. It didn't stop him from making an exaggerated hand motion when he said 'suicide', though. "Their force outnumbers us a hundred to one probably."

"Yeah, but we don't need another fifty people. We're Nazgul, and we've gotten good at this ground thing over the years." Trevor replied, it seemed he knew exactly was Tomas was going to say and had a stirring speech in store to support his decision. Tomas just couldn't buy it though, key words from the conversation flashing through his head. We've gotten good at this ground thing...we're pilots...suicide. It occurred to Tomas where his line of thought was going. They were supposed to be pilots...masters of air and space...yet from past missions, it was somewhat apparent to him that they had not even managed to do that properly yet and here they were, eleven pilots to go up against hundreds of enemy troops. Experience or not, as he had stated with enthusiasm before this was ifs, ands or buts about it. Tomas had lost enough pilots under his leadership to last him a lifetime and now Trevor was suggestion this...frankly, Tomas was unsure if he'd be able to carry it out. Judging by the grin on Trevor's face, it was an attempt to lift Tomas' spirits about the whole thing, but it wasn't really working. Before Tomas could say anything further in response they had reached the door and were too close to the rest of the squadron. They all filed into the base's lobby slowly, before getting a chance to briefly catch up with their fellow squadronmates. Tomas remained silent, even more than usual the forthcoming mission weighing heavily on his mind. It wasn't long before Trevor gathered them all together, after all as Tomas knew they had a lot of work ahead of them.

Following Trevor's official announcement of their plan, many of the pilots voiced shock and discomfort about the plan they were to carry out. One in particular, Skar, voiced his opinions outright:

"We're attacking a temple? Are you mad? We're pilots, nothing more nothing less. We do the space and air combat thing, the Army do the ground stuff!" Looking around the room, Tomas noticed that a number of pilots were nodding their head in agreement. Tokijin seemed to be wearing the same facial expression as he did. Having already been in the loop and told of Trevor's intentions, Tomas could guess she had said the same thing as he and Skar.

"Yeah, I understand we're pilots, and nothing more. We have basic military training; we all know how to handle a gun. Some better then others." Trevor, as he had done with Tomas before responded calmly and coolly, hoping to pacify any nerves that had been struck. "We're Nazgul, and for those of you who don't know what that means, it means we're unstoppable. Anyone who's been in the squadron for more than one mission can see that!"

At this point, Trevor paused and looked about the pilots gathered. Tomas also took the time to look around. On one hand you had Tokijin, Jack, Darius, and even Atrick to a small extent. They knew what they as a team were capable of. On the other you had Skar, Sol, Casca, Dahn and Jared just about ready to go up in arms if they were not calmed down soon. Tomas meanwhile sat right in the middle of the two, he had seen on a number of occasions the able hands of his fellow pilots, but until this past day he had yet to see any sort of ground work done by the squadron. Taking a second look around it occurred to Tomas that even if Nazgul Squadron had fared well on the ground before this was not the same squadron. All these new faces...what are they thinking...

"Alright, here is the plan. We've been denied assistance here, but that doesn't mean we need assistance. We're going to split up into flights once again, and work on gathering our supplies. Flight Three; I want you guys to get a bunch of stuff out of the armoury. Make sure to include some explosive stuff. If we can't raid the temple, we can try to blow the shit out of it."

"You heard 'em guys, time to do what we've got to do." Tomas said, encouraging his flight. In no time the four of them were back on their own on their way down the armoury. It wasn't hard to find as signs seemed to be placed wherever they needed them. Once they got there, they couldn't help but be slightly less optimistic. At the armoury door stood two guards, two on either side of the door. Tomas could only guess how many more were inside. From the looks of it these guards were taking their job very seriously which left flight three with no ideas.

"Sir, we've got lots of weaponry back in the speeder...assuming its still out front where we left it that is. Can't we just go and get it, it'd be a lot less dangerous don't you think?" Jared said, bringing up a good point, but it only took Tomas a couple seconds to realize there was no way the troops at the base would leave a vehicle like that sitting out in the open for long.

"No, they've probably moved it into the hangar by now. With luck our guns and ammo will still be in the back where we left, but we can't count on that. Either way, we need explosives and this is the only place to get them." Tomas replied, trying not to crush the new pilots spirits anymore than they already were.

"Any ideas?" Atrick brought up sarcastically.

"The hallway's at a weird angle, I actually think we could sneak up on them enough to get somewhat of  a drop on them." Casca pointed out.

"Alright then, let's do this." Tomas motioned them forward silently. The first guard dispatched without a problem, though the second took some wrestling to get down. In the mean time he had called out, presumably into the armoury for some help.

"Ah shit! Jared, Atrick beside the door...knock out anyone who comes out." Once no-one had come for a couple minutes, Tomas cautiously opened the door. The armoury was huge, packed wall to wall with various weaponry. A quick survey revealed the pair of guards in here were too far away at the time to hear their comrade's shouts. With much more cover to work with, the Nazgul pilots had no problem in finishing them off. Once the room was secure, Tomas activated his comlink:

"Uh, we haven't gotten everything yet, but we were wondering if you want us to meet you in the hanger." Suddenly, one of the downed troopers moved, startling Jared who stumbled back into a weapons rack. Atrick responded quickly with another swift kick at the trooper's head:

"You stay down, you hear? Geez Jared, you just can't do anything right can you?"

"Yeah, meet us down here. We're just going to try and get an estimate on the guards and everything." Trevor's voice came from the other end. Tomas had tried to cover the mic to cover Atrick's yelling, but he doubted it was of much use. "Make sure to grab as many explosives as you can carry. Put one guy to work carrying explosives, one with ammo, one with weapons, and hell, if you were to find a hover cart this would make things easier."

"Yeah, there's one in here. We'll load it up really good and throw a tarp over it to get it to the hanger. I'll let Darius know where we're meeting too. Oh and is our speeder there by chance?" Tomas decided to throw the question out there at the last moment.

"Yeah, why?"

"No need for you to worry about it, we'll see you in a bit." Tomas grinned as he imagined the look on Trevor's face when his flight showed up with the weaponry they had and proceeded to produce more from right under their noses...

Word Count: 1624

Senior Chief Petty Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram
FL/SPO Tomas/Nazgul 3-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [VC:B]

"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart."

Clearly Canadian!
[This message has been edited by Tomas (edited June 19, 2007 7:14:49 AM)]
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 19, 2007 2:34:50 PM    View the profile of Tokijin 
"We're Nazgul, and for those of you who don't know what that means, it means we're unstoppable. Anyone who's been in the squadron for more than one mission can see that!" Tokijin chucked quietly. He was right of course. Nazgul had survived everything that was thrown at them. It was both a blessing and a curse. Tokijin glanced around at the shocked faces of her fellow squadron mates. Some of them were hurt fairly bad, but that was the double edged blade. They would survive, but not without their aches and pains. She reached up to touch her face, rubbing her fingertips against the rough cotton that was attached to her face. It felt good to have something on there.

She stood up as Trevor began relaying orders, stretching slightly. No amount of debating will change his mind. He's dead set, and he's dragging us along for the ride. Her friends still looked incredulous, not believing that he was going to go through with this. This is who we are, my fellow Nazguilians and it's what we do. Might wanna get used to it.

"Alright, here's the plan. We've been denied assistance here, but that doesn't mean we don't need assistance. We're going to split up into flights once again, and work on gathering our supplies. Flight Three; I want you guys to get a bunch of stuff out of the armory. Make sure to include some explosive stuff. If we can't raid the temple, we can try to blow the shit out of it." Toki followed Trevor's gaze to Flight Three, and she watched them go as well and turned back to Trevor as he spoke again, this time directed at Flight Two.

"Flight Two; medical supplies. They are upstairs, bring back whatever you can that we can use to help cure minor wounds and help keep people who might receive major wounds in stable condition. Toki chuckled quietly again at the faces of Flight Two. Apparently some of them didn't think they could get anymore wounds than they already have. Yes, it's going to be dangerous. But robbing a base like this one is just about as dangerous as getting to that temple. I'm worried more about getting in and out of this base rather than raiding the temple. She looked up as she talked to herself, staring at the high ceiling for a moment before glancing out the window. Flight Two had disappeared by the time she turned her gaze back to her commander.

"What are we going to do then?" She moved closer to Trevor, waiting to hear the game plan, curious.

"Well," She looked down at his hands as he took her hands in his own, smiling a mischievous smile. "We get the most fun job, we get to coordinate the theft of a Lambda-class shuttle." She forced herself to grin. She had forgotten about that. Transportation was needed, and they needed to hitch a ride fast. This was another reason why she had been worried about robbing the base. The more they needed, the less likely it would become that their mission wouldn't succeed.

"Isn't that kind of dumb though? I understand we need it, but they aren't going to be a breeze to get out of here with." Toki turned to look at Jack and nodded, understanding his point.

"We'll pull it off, just trust me. Let's scamper off to the hanger and check out how much it is guarded, and if they even have one that's fully ready." Ok, makes sense. In the back of her mind, Toki could tell that there was a small flame of hope that they wouldn't have success in the hanger. Then they could just go home, easy. . . She snuffed out that flame before she could get her hopes too high.

They walked slowly down the halls, taking their time, but had to make sure that they weren't that noticeable. The base wasn't half bad actually. It looked fairly new and shiny of course, and the layout was easy enough to work with that they made it to the hanger faster than the three of them had expected to. But before they could peek in and check it out, Trevor's comm link beeped loudly, and Toki turned to Trevor, wondering who it was. She heard Tom's voice and he wanted to know if they all should meet up at the hanger. Toki rose an eyebrow at the curious sound of arguing squadron mates and loud noises. Trevor gave him his instructions quickly and put his comm link away. Jack and Toki had found the way into the hanger and were taking a look inside when Trevor came over to them. She felt him move behind her and she looked up at him before averting her gaze back to the contents of the hanger.

"Do you think we'll be able to pull this one off?" She whispered as she stared through the open door. It wasn't much of a rhetorical question but she didn't worry about it considering she didn't get an answer anyway.

She looked around at the guards. They weren't doing any 'guarding' but looked quiet bored. It was kind of funny how easy they could step inside without being seen. She looked around for any techs, and from this angle nothing looked like it was being worked on. Trevor tapped Jack and Toki on the shoulder, waving them away from the door, into a corridor.

"So, any ideas?" Jack pondered, glancing over his shoulder at the hanger door.

"I think we should wait up for everyone before we try and get anything. It will be easier for us when we outnumber those guards, if it comes to that. We have the option of either knocking out everyone in that hanger, or confusing them into believing we are someone we aren't." Tokijin nodded, considering their limited options. "I didn't see any technicians in there, did you?"

Tokijin shook her head. "In a base like this they wouldn't have many working in the hanger while everything is idle. Although those chances will probably change here soon. Techs are always on the move. They never stay in one place for long unless their job gets done. All those machines in there looked fine to me. There wasn't any equipment sitting out or anything. So if we were in there and knocking out guards, a technician could come in and alert someone of our actions."

"There's also the security system we would have to worry about. Anyone monitoring screens could see what we're doing, and we don't want to blow our cover quite yet." Jack spoke quietly and calmly. They had to look at their situation from all directions, figure out the flaws and the weaknesses in what they were about to do. After what Toki and Jack had their only option left was to completely fool the guards. That could be easier than conking them out and risking gun fire. Tokijin figured the last thing they wanted right now was a blaster fight. This was a base after all. They would be outnumbered quickly in a matter of seconds. There was only eleven of them.

Toki sighed and looked around the hallway. It was deserted, but someone would probably come along here and if they weren't careful they would be questioned quickly.

"Well, what do we want to steal again?" Tokijin questioned, wondering impatiently where the other members of Nazgul were so they could get out of here soon. Trevor walked back over to the hanger door, peeking in cautiously before waving Jack and Toki alongside to see. He pointed out to them the shuttle he planned on snatching up. Toki recoiled quickly, stepped away from the door, pulling Jack and Trevor away from the door by their sleeves.

"I saw a technician. I don't think he saw us; he was reading something, but he's headed toward this door. So time to hide." Trevor nodded and they looked around frantically, looking for a place to go before the technician found them. They didn't want to reveal themselves quite yet.

They scurried off down a different corridor hoping that the technician would be taking the same path., but that would not be their luck as they heard footsteps resounding on the walls, headed towards them. They went down the hall as quickly and as quietly as they could but Trevor noticed the doors sunk into the wall to create indents in the flat wall instead of the doors just simply being placed in the wall. He didn't speak but pointed Jack to one side of the hall and he pulled Toki into the other side with him. If the technician was anything like Toki was with reading material, he wouldn't look up from the words as he walked down the hall and would be totally oblivious to their presence. They heard the man cough as he started down their hallway, taking his time. None of the three risked a look to see him and they stood as still as statues, slowing their breathing, doing anything to keep themselves from being discovered in the silent hall.

Luckily the technician hadn't looked up from the pages he held in his hand and walked right past the Nazgulians, totally oblivious. He would have surely asked them questions about the civilian-looking people and their activities down these quiet halls. As soon as he turned the corner the three of them came out from their hiding spot and hurried back down the hall, back towards the hanger. As they reached the same door, Toki's head swiveled to look over her shoulder at the sound of a slow hum accompanied by hurried footsteps. She sighed in relief as she realized they were her own kind. Tom and his flight had made it to the hanger, followed by Flight Two.

Trevor smiled happily at his approaching pilots. Time to get to work. 
TECH/SCPO Tokijin/Phoenix Wing/Str Doashim/1FL/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [BWC] [VC:B]

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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 19, 2007 8:52:55 PM    View the profile of Tomas 
With the guards out of commission, Tomas with the rest of his flight began to pick through the various weaponry about the room. Motioning for Atrick to recover the nearby hovercart, Tomas continued his search for other means to carry the equipment. In a nearby storage closet, he managed to stumble across a pair of duffel bags. These will do nicely... Tossing one to Jared, he pointed to the ammo and began to pack up guns of various shapes and sizes. Meanwhile, Atrick was having some trouble with the hovercart.

"Augh, it's refusing to budge. It won't turn on." Atrick said in frustration, trying once again to engage the thrusters. Seeing his flightmate's distress, Casca approached the idle cart and began to work away at it. Before Atrick knew what had happened the hovercart hummed to life and floated a foot off the floor. "Er...thanks," was all Atrick could muster in response. They immediately guided it over to the explosives and began packing it on. Between the four of them it didn't take long to gather all they needed and more...much more. They had filled the cart with explosives as high as they dared. Throwing a tarp over the cart and securing it, Atrick and Casca began to move towards the door. Jared followed with his duffel of ammo and guns and making one last sweep of the room, making sure to pick up a dozen military firearms used to safely calm civilian riots. Tomas did not have an extensive knowledge of firearms and as a result was unsure if the more power weapons they had selected had stun capabilities. These he had seen before and knew what he was dealing with. After all, their suicide mission was disobeying of orders to an extent seeing as how they were now raiding their own faction's base when they had been denied these same supplies. Doing this was one thing, but Tomas didn't want to have to kill a fellow Imperial in order to carry it out. Not when he felt he was going to die anyways when all this was said and done.

Storing the guards deep in the armoury, the flight cautiously peered out the door. As expected there was no-one in sight. Now that Tomas thought about it the base as a whole had been pretty quiet. He assumed they were probably operating with a skeleton crew with the all those they could spare out trying to quell the uprising. The trip back up to the surface went by uneventfully, they encountered a couple troopers.  They were stopped momentarily each time, but the questioners were very new to the Corps. and Tomas had managed to convince them that his flight was just following orders. They must have sent their best and brightest out on mission, Tomas thought to himself after the ploy worked a second time. There's no way that should've worked. Rounding one of the final corners on their way to the hangar, flight two emerged from a nearby doorway and fell right in stride. As they rounded a corner there at the next door stood Trevor, Tokijin and Jack. Tomas noticed them look behind them quickly, Tokijin's face giving off an expression that they'd been caught. Once she realized who it was her posture turned to one of 'where have you guys been?' They must've been hiding out for a while, he thought to himself.

Reunited, the squadron entered the hangar and walked with purpose towards the Lambda-class shuttle. Just as Trevor had mentioned out in the hallway, Tomas only noticed four guards out and moving around. From his current vantage point, he was unable to see the supposed table the rest of the guards had set up. They'll have some explaining to do when the ship gets stolen out from under their noses and they're sitting around doing nothing.

They were nearly to the shuttle and Tomas thought they might just make it, when one of the guards called out for them to hold up. Something about seeing the proper papers. They were so close in fact that Trevor had already begun lowering the shuttle's ramp. The cart of explosives now sat at the bottom waiting to be loaded. Papers? How does Trevor plan to talk us out of that one? Judging from the expression on his face, it seemed that his squadron commander was thinking the same thing. The guard's yelling and approach had drawn the attention of the entire hangar to rest on the pilots of Nazgul Squadron.

Discretely, Tomas nodded to fellow flightmates who using the cover of the hovercart drew their weapons and fired on the approaching guard as well as two more out on the floor. As instructed by Tomas, flight three had set their guns to 'stun mode' so the downed guards merely lay unconcious, though one seemed to go down awkwardly. The resulting commotion from the attack allowed half of the squadron to get safely on board the shuttle before the troops at the table had risen from their seats and began to return fire. Those who did not manage to get on board sought cover behind the hovercart and the ramp itself.

As soon as Tomas noticed not everyone (much less their cart of equipment) were going to make it in the initial push, he motioned for his flight to remain on the floor seeing as how they were the ones armed with stun guns. Now pinned behind the ramp, Tomas lay next to Skar whom had acquired a gun from somewhere. He was about to fire when Tomas made a motion for him to stop and gestured to his own gun. Skar fired anyways, though as Tomas swung out and fired himself he saw Skar had decided to lay out cover fire, not intending to actually hit their combatants. Tomas only hoped the guards wouldn't realize that until it was too late.

The gunfight itself was taking too long for Tomas' liking. Already he could hear the alarms sounding and it was only a matter of time before reinforcements showed up. Catching Skar's attention he motion towards the door.

"The blast door...shut it down." Tomas instructed, hoping the pilot was a good enough shot to get it hit it. He did have a little time to attempt it and that should be enough Tomas conceded to himself. It took a few more minutes, but the last hangar guard finally dropped to the ground, out cold from a stun blast though Tomas wasn't sure whose. Silence filled the hangar, except for the now constant sound of the alarms. Atrick and Casca resumed their positions on the hovercart and slowly pushed it up the ramp while the others filed in ahead of them. Tomas was the last one to head up, serving to cover them just in case they had missed a guard or technician somewhere. It was then that he noticed the speeder his flight had come in earlier. It was less than 50 metres away, sitting idly on the concrete floor. Tomas took off at a sprint as Trevor called out behind him:

"Tomas, where the hell do you think you're going?!? Get back here..." It wasn't long before Tomas was far enough away for his squadron commander's voice to be drowned out by the alarms. Slipping into the speeder, Tomas pulled out the bag of weapons his flight had acquired in the palace and lumbered back to the shuttle and up the ramp as fast as he could. He had done so not a moment too soon as the shuttle launched and peering below he could the blast door explode, a number of troopers pouring into the hangar itself. Rather than waiting to be chastised by his commander, Tomas took initiative. Revealing all the gear he and his flight had recovered. Two duffel bags of guns and ammo now lay strewn out on the shuttle's floor. Removing the tarp revealed a third bag of firearms, as well as stack of explosives that caused many eyes to bulge and jaws to drop. Trevor was the first to speak up, Tomas braced himself for an intense lecture and criticism. It didn't come...not exactly anyways:

", you guys sure took the order seriously, eh?" Trevor said to no-one in particular. It was apparent it was a rhetorical question as he proceeded on almost immediately. "That's one heck of a lot of firepower, was it really necessary to risk your life for that last bag? When are we possibly going to use all this?"

Tomas replied with the only answer he could think of. "Well sir, with all due respect. If you're going to send us on a suicide mission such as this, going in guns a blazing and all...I figured we'd need well...guns. I hope the explosives are enough for you're liking...wasn't sure if you wanted it to blow a door down or blow the place into a million pieces. Better too much than too little, no?" Tomas replied, he couldn't help but grin widely as he finished...

Word Count: 1534
Senior Chief Petty Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram
FL/SPO Tomas/Nazgul 3-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [VC:B]

"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart."

Clearly Canadian!
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 19, 2007 10:47:30 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
Don't your wrists hurt from so much writing?

SCAP, WADJ/1LT Corran "Arturus" Hargraves/STCR Doashim/1Flt/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[MC:1](x2)[SV][BRC][VC:B][CBV][LSM][LoR][BWC][SWC][GWC][LoC-DD][CM-PL]
Trevor Evenson
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Trevor Evenson
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 20, 2007 1:13:51 AM    View the profile of Trevor Evenson 
Trevor was openly shocked at the amount of explosives that his squadron mates had managed to gather, as well as the weaponry. Tomas was right, if they were going to go in guns blazing, they were going to need guns. They defiantly had enough of those, that was for sure. The amount of explosives looked like they would be enough to level the base they were in, and Trevor couldn't help but imagine what they could do to an ancient temple of similar size. Moments before, he had ordered Tokijin and Jack to begin taking off and they had gotten into the air just as Tomas had made it on board. Trevor picked up one of the packages of explosives and weighed it in his hand, judging it to be just over 5 pounds. He counted close to fifty on the exterior of the pile, and could only guess how many were inside the mound.

He set the package down carefully and nodded to Tomas, who began to sort out their different supplies and things into different piles on the floor of the shuttle. Flight two began sorting the medical supplies, while Trevor made his way to the front of the shuttle. He entered the cockpit and Tokijin looked over her shoulder to see who had entered.

"Ah, glad it's you. We might have some difficulties out-running their anti-air defense system." She said, pointing out the window towards a turret that had yet to come online. Trevor knew it would only be a matter of minutes though, and they were running on heavily borrowed time. Trevor was sure that the nameless entity that carried a scythe and wore a hooded cloak had come within inches of tapping him on the shoulder with his bony finger.

"I have a feeling you're right." Trevor thought aloud, looking out the window and then trying to make up his mind between asking Tokijin for her seat or asking her or Jack to maneuver the shuttle instead. Trusting their ability, he nodded to Jack. "Take us in fast, high, and over top of the anti-aircraft gun there. The other three can still get an open shot, but I hope that we can maneuver out of harms way when that happens."

Trevor confidence in their escape was shaken. He had noticed the anti-aircraft turrets earlier, yet they didn't cross his mind now. Stupid, stupid! If it was just me, no big deal&'cept to Toki maybe. However the whole squadron is a bit of a big deal. I regret this now... He thought to himself as Jack did as he was instructed without argument. As soon as they were within range of the turret's radar, it came online and swiveled in their direction. Tokijin gasped and Trevor was tempted to slap his forehead in irritation. He should have seen that one coming.

"Well, we can be glad it's just the one." Jack said, keeping his hands on the controls and his eyes on the missile launcher. Trevor was mildly relieved to see that his friend had remained calm, and was even more relieved to see that he anticipated the gun's missile. It fired from the left tube (their right) and twisted in the air to aim right at the cockpit. Jack jerked his yoke and swung the lumbering, heavy craft in an upper-left direction, while managing to keep the right wing angled downwards.

It wasn't quite enough though, and the missile attempted to adjust. It instead plowed into the very tip of the wing, starting a smile fire and rocking the whole craft. Trevor heard Tomas curse from somewhere behind him and rotated to look. Tomas' supplies had scattered about the floor of the shuttle, as had flight two's. Tomas ended up with a syringe stuck in his hand, but yanked it out quickly and cast an angry glance towards the fore section of the shuttle. Trevor grinned and shrugged before turning back to look out the windscreen.

Jack had now passed overtop of the anti-aircraft gun, but the weaponry could pivot and chose to do so. They were blind behind them except for sensors and intuition, Trevor praying that Jack was able to use both effectively. With the last hit on the shuttle he had sworn he felt Death's hand floating above his head. A minute later a beeping tone went off in the back of the cockpit and Jack swore under his breath.

"Tell those guys back there to cover their heads and hold onto something. Things are about to get evil." Jack said, and Trevor shouted the command back into the shuttle over the beeping that seemed to be coming from directly right of his ears.

"Alright everyone, strap yourselves in tightly and cover your heads. Things are going to get nasty and shit is going to fly around back there!" Finishing this, Trevor braced his back against one bulkhead of the shuttle cockpit while pressing his feet against the other. Tokijin did up her safety belts, Jack had his done up from the start. He waited another second to make sure everyone was in place before he threw the shuttle into a shallow dive and rolled to port. It did little to affect the course of the missile tailing them, but it really threw about the contents of the shuttle.

Jack's next move was and inverted loop, a feat difficult enough in a fighter. He was trying it in a shuttle that's dimensions were excessive compared to a fighter. The speed, weight, height, width, wingspan; it was all different. It didn't stop Jack from performing the move though, and to Trevor's amazement, with success. This move had been enough to trick the missile, which overshot them as they came around.

Trevor watched from an inverted position as the missile streaked out from the underside of the shuttle (the side away from the ground in their upside-down position) and angled downward, not two inches away from the windscreen of the shuttle, as it tried to change it's course before it exploded in the trees below them.

Trevor relaxed a little bit as he felt their level of danger decrease. Jack un-inverted the shuttle and leveled out, activating the fire suppression systems on board the shuttle to take care of the damage to the wing. Trevor relaxed his legs and slide along the wall of the cockpit to the floor, where he remained in a sitting position even as Tokijin looked at him. He had felt the hot breath of a scythe bearing, skeletal figure against the back of his neck and feared that he was about to die, along with those he cared about. Death was to be cheated once again today though, Trevor thought to himself as he held his palms against his eyes for a moment, squeezing them shut tightly behind his hands. That bastard is going to catch me one of these days& He sighed.

"Are we done being stupid?" Tokijin asked, glaring at Trevor. He knew she loved him, but wasn't completely sure how much she'd put up with the stupid things he led them into. When he broke the door down in the palace she was a little frustrated. When they stole the speeder, she wasn't too happy with being used as bait, and when he suggested attacking the temple she was skeptical. Now she was actually glaring at him.

"Not yet." He replied defiantly. It was stupid for him to push his luck, and he cared for her more then he did about performing the first retaliation strike on the temple, but he felt that they could do it and he wasn't going to have his mind changed. She shook her head for a moment, still feigning anger, before she undid her safety belts, climbed out of her seat and slid down onto the floor next to him. She put an arm around his shoulders and did her best to hug him in the somewhat awkward position they were sitting in.

"I'm glad for that, I've begun to get used to the stupid things we do together. I don't know if I'd be able to go back to being normal." She joked with a grin, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. He smiled back but on the inside felt pretty stupid for risking her life and the lives of his other pilots. She released him from the hug and got back into the co-pilot's chair of the shuttle. "We have things under control up here now that we're out of range of the turrets. You go back and make sure everyone is fine."

Trevor nodded and stood up, stretched his lanky limbs quickly and ducked out into the main seating area of the shuttle. Supplies were strewn about and lying all over the place, but no one had seemed to be injured. Jared was sporting a bump the size of an egg on his head from what appeared to be a collision with his seat while rushing to be seated. The rest of the pilots were unhurt aside from bruises, and all looked at him funny when he entered.

"Well, we're safely away from the missiles. I'll help you guys clean up, we're basically temple free for now." Trevor said with a grin and began piling supplies up as the others got out of their seats and began to help.

Word Count: 1571

OOC: My wrists hurt? Why would they do that Art, I don't write that much...Oh yeah, you're old :P
SC/ESN/Trevor Evenson/Nazgul 1(1-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC]

The VEN`s #1 writer as of ESC `06

Clearly Canadian!
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 20, 2007 10:38:45 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
Le Tally!
SCAP, WADJ/1LT Corran "Arturus" Hargraves/STCR Doashim/1Flt/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[MC:1](x2)[SV][BRC][VC:B][CBV][LSM][LoR][BWC][SWC][GWC][LoC-DD][CM-PL]
Trevor Evenson
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 20, 2007 10:56:17 PM    View the profile of Trevor Evenson 
Trevor tossed a package of syringes into the medical supplies pile as Tomas, Casca and Jared began to pile the explosives back up. Other pilots had set to work gathering things out from under seats, out of the hanging fluorescent lights, and basically searching anywhere that a rogue package could have flown. They didn't have too much difficulty finding everything, and within 15 minutes had things stacked up neatly. The weapons were counted and stacked up against one of the walls of the shuttle, with their respective separate ammo piles. The explosives were piled in the middle of the floor, with the blasting caps nearby.

The medical supplies were stacked in the opposite corner, sorted from most powerful to least powerful painkillers, and various other medical things were stacked into a pile, including a large 'thing' of what was supposed to be adrenaline. Trevor was reminded of glycerol by it, and had a feeling he wasn't going to be injecting any of it into himself. The syringes had also handled the bouncing around well, except for the one that had impaled Tomas' hand and left a pretty nasty wound.

The needle that had stabbed his hand had a metal point of almost 3 inches, while the glass body was almost double that. Trevor feared what it was used for, but secretly hoped that it was for use on non-humans. Tomas still had not removed it, probably hoping that the needle remaining inside his flesh would sort of halt the bleeding a little bit. He had piled up supplies with his other hand, and now Trevor and Darius were eyeing the menace sticking out of his hand.

"Well, we could always extract it carefully and stitch you back up." Trevor suggested, nodding towards the medical kits they had stacked up. Tomas shook his head and made a move to pull on the glass part of the needle. He flinched and stamped his foot as soon as it had moved no more than a hair. Trevor laughed inwardly, but couldn't blame Tomas. The thing had to hurt something terrible.

"We could always pump him with some adrenaline so he doesn't feel it and pull it out." Darius suggested, nodding towards the container of the goopy substance and grinning. No one seemed to want to be the guinea pig for the adrenaline, and that included Tomas. He shook his head madly and glared down at the sharp piece of metal in his hand. All three pilots seemed to be out of ideas. Tomas still occasionally touched the glass section of the needle, but each time he did so he ended up flinching and having to stamp his foot or grit his teeth.

Trevor checked the painkillers and found some moderately powered ones for Tomas to take. He handed them to Tomas' good hand and as soon as he popped them into his mouth he handed him a drink from a water flask. He swished the water around in his mouth and swallowed the two dark coloured pills, coughing as he finished.

"Those tasted awful, where did you get them from?" He asked, and Trevor pointed to the pile of painkillers in the middle section of the shuttle. Tomas winced and made another face of disgust. "Those work, but they taste bad. I mean, those dissolved and I wanted to puke."

Trevor laughed at his squad mate's mild discomfort before looking around the shuttle once more. He was yet to find anything they could use to extract the needle from Tomas' hand, but as his head turned his eyes locked on something. He spotted a small mini-torch sitting near the pile of explosives, and wandered over to snatch it up. He clicked the starter trigger and was pleased when a bright blue flame erupted from the end of the torch. He turned it off and strode back over to Tomas.

"I have an idea, ever heard of cauterization?" He asked, keeping the torch held behind his back. Tomas nodded slowly, glancing at the hands he couldn't see to his own hand, then back again. Trevor nodded his head and continued. "Well, what it does is it burns the arteries closed, and while it does that it can burn the nerves off too." He said, no grin spreading across his face as he did so. Tomas looked at him nervously, and then calmed down as he touched the glass end of the needle and didn't flinch.

"Alright, the painkillers have kicked in anyways. Lets do this quick, alright?" He asked, holding his hand out so the metal part was exposed for Trevor to use the torch on. Trevor clicked the starter button three times before the torch lit up, then held is as high above Tomas' skin as he could while still using it to heat the needle. It took a few moments, but slowly the entire length of the metal part of the needle had turned red. Trevor noted a slight amount of smoke coming from it and in one swift motion Darius had snatched the glass part of the needle and yanked downwards hard. Tomas hand jerked but the needle came out cleanly.

There was a slight trace of burnt flesh on it, and it didn't smell to great, but it had gotten the job done. Tomas hadn't bled at all, and in rapt amazement he stared at the whole in his hand, or rather, through it. The all seemed to be temporarily absorbed by the fact that Tomas had a hole about a quarter inch in diameter through the center of his hand.

"Did it hurt?" Trevor asked, getting read to walk over and retrieve more painkillers for Tomas to down. Tomas looked at his hand for a moment before turning his attention to the still red needle on the floor.

"Not really, actually. It tingled, but it didn't actually hurt. I'm sure that that will change in the next couple of hours though. Let's bandage this up." He requested, nodding his head towards the pile of medical kits. Trevor nodded and grabbed one, pulling a long strip of sterile fabric and a small bottle of antiseptic. He poured the germ killing disinfectant over the wound and then began to tenderly wrap the bandage around it. He fastened it with some medical tape at the ends and stepped back to look at his handiwork. Tomas didn't seem to be too fazed by the whole operation and shrugged as soon as Trevor was done.

"I'm really surprised you handled that as well as you did." Darius said, looking once more at the needle that had now cooled to a burnt purple colour, except for a band around the middle that was stained dark black. He picked it up and tossed it into a small garbage receptacle near the end of a row of seats and returned to his seat next to Tomas. He sat down and stretched out his legs, the only thing that made it possible to tell he was in pain because of his knee was that as he stretched his legs out, the iris in his remaining eye dilated a little bit. Neither Trevor or Tomas caught this though, but both seemed quite pleased the Darius had already managed to overcome his injury.

Trevor pulled at the neck of his shirt and admired his bandages. They were wrapped quite tightly and seemed to restrict his breathing a little bit, but no more then he felt they should have. He was thankful that the doctors had wrapped them as tight as they did, if they hadn't they surely would have come loose and fallen off by now. He admitted that he was glad that they restricted his rib movement a little bit, as it kept his cracked ribs from bending on the bone that was holding them together.

He looked around the shuttle. Most of the group was injured in some way, shape or form, and those who weren't probably would end up that one at some point. He thought of Tokijin with the cut on her face, Jack with what could have been a broken nose, Darius with a messed up knee and Tomas with a gimped hand. No matter how he looked at it, they seemed to be at such a disadvantage.

Why did I even bother bringing them into this mess. I mean, I thought we could pull it off, but maybe I'm a little to expectant in Nazgul. This isn't the Nazgul it used to be. We used to know each other inside and out. We used to know what the others were thinking, to a point, and it helped us out sooooo much. He thought to himself, taking a seat in one of the chairs and staring at the roof of the shuttle. The only noise to be heard was that of the engines droning behind him, and the sound of the other pilots chatting nervously about what they were about to perform. Well&maybe that doesn't matter. Maybe we can feed off the energy me, Toks, Jack, Tomas and Darius have. Maybe.

Word count: 1521
SC/ESN/Trevor Evenson/Nazgul 1(1-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC]

The VEN`s #1 writer as of ESC `06

Clearly Canadian!
Skar Darkanto
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 21, 2007 5:00:10 AM    View the profile of Skar Darkanto 
Skar tried desperately to stifle his laughter, looking over at Tomas stamping his foot like a wild animal. The incision it made msut of been aamzingly sharp, not a drop of blood was leaking from it.

The needle was huge, so huge Skar had to wonder what he was thinking when he decided to take it with him.

"We could always pump him with some adrenaline so he doesn't feel it and pull it out." He heard Darius suggest.

Tomas pretty much outright refused that. It disapointed Skar, he was keen to have someone try out the 'adrenaline'. But in all fairness, he didn't blame anyone for not trying it. Adenaline would be injected into your veins, which are very thin. The adrenaline just seemed too thick to be able to fit in without some major discomfort. And thats if you're lucky. Skar sighed. Sometimes he hated being clever, it made him do the stupidest things.

He sat and watched Tomas struggling with some sort of painkiller. For a good few minutes Skar beleived Tomas' was about to bring them back, the look on his face showed far from comfort. The purple one was an interesting choice anyway, they looked by far the least appetising. Which in all fairness didn't say much, it was like picking out the rustiest speeder in a scrapheap.

Thats when Skar noticed Trevor moving towards Tomas with what could only be described as a blowtorch.

"I have an idea, ever heard of cauterization?"

Skar gulped, he'd heard of that. it was, savage to say the least. Skar could remember his teachers explaining its amazingly high death rate. Trevor colnd't be serious, there was no way he would risk something as dangerous as that on one his squadron members. But it didn't look it. he wasn't laughing, he wasn't grinning, there was no facial expression to speak of. He seemed very serious.

Amazingly, Tomas agreed and Trevor moved towards him with the blowtorch. A blowtorch, the thing that was used to weld metal, was aout to be used in an operation. Doctor's all over the galaxy were probably shivering right now.

The metal slipped out, without a single yelp from Tomas. Skar couldn't say the same about him though, he was trying desperately not to throw up. One of the things he had never expected to see had just happened right in front of him. A few people around the ship were simply staring at the needle, watching it slowly turn from a deep red colour to a more purple one.

Skar got up and moved towards the cockpit, he had to go somewhere. Tokijin and Jack were still sat at the controls, idlely talking about anything that popped into their heads. Which Skar found a little strange, thinking this could be their last trip. Ever.

"You're boyfriends sick, you know" Skar gulped, leaning against the wall as to not fall over.

Tokijin simply laughed and replied without even turning around.
"I know"

Skar looked back towards trevor, who was now stood somewhat distant to everybody else. He looked deep in thought about something, something that was troubling him greatly. Skar wandered over to him

Skar Darkanto/ Kanderin Draken
Crewman Skar Darkanto, Nazgul Squadron
FM/SCRW Skar Darkanto/Nazgul Squadron 2-6/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 21, 2007 5:33:33 PM    View the profile of Tomas 
Tomas had just managed to get on board as the shuttle took off. As expected, Trevor was in absolute shock when he saw just how much flight three had managed to bring back. He couldn't help but grin at his squadron commander as he saw the reaction on the Ensign's face. With a nod from Trevor, Tomas took it as his cue to get to work as he crouched and began sorting all the gear they had acquired. Meanwhile, Trevor had slipped into the shuttle's cockpit to see what the situation was.

Over the clanking of various weapons on the shuttle's floor, Tomas overheard the three pilots from flight one saying something about anti-aircraft turrets. He had just paused what he was doing in order to listen better when the shuttle lurched sending him as well as the various equipment he'd been separating all across the shuttle's interior. As second maneuver caused Tomas to slide again this time in the opposite direction when he felt a sharp, stabbing pain his left hand. Looking down at his hand, he found one of the biggest needles he'd ever seen had come loose from flight two's supplies and had nicely embedded itself deeply into his hand. Letting a long, drawn out curse escape his lips and trying to ignore it, Tomas heard Trevor over the intercom system:

"Alright everyone, strap yourselves in tightly and cover your heads. Things are going to get nasty and shit is going to fly around back there!" Throughout the ensuing moments Tomas slid amongst the various objects strewn about the floor trying to make it into one of the shuttle's seats. The added commotion had caused the needle to further wedge itself in his palm. Tomas winced from the increase in pain, trying his best to just forget about it. Awkwardly, Tomas grabbed the the restraining belt with his good hand and struggled to secure himself. No sooner had he done so then the shuttle turned inverted from Jack's next insane stunt. Tomas bit his lip slightly, the jostling in his seat not helping in the least. Eventually the shuttle leveled, causing Tomas to assume they were in the clear for the time being. Now settled, Tomas looked around and noticed his fellow pilots were much better off than he was save Jared who had a nasty looking bump swelling out from his forehead.

"Well, we're safely away from the missiles. I'll help you guys clean up, we're basically temple free for now." Trevor said as he emerged from the cockpit, a large smile on his face. Tomas tried his best to fight back a nasty look as he was reminded of the needle in his hand. Examining it, the actual impaling seemed have occurred cleanly and with the needle preventing much blood loss Tomas opted to keep it in. Needle or no needle, Tomas emerged from his seat to help his squadronmates clean up the mess that had made. Careful to brace his left arm against his torso, Tomas bent over and picked up the first explosive before placing it back onto the stack. He went at it for a few minutes alongside Casca and Jared, trying hard not to move his left arm in the process. Every once in a while though he would bump it against the pile or lose his concentration and let it drop. Each time he cringed and bit his lip until the pain passed. As the squadron finished tidying the shuttle up, Tomas couldn't help but notice Trevor and Darius openly staring at him, his new piercing in particular.

"Well, we could always extract it carefully and stitch you back up." He heard Trevor suggested nodding towards the medical supplies. Tomas simply shook his head, believe me I've tried, I wouldn't be surprised if I passed out from the pain. As if to prove it, he raise his hand and gave the needle a gentle pull, wincing and dropping his free hand stamping his foot more to prove a point than out of necessity. That needle wasn't going anywhere fast.

"We could always pump him with some adrenaline so he doesn't feel it and pull it out." Darius suggested next, to which Tomas simply glared at his fellow pilot in response. He wasn't even entirely sure why flight two had chosen to bring that stuff along. All the reports Tomas had heard about adrenaline testing had included some nasty side effect including a hot temper, and making brash decisions. Realizing the mission they were now on, Tomas couldn't help but wonder if Trevor hadn't slipped himself some earlier in the trip. With that idea shot down the three pilots look amongst eachother and the rest of the ship. Yanking it out seemed to be the best idea so far, and every so often Tomas would attempt it with the same painful response as before. He was just about to say screw it, and pull the needle anyways when Trevor approached with a pair of small pills. As Trevor handed them to him, Tomas assumed they were for the pain and quickly gulped them down with a water chaser. The resulting taste caused Tomas to shudder violently as a chill ran down his spine, and this was followed by a short coughing fit.

"Oh God, those tasted awful, where did you get them from?" Tomas shouted at his squadron commander in disgust. He had noticed the pain had lessened even as the needle moved around as he coughed. Obviously they working, but Tomas wasn't feeling to go. "Those work, but they taste bad. I mean, those dissolved and I wanted to puke," he said addressing Trevor, updating him on the current situation. Trevor laughed slightly and Tomas once again glared. This caused the squadron commander to remember what he was supposed to be doing and Tomas watched him look around the room again.

"I have an idea, ever heard of cauterization?" Trevor finally asked, as he picked up a mini-torch from the explosives pile. Yeah, Tomas had heard of it, though he couldn't see how that would hurt any less than pulling the intrusion out. "Well, what it does is it burns the arteries closed, and while it does that it can burn the nerves off too."

Seeing no other options presenting themselves, Tomas conceded much to the surprise as the many squadron members now observing. "Alright, the painkillers have kicked in anyways. Lets do this quick, alright?" Offering his hand, Tomas just wanted this all to be over. With a flick of a switch, Trevor activated the torch and began to heat up the needle. The resulting heat hurt a little, but Tomas was sure it could have been a lot worse as he clenched his teeth. With a quick and unexpected yank, Darius pulled the needle cleanly from the wound. Tomas didn't make a sound, deciding to show no fear or pain. He watched the syringe drop to the floor, the needle still glowing red. That thing is so huge...and it was IN my hand.

"Did it hurt?" Trevor asked, drawing Tomas' attention away from the needle and back to his hand. Surprisingly he felt fine, other than the smell of burnt flesh and gaping hole in his hand.

"Not really, actually. It tingled, but it didn't actually hurt. I'm sure that that will change in the next couple of hours though. Let's bandage this up." Tomas commented in response. It didn't take long for them to dig through the supplies and find the proper bandages for the job.

"I'm really surprised you handled that as well as you did." Darius commented. Tomas shrugged it off, he had a pretty high pain tolerance though this had definitely tested his limits. Returning to his seat, Tomas returned his focus to his hand, holding it up to his eye to look through the hole. His attention was taken off of it temporarily as Darius came and sat beside him. He chuckled slightly as his fellow flight lead tested out his knee, although he did so gingerly it appeared to Tomas that the pilot was recovering nicely. Maybe Trevor's right, Tomas though looking around the shuttle...most of his fellow squadronmates injured in some way or another, the guys we've got are tough...we might just be able to pull this out after all.

Tomas had just started to decide who would be the first victim to be grossed out by his hand when off in the distance he noticed the Temple of Nesum come into view. Backing onto the Misoon jungle, the temple was surrounded by large area of beaten down grass Tomas assumed to be where its warriors did their training. The temple itself appeared to be made of a dark grey stone, giving off a solid presence where it stood. From the temple also rose three towers, two facing out into the fields, while the third watched the jungle. Horn-shape pieces of stone extended out from the sides of the towers providing an overall menacing look. The roof sloped up from each side creating a point at the top with similar horned ornaments decorating the top...
Senior Chief Petty Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram
FL/SPO Tomas/Nazgul 3-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [VC:B]

"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart."

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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 21, 2007 11:08:27 PM    View the profile of Tokijin 
Walking through the hanger like there weren't about to steal a shuttle made Tokijin shiver. She didn't like the idea of stealing from their own, but it was going to have to be done, whether she liked it or not. The hardest part was arranging her features so she wouldn't look so nervous about it. She walked behind Trevor, next to the hover cart and they were about to get on board when she heard a guard shout something. She didn't know what he had said, but drawing any sort of attention was bad.

The ramp to the aircraft was starting to come down and Toki looked from the on coming guard to the slowly descending ramp, willing it to move faster. She could feel her squadron mates tense around her, all of them readying themselves for the battle they knew would come. They didn't have enough time to lie there was out, and going into a firefight would be the easiest way out. Considering there were only a few guards, they had a good chance.

The ramp finally made it to the ground, Jack and Toki being the first ones to run up it and Jack made a dash for the cockpit. She looked down the ramp to see Trevor hadn't come up yet so she followed Jack into the small space to the co-pilot. She really hadn't expected this, nor did she want to do it, but she hadn't felt that overwhelming sense of insecurity that she figured would have come so she trusted that she would be able to handle it. She and Jack began to start it up when the sounds of blaster fire reached their ears. They gave each other a quick glance, and worked to get it off the ground. They assumed everyone had boarded and raised the ramp, in time to miss a large number of armed guards to fill into the hanger.

They took off slowly, and then began to ascend rapidly, preparing to high-tail it out of there.

"Keep an eye out. It's more than likely they'll have some sort of air defense weapon." Toki took a look out the window, keeping a sharp eye on the base, but something quickly caught her eye.

"Yeah, you're right. They have a turret, but it isn't active yet. We need to get out of here and fast." I'm a little surprised they only have one though. You'd think a base like this would be better armed. Jack nodded and Tokijin heard someone come in and she turned to see who it was. Trevor stood in the doorway, looking out the view port and then turned his gaze to Toki.

"Ah, glad it's you. We might have some difficulties out running their anti-air defense system." She pointed out to the commander of Nazgul the weapons that would give them trouble. She watched with concern as a regretful look crossed Trevor's face, but only for a second.

"I have a feeling you're right." She looked back to the controls, wondering if he was going to say anything more. If anything he might ask me for my seat. . . She was surprised when the orders he issued were not for Tokijin to rise, but rather to make haste and get them out of her. She smiled slightly at the confidence renewed in her. He trusted in her ability enough to let her continue, and she took pride in that.

"Take us in fast, high, and over top of the anti-aircraft gun there. The other three can still get an open shot, but I hope that we can maneuver out of harms way when that happens." Toki watched the turret carefully as they neared it and heard herself gasp as it suddenly became active and began to aim its guns at them. Uh oh.

"Well, we can be glad it's just the one." Toki heard Jack mutter, absorbed in his current task, not taking his eyes off their current threat. Toki's eyes widened as the first shot was fired and felt the craft take a sudden turn out of the line of fire, barely missing the first attack. It good preparation on Jack's part; he had quickly judged the path of the missile. But it wasn't through with them quite yet, and it began to re-adjust itself to it's moving target, but their craft was too close and it hit the turret, causing problems and made the entire shuttle shudder, also sending a jolt of fear through Toki. They were too close for comfort. They needed to get out of there fast, out of firing range. This wasn't quite going as Toki had hoped.

"Tell those guys back there to cover their heads and hold onto something. Things are around to get evil." Jack said, turning his head slightly towards Trevor, but not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Alright everyone, strap yourselves in tightly and cover your heads. Things are going to get nasty and shit is going to fly around back there!" Tokijin quickly buckled herself, pulling extra tight on the strap and as soon as she had let go she felt the craft go into a dive. The missile kept on their tail tightly, its course unaffected by Jack's move.

Jack's expert piloting skills got the heavy craft through a move that Toki never would have attempted, but a wave of relief washed over her as she watched the missile overshoot them, missing the windshield by inches and exploded as it collided with the forest below them. She sagged in her seat, glad the current danger was over for now. She turned to look at Trevor but he was sitting on the floor now and h e looked exhausted as he rubbed his eyes. The danger he had put them all in was slightly pointless to her and to her surprise she felt angry about what had happened. If Jack hadn't done what he had, they'd all be burned to a crisp, dead before they could even react.

"Are we done being stupid?" Toki glared at Trevor, not exactly happy about how the day had turned out. She looked at her commander. She would follow him to the end of any galaxy, but for the moment she just felt frustrated with the way he had sent them back into danger right after escaping it. She was beginning to grow tired and she longed to sleep the next couple days through.

"Not yet." She shook her head slightly, refusing to let herself sigh. She let herself simmer down for a moment before she unbuckled herself, standing up slowly before taking a seat on the floor next to Trevor. Smiling softly, she gave him what hug they could manage in their position.

"I'm glad for that. I've begun to get used to the stupid things we do together. I don't know if I'd be able to go back to being normal." She gave him a crooked grin before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, still keeping him wrapped in her embrace. She looked him in the eyes, still smiling before she released him and returned to her seat. She glanced at the controls once before speaking. "We have things under control up here now that we're out of range of the turrets. You go back and make sure everyone is fine."

She sat there for a moment, staring at nothing for a moment, sorting out her thoughts, trying to relax a little. She let out a short sigh before stretching her arms above her head, listening for the familiar crack that quickly followed her habitual stretch. She moved slowly, checking the controls before glancing out the window. I'm not sure if I can quite understand why he would want to put us back out there, but he needs support. She glanced over her shoulder at the doorway, staring at the spot where he once stood. He needs my support, and he needs the support of his pilots. I can't understand the stress and pressure he's undergone, and I'm sure it's a lot. . . He needs all the love I can give right now. She stared out the window at the scenery below them. The forest was dotted with all sorts of colors, not only green. The treetops grew flowers of all sorts and she could see the occasional bird escape into the sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She was referring to the lovely sight of the forest below them, and Jack nodded in reply.

"It is, but I'm afraid it's about to get a whole lot uglier. The temple is just ahead." Toki's eyes widened as she spotted their destination ahead. Their now-quiet ride was over quicker than she thought it would be. She must have been lost in her thoughts longer than she thought it was. The temple loomed before them like a dark thought, filling her with dread and anticipation for what would soon come.

"Yeah. . .A lot uglier." She said with a sigh.

TECH/SCPO Tokijin/Phoenix Wing/Str Doashim/1FL/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [BWC] [VC:B]

[This message has been edited by Tokijin (edited June 21, 2007 11:11:57 PM)]
Trevor Evenson
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Trevor Evenson
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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 22, 2007 4:45:46 PM    View the profile of Trevor Evenson 
Trevor was still feelings a little bit grossed out by what they had done to get the needle out of Tomas' hand. He didn't have too long to think about it though as Tokijin leaned out of the cockpit door and called him over. He got out of his seat and passed through the door into the cockpit. Tokijin had already re-taken her seat, but when he entered the small room she pointed out the windshield.

"We're coming up on the temple now. We're out of their radar range so they can't pick us up yet. We almost flew into it, but our sensors caught it just before we did. Where do you want us to set down?" She asked, pointing along the forest to the occasional opening in the trees that lead into clearings big enough to land the shuttle. Trevor looked along the ground for a moment before looking back at the temple.

"I think they're a bit more advanced than they lead us to believe, especially if they have radar. Set us down in that clearing there, it gives us the most amount of trees between the temple, and us with the least amount of open ground between the trees and the temple. Jack nodded and skillfully lowered the shuttle down into the clearing. It was a tight fit, even with the wings retracted and him using repulsor lifts only. Finally Trevor felt the slight bump as the landing gear touched down into the soft ground, and Jack shut down the engines.

Trevor left the cockpit followed by Jack and Tokijin and quickly gathered his squadron around him in the shuttle's cargo/passenger bay area. He looked around the group and pushed all thoughts of going back on his plan out of his mind. They were here; they might as well do what they came here to attempt. He crossed his arms over his chest and began to speak.

"Ok, so we've landed. We're about two hundred metres from the temple, and most of that is tree covered. We're going to sneak to the edge of the tree line and scout out the temple. Looking for doors, windows, people, whatever. I highly doubt that this facility is going to be left completely unguarded. By now, the people who attacked us at the palace probably have already returned. This is good and bad. It makes it harder for us to enter and leave the palace, but it means that if we're successful in planting our explosives we're more likely to catch half their men inside when the temple gets vaporized.

"I want everyone to be on his or her best guard. Only shoot if you're shot at first. Try to use stealth, stick into the shadows, watch for patrols. Getting caught is bad. If you have to kill someone, try to do it quietly, and try to get any information out of them that you can. Lets move out." Trevor said, finishing up his speech. For some reason the almost dying today had boosted his confidence when he was around his squadron. That, or he felt that he needed to inspire them to be more into it. He knew they could pull it off, he just wasn't sure they believed that.

"Before we do&" Tokijin started, her voice coming quietly at first, increasing in volume as she spoke longer. "I'd like to say that I know many of you are doubting our plans. Many of you are new to Nazgul and aren't sure what we're capable of, nor are you sure that you are capable of yourselves. We're pilots, this isn't necessarily what you expected to do on a regular basis. But you're Nazgul pilots now. We do this, and we keep a positive spirit about it because we know we're good at it." She said confidently, before seeming to shrink back beside Trevor. He was proud of her; he hadn't quite expected that from her.

The group murmured for a moment before they all began picking up their weapons and explosives. The medical supplies were distributed among the different flights, the adrenaline being left behind. The ammo and weapons stores were soon depleted, each pilot carrying two or three rifles as well as a sidearm. Each person took one of the belts that had been stolen along with the explosives and clipped five packages each to the belt. Some people, like Darius, Tomas and Trevor, chose to take two belts and twice as many explosives. The explosives were set on timers, so Trevor reminded everyone that when they began to set explosives that they were supposed to set them farther back in the temple first.

The explosives were all set for 15 minutes, meaning that they weren't going to have a long time to get out of the building once they started setting them up. After they had everything in order, they descended the shuttle's boarding ramp and walked through the dense undergrowth of the forest. Trevor was glad, the orange flowers and all the other foliage really made it hard to see them from a distance. They didn't need to climb too far to get to the edge of the tree line.

The temple sat ahead of them, with some of the packed down training fields to their left and right. These fields were well worn, with the dirt being packed down solidly by the feet or training warriors. He could see blaster burns on the ground, showing that the people inside the temple did have weaponry around that could make it dangerous for the invading group of people.

The temple itself was a monstrosity. It rose almost five hundred metres into the air, and was made of stone joined to stone. It looked fairly solid, but Trevor felt that if they could destroy the lower level's supports with their explosives, the rest would topple as well. Three towers rose from it, each pointing in a different direction. All three had horn-like protrusions; things that Trevor felt could become weapons against Nazgul if one of the towers were to explode. He noted that the third tower, the one that faced the jungle, didn't have as large of horns. In fact, it almost looked as if a stone-gray hair covered it. This was because the horns that covered the exterior of this temple were no more then an inch in diameter at the base and less then three inches long. They were spaced very tightly together as well.

"This should be fun&" Someone behind him said under their breath. Trevor couldn't tell who it was, but he wasn't too worried about it. The temple itself had three doors, two leading out two separate training fields, while the third seemed to be the main door. It was close to twenty-five feet tall and made of a beautiful looking hardwood. It also looked like one of the most difficult to get into, as Trevor spotted guards sitting at the edges of the door. They didn't appear to be armed, but the entire squadron knew perfectly well that they could be. Trevor was about to suggest that they use the side doors when the guards out front turned and opened the doors. They stepped inside, leaving the doors open wide enough for a person to slip through. Everyone seemed to wait in silence for the next five minutes when finally a different set of guards appeared.

"Changing of the guard." Trevor guessed. "What I'm thinking is that I'll send flight two through one of the training doors, flight three through the other, and flight one will take the main doors." He said. Tomas and Darius nodded

"I didn't spot any windows, so we don't have to worry about being sniped as we run across the ground." Skar reported, returning from the edge of the trees farther down from them where Darius had sent him a moment ago. Soon enough, Casca returned from another direction.

"I've got nothing on my side. There is a training dummy sitting in the field, but other then that the fields seem to be devoid of any type of life. I think that that will be one of our easiest ways in." He suggested. Trevor nodded while Tomas informed Casca that they had already decided who was going where, and Casca seemed glad to see that he wasn't in the group having to go through the front doors.

"Good. If everyone is ready to go, I think we should run off and begin our attack. Once these two guards slip inside, everyone make a break for their respective doors." Trevor ordered. He and his group of pilots all edged to the very end of the line of trees, while Darius led his group off closer to the training field on the left, with Tomas leading his to the right. They had to wait another five minutes, but Trevor finally spotted the guards turn and begin through the doors. There was no shouting, no communication. Everyone had been able to see it, and everyone began sprinting as fast as they could towards the building.

Word Count: 1517

OOC: Here is some info for the inside of the temple. We're not going to find too many people right away, except for Flight one who is going to have to knock out a pair of guards. Other then this, things seem to be pretty deserted until we make it farther into the building. Don't set any explosives until I've had my character set his first one. Good work so far everyone.
SC/ESN/Trevor Evenson/Nazgul 1(1-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC]

The VEN`s #1 writer as of ESC `06

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  RE: Nazgul Squadron Story Thread
June 23, 2007 7:15:03 PM    View the profile of Tokijin 
After Trevor gave them their orders, Tokijin watched carefully as Jack landed the shuttle in the middle of the clearing. And so it starts. She took a deep breath before unbuckling herself and standing up, knowing full well what they were getting themselves into, and wasn't all that excited about it, she had no choice in the matter. They were already here; the damage had been done and there was no turning back. She followed Jack and Trevor out of the cockpit and stood around for a second, waiting for the squadron to gather around their commander to listen to his orders before they set up and headed out into the unknown.

"Ok, so we've landed. We're about two hundred meters from the temple, and most of that is tree covered. We're going to sneak to the edge of the tree line and scout out the temple. Looking for doors, windows, people, whatever. I highly doubt that this facility is going to be left completely unguarded. By now, the people who attacked us at the palace have probably returned. This is good and bad. It makes it harder for us to enter and leave the palace, but it means that if we're successful in planting our explosives we're more likely to catch half their men inside when the temple gets vaporized." Well, seems easy enough. Sneak in, activate a bomb or two, sneak out.

"I want everyone to be on his or her best guard. Only shoot if you're shot at first. Try and use stealth, stick to the shadows, watch for patrols. Getting caught is bad." Heh, just a little bit, don'tchya think? "If you have to kill someone, try to do it quietly, and try to get any information out of them that you can." Toki looked around at her squadron mates, and was quickly saddened. They looked hopeless, and their bandages only added to her pity for them.  Her heart beat faster as she realized what she was about to do. "Let's move out."

"Before we do. . ." She got out quickly, and winced. There was no turning back now, she had to say it. "I'd like to say that I know many of you are doubting our plans. Many of you are new to Nazgul and aren't sure what capable of, nor are you sure that your are capable of yourselves." She could hear her voice growing stronger the more she got out, and she took confidence in that and drove on. "We're pilots, this isn't necessarily what you expected to do on a regular basis. But you're Nazgul pilots now. We do this, and we keep a positive spirit about it because we know we're good at it." She stopped as her rant boiled down and she ran out of words. She shied away from the staring eyes and took a glance up at Trevor. He didn't look angry or anything that she had stepped out of her place, as she figured it.

Then the group of pilots disbanded and shuffled around, gathering their weapons for their mission. Tokijin grabbed a belt for herself, mostly lost in the thought of picking out her weapons, not about what she was going to do with them. The belt felt unfamiliar and heavy against her hips, and hung around her waist at an angle. She slung one rifle over her shoulder and attached a holster to her thigh, the blaster ready and waiting. She picked up her second rifle, and this one she would carry, or use as a blunt weapon if need be. Once look at Trevor's face would remind her of that. Toki stood by the exit of the shuttle, letting everyone descend before she followed them slowly down the ramp.

Trevor then led his pilots into the dense forest. The rough terrain felt unnatural to the pilots who were supposed to have only a pedal beneath their feet. Not that of overgrowth. But luckily their trek didn't last long and they soon found themselves in front of the looming temple. Up close it looked even worse than it did up in the air. Just the sight of it sent shivers down Tokijin's spine. The temple gave off an evil appearance, and it made her wonder what kind of nut jobs would want to come here to learn or worship, or even come here at all.

As they looked on at the temple Toki made her way over to Trevor, tapping Jack on the shoulder as well. She looked at Dar and Tom, hoping they'd get the idea Tom caught her eye and nodded, gathering his Flight members and spoke to Casca, and he quickly ran off. Darius had watched Casca go and he realized where he was going and sent Skar running off in the opposite direction of Casca. The squadron was now divided into their separate flights.

"Changing of the guard. What I'm thinking is that I'll send Flight Two through one of the training doors, Flight Three through the other, and flight one will take the main doors."

Soon both Skar and Casca returned from their scouting assignment, to report that they should have no trouble from getting in the temple on the sides. It was getting in the front door, the one assigned to Flight One of course, would be the trickier part. It was the front door that was going to give them trouble.

"Good. If everyone is ready to go, I think we should run off and begin our attack. Once these two guards slip inside, everyone make a break for their respective doors." Trevor, Toki, and Jack edged closer to the clearing, while staying in the shadows, not revealing themselves quite yet. Five minutes passed in painful anxiety before the guards turned their backs for a minute. That one small move was the lead to their downfall.

Toki pumped her legs as fast as they would go, subconsciously taking the lead in front of her flight mates. As they neared the door Toki slowed down a hair, letting Jack and Trevor catch up before they all slipped inside, first Trevor, ready and poised, followed by Jack and Tokijin. Toki held up her rifle at the ready, and the heavy beating of her heart greatly unnerved her. The first thing she noticed was the slight darkness of this entrance. After being outside for a while Toki's eyes had to adjust to the sudden change in the lighting. But Flight One ran into trouble before their eyes could even adjust.

The pair of guards that were going to switch with the other guards were taken totally off guard as one's forehead met ends with the butt of Jack's rifle. The second guard didn't even have time to react before Trevor beat him over the head with his own blunt object. Toki winced as they both hit the ground with a thud. She had a suspicion that Trevor had let out a little angst on that one guard after getting hit with a rifle so many times. Jack nodded to the left side of the hall and she helped drag the unconscious guards behind large decorative wall hangings that stretched from the ceiling to the floor and gathered in ruffles on the floor. It was also dark here so no one would find them for a while.

The three of them moved on before a thought struck Toki. She tapped lightly on Trevor's shoulder, gaining his attention before she whispered in his ear.

"We only have five minutes before someone is alerted of our presence." He gave her a look but then realized what she was talking about. Another set of guards would come to replace the pair of guards that they had just knocked out. Once they found the their bodies, or realized something was wrong someone would be reported to and the temple would wake up, fully alive with the knowledge of invaders. Their chances of success just got a whole lot slimmer.

Trevor nodded and they continued walking down the vast hallways, keeping to the walls. So far they hadn't run into anyone else, but the first set of guards had vanished somewhere in the hall. They should have seen them as soon as they entered because they wouldn't have been able to go far. The words Toki had told her fellow Nazgulians earlier seemed to have been lost. She was losing confidence in their success. Before she figured they would be able to have some sort of luck, but now they had barely any time to place their bombs before they were caught.

She glanced from Trevor to Jack. Trevor was wearing the face of frustration, but she could tell the wheels in his head were turning, but Jack at this point was just expressionless. They needed to figure out where they were going let the bombs go and quickly. But if they had more of a chance than Toki have first given them, and the temple invasion was a success, then she would never doubt the actions and ambitions of Nazgul again. That much she knew in total confidence.

TECH/SCPO Tokijin/Phoenix Wing/Str Doashim/1FL/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [BWC] [VC:B]

[This message has been edited by Tokijin (edited June 24, 2007 10:27:26 AM)]
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