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Topic:  Serpent: SCFE
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Imperial Baronet

[VE-NAVY] Warrant Officer 2nd Class
Post Number:  423
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  Serpent: SCFE
July 20, 2012 7:03:05 PM    View the profile of Serpent 
This is my first of 3 posts comprising my Capital Ship Fitness Exam.  It is for Prompt B: Escort Mission

The alarm at the side of the small bunk came alive, rending the silence with a high-pitched repeated chirping that sounded like an astromech droid gone mad.  Quickly, Pherik ‘Serpent’ Zail shot out a hand to silence the chronometer.  He knew very well what time it was, and he did not need waking.  He had hardly slept last night, for he was kept awake by the mixture of excitement and fear that dominated his thoughts.

This was it.  Today he led his ship, the Courage, on its first ever mission.  No simulations, no practices, and for once Zail would be in command throughout, and not until relieved by a superior.  The crew, fifteen brave souls who he had come to know since coming aboard, would look to him for leadership and guidance.  It was a stressful job, but one that Serpent had worked towards for so long.  And now it was here.

On paper the mission was a milk-run, a simple escort mission, but Zail was taking nothing for granted.  This was the most stressful day of his life, and he would not allow himself to take it easy until it was over.

Serpent rose, took a shower, and donned his uniform.  He took a glance around the cramped captain’s cabin and the tiny bunk that he had slept in.  Part of Zail was annoyed that his room on the Courage was smaller than the one he had as XO of the Halcyon Warrior, but it was a simple concession to size.  A Warden class vessel was barely a thousandth as big as an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer.  And yet he would not trade back, not for a second.  The last few days, being called ‘Captain’ by everyone around him, felt great.  He could never return to being a First Officer now.

As he moved to leave the room, he paused by a hologram picture that he had brought with him to decorate his new onboard lodgings.  It was an image of his father, Captain Ardus Zail, CO of the Venator-Class Star Destroyer Blazing Crown.

“Do you feel this nervous before a mission?” He asked the image.  It did not reply of course, though Pherik almost wanted it to.  His father was still very much alive and easily reachable by HoloNet for a chat, and yet Serpent had avoided calling his esteemed parent for command advice.  He wondered about this for a moment, but the reason came to him quick enough.

You still want to do this without him, don’t you Pherik? A voice within him said.  All this time and you still want to prove something to the old man!

Shaking his head out of the pointless self-analysis, Serpent refocused on the day at hand.  Taking a deep cleansing breath, he made a final adjustment to his uniform, and then stepped out of his room.

It was time.


Zail stepped onto the bridge, where his command staff were already at their posts and running last minute checks of the ship’s vital systems.

“Captain on deck!” Bellowed the breath mask-muffled voice of his Kel Dor First Officer, Vagen Eosel.  Then, as one, he and the other four beings present snapped to attention and saluted in a passable attempt at unison.

Serpent was pleased by their adherence to Naval protocol.  “Thank you, Mr Eosel!  At ease everyone!” He ordered casually, and they returned to their tasks.

As the four bridge officers sat back down at their duty stations, Zail walked to his XO’s side.  “Everything okay, Mr Eosel?”

“Yes, sir,” Confirmed the other with a nod.  “The crew are fired up and excited.  It’s going to be quite a day.”

“I hope not,” Said Serpent.  “I want this to be as simple and quiet a mission as it can possibly be.”

The Kel Dor seemed to consider this for a moment, though simply said, “Yes, sir,” in response.

Zail walked past his XO to stand at the front of the bridge, and looked out the window to see space beyond.  Though hardly as massive and impressive a view as on the Halcyon Warrior, he still found the looking into the night to be somewhat soothing.  Just at the edge of his vision was the nearby training platform, Cappadocious, with several other training ships of various types docked with it.  It had been that same view every day since he had taken command of the Courage, but very soon it would be different.

Turning to regard the bridge crew, his eyes fell on the cocky, wild-haired form of Dev Mishima, the Coms and Sensor Officer.  “Mr Mishima, put me ship-wide, I wish to address the crew.”

“Sure thing, sir,” Came his less-than regulation reply.  Then he flicked a switch and nodded at Zail to begin.

“Attention crew, and good morning!” Began Serpent, his words being broadcast throughout the vessel.  “Our first mission will soon begin!  It’s a simple transport escort run, with no expectations of combat.  However, that does not mean that I want us to be relaxed or complacent.  We have spent days getting to know each other, getting to know this ship, and I want this first outing together to go perfectly.  Everyone to your posts, everyone do your best, and I promise that when we are done there will be a new case of alcoholic beverages delivered to the mess hall!”

Zail saw a few smiles from his bridge crew at that last line and knew he had said the right thing.  “That is all,” He concluded and gestured to Mishima to cut the communication.

“Miss Samasl,” Said the Captain next, walking over to the extremely tough looking woman sat at the helm, “You might as well begin making the calculations for hyperspace.  We will be going to Daishi Station as soon as the transports arrive.”

Daishi Station, aye sir,” Replied the human from Bakura.

Then Zail turned to the tentacle-faced alien sat beside her, Xela Fendar.  “Miss Fendar,” He said to the Khil Chief Engineer, “Make sure that the hyperdrives are toned down a gear.  Our wards are Corellian Action VI transports, with class 3 hyperdrives.  Match them.  I don’t want to overshoot them and lose them in hyperspace.”

“Yes, sir,” Mumbled the soft-spoken woman.

Finally, he turned to the final member of his bridge crew, the straight-backed human called Kol Yandeer.  “Mr Yandeer,” Said Serpent to his Chief Gunner, “You know your role.  Keep the weapons ready and stay alert.  Don’t take this wrong, but I am hoping that you have a very dull day.”

“If your day goes bad, sir, I’ll make it right again,” Promised the gunner.

“Excellent,” Said Zail.  He was then just turning about to speak to his XO again, when Dev Mishima spoke.

“Sir!  Incoming contacts on sensors!” He declared.  “A couple of Corellian transports just came out of hyperspace.  They are hailing us.”

“Ah, how prompt of them,” Said Zail, glad to get things underway on schedule.  “Let’s not keep them waiting, Mr Mishima.  Let’s welcome our friends.”

A few moments later a hologram coalesced in front of Serpent on the bridge.  The human captain, an overweight and balding man, bowed slightly by way of greeting.

“Captain Zail, a pleasure to meet you,” Said the man with a stiff voice.  “I am Captain Gorshet of the transport Green Sky.  We and our sister ship, the Red Ocean, are ready to be on our way to Daishi station whenever you are.”

“A pleasure to meet your too, Captain Gorshet,” Said Serpent warmly.  “My crew and I are ready now.  If you wish to set course to the jump point, we will fall in alongside you momentarily.”

“Thank you, Captain.  Let’s get going then!  Gorshet out.”  And then the transmission ceased.

Zail took a deep breath.  “And so it begins...”

1297 words.  A bit of Character Development in this one, and just setting the stage.

After Action Report:  Serpent’s ship, the Courage, is about to leave the training platform on its first mission.  It is to escort two Corellian Action VI transports, the Green Sky and the Red Ocean through hyperspace to Daishi Station. 
MS/WO2 Pherik “Serpent” Zail / LCR Courage/TF: TH/3Flt/VENA/VEN/VE

"It isn't the killing, you know.  It's the beauty of battles that I love - the choreography and the challenge of executing everything just right - and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent." - Gilad Pellaeon
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Imperial Baronet

[VE-NAVY] Warrant Officer 2nd Class
Post Number:  435
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Joined:  Jul 2011
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  RE: Serpent: SCFE
July 31, 2012 9:55:15 PM    View the profile of Serpent 
This is my second of three posts comprising my Capital Ship Fitness Exam.

The Warden-Class Light Cruiser Courage powered up its sublight drives and glided silently forward, pulling alongside the lead of the two freighters heading out of the system.  On the bridge of the Vast Empire vessel, Captain Pherik ‘Serpent’ Zail watched the other ships.  The Action VI Transports were devoid of weaponry, and would be relying on him and his crew if any danger befell them.

“Two giant nerfs for us to herd,” Observed his lippy Com Officer, Dev Mishima.

Zail did not chide the young man for the comment, but instead observed, “If only that were true.  Nerfs are a credit a dozen, Mr Mishima.  No one tries to raid them.

Slowly the nav beacon came into sight, and all three vessels began to update their astrogation data.  Turning to his helmsman, Serpent asked, “Miss Samasl?  Ready?”

“Ready, sir,” She confirmed, finishing up the last of her hyperspace jump calculations.  “Transmitting to the other ships now.  We will leave and arrive in unison.”

“Jump as soon as they confirm receipt,” Said Zail’s First Officer, the Kel Dor Vagen Eosel.

“They have now confirmed,” Said Samasl after a short pause.  “Engaging hyperdrive in 3... 2... 1... jump!”

Around the three ships, stars elongated into lines, and then the trio leapt to beyond the speed of light and were gone.


Zail could not help but notice the quiet upon the bridge.  His senior officers all sat at their posts, oddly subdued as the neon-blue blur of hyperspace filled the forward viewport and bathed the command deck in its eerie light.

The minutes until their destination ticked by, and Serpent stood still in the centre of the bridge, gazing at the play of light before him.  He never really understood hyperspace, about how it co-existed with normal space but on some tangential quantum level that put it outside of the normal rules of gravitational relativity.  He had studied such things in school of course, but he had never got it.  He could fix a hyperdrive no problem, but the actual mysteries of the universe were lost on him.

Suddenly, he was interrupted in his musing by the sudden jarring shake of the Courage reverting to realspace.  His bridge officers were thrown from their seats, and Serpent himself lost footing as he was thrown awkwardly to the deck.

He picked himself up quickly, glancing around to ensure that the rest of his senior staff were able to do the same and that none were hurt.  Zail had been in the Navy long enough to tell the difference between a controlled hypserspace reversion and being wrenched back into normal space by a mass shadow.  This was definitely the latter.

When Serpent turned to the viewport, his heart sank as his fears were instantly confirmed.  Not only the Courage but both transports had been ripped from the faster-than-light stream, trapping all three in range of the vessel nearby.  For there, looming large above the trio of Vast Imperial vessels, was an Immobilizer 418-Class Interdictor Cruiser. The massive domed protrusions in its hull housed the generators that were its most potent asset, capable of creating mass shadows that denied hyperspace to all ships in range.

“Imperial Remnant markings!” Called Dev Mishima from the sensor station, seeing the 600 meter long monster. “Its weapons are primed and its gravity well generators are working at full power. We’re trapped here!”

Captain Zail could not believe his bad luck to have encountered an Imperial raider. Worse, that it was a full-fledged Cruiser, and as such was way out of their weight class. It could vaporize his tiny ship in a single lethal barrage from its twenty quad laser cannons, and then raid the transports at leisure.

“We are being hailed…” Began Mishima, but Serpent was having none of it.  This situation needed speed and it needed it now.  For some reason, the Interdictor was angled side-on to the ships it had ensnared, obviously having not expected ships to approach from that side.  The large warship was out of position, and that gave Zail a small window in which to act.

“Ignore the hail, Mr Mishima,” Cried Serpent, “And contact the transports!  Tell them to come about to heading 271 by 244 and throw everything they have into their engines!” Turning to his helmsman, Zail added, “Miss Samasl, set the same course, and give me all the speed you can!”

Both bridge officers replied, “Yes, sir!” and promptly carried out his order. Moments later the stars in the viewport began to change as the Courage swung about and laid on the speed.  No sooner had the three vessels moved than the Interdictor opened fire with its full spread of canons, focusing on the transports. Shots splashed against heavy shields as they fled, blazing bright in the night, but Serpent was too busy to pay much attention to the plight of his fellow ships.  Turning to his Chief Gunner, he said, “Mr Yandeer! Get ready with the weapons systems!”

Suddenly the massive form of the ship’s XO, Vagen Eosel, was at his Captain’s side. “Sir,” He said in a low voice, “What good are our weapons against a Cruiser?”

“None,” Replied the CO flatly, “But that’s not what we need them for…”

As if on cue, the Interdictor launched a full squadron of TIE Interceptors towards the suddenly fleeing VE ships. The tiny craft, fast and maneuverable, closed the distance rapidly and bore down on their prey, lasers firing.

“They are focusing on the transports!” Cried Mishima. “The Red Ocean is taking heavy fire!”

“Miss Samasl!  Bring us closer to the transports but don’t let up on the throttle.  Mr Yandeer, open fire the moment you are within range!” Ordered Zail, trying to sound as if he was in control and wondering if he was succeeding.  He thought his voice sounded a little panicked and made a conscious effort to keep calm, though sweat was now glistening on his brow.

“Firing now!” Confirmed Kol Yandeer, leaning into his weapons controls post and lining up a TIE in his crosshairs.  Brilliant green laser fire lanced out and obliterated the small fighter with a single strike dead through the centre of its hull, and Captain Zail was instantly impressed.  The praise could wait until after they had escaped, however.

Suddenly, the bridge of the Courage lurched under a massive impact, and for the second time in as many minutes Zail had to struggle to remain upright (only this time was successful). “What was that?” He called out immediately.

“The Interdictor has completed a swift turn and is now bearing down on us,” Said Mishima. “It’s now targeting us while the TIEs focus on the transports!”

“Shields at 64%,” Said Chief Engineer Xela Fendar, soft spoken even in the middle of a crisis. “Another couple of hits like that and our deflectors will be gone.”

Serpent snarled at the news, annoyed that the Imperial ship had adjusted its position to come after them so fast. They had to get clear of the Cruiser’s mass generators, otherwise they could never reach hyperspace and truly escape.

“Miss Fendar, all power to engines and weapons!” Decided Zail, acting on impulse and giving the order. “Strip power from the shields to feed them both!  Mr Mishima, order the transports to do the same!”

“But sir, without shields…!” Began First Officer Eosel, but Serpent was quick to silence him.

“Our shields will be gone in a few moments anyway!” Retorted the Captain.  “Best use the power on something that will actually give us a chance at escape!  Mr Yandeer, those transports are going to take a pounding from those TIEs even if we get clear of the Interdictor, so make every shot count!”

“Will do, sir,” Said the Chief Gunner.

“And Miss Samasl, we take a hit and it’s over.  Pilot like you have never piloted before!”

The tough-looking human woman nodded, and while her face was set in a neutral expression, her eyes flashed with determination.  Zail saw the look, one he saw on rest of his command staff, and realized the truth right then.  I have a great crew here.  They deserve me to be a great leader and see them all through this.

The shields fell away to nothing as the speed of all three Vast Imperial ships dramatically increased.  Naked of their defenses, they rushed on, gambling with their very lives.


“That’s three!” Declared Kol Yandeer, as another Interceptor fell to his laser cannon turrets.  However, there was little triumph or joy in his voice, as the tension on the bridge gripped everyone.

The seconds ticked by as the three ships raced away from the Interdictor, and now they were actually increasing the distance from it.  The larger ship could not keep up, but its weapons were still firing hot.

“How long until we are out of weapons range?” Asked Captain Zail as another shot missed the Courage by the narrowest of margins.

“Another thirty seconds sir,” Said Dev Mishima.  “But longer still beyond that until we are out of the gravity well.”

“Miss Samasl, begin working on the hyperspace jump,” Ordered Serpent, wanting to escape the second they were able.

“Yes, sir,” Replied the woman, unperturbed by the thought of both piloting at the helm and performing intricate astrogation calculations simultaneously.

“Oh no!” Said Mishima suddenly, drawing everyone’s attention.

“What is it?” Demanded Vagen Eosel immediately.

“It’s the Red Ocean,” Said the man who was both Sensor and Com Chief.  “She’s taken a major hit and is venting atmosphere!”

“I see it too!” Said Yandeer, his eyes still glued to his targeting computer.  “The TIEs are all over her, really laying into her hull!”

Zail turned to his Chief Engineer. “Can an Action VI Transport’s structural integrity survive a hyperspace jump while that badly compromised?”

Xela Fendar shrugged, causing her dangling facial tentacles to sway oddly.  “Hard to say, sir.  They are tough ships, but hardly designed for such combat stress.”

“We have no choice,” Said Zail.  “Mr Mishima, hail both transports and give them Miss Samasl’s jump calculations.  Have them jump the moment they are clear of the mass shadows, regardless of how badly damaged they are.”

The other carried out the order, just as Yandeer announced that he had damaged the wing of a forth TIE Interceptor and forced it to withdraw.  For a moment it looked like the remaining eight would continue their relentless offensive on the beleaguered freighter Red Ocean, but then they split.  Four TIEs kept attacking the transport, and the other four came about for the Courage.

“Incoming!” Declared Dev Mishima.

“Better us than the transports, I guess,” Muttered Serpent under his breath, drawing little solace from the words.

The four TIEs, clearly having tired of being target practice and now having been cleared to fight back against their Warden Light Cruiser aggressor, came in hard and fast.  They shot past at high speed, raking fire across the hull of the ship, doing instant damage due to not having shields to contend with.

Zail could hear a conduit blow in the corridor outside the bridge, as Chief Engineer Fendar rattled off a list of minor damage to the energy grid.  “Only light damage,” Said the Khil female, “I have people working on it now.”

“They are coming around for another pass!” Called Mishima from the sensor station.

“Mr Yandeer, target the Interceptors attacking us!” Ordered Serpent, deciding quickly between defending his own ship and defending the transports.  His choice reflected not fear for himself or his crew, but merely the realisation that if his ship fell then the transports would inevitably fall next anyway.

“Firing!” Said Yandeer, eyes locked on his display as he angled the cannon turrets at the approaching foe.  “Got him!” Declared the Chief Gunner, but the other three TIEs came on regardless.  They showered the command deck with shots, and this time Serpent could see sparks flying from fried systems all around him.

“Damage report!” Barked the XO, Vagen Eosel.

It was the soft-spoken Fendar who answered, “Once again we only seem to have suffered minor damage, but we were lucky.  Sooner or later those TIEs will hit something important.”

This was not news to Zail.  He knew that even a TIE Interceptor’s weapons could do serious damage to a bigger ship if it was unshielded.  They just needed to hold out!

“Time to jump?” He asked the Helm Officer.

“Twenty seconds!” Came the excited reply of Ysanne Samasl.

“Those three TIEs are coming about!” Said Mishima.

“Targeting the TIEs again!” Declared Yandeer.  “Missed!”

“They are firing...” Said Mishima, and suddenly the bridge was thrown into chaos.

Clearly the Interceptors had been targeting the command deck on their last attack, but this time around they were dead on with their shots.  Serpent raised his hands to shield his face as conduits blew and systems overloaded.  There was a massive bang and a cry of pain as the Sensor Station exploded in a shower of sparks, throwing Dev Mishima back from his chair and crashing, hands and face burned, to the deck.

“Call Dr Praan!” Shouted Zail, diving to the side of his injured crewman.  The burns did not look too severe, but Dev was curled in a ball on the floor, shaking and barely conscious.  “Easy, Dev, easy...” He soothed.

Meanwhile, both Xela Fendar and Kol Yandeer were tending to malfunctions in their own bridge stations, and Vagen Eosel had snatched up a fire extinguisher and was liberally spraying Mishima’s Sensor Station.

Serpent felt his heart sink as he looked around at the chaos.  Another pass by those TIEs and they’d be finished.  He had gambled all and lost.

And then.  “Clear of the interdiction field!” Shouted Helmsman Samasl, the words so sudden and welcome that at first the bridge crew did not register what she had said.

Relief poured through Zail and woke him up from his hopelessness.  “Signal the transports to jump!” Ordered Serpent.  “Get us the frak out of here!”

“Jumping now!” Declared the Helmsman.

And then, in a blur of pseudomotion, the three Vast Imperial ships shot to freedom and were gone.

2353 words.  Just one more part to this story to go, and it will get even rougher for my character and his crew!

After Action Report:  The Courage, the Green Sky and the Red Ocean are pulled from hyperspace by an Imperial Remnant Interdictor Cruiser.  Serpent orders all three ships to run for it, but TIE Interceptors harass both the Courage, and the Red Ocean, damaging both.  However, they weather the storm and manage to escape.
MS/WO2 Pherik “Serpent” Zail / LCR Courage/TF: TH/3Flt/VENA/VEN/VE

"It isn't the killing, you know.  It's the beauty of battles that I love - the choreography and the challenge of executing everything just right - and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent." - Gilad Pellaeon
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Imperial Baronet

[VE-NAVY] Warrant Officer 2nd Class
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  RE: Serpent: SCFE
August 8, 2012 9:27:24 PM    View the profile of Serpent 
This is my third and final post for my Capital Ship Fitness Exam.

“How is he doctor?” Asked Zail, standing over Dev Mishima as their new ship’s physician, the Arkanian Padrin Praan, tended to him.

“He’ll be fine,” Said the grey-skinned near-human, rising from the injured Com Chief’s side.  “Some minor burns, but nothing serious.  I’ve given him some tranquilisers and some bacta packs.  That should hold him until we reach Daishi Station.”

“Excellent,” Said the Captain.  As Mishima was taken by repulsorlift stretcher to the medbay, Serpent turned to regard the rest of the bridge crew.  “Ms Samasl, time to the station?”

“Another thirty minutes, sir,” Replied the Bakuran-born woman.

Zail nodded in acknowledgement.  The sooner, the better.  This mission had already gotten out of control, and his nice new ship, not to mention his crew, was already battered.  “Ms Fendar, how are repairs going?”

“Full bridge controls have been restored, sir,” Said the Khil softly.  “However, they need proper work.  I don’t know how they will hold in another fight.”

Serpent did not intend for there to be another fight, the one they had already been in was more than enough for one day.  “Fine.  Continue working, Ms Fendar.  Mr Yandeer, keep the weapons systems prepped and ready just in case.  And Mr Eosel,” He added, turning to his XO, “Bring Mr Quinn to the bridge.  I believe our Second Officer has Coms post experience?”

“Yes, sir, he does,” Confirmed the Kel Dor.

“Very well.  He can fill in for Mr Mishima at that post for the remainder of our mission.”

Given their tasks, the crew got about their work, while Zail stood and watched the swirling blue of hyperspace.  Just thirty minutes and they would be safe...


“Hyperspace reversion in one minute!” Announced Helmsman Ysanne Samasl after the longest twenty-nine minutes of the crew’s lives.

“Signal the transports,” Said Captain Zail, “Tell them to prepare for realspace reversion.”

A few moments later and Farnish Quinn, acting in his temporary role as Com Chief, said, “They confirm acknowledgement.  Ready to exit hyperspace on our mark.”

Serpent let out a long breath.  It was over.  His ship, his crew, and both of the vessels he was assigned to protect, had all survived.  Maybe he could do this whole ‘captain’ thing after all.

“At your leisure, Ms Samasl,” He ordered.  “Let’s arrive in unison, make it look good,” He added with a grin.

“Will do, sir,” Said Samasl, and announced a quick countdown which was then relayed to the two Corellian Action VI Transports with them in hyperspace, Red Ocean and Green Sky.  With Academy-precision timing, the three Vast Imperial vessels returned to realspace at the same second, with Serpent’s Courage taking point in an equally spaced triangle formation.

As the starlines shrank back into stars, Serpent saw two things emerge before him in the viewport.  Firstly was the small supply outpost of Daishi Station, rotating slowly against the black of space.  And secondly, he noticed the quartet of distinctly non-Imperial vessels heading towards it.

“Identify!” He barked at once.

Quinn, serving also as Sensor Chief, attacked the controls of his work station to produce answers.  “Two GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats, a heavily modified YT-1500 transport, and a Marauder-Class Corvette.  They bear the markings of the Ghostbat Pirates!”

Zail stared in horror as the four vessels reacted to his presence, and altered course.  Clearly they had been intending to hit the station, but now saw in him and his two wards a far easier target.

This just isn’t my day, mused the Captain.


“Order the Red Ocean and Green Sky to jump to hyperspace!” Snapped Serpent, pausing only for a moment to reflect upon his misfortune before leaping into action.  “Raise shields, ready weapons,” He ordered, but they were only precautions.  He fully intended for them to be gone before the pirates could arrive.

“You heard the Captain!” Echoed Eosel, “Battle stations!”

“Sir, incoming message from Daishi Station,” Said Quinn.  “Text only, pretty garbled.  I think the pirates are trying to jam it.”

“Can you make it out?” Asked Serpent, hoping that it was good news.

“Not exactly sir, it’s too distorted.  Something about reinforcements, though,” Said the Second Officer.  “Not sure if they are saying that some are on the way, or asking if we are them.”

“Let’s hope for the former, Mr Quinn,” Said Zail, trying to keep both himself and his crew calm.  “Time to intercept?” He asked the same bridge officer, for on the Courage both Coms and Sensors were operated from the same post.

“Just under a minute, sir,” Came the swift reply.

“Ms Samasl, make the calculations for our own jump to hyperspace,” Said Serpent, “But we aren’t leaving until those transports do.  I hate to leave the station, but even at full strength we can’t overcome a four-on-one attack,” He admitted.

“Ready sir,” Said the talented helmsman.

Zail turned to the viewport and regarded the two transports that he had been charged to protect.  “Come on, go!” He murmured under his breath.

“Sir!  Signal from the Red Ocean!  They are having hyperdrive trouble and can’t jump!” Said Farnish Quinn, the alarm in the Second Officer’s voice evident.

“What?” Exclaimed Serpent in horror.  He was about to ask just what was wrong, but stopped himself.  There was no point.  Whether it be damage from the engagement with the Interdictor, or just a random glitch, the result for him and his crew was the same.  Captain Zail gave the only order he could.  “Tell the Green Sky to jump alone then.  Inform the Red Ocean to begin emergency repairs immediately.  We will protect her until she escapes.”

“Sir!” Protested XO Vagen Eosel, the surprise in his voice evident even through his breath mask, “We can’t hold off all those pirates alone...”

“I don’t care!” Snapped Serpent a little more harshly than he had intended.  Perhaps the stress was getting to him.  “We were ordered to defend those transports and that’s just what we are going to do!  Ms Fendar, full power to shields.  Mr Yandeer, weapons ready.  Ms Samasl, angle us about towards the pirates and lay in an intercept course.  Target the weak link of that quartet first, the YT-1500.  If we can disable that quick enough we may stand a chance.”

The crew responded with professionalism, putting their fears and objections aside.  In a moment the Courage was accelerating towards its foes, and the battle began.


The Courage moved quickly and with good manoeuvrability given its small size, but its foes were in a similar size class.  The two Gunboats veered aside, moving like starfighters, while the YT-1500 returned fire at the VE vessel bearing down at it.

Kol Yandeer, totally focused on his task at the guns, opened fire with both laser cannons, pummelling the shields of the target with great precision.  Realising the danger it was in, the small ship tried to slip away, but Serpent’s bridge crew were too good a team.

“Stay on him, Ms Samasl!” Ordered Zail to his helmsman.

The woman from Bakura promptly replied, “Yes, sir!” And she pulled the Courage through as tight a turn as a capital ship could manage.  All the while, Chief Gunner Yandeer was still firing.  The weapons on the ship were on turrets, giving him the excellent field of fire he needed to keep up his assault.

The YT-1500’s shields blazed brightly, then no more, and the final barrage of laser fire ripped the hull asunder and blew the engines, detonating the small pirate vessel before its crew had any chance to reach the escape pods.

Serpent, for one, would not mourn the loss of life.  He was a soldier, he accepted that, and soldiers took lives to achieve their goals.

“That’s one!” Enthused Vagen Eosel at his side, the Kel Dor XO suddenly seeming a lot more confident in this fight than he did a minute ago.

Zail smiled.  A quick and decisive kill often did wonders for morale, but they were not victorious yet.

“Incoming Blastboats!” Shouted Farnish Quinn suddenly, confirming the Captain’s thoughts.  “On our tale!”

A split second later and the Courage rocked under heavy fire.  Skipray Blastboats were fearsome craft, heavily armed despite their small size and limited crew, and Serpent instantly berated himself for having allowed himself to lose track of them.

“Return fire!” Said the First Officer before Zail could.

Yandeer quickly responded, but the shots splashed against the heavy shielding of the Blastboats and Quinn promptly called out “no damage!”  The Chief Gunner continued to trace lines of fire through space, pursuing the two ships as they came back around for another attack run on the Courage.  Serpent and the rest of the bridge crew braced themselves for the impact as the Blastboats fired again.

The pirates’ gunnery skills were spot on, and the Light Cruiser rocked under the impacts.  Recently repaired power conduits blew again, as the Chief Engineer announced partial shield failure and hull damage on two decks.

“Aft shields gone, port shields reduced to 45%!” Said Xela Fendar, her normally quiet demeanour finally breaking and allowing her to speak with some volume.  “Re-routing power around the damaged systems, main ship’s functions are still operational!”

“Status on the transports!” Said Zail quickly, worried about his mission above all else.  If he and his crew were to fall here, at least they would die having seen to the safety of those they were charged with protecting.

“The Red Ocean is still effecting repairs to its hyperdrive!” Replied Farnish Quinn at the Coms post.  “The pirates seem to realise that it is going nowhere and are leaving it alone for now.  Instead that Marauder Corvette is chasing the Green Sky as she is heading for the jump point!”

Serpent suppressed a curse learned from his studies of Rylothean.  He was wondering where that Corvette had gone.  “Ms Fendar!  Work on bringing our shields back up.  Mr Yandeer, keep firing at those Blastboats for now.  And Ms Samasl, set an intercept course for that Corvette!”

He felt Vagen Eosel twitch at his side, but for the first time the play-it-safe XO said nothing.  The Kel Dor, and indeed everyone else on the bridge, knew that they were no match for the pirates’ biggest vessel.  It was bigger, heavier shielded, and had four times the number of weapons as they did.

This was a suicide mission.  Zail was just trying to buy time for the transports to escape.


“The Skiprays are still on our tail!” Said Farnish Quinn unnecessarily as the ship continued to shake under fire from the pirates.

“Shunting power to rear shields!  27% and holding!” Said Xela Fendar.

“Stay on course!” Ordered Serpent, watching the Corvette grow larger in the forward viewport.  The Marauder was firing on the transport, which was drawing ever closer to the jump point.  Zail knew that they would not need to distract the larger ship for long in order to ensure the Green Sky’s escape.

“Weapons’ range!” Announced Quinn.

“Open fire Mr Yandeer!” Ordered Vagen Eosel, and the human gunner quickly complied.

Captain Zail watched as the laser cannons opened up, and though their aim was true they simply lacked the firepower to damage a Corvette.  The larger ship’s shields absorbed the shots and continued firing on the fleeing transport, ignoring the Courage.

Being ignored just got Zail angry.

“Load concussion missile tubes!” Commanded the Captain.  “Fire every warhead we’ve got!”

“All eight, sir?” Queried the XO.

“Nothing else is going to do any damage, Mr Eosel!” Retorted Zail through clenched teeth.  “Now do it!”

“Loading tubes Aurek and Besh,” Announced Kol Yandeer.

The ship rocked again, the result of another pass by the Blastboats, as Xela Fendar announced that the shields were on the brink of collapse.  Serpent ignored that, though, and ordered, “Fire!”

Twin missiles launched and streaked towards the target, exploding across the rear shields but doing little damage to the Corvette itself.  Zail watched in horror, afraid that they had no effect, but Farnish Quinn’s next words gave him hope.

“The Marauder’s shields are down to 17%!  We really got them with those missiles!”

“Excellent!” Exclaimed Serpent with triumph, and then noticed the Corvette start to come about.  The large pirate vessel was no longer firing on the transport, and instead its formidable weapons were training on the Courage.  “Ah, got your attention!  Ms Samasl, get us out of here!”  Looking at the Corvette, he said quietly, “Catch us if you can!”

Ysanne Samasl laid on the speed and reversed course, as the pirate ship gave pursuit, firing with as many cannons as it could bring to bear.  The Courage rocked as the powerful blasts tore through the pitiful remnants of their shields, doing plenty of damage.

“Hull breach deck 3!” Announced Xela Fendar.  “Life support systems compromised!”

“Do what you can, Ms Fendar!” Said Zail as their panicked flight continued.

“The Green Sky has jumped!” Said Quinn after a few more heavy impacts.  “They are clear!”

“And what of the Red Ocean?” Asked Serpent instantly.

“Under heavy fire from the two Blastboats.  Their repairs have yet to restore their hyperdrive...” And then suddenly the Second Officer trailed off.  “Sir, the Red Ocean... is gone...”

Zail stood dumb at the news for a few moments.  “But... why...” Was all he could manage to say.  “They are pirates, why didn’t they capture her?”

Quinn shook his head.  “I think they were trying to disable.  I don’t think they realised how badly damaged she was...”

Another ferocious blast rocked the Courage, ending the discussion.  They had far more important matters to deal with.

“Ms Samasl, more speed!” Said Serpent, knowing that they had to get clear of their foes.  Any minute know those two Blastboats would join the Corvette and then the Courage would have no chance.

“Controls are sluggish, sir!” Replied the woman from Bakura.

“Engines have taken damage!” Explained Xela Fendar.  “I have some techs working on it now but...”

She was cut off as yet another telling blow landed from the Corvette’s guns.  Now blue lightning began to play across the bridge and fry the command consoles, and as Zail watched the ship shut down around him, he knew instantly what had happened.

“Ion cannons,” He mused.  Not standard design on a Marauder-Class Corvette but definitely in keeping with one modified for use by pirates.  “So, they want to board us and take our ship.”

“Can we repel that many boarders, Captain?” Asked Vagen Eosel.

Serpent shook his head.  “All hands, prepare to fight,” He said with resignation.  It was over, and he knew it.

And then, suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes he caught sight of motion in the viewport.  Zail, and all those present on the bridge, turned to behold the wonderful sight of a squadron of Vast Empire corvettes arrive and rush to their aid!

“So,” Said Farnish Quinn, the relief in his voice quite evident.  “Guess the station had called for reinforcements after all.”

“It appears so,” Said Serpent, and watched impassively as the slaughter of the pirates began.


Captain Zail sat alone in his office, a datapad in his hands and half-drunk glass of Corellian whisky on the desk before him.  When there came a knock at the door, he stifled a yawn, tried to wipe the tired look from his eyes, and said “Come in” with an exhausted sounding voice.

The door opened and Captain Gorshet of the transport Green Sky stepped through.  The two men had never met in person, and Serpent had only spoken to him directly via hologram just before the mission.  Now Zail rose and shook him by the hand, and then gestured to the empty chair across from him.

“Welcome, Captain,” Said the Alderaanian as they both sat.  “To what do I owe this visit?”

“I wanted to thank you,” Said Gorshet.  “My crew and I owe you and your people our lives.”

Serpent lowered his eyes to the datapad.  “I couldn’t save the crew of the Red Ocean, though, could I?”  He mused sadly.

Gorshet, older than Zail by a good twenty years, regarded the younger Captain.  “Could anyone?  With this ship, against those odds, do you really believe another officer would have done better in your place?”

The other man was quiet for a moment.  Finally all he said was, “Maybe.”

The CO of the Green Sky sighed.  “Captain Zail, listen to me and listen well.  I have served in various navies for nigh on three decades.  I have seen captains come and go, and I have seen many beating themselves up as you are doing right now.”  He glanced over at the datapad in Pherik’s hand.  “Let me guess.  Your mission report, right?  Spelling out your mistakes and maybe even throwing in a line stating that you are aren’t ready for command yet?”

Serpent stared at him, saying nothing, but the look of surprise in his eyes told Gorshet that he was bang on with his guess.

The older officer continued.  “You are ready,” He insisted.  “You are as ready for command as any young captain can be.”

“What makes you so sure?” Asked Zail, his tone wary, but something in his voice was hopeful, for he needed reassurance so badly.

“Because you are alive,” Said Gorshet simply.  “Because your crew are alive.  Dead men learn nothing, Captain Zail.  Too many ‘heroes’ in this war are men who died bravely and young, their talent wasted.  In my book a hero is someone who takes his hits and keeps going, who never gives up the fight, no matter what.”

And with that he rose to leave.  “Beat yourself up all you want, Captain,” Concluded Gorshet, “Learn what you can from today’s events.  And then do the right thing.  Keep going forward, and keep your crew alive.  It’s all we can do.”

And with that he departed.

Serpent was left with his own thoughts, reviewing the day and finishing his report.  He could not say that he was happy or proud of how the mission went, but he would take the older man’s advice.

He would keep going.  A Captain he was, and a Captain he would be.

3022 words.  And my Exam is complete!

After Action Report:  Damaged from their skirmish with an Imperial Interdictor, the Courage and the two transports it is escorting arrive at Daishi Station.  They are set upon by pirates, who take advantage of the Light Cruiser’s weakened state.  Serpent and his crew mount a heroic defence, but the transport Red Ocean is destroyed.  Reinforcements then arrive and help drive off the pirates, so the second transport, Green Sky, survives.
MS/WO2 Pherik “Serpent” Zail / LCR Courage/TF: TH/3Flt/VENA/VEN/VE

"It isn't the killing, you know.  It's the beauty of battles that I love - the choreography and the challenge of executing everything just right - and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent." - Gilad Pellaeon
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