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Topic:  Homecoming (Jamasis)
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
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  Homecoming (Jamasis)
September 27, 2010 4:26:26 PM    View the profile of Jamasis 
Personal story I've been thinking about for a while. Post comments if you really want, but I doubt you will. Contains occasional swearing.

"Jamasis, when did you last take some leave?" asked Aeos.

"We usually get a bit of time between missions."

"Right. Have you ever actually gone on leave though? And when, on that point, did you last have a break between missions?"

"There was a few days between helping some mercenaries and guarding RB. Then we didn't really have much work to do, just patrols and the like."

"Jamasis," Aeos replied more sternly. "When did you last take some actual leave?"

Jamasis didn't answer.

"I see. And how many times did you get shot on our last mission?"


"In that case, you're clearly unfit for duty. I'm giving you one weeks leave."


"No. That's an order. Besides, we're not going anywhere. Some training exercise next. All you would end up doing is sitting around here. Now, go," ordered Aeos.


Jamasis collapsed onto his bunk. Where am I even meant to go? I've never actually been on leave before. Not got anywhere to go, nothing to do. Kind of proves I'm obsessed. He rose and started to collect some items he knew he would take wherever he went.

What do most people do? Go on holiday? Hah, where and what would I even do. Go home? Bothawui? Last I checked I was wanted dead. Family? Hell, I don't have any family. Well, I might. There's... my father. Bastard. If there's one thing I've always wanted to do was to kick his blasted head in for everything he did to me. Jamasis shrugged. He didn't have anything better to do.

Bothawui? I'm wanted dead, or to be executed. Mob execution, even better. Jamasis picked up one of his DC-15's. Well, I can always take precautions.


He left the shuttle and walked towards the customs point. He quickly spied out a Bothan customs officer.

"Anything to declare?" asked the Bothan.

"Nothing," Jamasis replied, shaking the officer's hand and placing some credits in it.

"Better search you to make sure."

Bloody Bothans. Jamasis dropped more credits on the floor as the Bothan began to search him. "I think you dropped something," Jamasis said.

"Thanks for noticing. Have a nice stay and so forth."

Bloody Bothans. Scheming and suchlike. Probably going to be followed dozens of times while I'm here. Jamasis paused, though it does always mean I can get weapons and suchlike through. They may be loyal to the New Republic, but no single Bothan would need more than a credit to swap allegiances.

Jamasis lit up a cigarette. He didn't use to smoke, but things changed. New squad leaders. Quite a lot of missions. Being promoted was an issue to. Plus the significant concern he would end this trip in a Rancor's stomach or at the end of a rope probably wasn't doing him any good. Now where do I even go? Hell I didn't think this through. Let's think. I remember that Kasper's dens were usually around the centre of the city, but also in the north. The old guys shop, that was around the north west. I can't have run far from my house, so it must be somewhere near there.


It was the smell that gave it away. He didn't even see the house. The strong whiff of cheap booze, smoke, and drugs was reminiscent of many cheaper bars Jamasis had visited. But worse. More alcohol, more smoke, and over a long time.

So I'm looking for a drunk, violent and probably drug addicted man, somewhere from middle aged to old. This doesn't take a genius.

What gave it away?

I thought you would leave me alone once I came here.

Nope, I'm still you. So yes, that means you are obsessed and slightly crazy.

This day is going well.

You're alive. You still have a gun. What more do you want?

Jamasis walked up to the house. It was a small thing. In fact it was pretty crap. What did you expect? In truth, he had no real memory of the place. So for all he knew, it once had been fifty stories high and plated in gold. But most likely not. Listening in, a man could be heard, clearly drunk, rambling to himself. A quick glance inside, and the vague memories Jamasis had, and he knew it was his father.

"Bastard," he spat onto the ground. Looking around quickly, he pulled out his pistol and slammed the door open with his shoulder.

"What?" asked his father in a daze.

"You bastard," Jamasis pointed his pistol at the man, and walked towards him.

Realization slowly began to dawn on the man's face, "What? No, no no!" he fell to the ground and scrambled to the wall. "I've got money, over there!"

"I don't give a shit. I just want to kick your head in, then shoot you."

The fear faded slowly from the man's eyes as he grabbed some pills and swallowed them with the help of some alcohol.

"No, No! I want you awake, I want you to feel this!" Jamasis yelled at him. In a few seconds he had passed out. "Bastard!" He slammed his fist into the wall, and began punching it as hard as he could. Why can't I just shoot him! Why can't I blow his brains out! He doesn't deserve to live! Jamasis stopped as blood began to trickle from his knuckles. He pointed the pistol at the sleeping man, and tried to pull the trigger. He couldn't move his finger. It just wouldn't move.

Inwardly Jamasis screamed. Why! He grabbed a half-empty bottle of whiskey and drank until he had to stop. He slammed his head into the wall. He picked up one of the pills and swallowed it. Slowly he began to calm himself, regain his composure. Glancing at the sleeping body of his father, he asked himself, Why? Why can't I shoot him?

Jamasis simply sat on the floor and lit another cigarette. All the while he searched for a reason to even stand up again.

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[This message has been edited by Jamasis (edited September 27, 2010 4:28:19 PM)]
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
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  RE: Homecoming (Jamasis)
September 28, 2010 5:19:49 PM    View the profile of Jamasis 
"Where's the old guy passed out today then?" someone joked as they could be heard walking into the house. Jamasis looked up in mild alarm.

"Where do you think? On the floor, surrounded by drugs and possibly knee deep in his own crap. Again," replied someone.

"Hey guys, careful. This door has been knocked in," said a third voice. Jamasis stood up and quickly pocketed his pistol.

"Probably just the old man," the second person joked.

"No, this looks more like someone was breaking in deliberately. And they were quite good at it, a thief or something similar."

"Then we'll pay attention."

Jamasis stood up and tried to clear his head. His problems could wait; this was a much bigger danger. He kicked his father and he slowly began to stir.

"Here he is. Hey, time to pay for some of this stuff!" shouted on of the newcomers.

Shit, shit, shit! Thugs were the last thing I wanted. Jamasis waited until they reached his father, and then they couldn't avoid seeing him.

"Who are you?" one of them asked.

"Oh, I know this guy; I was just over here to ask him something. Who are you?" asked Jamasis.

"We work for Kasper. In case you were thick or somethin', he's like our resident crime lord."

"Oh, great, that's why I was here!"


"I heard the old man knew some of Kasper's workers. I was asking to see if I could get some, uh, employment."

The lead guy just laughed. "Ha! This guy here thinks he could do our jobs! Bet he can't even take a punch!" at this the man swung at Jamasis. Although he expected it, he didn't move until the fist made contact with him. The punch hurt, but it was a familiar pain, one that brought back more memories of his time working here. Jamasis staggered back, pretending to be almost incapacitated by the punch.

C'mon you cocky bugger. The man walked confidently over to Jamasis, at which point he abruptly stopped talking as a fist collided with his face. Jamasis followed up by hitting him in the stomach and kneeing him in the face.

"Now then. I thought I said something about employment."

The thugs just looked on with mild amazement. Nobody dared do that to collection men. The lead thug looked at him with venomous eyes. "You'll regret that," he said.

Yeah, because after I get killed by Kasper, you are going to do what exactly? Jamasis thought to himself. "Maybe," he replied. "Now can we go? It's getting on a bit."

"Well someone has to pay for his drugs and booze," the man said. "Don't they!" he shouted into his father's face. His father rolled over clutching his head.

Why am I doing this? he thought to himself. "I would have thought that an extra person working for you would be payment enough."

"Yeah whatever," the man said. Then he grabbed Jamasis roughly and thrust him towards the door. "Now get moving!"

What have I frakkin' done this time?


"This guy wants to do some work for boss," was Jamasis grand introduction when he arrived at one of Kasper's larger dens.

"Leave him to me. You got money?" replied a burly man at the entrance, acting almost like a bouncer. Heh, I remember this guy. What he does is try and make you leave, and make sure you're not a spy. I wonder how he let's Bothans through?

"This guy is payment," replied the man.

"And if he turns out to be worthless?" asked the bouncer.

"Then you can get your ass down to that drunkard’s house and ask him yourself. You might want to wake him up first though."

"Do you want me to get that nose bleeding again? Or is once enough for today?" At that the man scowled at Jamasis.

"Once is fine," he replied. Him and his fellows went inside, and if he had learnt anything here, Jamasis knew that this place had more than enough alcohol, narcotics and women to keep anyone satisfied.

"Now as for you," said the bouncer, "do you have any idea what we do?"

"I know what you do," replied Jamasis.

"That's good. Now can you beat someone to within an inch of their life, with your bare hands? Can you murder someone because they can't pay for their whiskey?"

Jamasis rolled his eyes, "Yes."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Well that's good. Now, of course, I don't believe you. At all. That's my job. Now what I really want to know, is whether you work for the police."

"Ha! No, I don't work for the police."

"I think I will decide that," said the man, confidently.

Oh yeah... I forgot about this bit.


Jamasis faded in and out of consciousness. Well, he never fell asleep. But the pain took him beyond what you could call normal thinking. Insanity? Yes, perhaps. Jamasis was bleeding, and he had electric wires attached to him. He had been punched. Then he had been drugged. The electric shocks had hopefully finished. More drugs were given to him repeatedly, to stop his wounds from healing and to increase the pain level.

"Why do you have a gun?" asked the man calmly.

"The police," Jamasis replied, grasping onto the words and focusing on them to outlast the pain.

"I don't believe you."

"That's your job, isn't it?" Jamasis panted.

The man almost laughed quietly to himself. "Yeah, I suppose it is." Then he left Jamasis alone with his pain.

Right. Great. I'm here. I'm alive. If they knew who you were, you would be dead. This treatment is normal. Well, for anyone like me. No question, I would be doing the dirty work. I have to survive interrogation. I have to be able to kill. That's next, isn't it? Beating, done. Drugs, done. Electric shocks, which must be done. What else is there? Is this it? I can't remember. And then Jamasis passed out.


"You did well. Incredibly well. In all honesty, the beating is the test. Don't care about the rest. Sure it means you can be interrogated, but you are meant to be broken. It's to prove a point. But you have a gun. You have a scar on your arm. Recent wound in the back. You already knew anything being broken would teach you," the man said.

So much for what I thought I knew.

"The boss will probably want you to start off with some pretty difficult stuff. I personally don't doubt you can kill. There is evidence you can, and almost certainly have. You don't need to stick around as an amateur, you will be given the worst, most screwed up work there is, but you will be paid better and you will be respected for it. Or feared. Either way."

So what? I'm a butcher now? A mass butcher? No, no, I don't live here. I need to get out, this is wrong. I live in VE space now, I'm a trooper on a weeks leave. I need to go, I have to get out.

"Can't let you leave the company of us for until boss gets here. He's great, better than me, at finding out rats. Besides, anybody as qualified as you would probably interest him. And I still don't trust you."

"Can I blame you?" asked Jamasis.

"Not at all. It's my job. Now go and sleep. You've been tortured for thirty six hours."


"You lost track of time, it happens. First twenty four were more or less conscious, last twelve you had passed out. But the drugs would still have damaged you. Anyway, you rest up and get yourself pissed when you can walk properly. Getting pissed always seems to cure problems."

"Aye, I've noticed that. It causes problems to."

"You're working for a crime lord. You're a butcher. You think being drunk is your biggest issue?"

Jamasis walked off. Wait, thirty six hours? I left Tadath the same day my leave started, but this means I'm more than halfway through my leave already. I have no idea how I'm getting out. Better see if Aeos will extend that enforced leave. If not, she can't do much else.

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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
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  RE: Homecoming (Jamasis)
September 29, 2010 5:45:46 PM    View the profile of Jamasis 
"Hey Aeos, its Jamasis."

"I thought I said one week's leave. You are not coming back before that."

"Uh, actually I was going to ask for an extension. Something came up, and there's not much anyone can do about it."

"Quickly, summarise."

"I'm on Bothawui, for personal reasons, and I'm in a gang. One I used to be a member of. And I can't leave the area for a few days, because they don't trust me."

"They know you are imperial?"

"No. If they ask, I'm ex-imperial. And don't bother contacting me, I won't respond."

"Jama-" Jamasis shut off the link and wiped the comm.’s memory. That wasn't the kind of message he wanted leaving where anyone could find it. No doubt Aeos was unhappy, but what did he care? What could he even do about it?

With a sigh, he collapsed down onto his bunk. Heh, what's the difference between the storm troopers and the criminals? One is more honest, I suppose. Even the beds are the same. Jamasis had examined himself for any significant damage, but it was all temporary. He looked a mess, crusted blood, cuts, bruises and untidy hair.

I probably should do something about that.

Why bother? You are more or less undercover now. The more trashed you look, the more you look like you belong. The less recognisable you are, maybe you don't get killed.

I don't suppose there is a way out?

You've checked. You'll just have to ride whatever comes your way and hope there is a way out. Or, you die.

How reassuring...

Exhausted, Jamasis closed his eyes and tried to release his worries.


If there's one thing that criminals know, it is alcohol. Alcohol can cure any wound, and they more than exploit that,[i] Jamasis thought, entering the bar. He couldn't remember the last time he had had a proper drink. On Tadath, drinking was limited because of his job. On missions, he had had a few drinks; but he never finished. For all it was good at, Wraith always ended up in a fight.

He walked over to the bartender, ignoring the discomfort he got from walking, "Have you got any whiskey?"

"Not seen you before. You look a bit shabby as well, can you pay for it?"

"I do, actually. Well I will be honest. I'm new. Just got asked a few questions. The whiskey is my medicine, in a way." Jamasis pulled out some credits, "and I do have the money."

"Fair enough, fair enough. Most of you who get asked questions tend to want a drink afterwards."

"Can you guess why?"

The bartender laughed at that, "Yeah I suppose I can. What type of whiskey, and do you want the bottle?"

"Correllian whiskey. And a bottle would be nice."

"Give us a second. We don't usually get much demand for Corellian whiskey, too expensive for the people who just want to get themselves drunk. Funny story, last guy who wanted it. But sorry, the drink," the bartender disappeared for a couple of minutes, then returned with an unopened bottle. Jamasis poured himself a shot and lit himself a cigarette. The bartender declined when offered.

"You were telling me about the last guy who ordered it?" Jamasis prompted. [i]Damn. Forgot about the cost; and guess who bought it last? Me, I bet. Heh, when you don't have to pay for food or board, alcohol prices don't matter so much.

"Yeah. Some kid, grew up in this bar, in a way. Taken as payment would you believe? And they got rid of slavery so I heard. Anyways he must have been doing something right, because he could afford it. Then again he was pretty good in his work, got a fair bit of extra cash when working. But being a kid, and being in his," the bartender laughed slightly, "unstable years, he went and completely screwed his life up. Of all the things you could do, all the women in here, he went for the boss's niece. 'Course nobody knew about it. Someone found out, and boss tried to have him killed. Ran away, never seen again."

"True story?"

"Aye, knew everyone in it myself. So if there is one thing you can learn, don't go for the boss's niece. Else you might not be so lucky."

"I'll bare that in mind," Jamasis said. That isn't a lie. I mean, waking the sleeping krayt dragon is one thing, but sticking your fist in its mouth and shouting is something else entirely. He downed his second shot of whiskey and poured himself another. He didn't realise that he missed drinking, but he did. Now he had become a smoker. All that time working for a crime lord, yet it was some time in the empire that had got him addicted to narcotics and desperate for alcohol.

"Hey! It's that guy who hit me!" said someone from across the room. Disinterested, Jamasis looked over his shoulder. To his shock, the man was pointing at him. And he had indeed hit him, back at his father's house.

When was that? Two days ago now? I can't remember.

"You wanted a fight, so let's have a fight. This time, let's see how you like being beaten up."

"Do I look like I've never been hit before?" asked Jamasis.

"Hey shut up! You pulled a cheap trick on me, so now I'm pulling one on you. Me and my two mates here, against you. Sound nice? No? Tough shit."

Jamasis sighed and rose from his seat. Very reluctantly he moved towards the three guys, then as soon as he was in range, leapt forwards and punched the one on the right in the face. A satisfying crack could be heard, and the man staggered back, blood on his face.

"Two is fairer, don't you think?" asked Jamasis.

"Shut up," and the lead guy threw a punch towards him. Expecting it, Jamasis stepped backwards and the punch hit nothing.

"You're not that drunk, are you?" The man through another punch, and Jamasis jumped back again. Straight away he moved forwards again and punched him in the gut repeatedly, only to be hit in return by his second friend. Damn, forgot about the lackey. He looked at both opponents and backed away slightly. He waited for one to attack him. Sure enough, the lackey grew tired of waiting and moved forwards and tried to hit Jamasis. He was drunk, and Jamasis only slightly so, so he moved out of the way of the clumsy blow and head butted the man in the face, before kneeing him in the groin. Then he threw the groaning man onto the floor.

The man who had originally started the fight was the only one left. He didn't look remotely startled by the swift dismissals of his friends, and he swayed from side to side. Clearly drunk. Jamasis couldn't be bothered with this dodging and tactics, so just walked forwards and proceeded to punch his opponent again and again, until he fell to the floor in a heap.

"You're cheap tricks done yet?" Jamasis asked.

The man didn't reply, and Jamasis sat back down in his seat. He reached for his shot glass and drank it, before pouring himself a new one. Nice way to avoid attention, wasn't it, he thought.

"That wasn't a fair fight," said the man from behind him. Jamasis looked around again, to see him holding a leg of a barstool. He groaned inwardly. Wouldn't the guy just give up? He rose again, and simply waited for the other man to move. He moved towards Jamasis, clumsily raising the leg higher to hit him. As he drew closer, Jamasis simply drew his pistol and shot him through the head. The whole bar went silent for a few seconds.

Jamasis sat back down in his seat and started to drink again. After a few more seconds, people slowly began to talk again, occasionally glancing at him. Heh, I couldn't be bothered to deal with him for any longer.

"Kasper might want to speak to you now."

"Because I killed one of his workers?"

"Ha, no. Workers are cheap as shit here. You're damn good with that pistol, and you knocked out two of them before you shot him. You might be a special employee, if you get my meaning. It might be best, too, if you left for a while. Kasper might be happy about your capabilities, but he isn't here. Right now, someone else is keeping order, and you might want to stay out the way."

"Aye, that might be best."

"Take the bottle. Get yourself pissed. Maybe tomorrow things will have cooled down."

Jamasis nodded and rose, whiskey in hand, before leaving the bar.

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  RE: Homecoming (Jamasis)
September 30, 2010 3:46:13 PM    View the profile of Jamasis 
Jamasis slowly, cautiously walked down the street. Although he wasn't allowed to leave, Kasper had, quite wisely, bought up all of the nearby buildings. Brothels, bars, accommodation, illegal shops, anything that anyone working for him might need. And, of course, they payed rent. Nobody could really leave his little district, as it was watched by rent collectors who had been successful, and now got to look intimidating without ever having to get up.

So right now, I'm slightly drunk and if I try to leave I will be stopped. Not by some drunken idiots in a bar, but generally sober guys stronger and bigger than me. They have knives, I have... Jamasis had to look at his hands to work it out, a whiskey bottle. And I'm not wasting what's left either.

You have a gun.

I'm pissed and couldn't shoot straight to save my life. Literally. Besides a gunshot isn't going to go unnoticed. Especially not on Bothawui. Especially not after I just shot someone in a bar.

He took a swig from the bottle and replaced his cigarette in his mouth. For all the danger he was in, all the reasons he had to leave as soon as he could, whiskey was good. Alcohol cures all problems, and that was true. He didn't hurt anymore, and he couldn't be less worried about Kasper right now.

Hell, he couldn't bloody kill me when I had two guys holding me. Now I have a gun, and I'm a soldier. I could bring down this whole place if I had to! he dramatically swung his arms at the surrounding buildings, oblivious to the fact that he was alone and thinking in his head.

"Better get to sleep," he slurred. "Don't want to wake up in a gutter tomorrow," he looked at the now empty bottle. "That it? I'm barely even drunk yet. Forty percent I asked for, lying bastards." Jamasis leaned on a wall and started breathing heavily.

Bed. Sleep. Go, wake up, get pissed again and shoot someone.


Because I can't bloody leave and I've got nothing else to bloody do.


The next morning, Jamasis slowly opened his eyes. The light was painful, and he reluctantly shielded his face.

My head hurts, he thought to himself. A quick glance next to him showed him the cause. A whole bottle? Then he paused, Just one bottle? Hell I need to get drunk more. He collapsed back onto the ground, and after a few minutes of frustrating agony, he wondered where he was. His eyes slowly creaked open for another go, and though he winced at the sun, was able to get a good look at his surroundings. Unsurprisingly he was in a gutter, by the edge of a street. Around him people were walking to their destinations, most keeping their distance. His mouth tasted awful, and a nearby cigarette explained that.

Sadly he inspected the whiskey bottle for a few drops to wash away the flavour and the pain. He sighed; it was bone dry. Slowly he staggered to his feet, and tried to work out where to go. Sleep. I need sleep, he thought, brushing himself off. Nah, I never get to sleep once I've woken up. Alcohol cures all; just find someone else with a hangover and follow them to a bar.

After a few minutes another person came along, clutching his head and acting the way Jamasis had a short while earlier. Stumbling at first, Jamasis made his way towards him and followed until they reached a bar. He entered, as did Jamasis, and to Jamasis' relief it was the same as last night.

"Hey," he said wearily to the bartender.

"Rough night?"

"Woke up in the gutter a few streets away."

"Yeah, doesn't surprise me. Same thing, or something a little less incapacitating?"

"Something cheap that will get rid of the hangover."

"Ale it is then," the bartender fetched him a glass. Jamasis spilled some credits onto the counter.

"What happened last night?"

"After you left? His friends went through his pockets, then took the body away. One of the more important faces around 'ere asked some questions, but gave it to drunken brawling."

"Wasn't it?"

"Aye, but if he suspected you of stirring up trouble, maybe to undermine someone, you'd have got it in the neck. Well, if it was him you would have. If you had been undermining one of his peers he wouldn't have minded."

"So no problems?"

"Nope, you got off free. Drink up, you'll probably have some work to do." Jamasis downed the remnants of his glass in a quaff, before continuing.

"Work? Thought I had to wait for the boss to come back."

"Aye, well things change. You got in a fight, the result shows you are good for whatever you have to do. Probably just some extortion or somethin'."

Jamasis nodded. Well, working never hurt anybody. And at the rate I'm drinking and smoking my pocket change I'll need the cash.

"Thanks for your help."

"No problem. You're to see the person who asked you the questions in early afternoon. Here, because he won't go looking and you were bound to wind up here again."

"What time is it?"

"Right now, 'bout an hour till noon. You've got three or so hours before you have to go anywhere."

"Might go for a walk or something. Nothing else to do, 'cept maybe drink myself unconscious." Jamasis rose and left the bar. Ugh, alcohol cures everything and so it does. But that doesn't matter until it kicks in. He walked along the street and tried to reconstruct his surroundings using his poor recollections. After about five minutes he knew where he was. Well, it wasn't difficult. He had found his way to the heart of the district; Kasper's place. His mansion was a few hundred metres behind it, but his 'business headquarters' was several stories high and hardly subtle. Dozens of people continually flocked in and out, but Jamasis couldn't be bothered with them.

Instead he kept re-educating himself about the area, more and more memories coming back now. He turned off down a side street, and made his way down nearer to Kasper's proper residence. If one thing hadn't changed, it was the outside of his house. It looked exactly like every other building, albeit fractionally larger, except for the two bodyguards always waiting outside. However on the inside it was like a personal palace designed for him and him alone. Though, of course, Jamasis had found his way inside on multiple occasions.

Ah, I remember this now. Feeling fairly thick for not knowing which direction the bar was in now. Yeah, because off down that side street is where you get spice nice and cheap. The freighter pilots tend to stay over in that area of the city, Jamasis looked off in the distance, And of course how could I forget, that building is where... Jamasis paused.

"Oh shit!" he whispered.

Heh. Almost 5,000 words, and no clear storyline let. Well, I know what happens, but the reader dosn't. Character Development and barfights are surprisingly fun.

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  RE: Homecoming (Jamasis)
October 1, 2010 5:09:55 PM    View the profile of Jamasis 
She can't have seen me yet. She doesn’t know I am here; I mean, how can she. She lives over there, and doesn’t particularly like getting involved in the dirtier aspect of the district. I can just walk away; I don't have to get involved. You almost got killed last time, and you have to meet whats-his-name in about three hours. Just walk away. Get drunk. Forget it.

It was unfortunate then, that Amelia chose that time to walk past. She didn't notice Jamasis, or even walk on the same street as him, but he did see her. She quickly walked past her uncle's house to one of the slightly smaller houses on the side. But inside, it to was highly decorated. Jamasis would know, after all; he had spent plenty of time in both.

Damn it! Damn Kasper, damn the army and damn this bloody planet. Damn them all. Why the hell am I here, anyway? To shoot some bastard who I can't pull the trigger on. What am I even doing anymore? Working for my old employer, the one who wants to kill me? And of course, of bloody course I would bump into her. How could I not? Of all the effing things I knew I shouldn't, couldn't do, I did this one. I'm wanted dead, because of her. So what do I do? I go right up to her house, without even bloody realising it. Jamasis leaned against the wall and tried to steady his thoughts.

I can just leave. I can go away, turn around. Hell, I don't even have to turn up at the bar in three hours. I can just sneak out, shoot my way out. I can just go.

Jamasis paused. But that's the one thing I never can do, isn't it? I never just walk away. Damn it, being loyal is fine. Loyalty is great, loyalty has helped keep me alive, loyalty has let me save the lives of my friends. But after so many months, so much time and experience and changes, I come back here, trying to avoid death and all the while I was strapping myself securely to the bomb. I can just walk away.

He looked up towards the house and examined it. The wall was climbable, that was easy. All he needed was an open window; there, the first floor. Not quite the room he wanted, but close enough. The ground floor extended slightly further, so he could climb the fence, onto the roof of the ground floor, and in through the window.

I can still just walk away.

"Damn it," he said to himself.


Quickly glancing around, Jamasis placed one of his feet in a notch in the wall, and placed his hands on top. He quickly pulled himself up, silently thanking the imperfect architecture. He crouched down as he walked along the roof and reached the open window. He glanced inside, making sure nobody else was on the landing, before climbing in. Jamasis moved swiftly down the hall, and then darted into a door on his right. Nobody else was inside; though from experience he doubted this would last too long.

Oh hell.

His stomach was in knots; probably literally. He felt for his pistol, but tried to calm his nerves and hand.

I never shake. Why is my hand shaking now?

He had to leave his gun. The person he expected to come in he didn't want to shoot; or anyone else for that matter. Right now he would probably react to anyone, and probably shoot them as well.

I should have just walked off. I shouldn't be standing here, now.

A minute or so later, someone could be heard walking towards the room. I got this right, didn't I? She hasn't changed room? And the staff people, they never came in here, right? This has always been her personal room? Or am I about to get myself killed?

Amelia entered the room, and Jamasis moved quickly. Immediately he closed the door and gestured to her to be quiet.

"Jamasis? What are you- Why are you here? I thought my uncle put a warrant on your head! How did you?" she would have continued but he placed a hand over her mouth and whispered to her.

"Be quiet."

She nodded and spoke quieter, "I guess you're not supposed to be here then."

"No. Just got here, I think it was three days ago. Not sure. Things have happened. But your uncle still wants me dead."

"He might not, I mean he might have forgotten by now, or forgi-"

"No he hasn't. I was in a bar last night, you know the one I always used to go to? Well according to the bartender some stupid kid who grew up here had a fling with the boss's niece. Apparently there is still a reward for him dead."

"Damn. But, you're here now."

"Yeah, I'll be honest. I didn't, uh, actually come here to, uh, see you."

For a few silent seconds Jamasis felt awful, the air seeming to crush him down. He was broken out of his despair by Amelia turning away from him. Quietly he could hear her starting to cry.

"You haven’t even thought of me, have you."

"Yes, I have, I have thought of you. But I came here to shoot my bastard father. I... there is still an offer for me. I didn't intend to get involved here."

"And that makes it better?" she practically shouted at him. Jamasis frantically gestured for her to be quieter but she ignored him, "don't you tell me to calm down! You are the one who ran away, you are the one who devastated me! I have been here, for months, with no real company, nothing remotely exciting! You left me with that, because I didn't even look at anyone else! My life has been hell for months now, and then you come here and tell me you didn't even want to see me!"

"Of course I wanted to see you, but please be quiet. Look, if I didn't want to see you, if I had forgotten about you, then why am I in your house now? I cared enough to come here, even with people wanting me dead."

She seemed to have calmed, albeit slightly. She wiped a tear of her face before continuing, "You still did all those things."

"I didn't want to! I had to run away, because would me being dead make things any better? Or would they just make them worse?"

"I still hear things. You said you went to the bar last night? Well I heard there was a fight there. Some new guy, shot one of my uncle's workers. Was that you?"

Jamasis paused, "Yes."

"So are you the same person? Where did you even get a gun, a knife is the limit for plenty of people here. Only the bounty hunters, smugglers and really significant people carry guns."

"I'm, well, yes I'm the same person. I've not really changed; so I shot someone, most of the work I did before I left involved leaving people for dead or plain killing them. Shooting someone; well it just ends things quicker."

"Where did you get the gun? I'm serious."

"Well, you know when I ran away? Uh, I ran halfway across the galaxy, quite literally. I ran all the way to, well, an imperial army barracks. Right now, uh, I'm a Stormtrooper."

"So you kill people? Go around crushing planets?"

"Because what you're uncle does, what bought you everything you have was killing people and crushing individuals, yet because it is you that makes it better?"

"There's no difference between the army and the criminals," she said.

Jamasis waited for a moment, unsure what to say. He started to turn and leave but Amelia grabbed him and turned him back.

"Where are you going now?"

"I can't really stay, can I? I mean, if I'm caught? I've got to meet someone at some point as well, and I kind of don't want to be late."

"How do I know you will even come back again?"

"Just... just trust me."

"You said that last time. Several times. Look what happened. Well, this time you are coming back. Today, tonight, but before tomorrow. And here is how I know why," she leaned forwards and kissed him full on the lips, before breaking away. "You are coming back here. Else next time I see you I'll kill you myself."

"No, you couldn't."

"Just come back."

With that, Jamasis left back out through the window and returned to the side streets. A minute or so later, he had already faded away into the normal crowds.

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  RE: Homecoming (Jamasis)
October 2, 2010 4:25:16 PM    View the profile of Jamasis 
I came here to kill someone who shouldn't be alive. But I didn't. I always tried to stay away from this place before; but now I am exactly where I used to be. I... I wasn't going to see Amelia. Not ever, because I ran away, and I was scared. I am scared. I don't want to die, and that's the truth. But the one thing that hurts more is knowing that I ran away. I'm loyal, I stick by people. She is the most important person, and I ran off. Why do I stay, even fight my way through criminals for other people, but I was too scared to stay even a day here. And now I've come back, I have done the opposite of everything I intended. Short of joining the new republic, how could I have screwed this up any worse?

Jamasis walked back into the bar; the only building he had visited more than once this week. The bartender didn't look particularly surprised when he walked in.

"You know you have two hours still," he said.

"Whatever. Just get me a drink."

"Which one?"

"Something that will get me drunk, hopefully enough to forget this entire week."

"No, I won't. You have to go out in two hours, if I let you get drunk then it is me who gets it in the neck."

"Just shut up and get me some brandy!" Jamasis shouted back at him.

Without flinching, the bartender reached under the counter and pulled out a bottle of brandy with a glass, "Sit down." Jamasis did as he said and moved for the bottle.

"If you want to drink the whole thing, get stuffed. I don't care how shit you feel, you are leaving this place sober. Now the other reason is," he leaned in closer, "whatever has happened to you today, yesterday, whenever, I'm not letting you forget."

"It's none of your fu-" Jamasis started.

"Shut up and listen," the bartender let him see that he had a pistol ready in his hand. "Now if you don't talk nice, or if you cause a scene, you know what I will do. Last night, I told you about that kid? Well he's not too remarkable, pretty normal looking. Unless you know him; however much he changes, however normal he is, anyone who has known him as long as I did will always recognise him." The bartender raised an eyebrow at Jamasis. "So really I'm going to guess shooting you would be doing you a favour in a way. Now unless you want me to accidentally drop your name in a particular person’s ear, then you can stop trying to drink your problems away."

"This coming from someone who sells alcohol?"

"Yes. Get drunk all you want, but I saw everything you did and everything you caused. I'm not letting you drink yourself away, because I grew to like you. Which is why I'm being cruel and making you solve your own effing problems instead of using alcohol. You always say, alcohol cures all, right? I taught you that. But that is a lie. It cures almost anything, but not quite all. It does a botched job, to. Now tell me what happened."

Jamasis sighed. He took the bottle, poured himself a glass and drank some of it. He lit himself a cigarette and looked back at the bartender.

"So. You know who I am, but I guess I'm still alive. Who else knows."

"Tell me what is wrong."

"Who else knows!" Jamasis shouted back. The man just stared at him without emotion. Frustrated, he downed his glass and took the bottle out of the bar.

Who else bloody knows!

That's easy to work out.

Then enlighten me, you sarcastic arse.

Who else knows you that well? Amelia, she recognised you straight away. The bartender. Kasper probably knows your face now; especially seen as you are the only person to have had relations with Amelia.

I know about Amelia, I guessed Kasper before I arrived, the bartender just told me! Who else knows!

Everyone. Everyone who has known you long enough for you to recognise them.

This is usually a short term occupation.

You still recognise people.

Fine, mostly the highest up people. So the big ones, who don't give a damn about me. That's it.

Really? That beating must really have screwed up your memory.

Oh shit! He knows who I am, doesn’t he? Oh shit. What do I do now? I have to meet him in an hour and a half.

He didn't call Kasper, or anyone. You're alive and well. Physically, at least.

Jamasis leaned against the wall in a mixture of relief and anxiety. He thought he knew about everyone who knew about him. He didn't think they had alerted anyone. But had they? The complication of it was painful. Jamasis drank some of the brandy. To hell with the barman. I'm getting myself pissed, and damn what he says about problems.


The bottle was too small. All bottles seemed to be too small. They are getting more expensive and less worth it all the time. I'm sure of it. He slowly lifted himself up. He had to meet the whats-his-face in about ten minutes. No matter. At least he wasn't in a gutter this time. Jamasis looked around. Rather clever of me, really. Why get muddy, in the gutter? I can just climb up onto these people's roofs and get drunk here. He climbed down and walked back to the bar.

"Can I even go inside now? Or will he just shoot me?" he said out loud to himself. The alcohol hadn't worked. He looked at the empty brandy bottle like it had betrayed him. Almost angry with it, he threw it against a wall, where it shattered. "Well, I haven’t got anything to lose. That's the honest truth, isn't it."

Inside the bar, nothing was different. He hadn't been sure what to expect, but with his built up anxiety, normal seemed, well, weird. The bartender glanced at him, but otherwise did nothing. Relieved, yet still uneasy, he sat at one of the tables at the edge. There weren't too many people in here during the day; it might be completely full during the night, but right now few besides the serious drunkards were present.

A few minutes later, the bouncer walked in. Jamasis hadn't really paid him a second glance earlier, even if he had recognised him. But now was different; Jamasis was suspicious, paranoid even, of this man because of what he knew, what he might know, and what he might have done.

"Hey," he said to Jamasis. All he got was a nod in reply. "How drunk are you?"

"A bit. Nothing too much though."

"Right. Come with me, we've got a fair bit to talk about," the man said. He lead Jamasis out of the bar and to the edge of the district.

"Why are we here?" Jamasis had to ask.

"Because nobody is stupid enough to keep their serious gear anywhere near their house. The more unlikely the location, the better. So we keep our serious gear in a few locations dotted around the city, more in every city on the planet. Here, like most places, some abandoned warehouse. Sure it sounds obvious, but when you have plenty of empty boxes, parts of shipments, random objects, illegal equipment is quite easy to hide."

"Makes sense," remarked Jamasis.

"Here we are," the man gestured to a derelict old building.

"I see what you mean," Jamasis said.

"Yeah, it becomes much clearer when you see it in person. Just so we don't run into any awkward moments, what's your name?"

"Jamasis." He winced as he said it, but if the name was familiar it didn't register on his companions face.

"Okay. Mine is Salken. Just to avoid any awkward moments later on," at that he smiled. "Anyway, we need to get on with this. We only have until evening."

"Until evening to do what?" Jamasis asked. This wasn't normal; time was never a factor in this sort of work.

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  RE: Homecoming (Jamasis)
October 3, 2010 10:10:45 AM    View the profile of Jamasis 
Salken entered the warehouse and turned the lights on. It was mostly empty, but old crates, containers and merchandise could be seen scattered all over.

Like I said, what are we doing?" asked Jamasis. Salken still didn't answer, simply leading him further into the warehouse. They stopped at one of the piles of boxes and crates. It was indistinguishable from the rest.

"Open it up," Salken said. He pointed at one of the crates, and Jamasis obliged.

Holy crap! I never knew Kasper went this far, he thought to himself. The crate was filled with various models of gun. Nothing too recent, and mostly pistols and the like.

"Now, as for what we are doing. Well when you run this sort of business, you don't like competitors. Now recently some of our competitors acquired, shall we say, a fair bit of cash and merchandise that we had. Now me and you are going to teach them a lesson."

Jamasis feigned worry about this situation, "but I was told that what you did was blackmailing and stuff. Now you want the two of us to have a private little war?"

"Oh cut that shit out. I know you've done this before. You have a knife wound, a gunshot wound. You have a bloody pistol. There is a reason I chose you to do this with," he said. "Besides, most of the people in this city don't know we do this. They all think we blackmail and the like, but that isn't very effective against ruthless competitors, is it?"

"So how many are there?" Jamasis asked.


"Hey, look. I get called crazy, for some of the stuff I do. Thirty, against the two of us? Even I'm not that dumb."

"Trust me, it will make more sense when we get on with it. Now take a rifle, some ammunition too. You can keep your own pistol, but grab some explosives while you're at it."

Jamasis began to look through the crate. Hell. This isn't good. Don't attract attention, but I do it anyway. And now it turns out that something is clearly unusual about me. And then it turns out I'm going straight to the elite, in a sense. How the hell am I going to get out of this? He selected a DC-15 rifle, and took two spare clips. As for the explosives, he just grabbed some detonite and hoped it was enough.

"You ready?" Salken asked.

"Uh, yeah," Jamasis replied. The other man had found a shotgun and a disruptor pistol. "Bit over the top?" he asked the other man.

"Not really. We're fighting inside, and we are trying to kill them, blow the building and get out. Not fussed about making it clean or whatnot."

"I suppose. So where is it, and how do we get there with guns?"

"This has been done in the past you know. Just outside of the district we have a speeder to pick us up. When we get to the right building, it stops, and we get off. You don't have to know where it is, just follow where I go."

So my life feels kind of like it is collapsing, and when I'm on leave I infiltrate a criminal organisation to help them butcher other criminals. Hmm, there might be something wrong with me.


Oh shut up.


The speeder also wasn't anything special. Even after going around in it, Jamasis doubted he would be able to work out which one it was from a line-up. Well, I'm amazed. Not only is this group much more... well, deadly than I thought it was, it is also nearly impossible to prove they did any murders or suchlike. Unmarked, unremarkable everything. The explosives are probably going to wipe out any evidence in the actual building. Guess this is what you get when the police are Bothans. Sure they may pride themselves on being clever, scheming, and having the best official spies in the galaxy. But that just creates, well, this.

They ground to a halt outside another plain building. Everyone is doing it! Not just the big groups, even the small ones seemed to have caught on. Heh, now I have something to rub a Bothan's face in.

"It's not complicated, Jamsis," said Salken. "It's simple, in fact. What happens is, I knock on the door. Whoever opens it, and any friends of his, you shoot. Then we clear out the bottom floor, and then we clear out the top floor."

"You said thirty?"

"Yeah. See, not as hard as the number sounds."

"If I'm honest, you probably made it slightly har-" Salken had already moved for the door, so Jamasis set himself up. He crouched, around five metres back from the door itself, rifle at his shoulder. Just like basic, I guess.

Salken rang the doorbell, then moved to the side, shotgun ready. A few seconds later the door opened, and Jamasis fired his rifle straight through the door way. There had been two people at the door, dead straight away. A third had ducked into a side room, but not before being shot in the leg.

"Get going!" shouted Salken. Inside frantic movement could be heard as well as a lot of shouting. Jamasis ran inside, just behind the other man, and they immediately split into a door on the right and one on the left. Jamasis went left, Salken right. Inside were three people, scrambling for weapons of some sort. A few quick shots, and he moved on. Salken was clearing out just as quickly. The last room on the ground floor had more than half a dozen inside. Salken's shotgun cracked, causing two of them to literally explode onto the wall behind them. Jamasis took care of two more, and despite a few hasty shots, a few seconds later the room was silent. Innards and blood were quite literally spread across the wall, courtesy of the shotgun.

"Come on, we need to get upstairs," Salken said. The two of them moved towards the stairs, more cautious now. Someone tried to shoot from the top, but fell to Jamasis' rifle. Another followed. Slowly Salken and Jamasis made their way up the stairs, guns ready for any newcomers. At the top, there were three rooms. Deciding not too split up this time, they both moved into the smallest one. It was deserted, but their action encouraged three people to try and trap them. The shotgun cracked, and they fell to the ground. The second room had four more people in it. A blaster bolt came close to his head, and another almost got his arm, but Jamasis took them out with ease.

"Quickly, last room. Only a couple left," Salken said reassuringly. They entered, and fired from the hip without bothering to aim. The effect was similar, however. In an enclosed space there wasn't enough room to avoid the shots, and the few people remaining fell quickly.

"What now?" asked Jamasis.

"These guys were amateurs. That's why it was easy, and why we're both unharmed. Don't get too confident," he warned. "Right now though, go back out to the speeder. There should be some flammable stuff in there. Get it, bring it in here."

Jamasis quickly moved back out to the speeder, where he found a barrel of an unusual smelling liquid.

"What is it?" he asked Salken.

"Actually it is used in a lot of stuff. Just on its own it is quite explosive."

"What stuff?"

"Doesn't matter right now. Just pour a trail of it into all the rooms."

Jamasis poured some in each room, then linked it all back to a large puddle near the door, "Hey, uh, some of them are still alive. We taking prisoners?"

"No need," said Salken. Jamasis nodded, drew his pistol and dealt with the problem. A minute later, and three shots fired, he returned to Salken.

"What else?"

"We have, maybe ten minutes from when we opened fire to leave again. Been eight so far. Just put that detonite in the doorway and get in the speeder."

Jamasis did as he said. As he climbed back into the speeder, Salken took Jamasis rifle. He aimed it at the detonite, fired, and it exploded. That, in turn, caused the liquid to erupt in flame. As the speeder drew away, the whole house became an inferno.

Well, at least it isn't attached to another building. That's one thing I haven't done yet, I suppose. Everyone I have killed, has deserved it, from somebodies view. Wonder how long I can keep that up? I'm in the Imperial army, which is well known for its pleasantries, right now I am going around killing people for a crime lord, and there's probably something else there too. I need a drink, Jamasis thought to himself. He lit himself a cigarette and waited for the speeder to get back to Kasper's district. Then, he could get himself drunk, and to hell with the consequences.

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