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Varron's Profile Information
Callsign: Varron  Send a message to Varron
ComNet Rank: ComNet Novice
Avatar: Varron
Division(s): VE - Stormtrooper Corps
Gender: Male
Species: Trandoshan
Birthday: August 7
Date Joined: November 14, 2004
Last Active: July 10, 2005 at 4:56:27 AM
Number of Posts: 75
Biography: Name: Varron
Callsign: Varron
Age: Unknown
Species: Trandoshan
Height: 2.3 Meters
Weight: 170 Kg
Scale Color: Dark Green
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Red
Reason for joining Vast Empire: See Attached
Place Of Birth: Trandosha
Scars: Long scar crossing right cheek
Native to the planet Trandosha, Varron started hunting at an early age, mastering both hand to hand and ranged combat before maturity.
Varron made a name for himself as a bounty hunter and was soon hired by Rebel sympathizers to assasinate a high ranking official of the Imperial Faction, the Vast Empire. The mission was a failure and after a bloody escape attempt in which he was cut deeply in the face Varron was inprisoned in depths of a VE prison.
Given the choice of service or death, Varron joined the Vast Empire Army, the scar crossing his cheek a constant reminder of his failure to the Scorekeeper.
Family: None
Training: Self Taught
Prior Expericance: Bounty Hunter
Character Skills: Tracking, Strength
Iron Horse Squad
.: Bringing peace through violence:.

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