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Topic:  Chapter 8.5 Phase II
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  Chapter 8.5 Phase II
August 10, 2007 12:45:49 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Just some setup work. We have a problem with a couple of the other squads not providing our full mission setup. Please goad those who are not done to please complete their missions. Otherwise, this next phase is going to have more teeth than it otherwise would.

Vanderwal Station - midway between the Rimma Trade Route and Shapani Bypass, near Giju

He had too many fingers in too many pies, but at least he had an office in most of those figurative pies. Here was no different.

Vanderwal Station was an Imperial Center venture. It didn't even have to hide this fact. One of a planned twelve across this half of the galaxy, Vanderwal was a depot, R&R, and repair facility in basically the middle of nowhere. No planets, no obvious law, perfect for those lost in the void and/or in need of a place to hole up without anyone really looking.

All these criteria fit Fury's need to park his Morningstar fighter in a hangar and have a meet with Kuin. No one cared about an older model starfighter and a beginning-to-gray pilot working kinks out of his body after a multi-jump hyperspace trip. Not to mention that the grub wasn't too bad.

"You look like hell boss," said Kuin. He had already ordered some appetizers and a round of ales.

"Thanks. Spying on me again?"

The fixer shrugged. "You gave me codes to monitor even the security cams. Figured I'd make sure your beer was still cold when you got here." He raised his mug.

Fury chuckled and followed suit. "To what do we toast to?"

Kuin smiled. "To finding wheels within wheels."

Fury raised an eyebrow and drank and a waitress came over. No droids serving in one of his establishments. Even, maybe especially, when the clientele were the usual spacers. Order submitted, she went away. The two got back to talking.

"I figure you've probably got a division working on this, but I know where the shipyard is. What I don't have are the access codes or approach vector, but that's just either a matter or time or finding the right person to bribe." Kuin slid over a datachip, which Fury fed into his personal datapad.

Reading over the mix of reports, interrogations, and captured documents, he sipped his ale and then looked up. "Where the hell is Hast?"

Kuin smiled. "That, sir, is the trillion credit question. That said, just mentioning that word in the wrong company would likely get you killed. We've got maps dating back centuries that don't mention it. That said, it doesn't even really matter that we don't know where. I mean, we will, and hopefully get the codes so that the entire orbital defense grid doesn't come crashing down on whoever gets sent in, but I know a guy...."

Kuin let a party from a nearby table get up and collect themselves on the way out.

Fury smirked. "You know a guy?"

"Well, yeah, I know how it sounds.  That said, you know how we operate, you set the damn rules up in the first place. Basically, my contact has one of the contracts for salvage work whenever some ships get overhauled or built. Kilometers of extra wiring, some hull plating and so on. Nice money on the reclamation market. He has been encouraged to vouch for a team or two of salvage experts to be taken to the yards. Yes, they'll need some training. And, yes, they'll actually be expected to do the work. But barring any other advances you have made, this is our ticket in."

Fury nodded. "We could be days away from a breakthrough or even weeks. Right now, though, I have two squads that could use a mission. This is great news Kuin. Hell, I'll even buy the next round."
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  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase II
August 10, 2007 4:15:41 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Vanderwal Station was far behind him, and Fury was now back on the Dominion. That said, the star destroyer was not alone. Along with the tenders and random gunship providing defense, the latest ships off the Imperial Center shipyards had now come into nearby space. 

His many jobs were starting to catch up with him.  He was in Imperial officer's garb, in his conference room, having a discussion with his personal store fleet captains about their mission. Conflict on interest didn't really even explain things. Not to mention the supply ships were all licensed to his company.

"Alright, you are here solely because you need to stay out of sight. That, and this location is pretty close to the target system...wherever that is. Still working on that minor detail."

Captain Danvers spoke up, "Boss. General. Whatever we're supposed to call you.... We've still got all kinds of shakedown repairs and tweaks to do. With a couple more repair vessels we can do all that, stay far enough away from the Dominion to be essentially unseen by anyone who needs to be here officially...or even by accident. 

"Besides, those new Morningstar-Ds are working out real well. No one is going to expect that old of a fighter class to be as fast and dangerous as these. Kudos to whoever revamped those from our flight crews."

"I'll pass it along. Anyone else having a problem sitting and waiting?" Shakes of the head all around.

"Alright, we should be moving out soon. The navy hasn't quite gotten back to me yet so be prepared for some coordination discussions with them once that gets going."
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  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase II
August 24, 2007 1:29:28 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Check Navy Main ComNet for my notes to them concerning this phase of the mission.

Command bridge, ICS Castanaveras

Fury was addressing his captains with Kuin and other agents represented by a series of small holos off to his side. The Castanaveras, two massive Aggressor-class destroyers and some escort Victory-II frigates had arrived in recent days. With the Dominion staying out of this fight, it was time to setup the Imperial Center flotilla for their part of the campaign.

"We have the codes and the coordinates and are getting confirmation via passive hits to the beacons placed by my troopers. We have some recon scouts patrolling the edges of the Hast system trying to pick out the minefields and any supporting New Republic fleets in local space. We'll have more on that soon. Understandably, this is being done as carefully as possible to avoid detection.

"Kuin, get off of Giju and assemble a team. You'll need to escort a large sized prize crew we're putting together. More details on that here in a bit.

"Paler, I need schematics on what we believe are the deckplans of an MC90 Star Cruiser and a Golan-II defense platform. 

"The rest of you will receive the proper codes to pass yourselves off as Corellian ships coming into a friendly shipyard. Yes, you will be unannounced. Yes, you will get immediate fighter escort. And, yes, this is going to be real dicey. We've got just under twenty ships, but subordinate craft to worry about, so keep sharp.

"I'll stick around for questions, but I do have to fire orders off to the army squads. Everyone take ten and we'll get back to planning this out."

Alright, let's get ready to do this.

Most of you will be riding in with an Imperial Center fleet composed of mostly Corellian ships. We'll have the right clearance codes and, while unexpected, will know the route into the shipyards. Depending on the work of Paladin and Wraiths, we should have some of the groundwork set for us ahead of time.

That said, here are your missions in order of deployment.


Your mission is to take an escorted command ship into one of the small primary hangars of the shipyard. This will be composed of trading agents for the fleet to set up provisions. They are actually Imperial Center special operatives who will go about their own task once you guys get a chance to get parked. Your task will entail locking down and eliminating the threat of this hangar, which houses a squadron of E-Wing starfighters and K-Wing bombers.

This should not take you long and thus you can assist the Dark Dragoons once you are wrapped up with this. Alternately, you can help by taking out defensive cannon. I'll leave it up to you guys if you wish to solo this mission in other ways.

Dark Dragoons

Your squad will have a significant role in this campaign. Once the fighting begins you will head towards one of the MC90s in the drydock. The most completed craft will be targeted for destruction. You will take the next completed, which has a hull but is not fully complemented with a crew nor with all defenses and starfighters. You will capture the bridge with an Imperial Center prize crew coming in shortly behind you.

I have some ideas how I'd like this to play out that I'd like to bounce around so please, let's try to meet up on this prior to moving forth.


A similar mission to the Dark Dragoons except your job is to board one of the two Golan-II defense platforms, and either take the bridge and disable the defensive systems, or set enough charges to make the darn thing vent atmosphere. Erm, bring extra O2 cartridges for your armor.


Play it by ear and let me know how things go. If you need more orders you will get them.

Now, once the IC fleet comes in, they will hit the shipyards as hard as they can, try to disable a couple of key targets and once the first wave of Navy craft come into system, they will disengage and attempt to depart the system. They are your ride in, but you'll be making your own way off.

For those on the shipyard, either steal a ship or attempt to make it to the MC90, assist with taking it, and prepare to help man turrets to gun your way out of the shipyards.

For the Raiders, try to dock with the MC90, get picked up by our navy brethren, or be creative.

Yes, this leaves a lot of questions and I am willing to answer them. I'll be on tomorrow night after the football draft and am hoping to begin my entries concerning the IC fleet by Saturday and Sunday.

Let's have fun with this, and PLEASE for the squad leaders, leave updates of objectives on Commander's Comnet. I have promised the Navy to get them updates on a fairly regular basis and they will attempt to do the same for us. If nothing else, you can write in that you saw a capital ship explode when staring out a viewport and their fighters can react to any changes in the enemy defenses we do in our part of the story.
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  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase II
August 24, 2007 9:16:58 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
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  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase II
August 26, 2007 4:15:05 PM    View the profile of Fury 
And so it begins, he sighed.

When he joined the Vast Empire, the Emperor was dead, the Empire torn asunder by warlords. All seemed lost. Even the Vast Empire itself had to find new homeworlds, far from the Core, up against the Unknown Regions and the black.

From there he had advanced from a new recruit, though not as young as the raw draftees and volunteers, and moved up the ranks quickly. Surprisingly so, but when there's a war on, you go where needed.

And then, finally, the advance back to civilization. First, small attacks, aiding other Imperial factions. Now, with Moorja and Bestine IV taken, the RimWard lanes being secured by other Imperials, and now this, setting up some independent systems and taking a bite out of the New Republic's power in this region of space.

It did not hurt that this would also hurt Thrawn. The Grand Admiral had known of this shipyard for years but made a deal with the non-human elements of the New Republic to play them against the Imperials who did not automatically kowtow to his rank cylinder. The days of blind obedience were over and the Chiss warlord would just have to learn that the hard way.

With Thrawn and the non-human rebels playing footsie, there was a way to fracture the New Republic and take away Thrawn's authority.

All the Vast Empire had to do was hit this shipyard and make the news public.

Then again, that was the job for REMFs and propaganda geeks.

Fury just knew how to blow stuff up.

He looked over at Captain Alvaros. "How are we doing?"

"Everyone seems accounted for Boss. We're ready to go."

Fury looked over at the communications console, when Paler Kraik was hard at work decrypting something or other. "Paler?"

The slicer looked up. "Yeah boss, we're fine. Those codes still check out and I've got us triangulated around the beacons laid out for us. Once we actually traverse the route, I should be able to get the navy a course that will take them around the perimeter."

Fury nodded. "Then let's do this people. Alert all IC ships and start the countdown. Get those tenders out of the way and thank the Dominion for their hospitality and have them escort everybody out of here in case someone tries to backtrack our trail."

He sat back and let the next hour go by reading invoices and orders for both the army and store. Eventually Alvaros sent some junior ensign over to give him the news. They were ready to go.

The Castanaveras shuddered slightly as they went into hyperspace. A few hours later they exited right on course from what their captured New Republic information had provided. It took the better part of a day. Stars and other cluster were heavy closer to the Core and they were definitely not on a trade lane anymore.

Reading reports was one thing, as was checking battle plans. This was a little bit more than he wanted to get into with an untested fleet full of crewers who had only started playing with capital ships a few years ago. Frankly, he had tried to hire from any professional navy he could but pickings were slim. At least all the gunners knew what they were doing, but Imperial Center spacers were really just freighter crews with bigger toys for the most part.

In front of them was an old, but still-very-lethal Bavos-I defense platform. It had already launched at least one squadron of fighters and two Dreadnaughts and a few gunships had started actively pinging them.

"Paler," he murmured.

"On it," he replied and began actively scanning the entire area around them. The Castanaveras was essentially a big sensor platform with engines and guns. It would find a way around this base if at all possible.

"Keep working it out. Everyone else stay cool and make no provocative moves."

He looked over at Alvaros, who, at least, had spent some years with the Corellian Defense Fleet. He even looked the part. "Showtime Captain. I'll be in my wardroom in case their image software picks me up and flags me in a holo."

Alvaros smiled. "Not to worry Baron. We've got this covered. We've got the codes and I can charm the pants off of a set of Twi'lek twins. This will be over before you even know it."

Fury laughed and went to watch the proceedings elsewhere.

Alvaros was handling the might of New Republic paranoia in exemplary fashion. Yes, they were a fleet out of Corellia. Yes, their shipyard had been hit during a shakedown run. Yes, they had proof of their existence. No, they had no clue who gave them the codes, just that someone did and ordered them to redeploy to Hast.

Yes, this was highly unusual and yes, there were sorry for the inconvenience.

Another forty-five minutes of this earned them an escort of X-Wings, late model at that and a menacing modified Strike cruiser, with what appeared to be fully loaded with bombers of some kind.

Fury was now back on the bridge as the fleet was being given coordinates.

"Captain. Excellent work," he said when shaking Alvaros' hand.

He shrugged. "Easiest thing I imagine I'll be doing today." He was probably right. "They say the jump is only about five hours. I'm getting some shut eye and, if I may, I suggest you should too."

Fury blinked. "Hell, why not? Might as well die rested."

For some reason, no one really laughed all that much.

The Imperial Center fleet is composed of much of the Anti-Piracy Task Force 1 and is as follows:

CD-710 Corellian Destroyer
Carl Castanaveras

CC-6400 Corellian Heavy Frigates
Hans Richter
Ptolemy Bent
Michael Havel

CC-6500 Corellian Heavy Missile Frigates
Nicolas Angel
Sara Pezzini
Beatrix Kiddo
Mathurin Kerbouchard

Aggressor Destroyers

Four Victory-II Escort Frigates
Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Baron Administrator - Imperial Center
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited August 26, 2007 4:16:57 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited August 26, 2007 4:18:04 PM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase II
August 28, 2007 10:51:43 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Alvaros gave a low whistle as they exited hyperspace. "Damn boss, this is going to suck hard," he commented. Paler looked up at the magnified view of the shipyard and then looked down to begin giving orders.

Fury gave him a moment. "Paler, how bad?"

"Depends on what exactly you are looking for. Two Golan-IIs, enough mines to take a chunk out of a planet, and enough firepower to take us out. By the way, you might want to take a seat next to me and get out of the way."

Alvaros began handling requests for berthing from the shipyard coordinators. Three squadrons of E-Wings and X-Wings had already launched and were forming an escort wing around the fleet.

Fury and Paler got to work. Paler started laying out a grid of this shipyard.  "Alright, the beacon is on the Freedom which is the second ship in the lineup. The Tranquility is just about complete and is first in line, the Harmony has about everything but a squadron and full crew is third, and the Steadfast next to her is spaceworthy but not entirely completed. We shouldn't have to worry about the Resolute as it doesn't seem to even have shipboard power yet. But I'd keep a few guns on it just in case.

"The goal is to target the Steadfast and work our way down the line to include the Tranquility and Harmony.  We'll give the Steadfast a few parting shots but that's about it. Hopefully the stormies can take it easily.

"Obviously our biggest threats are the Golans and the fighters from the Andoan Dawn. The Emancipator is a complete unknown. I have no data on its status or if it is even capable of leaving its berth. Same for the Tranquility but I'm gonna bet it is just about fully operational."

Fury sighed. "Alright, task some targeting orders. Have the ships move into position as soon as we can do so. Also, get our fighters ready to go. We're about to have a busy day. Anything else?"

Paler cringed. "Real bad news? I'm picking up two gravity well projectors coming online. CC-7700s. It is going to take me a minute but I'll update you with a firing solution."

Alvaros wasn't seeming to be getting anywhere convincing the shipyard of his bona fides. Some actor he turned out to be. "And get those Majestics back, damn you. I'm flying a Corellian warship. I have the right codes. No one knows where this damn yard is anyway! How dare you accuse me of being a spy?"

The Officer on Duty was having none of the act. "If you won't calm down, we will fire warning shots and you will submit to our 'paranoia' as you have been calling it."

Paler nodded to Fury, who stood up and nodded to Alvaros. "Captain," he said. "We're ready."

The OOD suddenly became concerned. "Ready for what?"

"Ready to stop talking to your sorry ass!" yelled Alvaros. "Shields up. Fire at will!" One last look at the holo. "And I'll see you in hell!"

The fleet had begin moving into a formation that put the Castanaveras and Bent at the center with two of the Victory frigates as Task Force Aurek. The other Victory's accompanied the Bludgeon and were to focus on the "left" of the yards to take on the closest Golan-II as Task Force Besh.  The Richter was providing cover to the Pezzini and Kiddo while the Havel was covering the Angel as Task Force Cresh, Kerbouchard and Sledgehammer which would be breaking "right" as Task Force Dora.

At this moment, however, the immediate issue was to fire the first shot.

At Alvaros' orders, all ships turbolasers began seeking out targets from amongst the starfighter escort, hitting many of them by surprise. Morningstar-D fighters left the Castanaveras with a shudder, joining those emerging from the Richter, Bent and Havel.

Fury was momentarily blinded as the Bludgeon took an early shot at the nearby Golan. Immediately a third of its beacon lights went out, though the remaining guns were beginning to seek targets.

"Move forward and protect TF Cresh", yelled Alvaros. Laser beams began splashing against the forward shields.  Off to the right of the bridge, Sledgehammer shot a bolt at the nearest CC-7700. The Interdictor craft actually recoiled from the shot. Missiles began streaking towards it from the Angel and Kerbouchard.

"Status report Paler!" yelled Fury as a few random missiles hit the Castanaveras and almost threw him to the ground.

"Nothing's wounded yet, but I don't see that lasting for long. We should have brought more fighters."  The shipyard and Andoan Dawn were throwing dozens of new fighters into the fray.

"This is going to be close. Get those gunners to hurry up please," he shouted to fire control. They just laughed.

A few minutes later the situation was becoming clearer. The fleet was in trouble. Sledgehammer was in danger of losing its shields but had disabled the CC-7700 with its escorts finishing the job. It had also fired two bursts at the Emancipator, which could, after all, launch from its berth. Plumes of flames near the engines meant that was temporarily not the case. The Tranquility was now online and beginning to leave its berth.

Task Force Cresh had, however, done its worst against the other MC90s. Moving from under the Castanaveras and Bent and had severly crippled the Steadfast, while the Harmony had thrown up shields fast enough to only lose the port side of the ship. Without an engine plant, it was still firing from its dorsal and starboard turbolasers.  Freedom was offline from a shot from the Sledgehammer but it was unclear how damaged it might be. Most likely systems were coming online and it would be a danger in mere moments.

Fury, aboard Task Force Aurek, was watching a slugging match with the two Majestic cruisers Bespin and Dantooine. Having mopped up the Strike cruiser that had escorted them into the shipyards, Castanaveras' fighters had taken on two of the Nebulon-Bs and had crippled one. A few missiles had split the other in half.

Over on the other side of the battle, the Bludgeon had lost one of its escorts and had silenced the first Golan.

Fury ordered an escort for the Raiders and sent them to take over or cripple the first Golan before it got online again.

He ordered additional cover fire and escort to send the Dark Dragoons and Eclipse squads on their respective targets, taking care to stay out of the way of the Tranquility's fires.

Then he waited for the tide to turn. It didn't take long.

The Pezzini took a broadside of bombs from the K-Wings aboard the shipyard and began breaking up.

The same group of bombers damaged the Richter and it cost the whole of its fighters to turn back the aggressors.

Using the shell of the Pezzini for cover, the Kiddo moved back behind Task Force Aurek with the Richter limping behind.  Prior to getting hit hard they had managed an array of salvos at the shipyard itself, with spectacular results.

Bludgeon had lost its second escort frigate and was now being torn apart by fighters. It launched its escape craft and the ship began counting down its auto-destruct as it came up to the second Golan.

Sledgehammer was now being harassed by fire from the Emancipator and Tranquility though it managed one more shot at the second CC-7700, crippling it at least temporarily. The Kerbouchard and Angel set themselves between the Aggressor and began hammering back at the Tranquility with their last missile salvos.

As the ships collected themselves together, the Imperial Center fleet had managed to kill another Nebulon-B and had shot the Dantooine's engines out from under it. It was adrift and still firing when the Sledgehammer self-destructed right next to it.

Bludgeon took out the shields and part of the second Golan at about the same time. The Bent had evacuated and were now aboard the Castanaveras.

Paler looked at Fury, who looked at Alvaros, who was looking mighty grim at this point. "The Navy better finish this place off. God knows we paid enough to lighten their load."

"S'alright Captain. Let's just get the hell out of here." Paler had sent the remnants of the fleet coordinates out of local space so they could regroup.

They had done all they could. Now they just had to get out of here. With a short hyperspace jump, they left it up to the navy to decide the rest of the battle.
Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Baron Administrator - Imperial Center
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited August 28, 2007 11:07:23 PM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase II
September 21, 2007 6:39:46 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Back into the an extent.

Fury had transferred to one of the support escort craft, the CC-9600 frigate Kunetka, along with its partner Strieber.  Both ships were escorted by the remaining Morningstar fighters from the IC flotilla and a flight of Preybird fighter/bombers, who promptly began a scanning run on the primary Golan. The Raiders had taken it down and they targetted a bombing solution to occur just as soon as the squad had left the platform.

Meanwhile, both frigates flew between the wreckage of battle, nimbly obscuring themselves from enemy fire by using the hulks of fallen vessels. It was morose, but a definite survival strategy.

Once they got past the Tranquility's guns they slid along the port side of the Steadfast and docked with the vessel. The prize crew carried by each ship began dispersing throughout the ship to begin departure procedures. Both frigates detached and began the process of escort duty, taking care to monitor channels to see if they could give anyone a ride out of the battlezone.
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  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase II
September 26, 2007 10:47:08 AM    View the profile of Fury 
"WOAH!" yelled Paler as he was watching the turret feeds from the Steadfast.  He switched it to Fury's console, to his annoyance.  A bright plume of fire briefly gasped before dissipating into the void from the station.

"Erm, what did *that*?"

"Not much boss. Our friends over in the Mon Cal were trying to pick away at a gunnery blister when all of a sudden the shields gave and the whole damn assembly brewed up."

Hmmm..."Any word from the Wraiths?"

"Nah, lots of interference. I can barely talk to the other two ships and don't count on me hailing a Navy vessel either. These guys know they're going down and they're planning to take us with them.

"You think your lunatic stormies managed to take down those shields? I didn't see the usual 'blinding blue shimmery thing' big shield assemblies do when they overload."

"Hell Kraik, knowing them, and the toilets are flushing backwards on that station right now. Keep an ear and eye out for them in case they need a pickup."

Paler laughed. "That might not be so easy. The whole damn station is starting to bug out. Check it out."

Dozens of evac pods were bursting out of a part of the station that still seemed powered up. They were inadvertently getting between the Navy and the New Republic capital ships. Other small craft and some fighters were leaving various hangars.

The gunnery officer looked up. "Orders sir?"

"If it shoots at us, kill it. No need to go whacking every survivor. I'd like to think the Empire is beyond that now. It isn't like this battle is going to remain a secret for long anyways. Now let's use this 'clutter' of escape pods and get the hell out of here. Pick up who we can - our side or their's - and let's take our loot and go home."
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