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Topic:  Chapter 8.5 Phase 1
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[VE-ARMY] Grand General
[VE-VEHC] Grand General*
Post Number:  2211
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  Chapter 8.5 Phase 1
June 5, 2007 12:24:15 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Here are the preliminary notes provided to your squad leaders in the past month or so. Probably more full disclosure than I meant to give but given my schedule of late, let's get this on and let you figure this all out. Your squad leaders can provide as much or as little guidance past these notes as they wish.

What follows is the overarching scheme. Thrawn has made a deal with some New Republic types that are not pro-human. In return, he has created a situation where the New Republic is stronger in our area than they would be in the normal timeline. They have, however, had to make some bargains outside their usual ethical purity.  They have sided with dictators, smugglers, and pirates to stabilize a region. Suddenly, the Empire has the moral high ground in this region of space.

In short, it is a big PR move on our part. We get to destablize a NR region that would rather be independent. We get to display Thrawn backstabbing fellow Imperials, and NR aliens backstabbing NR humans. If we play it right, we're the good guys through all this as we aren't really trying to grab territory.

Once again, this pretty much gets us further and further from the known timeline in the EU literature. Some of us should get together to detail that more.

We also have a movement to aid the Tapani Freeworlds from getting out from under the NR. They won't side with us, but that's not too big an issue at this point, being we're using the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" logic just like we tried with Devaron.

So, for the ARCs, first in with this all in mind. Their job is to aid in providing weapons to independence forces and depending on how that goes, they have additional tasks in the Mrlsst planetary area.

As you know, I may just dump a whole lot of stuff on you that's new. If you have some things that need explaining or just want to take this to a new tangent, let me know. Seriously, feel free to ask questions.

Objective Aurek

Planet: Abregado-rae

As things stand, the New Republic has dealings with a friendly dictatorship. This, of course, does nothing to keep the locals happy, but the authorities have all the guns and such.

The planet is also known historically as a pirate/smuggler hangout. The new powers-that-be are beginning to cut in on that action.

Our job? To get rid of the dictatorship while not trying to look as if we did it alone.

We go about this in various missions which any and all squads can get a taste of. In most cases we will work with local forces.

I. Assassinate key party members
II. Break out political prisoners that will champion independence (which is basically our goal)
III. Take out local NR resources
    A. Armory/weapons caches
    B. Starfighter squadrons/hangars
    C. Military "advisors" in their barracks
    D. Takeover media/broadcast centers and hack/override signals to produce pro-revolutionary messages into the data stream
IV. Capture party head and his entourage and turn over to local insurgents (i.e. NOT in our hands and neither in hands of smuggler's groups)

Objective Besh

Planet: Belgaroth

This one is going be harder to plan so whoever grabs it can play it by ear more.  This planet is pretty much a very large salvage yard. The end game here is to ambush and capture a New Republic general who has information we need. Basically it is a quick infiltration and ambush scenario and does not have to wait on other events.

Objective Cresh

Planet: Phu

Team is to get onto planet quietly and get into a podracing event on the planet. Goal is to kidnap a New Republic admiral and get him to orbit to turn over to a intelligence craft in orbit.

If you need resources on these planets, they are all on Wookieepedia but very vague for some uses. I have uploaded the WotC Coruscant and the Core Worlds manual (it is about 50 MB so beware. I'm not happy with this as it is copyright material and I may pull it down in a few weeks, but there you are.

It has info on Abregado-rae and Belgaroth that is more complete than on the wiki.

More info:

Borderland Regions - part of the area we are working in
Borderland Campaign - campaign we will actually be working on as Thrawn stopped if from happening in our continuity
Tapani Freeworlds - another slice of the area we may be working in

Also know this may become part of a paired mission with the navy down the line.

Various maps.

Galaxies-oriented one

Similar map

Cartographer's map - site is offline atm

Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center

Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center
ComNet Overlord
Imperial Baron

[VE-ARMY] Grand General
[VE-VEHC] Grand General*
Post Number:  2212
Total Posts:  2689
Joined:  Jun 2000
Status:  Offline
  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase 1
June 5, 2007 12:25:59 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Paladin Squad

Aurek Mission I

Planetary Information

Planet Name:  Abregado-rae
Planet Function:  Manufacturing/Trade
Government:  Repressive Bureaucracy (New Republic Allied)
Planet Type:  Terrestrial
Terrain:  Hills
Gravity:  Standard
Atmosphere:  Type I (breathable)
Length of Day:  23 hours
Length of Year:  349 days
Hydrosphere:  Moderate
Temperature:  Temperate
Population: 40,000,000
Starport:  Standard
Tech Level:  Space
Major Exports: High Tech, Mid Tech
Major Imports: Food Supplies, High Tech, Mid Tech, Medical Goods

Abregado-rae is a manufacturing and trade-oriented planet in the Abregado system in the Core Worlds, sitting at the beginning of the Rimma Trade Route. It is also the beginning of the Shapani Bypass or the "Bacta Run".

The planet was first discovered in 10,000 BBY when Galactic Republic scouts discovered the planet while exploring what would become the Rimma Trade Route, though colonization would not occur for millennia yet.

Before the Clone Wars, a number of residents of Abregado-rae, along with other natives on the Rimma Trade Route joined the Nebula Front. This organization was against corporate monopoly and decadent government, but was dissolved when it's leaders were killed or arrested by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

During the Clone Wars, Abregado-rae was the origin of the Shapani Bypass, a shortcut along the Rimma Trade Route that was used to quicken the delivery of Bacta from Thyferra to the Core Worlds.

During the Galactic Civil War, the local Humans sided with the Rebellion when they arrived to liberate the planet.

The planet eventually saw the founding of the Tundei regime, led by the Tundei Tribunal, by a Herglic named Shelov who along with other offworlders, promised a planet without crime. They installed harsh limits on freedom and stopped all legal shipments of food to separatists in the mountains in an attempt to stifle opposition. This caused it to be a common smuggling destination for foodstuffs. The regime eventually made the cost of running illegal operations on the planet so costly, that all illegal investment in Abregado-rae swiftly pulled out, nearly destroying the economy.

The regime has also allowed virtually the entire Moocher population be destroyed when the possible outbreak of Veizen Fever, a disease which drove Moochers mad, was thought capable of spreading to the resident Gados.

Operation Order

I. Situation

A. Enemy Forces

1. Identification of enemy forces:  Mix of local militia, planetary forces and New Republic "advisors". Dependent on your mission you may run into all three.

2. Location(s): Spaceports, government installations, military bases, routine patrols

3. Strength, morale, and capabilities/equipment: Well-equipped, highly motivated, and confident. The local forces are concerned about the threat of Thrawn and other Imperial forces, so your armor should be a force multiplier against these forces.

4. Probable course(s) of action: Will stand their fight and attempt to encircle Imperial forces for reinforcements to mop up.

B. Friendly Forces

1. Vast Empire forces and whatever allied rebel groups you may come into contact with.

II. Mission

Paladin Squad is to hook up with local resistance forces and infiltrate the Tundei parliamentary compound. There, you will receive a target list of high-ranking and influential politicians. You are to assassinate them with minimal collateral damage. Quickly eliminate the targets and prepare to move on to a safe house for further orders.

III. Execution


A. Concept of the Operation

1. Maneuver:

Get on planet, avoid detection, plot an effective escape route for next mission.

2. Fires:

Variable on mission goals.

B. Coordinating Instructions

1. Departure and reentry of friendly lines.
Once dirtside, you are operating alone. Other squads may be performing additional missions but you are not to

2. Actions on enemy contact:  Quickly neutralize any enemy contact to avoid discovery.

3. Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR): Obtain list of targets and schedules

4. Timeframe:  Once infiltrated into the government compound, it will not take long to be noticed as oddities and/or turned in by an opportunistic local. Spend no more than two days performing recon and then quickly take out as many targets as possible before heading to a safe house/alternate staging area.

C. Medical Evacuation:

Contingent on local resources

D. Personnel:

Literally, take no prisoners.

E. Miscellaneous:

1. Special equipment.


2. Captured equipment.

TBD by squad leader

IV. Command & Signal

A. Command
TBD by squad leader

B. Signal
TBD by squad leader
Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center
ComNet Overlord
Imperial Baron

[VE-ARMY] Grand General
[VE-VEHC] Grand General*
Post Number:  2214
Total Posts:  2689
Joined:  Jun 2000
Status:  Offline
  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase 1
June 5, 2007 12:08:34 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Dark Dragoons

Aurek Mission II

Planetary Information

Planet Name:  Abregado-rae
Planet Function:  Manufacturing/Trade
Government:  Repressive Bureaucracy (New Republic Allied)
Planet Type:  Terrestrial
Terrain:  Hills
Gravity:  Standard
Atmosphere:  Type I (breathable)
Length of Day:  23 hours
Length of Year:  349 days
Hydrosphere:  Moderate
Temperature:  Temperate
Population: 40,000,000
Starport:  Standard
Tech Level:  Space
Major Exports: High Tech, Mid Tech
Major Imports: Food Supplies, High Tech, Mid Tech, Medical Goods

Abregado-rae is a manufacturing and trade-oriented planet in the Abregado system in the Core Worlds, sitting at the beginning of the Rimma Trade Route. It is also the beginning of the Shapani Bypass or the "Bacta Run".

The planet was first discovered in 10,000 BBY when Galactic Republic scouts discovered the planet while exploring what would become the Rimma Trade Route, though colonization would not occur for millennia yet.

Before the Clone Wars, a number of residents of Abregado-rae, along with other natives on the Rimma Trade Route joined the Nebula Front. This organization was against corporate monopoly and decadent government, but was dissolved when it's leaders were killed or arrested by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

During the Clone Wars, Abregado-rae was the origin of the Shapani Bypass, a shortcut along the Rimma Trade Route that was used to quicken the delivery of Bacta from Thyferra to the Core Worlds.

During the Galactic Civil War, the local Humans sided with the Rebellion when they arrived to liberate the planet.

The planet eventually saw the founding of the Tundei regime, led by the Tundei Tribunal, by a Herglic named Shelov who along with other offworlders, promised a planet without crime. They installed harsh limits on freedom and stopped all legal shipments of food to separatists in the mountains in an attempt to stifle opposition. This caused it to be a common smuggling destination for foodstuffs. The regime eventually made the cost of running illegal operations on the planet so costly, that all illegal investment in Abregado-rae swiftly pulled out, nearly destroying the economy.

The regime has also allowed virtually the entire Moocher population be destroyed when the possible outbreak of Veizen Fever, a disease which drove Moochers mad, was thought capable of spreading to the resident Gados.

Operation Order

I. Situation

A. Enemy Forces

1. Identification of enemy forces:  Mix of local militia, planetary forces and New Republic "advisors". Dependent on your mission you may run into all three.

2. Location(s): Detention facilities, spaceports, government installations, military bases, routine patrols

3. Strength, morale, and capabilities/equipment: Well-equipped, highly motivated, and confident. The local forces are concerned about the threat of Thrawn and other Imperial forces, so your armor should be a force multiplier against these forces.

4. Probable course(s) of action: Will stand their fight and attempt to encircle Imperial forces for reinforcements to mop up.

B. Friendly Forces

1. Vast Empire forces and whatever allied rebel groups you may come into contact with.

II. Mission

Dark Dragoons are to identify key individual dissidents held in a light security facility outside of the capital city. These are independence leaders imprisoned by the regime for advocating no alliances with any outside force, NR/Empire/anyone. A quick break-in and release is key, as well as getting the primary leaders away and turned over to planetary resistance groups.

III. Execution


A. Concept of the Operation

1. Maneuver:

Get on planet, avoid detection, plot an effective escape route for next mission.

2. Fires:

Variable on mission goals.

B. Coordinating Instructions

1. Departure and reentry of friendly lines.
Once dirtside, you are operating alone. Other squads may be performing additional missions but you are not to

2. Actions on enemy contact:  Quickly neutralize any enemy contact to avoid discovery.

3. Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR): Obtain list of targets and schedules

4. Timeframe:  Once one the ground, consider one day of combined reconnaissance and contact with local resistance groups who will assist with providing the list of leaders needed. You may consider working with the locals as well as making this op look like a local operation. This will be up to the squad leader.

C. Medical Evacuation:

Contingent on local resources

D. Personnel:

Literally, take no prisoners. Except, you know, the ones you are trying to release.

E. Miscellaneous:

1. Special equipment.


2. Captured equipment.

TBD by squad leader

IV. Command & Signal

A. Command
TBD by squad leader

B. Signal
TBD by squad leader

Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center
ComNet Overlord
Imperial Baron

[VE-ARMY] Grand General
[VE-VEHC] Grand General*
Post Number:  2215
Total Posts:  2689
Joined:  Jun 2000
Status:  Offline
  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase 1
June 5, 2007 12:17:33 AM    View the profile of Fury 

Aurek Mission IIIa

Planetary Information

Planet Name:  Abregado-rae
Planet Function:  Manufacturing/Trade
Government:  Repressive Bureaucracy (New Republic Allied)
Planet Type:  Terrestrial
Terrain:  Hills
Gravity:  Standard
Atmosphere:  Type I (breathable)
Length of Day:  23 hours
Length of Year:  349 days
Hydrosphere:  Moderate
Temperature:  Temperate
Population: 40,000,000
Starport:  Standard
Tech Level:  Space
Major Exports: High Tech, Mid Tech
Major Imports: Food Supplies, High Tech, Mid Tech, Medical Goods

Abregado-rae is a manufacturing and trade-oriented planet in the Abregado system in the Core Worlds, sitting at the beginning of the Rimma Trade Route. It is also the beginning of the Shapani Bypass or the "Bacta Run".

The planet was first discovered in 10,000 BBY when Galactic Republic scouts discovered the planet while exploring what would become the Rimma Trade Route, though colonization would not occur for millennia yet.

Before the Clone Wars, a number of residents of Abregado-rae, along with other natives on the Rimma Trade Route joined the Nebula Front. This organization was against corporate monopoly and decadent government, but was dissolved when it's leaders were killed or arrested by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

During the Clone Wars, Abregado-rae was the origin of the Shapani Bypass, a shortcut along the Rimma Trade Route that was used to quicken the delivery of Bacta from Thyferra to the Core Worlds.

During the Galactic Civil War, the local Humans sided with the Rebellion when they arrived to liberate the planet.

The planet eventually saw the founding of the Tundei regime, led by the Tundei Tribunal, by a Herglic named Shelov who along with other offworlders, promised a planet without crime. They installed harsh limits on freedom and stopped all legal shipments of food to separatists in the mountains in an attempt to stifle opposition. This caused it to be a common smuggling destination for foodstuffs. The regime eventually made the cost of running illegal operations on the planet so costly, that all illegal investment in Abregado-rae swiftly pulled out, nearly destroying the economy.

The regime has also allowed virtually the entire Moocher population be destroyed when the possible outbreak of Veizen Fever, a disease which drove Moochers mad, was thought capable of spreading to the resident Gados.

Operation Order

I. Situation

A. Enemy Forces

1. Identification of enemy forces:  Mix of local militia, planetary forces and New Republic "advisors". Dependent on your mission you may run into all three.

2. Location(s): Spaceports, government installations, military bases, routine patrols

3. Strength, morale, and capabilities/equipment: Well-equipped, highly motivated, and confident. The local forces are concerned about the threat of Thrawn and other Imperial forces, so your armor should be a force multiplier against these forces.

4. Probable course(s) of action: Will stand their fight and attempt to encircle Imperial forces for reinforcements to mop up.

B. Friendly Forces

1. Vast Empire forces and whatever allied rebel groups you may come into contact with.

II. Mission

This is more of a subordinate mission to distract local forces from concentrating on the other missions. That said, it is key to hampering the enemy's response to our campaign. Eclipse squad is to target a key armory/ammunition dump in the heart of the capital city, near the government centers. Specifically placing demolition charges would be the best operational tactic, though a barrage of mortars could equally do the job given proper intelligence and accurate artillery.

III. Execution


A. Concept of the Operation

1. Maneuver:

Get on planet, avoid detection, plot an effective escape route for next mission.

2. Fires:

Variable on mission goals.

B. Coordinating Instructions

1. Departure and reentry of friendly lines.
Once dirtside, you are operating alone. Other squads may be performing additional missions but you are not to

2. Actions on enemy contact:  Quickly neutralize any enemy contact to avoid discovery.

3. Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR): Obtain list of targets and schedules

4. Timeframe: As other squads are beginning their missions alongside this one, plan for one day of recon and setup with a quick activation of the plan once news of other Imperial operations begin. Plan for no more than a quick strike against the facility plus mopping up of guards. If possible to do so, enter facility if pacified and allow local units to loot remaining weapons. This will assist in creating disorder to further our goals.

C. Medical Evacuation:

Contingent on local resources

D. Personnel:

Literally, take no prisoners.

E. Miscellaneous:

1. Special equipment.


2. Captured equipment.

TBD by squad leader

IV. Command & Signal

A. Command
TBD by squad leader

B. Signal
TBD by squad leader

Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center
ComNet Overlord
Imperial Baron

[VE-ARMY] Grand General
[VE-VEHC] Grand General*
Post Number:  2216
Total Posts:  2689
Joined:  Jun 2000
Status:  Offline
  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase 1
June 5, 2007 12:50:32 AM    View the profile of Fury 

Aurek Mission IV

Planetary Information

Planet Name:  Abregado-rae
Planet Function:  Manufacturing/Trade
Government:  Repressive Bureaucracy (New Republic Allied)
Planet Type:  Terrestrial
Terrain:  Hills
Gravity:  Standard
Atmosphere:  Type I (breathable)
Length of Day:  23 hours
Length of Year:  349 days
Hydrosphere:  Moderate
Temperature:  Temperate
Population: 40,000,000
Starport:  Standard
Tech Level:  Space
Major Exports: High Tech, Mid Tech
Major Imports: Food Supplies, High Tech, Mid Tech, Medical Goods

Abregado-rae is a manufacturing and trade-oriented planet in the Abregado system in the Core Worlds, sitting at the beginning of the Rimma Trade Route. It is also the beginning of the Shapani Bypass or the "Bacta Run".

The planet was first discovered in 10,000 BBY when Galactic Republic scouts discovered the planet while exploring what would become the Rimma Trade Route, though colonization would not occur for millennia yet.

Before the Clone Wars, a number of residents of Abregado-rae, along with other natives on the Rimma Trade Route joined the Nebula Front. This organization was against corporate monopoly and decadent government, but was dissolved when it's leaders were killed or arrested by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

During the Clone Wars, Abregado-rae was the origin of the Shapani Bypass, a shortcut along the Rimma Trade Route that was used to quicken the delivery of Bacta from Thyferra to the Core Worlds.

During the Galactic Civil War, the local Humans sided with the Rebellion when they arrived to liberate the planet.

The planet eventually saw the founding of the Tundei regime, led by the Tundei Tribunal, by a Herglic named Shelov who along with other offworlders, promised a planet without crime. They installed harsh limits on freedom and stopped all legal shipments of food to separatists in the mountains in an attempt to stifle opposition. This caused it to be a common smuggling destination for foodstuffs. The regime eventually made the cost of running illegal operations on the planet so costly, that all illegal investment in Abregado-rae swiftly pulled out, nearly destroying the economy.

The regime has also allowed virtually the entire Moocher population be destroyed when the possible outbreak of Veizen Fever, a disease which drove Moochers mad, was thought capable of spreading to the resident Gados.

Operation Order

I. Situation

A. Enemy Forces

1. Identification of enemy forces:  Mix of local militia, planetary forces and New Republic "advisors". Dependent on your mission you may run into all three. You also have the added problem of a highly trained bodyguard contingent.

2. Location(s): Spaceports, government installations, military bases, routine patrols

3. Strength, morale, and capabilities/equipment: Well-equipped, highly motivated, and confident.

4. Probable course(s) of action: The guard forces are more apt to quickly pin you down and attempt escape then stand and fight.

B. Friendly Forces

1. Vast Empire forces and whatever allied rebel groups you may come into contact with.

II. Mission

This mission is key to breaking the back of the dictatorship on Abregado-rae. The leader of the Tundei regime, Shelov, has been designated for capture. He is to be turned over to local forces for them to deal with. Be cautious, his guards are highly trained and Shelov himself is a skilled fighter. In addition, it is higly probable that he will attempt to get himself killed/commit suicide rather than be captured.


III. Execution


A. Concept of the Operation

1. Maneuver:

Get on planet, avoid detection, plot an effective escape route for next mission.

2. Fires:

Variable on mission goals.

B. Coordinating Instructions

1. Departure and reentry of friendly lines.
Once dirtside, you are operating alone. Other squads may be performing additional missions but you are not to

2. Actions on enemy contact:  Quickly neutralize any enemy contact to avoid discovery.

3. Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR): Obtain schedule for Shelov and disposition of his guard contingent.

4. Timeframe: With other operations ongoing, the normally secretive Shelov and his leadership group will try to put on a public face. Other assets are assigned to these individuals for termination. However, the local resistance forces would like Shelov intact for a public trial.

C. Medical Evacuation:

Contingent on local resources

D. Personnel:

Take Shelov alive.

E. Miscellaneous:

1. Special equipment.


2. Captured equipment.

TBD by squad leader

IV. Command & Signal

A. Command
TBD by squad leader

B. Signal
TBD by squad leader

Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center
ComNet Overlord
Imperial Baron

[VE-ARMY] Grand General
[VE-VEHC] Grand General*
Post Number:  2221
Total Posts:  2689
Joined:  Jun 2000
Status:  Offline
  RE: Chapter 8.5 Phase 1
June 8, 2007 12:32:49 AM    View the profile of Fury 

Cresh Mission

Planetary Information

Planet Name:  Phu
Planet Function:  Homeworld
Government:  Independent 
Planet Type:  Terrestrial
Terrain:  Plain
Gravity:  Light
Atmosphere:  Type I (breathable)
Length of Day:  24 hours
Length of Year:  270 days
Hydrosphere:  Moderate
Temperature:  Hot
Population: 1,700,000
Starport:  Standard
Tech Level:  Space
Major Exports: Foodstuffs, labor
Major Imports: Technology

Little is known about the planet Phu, other than it is the homeworld of the Phuii species. The Phuii are known as a generally violent species, which is surprising given their small stature. The planet Phu itself is underdeveloped, with a wide range between the mostly rural inhabitants and the fairly up-to-date capital city and spaceport.

The history of Phu is one of quick adaptability to change and circumstances mixed with a highly stubborn sense of tradition. Never conquered, not known for exploration, the Phuiis have taken any piece of modernity to heart and adapted it, from space flight to a common sense of self. Quickly consolidating into a world government only a few thousand years ago, the Phuii became traders and a breadbasket for the Old Republic.

What most galactic citizens remember of Phu, if they do at all, are their reknowned podracers. Indeed, Phu is one of the last remaining core planets of the podracing circuits that remain in the galaxy today.

Operation Order

I. Situation

A. Enemy Forces

1. Identification of enemy forces:  Mix of planetary defense forces, constabulary, and bodyguards.

2. Location(s): Rings of security protect the podracing venue from any threats.

3. Strength, morale, and capabilities/equipment: The locals are just doing their job but do not want their reputation damaged. The bodyguards will do anything to protect their target.

4. Probable course(s) of action: All forces will concentrate on neutralizing a threat with extreme prejudice.

B. Friendly Forces

1. Raiders squad.  There will be no backup on this mission.

II. Mission

Team is to get onto planet quietly and get into a podracing event on the planet. Goal is to kidnap a New Republic admiral and get him to orbit to turn over to a intelligence craft in orbit. This must be done cleanly and quickly with no local security or civilian kills if at all possible. Plan to prevent local forces from even being involved in the mission if at all possible.

III. Execution


A. Concept of the Operation

1. Maneuver:

Find way of getting weapons into podracing arena, then means to quickly neutralize guards, capture admiral, and leave without interference from local forces.

2. Fires:

The less complicated the better. Keep violence to a restricted zone around the admiral. Once again, keep local involvement and casualties low.

B. Coordinating Instructions

This paragraph lists the details of coordination and control applicable to two or more units/subunits. Items that might be addressed include:

1. Departure and reentry of friendly lines.
You will get onto the planet masked as an independent trading vessel. You will escape the planet via a fast orbital jumper that you will be provided with planetside.

2. Actions on enemy contact:  Quickly neutralize any enemy contact to avoid discovery.

3. Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR): Capture the New Republic admiral alive and get him off-planet.

4. Timeframe: Podraces last most of an afternoon. Arrive on planet two days prior, scout out arena and prep for mission.

C. Medical Evacuation:

This is impossible while on planet.

D. Personnel:

Capture the admiral. All other NR personnel are expendable.

E. Miscellaneous:

1. Special equipment.

Inbound to Phu: standard commercial light freighter

Outbound: Poranji Orbital Jumper

2. Captured equipment.


IV. Command & Signal

A. Command
TBD by squad leader

B. Signal
TBD by squad leader
Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center
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