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Topic:  Aegis Squadron Topic
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 2, 2001 8:48:38 PM    View the profile of Fallen 
The only thing abt my school comp is that you cant log on to Java
WO2 Swarveth 'Dogfight' Fallen
Aegis Squadron, Vast Empire Navy
FM/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)

Twin Fury
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 3, 2001 12:04:37 AM    View the profile of Twin Fury 
It is officially 1:00 AM in my time zone, and i'm going to bread.
FM/LCRW Twin Fury/ Aegis 1-3(Aegis 3)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE
His girlfriend is better than Riel's.
"You have flys in your eyes."
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 3, 2001 5:56:50 AM    View the profile of Bear 
I must say, I completely agree with Fallen. We're in the same Navy. We're not here to compete with each other. If you think you have some kind of mission to spread slander about everyone else (i.e. by saying "Things will be rough with Bear"), then I'm afraid you're in the wrong place. And Riel, I want anyone who does not have an Aviators Certificate to report to me immediately. Kalebb doesn't, and I'm not sure about Ypod. I also want Fallen and Kain Rennok to report to me immediately to take a Senior Aviators Test. I also want Riel Fury to report immediately to take a Senior Aviators Test and a Fleet Officer & Command Examination (which means a promotion, if you pass ). That is all.
TO/LCM Bear/Raptor/VE/VEN/(=A=) [BRC] [BRC] [NDM] [LSM]

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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 3, 2001 5:02:15 PM    View the profile of Gravin 
Site has been updated. If i'm home il work on it some more. Im really, really tired though. Cya's around
FM/LCRW Gravin/Aegis 3-3/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 5, 2001 11:15:58 AM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
Hey, Gravin nice job with the site. I just have one thing to say - come on, guys! Let's keep this thing going! A couple of days ago we were all posting like crazy and a bunch of us were on IRC all at the same time. Now, I know there are other things in life besides the VEN - trust me. And I know it's been the weekend. But we can't let ourselves slack here - do your realize how awesome it'll be when we get Elite, being so new? Anyway ... the main reason I said all that is because I'm tired of posting on the storynet all by myself. We all need to be doing that. Anyway, I'll talk to you all later. Have a great day! -PO2 Darkhawk
FL/PO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)

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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 5, 2001 12:09:23 AM    View the profile of sk8guy 
Hey Gravin glad the site's up. By the way, what's the address, I'd like to see it. Nice work on getting it up though.Keep it up.
FM/LCRW sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)
"Unleash the power of the Dragon, mwahahahaha!!"
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 5, 2001 5:50:03 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
ur not the only one posting darkhawk!
"You Have to be persistant to get anything out of life that applies to alot more than you might think"

Aegis Squadron
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Demi Wraith
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 5, 2001 6:12:01 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
hey don't worry DH i'm gonna post soon, just need to think up of something to post though
Sergeant Major Demi Wraith
SL/SGM Demi Wraith/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [ES2] [EW1]
Petty Officer 1st Class Kain Rennok
FL/PO1 Kain Rennok/Aegis 3-1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN [=A=] [=MA=]
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 5, 2001 9:15:18 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
I know, Lonewolf. Sorry about that last one, I was just having a bad night. Everyone's really doing a great job - it's so AWESOME!
FL/PO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)

"A man cannot be too careful in his choice of enemies."
Twin Fury
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 6, 2001 8:01:46 PM    View the profile of Twin Fury 
Guys......... let's get elite. I wanna fly interceptors. Sorry about slacking over the weekend. I'll pick it up. Mrr.
FM/LCRW Twin Fury/ Aegis 1-3(Aegis 3)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE
His girlfriend is better than Riel's.
"You have flys in your eyes."
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 7, 2001 10:32:02 AM    View the profile of Bear 
I will pull every string I can to make you elite (i.e. beg).. if.. You tell me (in ENGLISH) what Mrrr means
TO/LCM Bear/Raptor/VE/VEN/(=A=) (=SA=) (=MA=) (=FOCE=) (=JCPA=) (=SCPA=) [BRC] [BRC] [NDM] [LSM]

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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 7, 2001 1:36:11 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
Bear has a point What is Mrrr i still dont get it???
"You Have to be persistant to get anything out of life that applies to alot more than you might think"

Aegis Squadron
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 7, 2001 7:32:26 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
Bear, Lonewolf - there's an exlpination SOMEWHERE on the ComNet. Ask TwinFury where. And if not, all you have to do is type "mrrrrr" on IRC while Talon is on. He has an auto-response that will define it for you.
FL/PO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)

"A man cannot be too careful in his choice of enemies."
Riel Fury
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 7, 2001 9:22:09 PM    View the profile of Riel Fury 
Hmmm... How do I explain what a mrrrrrrrrr is? You'd really just have to see for yourself. There are actually many different uses for the mrrr ... as a taunt, as a swear word, as a verb, as an adjective, as an interjection, and who knows what else. Usually mrrr is the phrase used when you attack someone and attempt to hump them. Riel is the expert on that ... ask him. I like to use mrrrr most often as a taunt for those less fortunate than myself. It's a most fun word - try it for yourselves. Peace out, Darkhawk I think that should do it
Officer Candidate Riel Fury
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 7, 2001 9:38:02 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
Wow, Riel. I think that's how I would've said it, too. Oh ... wait. That IS how I said it. D'oh!
FL/PO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)

"A man cannot be too careful in his choice of enemies."
Twin Fury
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 8, 2001 9:15:03 PM    View the profile of Twin Fury 
Ahhh what fun it is to share our new words with the world of the vast empire.
FM/LCRW Twin Fury/ Aegis 1-3(Aegis 3)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE
His girlfriend is better than Riel's.
"You have flys in your eyes."
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 10, 2001 12:21:18 AM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
Now I've heard it all
"It's not what you think it is it's only what you think it is" - a good teacher of mine
"Do or do not there is no in between" - Yoda
"If we have no dreams to pursue then what are we doing in life" - me

Aegis 1-2
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 10, 2001 1:09:16 PM    View the profile of Gravin 
Uh..... where is everyone, are u out there. I can't seem to find you all. Well get posting on here and get on IRC sometimes. Email me with updates for the Site as well. I also like compliments. cya's   ----------------------- FM/LCRW Gravin/Aegis 3-3/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)
[This message has been edited by (edited November 10, 2001 1:10:22 PM)]
Twin Fury
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 10, 2001 10:53:53 PM    View the profile of Twin Fury 
I compliment you Gravin.
FM/LCRW Twin Fury/ Aegis 1-3(Aegis 3)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE
His girlfriend is better than Riel's.
"You have flys in your eyes."
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 10, 2001 11:00:23 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
Congratulations and welcome to our new members: Kalebb Rasputin JMac. Oh ... and I LOVE YOU, GRAVIN! That is all.
FL/PO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)

"A man cannot be too careful in his choice of enemies."
Riel Fury
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 11, 2001 2:24:59 PM    View the profile of Riel Fury 
Ok y'all.  Some of you are recruiting out there, and that's great.  When you recruit someone, though, they are, in a way, your responsibility.  They'll be more loyal to you than Dhawk or me, so you need to get in contact with them and get them active.
Officer Candidate Riel Fury
Squadron Commander
Aegis Squadron
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 11, 2001 4:48:23 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
I'd like to say congrats to all the people who got promotions and welcome to all teh new recruits. I hope you all stay active. And for all currnet members, keep up the good work.
[ARMY] Cloud

FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=MA=)
"Unleash the power of the Dragon, mwahahahaha!!"
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 11, 2001 5:16:53 PM    View the profile of Gravin 
Darkhawk: why do u love me? anyways, im gonna be in and out all day. Hope to see u guys posting and chatting away. This squad better be elite since the site just got SITE OF THE WEEK. I thank all of you and it could not have been done without you guys. Cya's
FM/LCRW Gravin/Aegis 3-3/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)
Twin Fury
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 11, 2001 5:29:09 PM    View the profile of Twin Fury 
FM/LCRW Twin Fury/ Aegis 1-3(Aegis 3)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE
His girlfriend is better than Riel's.
"You have flys in your eyes."
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 11, 2001 7:00:16 PM    View the profile of Gravin 
FM/PO1 Gravin/Aegis 3-3/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 13, 2001 1:33:55 PM    View the profile of JMac 
What is Gravin's e-mail?  It is not on the roster for some reason.
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 13, 2001 1:43:06 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
It's [email protected]. All you had to do was look uder his profile. Oh well there you go.
[ARMY] Cloud

FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=MA=)
"Unleash the power of the Dragon, mwahahahaha!!"
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 13, 2001 4:40:46 PM    View the profile of JMac 
Thanx, I'll remember that.
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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 13, 2001 10:06:58 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
Hey, Fallen. I plan to e-mail you about this later on . . . But, until then, here goes: Riel wants me to make up a training manual for Aegis Squadron, similar to the one the Army has for its new recruits. However, I don't really have access to any web graphics/design/etc. So, since you've got your hands free, not doing Kaph's site anymore, I was wondering if you could help me out some. Once I get everything organized and typed out, I'd need you to put it on a page and throw in some graphics and stuff. Let me know what you think and if you can. I'll talk to you later about it. Thanks a lot! -Aegis Five
FL/WO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)/[BRC]

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  RE: Aegis Squadron Topic
November 20, 2001 9:08:12 PM    View the profile of Japheth 
Hey all, I'm the new guy, Japheth! TA-DA! I'm on IRC quite a bit, and I'm OldMo83 on AIM if you wanna do it that way, OR even [email protected] if your truely desperate to talk to me, which I'm sure you all are. Anyway, thats my contact info.         I'll accept any challenges for XvT or XWA, and I'll probbaly issue one to you if I see you, so, yeah, ROCK ON. Anyway, thats all I guess. Rock will never die, and neither will I. Sorry this post is so smiley happy, I'm experimenting.
Leading Crewman Japheth
Aegis 4
FM/LCRW Japheth/Aegis 1-4/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/ (=A=)

"Nothing can stop me now, 'cause I don't care anymore;
Nothing can stop me now, 'cause I just don't care"
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