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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 395
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Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wiki
August 7, 2024
8:52:45 PM
- OOC:
- 3.1 HVW Mobile anti infantry
A single heavy repeating blaster can be used to suppress a much larger enemy force. In thick firefights, a heavy blaster or a repeating rifle can make all the difference, and such weaponry is absolutely devastating against enemy personnel. The trooper will therefore write a 1000 word story set towards the end of their training, detailing and illustrating their mastery of such anti-personnel weaponry and the tactics associated with it.
At the end of the day, Razor did not care. He did not care that training for the heavy weapons had consisted of brutal weeks of slide decks being presented by an instructor who no longer had the patience to teach classes of troopers. He did not care that one quarter of the classroom time had been spent demonstrating the individual parts and uses of all the tools in the repair kit. He did not care that the morning exercise routines had been especially sadistic and brutal during this training evolution. He did not care about any of that because it was range day. The class of four troopers were preparing to do their live fire exercise on the z-6 rotary blaster cannons that they had been using in sim pods over the last three days in preparation for today. Range day was and is everything to a weapons certification school. You could know all the specs, have all the understanding in the world about the tactics of a weapon system, you could even be considered an expert in emergent field repairs for malfunctioning weapons, but if you could not make it through range day with the minimum of two hundred of the possible three hundred points scored, you would not be given the armory clearance to utilize the weapon system you had just devoted three weeks to. The four members of the class stood in the entrance chamber to training hall four. One of the brutal field structure rooms at the academy that could change and simulate different environments. The small room they stood in had a single buzzing light hanging from the ceiling with a metal table underneath. Arrayed on the table and glistening with anticipation were four beautiful repeating blasters that looked like they had never even been touched by the light of day before. Sergeant First Class Branston “Wall” Bastilone stood on the opposite side of the table to the four HVW trainees. “Arm yourselves and prepare to enter one of the four doors behind me for your live-fire exam. Utilize what you have learned from the tens of thousands of simulated rounds that you fired and do not embarrass the corps, me, or, least importantly, yourself as you complete this evolution of your anti-infantry training.” The four trainees stepped forward to collect their armaments. Razor ran his finger down one of the six linked barrels and breathed out heavily. “Breath sounds a little nervous” joked one of the other trainees. “More like aroused” Razor muttered under his breath. The z-6 felt only slightly heavier than the haptics in the simulations had made it appear. Good. He did not need any new variables as he entered the training course. He slapped a fresh power pack into the z-6 and listened carefully as the weapon hummed to life. The hum felt fresh and eager. As he approached the second door from the right in preparation to enter the training grounds, he kept repeating weapon statistics that he felt might be pertinent. 200 shots until power pack depletion.
75 meters on point targets
750 meters for area targets
Trigger to spin up .5 secondsHe was ready. He knew the weapon system. It had been one that he had always wanted to utilize as part of the unconventional warfare squad. Moments before the door opened, Razor mentally smacked himself. He could not allow himself to lose focus when entering the course of fire. Success and failure. 200 shots. The door dropped away into the floor, and he stepped forward into what appeared to be a small house. Brown plaster walls and a dirty bed were the only visible clues as to what version of the qual scenario he was in. Before he had enough time to do anything besides take in the environment, simulated explosions could be heard from outside. The HUD inside of his helmet displayed a message giving the brief details about what he would need to do to succeed in this evolution. “Enemy combatants are sweeping house by house and clearing resistance. Your team has evac’d most civilians. Current objective: Secure a defensible position until extraction is possible.”
Razor grinned. Of the possible z-6 qual scenarios, this was one of the most challenging because you did not have direct squad, air or artillery support. It also was the scenario that he had done the second most prep for. Razor kicked open the front door and sprinted across the street into a tight alley that ran between two of the larger hovels. As he ran, the bots the academy used to simulate enemy combatants turned, fired, and began lumbering after him. Their metal frames could not run very fast, but, in this scenario, the sheer number of bots could quickly become crushing. Utilizing the anti-infantry weapons was not really about targeting, aiming, or support. It was about positioning. Razor kept running until he saw what he was looking for. A long flight of stairs with many hovels on either side that went up beyond where he could see as it twisted between the ramshackle housing. Arches spanned the stairs creating sections that were partially covered. He turned and sprinted up the stairs. He made it to the first bend in the stairs as the pursuing bots began to catch up to him. He had found himself a corridor. He began firing back down the steps toward the bots as they advanced on him. Catching each as they entered the staircase. Their frames began to pile at the bottom of the steps. He was only 65 meters away from the bottom of the stairs and the z-6 linked to the targeting array in his armor was functioning as perfectly as one could hope. Four shots to each bot and it would crumple. The shots were getting more difficult to hit as the stairs became cluttered with the training bots. Razor watched carefully as his ammunition dwindled. 120. Now 100 shots. The counter ticked down to 80 and he ducked back behind the corner. How long had it been? This scenario only required 3 minutes of survival before it ended with allied troops flying in for final evac. 2:15 seconds had elapsed since he received the briefing. Razor popped back around the corner and saw that the bots had closed much of the distance. One training bot was only ten meters away. Now or never, he grimaced Razor aimed up directly at the arch over the stairwell and hammered the trigger back. The 10,000 rounds per minute z-6 spun for 0.5 seconds before belching out all 80 rounds in a single continuous burst. All 80 rounds impacted on the wooden support structure of the arch which was immediately incinerated into nothingness. With a huge crash, 500 pounds of brown hardened clay went tumbling down the stairs effectively clearing the space. I cannot believe that works Razor grinned to himself as he thought about the times in the training sims where unconventional actions had been demerits for not utilizing the weapon properly, but this was not the sims. This was live fire training. Daring and bold choices often led to success when the decisions were made with good tactical planning. As Razor turned to sprint up the stairs for the last few seconds of his survival timer, he felt a strange tickle on his left leg. A small burn was on his armor where he had been hit. Razor reeled mentally as he dragged his stunned leg up each step. He had definitely succeeded in tactical utilization of the weapon system, but would it be enough to pass the class? Getting wounded often carried heavy demerits especially when it was in the final live fires. The room changed. Suddenly he was standing in a larger space. All four troopers could now see each other as the walls of the battleground fell away. Lialos was standing about 15 meters from Razor looking as confident as ever. The doors back into the starting room opened and all four troopers made their way back into the small room. As they did, they placed their z-6s back on the table. “Well, that is three live fire passes.” Barked the Sergeant First Class as they entered the anteroom. Razor’s heart sank. “Let’s review what went wrong here.” A screen descended from the ceiling. A still image of a trooper entering the live fire exercise was on the screen. It was not Razor. Pinar’s live fire recording began to play. The explosions went off and Pinar spun in the room looking for an exit that would take him away from the main street. As he did not find one, the door burst open and bots pressed in. The z-6 spat out rounds as the bots crowded the door until stun bolts were filing the entire space. Pinar was covered in black spots all over his armor. “This is a textbook failure to recognize which environments the z-6 is successful in and an inability to seize the initiative to create those environments. Fail Pinar. You nasty thing. Pull your gear from my bunk rooms and return to your squad WITHOUT your certification. You other three, scores are on the wall. Final written exam is tomorrow. Head to chow.” Razor had been the second closest to failing. He had scored one hundred points for total enemies destroyed or disabled. He had scored one hundred points on kill zone establishment and engagement planning. He had scored ten points on trooper survival and situational awareness. 210 points. Barely a pass for live fire. He would take it even if it was a bitter pill to come that close to washing out of this weapons course. - OOC:
- WC required 1,000. Total WC 1623
- OOC:
- Excellent story, great understanding of the weapon and writing for the scenario.
Grade: Pass.
ETRP/LCP TRP/PVT TRP/LCP razorsedge/1SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VEAwards: {MSM}Completed Primaries: [3.1][4.1][4.2][6.1]Completed Ancillaries: [A7] 
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 396
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 7, 2024
11:35:53 PM
- OOC:
- 6.1 Marksman
You will spend two weeks on the range using rifles over longer distances as well as being taught maintenance for the certified weapons. You will also study tactical theory relating to your new role. Your story will be a 1000 word post about your final live fire excercise. You and a squad of fellow trainees will advance across a wide open valley opposed by a squad of training droids.
The morning found Razor cold, cramped, and ready for the light of day to start evaporating some of the dew that covered all of the grass around him. The final exercise for the marksman rifle certification was different from other live-fire finals that could be completed at the academy in that the marksmanship course was a miniature survival, evasion, resistance, and escape course. The easiest of the four skills had been escape as the course was designed to be escapable. The troopers of his course had been shuttled out to an ice-cold mountain, thrown into locked cages, and given nothing but a single slice of bread for the last day. This training evolution aimed to build the resiliency necessary to be an expert-level marksman who could be placed deep in enemy territory, evade or escape capture, and destroy the designated targets regardless of opposition. Razor had escaped his cage with the other member of Blackjack. Drex was lying on the ground next to Razor with a grim look of determination. They had crawled on their bellies, inch by inch over a 400-meter field for the past 8 hours and all the hours of darkness had afforded them a movement speed of 50 meters per hour. Just under a meter every sixty seconds they moved so slowly that the patrolling instructors had passed within a few feet of them and had not spotted them deep in the tall grass. They had heard the instructor's conversation as they walked by on patrol discussing what the next training evolution would look like. The escape had not been daring or clever. A rock, a smashed lock, and an intentionally inattentive instructor had given Razor and Drex enough time to grab the two A280 convertible heavy blaster pistols along with a conversion kit that had been conveniently placed inside the room where they were being kept. Razor and Drex had silently crawled through the entire night stopping only when a patrol passed near their position and once to use the conversion kit to apply the modular A280 pieces in the sniper rifle configuration. Drex agreed to play spotter and took the unmodified A280 along with the binoculars that would paint targets with an infrared mark while Razor slung the two-point sling of the sniper rifle over his shoulder and flattened himself into the cold grass again. As they crawled, the ground sloped upwards. They pushed on and continued toward the top of the hill. The sun was still low enough that they would not be instantly silhouetted against the ridgeline when they poked their heads over the top. Their main objective was 8 target droids dispersed throughout an encampment that was spread through a wide valley below them. Drex pulled the binoculars that had been in the modification kit and began sweeping back and forth over the camp searching for the individual targets. He was marking each target he spotted with an infrared dot that could be seen in the scope of the sniper configured A280. Razor slapped a fresh powerpack into the rifle. As soon as they began firing, the instructors would sweep down on them. They had to be ready to defend their position. Only the first shot on the encamped droids would have concealment. After that, you had to be ready to move to new positions. Drex quietly relayed the positions of each of the droids to Razor. As he listed them off, Razor slowly swept the scope through the camp. The instructors had not done the potential marksman teams any kindness with the setting for today. One droid was fully inside of a tent and was only visible if the wind caught the tent flap. Another was seated inside of a roving vehicle that whirred along a track around the camp. A group of two were walking together and the other four were scattered about the camp in other difficult-to-see locations. “They want us to shoot from here” Razor hissed at Drex. “We need to move. Now.” Drex looked puzzled, but slowly began to push himself forward. He dipped over the edge of the lip and Razor followed. They were now fully exposed to the camp and when the patrol car came through where they were slowly sliding down from their perch, it would certainly set off alarms. They slid as quietly as they could to the bottom of the hill and into a small depression next to the road that encircled the camp. There was a drainage pipe directly in front of them. Which was an odd feature to add to a training camp that did not have any waste removal required. Would they trap this? Is it too risky to continue to be in places they want us to be?As the droid in the vehicle pulled around the turn toward Drex and Razor, he decided that they had to use the tube or get caught by the droid as they continued to move toward the inside of the camp. He signaled, and Drex followed him into the small tube. A few feet inside, the crawl space opened into a tunnel that they could stand in. They walked quickly along the perfectly straight tunnel and saw electric light ahead. Razor and Drex froze as they heard voices. “The camera lost sight of those two during the night, but since they have not been caught yet, they should almost be at the top of the shoot hill. I will go check the camera and see if they are in a position to fail yet.” The scrape of a chair and the sound of footsteps came from the light directly in front of them and a lanky man in instructor gear walked out into the passageway. Drex hit him high clapping his hand over the instructor’s mouth. Razor grabbed him low and slammed him to the ground. Drex had his forearm across the instructor’s throat and was pushing enough to prevent blood from reaching the instructor’s brain. Unconsciousness came quickly for that instructor. Drex signaled by pointing two fingers at his eyes, circling his flat palm in the air, and then pointing with two fingers at the light. Razor nodded and lay on the floor. He delicately poked just his eyes around the corner of the door frame. A small room with a bunk bed, a table, and a fridge with one other instructor occupant was all that was visible. Razor swept forward. His bare feet whispering across the floor. He wrapped his arm around the instructor’s neck and pulled backward steadily. The instructor was out in moments. They had come upon the instructor’s observation post where they watched and waited for potential marksman to find the hill and trigger an ambush to prevent mission completion. They could not squander this opportunity. “I am the bait on this one. I can go top side again on the opposite end of the pipe. All alarms will signal the instructors to come after me. You stay here and clean up once the defenses are lowered in pursuit.” “Good plan. Let’s move.” Razor sprinted off down the passage. He reached the other end of it and saw a similar small entrance that appeared to be a drainage pipe. He waited, holding his breath as he listened. The vehicle rumbled directly overhead as the patrolling targeting droid passed above him. He crawled out of the tunnel. Even if he was spotted now, it would not matter as it was too late. No more 50 meters an hour. He bear crawled up the other side of the hills that surrounded the camp and slammed himself onto the ground. Immediately, he swung back through the camp, counting all eight targets. Razor exhaled. He let all of the breath leave his lungs. He felt his lungs hitch as they were fully empty and paused. In that natural respiratory pause, he squeezed. He fired once, swung the rifle left, and fired again. He pulled to the third target. The ground around him exploded as a hail of stun rounds flew from inside the camp. He fired at the third target and paused only long enough to see that it was hit. The instructors came swarming out of the sealed tents directly toward his position firing the whole way. He rolled to his right side and found his fourth target. He fired and this time, did not wait to see if it was a hit. He completed the roll so he was lying on his back and sat up as he pushed himself slightly down the backside of the hill. He then stood up and began running. The instructors pounded up the hill after him. They reached the top and began firing down at him. Razor snaked from cover to cover. He attempted to avoid their line of sight. Unfortunately, these were marksmanship trainers. They were eagle-eyed and had scored hits on thousands of moving targets in their careers. First, it was Razor’s leg. It went completely numb as he sprinted from rock to fallen tree. His leg collapsed under him and he pitched chest first into the ground. He dragged himself behind the log, but even as he did so, his right arm was hit. He was behind cover now, but completely immobile as 40% of his body was now unresponsive. He heard the crunch, crunch, crunch of the instructors walking toward him. “Well now little rabbit, you couldn’t outrun us this time.” Said the instructor with a bit more gusto than Razor liked. Razor chuckled even though his lungs were burning and his mind was filled with adrenaline, “You left the hen house with a fox in it.” A loudspeaker pinged. “All droids disabled. Mission complete.” That robotic voice had signaled the end of the training evolution for Razor and Drex. Razor would always cherish the stern ass-chewing he and Drex had gotten for going outside of the normal bounds of the exercise, but what did the academy staff think would happen when they invited members of the unconventional warfare squad to go through advanced training evolutions? - OOC:
- WC required 1000 Total WC 1597
ETRP/LCP razorsedge Awards: {MSM} 
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 397
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 8, 2024
1:50:27 AM
- OOC:
1.1 Urban Combat Troopers will spend a two weeks training at the Vast Empires special urban combat training centre. They will learn the best ways to clear out enemy buildings, as well as the use of light fletchette weapons and flash grenades. In missions with their squad they will be expected to coordinate the squads effort in routing opponents entrenched in an urban setting.
A single thousand word story set in the final stages of training. You will be working with fellow trainees to clear out either a collection of small buildings or to work through the levels of the VE's training tower. Troopers will be expected to demonstrate the ability to coordinate the use of grenades and timing to achieve their goals.
Special Primary Urban Tactics, Nightfire, and Internal Clearance School or the SPUT NIC. This is where the planet defense forces learned their most important skills. Courascanti elite guards were the instructors for this specialized coursework. Razor had landed himself a seat at this prestigious school through sheer dumb luck. He had been on the waitlist for this course. The first test was following simple instructions. All of the candidates and troopers who were on the wait list had received a list of items that needed to be packed to enter the school. Pens, the correct number of exercise shorts, all of the required tactical gear, and the right number of towels were all requirements on the list. Razor had arrived at the entrance bay for the school at 0400 when checks were being performed for all the candidates not on the waitlist. The instructors were checking the final few candidates. Most of the other troopers on the waitlist had dropped their packs and taken a seat in a separate formation. Razor had been told by Garyll, “Be ready. If someone drops, you gotta jump.” And he did. It happened. One of the prequalified troopers had brought two blue pens instead of a blue and a black pen. He was getting screamed at for not being able to follow instructions by the First Sergeant in charge of this training evolution. An instructor started to walk toward the group of waitlisters and as he looked at the ones struggling to swing their pack back on, he saw Razor with his pack still on. He pointed and Razor sprinted into the check formation thanking all that is that he had allowed his squad leader to check his gear after he had triple-checked it. He was good to go. He was in! It had been a week since then and high speed would be an understatement for the pacing of this course. When Razor collapsed into bed each night exhausted from rigorous physical drills and classroom time, he would reflect at how fortunate he was every time he did not have to go first. The smallest mistake, the little variations in how you do things was enough to get disqualified from the school. It made sense as they worked with breaching plastiques, flechette launchers, and flash grenades that could, with a single mistake, remove a trooper from service permanently. The first week had been spent on urban clearing. Breach, clear, secure prisoners, and prisoner transport were the main focuses. Today was the final test for the urban clearing portion of the school. The brief had been unconventional. Drug runners had taken over an apartment to be their very own drug den. The squad of eight was tasked with entering, clearing, and apprehending all residents on this floor with the rest to be sorted out during interrogation. A single long hallway connected 6 apartment homes that branched off after an ante-chamber that held the turbo lift. Half of the squad would be entering through the turbo lift shaft. Razor shot his belt cable up the lift. It magnetized to the roof of the turbo lift. Razor was on breacher. Rear security, squad lead, and comms were being covered by the other three troopers zipping up the twelve floors of the turbo lift shaft with him. They had been given fireteam designations that were mirrored by the other squad of four. 1-1 for team lead, 1-2 for breach, 1-3 for comms, and 1-4 for rear security. They hit the twelfth floor and closed off the latches on their zip lines that held them in place in the shaft. Razor pulled the crowbar off his back sheath and let the flechette gun hang from the three-point sling. He placed the edge of the bar inside of the turbo lift’s sealed doors. Very gently, he pried the lift doors a few inches apart. Lead’s arm snaked past Razor and inserted a small apposable camera through the crack. He swiveled it around and then pulled it back. Through the internal suit links, lead said, “This is 1-1. No one in the hall. The power has been cut. We are rendezvousing with Team 2 in apartment 121. The first door on the right. Breach and consolidate on 2-1’s mark.” This information would be relayed through both squad’s links and to the operations command center where instructors would be grading how they did. A squad of the Courascant guard that were on a training rotation here would be playing the oppositional forces. They would not know what the breach plan was. Command sent their last confirmation, “1-1, 2-1, this is SPUT actual. Green.” Lead 2’s voice squawked through the all-squad channel. “Push the door, blow on one. We are prepped for breach.” Razor peeled the door the rest of the way open. He avoided as much slipping as he could to prevent loud metal screeches from the crowbar sliding against the door. They slid into the hallway. Rear cleared the turbo lift and surged past them to pull security on apartment 122’s door. Razor stacked first on the door. He quickly attached the small breach charge to the edge of the door. It was designed to cave the door inward and build a concussive force that could disorient all occupants. He clicked his mic on “Set.” Razor could not see Team 2’s data on his HUD, but he knew in his mind that they were performing their portion of the insertion plan to perfection. 2-1’s voice broke in. “3” An explosion. The troopers of team two, suspended upside down after rappelling from the top of the building would blow the windows causing all of the enemy combatants to move to engage them. “2” Four synchronized flash bangs cooked to a one-second detonation timer would sail through the windows and land on the floor. “1” “BREACH” yelled Razor. He slammed the detonator and the cavitation charge created a vacuum against the door and released it. The door caved inward and landed on the floor. Team 2 had perfectly prepped the oppositional forces for Team 1’s entry. Six disoriented enemy combatants were still turning back toward the door to the apartment as Team 1 flowed in. Razor pushed in. His flechette gun primed. As one of the enemy combatants turned and raised his blaster toward 1-1, Razor fired. Had these been live rounds, the flechette would have shredded the enemy into a gristly pink paste at this range. Instead, a bean bag shot out, propelled the trooper backward three feet onto his back, and subdued him where he lay clutching his chest. 1-1 and 1-3 had both subdued two of the combatants. Razor grabbed the one in front of him who still had a weapon but had his hands up and pushed him down to secure him with the zip cuffs. 2-2 and 2-3 came through the windows to grab the last two combatants as 2-1 and 2-4 moved back to the roof in anticipation of runners. There was no need. The timing between the two teams had been so tight that they had come within 1.5 seconds of the course record. The total clear time had been 28.25 seconds from arrival on floor twelve to full clear. Razor could not wait to see what the next days of training would hold, but he felt like he had learned more from this evolution than he thought he would in the entire course. - OOC:
- Total WC 1297
ETRP/LCP razorsedge Awards: {MSM} 
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 8, 2024
1:47:51 PM
- OOC:
- 1.2 Boarding Actions- Offense
Troopers must complete a thousand word story for each of the following topics: Assaulting the VSD Defending the VSD In each case troopers will be working against fellow trainees armed with stun blasters.
Boarding operations were never fun, but the style of boarding that troopers were being trained for at the ship-to-ship attack school was a step above complicated. Razor was clipped into an EV harness and floating slightly above the armor plate of the decommissioned VSD. Razor was a fireteam leader and part of the Hydra training squad that would be simulating a small portion of ship to ship boarding actions for today. His squad had ridden on an LAAT through the vacuum of space and landed directly above the detention cells. In this training evolution, Hydra was tasked with breaking into the ship, clearing the detention center of opposition, and pushing toward the hangar bays to secure the main staging area for a full boarding party. This entry was about quiet precision. Razor had done enough training to be certain of two things. When the oppositional forces knew you were coming, the odds were really stack against you, and the harder the fight and steeper the odds, the more motivated Razor was to win. It helped that it was a direct competition against Scylla training squad. Razor was not a sore winner. He really did not even care about winning all that much, but he really hated losing. The breach bot they had brought with them had all manner of different tools. The one most necessary for this operation was the acid sprayer that could quickly eat through a thicker section of plates than a laser cutter could. The bot was spraying the acid directly onto the plate at a section that was supposed to be thinner than most other places on the ship. A ring of the thick plate was sloughing off and drifting out behind the bot. Suddenly, a whoosh of atmosphere pushed the bot back so that it stretched out behind the ship. It hung on by its magnetic feet. Razor slid past the bot and through the tight hole that was barely large enough for him to squeeze through in the EV suit. He landed on the deck and saw that he was inside of a sealed detention cell. All of the breathable air had been sucked out. He checked through all of the gear he had as the other three members of his fireteam slid into the cell. He saw blinking red, yellow, and blue lights on his HUD from the other fireteams in Hydra squad that indicated all had successfully entered the detention cells. Razor ran a wire from the breaching bot into the door’s datapad and it immediately began working through the potential codes to open the door. His fireteam had sealed the small hole in the plate with an expanding piece of highly pliant metal alloy that could be unspooled for this situation. The vents on this cell block quickly pumped atmosphere back into the cells. Razor removed his helmet and began to prep all of his gear for entry. He had been furnished with a FA-3 flechette launcher that was fitted with a dummy shot canister designed to fire only rubber ball rounds at enemy targets. His other fireteam members all had E-11 stun blasters and his assistant fireteam leader was carrying the heavy weapon system for this mission. A modified smoke popper grenade launcher that was loaded with paint rounds that would roughly indicate the damage zone of the concussion grenades it was designed to launch. The bot tweeted as it found the correct code to open the door to the cell. It linked with all the other bots and in a moment, they were ready. Razor’s fireteam stacked on the door and prepared to enter the brutal close quarters battle that would be their fight out of the detention bay. A click on the squad channel mic was the final signal. The door to the cell rose quickly disappearing into the ceiling. Arrayed in front of Hydra squad was all of Scylla squad. They had dug in and created a beach head of tiered emplacements in the detention center to stop the advance of the attacking team. Stun bolts had started zipping through the corridor as soon as the doors to the cells had opened. The fireteams of hydra squad were set to advance into the jaws of a well-entrenched defensive line. Worse yet, the instructors appeared to have provided the defense team with an E-Web to offset the power disparity of Hydra selecting the thumper grenade launchers as their squad weapons. Heavy stun bolts hammered the wall right next to Razor as he peaked the corner from the cell into the hall. His fireteam was the closest to the entrenched position. It was at the highest risk of being overrun in a sweeper operation if the defensive team decided to come down and meet the fireteams individually. Luckily for Razoe, Scylla’s squad lead seemed content to have his force maximize the entrenched position they had created. What was it the academy instructors had always said? The two options for attack, locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire OR maneuver. With that E-Web hammering anything that entered the halls, there was no way they were going to overcome this obstacle with fire power. Maneuver it is then. Razor snatched the droid form the datapad and shot it twice. The cell door slammed shut. He set the bot against the wall inside the cell that would allow them to move toward Scylla squad. He opened the squad hailing channel. "Hydra, rendezvous on my location in preparation for retaliation action. Use bots to get through the walls again." The thinner plate inside the ship melted away quickly. By the time Razor had moved his fireteam through two more cells, the entirety of Hydra squad squeezed in uncomfortably around him in the cell. Razor signaled the heavy teams up and plugged the breacher back into the wall. When they re-entered the corridor, it was as if the heavens had blessed them with a dream scenario. All of the enemy squad was facing down the hall in the opposite direction. Four concussive thumps were the first signal to the oppositional force that the situation had changed. The paint grenades crashed amongst Scylla removing one third of the squad instantly. The 8 remaining troopers turned to see a disciplined firing line made up of the troopers from Hydra squad. They had an instant to try and level their guns toward Hydra before a combination of stun bolts, a second volley of paint grenades, and rubber dummy flechette rounds cut them down. With that, the detention cell block was secure. They moved toward the entrance of the cell block, and when they opened the blast doors into the next section to move toward the hangars, the training evolution ended. Hydra 1, Scylla 0. Now it was Scylla’s turn to bring the fight to them. - OOC:
- Total WC: 1182
ETRP/LCP razorsedge Awards: {MSM} 
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 399
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 8, 2024
5:06:01 PM
- OOC:
- 1.2 Boarding Actions- Defense
Troopers must complete a thousand word story for each of the following topics: Assaulting the VSD Defending the VSD In each case troopers will be working against fellow trainees armed with stun blasters. Hydra returned to the prep room for the VSD exercise. It was time for their attempt to defend the same entry point that they had just successfully attacked.
Razor understood why Scylla had selected to utilize the E-Web. The teams were only provided with four weapon choices for their squad utilization. Hydra squad had agreed to allow Razor to pick the next weapon system they would use based on his performance in the attack exercise. The selections were limited by weapon size and usage. They could take the E-Web, but maneuverability might win the day with shipboard combat as choke points became increasingly hard for attacking units to press through. They could take the grenade launchers again as the squad would receive four of them providing one to each fireteam. Razor did not think the grenade launchers were going to be as effective for his team on the defensive. He selected two DLT-19 heavy blasters and passed them off to two of his squad mates. “Let’s reconfigure.” He said, unsure of how strong a defense could be mounted by each fireteam. “Teams of six. We make our own choke.” Hydra was dropped into the midsection of the engineering bay. They were surrounded by slate grey walls. Two team leads had the DLT-19s at the ready. Razor had allowed himself to be folded back into the squad and set the two heavy weapons team members to be calling the shots. They sprinted down the halls of the engineering bay. Alarms were blaring throughout this portion of the ship reporting that there were boarders detected near the detention center. As Hydra ran through engineering, Razor could not help but be impressed that Scylla had managed to run from this section of the ship with a cumbersome E-Web and fully entrench themselves in the middle of the detention center corridor before Hydra had fully breached the plates of the VSD. The twelve Hydras reached the blast doors into the detention area and one of the fireteam leads slammed their hand onto the pad that opened the door. They entered the detention area. As they had discussed before, the two troopers with the heavy blasters threw out the attached tripod legs on the heavy plasters and adopted a prone position. The had overlapping fields of fire that could cover the entirety of the corridor. Two groups of five swept down into the first cells. Razor looked at the datapad and uploaded the code that the tech sergeant had programmed for him prior to the start of this training evolution. When the tech sergeant had heard Razor’s request, he had grinned deviously and said, “This is really going to wrench any plans they might have.” Razor certainly hoped so. The DLT-19 blaster let out a high-pitched bark as it spat rounds down the corridor. A quiet click through the squad comms came from one of the team leads. “Contact front. Two cells left side, 4 cells right side. “ Razor moved up with the squad. As he did, he activated the code package he had updated. The cell doors started randomly opening and closing by different degrees all up and down the corridor. Razor’s group had just reached the second cell forward on the left side and the door slid up. Surprise Scylla troopers started to turn toward the door and raise their blasters toward Hydra. In that instant, the eye contact between the two teams was palpable. That is until Hydra opened fire and cut down the four Scylla troopers that were in the cell. Cleanly stunned. All four of the troopers had been instantaneously subdued with no provocation. Scylla had been trying to utilize the same strategy that Hydra had by burning through the wall panels of each cell to create a tunnel to the opposite side of the enemy position. Unfortunately, adaptability was one of the most important skills on the battlefield and reusing tactics repeatedly leads to easy victory for one’s enemies. Razor and his squad swept through the cells. Four down initially led to ten down total. Two missing. Razor sprinted back through the cells. He yelled into the commlink, “TWO UNACCOUNTED FOR.” As he ran back toward the two heavy gunners, that had been quietly waiting to engage Scylla members that entered the corridor, Razor saw that they were not Hydra squad members at all. The two Scylla members had played possum in the first cleared room and closed rapidly with the heavy gunners while the rest of the squad was moving cell by cell. Razor sprinted. He pumped his arm releasing his blaster as he hurtled back down the corridor. He felt like his chest was going to explode as he flew down the passage. The two Scylla members were tracking him. They were bringing their sites in line. Just as they were about to fire, Razor passed in between them and threw himself flat against the deck. He kicked out with one leg while his hand scrambled at his belt. The felt it, the grip of his stun baton. He pulled it from it’s sheath as his wild kick connected with one of the two gunners in the soft tissues of his pelvis. Razor whipped the stun baton around as the last Scylla member pulled Razor into his sites once more. As the Scylla trooper began to depress the trigger, Razor’s stun baton connecting with his leg. The brutal strike sent a jolt through the Scylla member’s entire body which gave Razor enough time to scramble on top of him and joint lock him onto the deck. He breathed heavily. A stitch in his side his reward for slamming himself down on the deck so hard. The other troopers of Hydra squad were congratulating him on the great take downs that had led to their ultimate victory in this exercise. Razor was just thankful that he had not taken a heavy stun round in the frantic melee. Victory again. Hydra 2, Scylla 0. - OOC:
- Total WC 1054
ETRP/LCP razorsedge Awards: {MSM} 
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(edited August 8, 2024
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 400
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 12, 2024
1:22:16 AM
- OOC:
- 2.1 First Responder
First Responder training certifies a recruit in advanced first aid and trauma response. For this certification, the trooper will write a single 1000 word story set at the end of the course. The story will revolve around a single practical training exercise in which the trooper will confront a variety of common battlefield injuries during a simulation exercise. He or she must properly diagnose each injury and do their best to stabilize the patient, all while dealing with the stress of combat.
Razor stood in the press of medical trainees waiting to see their results from the first stage of medical training offered by the training academy. Level one trainees were offered basic care knowledge that helped them understand the process for care under fire casualties. Later levels of medical training included field care and evacuation care. The initial level was not so much about saving the lives of other troopers as they were about preventing casualties from expiring before they could be evacuated for higher levels of care. Razor’s mind had been racing as he had left the exam hall the previous day. He reflected on each of the two tasks he had been given during the care under fire exam. For the first exam, troopers had entered a massive hall with individual groupings of two tables blocked out. They were wearing their pristine white medical trainee jumpsuits and had field kits slung in a messenger bag from their shoulder. They were not permitted to enter the hall with anything other than the standard level one trauma kit. Each squared area had two autopsy-style tables with white sheets covering whatever each table held. Once a trooper stood in front of each of the groupings of tables, loudspeakers began blasting realistic battle sounds. There were voices yelling commands and directions, the sound of explosions and blaster fire, and every twenty seconds, there were low-level flyovers from what sounded like LAAT and Lambda-class landing shuttles. Razor along with all the other troopers had thrown the sheet to the side. Underneath was a full-body training dummy. A leg wound. A brutal leg wound. It looked like someone had taken a buzzsaw to the training dummy’s left leg and cut all the way down through the femur. There were bits of stringy silicone and fake veins attaching the leg in thin strips to the body. When Razor threw back the sheet to reveal this first task, artificial pumps had begun pushing out a thick red liquid that looked like an arterial bleed. A timer implanted in the dummy’s head started ticking. Only two minutes to stabilize. Razor leapt to the table reaching into his field kit as he did. He felt around brushing bandages, sprays, and his field needle kit to the side. He felt the heavy strap of the tourniquet brush the back of his ungloved hand. He pulled out his tactical trauma sheers and leaned in toward the table. One minute and forty-seven seconds remained on the timer as Razor snipped away the bits of pants that remained in the area above the wound. He pulled the ripped pieces of uniform away. Dropping his trauma sheers, Razor untwisted the life buckle of the tourniquet from the main strap and gently lifted the leg. He slid the strap under and then reconnected the life buckle. He held the top part of the leg steady and pulled the strap slack through the C-clip of the tourniquet. It bit down on the fake skin of the limb. As the arterial bleed slowed, the timer on the test dummy’s chest increased the available time to complete this task from one minute and ten seconds up to five minutes and twenty-eight seconds remaining. Razor released the Windlass and twisted the handle. With every twist, the bleeding slowed. By the third turn of the windlass, no blood was coming from the fabricated femoral artery. He locked and secured the windlass in the locking pouch. He pulled the marker from his field kit and marked the time and date on the flippable white tag of the tourniquet. The final step in field care was to ensure that evac could save this person. For tourniquets, there was one critical step which was an instant pass-fail if missed. Razor wrote on the dummy’s forehead with his marker. He wrote a giant letter T to indicate to any evac teams that this person had a tourniquet on their body. He also marked the time and date of placement. Using the tourniquet was simple. It was in most field kits that troopers would receive even without medical certification. It was knowing and remembering the minute details in the heat of the moment that saved limbs and sometimes lives especially with battlefield repairs that often had to be undone and redone in a stable environment because of the nature of battlefield life saving. Razor grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol that was on his table. He sprayed down his trauma sheers and moved to the next table. Again, he ripped the sheet away. This test dummy was fully clothed. Nothing was immediately apparent aside from a small hole in the dummy’s uniform on its chest. He had a sneaking suspicion as he began doing the initial checks for the dummy. He checked the airway. He swept two fingers into the dummy’s mouth and found no obstructions that would prevent it from breathing. He pressed a finger into the carotid artery of the dummy’s neck and felt a faint pulse. Finally, he watched the dummy’s chest to monitor its breathing. There it was. The hitch in the chest, the failure to inflate the lungs. Razor ripped the chest uniform open. The only injury visible was a small puncture in the middle of the chest. As Razor uncovered the wound, the faint hissing sound with the attempted breaths could be heard. The dummy had a sucking chest wound. Razor again pulled out his trauma sheers. He also pulled out the silvery heat blanket that was a thin, waterproof, plastic material. He opened it and quickly cut a five-inch by five-inch square from the blanket. The material would be enough to create an occlusive seal which would allow the lung to inflate. Still moving quickly to not lose the seal when the dummy simulated the exhale, Razor taped down two of the sides of the occlusive seal. He waited as the dummy exhaled and blew the material away from the wound with the air from its punctured lung. When the lung started to simulate the inhale, Razor again pushed the occlusive material down and taped the third side of the patch. The fourth side of the patch was to be left open to allow the wound to release air from the chest cavity. Razor watched the dummy inhale and exhale for a few breaths. He held a large needle in his hand as he was prepared to move to treat a tension pneumothorax if the seal was not working properly. He let out a sigh of relief with the dummy as it continued to make stable breaths. The examination was complete. He thought he had done well. As the board in front of him lit up with scores, He saw that he was in the top ten and had successfully passed his initial field care exams. - OOC:
- Total WC 1222
ETRP/LCP razorsedge Awards: {MSM} 
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(edited August 12, 2024
1:26:47 AM)]
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 401
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 12, 2024
7:02:28 PM
- OOC:
- 2.2 Field Medic
The trooper will write a single 2000 word story starting in the classroom with an instructor, and later graduating to a field simulation. During the practical examination the field medic-to-be will attempt to provide medical care for several injured squadmates, all while undergoing the extreme stress of a combat scenario.
Field Medic school was not like the other schools that Razor had attended. Because of the lengthy time requirements of the school, it had been one of the test pilot programs for the Advance Time Virtual Reality Dive program. ATVRD had been an attempt to create a method for advanced-level training to be disseminated at higher speeds. It was logistically impossible for the STC to deploy great numbers of highly trained troopers without incurring huge costs to transport and train each trooper. It had been a problem for all of the imperial remnants. It had even been an issue for the empire immediately following the fall of the republic. After the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic, the empire stormtroopers had slowly degraded. The level of training and indoctrination into military life simply could not be matched by conscriptions. It had taken the Office of Scientific Advancement and Research 20 years to learn about fiber optic neural interfaces and create the VR gear necessary to lengthen training beyond the standard amount of time. Razor slipped on his headset and settled into the state of modified consciousness that came with utilizing the VR gear. Time was now passing at one sixty-fourth speed. One 8-hour session amounted to roughly 20 days of training. It took 15 sessions to complete a year-long training course. The classroom instruction was incredibly in-depth. Razor had always enjoyed learning about emergency medical care. It had been easy to slip into the squad medic role with his initial first responder certifications, but the coursework and tests for the field medic course were on a whole different level. Today’s class was on burns. The previous week had been a full discourse on skin. It covered xenobiological skin types as well as humans and showed the different types of general issues that could happen to skin. For some races, they could heal from almost any injury. Their regenerative abilities were linked to the ability to shed and regrow new skin and appendages. For the races that did not have these natural physical abilities, burns were a greater threat to them because of the nature of work as a member of the STC. Razor diligently took notes as the lecturer talked through each of the different types of causes of burns and their symptoms. “Electrical injury occurs when a high-energy current flows through the body due to contact with an electrical source. The most common electrical burns come from mishandling equipment. Injury can occur from a current passing through the body, an arc flash, or clothing catching fire due to the intense heat of electrical currents or arc flashes. In the first two, the body converts electricity into heat, resulting in thermal generation. It is important to note that the external appearance of an electrical burn cannot accurately predict the true extent of the injury because internal tissues or organs can be burned much more severely than the skin. Many of the same concerns exist with electrical burns as ones caused by fire or explosion. The main difference with electrical burns is that they will often cause arrhythmia, heart palpitations, or even heart attacks as they change the electrical state of the heart. Chemical burns, much like electrical burns, can come in a wide variety of different types based on the chemical agent that is causing the burn. Mild chemical burns usually heal quickly and without intervention, but severe chemical burns can cause permanent tissue damage, scarring, or death. Immediate action is required for chemical burns because the usual cause of greater injury is a failure to fully remove a chemical from someone’s clothes, body, or accessories. Mechanics and material safety workers have the highest likelihood of being exposed to the types of chemicals that would be the most concerning for these types of burns, but any trooper or pilot can come into contact with chemicals every day.” Razor diligently kept notes on each of the types of burns that the instructor walked through. He disseminated information on radiation, thermal, explosive, and friction burns. The imagery that was displayed during each talking point showed horrific injuries that were all full-depth third-degree and fourth-degree burns. “Now that we have a basic discourse on what causes burns, we will go into treatment. For all types of burns, remove the person from the cause. This may seem obvious with thermal and explosive burns, but there are many lives lost to radiation and chemical burns because of a failure to first establish a safe area for treatment. Because of the nature of combat with laser-based weapons, many of the burn injuries we see will be third and fourth-degree burns,’’ The instructor walked through the steps for treating minor burns, showed methods for wrapping burns on different areas of the body, and then took the class on an in-depth exploration of the different layers of skin, how the different degrees of burns were defined, and what further care looked like for each one. The practical lab attached to this module involved measuring, cataloging, and diagnosing different degrees of skin burns based on their depth. ============One month Later Outside of Dive Time============ “Create a cordon. We need to clear the LZ and patrol the surrounding area within the next hour to clear for the main force.” Said squad leader Mouse into the squad comms. This was Razor’s first sim mission as a field medic. The squad secured a ring around the back of the landing shuttle. As Razor was the testee for this simulation, he was able to listen to the conversation between Mouse and Crunch as the squad leader and assistant squad leader discussed the situation. “We need to do a fast sweep of this grid and clear out the area so that we can move on. The warfighters of this planet are known guerilla tacticians and have immense skill in disruption and disappear tactics. We cannot have any interruptions to the main body of the army landing here as we begin engaging in the subdual of the planet. Insertion and withdrawal are the two most dangerous points in a mission. Let's get a move on.” said Mouse. Crunch nodded. “Silver, Dash, get your boys into echelon front and march out to the edge of this grid block. Half-time march and keep your eyes peeled, Mouse will fold in with team two and I will fold in with team one.” Ordered Crunch. The two fireteams quickly oriented themselves into echelons and stepped it out toward the edge of the one-mile by one-mile grid square they had to clear. The foliage here was heavy. There were deep shadows beneath all of the trees. It reminded Razor of Felucia. This planet did not get a lot of sun. It had bioluminescent plants that provided most of the visible light on this planet. One of the big pieces of the field medic course was environmental training. This environment was well designed for low vision, stealth, and speed fauna to develop as predators. Every shadow could contain a predator that would wipe out this squad. Razor felt a slight shiver in his simulated body as he remembered that every simulation was based on real after-action reports. The troopers's danger sense must have been on high- alert as they moved through this dark, enemy-held territory that could contain enemies behind every tree. The squad continued to march and made good time. It took them six minutes to reach the edge of their grid square. Brillo, the squad's comms trooper, pulled out a large beacon and threw it on the ground. It burrowed down and a beep could be heard from Brillo’s wrist-mounted controller. “Infrared beam is active Mouse. We are good to continue moving,” reported Brillo. “Roger,” acknowledged Mouse. “Standard column. Double time back to the shuttle,” said Crunch. The team organized into a single file line and began jogging back toward where the landing shuttle was. They were kicking up small clouds of dust as they ran. All of a sudden, a gut-wrenching scream rent the air. Silver had been the rearmost soldier in the squad. They spun. The squad spread into a firing line as if it were the fingers of a giant entity moving together fluidly. Silver’s left leg from the outside of his hip to his knee was wrapped in three long black tentacle-looking appendages. Razor’s eyes tracked back along the tentacles. Hanging upside down from a tree branch was a large black animal that looked like it might have been some sort of night-hunting large cat variant. Two of the black tentacles protruded from the creature’s front shoulder blades and one came from its tail. It had reached out with lightning speed and snatched Silver’s leg. Blood already welled from the deep rents that the creature had torn in Silver’s leg. No less than 20 blaster bolts shot out at the creature from the disciplined firing line. One burst from each of the troopers lit the dark pathway they had taken through the dense jungle with blazing red bolts. It took shots across its entire body. It still gripped the tree limb even though its body hung limply from where its claws had locked it into place. Razor leaped toward Silver. One of the advantages of the cohesive understanding of tactics that this simulated squad had was the ability to immediately do the right things. It was just Razor who needed to think things through. The squad quickly formed a tight circle around them facing outward to prevent any other attacks. Silver was breathing heavily as he lay on the ground. The meat of his leg was somewhat shredded and sticking out in odd places where the tentacles had slid. Razor tapped his wrist controller which had control over the internal stabilizers inside of the suits of each trooper. He pressed the release button and the armor fell away from Silver’s upper left leg. The trooper’s modular armor made it easy to drop sections of it. The fabric layer under the armor was torn to shreds and the bleeding was heavy. Razor pulled out a needle array. He selected two needles and engaged them. The dual needles punched into Silver’s leg. A localized antiseptic and anesthetic started spreading into the wounded area. “Tourniquet and lets go.” Insisted Crunch from his place in the defense ring. The tentacle appendages had cups at the end of them filled with razor barbs that were, no doubt intended to dig into a wound as a creature attempted to escape. The squad had killed the creature and released those cups so swiftly that they had not had time to burrow into Silver’s leg. “Give me thirty seconds,” Razor said to the simulated assistant squad leader. He pulled out his bottle of quick clot. He dumped the quick clot powder over the wounded areas. It hardened almost instantly becoming like wet sand that had dried together. It was extremely solid. Razor spooled out two strips of Mnemosyne graft. It was fake skin that was designed to mimic the skin it was replacing. Razor slapped a long strip directly over each of the places where the cups had connected to Silver’s leg. The grafts formed and covered the holes. “Silver, get up. We need to keep moving.” Said Razor. The trooper stood shakily testing the weight that he could put on his leg. “That hurt like a devil. I think it had a toxin in those spines. Things are looking a little fuzzy.” Silver relayed as the squad prepped to move back to the evac shuttle. Razor administered an adrenal shot. “Either you’ll be dead from the toxin, or this will boost up your endurance until we can get to the ship.” The squad made slow time back to the ship. They arrived and everyone quickly filed onto the LAAT shuttle. The large doors hissed shut. Silver sank to the floor of the ship and sat, thankfully still alive. Mouse and Crunch removed their helmets and began talking about the final landing procedures for the army. A small hiss became audible inside of the troop compartment as they rose through the atmosphere reducing the oxygen density around the ship. Suddenly, a small pop could be heard in the troop transport. Caustic yellow gas billowed thickly into the compartment. Crunch dove for a door control even as his skin began to blister on his face. He hit the button sealing off the pilots from the squad compartment. Razor looked briefly at his wrist controller and saw the yellow gas had already been analyzed by his suit sensors. It was some type of pollen that had an extremely low PH balance. A chemical attack. Razor grabbed the handle behind him and started frantically punching codes into the crew compartment control pad. Oxygen masks slid from the ceiling of the compartment at the same moment that the slats of the compartment slid open. The LAAT was too high for enough oxygen to be in the chamber and a slight gust was all that notated the oxygen leaving the compartment in decompression. The caustic pollen was sucked out of the crew chamber with the oxygen. Razor punched more commands into his wrist controller. The troopers who had their helmets on would likely not be affected, but it did not matter. The procedure was to treat all squad members like they had been affected by the toxin. Razor sent the command to all squad suits and a PH balancing paste ran through all of their suits. It would push out any toxins through the layer of soft fabric under their armor. Razor slid over to Mouse and Crunch. The skin of their faces was covered in blisters and still had caustic powder on it. Razor sprayed water all over their faces washing the pollen away. He did not apply any counteragents as chemical burns could become worse if applying neutralizing agents. Razor remembered his class on burns well and knew that, while the troopers looked gravely injured, the burns on their face were second-degree burns since the skin was not sloughing off. They would survive and they would heal. In the simulation, a score flashed up. Razor had scored 92 out of a possible 100 for his hasty field repair. If he had stayed and done full field surgery to suture the wounds closed, he could have improved, but the Mnemosyne and adrenal shot was the preferred method in enemy held territories as it allowed squads to continue moving on with the mission. It did mean a longer recovery time for the trooper as they would have to dig the quick clot out of the trooper's leg and surgically remove the Mnemosyne grafts. His quick thinking in the shuttle was the correct answer to save his squad and he had worked hard to reduce the chances of infection and continued exposure for his squad. The after-action report listed the cause of the chemical attack as coming from the guerilla fighters on the planet who had attached canisters designed to explode at a certain height level to the inside of the landing craft. Razor was glad that he was not on the original mission. This seemed like it had been a hellish collection of experiences. A successful simulation of real battlefield conditions. Razor knew he had many more battlefield sims to come, but for his first test, this one had felt pretty good. - OOC:
- Total WC 2628
ETRP/LCP razorsedge Awards: {MSM} (3.1) 
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 402
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 13, 2024
12:22:58 AM
- OOC:
- 3.2 HVW Fixed anti infantry
A single 2000 word story on working in a heavy weapons team in a simulated battlefield. Troopers should use their weapons to do some of the following: Hold a defensive position Provide covering fire for advancing comrades Assault an enemy installation
Razor ran and dove. His small fire team of four was being mercilessly hunted by a squad of New Republic soldiers. The mission had been simple. Go in quietly, determine the strength of the relatively small detachment of New Republic troopers that were present, and report back to high command on the size of a small New Republic outpost that was on the outskirts of VE space. The fireteam sprinted through red sand rock paths that had been cut from the desert over many years of underground water flow. The only advantage the small fire team had was that the path was not completely linear. They had already lost the pursuers two times as the trench had twisted in multiple different directions. Sensor relays in the natural trenches were the only way that the enemy squad was able to keep track of and close with the fire team. Multiple speeders had passed directly overhead. The troopers would flatten themselves against the walls of the trenches as red dust blew in from the cracks above them. Razor thanked whatever powers that be that he did not have to run his team across any portion of the surface. The surface craft would have been able to catch and detain or obliterate his little fireteam with unbelievable ease. A squad of New Republic faces appeared in a crevice above them. They fired down at them even as they began to rush down into the trench with them. The proverbial poo had hit the ceiling fan. “Bounding,” barked Razor to the fire team. They used the small jutting edges of the trench to find cover. They fired back at the advancing New Republic squad. How was our intel this bad?!===============Two hours earlier=============== Jump pods. Razor’s least favorite method of entry. The jump pods were essentially padded metal eggs. When they were sealed, they were completely smooth on the outside. They had four standing rigs that would clamp each trooper in place. Razor hated them because of the equipment he was carrying. The field medic bag that he was required to have as the fireteam medic was very uncomfortable. It always made him feel like he was bending his back into a position that it would be permanently stuck in when the egg crashed into the ground at full speed. The outside layer of the troop compartment was filled with an oobleck liquid that would convert from liquid into solid as it absorbed the shock of entry. The change in state from liquid to solid could absorb far more of the shock of landing than any of the other types of padding that had been in the older entry models. Horror stories of failed landings recounted stories of troopers who had landed with enough force to push their femurs into their chest cavities. The best eggheads could never predict the chaos of Murphy’s law that ruled over all battlefields. The final layer of the landing pods was a hardened heat-dispersing fabricant that could effectively disperse the temperature of atmosphere entry to prevent the troopers inside from being cooked into so much soup. The pod was dropped from the hangar over the outpost world. The first few moments as the pod entered orbit, there was a deep sense of a person’s stomach doing literal backflips. More than one trooper had filled their helmet with a day’s rations because of this sensation. It took a lot of getting used to. This fireteam was made up of pod jump veterans and, thankfully, there was no sound of retching playing through the open squad channel. The sensation of falling while simultaneously being pushed upwards was also not particularly pleasant. The floor of the landing craft pushed hard against them. They had dropped faster than any anti-air weapons would have been able to track them had there been anything on this desolate planet big enough to require air defenses. The bone-jarring slam as they landed was the signal for the harnesses to release and allow the troopers to open the sealed pod. They had kicked it open and spilled out prepared for any resistance. Again, there was no cause for concern. No soldiers were waiting for them to disembark. “Create an emplacement and plant the map beacon to mark our evac point.” Said Razor to his fellow troopers. How Razor had ended up in charge of this fireteam and been given control of this minor mission, he had no idea. He was a Lance Corporal. He had been in and out of training schools for the last few years. His time in his squad had not been long, and yet, he was being given his chance to lead a mission as a member of Blackjack squad. The fireteam quickly dug in at the top of the small depression the egg had created on landing. They dug a standing position at the lip of the depression and set up the E-Web with a direct connection to the power supply from the egg. Once their fallback and evac point was set, the fire team prepared to move out. They checked all their gear. Razor refastened the strop holding his chest armor in place. He slotted a fresh power pack into his T-21 repeating blaster and checked the charge on his sidearm. It was time. No more prep could assist him in being prepared for leading this mission. Razor signaled with his hand and the fireteam slid down into one of the natural red sand trenches to move toward the assumed position of the New Republic outpost. There were long corridors of straight paths and short areas of twists and turns that ran throughout the trenches. Small man-made paths went off in different directions. They were easily identifiable by the squareness of the floor in them. The natural trenches were sloped at the bottom. It made running through them difficult, but they were less likely to be caught than if they moved through the man-made tunnels that almost certainly would have sentries and sensors. They only had to go about a mile in the trenches to reach the supposed location of the New Republic encampment. ===============One hour earlier=============== “Holy…” Drex let out a slow gasp as they came to the end of the natural trench they had been following. The trench opened from the wall of a deep pit in the sand. There was a huge number of New Republic landing craft. It looked as if there was a functioning base of a landing party that would be capable of taking a capital city. This was nowhere close to the minuscule size of a listening outpost that mission intelligence had reported was here. The intelligence community in the Vast Empire had been weakening. Less people were willing to sympathize with the shrinking forces of the VE as they seemed unlikely to be the top dogs like they were before. “Get your nocs and begin marking the areas of the camp for future assault. This mission is scrubbed. We are not entering that base.” All three of his fire team members began to tag the areas around the camp. They marked the chow hall, the landing zone, the troop berthing, and what appeared to be the armory. While they worked on recording all of the information about the encampment, Razor tossed two self-adhering satchel charges to the ceiling of the mouth of the trench they were standing in. Razor lay on the floor. He pulled the T-21 repeating blaster from his back and sighted in. His team was done marking all the areas of the base. He sighted in on the armory. The T-21 was the lightest of the heavy weapons available to troopers. It could be operated by a single trooper and it could cut through armor and personal shield packs. Razor signaled to the troopers to begin retreating toward their evac point. Razor set the T-21 to fire bursts of the heavy laser rounds. He sighted in and fired. Three shots broke the low level of noise in the quiet canyon. Then six, then nine. Razor fired three bursts directly into their armory. Alarm Klaxons went off. Armed New Republic quick reaction force soldiers spun and began firing at the spot where Razor lay. He pulled one more burst into the armory and saw small bursts of explosion from the exploding power packs in the armory. He also saw the bursts of New Republic jump packs as soldiers rose toward him. He rolled back and began sprinting. He set the satchel charges for two seconds and ran as hard as he could. The New Republic troopers landed on the lip of the trench just in time for it to explode and blow them back down into the camp. ===============Now=============== Razor continued to sprint. His fire team folded around him. They flowed back through the trench. It was one mile to return to the evac point. Suddenly, another New Republic squad began dropping in behind them from the surface level above the trench. They turned a corner into a straight and narrow hall. “Bounding,” barked Razor to the fire team. They used the small jutting edges of the trench to find cover. They fired back at the advancing New Republic squad. The bounding method for heavy fire teams was to utilize cover and movement to extract. One pair would suppress advancing enemies while the other pair quickly moved back and found cover to fire from. The fireteam bounded back toward their evac point. Razor sprinted back to the next piece of cover. Before he cleared the partner team to move, he saw that his wrist controller had been linked to their evac beacon. He sent the call for the attack shuttle to start its descent. They bounded the last hundred yards back to the pod as the New Republic squad tried to push through every corner and intersection toward them. They were in full pursuit of the small fireteam and their numbers swelled. Razor climbed out of the trench. He pulled back the charging handle on the E-Web. Here we go. Last Stand. Do it right and get these boys out of here. He hammered down on the two firing studs. Heavy lines of fire came out from the emplacement. It shredded the three opportunistic New Republic soldiers who had attempted to sprint down the last 50 feet of natural trench to close on the fireteam troopers. Razor fired again as another soldier poked around the corner. A speeder flew overhead again. This time, there would be no avoiding the speeder flights. As Razor continued to blast away at the advancing troops, the black attack shuttle screamed out of the sky. The other three fireteam members ran and jumped onto the loading dock as the shuttle swooped low to hover a few feet off the ground. Razor pulled a bandage from his field medic kit and wrapped it around the E-Web’s firing studs. It continued to fire as he ran and leaped onto the evac ship. It started to swoop away and Razor saw that the E-Web was glowing bright red. As they pulled toward orbit, he imagined that he could hear the power supply from the egg causing a massive explosion as the E-Web fully overheated. He had done it. He led a successful mission, but only by the very slimmest of definitions. In terms of his training, he felt that he would get a good slap on the wrist about the dangers of even initiating that type of chase without at least a platoon-sized group of elite troopers. Trying to create a little mayhem was a specialty of Blackjack. Doing things quietly was also not something that Razor had ever been particularly successful at. All his troopers had survived and, at the end of the day, that was all he could really ask for regardless of the original parameters or monkey-wrenches that would take place. He smiled to himself. Only a few hours ago he had been thinking about how eggheads did not understand Murphy’s law. Now it was clear to him that even the best-laid plans would come fully undone in the heat of battle. - OOC:
- Total WC 2183
ETRP/LCP razorsedge Awards: {MSM} [3.1] 
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 14, 2024
8:12:07 PM
- OOC:
- 4.1 Heavy Blasters
The trooper will write a single 1000 word story detailing the training and practical application of heavy weapons and ordnance in order to deal with enemy light armor. The trooper will learn to properly operate and employ such weaponry on the field of battle.
Razor felt his soul practically humming with energy. Classroom learning was all well and good, but real troopers cut their teeth in the field. You could only learn so much from reading about things. Razor remembered reading about star destroyers and how the housed a population of a small city. He thought he had understood the scale of the ships the VE used. It was not until he saw them in person that he truly began to grasp the scale of the ships. Even now, when the ships flew overhead, he still marveled at the sheer scale of ingenuity that could lift mountains of metal all the way into space. He had that same feeling now. The excitement and wonder. He was holding a TTT-54 Thumper. It had been a long week of death by PowerPoint to get through to the practical certification portion of the heavy weapons course. The Thumper was loaded with the standard training “puff” rounds. The rounds would land and burst like a popping water balloon releasing a very fine brightly colored powder into the air. One of the biggest advantages of the grenade launcher was the ability to arc shots into covered or concealed positions that normal blaster shots would not be able to penetrate. The training videos had shown an adorable, animated grenade flying through small portholes and top open gunnery positions as it destroyed the various targets that the Thumper was best suited for attacking. The practical exam for this weapon was a challenging exercise in operating under fire and establishing clear firing lines. It was also one of the most enjoyable and highly anticipated exams in the Heavy Weapons Specialist training evolutions. Four teams of two were put in a massive training space. Each time was assigned a color. Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green puff rounds were loaded into the Thumpers. Two troopers were placed in each corner of the simulation room. The room was divided into four quadrants. Troopers were not allowed to leave their quadrant and had to utilize the twelve shots split between both troopers to destroy all six other troopers in the course of fire. Different tactical bonuses were available in the center of the map, but troopers had to think carefully about using their shots or maneuvering to the center of the map because it increased the likelihood of being hit or it using all of their shots before the other teams could be eliminated. Razor and Drex prepared to begin the engagement with the other four squads. They were Yellow team. Their bright yellow puff rounds were split evenly between the two of them. Six each. The sim room was a blank floor at the moment. It was roughly 400 meters by 400 meters. Razor Could barely make out the small white armored figures on the corners to their left and right. The figures across from them were miniscule moving dots. The sim started. Out of the ground rose classic jack star anti tank deployables, standard bunkers, rows of barbed wire, and difficult trench terrain in the 100 by 100 meter quadrant that represented the yellow team area of operations. Razor and Drex dipped behind a bunker. “What do you think?” Asked Drex. He always had a way of starting a conversation in the middle and just expecting others to know where the conversation had been previously. Razor had worked with Drex long enough to make the conversational leap with him. “I want a powerup.” Razor replied. A hint of chaotic glee in his voice. “We should move toward the center and see if we can’t spot one of the other squads. We need the intelligence powerup to get better vision on the situation and find the other trainees.” They moved quickly toward the center. The ample cover that had risen from the floor allowed Razor and Drex to move in mostly concealed paths. They jumped down in to trenches and bear crawled next to lines of barbed wire doing their best to remain inconspicuous. They covered about half of the distance into the center before anything changed. “Red one, Red two, you’re out.” Kaygor’s voice boomed over the amplifiers in the room as he announced their defeat. “Too close together and not enough initiative to move out of your starting position got you both killed.” Razor and Drex shared a glance. No more talking this close to potential enemies. Razor pumped his fist twice indicated left then right and showed a 2 with his fingers. Drex’s acknowledgement light blinked on in Razor’s helmet. Staying low to the ground, Drex and Razor split. Razor pushed toward the blue territory and Drex pushed to the green side. With the red team out, the only team bordering the blue team would be yellow. The only team bordering green would be yellow. Both teams had incentive now to remove yellow from the game. As Razor came closer to the clearly marked space between the two quadrants, he froze. 50 feet ahead of his position, the blue team, separated by 15 feet, were moving along the edge of their quadrant towards the center of the sim. Razor ducked low behind a pile of simulated branches. A small creak as he leaned against the edge of his cover and the blue team member closer to him spun. He poked the barrel of his thumper up and fired. The puff round hit the tree directly next to the blue trooper and burst. The ten foot area now covered in a golden yellow powder fully included the blue trooper. The other blue trooper had dove for cover when he heard the distinctive fwump of the Thumper unleashing a round. The six barreled grenade chamber spun, slotting another yellow puff round into Razor’s Thumper even as he withdrew fully behind the cover. Razor knew the counter was coming. He had to move. Now. He sprinted from the back of the cover like a bolt of lightning. He ran directly toward the blue trooper. The trooper stood from behind his fully concealed position. He had obviously assumed that Razor was prepping his next shot from behind his original cover. Razor kicked, diving forward and leveling his Thumper even as his feet splayed out in the air behind him. He fired. The puff round caught the blue trooper full in the face snapping his head backwards. It was not enough force to cause permanent damage, but it would certainly cause some whiplash. Kaygor’s voice cracked over the amplifiers again. “Blue team is out. Failure to maneuver. Failure to cover your angles. Yellow on a risky path with half the teams out.” Razor knew that being separated from Drex was a mistake. Hopefully he was in a concealed position. They had a clear path to the center now with no engagement possible from the blue side. Razor sprinted straight down the border between the blue and yellow quadrants into the center. He grabbed the powerup pack and selected the aerial support powerup. Immediately, a small circle showed up on his HUD. It would show up on Drex’s as well. The two green team members were deep in their territory and separated. Razor heard a fwump and saw a yellow grenade immediately sail to where one of the troopers was. “Green one you’re out. Failure to understand the tactical situation.” Green two was the only remaining enemy. Razor fired his grenade where Green one had been. He knew he would have moved. He was firing for effect to keep green one moving. He wracked back his slide on his Thumper to charge the next puff round. Out of nowhere, Green two was in the air, high above a bunker that he had jumped from. He could see Razor on the lower terrain. He fired. The round was coming. No dodging now. Drex, running at full tilt, leaped from the bunker on the yellow side of the quadrants. He was moving so fast that he had barely registered in Razor’s vision. He caught the puff round in his hands as he dove through the air. The explosion dissipated in the air. Drex was down. Green two landed, fully exposed. “Yellow one is out. No mistakes.” Razor leveled his reloaded Thumper and made the easy 20 meter shot. It connected with Green two’s shin and exploded. “Yellow team wins. All troopers return to the film room for debrief.” Razor pulled Drex up from where he had landed. “You be the fall guy next time.” Drex said sarcastically. “For you? No chance.” - OOC:
- Total WC 1421
ETRP/LCP razorsedge Awards: {MSM} [3.1] 
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 17, 2024
11:45:11 PM
- OOC:
- 4.2 HVW Anti Armor
A two week course to teach you how to deal with enemy armor. Heavy anti-armour weapons provide a much needed kick on the battlefield, allowing infantry to adequately counter enemy armor that would otherwise devastate friendly ranks. For this certification the trooper will write a single 2000 word story set during a practical combat exercise. The trooper must display proficiency in the use and maintenance of heavy anti-armour in order to achieve this certification.
Tonto was loaded heavy. He was in the final courses for the advanced weapons training center on Tadathl in both heavy and long-ranged weapons. He preferred the weapons with bigger booms, but he had always dreamed of completing all of the weapons courses and being certified in every possible weapons competency. He had never had the time to attend all of the lectures, but the advent of the ATVRD tech had allowed him to sprint through many of the courses. He would soon have the ability to scan his ID in any armory and take his pick from all of the weapons available in the VE arsenal. Today, Tonto would be doing the final certification course with the PLX-1 portable missile launcher. Tonto had jolted out of bed early this morning so he could devote a little extra time to rereading the weapon manual before heading to the classroom in full trainee armor. When he arrived, he entered and saw that full field kits had been placed in front of eight seats. Even in ATVRD, troopers were expected to be able to fully suit up from their armor to the heavy kits they would use in the field. DLT-19 blasters were the standard laser weapon for the troopers in the heavy weapons course. Along with their carry packs, each trooper also had a PLX-1 attached to their back carry holster. Tonto quickly donned his gear and prepared to get a move on. All the other troopers had arrived and were prepared as well. Drill Instructor Kaygor arrived to walk them through the halls of the virtual training facility and down into one of the sim ranges. Before they completed their full simulated field test, they would need to fire, disassemble, clean, and prep their PLXs. The simulated range was only a few corridors over from the training classroom. One of the most interesting things about the ATVRD was that the simulation was not fully standalone. If you passed a classroom not actively used by a trooper working on another certification, a recording of a prior class would play on a loop. If you were not attending a direct course to work on a new specialty, you could walk into any previous classrooms and revisit a lecture to refresh your memory on a specific competency or specialty. They passed the first few doors into sim ranges. Tonto saw young boots still learning about the E-11 standard issue blasters. There were other troopers further behind in the heavy weapons course who were working with their Z-6 rotary blasters in the sim range just before they came to a stop outside the door to the PLX range. “Pick a lane, prep your PLX, and prepare to fire.” Barked Kaygor as they filed in. Tonto walked to lane three. He detached the rocket launcher from his pack by hitting the release clip by his left hip. Many blasters had decent range. The E-11, for example, had a range of 300 meters on an area target and 100 meters on a point target. The PLX was a breed of its own. It had an effective range of roughly 25 miles. If you could see it, the PLX could probably hit it. It had a two-round capacity per reload. It fired missiles from a mass driver barrel that could be set to a tracking or non-tracking mode. The PLX was particularly good at locking on to anything with repulsor lifts as the Arkayd missiles had gravity activator mode installed. The VE had slightly downgraded as the Arkayd missiles had become less common. Arkayd had been a long-time ally to the highest bidder. Veltzz Arkayd had supplied the CIS while selling information to the Old Republic. He had sensed a change in the winds and stopped supplying the VE with his specialized GAM rounds forcing them to work with a lower quality of rounds that did not track as well, but packed the same amount of punch. Tonto walked through the steps in his mind as he prepared to fire his practice rounds down range. Step one, load.Tonto pulled the dual pod from his ammo belt and loaded the two missiles into his PLX. He pushed the ammunition halfway in and the servo-assisted loader aligned and pulled the magazine in. Step two, deploy mechanical sights.Tonto flicked out the two iron sights that the rocket had attached to the side of the body. One sight gave proper alignment with a target while the other had mil markers for adjustments based on distance and height for firing non-tracking rounds. Step three, shoulder.Tonto hefted the rocket launcher. It fit comfortably on his shoulder where the pad had been formed to create a good stock weld for proper aiming. Step four, backblastTonto held his rocket in place and swiveled his head. He audibly announced, “Back blast clear.” As he did, he heard the same phrase echoed down the line. He returned his head to the proper position in preparation to fire. There was a small B-Mod target. An interesting choice for a rocket range as the human shape was not a common target for the PLX. “All blast zones clear. Fire!” Kaygor said through the range PA system. There was a brief moment as all troopers rechecked their sights. Slow steady squeeze. Tonto felt the launcher kick as the mass driver racked back and then forward in the tube. The missile shot out. It whizzed down the sim range and impacted slightly high and left on the B-Mod target. Since this was a simulated range, the targets showed a bright red dot exactly where the round had impacted. Tonto mentally recalibrated. He clicked the adjust on the rear sight two times to recenter the aiming point. The PLX settled on his shoulder again. Some of the troopers had already fired their second round. Tonto pulled the trigger slowly and steadily again. The second shot hit dead on with the adjustments. The little red light blinked in the center of the target. The lovely fwump from the PLX never became enjoyable. The only unenjoyable part of this weapon was the concussive reverb of the missile leaving the tube that rattled Tonto’s brain. He slung the PLX back over his shoulder. “All lanes are clear. Breakdown and clean your weapons in preparation for the final sim now that you have zeroed your launchers.” Tonto turned and walked over to the table covered in CLP bottles, cleaning rags, and ramrods. He pulled the launcher off his back and grabbed the cleaning rags. He reached deep inside the long mass driver barrel of the PLX and cleaned the small bits of carbon that were left after propelling the rockets down range. He oiled the locking and unlocking mechanisms in the main chamber of the weapon where the mass driver slid along the inside of the tube. He pulled out the servo arm that accepted the two round magazines and wiped each piece carefully. The servo arm was very delicate, and Tonto was very patient and deliberate in touching each part. He used a Q-tip to spread the lubricant on the delicate motors. His weapon was fully cleaned, and he snapped the servo arm back into place and reattached the PLX to his pack. Once all troopers were waiting to move to the next evolution of heavy weapons instruction, Kaygor directed them back into the hall. They marched down to the battle simulation room. “On the docket for today’s sim is heavy weapon squad engagement. Normally, a squad will have one to three heavy weapon troopers on a given mission. Today will be a beachhead defense. You all will be entrenched. Your goal is to prevent the advance of a simulated army as they push into an imperial city for as long as possible. Any questions?” Kaygor paused and looked at each of the troopers. “Very good. In you go.” The troopers filed into the all too familiar grid space that was pre-holoprojection for all battle sims. The projection started. They were on a literal beach A massive forest stretched behind them. Wooden ramparts stretched from a large makeshift wall that separated the troopers and the beach from the city they were defending. Tonto knew this sim! This was Kashyyk. Massive forces of the CIS had walked directly out of the ocean in front of them and been repelled by the legendary 501st legion of the Grand Army of the Republic. Hastily prepared defenses lay all across the beach. Tonto and his squad sprinted forward into one of the entrenchments that were slightly dug into the ground. They looked like large metal U-shapes that were arrayed in staggered lines across the beach. The squad of heavy troopers leaned against the wall. They slotted the DLT-19s into the firing slots on the entrenchment. “Here they come boys! Hit ‘em hard.” Yelled a simulated clone trooper. The first lines of battle droids came marching out of the surf that was lapping against the shore. Hails of blaster fire rained on each line as they advanced out of the crashing waves. Tonto and the training squad continued to fire with the rest of the troopers around them. Heavier silver-bodied super battle droids began to advance out of the waves. They took significantly more fire to whittle down. They were making progress up on the beach. “Watch those wrist rockets!” A clone trooper yelled through the platoon comms just before there was a huge explosion in one of the positions further forward than the line the heavy weapons trainees were standing in. The bots were making advances on two fronts and so far the clones were holding them off fairly easily. Then Tonto saw them. Huge spindly legs began rising out of the water. The OG-9 spider walkers came out of the deep water quickly. Their massive frames creaked as the water fell from them back into the ocean. The two small laser dishes on the top and bottom did not show the sheer destructive power that the OG-9s had. Four of them were walking out of the deep water up onto the beach. Tonto reached back and snapped the magnetic lock off of his PLX. Just like the range. Load.Tonto pulled the dual pod from his ammo belt and loaded the two missiles into his PLX. He pushed the ammunition halfway in and the servo-assisted loader aligned and pulled the magazine in. Deploy mechanical sights.Tonto flicked out the two iron sights that the rocket had attached to the side of the body. He flicked the switch that switched between the smart and dumb versions of rocket firing. When firing at armor, smart shots was advised. Shoulder.Tonto hefted the rocket launcher. The PLX felt almost natural at this point as Tonto pressed his face against the side of the tube and properly aligned the two perfectly zeroed mechanical sights. BackblastTonto swiveled his head back and forth and made sure no one would be injured by his rocket fire. “Backblast clear!” He shouted. Tonto looked down the sight at the Spider Walker. He pressed the trigger halfway and the smart lock circle began pulsing on the HUD in his helmet. It shrunk, beeped, and locked onto the OG-9. Tonto slowly squeezed the trigger to its full depression. The smart rocket shot high above the target. If it had been fired “dumb” it would have completely missed. Instead, the missile flew high up into the air turned on an arcing path, and connected directly with the top of the OG-9. Seven other streaks of missile flight went to the four OG-9s. 6 total shots connected with the OG-9s. They listed and fell over sideways. Collapsing into the water. The battle continued in much the same manner. The clones were operating on the edge of possible with the level of defense efficiency. The heavy troopers were able to fire off volley after volley of the PLX rounds at the enemy armor keeping the entire field clear of anything but the infantry bots of the CIS army. Even as Tonto continued to fire, he marveled at the efficiency and cohesiveness of the clone troopers around them as they continued to repel the enemy infantry. The sim ended. A solid clone victory with valuable training for the heavy weapons troopers. - OOC:
- Total WC 2146
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 20, 2024
12:38:05 AM
- OOC:
- 5.1 Technician
To pass you will need to write a single one thousand (1000) word story set in the final stages of training where the trainee will be placed as a communications technician for a training squad. The technician will demonstrate his or her knowledge of communications equipment and, in the event of equipment malfunction, his or her knowledge of the electrical system by working a quick fix.
The hardest part of the technician course was actually remembering all of the radio codes that needed to be relayed. Electrical connections and the processes that allowed the squad communications relay to operate made perfect sense in Tonto’s mind. Remembering if he needed to relay a 10-16 for prisoner pick up or a 10-17 to call for gas for the armored personnel transport had taken Totnto the longest. The test had just been each of the radio calls organized numerically. Troopers had to go down the list and write in the correct verbal call out for each of the numbered radio calls. Finally, after making it through the memorization and slide deck training for a squad communications trooper, Tonto was placed into a training squad to function as the comms trooper. Their mission was to reconnoiter. If everything was done correctly on this training mission, it would not involve combat at all. They needed to move into a heavily populated area through the sewer system and come up through a water treatment facility to plant tracking nodes on different high-value targets. Tonto had been issued the command to keep the squad connected to HQ for any developing situations. He was to ensure that all comms could be relayed through the sewers. The squad of eight prepped to enter. Tonto pulled a cutting torch from his pack. He quickly cut through the metal bars that covered the outflow gate. He made a hole that was roughly three feet tall. The squad ducked inside. As Tonto stepped into the sewer tunnel, he dropped the relay beacon that would show the simulated command team where the trainee squad had entered the underground. The sewer tunnel was wide. Roughly eight feet across. The ceiling was an arch that peaked roughly four feet over the heads of the troopers. The water at their feet was up to Tonto’s knees. The squad separated into two single file rows with one on each side of the chamber. The lead trainee was the squad leader marching directly down the center of the sewers as they walked along. The sewer was made up of beige stone. Parts of the stone had moss growing over it up to about chest height on the troopers. Tonto remembered this evolution of urban infiltration training from when he had been a trainee. He had not given much thought to the fact that two full troopers were assigned to the training squad when he had been a part of this evolution. It made sense that the commanders of training would utilize the trainee squads as an opportunity for full troopers to learn the advanced skills that were necessary to keep all of the military engagements filled with well-trained and blood-hungry troopers. The trainees were doing an excellent job of following the doctrine of moving in two columns. At every intersection, the squad leader would stop and the two leaders of the columns would slide their fingers around the arch of the entryways into this segment of the sewer to check for sensors, explosives, and booby traps. They certified that none were present and the rear-most trainee from each line would come and aim down the two segments of sewer they were not moving through until the entire line had passed them. This method of advance was slower than normal movement as it required checking and rear security at every intersection. In reality, speed was often much more critical than making sure that every intersection was not booby-trapped with explosives. It sometimes led to incidents when not every pathway was checked for danger, but mostly, it increased efficiency in zones where they could move confidently without finding the normal guerilla tactics like in an urban sewer for example; however, everything these trainees were doing was straight out of the manual. They advanced slowly through the sewers toward the water treatment zone. As they continued to move, the sound of rushing water began to permeate throughout the pipeline they were moving in. At the end, the pipe they were walking through opened into a massive upward chamber that had water crashing down through it into pumps that would cleanse it and slowly push it back out through the different pipes that left the city through drain openings like the one this trainee squad had entered. The simulations were not like real missions because they were designed to have more things go wrong than would in a standard mission. Tonto had been pinging the comms back to the main tower. Suddenly, there was no return ping. “SL halt the squad. We lost contact.” Tonto called out to the lead trainee. As the manuals dictated, the squad pulled three hundred and sixty-degree security as Tonto knelt in the muck water and placed his pack on his knee. The pack showed that the comms unit was fully functioning, but could no longer connect back to the ground relay and up to the simulated high command for this mission. He looked around. There had to be a solution here that he had not seen yet. Tonto looked at the tube around him and then up at the ceiling. Small metal pipes ran through the top of the sewage pipe. He remembered that conductors could carry a signal if there was a conduit for that signal to travel to. He threw a metal spike relay into the pipe above him. The signal strength boosted. He checked his wrist communicator. It showed that his signal was now being transmitted further, but bouncing in all different directions inside of the tunnel. He needed a conduit. Then he remembered the small blinking beacon that he had dropped at the head of the tunnel. He coded the signal from his comms pack to the signal channel that the beacon was on. Suddenly, his wrist communicator showed a clean line of data flowing back out of the tunnel. The green indicator notated full signal strength back to high command from this point. “Good to go SL.” Tonto relayed to the trainee squad leader. They could press on with the mission. The trainee squad reached the head of the tunnel and deployed climbing cables to begin moving up through the water treatment area. Tonto stayed down in the tunnel to act as the communications link between the squad and high command. Suddenly, one of the trainees appeared to careen passed Tonto. He saw him falling down the shaft of the water treatment facility. Instead of falling to an untimely death, the trainee hit the floor after a 15-foot fall at the same height level that Tonto was standing on. The bottomless water pit of the water treatment area was simulated after all. The simulation faded. The trainees had failed their portion of the mission. A drill instructor marched quickly into the simulator room to collect his charges. He was shouting all the way in and out at the trainees who had failed to properly secure their ascent lines. Tonto’s instructor came in, “Sometimes things way beyond our control cause mission failure. As a comms officer, your job is always to maintain connections and relay orders. You did a great job. Pass.” His heart jumped as he left the simulator. A success within a failure! He wondered if that trainee’s back hurt. - OOC:
- Total WC 1285
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 21, 2024
12:45:46 AM
- OOC:
- 5.2 Combat Engineer
Combat engineers are one of the most integral parts of any viable military force, and the Stormtrooper Corps is no different. Combat engineers trained by the Corps are proficient in a variety of techniques, listed below. Whilst you will not be joining an engineering corps, this short training course with prepare you to use small demolitions in the field, construct minor fortifications and be able to advise your superiors on requirements if you feel the engineering corps presence is required in the field. For this final certification, a trooper will write a 2000 word story set during a practical combat simulation exercise. The trooper will display proficiency at any or all of the skills listed below in order to earn the title Combat Engineer.
Being a combat engineer meant a lot of things. From what Tonto could glean, a lot of what it meant was avoiding exploding yourself. Combat engineering was the bridge between the engineering corps and the stormtrooper corps. You did not get to be the big kaboom guy blowing up the bridges or entire enemy facilities; however, you could complete the combat engineering course on Tadath and attain certifications in small troopers utilized explosives beyond the standard issue fragmentation grenades that every trooper carried. Weeks of classroom training on the physics of explosive backdraft, explosion radius, the nature of shapes in construction, and hastily constructed defenses had led to sim week. This was the part of the course where troopers really got to test their creative ingenuity in certifying that they had some inkling of what it meant to do a minimal version of engineer corps work. Today was the destruction range. The goal was to utilize explosives to destroy the flag in an enemy team’s base. The team was made up of two troopers from different schools. The marksman class, and the combat engineer class. A marksman partner would be playing overwatch for the flag while the combat engineer had to use deconstruction, flame, and a mix of different types of thermal explosives to complete their goal of destroying the enemy flag. Tonto had been paired with a marksman trooper with the callsign Slipshod. He desperately hoped that the moniker was an ironic one. Tonto and Slipshod stood in the viewing room with some of the other teams waiting for their turn to enter the simulated battleground. On the video screen, two groups were currently battling it out. Of the three trials that Tonto had been watching, the terrain had been vastly different for each team. There were elements of infiltration, small team tactics, and, of course, demolition involved in the simulation. Some teams excelled at working cohesively. Other teams won by sheer luck and one trooper was skilled enough to pick up the slack from a failing partner. The Stormtrooper Corps was like that as well. Deficiencies could be covered up because you had talented team members. There would be solo exercises and simulations for both courses where troopers who could not operate on their own would fail which would weed them out of selection for the proficiency, but this exercise only required the opposing flag to fall from the flagpole. It did not require both team members to “survive” the drill. The current two teams were battling it out in a modified office building. The teams had their flags on opposite corners of the floor. Tonto did not envy the red team marksman trooper who was trying to cover the two hallways that moved south and west from their corner of the building. The screen showed the helmet cams from all four troopers currently in the simulation. The wall roughly halfway down the hall exploded. From the marksman’s perspective, it would have been quite a surprise as a combat engineer trainee burst from the wall. From the viewing room, Tonto had watched as the combat engineer trainee had unspooled a roll of thermal patches, prepped the wall, and stepped back just far enough to clear the blast zone from his trap. He exploded through the wall diving into the hallway and arming the simulated thermal detonators from his pack as he did. The green team combat engineer rolled and sprinted toward the red team marksman who was already pivoting his rifle around to fire on the green team trooper after the initial shock of the exploding wall was already fading. He let off two blaster shots as the red team trooper dipped and sprinted toward him. The red team trooper was moving fast with a primed detonator clutched in his hand as he closed on the green flag. Too fast. The red trooper had missed the thin silver tripwire that stretched across the hallway at knee height and had sprinted straight through it. A G-20 glop grenade exploded directly in front of the red trooper and the expanding foam slammed her into the wall. The foam solidified on contact with oxygen and had the trooper pressed tightly against the wall. Only the trooper’s hand holding her primed thermal detonator remained out of the wall. She had not been close enough to destroy the flag. The thermal detonator exploded in her hand and the simulated explosion locked all the joints in her armor. She was, for all intents and purposes, dead. A massive explosion shook the simulation and all of the watchers quickly pivoted their view to the other side of the screen where the green combat engineer had just detonated the entire green team flag room from underneath. The floor fell out from under the red team marksman and the flag came with him as he tumbled into the floor below. The waiting combat engineer fired with his CR-24 flame rifle and a huge gaping maw of flame caught both the red team marksman and the red flag in its jaws. Green Team Victory flashed across the screen in bright highlighted letters. There were quiet murmurs of excitement from the troopers in the viewing room. Those were some pretty flashy moves that the green team had pulled off there. The troopers were escorted from the simulation ring to be awarded their scores by the individual instructors from each course. “Don’t screw this up.” Said Slipshod as their names appeared on the board as the next red team. “I need to keep my perfect sim record.” “Same goes for you.” Tonto scoffed. Slipshod would definitely be going into the sharpshooter course. He had that air of aloof arrogance that came so easily to those peak-level marksman. On the opposite side of the screen, Jakeeta from the marksman course and Bumper from the combat engineer course were assigned as the next green team. Tonto did not know Jakeeta, but Bumper was a complete battlefield nihilist. He would rather fully blow himself up than lose. The red team would have to be very careful to make it through this simulation. The teams entered through separate doors that were on different ends of the simulation room. As always, the room was a blank space made up of grid squares in all directions. The durasteel doors slid shut behind them and the whirring of the holoprojectors came on as the simulation generated around the four troopers. They were in a stack park. Stack parks were something commonly found in slum worlds where people could not afford to live in single-family areas. Traveling campers, shipping containers, and old school wide body vans were stacked on top of each other in high, haphazard piles. Giant cranes were scattered throughout the stack park that were there to help build the stacks even taller. What essentially amounted to large sheets of scrap metal were welded, bolted, and screwed onto the different types of domiciles holding them together. The stack directly behind them held the red team flag at its base. Tonto pulled out his blueprint pad and began analyzing the field even as Slipshod quickly moved away and scrambled up the first section of a stack. Slipshod released a scout drone that whirred off over the top of the simulated field and began relaying spotter data back to his H.U.D. The blueprint pad was analyzing the battleground. There were 20 simulated stacks in rows of 5 by columns of four. They were in the southwestmost corner of the stack park. Green would be in the furthest corner from them. Northeast corner. The concept of totally wrecking the battlefield had not been playing in his head until he watched the minor version of a trooper bursting through a wall and the major version of a trooper dropping an entire room to get the win. He remembered what the instructor had said about working as a sapper, slicer or engineer. Troopers, these skills are not just great for defeating your enemies. Sure tossing a roll of thermal explosives at an enemy unit feels great, but the true artistry of the skills you will learn in the courses is that you will gain the tactical abliity to change the very nature of the battlefield and the nature of the combat. You have to be bold, creative, and intelligent to gain the upper hand. These are the tools you will need to create a flash of opportunity to snatch victory from your enemies Tonto was going to have to be creative and bold. It was time to act. He had studied the layout of the area around him on the blueprint pad. If there was one thing that he was certain of, Tonto knew that Bumper would not climb to the top of any structure. It was too risky and Tonto also had decided he would not be climbing. There was no way to force the encounter between the Slipshod and Bumper… or was there? Suddenly it was clear. A picture in his mind. A snaking line that would force a direct frontal confrontation between his marksman and the enemy combat engineer. He sprinted to the stack that was North of the stack that their flag rested under. He quickly examined the structure of the stack as he determined the best placement. Unspooling a three-pack of the thermal detonator patches, he placed three of them on the north side of the stack where only a single metal bar supported much of the tower’s structure. He stuck a remote detonator into the thermal charges and quickly glanced up the aisle that ran between all the stacks. The stack was roughly 25 meters tall. The space to the next stack was also roughly l25 meters. He sprinted across the gap. Again, he determined the structural weak point. On this stack as well, he attached explosives to the north side and placed a remote detonation charge. He did not know how long he had before Bumper would appear, but he assumed Bumper was trying to construct some hasty defense as well after watching how effectively the G-20 had won the last round. Tonto realized that he was in the same aisle that the enemy flag stack would be in. Even as he was thinking about this, he began unconsciously ducking back behind the corner of the stack. A stun bolt zapped into the corner exactly where Tonto’s head had been moments before. He sighed with relief. He was glad that some part of him still had enough situational awareness when he was too focused on his idea. It was time for the last idea he had to make sure the rest of his plan went off without a hitch. He took his two G-20s and threw them into the alleyway that ran east and directly to the green flag. The exploded. The expanding foam hardening on contact with the air. He then tossed his extract smoke. Bright red smoke billowed out into the alley. Tonto crouch ran as fast as he could across the alleyway. He heard two stun bolts impacting with the makeshift rampart he had made. He set the timer on the thermal charges he had for one minute and tossed them up against the east side of the final stack in the first column of stacks. He turned and sprinted back again. No bolts came through this time, but that likely meant that the green team was moving to a new vantage point. Tonto now needed to move fast. He only had one minute to complete his setup before the thermal detonators went off. He sprinted back along the row and haphazardly threw detonation cords along the south edge of the middle two stacks in the second column of stacks. He checked his linked timer. Ten seconds until the thermal charges blew. He opened his blueprint pad as he swung under the stack with the green flag. He silently hoped that this would be exactly what was in his mind. If not, he was out of ideas and had probably just destroyed their cover. As the timer hit zero, Tonto slammed the activator on the remote charges so that all of his detonators went off at the same time. It worked. As the charges detonated, the two middle stacks in the same column as the red flag fell to the north. They crashed into the stack at the end of the row which fell toward the east. The three collapsed stacks in the first row formed a large upside-down L shape. The two stacks that Tonto had loaded with explosives in the second column fell to the south creating an unbroken line in the second column from the nearest stack up to the stack at the end. The collapsing stacks had created a perfect corridor. There were no places where Bumper could climb over. He would have to come down this alley to reach their flag. ========Bumper’s Perspective============= Jakeeta had called out that Tonto had been moving between the stacks in their row and that he had already utilized all of his glop grenades. Bumper had been working hard to set up a complex trap that would shoot an explosively propelled car out of one of the stacks and in any direction dependent on which set of explosives he activated. Tonto had separated from his marksman. Bumper needed to take advantage. He quickly moved to the southmost alley and began running straight down it. He had almost reached the end. He could see the green flag just two more columns of stacks over when Tonto ducked under the stack that the green flag was in. Bumper wished he had a blaster. Tonto would have been easy pickings. Then the entire western side of the map exploded and the stacks slid over into each other. It became impassable terrain because of the weakness of the metal and the height of the stacks. Climbing it also would have silhouetted him perfectly for the marksman trooper on the red team. He began running along the collapsed stack. Tonto had not managed to collapse all the stacks and make an impassable barrier. The last row was open. The alley that Slipshod had seen Tonto in had not collapsed. Bumper quickly rounded the corner past the solidified foam from Tonto’s glop grenades. His armor went completely stiff and he collapsed to the ground. ==========Tonto’s perspective================= Tonto saw Bumper clear the corner and glance at the remains of his G-20s. A single bright blue bolt shot from the top of the red flag stack and put Bumper on his ass. He was out. Slipshod slid down a rope and landed next to Tonto. “Nice fireworks. Now we can both go grab Jakeeta.” Tonto nodded. They moved quickly back to the north corner of the stacks. “He almost had me the first time I popped this corner. How do we distract?” “Flashers and a straight sprint down that alley. I will hit him once he reveals his position firing at you.” Tonto did not like it, but Slipshod had trusted his trap for Bumper. He needed to do what Slipshod suggested and trust him in the same way. He pulled out his flashlight and set it to the flash setting and readied himself to run. He strapped the flashlight to the top of his helmet. “Here…We…Go!” He jumped around the corner and ran as hard as he could. He looked up toward where he though Jakeeta would be. The first stun bolt missed. He kept running. Behind him, Slipshod dove from behind the edge of the collapsed stack and fired. As he did, a stun round connected with Tonto and put him down for this sim, but not before he saw Jakeeta hanging limply from a rope rigging in the middle of the red flag stack. Slipshod casually ran down the northmost alley and pulled out a small lighter to light the green flag on fire. RED TEAM VICTORY flashed across Tonto’s HUD. - OOC:
- Total WC 2670
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 414
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 26, 2024
1:01:14 AM
- OOC:
- 5.3 Computer Saboteur, A1 Infiltration
5.3: One 1200 word post on slicing into an enemy system, then using the enemy’s resources against them in imaginative ways.
A1: For your final evaluation you will be tasked with breaking into our own training facility which best simulates a small enemy outpost. Your trainer will follow you with the use of a gps tracker and evaluate your progress. They will be waiting in the room you are expected to reach deep in the compound. Our forces will of course be armed with stun rifles, but detection alone will trigger a "fail". Minimum 1000 words.
Computer Saboteur School was not just about learning slicing and electrical engineering. About half of the school was spent learning the necessary practical skills to utilize slicing tools and computer hardware that was common around the galaxy. The other half of the time was spent in practical simulations making concealed entries with a squad and utilizing the newly trained skills. Computer saboteurs were second only to special operations scout snipers in their ability to penetrate defenses and cause havoc amongst enemy teams, encampments, and bases. The final mission for computer saboteurs was to penetrate the admittedly lighter defenses around the computer school at the academy. They had to utilize different methods of both silent infiltration and computer sabotage to enter the building and steal a fragment of a chain code that was specifically notated for each trooper. Once they had the code, they had to make it to the central room in the school where the instructor would be waiting and turn in their code. Tonto was ready. He would depart his barracks room at the same time he left it every day. He would grab a nutristick for breakfast from the value bag that he had in his locker. He would walk as if he was going to the computer school just like he had every day since the start of this training evolution. One of the most common failures for this exam was the hardest to avoid. No one could ask you where you were going, what was on your schedule for that day, or if you were where you were supposed to be. People had failed this test when other trainees in the same quarters asked them what they were up to today casually. He picked up his pack and jogged out of the barracks making his way out onto the wide boulevard toward the computer school. During his jog, he passed innumerable other students of the academy. Some were running in training groups, some were walking as individuals, and still others sat and studied on benches likely cramming before their next written exam. He saw the school ahead. It was a large L-shaped building. It was three stories tall and was one of the older buildings around the academy compounds which is why it was smaller. There would be new defenses around the school that none of the troopers had seen on previous days at the school. Tonto continued down the road at a leisurely pace. He pulled his backpack off his back and looked in it as if he were digging for a pen. What he had actually done was slot his wrist through a wrist-mounted piton launcher. He kept casually walking until he reached the back of the school building on the shorter side of the L. The street behind the school was fairly empty. The only thing behind it was a small gravel road with a fenceline that wrapped all the way around the academy. He pulled his hand out of the pack and fired the piton up to the roof of the school building. He pushed the retract button and let the piton pull him up. He did not plant his feet against the wall like he normally would to walk up. He dragged up the wall so that he would not be seen from inside one of the classrooms. He ascended rapidly and just as he cleared the lip of the roof, he heard the sound of a speeder. It was a patrol following the gravel road around the fence line. Glad I didn’t wait, he thought as he realized that had he been any slower in getting his piton shot off, he would have certainly been spotted by the roving patrol. He stayed crouched low and pulled the rest of the gear out of his pack. He put on his helmet and linked his wrist comm, splicer, and wrist-mounted data port to his HUD. There was a vent directly ahead of him that led into the school’s air system. He tapped his visor through the different types of spectral analysis. On the infrared scan, the vent had tiny red laser lines running across. Tonto pulled the port wire out from the wrist comm unit and plugged it directly into the airflow reader on the side of the air vent. Slicing into a system was not really about gear. It was about pattern recognition. All you had to do was open the data editing system and find the right portions of code. Of course, some systems were more complicated than others. Sometimes the data came through scrambled from encryption and other security measures to prevent easy slicing. The school database was designed to utilize a different anti-probing method each time it was accessed. This time, the school was using an order scrambler to change the way that the data presented itself. It was coming out as a jumbled mess. Tonto watched the data scrolling across his headset. He set it to repeat a brief segment of the code over and over. He had to locate the pattern in the code. Even when something was scrambled, it was still limited by the language of coding. There! He saw it. There was a small dot that looked like it would be a line reset. He selected it and organized the data into intelligible lines. Once it was organized, he deleted the segment of code that would close the circuit on the lasers when the line between the two infrared receivers was broken. He closed the data page and pulled his port from the access terminal. Tentatively, Tonto pressed his fingers against the cover for the vent. He ignored the infrared beams and was rewarded with silence. No klaxons were going off and he could continue forward. He pulled out his laser screwdriver and reversed out all of the bolts holding the vent cover in place. It swung down easily and Tono squeezed himself inside. It started parallel to the roof of the building, but almost immediately made a ninety-degree turn dropping straight downward into the school building. He pressed his legs against the sides of the vent as he slid downward. It slowed his fall down the chute into the air system of the school. Throughout the vents, there were gas canisters. They had really gone above in beyond in creating a sense of danger for the infiltration portion of the mission. For the most part, troopers did not wear helmets inside of the computer building meaning they would be very susceptible to any form of chemical attack. Tonto pulled his connection wire out and accessed the controls on the gas canister. When he popped the access port open, there was a dead man’s switch inside of the gas canister release. He decided against trying to access the data in the gas canister and pressed on. If he had tripped the dead man’s switch, he would have been out of the mission and possibly out of the school from taking a full gas blast to the face. Tonto again slid down another section of the vent that was straight up and down. He had reached the bottom section of the school. It was fairly tight as he squeezed himself back down into the bottom layer of ventilation shafts. He crawled along until he found the room he was looking for. It was not the room with his instructor. He had reached the control hub for the school. He knew what he wanted to do as he completed the exam. One man was sitting at a desk that was pushed against one wall. There were computer segments in front of and behind him. Tonto attached the piton to the roof of the vent and used it to slowly drop himself down into the small observation control room. He carefully stood up and plugged his wrist comm into the port of the computer layout behind the security guard. He was holding his breath as the port made a slight click while accepting his comm cord. He sunk back down below the edge of the computer. The text of code again scrolled across Tonto’s HUD. He found it quickly. It was poorly labeled as Green/Red Gas and was set to red. He assumed that meant armed. He highlighted green and shifted it over to the modifiable code in his helmet. Then he resent it back to the system. Thick purple gas spewed from the vent above him. The man at the computer spun but was knocked out in seconds. Tonto stood, brushed himself off, and walked into the hall. He stepped over another trainee and pulled open the door that was across from the control center. There were a few teachers in the teacher’s lab that were knocked out as well. Tonto quickly moved to the still-open computer that one of the instructors had been working on moments before. He pulled up his class roster and found the chain file with his class’ graduation codes. He extracted his code and saved it to his wrist comm. Tonto went back into the hall and pulled open a broom cupboard that was a little down the hall from the teacher’s lounge. His instructor crouched inside with a rebreather on. A message flashed up on Tonto’s HUD. “Clever. Lots for us to clean up now.” His instructor had always had a lovely sardonic tone in his classes that Tonto appreciated. Tonto sent a package back on the same link with his graduation code. Another message appeared in his HUD. Pass. - OOC:
- Total WC 1704
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 415
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RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
August 27, 2024
12:16:33 AM
- OOC:
- 6.2, A25 Sharpshooter, Tactics.
6.2: Story 1 of 2 For your final exercise, you will be supporting a squad of troopers armed with regular E-11s. You will be advancing with the squad across a large expanse of rugged terrain opposed by training droids. You will be expected to use your new skills to pin down your opposition and deal with targets at long range and operating out of heavy cover. (minimum 1000 words) You will also have an urban combat exercise with one other trooper where you will be given free roam in one of the Corps urban simulation zones. Armed with rifles that electronically register a kill you must attempt to outdo the other trainee. (minimum 1000 words, story set at day or night, you do not have to win the battle) A25: A single 1500 word post on the tactics of a small unit or platoon.
Tactical school was one of the prerequisites for all troopers to continue advancing their careers. Their were different levels of tactical school that each trooper could go through based on their rank and what element size they could work with. As a Lance Corporal, the next size element that Tonto would be in command of would be a fireteam of four. He was in the first tier of small unit tactics. The tactical school was run by one of the most brilliant tactical minds at the academy; Major Cane. Major Cane had been part of the army's high command for multiple planetary-level invasions, occupations, and attrition campaigns throughout his history of Vast Empire Army service. Tonto felt extremely fortunate that he had even made an appearance at the school during the fire team leadership course. His speech to the students had been inspiring. Major Cane had discussed how every individual piece of an element down to the individual trooper had to be sharp and think tactically. He talked about his experiences as a leader of different fire teams and squads and how the different specialties of each squad shaped the strength of a platoon. After Major Cane had met with the class, Tonto had been more fired up than ever to get started with the practicals for this course. All of the practicals involved taking charge of a fireteam and commanding them through an area held by an opposing force. The morning of the practical had started very cold. They had assembled in front of the barracks building at 0400 and formed up as a marching squad with two columns of five troopers each. The night before, they had packed their rucks full of much more gear than they would need because, of course, what was a training evolution without a little suffering? They had marched from the dark of early morning into the light of sunrise over three hours through the hilly areas around the academy. They had eventually come upon a long sloping field that was nestled between two mountains. The valley was roughly fifty feet wide. It had two small copses of trees on the low end, but no vegetation going beyond that. The entire rest of the valley was a muddy field that stretched out about 500 yards before it turned into the rocky face of a rising hill that capped the valley. “Welcome to Battleground Mu.” Announced the tactics course instructor as he swung his likely lighter pack onto the ground. “We are currently at the foot of the engagement range. Scattered through this valley are multiple entrenched combat droids that are actively going to work against your squad to prevent your advance to the next hillock.” “The full squad will be commanded by one element, a marksman and spotter team acting as squad leader and assistant squad leader respectively. The command element will be here at the base of the valley.” The instructor pointed to a small watch tower that was seated at the bottom of the gentle slope. “You will be acting as an overwatch and commanding the squad through their movement while providing long-range support. Tonto, Drex, you two are the command team. Assign roles appropriately and prepare for the practical.” Tonto pulled his fire team of four aside. “Assign the appropriate roles to your fire team. The squad call is Bravo. You four,” he motioned toward the four that he had pulled aside, “will be Bravo 1-1 through Bravo 1-4. Drex, assign Bravo 2 callsigns appropriately for the other fire team.” Turning away from Drex’s fire team, Tonto motioned to each of the troopers in turn. “1-1, you’re point man. 1-2, Heavy weapons. 1-3, grenadier. 1-4, Medic and rear guard. Kit out appropriately and get down underneath that observation tower.” The troopers snapped to. They dropped their packs and quickly removed the specific types of gear that they would need to move through the valley for their specific role within the fire team. Tonto could see that Drex had given the same orders to his fire team and divided them up appropriately. The full squad coalesced at the tower at the base of the valley as the SL and ASL had requested. “Comms check!” Said Tonto as they prepared their gear. Each trooper sounded off individually confirming their number, fire team, and readiness. “1-1, Green!” “1-2, Green!” Through all squad members individually. They were set. “Beachhead tactics dictate that the enemies will have taken strong positions with clear sight lines throughout the valley. We need to approach hold points separately, but cohesively.” Drex was giving good information in preparation for the actual determination of tactics. “We are going to use bounding to approach this situation. Team bounding and trooper bounding. Everyone pair off. If you are not moving, you are firing on the next enemy position. Use team callouts to push with partners up the beachhead. If you hit a sticking point, wait for the other fire team to bound to your position and provide flanking fire. Grenadiers, you are on for all emplacements. Everyone ready?” Tonto felt exhilarated as he relayed his strategy. It was daring and a straightforward approach to what could be a sticky situation. He would have to conduct his troops like a maestro through this delicate ballet to ensure no casualties and a timely assault on the enemy positions. “Bravo two, east approach. Stay low. Bravo one, you’re the first bounders. Take the west side.” The two fire teams separated and moved into the small outcroppings of trees in preparation for the assault. “This is pretty head-on for approaching entrenched enemies, no?” Said Drex as the two fireteams moved away. “Strong point tactics dictate that concentrated enemies be met with fluid teams, not a grouped-up mess trying to slowly approach a target. You can use whatever tactic you want when it is your turn to play squad leader.” Jabbed Tonto as he began to climb the ladder into the observation tower. The top of the tower was fairly barren. It had no walls on any side. It was a wooden platform that was raised roughly seventy feet in the air. There was a small pile of sandbags at the top for troopers to rest an E-11 sniper rifle on and create a stable shooting position. Tonto clicked on the comms in his helmet to the control tower. “HQ, this is Bravo actual. We request permission to begin the training exercise.” “Permission granted.” Battle droids popped up from different entrenched positions throughout the valley. Drex and Tonto lay flat on the platform looking left and right up the valley. “Roughly two squad size elements spread across the entirety of the entrenched positions.” Reported Drex. “Bravo one, time to push. Teams, do not engage until you are fired upon.” Clicks came back through the squad channel as the teams acknowledged the orders. Bravo one started to slowly creep out from the short treeline and move up the valley. They made it about 50 yards before they were spotted. 5 battle droids out of the 20 that were deployed swung and began moving to engage. They had wrist mounted blasters like the old B-2 super battle droids and had swung them in to target team one. “Team one, hunker and engage. Team two, push.” Even as he told them to move, Tonto was on his rifle. “Rise is 55-60 yards per target.” “I see ‘em Drex.” Tonto exhaled. His chest flattened even further against the boards. The natural pause in his breathing when all the air had been blown out was the moment he gently pulled the trigger back. The BlasTech rifle hummed. The sniper variant of the E-11 did not have the same levels of heat dispersion that the modular A280-CFE did. Because of that, Tonto felt a warm backwash of heat as the blaster bolt zipped from the elongated barrel with an extended pshew sound. The bolt connected. The B2 battledroid he had hit crumpled with a fist sized blaster hole straight through it. The B2s slowed their advance on team one as they looked further beyond them to try and locate Drex and Tonto. “Two is there.” “Where is that flank two?” Barked Tonto into the squad channel. As he saw the lights from his squad click, two arrived almost on top of the droids, but fully to their right side. The droids made easy picking for two as they were so intently focused on overrunning the other fireteam. “One, bound again.” Team one rose and pushed forward again. They ran for another 20 yards and dove into the cover of a trench. Two then bounded forward while one held position and aimed up the valley. As two was diving into a similar trench on the opposite side of the valley, the sound of an E-web spinning up could be heard. Tonto saw it. “Two, twelve oclock, 10 yards.” “Roger. Whats the play?” Squawked back 2-1. “Throw a smoke. Let one push.” Tonto got back on scope. He began laying down fire at the small emplacement. It was built with an angled eave on top that prevent his shots from hitting, but he could at least assist with some form of covering fire to keep the E-web pointed forward. The top of the trench that two was dug into was getting peeled apart by the stream of bolts from the turret emplacement. A small metallic object came soaring out toward the emplacement and thick blue smoke filled the field. The E-web did not stop firing. Tonto switched to watching one through his sniper scope. 1-1 was moving quickly toward the emplacement with 1-3 in tow. The had disabled two other proximity turrets as they moved. “1-4 tighten up that rear security. 1-2, keep focused on the higher point in the valley.” Again, his only response was clicks over the mic channel, but 1-4 closed the gap between himself and 1-3. 1-2 pivoted and planted herself in the dirt as she sighted down the rest of the valley watching for flanking or response forces. Just as the blue smoke began to blow away from the position in front of team two and it seemed that the E-web would have enough time to eat through and hit them, 1-3 released a set of poppers that soared directly into the emplacement and detonated. Blue sparks flew from the emplacement and 1-1 moved in to check. “Another three down. 12 tangos remain.” He reported. Tonto sighed. It seemed like the main element of this engagement was yet to come. Suddenly, the top half of the valley exploded. Bolts rained down on the troopers of Bravo squad. Four dual operated heavy emplacements were ripping through the valley. How the training area had survived any previous iterations of the exam, Tonto did not know. “GET DOWN. Everyone find the lowest spot possible behind some duracrete while we assess the situation.” Bravo squad scattered. Some diving into the dirt, others sprinting as fast as they could into some of the entrenched positions. “Status report.” Barked Tonto. “1-1 and 1-3 are down. So is 2-2.” Frak thought Tonto. In an instant, one-third of his team had been downed. “Drex I need a better sit rep. How the hell did we miss those?” “They came out of the ground while we focused on handling the emplacement. Looks like a duo of B1 battle droids and a T series battle droid guiding their shots.” “Damn, they pulled in Tac units for this? They really must want us to be better tactical commanders than our predecessors.” Tonto sighted again. He could see the T-series droid encased directly under the emplacements. It was buried under a wall of Duracrete with only its head poking out is it directed the B1s where to fire. “Two, I can give you a window, but it is going to be brief. You have to move on my go. 40 yard sprint, no stops.” Again, mic clicks. He was glad that the team trusted him enough or was hopeless enough to go for any plan out of a mostly hopeless situation. “One, if you are below the line of sight for the heavy canons, helmets off, and switch to wrist comms.” “Tonto, what–” Drex started to say. Tonto made a swift slash with his hand to indicate that he needed silence right now. He sighted in. He exhaled. In the pause, his sight fell on the exposed head of the furthest west T-series droid. He did not fire. He breathed in again. To the squad channel, he said, “Helmets on your E-11s and stick them up on my go above your positions one.” He exhaled again leaving the squad channel open. “Go.” Three things happened at the exact same moment. Team two exploded from cover and began sprinting directly toward the westmost emplacement. Tonto shot the head off of the T-series droid with his sniper. Team one stuck their weapons in the air with their helmets sitting just above cover. The T-series that were commanding the emplacements took a split second longer to make the calculation about which thing was the biggest threat. Two of the cannons pivoted to fire on the helmets, and one turned toward two. It was too late for the droids. The troopers had only needed five seconds to close the distance. Now behind the emplacements, the remaining droids that were welded onto the turrets and buried in the ground were easy pickings for his squad. One advanced to the top helmetless and claimed the victory with Bravo two once the droids were properly mopped up. “Bravo actual, this is HQ. Practical complete.” - OOC:
- Total WC 2428
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(edited August 27, 2024
12:17:12 AM)]
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[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 417
Total Posts: 419
Joined: Mar 2010
Status: Offline

RE: Doing EVERY Primary and Ancillary from the Wik
September 1, 2024
12:30:09 AM
- OOC:
- 6.2, A5
6.2: story 2/2 You will also have an urban combat excercise with one other trooper where you will be given free roam in one of the Corps urban simulation zones. Armed with rifles that electronically register a kill you must attempt to out do the other trainee. (minimum 1000 words, story set at day or night, you do not have to win the battle)
A5: Close Combat Single 1000 word story in which the trooper should focus on a sparring session and how they apply what they have learned.
Modern operations in urbanized terrain training center was the site of the final practical for the sharpshooter school. It was colloquially known as MOUT town. It was a brutal test center with multiple-story buildings, a large center street, and little to no locations for movement under cover. The hardest part of completing the sharpshooter school was making it through this final exam. It was a 50/50 pass-fail because to pass, each spotter/shooter pair had to eliminate another spotter/shooter pair. The opening hell weeks of physical torment, the long drags through the ground for the 6.1 designated marksman specialty, and even the shooting ranges all had a pass rate of two-thirds or higher. This practical was one of the lowest passing rates out of all the trainings for the deployable army. Tonto as ever, had been partnered with Drex. He assumed it was because they were both armorers and neither had a completely clean record jacket. Their successes at the academy were always overshadowed by the fact that neither of them had been deployed to combat zones in the past five years. Tonto did not think it was important. He would continue to request and attend every course that came available to him at the academy regardless. He had been here for eight years already and, despite what he had originally thought about punitive assignments, it did not look like his time stationed in the armory on Tadath would be ending anytime soon. He shook his head and shrugged off the “woe-is-me” thoughts that were becoming an everyday occurrence and began to focus on the task at hand. Drex stood next to him in front of the hollo table that displayed the map of MOUT town. “Sixteen trooper battle-royale style combat. Every team for themselves. Wish they had given me someone who knew how to shoot.” Tonto snorted as Drex played up his melancholy. “I wish they had given me a partner with a brain, but here we are.” Drex grinned and slotted his helmet over his head. “I think we should take a middle-ground position. No roof.” “Let’s just try to survive the initial entry.” The light on the wall began to blink red as the timer to the start of the practical ticked down on the holo display. Here we go he thought as all of his concerns were pumped away in a rush of cortisol and adrenaline. The door slammed open in a split second. Bright fluorescent overheads were shining down from the high ceiling and flooded the ante-chamber they had been standing in even as the two troopers flowed out. Directly in front of them was a large four-story building. To their left and right, other troopers were sprinting out of the entrances into MOUT town. A loud buzz could be heard throughout the indoor training center. “First team eliminated. Fourteen teams remain.” Just as the team to their right began firing toward them, Tonto and Drex dove through the window on the first story of the building. They only needed to eliminate one team, but to take a single hit would mean failure for both of them. Tonto rolled and pointed his E-11s back at the window they had come through. Drex stormed over to the stairs in the far corner of the building. “Follow on” he yelled over to Tonto. Tonto slowly backed toward the stairs. He cycled between the door and the window as he continued to stay sighted in on his scope. He felt the bottom stair against the back of his ankle. Without removing his eye from the scope, he reached directly behind himself with his stabilizing hand and tapped Drex on the shoulder. Drex pushed up to the next floor as Tonto painfully backed up the steps one at a time. He maintained coverage on the entrances until he could no longer see them as he moved toward the second floor. He sprinted up the last section of the stairs to Drex. “Sweep the left side. I’ve got right” Drex nodded and moved off to the left as Tonto swept to the right. He carefully aligned with each door and swept across in half-circle motions to ensure there were no enemies inside. At the end of the hall, he entered the last room on the right side. Inside of the room, there was a small bed centered on the right side wall, a dresser was directly to his left as he came in the door, an end table sat on the bed on the opposite side of the door, and a chair that was seated in front of the right window. A left side window was open and had soft hanging curtains in a steel gray that hung to either side of the window. Every room had roughly the same type of furniture. Most of the furniture and floors had carbon scoring and blast marks from previous marksman exam hopefuls. Tonto let the rifle hang off of its three-point sling. He pushed the dresser away from the wall closest to the hallway and pivoted it on two of its legs. He pushed it up against the left side wall and climbed on top. He lay down across the dresser. He could not see the street level below the building because of the angle that the dresser, but he had a clear sightline across the central section of the map. Being further back from the window also meant that it would be much harder to spot him lying on the elevated dresser and deeper inside the shadows of the unlit room. Drex entered the back of the room and gently tapped his heel so Tonto knew it was him. The door creaked most of the way closed as Drex attempted to further limit the visibility in the room. The drapes fluttered back and forth across the window. Tonto felt his mind drift for a moment thinking about the level of programming detail needed to put a fake breeze into drapes. He returned his attention back fully to the space in front of him. He could see two buildings that were almost certainly held by other teams. There was a short two-story building that looked like a normal 3 bedroom two story house. He could not see any movement in it. He panned up and down the three-story building next door checking each window separately for three seconds at a time. As he panned across the final row of windows on the taller building, he saw slight movement. His depth and brightness fields in his helmet tried to adapt as he quickly swung his rifle across to the two-story house. The door in one of the bedrooms was slowly swinging into it from the hallway inside of the house. In the depths of a room across from the one with the window that Tonto was looking through, he could just barely make out the shape of a rifle barrel in the darkness. He moved instinctually without thinking. Across the training ground, the door had only just cleared the trooper’s vision enough for him to see Tonto lying across the dresser. The bolts impacted the walls directly above the dresser right where Tonto had been lying. Tonto’s movement had him rolling heavily across the top of the dresser and falling flat on the floor of the room. Another shot came through the window, but Drex had also flattened himself across the floor of the room. They both crawled back out into the hallway. As they did, Tonto saw the end of the exam at the end of the hallway. Another trooper with an E-11s had been silently padding down the hallway checking the rooms. Tonto boosted himself off the floor, unclipped the E-11s from the sling, and sprinted forward even as the trooper began to swing his rifle toward Tonto. “DREX FIND HIS TEAMMATE.” Tonto reached out with his hand even as the rifle was leveled toward Drex. He grabbed the barrel and pulled as hard as he could to the right, dragging the rifle off target from Drex. The trooper’s sling pulled his body forward and Tonto followed up the barrel grab by thrusting with his right knee toward the left side of the other trooper's ribcage. Rather than continuing to fight for control of the rifle, the trooper released it and used both hands to catch the knee that was flying up toward his ribs. As he caught the knee, Tonto powered it back down toward the floor to re-establish his balance. The other trooper slammed his helmet into Tonto’s face plate. The light in the hallway was filled with tiny blue and yellow dots that exploded across Tonto’s vision. Even as his head ranged back, he slammed the rifle he was still holding butt first into the chest of his opponent and heard a satisfying rrrg as the rifle butt connected with the other trooper’s diaphragm. Tonto dropped his weight hunching over his shoulders and bending his knees while dropping the E-11s. He shot forward wrapping his arms around the backs of the other trooper’s knees sending them both careening toward the ground. As they slammed to the ground, the trooper Tonto had landed on top of had clasped both of his hands together and slammed his fists into Tonto’s back repeatedly. Tonto slithered up his opponent's body shooting into a high mount. He tucked his knees up into the armpits of the other trooper who was already moving to block the coming onslaught. Tonto began ground pounding with left and right jabs all directed toward the trooper's face. The other trooper held his forearms in front of his face in an attempt to prevent the attacks and tried to buck with his hips to throw Tonto off balance. The other trooper, seeing that he was having no luck in bucking Tonto off or slowing the oncoming blows threw out a slow punch to try and put Tonto back on the defensive. It had been exactly what Tonto was waiting for. As the arm came up toward him, He boosted himself up planting his right foot next to the grounded trooper’s head and wrapping both of his arms around the one stretching up from the floor. He kicked with his still-planted leg and allowed himself to fall to the trooper’s left side while boosting his pelvis up under the trooper’s shoulder. He had a strong arm bar and had both of his legs stretched across his opponent's chest. “Surrender or I am going to break your arm.” “Come on man. At least fight me with a gun. This is a marksman course.” Tonto did not respond. He simply pushed his pelvis slowly off the ground increasing the pressure on the other troopers' arm joints. On his HUD, bright green letters began flashing. PASS was written in bright green letters. Drex’s voice crackled through his comm. “Found his partner, you don’t need to break his arm you animal.” Tonto let the other trooper go and helped him up off the floor. “Sorry, I really wanted to win.” The other trooper did not respond and Tonto followed him out of the MOUT range. It really was just a flip of a coin for this exam. - OOC:
- Total WC 1880
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(edited September 1, 2024
12:30:57 AM)]