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  Not Just Another Day at the Office
January 8, 2020 6:59:52 AM    View the profile of Slasher 
==========================Secret Vast Empire Outpost============================

Chief Warrant Officer Elias Darr walked with purpose down the corridor in outpost Besh-5. The mug of cafe clasped in his left hand slowly withdrew from his mouth as he read off the datapad held in his right. On the bulkhead to his left the chronometer read 03:54 as he turned into the corridor with the briefing room, the double doors less than 12 meters away on his right.

The corridor in front of him ends in a T intersection 30 meters beyond the briefing room doors. On the wall are two arrows, the writing beneath them indicates Barracks block Aurek is to the left, and Besh is to the right. Behind him a similar set of arrows indicate Hangars to the right, and Barracks Cresh to the left.

================================Location Description==========================

Inside the briefing room are 6 rows of chairs, each row has 12 chairs, which are broken into 3 blocks of 4 in each row. At the front of the briefing room is a holoprojector and a podium.
CPT Slasher | Chief of Naval Training


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