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ComNet > Neutral Messages > Joint Forces Academy > Hello,
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ComNet n00b
[VE-ARMY] Private
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May 23, 2019 6:58:58 AM    View the profile of Azkot 
I've join a couple months ago and now, since I've been finished with a bunch of time draining things in life, I've come to change that. I'm planning on actually making an effort here to be active and loyal!
ComNet n00b
[VE-ARMY] Private
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  RE: Hello,
May 23, 2019 7:00:06 AM    View the profile of Azkot 
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[VE-NAVY] Lieutenant Junior Grade
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  RE: Hello,
May 23, 2019 7:26:23 AM    View the profile of Rocketman 
Greetings Private Azkot if you can head to the this and post the bio of your character here we can get you started.
There are many aspects of the Force we have no knowledge of. The subject still requires further research and study.

XNT|LTJG Rocketman|VENA|VEN|VE (=*VIM*=)(=*Eng*=)(=BO=)(MC1)(NSR:H)(NT:H)(BWC)(NSR:1)(SOL)(SWC)(MC2)(LoM)(=A=)
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