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ComNet > Neutral Messages > The Lounge > Hello, I've recently joined!
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ComNet n00b
[VE-ARMY] Private
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  Hello, I've recently joined!
November 28, 2018 7:45:43 AM    View the profile of Azkot 
I was surprised to find a Star Wars roleplaying site that wasn't inactive, I thought that I was just going to find an old, unused shell. Needless to say, when I finally signed up, I was practically cheering inside my head.
ComNet n00b
[VE-NAVY] Crewman
Post Number:  4
Total Posts:  4
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  RE: Hello, I've recently joined!
December 1, 2018 2:47:19 AM    View the profile of Brick12 
Hey there! Me too! We should RP sometime!!!
Contact Info: [email protected]
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