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  Happy Star Wars Day!
May 4, 2018 9:48:49 PM    View the profile of Kadann 
Happy Star Wars Day everyone!  May the 4th be with you.....always.

This marks the 20th Year that the Vast Empire has been around! 

While there hasn't been much activity lately, I would like to thank everyone for being a part of the VE over the past 20 years.  Some of you have even been around the entire time!

There have literally been thousands of Star Wars fans that have joined the ranks of the Vast Empire over the last 20 years.  You all made the Vast Empire what it is.

Thank you All!  And May the 4th be with you...

And now......dancing Storm Troopers....

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Supreme Moff Kadann, Dark Lord
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  RE: Happy Star Wars Day!
May 4, 2018 11:30:12 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Thanks boss for keeping the lights on.

i know a few folks swing by to see how things are going.

I'm not on the Discord channel as much as I like but there's a good group there.

Good times. Maybe we will see their like again.
OO/Moff Fury/HC/LOTAITH/VE [MoHx4][SCPx3][PoC][SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][SCP][MSMx2][IOC]
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  RE: Happy Star Wars Day!
September 4, 2020 3:44:14 AM    View the profile of Gunnay 
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