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  Viktor Crowe
November 17, 2017 3:22:32 AM    View the profile of technomancer 

==Physical Appearance==
  Name: Viktor Crowe
  Homeworld: Corellia
  Age: 28
  Species: Human
  Native Language: Basic
  Gender: Male
  Skin Color: Lightly Tanned White
  Height: 5'4"
  Weight: 125lbs.
  Hair Color: Purple (like two shades lighter than eggplant)
  Facial Hair: Cleanshaven
  Eye Color: Emerald Green
  Distinguishing Features:
  Purple Hair, Krayt Dragon tattoo on left forearm, Rancor tattoo on right forearm

==Background History==
Viktor Crowe, 28 years old, was born in Doaba Guerfel. The son of employees of Nomad's Retreat. His father, a guide for hunting parties, taught him how to track and hunt, among other survival skills. His mother taught him close quarters combat since she was a guard for the resort.

During his teen years, along with the instruction from his parents, he picked up tinkering on electronics from his uncle. He studied these things so he could someday live his dream of being a member of the Stormtrooper Corps.

Viktor has a sense of humor, and will make jokes at the wrong time, but when he gets serious, watch out! If you're a firend he will help you out, no matter what, but if you betray him...
[This message has been edited by technomancer (edited November 17, 2017 8:54:20 PM)]
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