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  Havock amuses herself
January 1, 2017 2:34:33 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Happy New Year!

I know I've been crazy but I do check in...promise. And clearly VE has been on my mind. Behold I give you classic (for me) Raiders in Fallout Shelter form.

On mobile so can't post the pics but the links are pretty fun.
Prefect of the Army
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  RE: Havock amuses herself
January 1, 2017 9:06:56 PM    View the profile of Luckystar 
I can sort of tell what the images are but the thread title might scare people away
ComNet Sultan
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  RE: Havock amuses herself
January 2, 2017 10:39:50 AM    View the profile of Havock 
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

[EW1] [RoT] [RoM] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC]
{HoTC} {KAD} {GC} {GS} {RES} {MRT}
(ESC09) (AoT) (DoH-P) (AS-4) (A13) (A5) (1.1) (1.2)
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