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  Aurek-32 present and awaiting orders
May 9, 2016 4:11:17 PM    View the profile of Aurek-32 
Hello, leaders of the Vast Empire. Sola Haze, present and reporting for duty.
I recently joined Vast Empire, and entered the Navy, but other than that, I'm not sure what to do. I was given a template for my character, so I will just start with that.

==Physical Appearance==
Name: Sola Haze
Homeworld: Kessel
Age: 23
Species: Human
Native language: Basic, but she is also educated on other tongues, such as Huttese, Aqualish, Wookiee, Old Corellian, and Mando'a.
Gender: Female
Skin color: Very fair, but often becomes tan easily.
Height: 5"4'
Weight: 116 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Topaz
Distinguishing features: Sola, though having no birthmarks or scars of any kind, is often distinguished by other things, such as her prominent nose, and unusually colored eyes. Other than a few small things, she is very generic, with long hair and a thin figure, but not one that is considered attractive by many. Her hair is sometimes frizzy, which is why she always pulls it back into a bun or a braid. She is not particularly athletic, but not at all clumsy or sluggish. Her best features seem to be the ones least appreciated.

Background history: Sola was born on Kessel 9 BBY to an Imperial supporting family. With no brothers or sisters, she was often lonely, and grew to be antisocial. She lived in the lush southern atmosphere, and grew up not knowing of the spice mines above. She was educated very well, as her family had the credits for it. She often spent her childhood fantasizing about her future career in the empire. But at age fourteen, the Empire was destroyed, and she fell into uncertainty. But the Empire still lived on in certain parts of the galaxy, so she left Kessel to persue a career.

Character's personality: Sola was never a social person. She would rather be alone than with others, as other people made her uncomfortable. She was very adventurous when she was younger, and loved to climb trees. That was until she broke her wrist. Even after she was healed Sola retained her adventurous spirit, but with a little more common sense. She has a deep respect for the rules, and an ever deeper disgust towards those who don't. She is very intelligent, and as a child often got along better with adults than children her own age. She perceived this ability as a gift, and held her mature nature in the highest respect, and still does.

Imperial TIE Pilot
Sola Haze
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