- OOC:
- used the wrong account. Meant to post it with Animal not Mako sorry.
== Physical Appearance ==
Name: Bonecrusher
Homeworld: Barab
Age: young adult
Species: Barabel
Native Language: Barabel, Broken Basic
Gender: Male
Skin Color: Crimson with orange accents
Height: 6'7
Weight: 250
Hair Color: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Eye Color: Green
Distinguishing Features:
== Background History ==
Things are not quite clear how Bonecrusher became a member of the Vast Empire. What is clear how ever is that he is obviously from the more remote regions of his planet and that he hates stormtroopers. The best guess that any one can figure from his jibbering and service record is that sometime in his past he was either conscripted or taken as some sort of pet off his home world. What is also while not confirmed but a good guess is that it was not a peaceful taking from his planet and that it was most likely by a group of storm troopers. What is also clear is that some time not too long ago he was "transferred" to a naval squadron. One of the reserve squadrons that used the old model Tie/LN star fighters rather than the newer advanced ones more or less to get him out of the way.
What had happened from that point on though is on record through his black box. Some how his savage mind had picked up enough knowledge to be able to effectively fly and fight as a star fighter pilot. While it was just a reserve squadron he didn't really realize it. He was sent out with the rest of the squadron and while his tactics weren't the most advanced they were unique to say the least. His ability to resist more G-forces and changes in pressures on his body as a whole made him a berserker pilot.
== Character's Personality ==
Bonecrusher is a kind an idiot savant when it comes to piloting. He can barely speak galactic basic let alone work most technology but he can fly a star fighter. He has an attack on sight reaction for Storm troopers which he has dubbed white heads; most of the time the altercations end with just a few minor broken bones or lacerations and he hasn't equated the armor to the people inside it.
He speaks in a kind of broken galactic basic with hand gestures and screeching mixed in and some would probably think that he is most likely a borderline psychotic or at best an attack dog. He is brazen, base and brash with his most desirable qualities involving him in a combat situation.
[This message has been edited by
(edited March 13, 2016
3:57:03 PM)]