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ComNet n00b
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February 9, 2016 5:53:02 PM    View the profile of Roxy 
Hello, name's Roxy, I joined up during the big period where no one really was on here, but I recently found out it was coming back.

I had a character before, but I don't think it made it past the academy, but I can't seem to find the academy either.
TRN/PVT Alexandra "Roxy" Reesh /.SQD/.PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE
ComNet Sultan
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  RE: Reporting
February 9, 2016 7:38:09 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Hey there Roxy, yes the comnets have been archived so they are not as easy to find. If you would just post your bio so we know who you are we will get you started.

== Physical Appearance ==
        Native Language:
        Skin Color:
        Hair Color:
        Facial Hair:
        Eye Color:
        Distinguishing Features:

    == Background History ==
    (Give about 1-2 paragraphs worth of background history for your character. This doesn't have to be long and detailed since this is a new character for you, and you need to still flesh him/her out a bit. If you do want to go into great detail, by all means do so!)

    == Character's Personality ==
    List/write about your character's personality. What makes him/her the way she is? Anything in particular (pet peeves, etc.) that irk your character? Etc.
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

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ComNet n00b
[VE-ARMY] Private
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  RE: Reporting
February 16, 2016 4:42:11 PM    View the profile of Roxy 
This was the one I submitted last time.

== Physical Appearance ==
        Name: Alexandra 'Roxy' Reesh
        Homeworld: Mandalore
        Age: 21
        Species: Saurin
        Native Language: Mandalorian and basic
        Gender: Female
        Skin Color: Purple
        Height: 2 meters
        Weight: 186 IBS
        Hair Color: N/A
        Facial Hair: N/A
        Eye Color: Black
        Distinguishing Features: A purple Trandoshan, not hard to miss.

    == Background History ==
    Saurin was born on Mandalore plain and simple, what happened on Mandalore made things different. Her mother was not a Mandalorian, but had moved to Mandalore chasing one of her "Loves". When that lead to an accidental pregnancy, the Saurin woman abandoned the child on the outskirts of some town. She was a weak child but she was also a lucky one. A Trandoshan who had taken up root on Mandalore found her. He adopted her since she was so young to be without parents. When he returned to his home he named the young girl Reesh. Although his human Father renamed her Alexandra since he couldn't say Reesh. Alexandra was adopted into the litter of 3 Trandoshan children.

Alexandra grew like any regular Mandalorian alongside her three brothers. She excelled at hand to hand fighting. Especially when fighting with her brothers, although it may be credited to her more dexterous limbs. When the litter was five standard years old their father led them on their first hunt. Although unlike most Trandoshans, they hunted after a wild animal that had no claws or sharp teeth. Alexandra and her brothers hunted the poor nuna easily and when they had a hold of her they made sure it wasn't recognizable as a nuna. That night they ate like pigs.

Alexandra loved her family although when she hit 10 standard years she began a slight change that made her differ from all five of her Trandoshan relatives. That was when her father and mother explained that she was adopted. Alexandra was shocked but being raise Mando'ade she understood and went on with life.

Life was normal until her litter hit 16 and their whole lives were up rooted by a bunch known as the Death Watch. They killed the parents and Alexandra's human grandfather and two of her brothers. Alexandra and her closest brother Shessk lived. Shessk took what money they could gather and together they left Mandalore but when money began to run low Shessk told Alexandra that he was going to join the VE and send home all the money he could. Alexandra decided she would not let her brother to go it alone and so she went with him instead.

    == Character's Personality ==
  Alexandra isn't known well for her sense of humor although she has one better than her brothers. She is calm and steady to the point where she is sometimes mistaken for being asleep. She is very protective of her brother since her run into the death watch. She likes to play things carefully. She doesn't care much for killing as long it isn't biological as that is viewed as the coward’s way out. She is very mindful of her culture and does not take lightly to insult.
TRN/PVT Alexandra "Roxy" Reesh /.SQD/.PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE
ComNet Sultan
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  RE: Reporting
February 16, 2016 8:55:35 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Looks good. Keep fleshing out your character as you work on stories around these parts.

Report to the Direcat squad barracks ->
And introduce yourself.

We currently have a site wide story, Chapter 10, which has us defending our territory against a terrorist attack orchestrated by the New Republic. Read through that here ->

Or feel free to use our Storynet to create a personal story to explain how your character came to join the VE or your pleasant and definitely enjoyable time in training That board is here ->

Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

[EW1] [RoT] [RoM] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC]
{HoTC} {KAD} {GC} {GS} {RES} {MRT}
(ESC09) (AoT) (DoH-P) (AS-4) (A13) (A5) (1.1) (1.2)
(KC2) (SoY)
ComNet Sultan
[VE-ARMY] Brigadier General
[VE-DJO] Krath Priest(ess)
[VE-ICS] Intelligence Agent
[VE-VEHC] Brigadier General*
Post Number:  2375
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  RE: Reporting
February 16, 2016 8:58:48 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Also I forgot, please check out Slack if you haven't already. Lots of guidance and cool folks there ->
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

[EW1] [RoT] [RoM] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC]
{HoTC} {KAD} {GC} {GS} {RES} {MRT}
(ESC09) (AoT) (DoH-P) (AS-4) (A13) (A5) (1.1) (1.2)
(KC2) (SoY)
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