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  New Here!
February 2, 2016 1:40:31 PM    View the profile of TK7802 
Hello there guys!

I was told to post in the forum in which im most interested and I have to say it has always been those amazingly weird flying things that caught my interest!

Sorry if this is the wrong place post.. If so, please tell me where to do so!

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  RE: New Here!
February 2, 2016 1:57:50 PM    View the profile of Amacuse 
Nah, this is totally the best place to post :3

Welcome to the Vast Empire Navy TK7802!  I am Warrant Officer 1st Class Amacuse, Squadron Commander of the 175th Vast Imperial Fighter Squadron "Aurora".  Feel free to make yourself comfortable, as our Chief of Naval Training, Slasher, will be along to assist you soon!
Amacuse | Warrant Officer 1st Class | Squadron Commander | Vast Empire Navy

WO1 | Arianna "Bolt" Blaire | SC | 175th Aurora Squadron | 48th Sabre Wing | ISD-II Adjudicator | 1st Fleet | SFC | VEN | VE

(=A=) (=*SAE*=) (=TG=) (=^TG^=)
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  RE: New Here!
February 2, 2016 2:39:06 PM    View the profile of TK7802 
Ah right! Thanks for the info! Hopefully I can get good at this and start to understand what everything is about!
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  RE: New Here!
February 2, 2016 8:07:09 PM    View the profile of Slasher 
Greetings Trainee and welcome to the Vast Empire Navy! Please hop on over to the following page: to start your training. I do warn you it is still under construction by both branches so pardon the mess.
CNT/CPT Rorran "Slasher" Gorma/VEN/VE
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  RE: New Here!
February 3, 2016 4:05:06 PM    View the profile of TK7802 
Hello, Slasher!

Is this where I post my 'training topic' stats and all that? Or do I have to make a new thread?
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  RE: New Here!
February 3, 2016 4:57:25 PM    View the profile of Drac 
You can do it all in this thread, TK.

And welcome!

CNO/LCPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Aurek/1Flt/FC/VEN/VE
Captain of the ISD II Halcyon Warrior
"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."

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  RE: New Here!
February 3, 2016 6:08:42 PM    View the profile of TK7802 
Thank you for the welcome, Drak!

Here is my basic training!

Chapter Zero: Weapons

E-11 Blaster Rifle:
Made Available on: August 28, 2001
Manufacture Time: 1 days
Total Manufactured: 11,294
Category: Blaster Rifle
Corporation: BlasTech
Description: Standard issue weapon for the Imperial armed forces.
Magazine 100

DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol:
Made Available on: August 26, 2001
Manufacture Time: 1 days
Total Manufactured: 411
Category: Heavy Blaster Pistol
Corporation: BlasTech
Description: N/A
Magazine: 25

Chapter One: Military Organization

Flight Member - Nazgul Squadron

Trooper - ARC Team Theta

Chapter Two: Character Wiki

I can't seem to sign into the Wiki page so I will have to leave this part blank until I can. I know this is a vital part for RP so if someone could help, that would be great! I have got a good idea for my characters bio so, if needs be, I could post it on another comment or something!

Chapter Three: Starfighter Tactics

As I draw closer to the battleground, the sudden burst of flashing red lights and sirens disorient me for a second as I get nearer the ground. My temporary stun fades away and im back in control of this battered up Tie-Fighter. You can tell this thing had seen a few battles in its time with its scratched edges and indentations on both top and bottom of the main fuselage. "This cant be too much of a dangerous job" I reassure myself, looking at the battered side panels. I slowly align myself with the battleground and start to recognize different figures of troopers and enemies. Almost half a mile away from the fighting, I can start to visualize the Stormtroopers in their shining white armors. Looking at them, and at this incredibly mirrored star ship design, pride fills my heart.

I line my cross hairs up with the enemies and fire. Luckily, they hadn't seen or heard me so the shots completely disoriented them. This gave me a good chance to turn around and for the Stormtroopers time to retreat to a safer distance. When the enemies regained focus, they start to aim at my ship. I start to feel the faint vibrations from their E-11 equivalent rifles. I swoop back in for another covering fire run. This time disabling their main transport and taking out a few of their snipers. "Some of the more fortunate of them will have to walk back" I thought to myself as I looked over to where the Stormtroopers were. I was astonished at how much ground they were covering back to the safety of their VE transport. They must be either really scared, or in a hurry!

I really hope this is sufficient for joining the Navy!
Thanks, everyone for guiding me so far!
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  RE: New Here!
February 4, 2016 9:15:53 AM    View the profile of Slasher 
Ok Crewman, parts are good, parts need improvement. For the Military organization, we're looking for what your chain of command would be in Aurora Squadron. As far as the Wiki you need to PM Drac to get credentials set up so you can post on the wiki.

Lastly, while good, your post does need some adjusting to fit our writing style. We try to write second person past tense, in your post you mainly used first person and moved between tenses. Keeping a consistent tense and view will allow you to write posts that ready more smoothly.
CNT/CPT Rorran "Slasher" Gorma/VEN/VE
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  RE: New Here!
February 4, 2016 5:42:14 PM    View the profile of TK7802 
Thankyou for the promotion, Captain! Do I also ask Drac about the instant messaging service? I'm not too sure what you mean by my chain of command?

But ah right, I completely understand. I am new to the whole writing RPG and that was my first real post of a scenario of some sorts! Thank you for the feedback!
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  RE: New Here!
February 5, 2016 10:50:38 AM    View the profile of Drac 
For Slack, just go to and register.

For the wiki, please PM me your preferred email account and username and I will create an account for you.

Regarding chain of command, this page should help you:

CNO/LCPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Aurek/1Flt/FC/VEN/VE
Captain of the ISD II Halcyon Warrior
"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."

[This message has been edited by Drac (edited February 5, 2016 10:51:56 AM)]
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  RE: New Here!
February 6, 2016 9:17:34 AM    View the profile of TK7802 
I still don't understand what I have to do for the chain of command.. Sorry
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  RE: New Here!
February 6, 2016 6:59:20 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
Greetings TK7802,

I'm Stormz, the Naval Commander in Chief.

In terms of the chain of command question, He is asking who your direct superiors would be (Squadron Commander, Squadron XO, and Flight Leader).
Naval High Command
NCC|Vice Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

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  RE: New Here!
February 9, 2016 6:37:12 PM    View the profile of TK7802 
Im really sorry for being such a noob at all this and I really do appreciate all of the help you are giving me! I just really don't understand how or where to find these people.. Sorry if I do not qualify
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  RE: New Here!
February 9, 2016 7:47:16 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Prefect of the Army
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  RE: New Here!
February 19, 2016 5:50:35 AM    View the profile of TK7802 
Ah right thanks!

Squadron Commander - Warrant Officer 1st Class Amacuse

Squadron XO -?

Flight Leader - Lieutenant Trevor Evenson
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  RE: New Here!
February 19, 2016 10:35:34 PM    View the profile of Slasher 
Good for now, please proceed to next section of training.
CNT/CPT Rorran "Slasher" Gorma/VEN/VE
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