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Topic:  Hades: A Treacherous Climb
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Imperial Baronet

[VE-DJO] Uninitiate
[VE-NAVY] Lieutenant Commander
Post Number:  1221
Total Posts:  1245
Joined:  Nov 2011
Status:  Offline
  Hades: A Treacherous Climb
December 25, 2013 9:32:28 AM    View the profile of Hades 
Present day,

The residual hum of the ship's manoeuvring jets eventually faded to nothing, leaving only the quiet beeping of the bridge controls and the quiet chatter of the small crew to disturb the silence. It was almost relaxing, though the patter of raindrops over the transparisteel viewport removed any cheer from the dull-looking landing bay. Dull as it may have been, it was the only landing bay on the planet that was large enough to hold Hades' 100 metre-long assault cruiser - a docking bay that was usually reserved for commercial activity. The rest of the large ships docked at the space station above the planet and were ferried down from there, but for the fast-ascending Demetrius, that just would not do. "It looks like there's a welcoming committee, sir," the voice called Hades' attention to the far side of the utilitarian docking bay, where - true to the man's word - stood a party of a dozen or so figures, though the rain and the grey walls combined to prevent any hints as to their identity.

"Well," Demetrius murmured, hands clasped behind his back in a traditional at-ease stance, immaculate black uniform missing the rank bars he usually donned - he wasn't here on duty, after all, though the code cylinders remained. "If this is how the planet's weather greets someone, I doubt their officials will be much brighter," he mused, mostly to himself.

"Perhaps not, sir," it was a familiar voice, one he knew without turning belonged to his old comrade, Jarv, "professional courtesy never goes amiss, though."

"As long as it doesn't," he muttered in reply, "very well, best to get it over with. It doesn't look like this drizzle will cease any time soon in any case. Bring a cadre of guards, too, just in case."

He didn't need a response, bright green eyes peering out into the the light fog brought down by the rain as if to pierce it with his eyes alone. Without another word, Demetrius turned, shiny black boots clicking against the sleek obsidian floor as he made his way toward the ramp. He was rarely attired in anything but black, so it made sense that his ship was black too - not just any ship; Hades had never liked the more common things in life. No, he had to have a rare ship - a ship which Jarv had managed to acquire at no cost to Hades himself, which made it all the better. As he approached the ramp, four men in more functional - though still black - uniforms fell into formation behind him, with Jarv slipping past them to stand at Hades' side. The younger man shot Jarv a cursory glance, though did a double take as the light exaggerated the grey hair growing on his temples. He tactfully said nothing, however, instead clearing his throat quietly as the large ramp lowered itself onto the duracrete landing pad, exposing the group of black-clad figures to a cold breeze. "No better than it looks, is it?"

"No," Hades commented idly in reply to Jarv's question, "not at all." His gaze roved the bay, though found nothing amiss - it was a fairly austere chamber, lined with some supply crates and consoles. The young officer inhaled quietly before descending the ramp and allowing his boots to touch down planetside for the first time in the better part of three days - Evocatus wasn't as bad as Tatooine in its location, but it wasn't exactly conveniently placed either. The rain stung his cheeks and forehead as the six men crossed the landing bay toward the waiting figures under the cover of a small awning before the exit, icy cold to add to the already chilly wind. It didn't take long to reach the relative shelter of the exit, whereupon the figures turned out to be a small group of customs officials, the highest ranking of which was a Lieutenant with drooping jowls like a strill.

"Commander Aita," the Lieutenant saluted. While he didn't let the surprise register on his face, Hades was surprised - admittedly, he'd not been overly subtle during his arrival, but it still surprised him that anyone took notice, "Welcome to Evocatus. I'm Lieutenant Lyle Koombs, Officer in charge of the Evocatii Customs Authority. Perhaps you've heard of us?"

"But of course. Your efficiency is legendary, Lieutenant." He lied blatantly with a polite smile, "And please, call me Demetrius - I'm off duty."

"Well, I wouldn't put it like that," the Lieutenant replied, attempting to appear humble, "but yes, we do our part for the safety of Evocatus. Now, Commander- I mean Demetrius, the governor would very much like to meet you. So much so that he's waived the standard customs checks, in fact. Right this way."

"But of course," he inclined his head slightly, politely, glancing back to Jarv with a questioning stare. He received much the same look back; neither of the two knew why the governor wanted anything from him.

--- --- ---

Roughly half an hour later, the group arrived at the Governor's mansion by way of three flash-looking customs speeders. It wasn't just a mansion, not to Hades anyway - it was more like a palace. The place was huge with vast, sweeping grounds stretching at least a kilometer from the house itself before being cut off by high walls topped with security wire and the occasional holo-camera. The rain hadn't stopped its assault, but even so the governor stood outside with three women that Demetrius assumed to be his family, alongside an array of umbrella-bearing servants. The group piled out of the speeders and a smile lit up the governor's agreeable-looking features, a matching one finding its way onto the older of the three women's face. The other two members of his family seemed to bear a slightly more forced smile, but they smiled nonetheless. "Commander Demetrius Aita, I presume?" He had a friendly voice too, loud but not overly so. "Maximillian Vintus,"

"A pleasure, Governor Vintus," Hades replied cordially as the man nodded at the customs lieutenant, who quickly made himself scarce. "Allow me to introduce Jarv Tyrus, my mentor and friend."

As Hades and Maximillian shook hands, the Governor glanced past him to Jarv, who he quickly approached after releasing Demetrius from his firm grip and repeated the handshake with him, "most excellent. And these are?"

Demetrius glanced back, seeing his uniformed guards standing there stoically. "My personal guards, sir. You can never be too careful on fringe worlds."

"Guards? Here?" Maximillian chuckled, "well, I suppose Evocatus is a fringe world. No need to call me sir, though - please, call me Maximillian."

"As you say, Maximillian," he nodded politely, glancing to the women behind him now, "and whom else do I have the pleasure of meeting today?"

"How rude of me not to introduce them," Maximillian offered in apology, "this is my wife, Lavinia, and my daughters." He gestured warmly to the slightly taller of the two daughters, "the eldest, Rayella and my youngest, Isabelle."

"Enchanted," he offered smartly, half bowing with a smile.

"Well, let's not dally in this dreadful rain. Please, do come inside. Your guards can wait in the servants' dining room, if you'd like. I'll have some food prepared for them." Maximillian began to lead them inside and Demetrius shot Jarv a look that told him it was alright to let the men go down to eat for now, though Jarv would come with Hades - he didn't want to meet with the Governor and his family alone, after all. The rain ceased as soon as they entered the archway of the house, the huge double doors swinging open as a duo of the governor's servants cleared the way for them, giving Hades his first view into the vast entrance hall which was - quite simply - astonishing. The detail, the craftsmanship that would have been required to construct such an interior was just monumental. It reeked of decadence and splendour; fine royal blue carpets lining the floor with an array of valuable art displayed quite obviously.

"Magnificent house you've got here," he commented to Maximillian.

"Thank you. My grandfather built it in the final years of the Republic. Evocatus didn't get involved in the war, you see. We were quite prosperous until the civil war; the Rebels tried to annex us as the Empire fell, but failed on account of the Imperial Dominion's intervention. They were no better - all of Evocatus celebrated when they were defeated, and the Vast Empire made me Governor." He exhaled, glancing back to his guests with a friendly smile, "but you don't want to be bored by war stories. I've arranged for rooms to be made for you and Jarv so you might stay."

"That is very kind of you, Governor, but unnecessary. I'm sure we can find accommodation without imposing on your hospitality-"

"Nonsense!" He clapped Hades firmly on the shoulder, "I'll not have a patriot like yourself staying anywhere less than he deserves. Before you protest any further, note that I might take offense."

He was of course joking, but Hades said no more, "of course. I'll send for my things. Jarv, tell one of the men to return to the ship and fetch our things immediately."

"And how exactly would he get there?" Jarv answered bemusedly, "the good Lieutenant has just left."

"I'll send Vintro down with him in the speeder," Maximillian offered a solution politely, glancing between the two men, "he has to fetch some things in town anyway, it'd be no trouble."

"Thank you, that's very helpful," Demetrius answered, nodding to Jarv, who paced off in the direction of the servants' chambers. He noted that a servant moved off after him; no doubt the man 'Vintro' that the Governor had spoken of.

"Well, seeing as you haven't anything to change into, why don't you join us in the sitting room for some refreshment?"

"Why not?" He smiled, noting the lazy expression on the younger of the daughters' face. The elder daughter had evidently practiced her polite face more often than the younger.

"Right this way," Vintus moved off toward a door at the far side of the room, Hades only moving to follow after the lady-folk of his family had moved as well. "How was the trip? Not too long, I hope."

"Three days from Abrae," he responded, "but in the comfort of the captain's cabin, it's far from demanding."

"Indeed," they passed through the smaller doorway which led to a long room with tall windows and bookshelves on almost every wall, with a desk at the far end and a number of lounges around a large, antiquated fireplace, "you made good time of it. Three days?"

"Three days," Demetrius confirmed, "my ship has a class one hyperdrive," with an apologetic glance to the women, he elaborated, "that is to say it's considerably faster than the majority of commercial and private transport."

"Yes, Lieutenant Koombs said it was a fearsome looking vessel," Maximillian smiled, gesturing to a seat. Hades did as instructed and sat on a single-occupant, cushioned chair that sat opposite a larger seat. The four members of the Vintus family found their seats on the larger chair, looking across the elegant coffee table at the foreigner in their home.

"It is," Hades replied genially, "though it's no luxury yacht."

"No, I imagine it's not," Rayella, the eldest daughter, replied - with just a hint of condescension in her tone. The remark earned her a glare from her mother, though. "You must take father up in it sometime. He loves military ships,"

"Is that so, Governor?"

"It is true, yes," Vintus admitted, bowing his head in acknowledgement, "though I wouldn't want to bother you."

"Really, after your kindness in letting me stay here, I should think a ride in my ship is the least I can do," Demetrius waved off the man's protests, "though I foresee being planetside for quite a while, so I don't imagine I'll have need to take it up for some time."

"There's no hurry," his wife, Lavinia answered for him as she patted Maximillian's arm affectionately, "it's not like he's going anywhere."

"Indeed not. Ah," Maximillian glanced up as a servant entered with a silver tray, atop which sat a pot and several cups, "I hope you like Kopi tea."

"It happens to be my favourite," Hades commented, though couldn't help but feel a little out of place in this grand home. He wasn't aristocracy, nor had he ever been... That was not to say he didn't mean to climb.

"Wonderful, then," As the servant poured a cup for each of them, Hades frowned slightly and looked toward the door.

"I wonder where Jarv has disappeared to," he remarked. The servant pouring the tea straightened.

"He went with your man to fetch your belongings, sir," the servant answered after a nod from the Governor.

"Thank you Miles," Vintus responded to the man, evidently high in station amongst the servants. He might not have known much about the upper class, but he knew that few servants were ever invited to address guests.

"I see," Hades raised his brows as Miles moved off, offering an apologetic smile to the quartet facing him now, "it appears my friend has abandoned me."

"I imagine a house like this is quite daunting to him," commented Rayella - again, the touch of condescension coloured her tone as she smiled, making it seem all the more mocking, "have you been in a house like this before?"

"Rayella please, be polite," Maximillian glared at her, in reply to which she gave a slight shrug of her small shoulders.

"It's quite alright, Governor," he replied, "Yes, I have. It wasn't for anything as nice as tea, however."

Rayella obviously took his smile to mean it was something inappropriate and continued with her remarks, "I can't imagine why, then."

"No," he answered with a small smile of his own as he sensed a minor victory, "I wouldn't think so."

Lavinia seemed to take amusement at that as Rayella raised a brow, "a military man with a sense of humour," she said with a good-natured smile, "we'd be foolish not to snap you up."

Hades blushed slightly as he got Lavinia's meaning, even though it was a joke. "Perhaps we could go ten minutes without insulting or embarassing our guest?" Ever the proponent of propriety, Maximillian spoke up in reprimand to both ladies.

"It was only a joke, Max," Lavinia patted his arm reassuringly and Hades took the cue to smile.

"That's alright," he remarked, "as Lavinia said, I'm a military man with a humour. I've been through far worse."

"I can imagine," Rayella muttered, causing all three other family members to roll their eyes at her remarks.

"It must be quite exciting, Commander," it was the quiet one, Isabelle, who spoke up now, "what you do for a living, I mean."

"Profitable too, if you can afford a ship like that," Maximillian added.

"It can be both exciting and profitable, yes. I served as Chief of Naval Training for a while and made some profitable investments then, but most of my funding comes from my late parents," he explained, "I left home when I was very young... and it was only after they died that I was informed they'd had quite the fortune which was bequeathed to me."

"You must tell us some stories from your service," Lavinia insisted as they sensed the conversation going to a rather dull end, "I'm sure you have plenty."

"I wouldn't want to bore you with tales of war," Demetrius said with a quiet laugh, glancing to Maximillian who seemed to agree with him.

The conversation went on for a good half an hour after that, mostly with the Governor's family questioning him. After that, though, he was saved by the bell, so-to-speak - Jarv had returned with their belongings, at which point they retired to their respective rooms with the promise of dinner in two hours. A knock on the door drew Hades from his stand at the window, looking out over the countryside; it was a marvelous view from his room. "Come in," he called, the door opening to reveal Jarv, who shut it behind him, "Jarv."

"Demetrius," the older man responded, "I trust you got on alright with the Governor and his family?"

"Yes," he answered with a small smile, "though I think the eldest daughter has it in for me, and that his wife intends to sell her youngest daughter to me."

"Sounds like you had a ball," Jarv remarked with a grin.

"It might have helped if you hadn't abandoned me," Hades shot back accusingly, though he was only joking..

"Houses like this are a bit too daunting for me.. Along side that family, too. I just don't belong," Jarv explained. Hades snorted at the fact that Rayella's condescending remark was actually a very accurate assessment.

"You and me both, old friend," he murmured as he turned back to the view, "don't worry, we'll be out of here as soon as I can buy out Kenth's property."

"Will he sell?"

"Mm-hm," Hades made an affirmative sound, "he has to now."

Wordcount: 2,875. The first of a series of character development storylines for Hades, both past and present.

AAR: Hades arrives on the VE fringe-world of Evocatus, roughly three days travel from Abrae. He is quickly greeted by the governor's representative and taken up to the governor's mansion, where he is invited to stay. Unbeknownst to Governor Vintus and his family, Hades is on the planet to invest in a permanent residence with the money of his parents' only recently discovered fortune. He trades barbs with the Governor's eldest daughter, before retiring to his room and having a little chat with long-time friend and mentor, Jarv Tyrus.

Evocatus: A world out of the way enough to have avoided the worst of the wars (Galactic Civil and subsequent Plague Wars) but valuable enough to have changed hands several times since the Republic, most recently becoming part of the VE after the ID fell; it is home to roughly 26 million people (mostly humans) and is structured very much like late 19th to earl 20th century England, with a dwindling aristocratic population and increasingly liberal 'pleb' population. It is technologically advanced, though its society has lagged behind somewhat.

Its biggest asset is most likely the natural beauty and the architecture, built by the first human inhabitants hundreds of years ago. Any VE presence is largely restricted to the orbital station, while the Evocatii Customs Authority police the planet itself; a corruptible but well trained and well equipped police force. Terrain wise, it's very English - as is the weather. 'Eyesores' (read: factories) are mostly confined to the larger cities, of which there are only around half a dozen. There are two spaceports on the planet; one for private ships and shuttles to/from the orbital station and the other for freighters and the like.

The only native species to speak of are the predatory, bear-like Vocans that are assumed to be well beyond any form of civilisation. A wide range of fauna exists - as can be expected on a terrestrial planet - and provide the main source of food for locals.

More to come

Lieutenant Commander Demetrius 'Hades' Aita

FL | LCDR Hades | Silver 9 | S:46 "Jexxel" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD Paragon | TF:A | 2Flt | VEN | VE

MS | LCDR Hades | LCR Duty | TF:T | ?Flt | VENA | VEN | VE

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ComNet Marshal
Imperial Baronet

[VE-DJO] Uninitiate
[VE-NAVY] Lieutenant Commander
Post Number:  1222
Total Posts:  1245
Joined:  Nov 2011
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  RE: Hades: A Treacherous Climb
December 25, 2013 10:41:00 PM    View the profile of Hades 
Four years ago,
Kessel Detention Center

Drip. Drip. Drip. Hades woke, a foul smell about. He knew he was still in his cell – always damp, gloomy and rank, with only a little light filtering in. They probably meant it to be this way, neglecting to provide any of the inmates with mattresses so as to weaken their resolve, both to prevent them from fighting back and to lower their cognitive capacity. But that didn't work for Hades, oh no, he had been in here a few months now and at a mere 19 years of age,  he managed to survive. He'd been stabbed once, beaten up several times and tortured, but still he'd kept his mind. He wasn't some pampered rich boy who had been accused of treason against the empire, far from it. He was one of the lower class, as many would call it – a runaway, gang leader, thief, murderer; he could claim guilt to all of these things. It was true, he ran away from home as a toddler, joined a gang before he turned ten, stole weapons and food and killed people all before his fifteenth birthday. Someone had once said about him, just loud enough for him to overhear 'he comes from nothing, so he knows something'. That was truer than they could imagine. He had had a hard life, but it could be all blamed on him. He had no idea who his parents were, nor did he care to but he had the subtle suspicion that Jarv, his mentor, knew who they were. He was good like that – he was good with information.

“Scum!” Came the bawling voice of his jailer, whom he had become irrevocably fond of; just as someone becomes fond of their morning alarm clock. “Wake up!”

“But it's only six o'clock..” He complained.

“It's only six o'clock..” The rotund jailer mimicked mockingly, “Well I'll be sure to make that clear to the Warden. Maybe he'll extend your sleeping time. Until that happens you will GET UP WHEN I TELL YOU TO GET UP!”

“An alarm? That's awfully nice of you to offer, but I prefer to sleep until I wake up. Besides, we're not allowed personal items in here anyway. Thanks, but no thanks.” Hades flashed him a grin and rolled back over.

“You're testing my patience, whelp..”

“Indeed. It appears you failed said test. Run along, thunder thighs, and bother someone else.” Hades said lazily without turning. He heard a loud clang, and several clangs in quick succession after that told him the guard was coming in. He jumped up to his feet and raised his hands. “Alright, alright, I'm up!” He said diplomatically. “Would you like it if I did a dance, too?” Hades continued, in a slightly less diplomatic manner. That earned him a blow to stomach which sent him reeling. For a man who liked his cakes, this guy had a strong arm.

“I've got something special for you today.” The jailer said with a wicked smile. Hades began to retort with something along the lines of 'you shouldn't have..' until a pair of stun-cuffs were clapped around his wrists again. He rolled his eyes. The jailer was not the sharpest tool in the shed, the fastest engine in the ship, the brightest laser bolt from a blaster.. Demetrius could go on with his comparisons. The fact was that the jailer was overweight and evidently lacking in imagination, intelligence and creativity. If the young inmate tried to articulate that, though, he was sure the man would assume he was being insulted. Which he would be..  A growl came from his left – a bulky Rodian was hissing at him in some foreign tongue which he didn't understand in this state. He smiled mockingly – the rodian and a few of his friends had jumped him a few weeks ago for some perceived slight. Now he was in his cell all alone.

“Can you use those ears as musical instruments, too?” Hades quipped. The jailer pushed him along with a snort.

“He doesn't understand basic.” The portly man said as they walked.

“Yeah, well if I was on the other side of those bars I'd beat his face in, translate that..” Demetrius muttered. The guard laughed and shoved him, sending him stumbling a few steps forward.

“If you're a good prisoner, I might just put you in there with him.” The guard sounded almost friendly now, but Hades knew now not to trust any of them. Under the feigned friendliness, there was a deep-rooted malice and cruelty, an ardour for carrying out their duties to the most sadistic degree possible.

“Yeah, right. Would I get a cookiee with that too-” The guard hit him over the head so hard he was unconscious almost immediately, collapsing forward onto the hard floor.

--- --- ---

Kessel Spice Mines

Hades awoke to a blinding brightness and the sight of a massive metal door. The entrance to the mines.. He noted dazedly. He could hear voices, but they sounded a long way off and probably weren't directed at him. “...get up, you stupid swine!” A voice shouted from a suddenly very-close distance. Either he had just appeared by Hades' side, or his hearing had been detrimentally affected by the blow to the back of the head and was only now recovering. That made sense. He groaned, the pounding in his head increasing as he managed to lift himself up off the hard, metal floor and onto his knees, before climbing back to his feet. He looked around and saw he was in a locker room of sorts. Bright coloured thermal suits were arrayed around the walls, and a burly looking guard extended his suitably large arm with a thermal suit. “Get dressed.” The man commanded. Hades knew the drill by now, and he dressed quickly, pulling the warm material over his prison uniform and sealing it with the breath mask.  He felt almost inhuman in all this gear, more like a cyborg than a kid who grew up on the streets of Nar Shaddaa..

“Move it, prisoner.” The voice of the burly man was deep and menacing, but Hades knew he was not a cruel man. Rude perhaps, but not cruel. Not all of the cookiees are sour, then.. the young man mused.  Hades did as he was told though, shuffling forward into the mining car which would sent them hurtling deep into the mines and complete darkness. None of the prisoners in his group got night-vision goggles, only the guard that had been assigned to them – not the burly man, he noted.. Perhaps this will work after all. It was worth a shot anyway. Looking over his fellow prisoners, he saw an Evocii, a Nikto and a Nimbanel all in the same car as him. He almost smiled, but doing so would have made it too obvious. Could they have made it any easier? “Achuta..” He murmured to the one next to him – the Evocii, not renowned for their intelligence – he saw the surprised expression reflected three-fold on the faces of the Nimbanel and Nikto as well. The guard looked down at them with a growl.

“Be quiet!” He snapped impatiently. Hades grinned.

“Kava doompa d'emperiolo stoopa!” He retorted. The Evocii laughed, but the Nimbanel and the Nikto were smarter and kept quiet. The Evocii received a sharp rap across the back of his head from the butt of the guard's blaster. It was evident he didn't understand what was said, but he knew it was an insult by the way the Evocii laughed and by the way Hades had used it. Perfect, Hades' eyes glittered with anticipation, A guard who doesn't speak Huttese and three prisoners who do. While this was the case, he was not so foolish as to press his luck – the Evocii was still in somewhat of a daze from the blow. Demetrius waited for the guard to move to the rearmost car before speaking. “My pee kasa Hades. Dolpee kikyuna. Ah'chu apenkee?” My name is Hades. I am a friend. Who are you?. The mining car shot off into the darkness.

“My pee kasa Vyn.” The Evocii replied slowly. The Nikto and the Nimbanel were called Rakto and Jine respectively. “Hi chuba da naga?” What do you want?. Hades glanced around, although he could not see anything in the dark he knew the Nikto and Nimbanel were leaning forward, while the Evocii was listening intently.

“Bolla bunky dunko.” To go home. He sensed a hush fall on them.

“Kava? Jopay?” It was the Nimbanel that spoke this time. How? When?

“Ateema.” He responded quietly. There were a few intakes of breath, sharp and short from all three of his fellow prisoners. Now. They're probably thinking what a fool I am. “Jee-jee killee d'emperiolo,  bolla bunky dunko.” We kill the imperial then go home. How he was going to accomplish any of those three things he was not sure. The three huttese-speakers were silent for a moment.


“Jee-jee make-aduba. Goo mon.” We make three. He is alone.

“Tagwa, ee kava?”  Yes, but how. Hades rolled his eyes – this Nimbanel was a nervous one.

“Use a rock. I'll tell you when.” He responded in basic, breath mask ensuring muffled tones.. All three of them understood though, as he heard their mutterings of 'tagwa'. Hades had tried to escape once before, not too long ago - it had been two weeks since the failed escape attempt in which one of his fellow prisoners had lost his life after dying of thirst. He had no doubt he was down in the spice mines because of that. He was a nobody, more or less, with no hope of someone coming to rescue him. He had to rescue himself.

“Be quiet up there!” The guard shouted from the back. He was lazy and he hated his job, obviously, so this wouldn't be too hard. A sharper guard might have picked up on it and been cautious, but this one was only annoyed. A good sign. Hades complied in spite of what he had planned and focused on the darkness. He could see nothing and only felt the wind rushing by the outside of his thermal suit. He was cold despite that. He found it strange that despite the factories that were constantly active to produce a proper atmosphere for Kessel, they still had to wear these masks. Perhaps the air was thinner in the mines. He'd never taken his mask off while he was inside, though, so he would not know. Perhaps it was all a ruse to keep the prisoners from running off.. Effective ruse THAT was, Hades thought grimly to himself. Three people had escaped in the mines so far.. at least, three people were unaccounted for in the mines. They could be dead.

One of the guards had come back minus his prisoners and ranted about something in the mines. He was executed there and then by the prison warden for gross incompetence. The story still spread like wildfire, though, and it was worth wondering..

Were they the only thing in the mines?

Wordcount: 1,844

AAR: Set during Hades' two year imprisonment on Kessel, the post describes Hades' first trip into the Spice Mines, though he thinks it will be much like his other hard labour assignments. He is sent down into the mines with a single guard and three other prisoners, all of whom speak Huttese - in which Hades is fluent - and he begins to plan an escape from the darkness of the mines.

Lieutenant Commander Demetrius 'Hades' Aita

FL | LCDR Hades | Silver 9 | S:46 "Jexxel" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD Paragon | TF:A | 2Flt | VEN | VE

MS | LCDR Hades | LCR Duty | TF:T | ?Flt | VENA | VEN | VE

[*IG*] [*CO*] [LoM] [DSM] [NSR] [VC:B] [VC:S] [MC:1] [MC:2] [CBV] [CAR]
[MiD] [HNS] [1NS] [2NS] [BRC] [BWC] [SWC] [GWC] [CNQST] [CC:4]
[*SWC*] [*FOCE*] [*TG*]
[This message has been edited by Hades (edited December 25, 2013 10:43:43 PM)]
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