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Topic:  Tekkit Server
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  Tekkit Server
August 7, 2013 9:30:43 AM    View the profile of StOrMz 
Greetings Fellow Imperials,

I'm not sure just how many people actually play Minecraft/Tekkit on here, however, I have recently bought and set up a Tekkit server with some friends of mine from another game that I play.

I believe everything is set up the way I want it, for the most part at least, and it's now open for public use!

It currently supports 20 players. Donations are highly appreciated and will go directly towards payment for a larger server. Still trying to work on getting a Donators gift package together, for different levels of donations. Stay tuned for that stuff.

Server Address:

Current Plugins:

Bank - Store your money and XP safely
Mobcash - Make money for killing things
GriefPrevention - Use a golden shovel to claim land, making it unable to be a victim of grief
LWC - Keep your chests safe from grief
iConomy - takes care of your financial needs

Future Plugins:

Votifier - Gives rewards for voting for my server
Payday - Make money for time spent online
Mall/Shop - We have a building for a mall, and it will be 100% player based to stimulate an economy on the server. Still waiting to get everything set up for this, however.

You will also be able to rank up as you play, allowing you to access more plugin stuffs.

Member - promoted after 3 hours
Trusted - promoted after 20 hours
Veteran - promoted after 40 hours

Disabled items:
World Anchor
Dimensional Anchor

If you need help of any kind, talk to one of the mods/admins, listed below:
More will be added as needed.

PS. It's a TEKKIT CLASSIC server, so make sure you are in that version.
Naval High Command
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  RE: Tekkit Server
August 7, 2013 2:34:36 PM    View the profile of Drac 
This looks VERY interesting. I've gotten a bit bored of vanilla minecraft lately. I highly recommend Vechz's Super Hostile map series, which I've been playing a lot recently, but I've wanted to get into a SMP server of some kind as well.

I'll see if I can get tekkit figured out...

Hello there, error message I have no idea how to fix. Stormz, any chance you could post a step-by-step guide for people who never heard of Tekkit before your post?

Edit 2: For reference, here's the error message I've got:
Quote:Error downloading file for the following pack: Tekkit Classic
Failed to download

TFC/CAPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Besh/1Flt/FC/VEN/VE
Captain of the ISD II Halcyon Warrior
SCAP|Captain Drac|VEN|VE
"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."

[This message has been edited by Drac (edited August 7, 2013 2:42:05 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Drac (edited August 7, 2013 2:47:05 PM)]
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  RE: Tekkit Server
August 7, 2013 5:28:19 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
No Problem.

1. Download the launcher found here.

2. Launch the Launcher

3. Put your login information in the bottom right box, but do not click submit

4. Scroll through the Left Side bar and click on "Tekkit Classic"

5. Click submit in the login box

It should download in a minute or two and send you to the main screen, which will be identical to normal minecraft. From there, you just act like it's normal minecraft, going into the Multiplayer portion and adding a server.
Naval High Command
NCC|Vice Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

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  RE: Tekkit Server
August 7, 2013 5:43:21 PM    View the profile of Drac 
I'm good through step 5. It's after clicking in the login box that I get the error message.

TFC/CAPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Besh/1Flt/FC/VEN/VE
Captain of the ISD II Halcyon Warrior
SCAP|Captain Drac|VEN|VE
"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."

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  RE: Tekkit Server
August 7, 2013 6:06:36 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
There should be a gear at the top on the right. Click that and try to "clear cache" then reinstall.
Naval High Command
NCC|Vice Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

First Naval Fleet
C-SCAP|Vice Admiral|mSSD Atrus|Task Force: Aurek|First Fleet|VEN|VE


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  RE: Tekkit Server
August 7, 2013 6:47:48 PM    View the profile of Drac 
Unfortunately, I don't see such a critter when I click on the gear. Just a choice of launchers and memory allocation along with buttons saying Logs, Change Folder, Show Console, and Save.

I've tried reading through their help topic on the forum, but I don't really see anything that matches my issue. Tried disabling Trend Micro temporarily, but no dice.

TFC/CAPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Besh/1Flt/FC/VEN/VE
Captain of the ISD II Halcyon Warrior
SCAP|Captain Drac|VEN|VE
"Think Ackbar, but Imperial."

[This message has been edited by Drac (edited August 7, 2013 6:48:09 PM)]
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  RE: Tekkit Server
August 7, 2013 10:36:41 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
This may help. I honestly have no idea why it's doing that, although I had that problem with an older version of the program.
Naval High Command
NCC|Vice Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

First Naval Fleet
C-SCAP|Vice Admiral|mSSD Atrus|Task Force: Aurek|First Fleet|VEN|VE


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Imperial Baronet of Kashyyyk
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