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Topic:  Serpent's Aurebesh Challenge
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Imperial Baronet

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  Serpent's Aurebesh Challenge
April 27, 2013 4:35:29 AM    View the profile of Serpent 
Greetings members of the Vast Empire!

It goes without saying that everyone here is a big Star Wars fan, but I was wondering just how big.  As you may know, Star Wars has its own writing system, Aurebesh, and I wondered how many of you can read it.

For those not quite in the know, Aurebesh is just a writing system.  Characters in Star Wars speaking Basic are speaking a language that is a direct copy of English.  The only difference is the alphabet that Basic is rendered in.

Aurebesh has 34 letters, compared with the Roman alphabet's 26, as Aurebesh has 8 letters that are combinations of two others.  For example, there is a unique Aurebesh letter for 'th', so that the words 'Sith' in Aurebesh is a 3 letter word, not four.

(see example below, the word 'Sith' written twice.  Once with the four Aurebesh letters S-I-T-H and once as S-I-TH).

Imperial Network Star Wars Image

You can find the Aurebesh online quite easily if you want to learn.

Anyway, to the point.  Every two weeks I am going to write a riddle or question in Aurebesh and paste it on this thread.  This pasting will be as a picture, since ComNet cannot type in Aurebesh.  This also prevents people from cheating and simply highlighting the text and running it through a translator.  The only way to join in the challenge is to actually read the Aurebesh!

Please PM me your answers rather than post reply to this thread (to keep it neat and to prevent others stealing your answers).  Winners will be announced in two weeks along with the next update.

No prize here, its just for fun!

So, without further waffle, here is the first challenge:

Imperial Network Star Wars Image
SCAP/LT Pherik “Serpent” Zail / VSD Brilliant /TF:Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE

"It isn't the killing, you know.  It's the beauty of battles that I love - the choreography and the challenge of executing everything
just right - and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent." - Gilad Pellaeon
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