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Topic:  HSC: Raziel's bonus points
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  HSC: Raziel's bonus points
December 12, 2012 12:07:06 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
Right, every week or two weeks I shall be giving out 5 or 10 bonus points to one individual.

Each time I'm going to set a theme/challenge and the winner gets the points for their squad.

Over the next two weeks I'll be looking for the poster who describes the atmosphere of the city. I'm looking for someone who really captures the location as a character of its own and introduces us to the situation.

The original inspiration for the setting was the battle of Stalingrad. Below is a clip from Enemy at the Gates, which is an excellent war film set in that city. 

The city itself is something like Dubai. It has a core of very futuristic skyscrapers that have avoided most of the bombardment. The outer city is much older in style, with a mix of housing, industrial zones and slums.

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All the best!
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HM/DJC Raziel/Lion 1-5/Neutral/VEDJ/VE (SC) (WoS1) (VP1) (VP2)
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  RE: HSC: Raziel's bonus points
December 12, 2012 5:11:17 PM    View the profile of Psycho 
What part of the city are our squads set up in?

SL/SSGT Dev "Psycho" Bandoran/Besh Strike Team:  "Wraith"/1PLT: "Phantom"/1COM: "Phoenix"/1BAT: "Dragon"/1RGT: "Osiris"/VEA/VE/Tadath

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  RE: HSC: Raziel's bonus points
December 16, 2012 10:35:11 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
You'd have to check with Jeg or Garryll, but i think they wanted to give you creative freedom.
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ARC Commander: Alpha, Beta Squads
HM/DJC Raziel/Lion 1-5/Neutral/VEDJ/VE (SC) (WoS1) (VP1) (VP2)
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  RE: HSC: Raziel's bonus points
December 16, 2012 4:54:44 PM    View the profile of Jegora 
Aye, this is pretty free-form. I would imagine that the center of the city is going to be mostly Remnant-controlled. It's almost the opposite of a siege, really, with the Remnant working it's way out from the center of the city and slowly taking control of more and more territory that we're desperately trying to hold on to. Of course, the lines aren't really that solidly drawn, so it's all kind of hazy.
Jegora Fal
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  RE: HSC: Raziel's bonus points
December 28, 2012 2:48:46 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
There has been some good work from everyone on this.

Dusk, Hark and Skarr all get a special note. In fact one of Hark's posts was very close to winning on its own, but I couldn't get over the cliche "Thrawnists are child killers" ending.

10 bonus points go to Jamasis and Ghost squad for his consistently excellent portrayal of the city and weather conditions.

A new challenge will be selected for the next objective.
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LTC/Raziel/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/(WoS1)(VP1)(VP2)(SC) [BoA][EW1][CDS][IH][GC][RoT][IG][SoS][GroM][PoC][CoH][SCP]
ARC Commander: Alpha, Beta Squads
HM/DJC Raziel/Lion 1-5/Neutral/VEDJ/VE (SC) (WoS1) (VP1) (VP2)
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  RE: HSC: Raziel's bonus points
December 28, 2012 6:49:39 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
Right, the next two competitions will be run concurrently over the next two weeks, each will be worth 10 points.

NPC Interaction

The first set of points will be awarded to the squad member who does the best job of describing am npc they interact with. There are lots of options here, but I'll outline a few.

Squad mate: remember only player characters are named on the roster, but squads are run close to full strength. You could introduce a new squad character, either as a long term option or they could die heroically (that might come into play more when the Reborn Jedi show up)

Civilian:there are still thousands of civilians in the city. Even though this region is in favour of the opposition, at least 25% of the population support the ruling government and thus Thrawns men. Most just want to survive.

Enemy soldiers: get into their minds before you gun them down to add a bit of depth to your posts.

I'll be looking for interesting characters, described in enough depth that I feel I could write from their point of view myself.

Cinematic action sequence

10 points for my the action sequence that I enjoy the most. It has to be so well described that I can easily visualise the events. It has to be something I could imagine taking place in an action/war film.
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LTC/Raziel/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/(WoS1)(VP1)(VP2)(SC) [BoA][EW1][CDS][IH][GC][RoT][IG][SoS][GroM][PoC][CoH][SCP]
ARC Commander: Alpha, Beta Squads
HM/DJC Raziel/Lion 1-5/Neutral/VEDJ/VE (SC) (WoS1) (VP1) (VP2)
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[This message has been edited by Raziel (edited December 28, 2012 6:57:54 AM)]
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  RE: HSC: Raziel's bonus points
January 13, 2013 3:48:24 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
Frankly, I haven't seen enough writing to judge these yet.

So instead they'll roll on and I'm adding new points:

Raziel's Deductions

For every member, who is not declared on leave/reserved by thursday, who does not post by the start of the meeting on 20th January, there will be a five point deduction.
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LTC/Raziel/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/(WoS1)(VP1)(VP2)(SC) [BoA][EW1][CDS][IH][GC][RoT][IG][SoS][GroM][PoC][CoH][SCP]
ARC Commander: Alpha, Beta Squads
HM/DJC Raziel/Lion 1-5/Neutral/VEDJ/VE (SC) (WoS1) (VP1) (VP2)
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ComNet Sultan
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  RE: HSC: Raziel's bonus points
January 21, 2013 12:32:31 AM    View the profile of Raziel 

I'm going to change this to only a -1pt deduction each this week. Next week it shall be -3pts.

THX1138 (his post was after meeting time unless Comnet clock is knackered?)
-3 points (Though Hammerhead will have to post an official leave message next week, not pm me!)

Gunnery Sergeant Karash
Senior Sergeant Heliwer117
Senior Sergeant Balac
Sandwich Sam
-5 points.

NPC Competition

Now close, but I have not made my final decision yet.

Action scene competition is ongoing!

Deductions will happen again this week between the start time of yesterdays non-meeting and the scheduled start time of next weeks non-meeting.
  Imperial Network Star Wars Image 
LTC/Raziel/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/(WoS1)(VP1)(VP2)(SC) [BoA][EW1][CDS][IH][GC][RoT][IG][SoS][GroM][PoC][CoH][SCP]
ARC Commander: Alpha, Beta Squads
HM/DJC Raziel/Lion 1-5/Neutral/VEDJ/VE (SC) (WoS1) (VP1) (VP2)
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[This message has been edited by Raziel (edited January 21, 2013 12:35:01 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Raziel (edited January 21, 2013 12:43:58 AM)]
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