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Topic:  HSC 2012: "I won't be home for the holidays!"
ComNet Sultan
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  HSC 2012: "I won't be home for the holidays!"
December 9, 2012 6:29:07 PM    View the profile of Jegora 
Some places in the galaxy are valuable because of their resources, natural or otherwise. Others are valuable because of industry or economy, or because of some astounding culture that has flourished there for a thousand years. Some planets, however, are notable only because of their location; the planet Corlaris was of this latter variety. It sat just galactic west of the Core, evenly placed between the Thrawnist territories and Vast Empire-controlled space. It was, in effect, the perfect resupply point for raids and campaigns between the Remnant and the Vast Empire, and this fact alone made it valuable to both sides.

The government of Colaris put on a unified front, but this is not always the case. This quickly became apparent after the ruling intercontinental government struck a deal with the Remnant, a deal that was strongly opposed by many of the planets partially-sovereign states. In response to this deal, the Vast Empire secretly began funding these oppositions groups, first with economic aid, then with military equipment and weapons. As the opposition strengthened, the ruling government took totalitarian measures to remain in power, including the cutting of communications lines and a declaration of martial law.

As the opposition group became more and more militant in the face of these totalitarian measures, the ruling government responded in kind. Soon armed conflict broke out, and not long after that the Remnant decided to take a more active role in the matter, providing troops and heavy armor to the regime, and eventually taking over the direction of combat operations entirely. The Vast Empire, faced with the prospect of granting its enemy this vital resupply point, was forced to do the same. A timeline of the subsequent campaign can be seen as follows:
  • 12 months ago several countries on the world took a stance against the world's ruling body.
  • 8 months ago hostilities broke out. Shortly afterwards both the VE and Thrawn's Empire channeled funds and equipment into the conflict. Neither side was prepared for war. Soon Thrawn's forces took a direct part in the conflict.
  • 5 months ago the VE sent in its own force, at first sneaking in special forces - including Phoenix Company scopetroopers - to train local forces.
  • 3 month ago we directly intervened. Several platoons were in the city used for the campaign when it was attacked. The defending forces fought bitterly for every street.
  • 2 months ago, with winter fast approaching, Thrawn's forces had only taken 30% of the city. The city was then heavily bombed by their forces, who maintained aerial superiority. The Vast Empire defense responded by continuing to blockade major routes into the city, slowing the movement of heavy vehicles needed by the Remnant forces to take victory.
  • 5 weeks ago winter set in and the campaign wound down. With much of the city in ruin and their forces decimated, the defending Vast Empire forces had given up much ground. Thrawn's forces slowed the assault due to both a lack of manpower and a lack of willpower.
  • 3 weeks ago. The defense dug in for the winter still holding nearly half of the city, but were told that fresh supplies and forces will not be brought in for another month. A command base was set up in the remains of an old subway station, but many groups of soldiers act semi autonomously between organised activities.
  • Battle lines are not clear as there are not enough troops on either side to sufficiently control the captured territories. Instead a significant middle ground exists, where VE special forces move between buildings, attempting to avoid the attentions of AT-STs and tanks, striking at important targets.

This is where we are now: stranded in a freezing, bombed-out wasteland of a city, facing a numerically and technologically superior enemy. The only advantage the Vast Empire has maintained so far has been its roving squads of elite SCOPE stormtroopers from the Phoenix Company. Organized into small strike teams, these groups of light infantry can hit a target and disappear before the enemy can react. It can only be hoped that these elite troopers, with the help of other Vast Empire soldiers and local resistance fighters on the ground, can fend off the Remnant advance until reinforcements can arrive.
Jegora Fal
Prefect of the Army
Dark Lord of the Sith

PRF | BGN Jegora | Fort Sexton | Tadath | STC | VEA | VE
[PoC] [CRoM] [RCoD] [IH] [CoR] [EW1] {MRT} {BC} {CoZ} (QW-O8) (CCA) (DCE) (BoT) (ESC09) (AS-5) (3.1) (6.1)

DLoS | SN Jegora | Eagle | Sith | VEDJ | VE  [KC:1]
ComNet Sultan
[VE-ARMY] Brigadier General
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  RE: HSC 2012: "I won't be home for the holidays!"
December 11, 2012 1:15:37 AM    View the profile of Jegora 
“The major is here, colonel,” the orderly intoned, his voice devoid of any emotion and slightly lacking in respect. The senior officer couldn’t blame the younger man, though. They had been in this frozen hellhole for entirely too long, and it looked as if they’d be here awhile longer. And to make matters worse, he had just gotten word that the next shipment of supplies was going to be severely delayed.

“Very good, corporal. Send him in.”

High Colonel Arde Sorak was a veteran stormtrooper officer, having served both the old regime and the Vast Empire for well over two decades, and he had spent the majority of that time almost entirely in combat commands. He was perhaps the most seasoned field-grade officer that the Vast Empire possessed, which was probably the very reason he had been assigned this particular unit and mission. And yet as skilled and experienced as Sorak was, he still wasn’t sure if he and his men could successfully execute this campaign. All he knew was that if the Vast Empire was going to succeed on this awful little hellhole of a planet, it was the special forces teams that were going to make it possible.

The man they called Garryll Gates entered the tent then. He was a tall man, the ideal physical specimen for a stormtrooper, and he was clad in his unit’s signature SCOPE armor, his helmet held tight to his side. And as soon Gates entered the room he immediately assumed a position of attention, much to Sorak’s surprise. After all, discipline was often not a large priority among these special forces teams. However, Gates did not salute upon seeing Sorak; then again, Sorak hadn’t really expected him to. Afterall, stormtroopers never saluted when they were on campaign. They had better things to do with their time.

“At ease, major,” Sorak said almost as soon as Gates had come to attention. “Tell me, how’s Phoenix Company?”

If the major was disgruntled by Sorak’s immediate questioning he didn’t show it. Instead he answered the question calmly, his voice betraying nothing. “We’re good, sir. Morale is good, and we’ve yet to take any casualties.”

Sorak nodded, his face thoughtful, his eyes missing nothing. “Weapons?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

Gates’ mouth tightened slightly, but that was the only outward sign of his discomfort. “Intact, mostly. There have been few incidents with the cold or other malfunctions.”


“Still in decent shape, sir,” Garryll answered, knowing that his commanding officer already had to know all of this.


Garryll’s frown deepened. “Low,” he responded curtly, attempting to end that line of questioning there. And for once Sorak backed off, realizing that the junior officer understood just how desperate the situation was. What Gates did not realize, however, was how much more desperate the situation was about to become.

There was a long silence in the command center as Sorak seemed to stare at nothing for several seconds. Then, his voice relatively low, he told Gates the bad news.

“There won’t be any fresh supplies until this planetary season is over,” he said, meeting Gates’ eyes and watching for the reaction there.

There was none. At least, there was no visible reaction. Sorak had worked with some hard men, but Gates was something else entirely. If the rest of Phoenix Company imitated him, and if the other special forces teams he had been assigned followed suit, they just might be able to pull off some sort of victory out of the jaws of defeat.

“We’ll deal with the lack of supplies later,” Sorak continued as he began to pace around his command center. “Meanwhile, I have some missions for Phoenix. We’re going to start using our special forces teams more and more, let them roam around the middle ground and cause general havoc and mayhem. The details are on your datapad.”

Gates nodded once, indicating that he understood. Sorak let out a tight smile, genuinely impressed with this particular officer. “Then you’re dismissed,” he said, turning his attention back to the pile of papers in front of him.

The Phoenix Company commander turned to go, but not before Sorak spoke again. “Major? Get it done.”

For the first time since entering the tent, Gates grinned. It was not a pleasant expression.

“Yes sir.”


Strike Team Aurabesh, Callsign: Ghost

Mission: Target Assassination

Details: As the Vast Empire’s capabilities have worn thin in recent weeks, the Remnant brass is getting more and more courageous, touring the no-man’s-land that exists between the Vast Empire and Remnant lines. Recently they have begun to brag that they control certain territories that the Vast Empire feels yet remain strongly neutral. In fact, the Thrawnists are so confident of their victory that they’ve begun giving tours to local planetary political leaders as well. Disabuse the Remnant of this perceived notion of safety and control that they have been flaunting. Kill both the enemy general and the politician that he is escorting and decimate their convoy. Heavy weapons might be especially useful in this situation.

Primary Objective: Eliminate the general and the politician
Secondary Objective: Decimate the convoy

Estimated OpFor:

Stormtrooper escort (15 stormtroopers)
Three Armored Personnel Carriers


Strike Team Besh, Callsign: Wraith

Mission: Night Raid

Details: In recent weeks it has become apparent that there are hunter-killer squads of Thrawnist special forces operating throughout the city’s no-man’s-land, entirely too close to the VE-controlled territories. In fact, these squads operate so close to the Vast Empire lines that command suspects they have a forward operating base hidden somewhere close by. These squads are extremely mobile, and there are several of them. Intercept one of these kill squads and eliminate it. Gather intelligence through any means necessary, find the FOB, and neutralize the threat.

Primary Objective: Neutralize FOB
Secondary Objective: Eliminate the majority of the kill squads

Estimated OpFor:

Four roving kill teams (6-12 special forces operators)
Two squads of regulars, FOB garrison (app. 20 troopers total)

Now, I'm giving you some relative freedom with these objectives. Please, try and make it realistic. If you abuse these missions, especially your secondary objectives, it's going to cost you. In my opinion these secondary objectives are hard to write well, which is why they are secondary. I feel, however, that you're all up to it. Prove me right.

And with that, I now declare this HSC open. Post away. Might wait for your squad leaders. Either way, some description of your character and how he/she feels about the current situation would not be remiss. Enjoy!
Jegora Fal
Prefect of the Army
Dark Lord of the Sith

PRF | BGN Jegora | Fort Sexton | Tadath | STC | VEA | VE
[PoC] [CRoM] [RCoD] [IH] [CoR] [EW1] {MRT} {BC} {CoZ} (QW-O8) (CCA) (DCE) (BoT) (ESC09) (AS-5) (3.1) (6.1)

DLoS | SN Jegora | Eagle | Sith | VEDJ | VE  [KC:1]
ComNet Sultan
[VE-ARMY] Brigadier General
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  RE: HSC 2012: "I won't be home for the holidays!"
December 11, 2012 1:21:39 AM    View the profile of Jegora 
A note on the terrain:

This is a war-torn, bombed out city. I've been referring to VE and Remnant lines, but these don't really exist as clearly defined entities. Imagine Stalingrad, 1941. Or google it. Either way, this is not a happy place, and it's not a pretty place. You never quite know when you're going to run into enemy troopers, either local loyalists or the Remnant stormtroopers/Army regulars that support them. Those of you who have completed certain urban combat and other shock trooper specialties may find those skills rather useful in these situations; feel free to reference and use those skills in story.
Jegora Fal
Prefect of the Army
Dark Lord of the Sith

PRF | BGN Jegora | Fort Sexton | Tadath | STC | VEA | VE
[PoC] [CRoM] [RCoD] [IH] [CoR] [EW1] {MRT} {BC} {CoZ} (QW-O8) (CCA) (DCE) (BoT) (ESC09) (AS-5) (3.1) (6.1)

DLoS | SN Jegora | Eagle | Sith | VEDJ | VE  [KC:1]
ComNet Marshal
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  RE: HSC 2012: "I won't be home for the holidays!"
December 28, 2012 7:18:52 PM    View the profile of Havock 
Garryll appeared in the forward command base doorway breathing deeply with a handful of datapads in his grasp.

“Sir, we have reports from the strike teams.” Gates held up the pads and quickly walked over to the holotable.

Colonel Sorak was already there to meet him and started to search through the various squad reports to determine the effectiveness of their latest strategies. Jegora continued to brood near an open flap which was supposed to keep the cold out of the room. The men had all learned long ago that nothing kept the cold out on the god-forsaken planet.

“Both strike teams have achieved their objective. Ghosts have taken out both Hornby and Vuxner and delivered them to our field base, and Wraiths blew up their forward operating base in town. Both teams are holed up waiting for orders.”

Sorak nodded at Gates words has he continued to ponder over the various reports. “It looks like Zombie Platoon is in position to deal with the subway infestation.”

Gates nodded and got to work on the orders.


Phase 1:

Strike Team A: Ghosts & Strike Team B: Wraith

You will move from your current position to rendezvous with Zombie Platoon at the entrance to the Subway which they have secured. Once there you will enter the tunnels with the squads (Platoon so we are talking about 2-3 squads, for simplicity lets say there are two squads left one will go with each Strike Team so if you are interested in writing NPC posts feel free). 

A platoon of soldiers are heading into the subway system in an attempt to attack behind enemy lines during the daylight hours. Both strike teams are providing assistance. The target is a building in the industrial district used by the enemy to hold an array of generators. There is already in term in place to attack with backup power supply with mortars. This will knock out power to a fair amount of city, including the Ginnetti tower.

The tunnels are extremely dangerous. Thrawnist special forces use them regularly and the enemy has had the advantage below ground for months. Bombers are en route to the city and during bombardment the tunnels are liable to collapse. At the least fragments of tunnel / debris may fall from the ceiling.

The tunnels are completely dark, the trains have not run for months. The enemy may have set up generators to power some sections when required. We haven't scouted this far for weeks. A significant casualty rate is expected.

Make your way to our forward underground checkpoint, study the maps, and head out.


Buckle up and take your stims troopers. The next twenty four hours are going to be a rough ride, with only four hours spare for sleep.


There are two phases to this objective, and this is Phase 1.

The subway system is dark, and you will be able to use your nightvision HUD

Tunnels are dangerous because
  • a) they're nominally under loyalist control
  • b) they're pitch black (mostly)
  • c) prone to collapse during enemy bombing runs

You have your standard SCOPE load out, and its been on you for the past 5 months through the cold and battles. Do expect some malfunction and a LOT of stinky.


Background Information

Subway system: The city's subway system is composed of a network of tunnels that greatly vary in age. The upper levels are hundreds of years old, the more recently constructed lines had to be built deeper. Unfortunately the company that held the contract for running the system for the last 120 years is fiercely loyal to the world's government. Detailed plans for the system were handed over to the loyalist forces, and thus Thrawn's forces, before the campaign for the city began. Whilst our own forces hold plans of the tunnels, the enemy has detailed plans that show all maintenance tunnels and disused tunnels. For the length of the campaign we have held checkpoints at the boundaries of our territory as all attempts to carry out major attacks through the tunnels have been thwarted.

Our enemy has been moving special forces teams through the tunnels to attack us behind our own lines. Large black powder projectiles weapons (rifle types and above) should not be used in the tunnels. Grenades or explosive tunnels should not be used in the tunnels.

The power grid to the tunnels were cut by our own forces early on in the conflict to negate their advantage. Aerial bombardment by Thrawn's forces make moving through the tunnels extremely risky for our own forces.

Financial district: a kilometer long strip of the city, central from north to south and hugging the coastline to the west. The skyscrapers are worth billions of credits and when running the workforce here is a large part of the continent's economy. Both sides have been careful to avoid causing too much damage to this region to maintain support from local and off-world corporations. The opposing forces have been far less careful in the residential districts and ageing industrial zones.

Ginnetti Tower: the Ginnetti Corporation had to fund the construction of a large parkland surrounding the tower to be permitted to constructed. 50 floors of tower were constructed on a remarkably stable base, overlooking two of the largest roads into the centre. Our forces heavily fortified the building before the enemy struck hard towards the centre of the city. We underestimated how much of a disadvantage we would have in terms of armor. When their forces took the tower we didn't have the vehicles to attack it. Now it is defended by snipers and heavy weapons on all sides. The levels beneath the surface are used by the enemy as a motorpool to keep their smaller vehicles safe when not in use.
XO | MAJ Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE
SM | KPT Ayme 'Havock' Katash | Lion Sect | Lopen | VEDJ | VE
PRT | CPT Havock | Broken Bitch | Eyesore | Osk
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[This message has been edited by Havock (edited December 29, 2012 6:23:55 PM)]
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