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Topic:  Kilroy (5.1 Technician)
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  Kilroy (5.1 Technician)
July 10, 2011 8:38:22 PM    View the profile of Kilroy 
Vertex Engineering Academy
Kasr Novgrad, capital of Fenris
Planet Rhyza
4 years before enlistment

Vox Systems 131, one of the many courses taught at Vertex Engineering Academy.  It is also the sole course that incoming students are required to take during their first year.  The curriculum taught in this class went over basic repairs, communication, as well as more technical skills essential for advanced users.  Due to the heavy blizzards that plague Rhyza during the winter season, and the ever migrating forests of nal-tree, it has become quite common to see Fenrisians or their Tanith counterparts taking the course.  This is where the Varl twins found themselves after a lengthy debate with their parents on what whether to continue to tradition set down by their family or to use the scholarship given to them by the Kasrkin Home Guard.  It was an unusual choice for the brothers, considering the fact that they were born to a breed of men utterly dedicated to preservation of Rhyza and the Harakoni System.     

“So tell me why are you taking this class again?  Didn’t you learn pretty much everything while working with those guys?”  Whispered one of the twins to the other as the professor looked keenly in their direction.  Noticing the subtle shrug coming from his brother, he quickly decided that now wasn’t the best of times to talk, and focused on the work that was on hand.  All things considered, despite intimately knowing the PRC-97D, the predecessor to what is now standard issue in several armies across the galaxy, gaining the ire of this particular teacher was not in today’s schedule; especially one that was a self proclaimed know-it-all.

“Hey, hand me that spool of wire over there, the one coded in red.  Also get that plasma cell and multi-tool from my back pocket.”

“Jury rigging the damn thing I take it?”

“Yeah, most of these parts the fething bastard gave us for this project are shot to hell, and I don’t give a damn if he wants us to use ‘em all.  Why install half of this crap when all you need is something to boost the signal?  Easy fix, easy three point oh in less than 30 minutes.” 

“You crazy bastard, which pocket was it again?  Also see this circuit board here?  We can use it to add an extra level of encryption to the line.” 


Dr. Ivan Vanyir, professor for the Vertex Engineering Academy for 20 years and holder of several degrees in various fields of science, was not impressed at the fact that two of his students were mocking him in the middle of his class yet again.  Damn kids, who the hell do they believe they are? Finishing what was supposed to take a months work, and here they do it in half an hour.  He thought, glaring at the two who were now reading text manuals as if nothing happened.  Walking towards the twins, he slammed his first down on the table, hopes dashed as such an act didn’t even startle them.  “If I may so kindly suggest, but since you have the time to read such manuals, then why don’t you try showing the class your work?  Seeing as how you have already finished working on that radio and whatnot.”

“Sorry bout that sir, we wanted to get ahead of the class a bit, can’t blame us for doing our job.  We’ll be happy to show our work though if you want us to.”

Hearing the room snicker, Ivan’s face flushed with anger and embarrassment.  Unused to having any student reply with confidence, let alone be unafraid of him, he couldn’t help but stare in shock as to what was currently happening in his classroom.  Barely holding his voice in check, and hoping to keep his reputation intact, Dr Vanyir told the two that if they wanted to stay in his good graces then they would were going to have to do a little presentation for him; a devious act that he’s pulled multiple times in the past.

“Let me get this straight sir, you want us to tune into a military frequency, give who ever answers a fake target, and hope that they don’t find out?  Do you even realize what you are asking us to do?”

“Yes.  Surely you can do that with the skills that you have; such a task would be trivial.”

“It’s not a matter of skills sir, but legality.  You’re telling us to provide incriminating commands to our fighting men and women just so you can salvage something that isn’t worth the effort.  I’m sorry sir, but we can not abide by that request.”

“You sure are arrogant pair of kids you know that?  What with those blue and violet eyes you have, you two remind me of that set of fools that allowed Kasr Vallock burn to the ground a year ago.  What a miserable lot they were and they could at least take instructions, unlike you.  So either you do what I say or get a zero for rest of this semester.”


It didn’t take much for Victor Danilov to realize that the professor was a certifiable asshole.  With both the Vast Empire and the Kasrkkin Home Guard funding the Academy, it wasn’t hard to tell that a significant number of students were either potential recruits or former military.  However, what differentiate this pair from the others in the room was that they were active servicemen, still clad in their khaki uniforms.  I really wouldn’t be surprised if one of them decides to lop his head off for such an insult.  He thought, aware of the chillingly vengeful and silent aura that swept the room.  Nudging his childhood friend Reiko Nagase awake, Victor quickly apprised her of what just happened, lest she get caught off guard and get all dangerous on everyone.  “Horo, if anything happens, just don’t bite anyone.  Ok?”



Ice in your veins, no blood more precious.  John Varl thought, using every anger management he had on hand to keep himself from strangling the ungrateful bastard.  John could never forget just how many brothers in arms he lost, let alone seeing all those innocent civilians killed when the Armored Fists had to put Vallock to the torch.  Turning to his twin brother, he grabbed the headset and placed it onto his ears.  “Sparks, set us to frequency Beta-Sigma-Osk-Delta-Delta.  The professor here will get his wish.”

“You are too kind young man.”

Young men, he said. To rhyme with you fucks. 

“We’re secure, go for it.”

Nodding, John Varl pulled the mic closer to him, mind turning as he thought of how to best deal with current affairs.  Ohhh, this will do nicely.  Flyby’s always put the fear in cowards like him.  This is much better than executing him on the spot like he was a spy, despite him committing such acts of sedition.

“This is Shadow 4-4 hailing any birds in the sky over Kasr Novgrad.  I say again this is Shadow 4-4 hailing any birds in the sky over Kasr Novgrad. Over.”

“This is Phantine Flight 203, callsign Widowmaker.  What can I do for you today Shadow 4-4?”

Widowmaker, this is Shadow 4-4, requesting for a blank fire in Echo Golf, 38’59-67’14.  Target is Victor Echo Aurek Bravo two oh niner. You think you can get in fast and low?”

“Shadow 4-4 those coordinates and target are in a non combat zone, just what the hell are you playing at?”

Widowmaker, we got a Papa Foxtrot Cresh here for an instructor dissing the Fallen Ones from Kilo Victor.  Romeo, Echo, Quebec, Utah, Echo, Sierra, Tango, Echo, Delta, Foxtrot, Osk, Romeo, Golf, Echo, Delta, Osk, Romeo, Delta, Echo, Osk, Sierra.  Over.”


Widowmaker, did you get that last message?”

“Roger Shadow 4-4, we got it loud and clear.  Phantine Flight 203 has received request for blank fire in Echo Golf 38’59-67’14.  Target verified as Victor Echo Aurek Bravo two oh niner.  ETA: 30 minutes and counting down.  Over.”

“Roger Widowmaker. Your honor is your life, let none dispute that.”

After finishing the flyby request, John set the headset down on the table.  Aware of the smug face on the professor’s face, John couldn’t help but feel like he sullied his hands despite the fact that he upheld the reputation of the Armored Fists of never backing down.  For some odd reason, the professor was able to press on old wounds; whether intentional or not, it was rather depressing to know that there was still a ton of people that would never know the full story of what happened a year ago.  I hate this place.


Reiko Nagase was curious about the twins that had earlier gained the ire of Dr. Vinyar.  Having already seen the professor sneer at the one called John, right after the fact that he did exactly what was asked of him, Reiko couldn’t help but feel some pity for the man.  Inviting the two to have lunch with her and Victor, she quickly caught onto the scent of freshly baked cookie bread, coming from somewhere nearby. Oooooooh, where is that coming from?  Must haaaaaave!  Distracted by the smell of her favorite food, Reiko never noticed the fact that she began to drool.

“Heheheh, you’re friend reminds me of a dire wolf, savoring the meat of a fresh kill.”

“Aye, but she’s a lot smarter than you think or you for that matter.”

“You say something Tanith? 

“Why the hell you do it man?  Bow down to that asshole like th-“

“Coookie breaaaad….I waaaant it nooowww.”

“Hey, Red, gimme a second and you can have mi…what the feth?  How did….Did she just go full blown out ninja on me?”

Wolfing down the still warm bread, Reiko never registered the fact that not only was her childhood friend grimacing, but her ears were no longer covered by her cap.  It wasn’t until she felt someone playing with her ears did she realize that the nearly everyone at the table was looking at her.  Ohhhhh man this is embarrassing as hell.


So moe…must resist the twins thought simultaneously, doing their best not to suddenly glomp the Fenrisian girl on despite the strong temptation to do so.  It wasn’t long before one finally gave in and hugged the girl regardless of her own insecurities.  Before anything serious could occur, a cadet from one of the Vast Empires ROTC programs came to the group, killing the moment by requesting that the four followed her outside. I wanna take her home with meeeee!

“So, which one of you requested the flyby?”

“That would be me, and before you even think about saying a thing, we really didn’t have a choice in the matter.”

“You kidding?  One of our ballistic engineers overheard the entire thing.  Regs be damned but we had to bring you outside for the best view.”

Allowing the VE cadet to lead them an area well outside of campus, John began to have a feeling as to what she had in mind when he saw several others clad in various military uniforms.  The very first thing that crossed his mind when he saw the motley crew however, was an instinctive and natural reaction instilled into him from birth and over a decade of training.  They’re all Cadians. Upon such a realization, both of the Varls began to smile warmly.  A truly stirring scene considering the fact that most Rhyzans found their blue and violet eyed brethren to be a fey breed, especially when compared to the more charming Tanith folk.  As if it was the final touch to such an event, a flight of eight birds, combined from both the Phantine Air Corps and Vast Empire Pilot Program, flew in perfect formation; the eight sonic booms caused from when they passed near the Academy creating an even louder cheer from those that watched.
Garryll Gates
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  RE: Kilroy (5.1 Technician)
December 5, 2011 9:49:41 PM    View the profile of Garryll Gates 
While this is not exactly what the spec page calls for, it does show a good understanding of the specialty and was an entertaining read.

This specialty is Passed. Congratulations, you may add [5.1] to your ID line.

Company Adjutant of Phoenix Company | Platoon Commander of Wildcard Platoon | Elite Squad Leader of Blackjack Squad | Acolyte of the Dark Jedi Order

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For Tadath, for the Empire.

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