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So I'm back? - I guess
October 25, 2010
9:48:06 PM
Yeah I took an unsaid loooooong beearrbee from the site. Why? Shit was going down. My laptop was on its last legs, and I dunno. I just lost time for this place. Sad I know, but I needed some time away. So I took what I needed, and I suppose I'm back. New laptop and everything. My life isn't falling apart (as much) coz I finally broke all ties with my retarded ex. I'm in an amazing relationship with a girl I've wanted for three years now, and I dunno. I'm just... finally getting back up on my feet. So hurray me? I guess. -Shrug-
But anyways. If I'm still allowed, I wanna get full blown back into Osk and all that shit. Jae is still in reserves, and I may even be starting a new character. But he. I 'unno. I'll figure that out.
Glad to be back?
PCW||Prospector 'Jae'||Unknown||Eyesore||Osk Company
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RE: So I'm back? - I guess
October 25, 2010
11:42:41 PM
Glad to have you back. I have to say, it's a nice change to hear about someone's life looking up rather than falling apart.
I don't know if that made sense, but I know what I mean.
And I'm pretty sure anyone is always welcome in Osk whenever. Once an Osker, always an Osker. Or something. If you have specific questions drop Snipes or Kami or me a PM. Although I'll probably just have to ask one of the former, but meh, it makes me feel good about myself.
Jegora Fal Adept of the Dark Jedi Order Senior Captain of the Osk Company Assistant to the Executive Officer Wraith TrooperTRP/`1LT Jegora/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [RCoD] [IH] [BC] [EW1] [MRT] [CoZ] [CCA] [DCE] [BoT] [ESC09] [AS-2]
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RE: So I'm back? - I guess
October 26, 2010
12:14:52 AM
Jegora wrote:Glad to have you back. I have to say, it's a nice change to hear about someone's life looking up rather than falling apart.
I know exactly what you meant, and I share that sentiment. Nice to have you back, SF! And glad to hear things are going well. 
DJW Darkhawk/Eagle 1/Sith/VEDJ/VE/[VP:1][SoY][EoP][CR]
COM Darkhawk/VEN/VE/(=SCPA=)(=MA=)(=FOCE=)[NS-4][LoC][SWC][BRC][NSM][MC:1][CoB.][VC:E][NDM][KC:OC]
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RE: So I'm back? - I guess
October 26, 2010
4:34:16 AM
Didn't move you from the roster honey, Osker for life, as Jeg said. Hav and I did post on that runon you started, we had some ideas on where to take it but kinda needed you around for them to work. We also have a new story up. Will try to catch you on IRC to catch up 
|| Retired ||[LoR][CoR][IG][GCA][BC][BM][CDS][EW][ES][GRP][GS]------------------------ || Dark Jedi Knight || Krath Order || CM/DJK Kami Sharpe/Lion 1-3/Krath/Dark Jedi Order/Vast Empire------------------------ 
[This message has been edited by
(edited October 26, 2010
4:35:34 AM)]
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RE: So I'm back? - I guess
October 26, 2010
5:35:39 AM
/me supertackleglomps!!!!
Ayme 'Havock' Katash 1st Lieutenant || WILDCARD Platoon Commander|| RAIDERS Squad Leader || Development Staff PC||'1LT HAVOCK||1PLT||1COM||1BAT||1RGT||VEA||VE {RES} {MRT} [EW1] [DoH-P] [AS-1] [BC] [RoT] [RoM] [KAD] [GS] [AoT] [HoTC] [ESC09] TRN||INI HAVOCK||Lopen||VEDJ Certified Vehicle Crewman

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RE: So I'm back? - I guess
October 26, 2010
7:18:48 AM
Welcome back Jae!
/me eyes Havock
You have possibly just made her...
/me points to Havvie
...The happiest woman in the VE right now.
Anyway I am glad things are looking up, you definately deserve it.
ADJ:CoT/TRP/GSG Brightstar D'Jonoc/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1REG/VEA/VE[SRP][SCA][AS-2][ES1][ES1]{RES}[EW2] "For your sake, I really hope that isn't a challenge." ARC2||LT Deadeye||ARC TEAM THETA||VEA||VE
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RE: So I'm back? - I guess
October 26, 2010
8:13:52 PM
I must also congratulate you. It makes me happy to hear you are doing so well. Welcome back, we've missed you.
ASL/SGT Skarr/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/ [ES2] Author/WS Skarr/Lotaith/VET/VE AS-2/SGT Skarr/STCA/VEA/VE "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" The Inferno, Canto III, Line 9 "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't" General George Patton 