Congratz Shaz, you just symbolically burned Den's and my prized Tie Phantoms.
Suffer our wrath!
-(William the Conquerer)-
Ex Ship Captain of Tiamut
King of PPC 17,000 clicks and counting
"Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on our enemy's payroll. Killing the latter is just business; killing the former is a favor to the universe." - Urdnot Wrex, Mass Effect
"Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did." - Cpt John Price
FM/1LT Willtconq/A-3/S:153 "Rhegent's Reign"/W:1 "Phoenix"/mSSD
SXO/1LT Willtconq/C-LC
(=*A*=) (=*SA*=)(=^MA^=) [VC:S][SV][BWC][SWC][LSM][CBV][NC]