Biography: |
Hi I am a person who is addicted to Star Wars and can never stop thinking about it I can tell you about the history of The Dark Lords of the Sith soon in a about a week or two. I have beaten the games I own at least 5 to 10 times.
Full Name: Tony Lee Kerea
callsign: Revan
Planet of Birth: Tatooine
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Age: 23
Languages Spoken: Twi'lek, Wookiee, basic, and Mandalorian
Skin Color:White
Scars: Two on his right arm and one on his left arm, all which were
Skills/ Talents: 1. Heavy lifting 2. Repairing 3. Assembling weapons and machines
History: Revan was born on Tatooine and was raised by his Father
and his mother Cindy . When Revan was elevan years old, Rebels killed
father and mother. Because of this he was sent to Tadath with his uncle
and Aunt,by the academy, where he still lives today. He was
then went to the academy on the planet at the age 17, to be
trained as a Special Imperial Trooper to fight the Rebellion
and fight on as an Imperial. He became a bounty hunter at
age 18 the same year he was accepted into the academy. He
did 30 bounties before he was excepted as an Excellent
Assasin of the nearby guild of Assasins. He assasinated a
govenor of the planet of Tatooine. And then decided to retrired as an Assasin with all his credits spent from keeping himself out of jail and spending it on building his house and funding the guild. He then went home to continue his time asa trooper which he did when he was an assasin also. He had built a house on Tatooine by himself and a few
friends of his. He has 4 pets that he captured by himself and
put them in arenas. 4 rancors that was caught by walking into Revan's Arenas and eating the food in the arenas.