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Than Sion's Profile Information
Callsign: Than Sion  Send a message to Than Sion
ComNet Rank: ComNet Member
Avatar: Than Sion
Division(s): VE - Imperial Navy
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: June 29
Date Joined: September 13, 2005
Last Active: April 12, 2008 at 9:23:23 PM
Number of Posts: 760
ID Line: ESC/ESN Than Sion/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE(=A=)(=*SA*=)(=^MA^=)[LoM][VC:S][CBV](x2)[MC:1][MC:2][GWC][LSM]{VB}
Name: Than Sion
Age: 18
Rank: Ensign
Reason For Joining VE: To avenge his parents' deaths
Birth place: Kazaar

Height: 6 foot, 1 inch
Weight: 175 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy blonde

Before Vast Empire

First of all, it is important to note that Than before Sion is a first name. Not to be mixed up with the word, as in I am taller than him.

Than Sion has sandy blonde hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. The story is some what of a sad one. Than Sion was born on Kazaar to a couple of farmers. He grew up learning the ethics of hard work and discipline. Because of his loving family he learned manners, a multiple of skills needed for every day life, and when he became a teenager, how to be a gentleman. He also couldnt lie, at least not easily.

He lived a happy child hood until that tragic day. It was a morning like every other morning. Than Sion went out to do his chores and when he came back he noticed two speeders in the drive way. He came closer to see what was going on. His parents were talking to a group of Rebel soldiers. The Rebels were attempting to get his parents to join the Rebellion, but his parents insisted on remaining neutral. The Rebels kept on trying until the leader got mad and told them they would be classified as Imperials if they didnt join. He also mentioned they killed Imperials. His father said that you cant just force people to join you. The leader pulled out his blaster pistol. The next thing he remembers is his parents lying on the ground and the rebels just walking away.

For the next three years, Than Sion worked to save up money to get off Kazaar so he could join the Imperial Naval Academy. In less than a second, he went from being neutral to becoming a die hard pro Imperial. He wanted to show justice to the Rebels, justice for what they did to his parents.

Coming Soon, Academy Section

SC/ESN Than Sion/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE(=A=)(=*SA*=)(=^MA^=)[LoM][VC:S][CBV](x2)[MC:1][MC:2][GWC][LSM]{VB}

-- SC of Kaph Squadron

ESA/PFC Than Sion/Walmart 5-5/Subway/mIRC/VE[CoR][GWS][ISaDJGF]

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